badnikbreaker · 1 year
@heartslight : ❛  promise me not to do anything stupid.  ❜     /     for amy hehe haha?     /     accepting.
Her hands find her hips and she POUTS, cute as anything, sweet and consistent that way.  “I’m never stupid!”
— Is a giant lie, though Sora doesn’t know quite how big of one.  (  it’s sort of a relief, that he hadn’t known her when she was younger...the amount of trouble she got into because her enormous, stupid heart demanded that she do the right thing, never mind the sense it made is a little embarrassing.  not that she got more levelheaded, but now she’s strong enough that she can back up her headstrong nature!  )  It’s a lie, but it’s funny, and it has his sad expression breaking into a smile — then laughter.  Good!  He doesn’t need to be sad!
And besides, Sora has hardly got room to critique her!  They’re both a lot alike; leaping before looking, stubborn and determined to save, to protect, to do the right thing.
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“I’ll be okay, promise.  I’m tough!”  And he knows that.  It’s not every day you meet a petite girl that can swing around a three ton hammer like it’s nothing.  As if to remind him, their hammer manifests in their hand, and they heft it easily up to rest over their shoulder.  Comfort him, make it okay.  Remind him that it’s okay. “I’ll keep this world safe while you travel, and when you come back, I’ll be even stronger!  And then you’ll have to fight to keep up with ME!”
It’s sad, when people leave — Amy’s spent years chasing and being outrun by Sonic, who never stays very long.  But she’s used to it, too; boys she loves disappearing for a while.  Sora’s often kinder to her than Sonic is, or at least used to be, values her feelings more, cherishes those feelings and thinks they’re worth defending.  Amy trusts him.  Amy knows he’ll come back for her.
“But — don’t you do anything stupid while we’re apart, either.  I wanna see you again, soon as I can!”  After all — their hearts are connected.  “So go be a hero, and then hurry back!  And I’ll keep being my own kind of hero here.  Okay?”
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(Open Rp) Halloween Au in "The Tale of the Death Krueger"
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Long Ago in Springwood, Ohio. It was a Dark and Stormy night, Saphira was thrown near the House of Ol' Fredrick Krueger himself as she was all beat up to a pulp and left for dead by her Sorry excuse of the Ex Boyfriend who cheated on her with another Woman…She screams and calls him a Cheater..and Vowed that She'll get her revenge But Not only he betrayed her, he Killed her 2 innocent unborn babies in the womb 2 months ago…She was in pain and growls..and she said," I Swear to God, I'll have my revenge..even if I can take his Own Life from his Existance!! and Sent his Soul To HELL! And I Vowed..To Rid every Single Abusive men and women from this World! and Sent them to hell for their Sins!!" With No hope and no one to turn to…Until..She heard the Foot steps..She turns and saw a Man with a Burning face..holding out his gloved claws, and who is this mysteryman? Why Its non-other than a Man who kills anyone in their dreams was Freddy Krueger Himself..Holding out His gloved clawed hands….Offering a Good Deal..for her to get revenge…She grabbed his hand…as he took her to his home…He healed her with his powers..and began to trained saphira with his claws…Slashing everything one by one..night by night…and then Freddy knew She was ready..He told her to go to the camp Crystal lake Where She can meet a Most Dangerous and Most revivalling Killer in this whole camp..known as Jason Voorhees…When she did….She offer him to train her, So he accepted because In her eyes, She was a Victum of Bullying and Much more…as time Pass..Jason gave her a Nice Clean mask of his…So, She return to spring wood….and Live in freddy Kruegers home..Sharpening Now her new Claws and Machete as well…She began To slash her right eye and Burn the woulds with Hot iron and painted it in black..and She Slash on the right side of the eye of the mask..She wears the red and green sweater Dress..fishing net Panty hoes, black boots..and Freddys hat after Wearing the mask of jason..Now..She decided to name herself.."The Death Krueger"….5 years later…Alot of Men and women now treated their Spouse right..But how it happens…well Abusive men and women has been dreamed visited by Death Krueger..Most of abusive men and women was Killed because She can Smell unredeemtions on their souls..weather or not to be learn lessons…Or being "Put Down" and Forever a Prisoner and Their abusive Souls Be tortured by The Death Krugers pack Called "The Kruger Girls". As 5 years has Passed, One Day. Saphira saw this new Neighbor, He was handsome man…her eyes glance at him…..She can tell that He's Single, Then..2 days later..She hears the Door bell Ringing…She Change into a Normal and Lovely Clothes and She said," Well hello, You must be my new Neighbor, so tell me Whats your name Sir?" Then he Answers…
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heirs-furry-art-blog · 9 months
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Click here to learn how this 43year old Human Fighter Lost 200 pound with one easy step!
