#rex and mari🥺
rexxdjarin · 2 months
It’s so Rex and Mari I’m gonna cry
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Credit to whoever this artist is😭 it was on Pinterest
But it’s so THEM. he’s so big and strong and protective of her and she is so tiny but fierce and passionate in her affection for him and they love each other so much 🥺😩
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somefandomcontent · 10 months
Things I want for season 6 of H&R:
A Charah I love you
We must meet someone from Sarah’s family, it’s time.
Idk if professional dynamics between Joe and Vanessa allow it anymore? But I liked them, I want them together
Scenes where Rex just gets to be a dog 🥺
Sarah and Karma girls night out
I will put in here Charah shower scene because I want to believe 😁
Charlie training Jesse to be a detective would be so much fun pls
A Charlie breakdown PLEASE 🥺🕯 I won’t specify the subject of his breakdown, writer’s choice. Sarah or Rex can comfort him I am not picky
I did not not like the mustache but I think we are all used to Charlie Hudson with a very specific look so anything else as a facial style seems foreign? I’d like his normal facial hair to stay.
I want Rex to be duped one time so he can beat the Mary Sue allegations 😅
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wild-karrde · 11 months
hehehe hello my bestie girl karrde 🥺💙
Interaction has been a little low and I’ve been through it this week so I’m going to submit unwritten chapter 3 again since I think some people have been busy and I could really use the morale boost rn
Thanks so so much for being my friend and supporting me when I need you and all of you lovely people most. I love you bby💙💙💙
HELLO JULIE MY BELOVED!!! I AM SO VERY GLAD THAT YOU CHOSE TO SHOUT OUT UNWRITTEN THIS WEEK! I haven't had a chance to read this yet (because I am once again egregiously behind on my reading DAMMIT), but rest assured I am CHOMPING AT THE BIT TO DO SO. I have loved reading the care you put into Mari's characterization and the build between her and Rex as things develop. I cannot wait to see where this story goes and how these two continue to grow together. And I just LOOOOOOVE learning more about Mari with every sentence. She's such a wonderful OC, and it's so clear how much thought you put into her and how she interacts with Rex's personality. NEEDLESS TO SAY I ADORE YOU AND THIS FIC AND THANK YOU FOR SENDING IT IN!!!!
Participate in Fandom Friday to show your favorite creators from this week some love! :)
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thyele · 10 months
MASK SANAさん「7/30 演劇に使われる会場でした。 歴史ある建物がずっと愛され続けていくと良いなと思った。 #wishuponastar2023 #SAИА #SANA #killerguitars https://t.co/A0NxOi34V7」https://twitter.com/MASK_SANA/status/1685739963776659456
【貴族】Shinpei Mörishigeさん「愛する高円寺のbar、RED LIGHTSの7周年記念イベントに貴族、出ます! 早稲田通りを通るたびに気になっていたお店でしたが、デスロが連れて行ってくれて以来、大好きなお店です🍾勿論そのデスロも、この日をブチ上げてくれるに違いないぜ! 俺の出番の時間はDJって言うか、みんなで歌いたいね〜🎤」https://twitter.com/KIZOKU_0927/status/1685763602932981760
Tomoiさん「毎日異常な暑さ。 暑中お見舞い申し上げます。 C9の会報がそろそろ届いているかと思います。先日TOKIさんからFC旅行決定のお知らせもありました。 その頃には涼しくなっていると良いのですが…。」https://twitter.com/C4Tomoi/status/1685772535412174848
seekさん「本日、午���中より突発的に 両FCサイトにて生配信!! aieさんとの下見の模様、車中トークお楽しみにー。 9/2~9/3一泊二日 「僕らに踏まれた町と僕らが踏まれた町 お誕生日会in浜名湖」 https://t.co/qkt2e4vHql https://t.co/15REevPhBR」https://twitter.com/seek_bonshisya/status/1685786138089529344
seekさん「\📣生配信開催中/ ただいま、会員限定生配信🎥を実施中! 会員の方はお見逃しなく👀 https://t.co/zZAeLGwWLN」https://twitter.com/seek_bonshisya/status/1685804644294184960
seekさん「\📣生配信開催中/ ただいま、会員限定生配信🎥を実施中! 会員の方はお見逃しなく👀 https://t.co/DhEqqebfJJ」https://twitter.com/seek_bonshisya/status/1685804823428669440
seekさん「\📣生配信開催中/ ただいま、会員限定生配信🎥を実施中! 会員の方はお見逃しなく👀 https://t.co/9QZgY0WggE」https://twitter.com/seek_bonshisya/status/1685806909146980352
seekさん「\📣生配信開催中/ ただいま、会員限定生配信🎥を実施中! 会員の方はお見逃しなく👀 https://t.co/XYo4G58MH1」https://twitter.com/seek_bonshisya/status/1685811270099111936
猫好きYOU_THE SOUND BEE HD☠️MARY RUE☠️Lemさん「アメブロを投稿しました。 『おはよー❣️』 #アメブロ #猫好き#ねこ https://t.co/4vb6YXotti」https://twitter.com/YOUsoundbee/status/1685821388735803392
湯の台食堂さん「男鹿ナマハゲロックフェスティバル 2023 2日間 ケータリング出店🍜 沢山のアーティストさん、スタッフさんたちに湯の台のラーメンをお届けしてきました🫶 最終日のラストにはHYDEさんに🥺!! 完飲完食していただきました👏👏 貴重な体験ができた事、皆様に感謝です✨ @HydeOfficial_ #男鹿フェス https://t.co/Bw9fkBaLTp」https://twitter.com/yunodaisyokudou/status/1685667554885562368