(he got killed and mostly eaten by wolfs at wich point Basspeor the Crustfolk Wizard had to stitch the leftovers of him and the wolfs into a revivalable shape...)
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palethundercomixx · 1 year
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PaleThunder: Revivalation #1
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cupcraft · 2 years
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kaileighblue · 1 year
If anyone wants to be a woman standing in a field tending cattle longing for her husband to come back from the war this site is having a sale. Slow fashion. Some larger sizes, but small stock. I have a skirt from here.
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metalindex-hu · 6 months
Béla Fleck – Már csak néhány jegy van a koncertjére
Béla Fleck – Már csak néhány jegy van a koncertjére - https://metalindex.hu/2024/01/05/bela-fleck-mar-csak-nehany-jegy-van-a-koncertjere/ -
Hat héttel az esemény előtt technikailag telt házas Béla Fleck Müpa-fellépése, már csak a jegyirodákban lehet elcsípni 1-2 jegyet. Február 14-én a Bartók Béla Nemzeti Hangversenyteremben láthatjuk a világhírű bendzsóművészt, ez lesz a harmadik budapesti koncertje.
Akik emlékeznek Béla Fleck előző, nyolc évvel ezelőtti koncertjére, bizonyára azt is tudják, miért hívják Bélának az Amerikában született bendzsójátékost. Nem magyar családi gyökerek okán: az egyébként szlovák ősöktől származó muzsikus zenerajongó édesapja Bartók miatt adta fiának ezt a keresztnevet, amely determinálta Béla Fleck életét. De nemcsak amolyan átlagos zenész lett belőle, hanem egyenesen az a bendzsózseni, akit a világon a legtöbb kategóriában jelöltek Grammy-díjra. Ezúttal egy igazi allstar bluegrass együttes élén tér vissza Budapestre.
Az 1958-as születésű Fleck hangszerének igazi virtuóza, aki mindig innovatív módon, technikailag is tökéletes játékkal keresi az új és még újabb lehetőségeket a bendzsó megszólaltatásában, valamint más műfajokkal való házasításában. Ebben társa felesége, Abigail Washburn is, akivel legutóbb, 2015-ben láthattuk-hallhattuk a Müpában. 2007-ben viszont még Béla Fleck And The Flecktones nevű zenekarával érkezett az A38-ra, a jazz-fusion és a jammelések felé terelve a progresszív bluegrasst. Mielőtt 1988-ban megalapította leghíresebb formációját, hosszú évekig a prog bluegrass egyik alapzenekarával, a New Grass Revivallal zenélt. Nála azonban idővel valóban bármi szóba jöhetett, igen tekintélyes számú, 38 Grammy-jelölése (amelyből 15-öt díjra is váltott) rengetegféle kategóriából áll össze: country, pop, dzsessz, bluegrass, klasszikus, folk, spoken word, világzene, american roots stb. Mostani koncertjén a 2021-ben megjelent, szintén Grammy-díjas ’My Bluegrass Heart’ című lemezét mutatja be olyan nagynevű bluegrass-zenésztársakkal – Michael Cleveland, Sierra Hull, Justin Moses, Mark Schatz, Bryan Sutton –, akik valószínűleg még sosem jártak Magyarországon. A koncert további részletei az esemény Facebook-oldalán.
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carharttme · 2 years
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Revivall denim work bibs!
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brministries · 6 years
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Revival does cost #sermonindex2018 #malachiobrien #streaminglive #revival #revivallive #revivalstreamjng https://www.instagram.com/p/Bojup3ClmtW/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=6ki7h3p4543m
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andyyeoh · 2 years
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#RevivALL Night 3 🔥 Privileged to serve alongside these champs representing @mycampuscity & @actskotakemuning 💥 What a powerful night of praise, prayer and breakthroughs! It was full house too and so proud of our @actsteens for showing up! 💪🏼 And best smile award goes to @keentobekeane 😬 #actschurch #actsteens #actskotakemuning https://www.instagram.com/p/CcGQ_gNpcIq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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oreosmama · 4 years
Misery Loves Company (Garou x Reader)
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*GIF not mine*
Summary: Garou was falling for you, ever so slowly. It only takes a small bath with you for this to settle in. 
A/N: I thought I tried to make it pretty cute, but it ended up a little too meaningful to be fluffy. Nonetheless, thanks for all the love recently, and sorry I haven’t been writing as much! I truly am grateful you guys, anyone on here who is supporting me, so thank you. Please enjoy!
Word count: 1867
        The chair was uncomfortably hard, but every time Garou mentioned that, the nastiest stink eye was thrown his way, courtesy of you. 
       “If you don’t like it so much, then don’t come crawling to me next time you rub blood into your hair.” You were right, it was a bad habit of his. Your hands were stained orange as you combed through his paling strands. His neck was growing stiff too from leaning back into your sink, but he was too afraid of your reaction to mention it. Besides, he was rather occupied purring at the way you gently massaged your shampoo onto his head. 
       “Is that,” Garou sniffs the air scrutinizingly, “strawberry scented?”
       “My home, my shampoo.”
       “Right,” he nodded, pressing his lips together to prevent you from stopping the ministrations. Your bathroom was quiet aside from the sound of the sink running and the soap bubbling. The light on your ceiling was slowly burning through Garou’s closed eyelids, but he could care less. Right now, he was too focused on keeping his breaths light and soundless. He didn’t want you to notice how much your nails gently scratching on his scalp affected him. At first, the silver-haired man thought you were simply focused on the matter at hand, until….
       “Garou,” your fingers paused momentarily, and he had to hold back a whine, “you’re gonna get seriously hurt one of these days.” You were concerned. You, a regular, powerless human, were concerned over him, the Hero Hunter. God, you were perfect.
       “I can handle myself, YN.” His golden eyes flashed open and observed your face smugly while his mouth grew into a lopsided grin. You tensed and subconsciously tugged at his strands, causing him to hiss. To avoid his strong gaze, you turned your head away, flushing and nervously nibbling on your bottom lip. He was always able to get past your walls and under your skin, and that fact infuriated you. Sort of.
       “What if you die, what then?” You regained the strength to argue. “I’m not some… revivaler who can raise you from the dead!” Anxious to move, you quickly massage your fingers back into his now-clean hair, biting your tongue when he groaned silently at the sensation.
       “I think the word you're looking for is necromancer-”
       “Shut it.” He snickered, but kept silent otherwise. While you cupped your hands and collected water to wash his hair with, Garou lost himself in his thoughts. Ever since the beginning, when he had first met you, you were always worried for him. You knew he was a wanted criminal, and a powerful, almost unstoppable fighter, but you still cared for him. It was new for the young man, but he enjoyed it. He reveled in the tender way you treated him, as though he wasn’t as dangerous as the world thought. You were wrong on that end of course, but that wasn’t the point. You were just so…
       “I’m done,” you announced suddenly, turning off the faucet and handing him a small towel for his freshly-washed, strawberry-scented hair. Hesitantly, he sat up and began to rub his scalp, only to yelp at a new twinge in his side. Garou was shirtless, so he could easily see where he had just reopened a fresh laceration courtesy of the last hero he fought. 
       “You okay?” 
       “Of course. I’ll be fine.” It was the truth, but you never bought it until the wound was nothing but healed-over skin. Scoffing, you started the water in the bathtub.
       “You need to clean your injuries. Strip.” The blunt statement flew over your head completely until your criminal companion had something to say about it. 
       “Wow YN, I’m glad you finally came to your senses,” he teased. You almost choked on the oxygen in your lungs while you attempted to whip out an excuse, but it was too late. After you turned around to correct yourself, Garou approached you, shamelessly naked and utterly self-satisfied. Every outline, indent, and vein screamed at you to stop and stare, but you were stronger than your urges. For once in your life. 