nao 首振りDollsさん「歌うドラマーの会、、!! やりましょう^ ^」https://twitter.com/kubihuri_nao/status/1685838007419703296
nao 首振りDollsさん「本当に福助さんって優しい。 また共演できる日を楽しみに首振りDollsは頑張ります!!」https://twitter.com/kubihuri_nao/status/1685838305760620544
seekさん「\📣生配信開催中/ ただいま、会員限定生配信🎥を実施中! 会員の方はお見逃しなく👀 https://t.co/Lx8YUyAfNO」https://twitter.com/seek_bonshisya/status/1685838669771608064
seekさん「\📣生配信開催中/ ただいま、会員限定生配信🎥を実施中! 会員の方はお見逃しなく👀 https://t.co/oafPhw7pN3」https://twitter.com/seek_bonshisya/status/1685839883913601024
Deshabillz2023 8月19日(土)心斎橋SHOVELさん「あ、名前だけ笑この瞬間てまあまあ見れないやろ笑 押忍!笑 悪あがきみたいやな https://t.co/fRAZ63IZy8」https://twitter.com/Deshabillz2022/status/1685845315340111872
RYUICHI KAWAMURA INFOさん「【RKF MEETING in 磐梯熱海温泉 受付スタート!】 11/23(木・祝)〜25(土) 2泊3日 ※ファンクラブ会員限定旅行となります。 https://t.co/7aR6umzQJw https://t.co/9iWrcAqQjk」https://twitter.com/RYUICHIinfo/status/1685847971248951296
Hydeさん「男鹿は俺が1番楽しんだ #HYDE #ONRF12 #男鹿フェス12 #なまはげ #DragonAsh #JESSE https://t.co/wxrKUsDd1Q」https://twitter.com/HydeOfficial_/status/1685851154213900288
Hydeさん「ダイバー受けのみなさん本当にかっこよかった! 男鹿を救った戦士だと思います! ありがとう☆」https://twitter.com/HydeOfficial_/status/1685854069049733120
KING OFFICIALさん「【NEW LIVE】 緩菜百烈撃 2023.10.12(木) 渋谷REX 2023.10.19(木) 大阪RUIDO チケット詳細8月5日 https://t.co/PU8r6pHn6d」https://twitter.com/KINGOFFICIAL114/status/1685854472348876800
seekさん「\📣生配信開催中/ ただいま、会員限定生配信🎥を実施中! 会員の方はお見逃しなく👀 https://t.co/cTmpI0skTr」https://twitter.com/seek_bonshisya/status/1685855350371848192
seekさん「\📣生配信開催中/ ただいま、会員限定生配信🎥を実施中! 会員の方はお見逃しなく👀 https://t.co/OGJxEjY5yM」https://twitter.com/seek_bonshisya/status/1685855476326797314
BUCK-TICK OFFICIALさん「\📢受付締切間近!/ 10月20日(金)神奈川公演からスタートする ライブハウスツアー 🔱BUCK-TICK TOUR 2023 異空-IZORA- ALTERNATIVE SUN🔱 BUCK-TICKオフィシャル先行予約の受付は、 本日(7/31)14:00まで‼️ この機会に、ぜひご利用ください🖐️😊 https://t.co/zJtNjb4TmR #BUCKTICK #異空 #IZORA」https://twitter.com/BUCKTICK_INFO/status/1685856372519583744
seekさん「\📣生配信開催中/ ただいま、会員限定生配信🎥を実施中! 会員の方はお見逃しなく👀 https://t.co/lA2ce5aziV」https://twitter.com/seek_bonshisya/status/1685856459232612352
BUCK-TICK OFFICIALさん「📢本日(7/31)12:00〜 ファンクラブ会員限定ライブ 「FISH TANKer's ONLY 2023」 ✨チケット最終予約受付開始✨ 受付期間は8月6日(日)23:59まで。 ※お申込みには[FISH TANK]への入会が必要です。 🔽公演詳細・お申込みは<特設サイト>をチェック❗️ https://t.co/fcsKCTpCdz #BUCKTICK #FTO2023」https://twitter.com/BUCKTICK_INFO/status/1685857821500555264
seekさん「\📣生配信開催中/ ただいま、会員限定生配信🎥を実施中! 会員の方はお見逃しなく👀 https://t.co/CmADLTiIfy」https://twitter.com/seek_bonshisya/status/1685858344328974336
BUCK-TICK OFFICIALさん「📢8月1日(火)20:00〜 BUCK-TICK OFFICIAL WEB SHOPにて、 🔱BUCK-TICK TOUR 2023 異空-IZORA-🔱 7月1日(土)札幌公演および7月22日(土)東京公演から販売の新グッズの通信販売を開始❗️ 🔽商品詳細・お申込みは https://t.co/NpForEZCow ※商品販売ページは8月1日(火)20:00〜公開 #BUCKTICK #異空 #IZORA」https://twitter.com/BUCKTICK_INFO/status/1685863691164770306
Ryuichi Kawamura officialさん「『RKF ツアー第二弾』 #アメブロ https://t.co/JYeTx8PlXn」https://twitter.com/RyuichiKawamur2/status/1685866161798623232
TAKA-te_oさん「池袋edge ウミユリ 今日一日中暑かったなーー 今日も一日楽しかったし久々に会えた人もいたし♪ 帰り浴衣の人多かっだな!夏や https://t.co/egiVZYL509」https://twitter.com/takakun_bk/status/1685278402620932096
荒井 かずみ Kazzmi Araiさん「ラルジャズ 猛暑の中、ありがとうございました 年々、篤人氏の選曲が、挑戦的というか冒険心満載になっていってる感じがして たくさんの人を楽しませたいという想いなんだろうなぁ、と おいらも自然と入った!! ラルジャズ初のシンガーお2人、強力だったし 夢さん真悟さんの安心感も❤️ 文字数ごめ https://t.co/Ky08VMLtKg」https://twitter.com/kazzmiarai/status/1685257489313599488
田浪真悟さん「昨日は、久々の ラルJazz LIVE有難う御座いました! soldにも感謝 あの場でしか分からない あの空気感が戻ってきましたね 非常に痺れましたし、楽しかった! Fletless Bassも大活躍♪ 暑い中お越し下さいました皆様 そして、メンバー様 LIVEハウス様に改めまして 感謝! https://t.co/qp7mIn1m17」https://twitter.com/ShingoTanami/status/1685229335903641600
【Phobia】 KISUIさん「@YUKIYA1999 令和の現代に奇跡を見たいね 皆さんフォローがまだの方は是非 一緒に奇跡を起こそう https://t.co/AEOfgUC31z」https://twitter.com/KISUIxxx/status/1685597272493756416
【Phobia】 KISUIさん「@YUKIYA1999 令和の現代に奇跡を見たいね 皆さんフォローがまだの方は是非 一緒に奇跡を起こそう https://t.co/AEOfgUC31z」https://twitter.com/KISUIxxx/status/1685597272493756416
arijiさん「KISUIさんのクラウドファンディング、 最後は支援者数100人で目標金額の130%を達成といういい結果になりました。 支援した側としても本当に嬉しいです! 本当におめでとうございます! https://t.co/NwO2ggCyWZ」https://twitter.com/ariji_evoke/status/1685672549148241920
AKIRA a.k.a.Christopherさん「【MV】愛の詩 feat.あいかりん https://t.co/mhS9g2kHuv チャンネル登録お願いします🌙 #失恋 #AKIRA https://t.co/BgwGlR7o6w」https://twitter.com/ax0111/status/1013095524000399360
KOJI✖︎KOJIさん「バンドマンとして許せん おまけに刺青 だから刺青の評判が悪くなる 絶対見つけて犯人の刺青ひっぺがしてやりたい」https://twitter.com/69koji_koji/status/1685499284035416064
MORE FIRE HERE/GRAND SLAMさん「本日、PRESENCEの西川茂氏より発表がありましたが、 GRAND SLAM のギタリスト 白田 RUDEE 一秀が永眠いたしました。 次回のGRAND SLAMライヴに向けて準備を進めていたなか、突然の大変悲しい報せはメンバー、スタッフ共々、今はとても信じられない気持ちです。 ここに謹んで哀悼の意を表します。 https://t.co/DgzanNULAZ」https://twitter.com/mhf2017102829/status/1685526319998836737
SHINGOさん「YouTubeアップしました! 23年ぶりにJURASSCのラジオ番組を復活♪ JURASSICのイチカバチカ! 今回 ↓↓動画リンク↓↓ https://t.co/RiLqWrvIWH 前回 ↓↓動画リンク↓↓ https://t.co/hnzVv7aZNY #JURASSIC #jurassic #ジュラシック #ジュラ #長崎 #25周年 #ラジオ #HUSH #CLOSE」https://twitter.com/DRUM_SHINGO/status/1685263527819522049
くろさわかな🥐8/5大船レコ発ワンマンさん「🌟大大大!#拡散希望 🌟 🌟MVフルバージョンで大公開🌟 🌟目指せ500 RT🌟 くろさわかなBEST ALBUM「MATOME Ⅲ」official trailer (MV) 【2023.8.5 release】 くろさわかなBEST ALBUM「MATOME Ⅲ」ご購入はこちら💁‍♀️ https://t.co/lip9062MmC YouTubeはこちらhttps://t.co/1gfFkZThs3 〜映像制作〜… https://t.co/Jb7dMn2z3w」https://twitter.com/6markStart/status/1683724329069207553
Daijiro Nozawa a.k.a.DIEさん「名古屋でクリスタルピアノ弾きたおします🎹💓🌹 ★9/16(土)〜DIE meets Crystal PIANO/ NAGOYA〜 @名古屋 Cafe ELM 2F Crystal Studio TICKET予約↓https://t.co/ciOqzFFnTH (8/2 21:00〜受付開始) https://t.co/e6GJRLRYSu」https://twitter.com/Pukapyu/status/1685130884507435008
KOJI✖︎KOJIさん「今夜はおかげさまで sold outになりました。 バンドマンとしてこんなに嬉しい事はない ありがとうございます https://t.co/kiY36ksPRA」https://twitter.com/69koji_koji/status/1685149230971940865
KOJI✖︎KOJIさん「明日はこれ DONT TURN AWAY 行きます https://t.co/tI9X4I06yv」https://twitter.com/69koji_koji/status/1684739435370606592
SEXX GEORGEさん「アメブロを投稿しました。 『こんにちは0724ψ(`∇´)ψ』 #アメブロ 今後のスケジュール↓ https://t.co/ajYyswJ1M2 チケット予約 [email protected] それでは 塩分水分ガリガリ君補給しつつ 笑顔でガッツリ生きまくりやがりやがりましょう😆 https://t.co/7G3BxlcoCz」https://twitter.com/abikoshinonkai/status/1683293882266841089
MORIさん「wyse Live Tour 2023『Ⅳ』 埼玉、大阪、名古屋、東京。 4都市8公演、チケット一般発売中です。 今のwyseはこの瞬間にしか存在しません。 見逃さぬよう、是非体感しに来て下さい。 e+ https://t.co/OZWNLaLy8Z LAWSON TICKET https://t.co/oBdWBGq57k ぴあ https://t.co/26h6ySfTBG https://t.co/gEQPxbY1Pp」https://twitter.com/MORI25591502/status/1683681878602305536
SEXX GEORGEさん「おはよう☀ 今日の釧路は大晴れ 皆さん 塩分水分ガリガリ君を忘れずに 今日も1日 笑顔でガッツリ生きまくりやがりやがりましょう🤗 夜露詩紅ψ(`∇´)ψ 今夜の特別有料配信チケット↓ https://t.co/3Gx5SfpYmJ https://t.co/9sKRZPB3po」https://twitter.com/abikoshinonkai/status/1679296957414772737
SEXX GEORGEさん「Hyaku-G西日本夏旅2023 今年もRYOを道連れ世は情け チケット予約始まっています ご予約はお早めに! チケット予約↓ [email protected] *予約返信は明日以降になります https://t.co/0RizIRFDh4」https://twitter.com/abikoshinonkai/status/1677975664597831682
BOYS ROOM🚹🚺さん「今日は沢山泣いて沢山笑いました。 楽屋や打ち上げでも色々お話しさせて頂いて、本当気さくな優しい方で奢ったところも全くなく人間的にも素晴らしいスーパーギタリストでした。 白田さん…… またお会いしたかったよ… 本当に有難う御座います。 謹んでお悔やみ申し上げます。 https://t.co/s8JiMzOK5B」https://twitter.com/BOYSROOM_info/status/1685710692492689408
SEXX GEORGEさん「昨日はそう言う事でした でも皆んななおかげで全力で唄い切りました 本日柏04ライヴ 特別ゲストにHIMAWARIを迎えてやらせていただきます 兄貴、聴いとけ!!」https://twitter.com/abikoshinonkai/status/1685528071863255040
BOYS ROOM🚹🚺さん「無事着〜🚚 お家に帰るまでがLIVEです🚚 最後の帰りの道中まで、 終日楽しく過ぎせました🎶 隅田川花火大会の渋滞も交通規制も駐車場空いてるか問題も全て杞憂で案外空いていてラッキー✌️ 明日は柏まつり参戦じゃ〜👘 柏04のLIVEも「柏まつり」だよね?🧐 今日も1日🙏 https://t.co/NEzzK0JRc4」https://twitter.com/BOYSROOM_info/status/1685326524369833984
SEXX GEORGEさん「我孫子神音會3連チャンラスト ★7/30(日)柏04 歌詞輪の音會 〜柏04 7周年Final〜 夜露詩紅ψ(`∇´)ψ チケット予約 [email protected] ツイキャス(¥3,500) https://t.co/nYN210bP7Z 夜露詩紅ψ(`∇´)ψ https://t.co/NIrDe58tHu」https://twitter.com/abikoshinonkai/status/1685291561943465984
Phobia/KISUIさん ミニアルバム & MV制作クラウドファンディング応援アカウントさん「Phobia/KISUIのミニアルバム & MusicVideo制作プロジェクト - クラウドファンディングCAMPFIRE https://t.co/lVuo4nxiQJ #クラウドファンディングCAMPFIRE @campfirejpより 現在の支援総額 1,861,777円 124%達成 あと14時間 目標金額 1,500,000円 支援者数 89人」https://twitter.com/rN9TWfP0somwv2p/status/1685445872170225665
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obirains-archive · 4 years
👉👈 hi Aubrey first off I wanted to say I love you 👉👈
And secondly since you did so Beautifully on that first request can I get 1 from the pretty words prompt list with my other hubby Cody pwease 🥺
Lovely Mary! I love seeing your name in my notifs, my dear. Two things: my requests for 500 are technically closed but I'd be happy to save this for after I finish this round! Also, I don't actually write for Cody 😳👉👈 The characters I write for can be found in the "requests" tab on my desktop theme. I'd be glad to talk to you privately about what you might like instead though? But I'm so flattered that you loved the Rex drabble and want to request more. Love you!!! 💕💕💕
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rexxdjarin · 3 months
Thinking about Rex waking up at like 3 am. He couldn’t sleep. It takes some time to adjust to time changes after traveling from planet to planet. That doesn’t seem to stop his body though…
because he’s hard as a rock. Painfully hard.