       “Just get in the tub.” Your back faced him and your heart stuttered when you felt his presence beside you. The hot water dribbled over the edge as Garou sank into the porcelain, his jaw clenched at the feeling of every scratch on his body stinging in pain. He thought he hid it well, but you peeked over your shoulder in unease at his complete silence. If he was not hurting, he would be throwing suggestive offers your way. The sight of his bareness made you blush, but his snarl made you more concerned than anything. 
       “I know it hurts, but your wounds will heal faster, I promise,” you assured him softly, kneeling beside the tub with your hands on the edge. Once again, Garou’s heart skipped at your words. You actually gave a damn if he was injured from a battle with a do-gooder. What more could he ask for? Slowly, the young man’s body loses tension as he sinks lower into the water, pleased with the feeling of your eyes watching his every move worriedly. His own glowing orbs flicker open and meet yours in an instant. 
       “Join me.” Your jaw almost dropped through the floor. “Please.” Maybe he got a concussion from the fight, because his whole demeanor had changed in an instant. His eyes weren’t suggestive or hungry, and his brows didn’t quirk up like they normally would. Instead, he was sincere and almost desperate while his arms rose out of the water in offering of an embrace. You followed the droplets that trailed down his biceps, lucky bastards, and returned to the rest of the bath. 
       You liked him too, you always have. You wanted him too. Even though he could drag you into some deep shit if anyone ever found out he was in your house, you actually wanted to be with him. He held values and beliefs that defied many others, and his strength to deny society’s will interested you, not to mention small moments like these. You both liked each other, and you knew it too. You sucked with words though, so you figured this action could make up for your vocal slack. 
       “Don’t look,” you declared softly, and he nodded understandingly, ducking his drying head while his arms remained up in the air enticingly. The sound of clothing hitting the floor almost made him deny your wish, but he didn’t. Not even a peek. Go him. 
       Just as your foot dipped into the water, however, he stretched up and tugged you into his chest, water splashing everywhere. You squealed in surprise and he chuckled playfully, pulling your exposed figure impossibly closer. “Stop, I’m laying on your bruises! I don’t want to make them worse!” He ignores your exclamation and settles his chin on your shoulder. His hands mindlessly draw small patterns on your stomach. Tingles flow from every shape he creates but you don’t say a word; you only tightening your thighs closer together while your breathing stutters.
       “I don’t care, I don’t want you to see my hair when it’s down.” Garou notices how you relax at the playful response, and he’s glad. He loves when you’re flustered around him, but he would hate if you tried to close yourself off now, while you’re completely bare-skinned with him in a tub. The glowing in his chest almost bursts out with pride when you laugh easily, and he preens when your muscles relax into his own. 
       “You don’t think it’s a little too late for that?” Your head leans back to rest on his own shoulder and you begin to play with the bubbles on the water’s surface lazily. He smiles at the act.
       “I was hoping you were too charmed by my big, strong muscles to notice,” he shrugs, ever so slowly reaching up and running a hand along your right arm. You smile while continuing to collect and blow away the suds. 
       “Mmhmm, well they are pretty distracting,” you pat his cheek next to your head reassuringly, “but they definitely aren’t that distracting.” 
       “What’s that supposed to mean?!” You giggle and his movement halts at your wrist, caressing the skin there as he holds your hand against his warm jawline.
       “I’m just wondering how much hair gel you use in a week.” He pinches your side at the jab and you let out an adorable squeak- God, he was whipped.
       He was almost positive he began falling for you when you first met.
       “Is it too tight?” You stared into his eyes with concern. Who the hell is this girl? After having passed out on the street post-brawl, he woke up in a strange apartment. Later, you approached his side, handed him a sandwich to eat and began to wrap his wounds in tape, all while he kept asking you the same question. 
��      “Why?” Why did you care if he was hurting? Why did you not call the cops when you first recognized him? Why did you seem to care about him, the monstrous Hero Hunter? Throughout the span of time you worked, he kept eyeing the window over your shoulder. A clean escape. But you were a curious one, different enough to make him stay. 
       “Everyone has their reasons,” you muttered. Your deep eyes stared into his own, strong and intimidating, while your words rattled his brain. You listened to his side of the story after that. You sympathized with him, comforted him, understood him. You made him feel like he wasn’t alone that day. Thank God he didn’t jump out that window when he had a chance. What a mistake that would have been. Now, he had you.