He can feel every dip and swell of Mari’s body snuggling against him, which is only making the throb worse. She’s sleeping so soundly - at least he thinks she is. Her hands are balled up in fists, clinging to the shirt he wore to bed. She always holds on to him like this the first night back.
With all the pent up arousal he’d had to bury down for weeks finally safe to come to the surface to meet her, his body couldn’t help but react. He sighed softly, shifting the heavy weight between his thighs while trying not to wake her.
She rustles gently, her thigh draped over his slowly dropping back. “Rex?” she mewls gently, “-you awake?”
His heart leaps in his chest at the sound of her voice. “Mhm.” he affirms, moving his arm to curl around her side. “A little too awake.” he chuckled, shifting uncomfortably as the weight of his excitement between his thighs reminded him of its existence.
“Mmm?” Mari cooed quizzically, lifting her head off his chest for a moment before realizing precisely what he meant. “Oh.” she giggled happily, turning to look up at him. Though her eyes were heavy with sleep, there was no hiding her intrigue. Rex would never mistake that twinkle in her eyes.
Her hands ghosted down the cool fabric on his chest, making his heartbeat thump harder in anticipation. The hand he’d been holding her waist with gripped onto her a little tighter to show his appreciation. He had really missed her, especially like this.
She brushed her fingers along the waistband of his briefs and hummed happily, “can I?” her eyes met his again and she smiled up at him so bright that the light of every star system he’d ever seen could never compare. Maker- he loved her so much.
“Please.” he practically whined, shimmying his hips up a bit to give her easier access. He inhaled deeply, her sweet floral scent making his brain go a little fuzzy.
Hooking her fingers into his briefs, she slipped it down and instructed him when to lift up so she could maneuver the fabric out of their way. His cock slapped heavily onto his upper thigh, making him shudder with relief.
She brought her fingers to her mouth, slicking each one with her tongue, the sound driving him nearly to madness. Her touch followed, each slippery digit carefully tracing around his shaft. “I missed you.” she teased, glancing up at him as she curled her fingers around his length.
His eyes fluttered closed, focusing on his shaky breathing so he didn’t explode right away. Already the movement was doing it for him. She stroked in a gentle rhythm, passing over his tip with her palm the way she knew he liked. Beads of his precum coated her grip, making each pass frictionless as she guided her fist up and down gingerly. “Mmm. I think….you can tell how much I- fuck- missed you.”
“Always, baby.” she muttered, her passes increasing in speed each time. The motions were steady and smooth now, allowing him space to twitch to his hearts content. It felt beyond good to be where he belonged.
His pulse raced, with all the blood in his body draining to his core. A thin sheen of sweat coated his skin now, sticking to the fabric of his tshirt and making him shiver. Her heat was right there against his thigh and knowing that made the fire in his gut rage that much hotter.
He groaned from deep in his chest, gripping her sheets beneath him as the pleasure swirling inside him threatened to boil over. “Ah fuck…Mari…” his mind was in a haze, the only thing he could think or feel was her. That’s all he wanted overwhelming him. As good as her perfect, talented little hands were, he could feel her slick heat against his thigh. He didn’t want to finish anywhere else.
With every ounce of strength he had left, he grabbed at her waist. “fuck- get over here.” he grunted, rolling her over on top of him and letting that warmth between her thighs bump against his now pounding cock.
She yelped in surprise, the softest moan leaving her lips at the delightful contact. Her hands splayed onto his chest, her dark hair spilling over to curtain the space between her body and his. Her big, dark eyes filled with devotion and arousal met his, daring him to make his move before she could hers. Both of their chests heaved as their heartbeats pumped shared pleasure in perfect sync.
With one hand settling on her hip, he used the other to curl into her panties and slide the useless fabric to the side. Her own dripping heat coated his fingertips and he outright moaned as he maneuvered his cock between her folds. Her hands were good, so good, but this was better. This was heaven. Her like this was all he had ever needed.
“Rex!” she whimpered, surprise mixing with her own excitement as he notched his length up to her entrance. He let the pad of his thumb press into her clit, watching her head tip back in ecstasy at the delightful pressure. “Ahh…fu-fuck…me.”
With her drenching his full and now desperately hard cock, he couldn’t wait another second. He’d bust right now if he lost focus. He took a deep breath and split her on top of him, groaning loudly as she enveloped him. Her hold on his chest faltered at him overpowering her and he shifted to hold her against him.
She buried her face in his neck and kissed him frantically to match the desperate snapping rhythm his thrusts were now finding in her. Tighter and warmer than he could ever recollect, she siphoned him into her over and over again, always finding space to take all of him. she was made for him.
“Mesh’la, you’re so good for me…so so good.” he rambled lazily, losing himself in her delightfully tight hold on him. The filthy sounds of her taking each bruising thrust was weakening his composure and all he wanted to do was give himself to her.
“Rex….Rex please….more. Give me everything.” She whined against him, her hand resting on his jaw and keeping them pressed together in joined ecstasy. “I want to take all of you. Please.” Her walls fluttered around him, signaling to him that she was far too close to make this last much longer.
He wasn’t far off either. Her words igniting the fire in him that would always inevitably lead to an explosion. All he ever needed was to hear her like this, calling for him and only him. His name. His girl. His his his.
A chilling shudder of molten heat rolled down the length of his spine, traveling down his entire body until it burst in his lower belly. “Gonna cum mesh’la. Tell me…tell me where.” he asked, desperately holding back his final bruising snap until she gave him the word.
She was already collapsing, her walls closing and locking down around him and not letting go. Her thighs tightened around his own and she leaned back to grasp his face in her hands. A filthy moan he’d only ever hear in his fantasies left her as she tipped her forehead onto his. “Inside….Oh Rex!”
His mind wiped and he felt the tension ailing him finally snap. Inside her. The words making him unwind at light speed. Thick spurts of him erupted into her waiting core with each weighted shiver. His climax joined perfectly with hers as it slammed into both of them. Her lips met his and he lost himself surrounded by only her. All he had ever wanted.
With his eyes closed, they shared exhausted exhales. Every shaky inhaled breath between them sealed in with a passionate kiss. He couldn’t break from her for even a second. His life was hers and she kissed him like she knew it. They took turns trying to catch their breath, panting as their lips parted only briefly. He couldn’t move and she wouldn’t either.
She held his cheek with her hand and nuzzled into him affectionately. “Thank you for waking me.” She sighed happily, curling her body into his once more.
“Thank you for helping.” He laughed softly, so pleasantly satisfied and thoroughly tired now. “I love you.” He admitted, pulling their blankets around them and holding onto her tightly.
“Love you too, baby. Now get some rest, you had a long mission.”
I am so unwell over them.
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rexxdjarin · 1 year
look at him sleepin🥺😍
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We love sleepy Rex don’t we folks
214 notes · View notes
rexxdjarin · 5 months
I had a mari and rex thot 😈
mari wearing the most delicate intricate sheer lace panties
a little tiny skirt and thigh high boots
and when theyre out at 79s she bends over just slightly as shes passing rex to get out of their booth and go get them both drinks
and she gives rex and only rex the little peek she knows he deserves and that will drive him fucking nuts
later on when theyre dancing together and hes got his hands on her thighs and sliding up to close around her hips he makes a little pass up under her skirt and runs the pad of his thumb along the lace just gently enough to feel her wet heat pooling on her panties and tracing the length of her slit
and he whispers in her ear "when I take you home, I want to trace the patterns on that pretty lace with my tongue and taste you for hours until youre begging to cum. my little tease."
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rexxdjarin · 9 months
Rex and Mari’s Date Nights on Coruscant
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Date nights on the underground levels are some of Rex and Mari’s best memories together 🥺💙
Post on ao3
ps can you tell that I have brain rot over them and am totally and completely obsessed with their love 🫣🫠🥰😍😩
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rexxdjarin · 7 months
There’s a very important scene in unwritten that I’m planning where Rex brings Mari a really dangerous but rare and beautiful flower, a Felucian Glow Lily, when he returns from a long mission bc it’s symbolic blah blah blah and I’ve been wanting to find a way to draw it and well I did and it came out perfect and I love it so much🤭🥺
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Them 🥺🥰
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rexxdjarin · 11 months
The Captain’s Log Prequel
A Captain Rex x OC: Mari Vontas Origin Story
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Chapter 3: Collisions of Fate
Series Summary: Mari Vontas has spent nearly twenty years of her life rising to the surface of the bustling ecumenopolis of the Republic Capital planet of Coruscant. Now, about a year into the conflict known galaxy-wide as the Clone Wars, Mari finds herself on a Civilian Rights Committee serving closely under none other than Senator Padmé Amidala. Though her passion for justice fuels her professionally, her personal life has yet to catch up. That is, until a night at the clone bar 79s changes her passion for her job, her historically rocky love life and the trajectory of her destiny forever.
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Pairing: Captain Rex x OC Mari Vontas Word Count: 15.4k Series Rating: Explicit (18+ only, Minors DO NOT INTERACT) Chapter Summary: Mari grapples with an exceptionally upsetting waiting game, a colossal new task at work and the idea that fate is often pre-determined. You never know what might hit you and when, but you’ll definitely know when it does. Chapter Warnings: 18+ Explicit, NSFW, P in V Sex, Oral Sex (M Receiving), Anxiety and Overthinking, Slight struggles with self-worth, Miscommunication, Language, Political References, References to Canon Plot, References to Canon, Mentions of the Ethics of War, References to Violence and Injuries
There was no caf in the galaxy strong enough to shake the exhaustion from Mari’s body. The warm cup she held firmly in her jittery hand certainly wasn’t doing the trick. Her hands shook as she tried to wake up, and her puffy eyes stung with every blink. She’d done her best to pull herself together to look presentable for work after a long weekend of sulking around her apartment.
It had been a long time since she’d been this upset over a guy. In all her years of dating, casual flings, and one-night stands, no man had ever gotten to her like this. She could’ve sworn she’d felt something different about him.
As she stepped inside the tram and took her seat, she leaned her head on the fogged window and tucked herself in for the ride to work. Normally, the ride took mere minutes, but, like everything else in her life at present, today there was a hiccup slowing everything down. A speeder had crashed through the tramline on her usual route forcing her to take the long way around. The route took her right over the top of the downtown levels in the nightlife district—past the last place she wanted to think about.
As if her morning wasn’t already going poorly enough, she closed her eyes just as the infamous neon sign blinked into view and the tram sped past the very spot she last saw him on the platform. 
This tram line was noisier and more packed than her usual one. Parents of all species were corralling little ones into their seats as they rode to school, slickly dressed banking representatives talked loudly into their comms about credit exchange rates, and a group of Dugs danced and writhed along the handrails to earn a few spare credits for entry into the podracing circuit. She usually hated busy tramcars–the extra few minutes she could close her eyes and rest on her route did wonders for her alertness at work. Today, she was grateful the ruckus could at least drown out her thoughts.
Pathetically, she’d cried a good majority of the weekend away. She hated feeling like she’d made a fool of herself in front of all those clones. They probably thought he’d taken her home and had his way with her. To his brothers, he looked like the man, and she looked unsavory at most. That hurt and made her stomach churn. 
She thought he was a better man than that, but maybe her intuition was weakening now that she’d spent over a year in her cushy job. The old Mari—who spent days out at clubs and partying with friends—would’ve been able to get a better read on him.
She’d tried reasoning with herself that maybe something had happened. He was a clone captain after all. He had a job to do and was called away for something important. It wasn’t personal. Yet, she knew of plenty of troopers who found the time to make an effort if it mattered that much to them. Maybe to him, she didn’t. 
The bitter sting of not meaning anything to anyone was what had gotten her so upset. She knew that feeling all too well, and she certainly hadn’t anticipated him being the kind of guy who would make that feeling rise in her again. She might be a confident girl with her life together now, but some wounds took longer to heal and she thought a soldier would understand that.
She was all cried out by the end of the weekend and she was not about to let herself fall apart again on a public Coruscanti tram. 
Mari had wanted to talk to Fox more than anything, but her calls to him went unanswered. She figured he was probably busy roughing up some thugs during typical security or reconnaissance patrol shenanigans on the underworld levels. The thought of that was the first thing to make her smile all weekend and she knew he’d get a kick out of hearing that. 
Fox liked to talk about the highlights of his days to decompress after exhausting assignments, reiterating tales of his well-trained troops’ battle humor and the punks he and the Corries busted. Mari loved watching the way his eyes lit up when someone cared enough to listen to him.
Rex’s eyes lit up the same way when they talked and flirted that night. She liked the way a real smile looked on any clone, but especially on him. His dark eyes twinkled and his lips quirked into an appreciative little smirk when listening to her and it gave her butterflies in her stomach so strong she could feel them even now. 
Although she was pissed about being stood up, she still hoped he was alright. She could look up his status report in the Republic data files when she got to work and pester Fox for whatever information she couldn’t find. She’d feel better about being upset at him if she at least knew he was alive.
As the tram finally rolled to a screeching halt at the stop located on the opposite side of the domed Senate Building, Mari let her feet guide her into the bustling crowd and drifted back into her thoughts. Maybe she had truly imagined the whole thing or severely misinterpreted Rex’s intentions. Maybe the interaction was nothing more than some drunken flirting. Maybe he was just another shitty guy in her long list of shitty guys hoping they could score, but when the alcohol-fueled haze lifted they forgot all about her.