       Unable to hold back any longer, Garou carefully pressed a kiss against your shoulder, his grip on your wrist tightening after you gasp. He didn’t stop there. You gulped as he trailed his lips all the way up your throat and ended just under your ear. 
       “I think I love you,” he whispered just loud enough for you to hear. He didn’t know for sure. No one had ever treated him the way you did, but he didn’t want to scare you away either. But as you took a deep breath and responded, his heart warned him that his assumption was correct.
       “I think I love you too.” Your face grew red at your own words, and you were frustrated with yourself at how bashful you suddenly became. Meanwhile, your hands subconsciously gripped his own comfortingly, and he beamed against the side of your face happily. 
       You never wanted him to change, and you accepted him for him. You didn’t want him to stop being himself, or become something he wasn’t. You just cared about him, loved him for what he was. And suddenly, he didn’t feel so alone anymore. 
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wetsteve3 · 3 years
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wutbju · 3 years
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In May 1921, Bob Jones' dream came true. He was scheduled to revivalate in his own hometown of Montgomery, Alabama. The 4-week campaign started in his usual fashion--by bossing every one around. Take a look:
The purpose of this evangelistic campaign, primarily, is to bring men and women boys and girls to Jesus Christ. . . .
There will, of course, the other results but they will be by products rather than products of the campaign. My preaching will be along the lines to convince men that to live in sin Are used to play a losing game and that Jesus Christ is able to save the most hopeless sinner in the community.
I would like to make these suggestions to the church people of the city: first, don't look on the campaign as a thing to be enjoyed, but as an opportunity for service. It is not a time of religious dissipation but a time of strenuous toil.
Second: don't expect everything to suit your taste. Remember there are about seven denominations and 20 local churches in this campaign. The thing that may not suit You may delight your neighbor very much.
Third: don't expect everybody to be pleased. There isn't a pastor in the city who could possibly please every member of his own local congregation and everything and nobody can expect me to please every member of 20 denominations. I don't expect to try.
Fourth: don't be critical. Wait for all the returns to come in. Only those who attend the meetings regularly and then see the after effects are capable of judging the situation.
Fifth: attend services regularly. You can't get the most out of the meeting so I just dropping in occasionally.
Sixth: bring your friends. If you have an auto consecrated to God and bring two or three loads to each service, especially the afternoon meetings during the week.
The most important services of the meeting will be held in the tabernacle at 4 o'clock Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons.
Eighth: remember all the details of the campaign haven't worked out after years of experience and we only asked for the things that we believe are absolutely necessary to the success of the work.
Ninth: put the meeting first. If you are a Christian get everything out of the way for the next four weeks. Give a clear track for the campaign.
Tenth. Be generous with your money from the start. Let's get the expenses out-of-the-way as soon as possible. Remember the money we raise is to pay the actual expenses of the campaign; not one cent of it is for me.
Eleventh. Trust God like you couldn't do a thing but work like you had to do it.
Twelfth. Remember we are not responsible for results but we are responsible to give God our cleanest and best service. He is responsible for results.
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pretendingurhere · 4 years
u kno wut thers so many fukedt up ppl in tha ‘hyperpop ‘ ‘soundcloud scene revivall ‘ genre itz liek blud on tha ancefloor typ shit al ovr agen ....... id k iff any ov yuo kno wut im tolking abt llololol but i liekd this genre but al thees ppl r so shady idont’ pheel liek keepin up wit ther bullshit normally i wuldnt care but thees ppls music isnt gud enuf 2 enjoy while also knoing how shady tha artist iz ....... u gett me’
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sockdreams · 7 years
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Revivall Clothing’s Delectable Sock Garters
We’re kind of obsessed with these sock garters. They’re both classy and unique, and fit with a range of clothing styles--some girlier, some more masculine, and a bunch of tastes in between. They get to about 26 inches at their maximum stretch, so these can be worn at the calf or over the knee, depending on your measurements (and preferences).
♥Lucy Socks by Sock Dreams • Free Shipping in the US • $5 International Shipping Find us on facebook | twitter | pinterest | instagram | sock journal | g+
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Omg can't wait #goodcharlotte is coming back and they are playing at the Turlock fair this July 21st. I am so freaking excited 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍... #stanislauscountyfair #fairy #concert #live #bands #poppunk #follow #like #love #memories #revival #revivaltour #revivallive #goodcharlotteband #excited
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