Her heart told her that Rex wasn’t that kind of man. He couldn’t be—not when he held and kissed her like that, gazing at her like he was seeing the stars of hyperspace for the first time. But her quick-witted, traumatized mind told the soft yearning in her heart to quiet down. Hope was a dangerous thing for her sensitive little soul to have and if she didn’t fight every day to protect herself who would?
Mari had mindlessly walked all the way to the lift, scanning her badge to select her floor. Her chest ached as she watched who she was pretty sure was Commander Thorn and some shiny new Corrie trainees checking clearance badges at the security entrance to the ground level. The lift doors slid closed just before he could notice she was there and rocketed her up to her office. She was actually thankful for the start of the work week because she could spend time in the one place that didn’t remind her of Rex. 
As soon as she stepped into her office, she was greeted by every member of her team already hard at work at their desks. Senator Amidala had a flexible work policy, so it was very rare that everyone was at work at the same time. The entire office being filled with bustling senate staff meant only one thing: there was an event happening. Mari sighed deeply, not exactly thrilled about the prospect of having to put on a professional smile while her personal life was being flipped on its head.
She made her way over to her desk and noticed her datapad blinking with unread transmissions and overdue reports. Yeah, something is definitely going on. In her subdued state and rush to get to work, her caf had gotten cold and she reminded herself to make a fresh one before settling in to find out what the big to-do was. Just as she was about to sit down and type her code digits into her datapad, Padmé’s office doors wooshed open.
“Oh good. You’re here, Mari. Thank the stars!” Padmé smiled so wide her eyes crinkled into little sparkling half-moon shapes. “I have a sizable favor to ask of you and I’ll be more than grateful for your help.” She made her way over to sit in the chair on the other side of Mari’s desk and folded her hands onto her lap.
She looked happier than she had in quite some time like some large weight of worry had been lifted off of her petite shoulders. All the light in the galaxy seemed to gravitate toward her and she glowed with the kind of radiant positivity that made people want to follow her. 
“Yes, of course, Padmé. What can I do?” Mari replied, shoving her own personal turmoil further inside herself. Her anger at her dream man’s inaction would have to be dealt with some other time. This may be the type of distraction she needed after all.
“Well, as you might now be aware, my Jedi friends have returned from a few dangerous missions and they bring news about a need for relief supplies in the systems of the inner rim. They finally have the chancellor’s buy-in, but…” Padmé stopped, hesitantly looking up at Mari with an unanswered question likely coming next.
Mari had a sneaking suspicion that whatever she was about to disclose meant mountains worth of work for her to do in the coming days, which was not exactly what she had in mind when she thought work would be a welcome distraction after this weekend’s disappointment. 
“Well?” Mari giggled. “You’re going to ask me to make the impossible happen, aren’t you?”
Padmé smiled and looked down at her hands in her lap, her slender fingers fidgeting with the little white necklace she often wore. “You know me too well, Mari. I am sorry to ask this of you, but the chancellor suggested we hold a charity gala by week’s end in order to raise funding for relief supplies. We’ll need someone to organize much of the event and I trust no one more than you to handle something this important for me.”
The lightness Padmé seemed to exude was nothing short of infectious, and Mari was powerless to resist. Letting out a silent sigh, she agreed. “I will start making some holocalls. You’ll get the guest list to me as soon as possible, right?” Mari begrudgingly swiped up on her datapad to start researching catering menus from the senate kitchen droids as Padmé, utterly beaming, got up from her seat and turned to leave for her next meeting.
“Of course, already on it. Everyone who is here today is making calls to potential donors and celebrities to invite them personally. You’ll have a rough number of attendees by the end of the rotation. I cannot thank you enough, Mari. I don’t know how I would ever do this without you.” She trailed off as she rounded the corner and down the hallway out of sight.
Mari massaged her temples with the pads of her fingers and winced at the thought of all the transmissions she’d have to send in the next rotation in order to make this happen. It would be exhausting work on top of an already emotionally draining last weekend, but it was Padmé asking and it was for the greater good. She couldn’t say no even if she wanted to. Besides, she knew from experience just how helpful supplies and rations from kind, selfless supporters were for those who were suffering in this war.
She groaned softly to herself, taking an apprehensive look at her to-do list for the week and blocking out time for nothing else but this project. Weekly lunches with Siviee and her usual walks around the Senate District levels in the mid-afternoon would have to be cut from her schedule. At least there wouldn’t be any time to think about Rex.
Yet, as the hours went by and her fingers cramped from sending hundreds of transmission orders all over the holonet and senate private network, thinking about Rex was all she did–his day-to-day training, the way he studied her intently as she told him about herself, his slight side smirk whenever she did anything to amuse him, she could not get his buzzed blonde hair and those mesmerizing brown eyes out of her mind. Her stomach fluttered as she reminisced about his hands on her waist, his tongue sliding with hers as their centers brushed heated friction against each other.
She couldn’t deny how incredible her body had felt against his, no matter how much he’d wounded her heart. She hated that he’d affected her like this, especially if he didn’t care enough to reach out again, but she could barely think straight from the pressure building between her thighs.
It couldn’t hurt to check on him, right? 
Taking a brief break from her hectic typing, Mari found herself scouring the Republic records for any mention of his current status. She couldn’t remember his clone birth number, so she took to searching the holonet for articles about the 501st. Most just mentioned General Skywalker and his padawan, Ahsoka Tano, with no clone trooper names or numbers even discussed. Although, there was nothing in any of the holonet reports about tragedies occurring for that specific clone legion, which made her both hopeful that everything was fine and angry that it gave him no excuse not to call her.
It was nearing midday when Mari realized she had completely forgotten about her miserable excuse for a cup of caf sitting on her desk. She picked up the cup and swirled the cold liquid around, feeling her disgust for her entire situation boiling up in her all over again. 
With her anger bubbling up inside, a month's worth of preparation work on her plate, and a stale cup of caf in her hands, Mari shoved herself out of her chair and onto her feet, watching her coworkers militantly executing every holocall, and made her way to the wing of the Senate Dome occupied by the Corries. She snorted as she walked past them. Most of them had never known struggle and had never gone without necessities in their entire cushy lives–not like Mari had.
Growing up an orphan on the lower levels of Coruscant had its difficulties. Although she and Siviee had lived in the same support home for underprivileged life forms, they had rejected much of the help they were freely given purely out of spite. Neither of them wanted anything if it meant they had to accept handouts from people who helped others just to make themselves look better. Granted, they weren’t growing up on a battlefield during a galaxy-wide war like most were now. Still, the less time she had to spend around her coworkers that were only there to appease their rich families’ publicists the better.
Her head was swimming and all she wanted was to sit in her friend’s office and blow off steam. She marched down the corridor past the busy staff of other senators and senate guards escorting visitors around the maze of hallways. She could feel herself getting angrier as she remembered all the time she’d wasted waiting by her datapad all weekend.
Gods, I feel like such an idiot, she thought. She should’ve known she was just another guy’s fun little night out. She never meant as much to them as she wanted to, no matter how much her feelings made her hope otherwise. She huffed bitterly, holding back the steaming tears of anger as they welled up in her lash line.
She approached Fox’s door, punching in the passcode and bursting into the room without her usual announcement of her arrival or even so much as a courtesy knock to warn him first.
“You stupid men are all the fucking same, you know? Nat-born, clone, doesn’t matter. You all exceed in treating me like shit!” Mari shouted angrily, stomping closer to his desk and watching Fox’s graying temples emerge slowly as he turned his chair around to face her.
His heavy scowl raised in surprise at the sight of her roused and angry like a feral tooka. He held up his hands in mock surrender and scoffed jokingly, “Wayii… what the hell has gotten into you?”
He’d barely gotten the words out before she slammed her fists on his desk, her words tumbling out with the flood of emotion she’d been repressing. “Inconsiderate, that’s what it is. You don’t just talk to a girl all night at 79’s in front of your entire battalion and then never fucking call again. Like, who the ever-loving Sith hells does he think he is? I might know how to seduce a man, but I am not a piece of meat. I have feelings, and I don’t like to be toyed with, and–”
Fox jumped from his desk, realizing that she wasn’t joking, and moved swiftly to diffuse her like a triggered bomb. His large gloved hands caught her upper arms and he crouched closer to her eye level. In the deepest, most level tone he could muster, he spoke again, “Mari… hey… Mari, it’s alright. Take a breath.” He guided her closer, instructing her to match her breathing with his own. “Breathe with me. Then tell me what happened, alright? I can’t help you if I can’t understand you, ok?”
She could feel herself shaking, her body returning to the same state of breakdown she’d been in all weekend. She closed her eyes and listened to his breathing, grounding herself in the feeling of his firm, comforting hands. When she finally opened her eyes again, she was met with the same brown eyes she’d longed to see again but in the face of a completely different man. The sight of them brought the tears back, welling up much faster now and screwing her face tighter in anguish.
She shrank down into herself, the boiling conflagration she was mere moments ago now simmered down to embers. “I met someone,” she muttered softly. “Someone who made me feel something I never had before. Someone kind, noble… so different than every man I’ve ever met. It just felt special and meaningful, you know? And he said he’d call, but he never did.” She sniffled and felt a tear cool on her cheek, looking down at her feet where she stood uncomfortably in front of Fox.
He stiffened and worked his jaw in enmity. Anyone who dared to purposefully hurt one of his dearest friends would feel his wrath. “Give me his name and I’ll take care of it, Mari,” he offered, trying to maneuver to look at her face, but she couldn’t bring herself to look up again.
“You can’t, Fox. I mean… I-I can’t ask you to do that,” Mari groaned regrettably, shifting her weight between her feet as she skirted the inevitable truth.
“Oh, trust me, I’m not doing it because you’re asking. I’ve got to teach someone a lesson for my own peace of mind,” Fox chuckled darkly, moving to bring her closer and encircling her in a tight hug. He tucked her much smaller frame into his chest and rested his chin on top of her head, embracing her protectively as she finally relaxed into him. “So, I’ll ask you again. Name?”
Mari let a few beats go by as she accepted the embrace, prolonging the awkward conversation she knew she’d have to have the second she revealed it. Besides, some comfort from one of her closest friends was all she really wanted. She’d take as much of that from Fox as he was willing to give before he jumped into marshal commander problem-solving mode.
She let out a deep breath she didn’t know she’d been holding and mumbled into Fox’s chest. “It was your brother. Rex.”
Suddenly, Fox froze for a split second and backed her up, looking at her wide-eyed in utter disbelief and confusion. Mari finally met his gaze again and blinked up at him innocently. “I’m sorry, did you say, Rex?” Fox repeated, dipping his head closer to her as if he hadn’t heard her properly.
“Yes. Blond hair buzzed real short, blue jaig eyes on his helmet. The… the kindest brown eyes,” Mari recalled, running her trembling fingers along her bottom lip and letting out a dreamy sigh. “Really… really good kisser.”
Fox groaned in mock disgust, rubbing his tired eyes, “Alright, alright I get it. I just can’t believe this entire time we’ve been talking about my little brother.” He backed up into his desk and sat casually on its edge, folding his burly arms across his chest as he worked to process everything. “Spill. Everything. Tell me from start to finish what happened. There’s gotta be an explanation.”
Mari slowly sat down in the chair behind her and hugged her arms to her chest. “I went out with the girls to 79’s. Siv was bartending, so we got drinks on the house. The 501st was back planetside for the first time in a while, I think, and well… I was just drawn to him. We talked and flirted and kissed a little.”
“That’s all? I’ve heard much worse from you,” Fox chimed in, chuckling to himself but earning an irritated glare from Mari in response. “Sorry, go on.”
“We were just about to find a way home together when he got called in. And he promised he’d call me, so we could see each other again, but then the whole weekend went by and he never did. Still hasn’t.” Mari shook her head in disappointment, feeling suddenly stupid for having such hope for someone she’d only spent a few hours with. “I know it sounds stupid, Fox. I know. You can make fun of me. But with him I just… I really thought I felt something this time. That, for once, maybe he did, too.”
Fox let out a deep breath and bent down to her eye level. “Mari, I know Rex. He’s not the type to, well… he’s not your usual type, no offense. He’s a good man. Probably one of our best. If you haven’t heard from him, something must’ve happened. He’d never leave anyone high and dry. That’s not his way.”
“Well, I figured I could come here and have you check on him. You have military clearance that I don’t. Plus, I can’t remember his birth number. That’s the only way someone from the senate can locate a clone.” Mari grimaced, letting her shoulders fall somewhat hopelessly. She muttered softly, “I haven’t cared this much about someone in a long time… maybe ever.”
Fox hummed deeply, reaching over his desk for his datapad and shifting into the chair beside her. He tapped a few buttons and studied Mari’s face for a moment while the information loaded, reaching over and brushing a tear track from her cheek. “I can see that. You don’t come in here ranting and raving about just any guy you’ve victimized,” he joked lightheartedly, doing his best to make her feel better.
Mari laughed gently, rolling her eyes at him expectedly. Not many people realized just how snarky and cheeky Fox could be, and it warmed her to know that she was one of the few he let his guard down with.
“Fox, I come in here ranting and raving all the time. That’s kind of our thing.” She waved her hand and shrugged, “Though, usually you have caf for me.”
“Hey, had I known you were coming I could’ve made you one. Instead, you just burst in here. Didn’t even knock. What if I had company?” Fox argued playfully, raising his brows suggestively.
Mari actually laughed this time, “Oh please, when’s the last time that happened?”
Fox tapped his comm a few times to signal something and then narrowed his gaze, a smirk slipping onto his scarred lips, “Gentleman never tells.” 
His blast doors opened mere moments later and a pair of shinies walked in with two fresh cups of caf, handing both to their commander and saluting formally. “At ease, boys. Thank you. You’re dismissed for the day.” 
They both rushed out an excited “Thank you, sir,” before practically tripping over each other to leave the room.
Mari smiled for the first time all day at the gesture and carefully took the cup from his hand. “Thank you, Fox. I guess you do have your moments.” Before Fox could form a reply, his datapad beeped to signal his search was complete and he quickly opened up the file he requested.
“Right, so… Captain Rex, CT-7567, his birth number by the way. You might want to jot them down so you can remember, Miss Nosy.” He pointed to her holocomm and continued reading. “Nothing out of the ordinary that I can see here. I do see he’s been on an assignment the last few rotations for a mission off-world, so it’s not like he was intentionally avoiding you.”
Mari took a long swig of the steaming hot caf, letting it warm her to her bones and settling her nerves a bit. Fox had even remembered to have the shinies add cream and sugar to it for her. “I guess so. Still not a great excuse, but at least nothing’s happened to him. Can you keep tabs and let me know if anything changes?”
Fox smiled, taking a sip of his caf and smacking his lips. “Sure. I’ll let you know when he’s planetside again. However, if he doesn’t tell you himself first, rest assured that I will kick his ass. It’s been a while since I’ve made him eat the mats.” 
He set down his datapad and placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “But, hey, I’d like it to go on record that this is the first guy I actually like for you, and I’m not just saying that because he’s got my good looks. Give him some time to explain himself before you go all rhydonium explosive on him. I’m sure he’ll make things right. He always does.”
“Thank you, Fox, for putting up with me and for caring.” Mari grinned at him, Fox’s approval wasn’t a requirement by any means, but it was appreciated after all she’d been through with men. He had seen her at her worst and had done his best to look out for her whenever he could. She didn’t usually listen to him, as following her feminine desires always came first, but she was grateful for his support.
It made her think twice about her anger, though. If Fox approved of her choice and everything he was saying about Rex was true, he might be the one man worth giving a second chance to. Although Rex had seemingly done a lot already to severely jeopardize his chances with her, maybe this was the one time Mari would follow her heart instead of her head. She could be mad at him and let him work overtime to prove himself and earn her trust. Hell, they’d barely even gotten a first date.
The rest of the week went by in a snap. Mari spent every waking second working to carry out the seemingly impossible task of preparing an entire charity gala on a moment's notice. She had been able to nail down nearly every aspect of the event, from the food and refreshments down to the holonet reporters on the crimson carpet that would publicize the event. 
The only task on her list left unchecked was assigning the clone security team, which she couldn’t bring herself to look at right away. She had hoped with all her power that Fox and the Corries would be the chosen forces. It was the logical choice being that they were already stationed within the Senate Building. Yet, the final decision rested with Padmé, and the second that General Anakin Skywalker himself walked through her office door, Mari knew there was no way he’d allow anyone but his men to take the assignment. Even though she still hadn’t heard from him, it seemed she wouldn’t be able to avoid Rex forever.
When she received the notice that the 501st was indeed taking up the security detail assignment, she found herself rummaging through her closet for a dress that would make her look irresistible. The form-fitting satin in sparkling sapphire blue was sure to capture his attention and this time she wanted to make sure that he was the one left alone on the platform desperate for more.
Her head screamed at her to roll her eyes and treat him with the same evasion he’d shown her, but her heart leapt out of her chest at the news allowing those butterflies she’d felt for him to swoop in, in its place. Mari decided she owed it to that little flutter in her chest to follow that feeling as far as it would take her. She hoped that would be into his arms or bed, whichever presented itself first.
The crowded hallways of the Senate Building swelled around Mari as she made her way to her office. Everything had been transformed with glitzy decorations. If she hadn’t planned every minute detail herself, she never would’ve recognized that this was the same place she came to work every day. Giving herself due credit, she admitted it was not a bad job for having only four rotations of planning time.
She checked her reflection in a transparisteel art piece hanging on the wall outside Padmé’s office, smoothing out any wrinkles in her dress and reapplying lipstick to the plush of her cupid’s bow. She had to look absolutely flawless. Both because it would be political suicide if she didn’t and because she’d already seen dozens of 501st troopers patrolling the halls. She had to be impossible to miss for the captain she’d dreamt about and cried over all week.
Her dark curls swept over the glowing tan of her shoulders and her long, dark lashes drew in the admiration of nearly every man she passed by. A few of the troopers had even stopped to watch her pass, knowing full well they weren’t supposed to. She was knocking them out plenty already. All she had to do now was find her intended target.
She held her small clutch purse close to her as she entered Padmé’s office, finding her boss and her Jedi security detail already inside. A shining copper protocol droid promptly nodded at her and offered a tray of glowing gold champagne. She accepted it carefully, taking a small sip as her boss waved her over excitedly.
“Mari! Welcome, welcome!” Padmé called, rushing toward her in an elegant, backless purple gown and hugging her close. “Stars, you look gorgeous in this,” she complimented, backing up to take in the full look.
“Thank you, Padmé.” Mari spun around slowly, stopping for a mock pose and laughing. “So do you. What kind of magic is holding that dress up?” she pointed out, noticing the lack of straps or even lines of underwire keeping everything in place.
“Force willing, I’ll duratape it up if I have to,” General Skywalker joked, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms as he inched closer. He’d been keeping a protective and cautious eye on the senator since Mari had walked into the room. She’d never seen a Jedi take their mundane security job this literally.
“Oh hush, Master Jedi. It’ll stay just fine. Plus, you’d never let anyone get too close anyway, right?” Padmé argued playfully, winking at Mari as the general huffed his tentative agreement beside her.
He narrowed his eyes at her as if this was continuing an earlier conversation that Mari wasn’t privy to. “Right. Well, uhm, I’m Anakin Skywalker. We’ve never actually met, but I’ve passed your desk lots of times. Mari, right?” He reached out a hand, the argumentative energy between himself and Padmé dissipating as he greeted Mari instead.
“Yes, I am Mari Vontas… but I know who you are. You steal all our visitor’s passes and never bring them back,” Mari teased, tipping her glass at him in jest and laughing. “Padmé talks about you all the time.”
General Skywalker smiled courteously, like he was truly pleased to hear that, and tapped a few buttons on his comm. “You know how it is with old friends.” He looked between both Mari and Padmé and opened his comm channel as it clicked on. “Lots of history. If you’ll excuse me, ladies, duty calls.” He nodded, brushing past the two of them carefully to answer his holocomm.
“So how are things going so far?” Mari asked, surveying the room and finding everything going exactly as planned. The droid servers were offering drinks and hors d’oeuvres to guests popping into the senator’s office before heading off toward the banquet room down the hall, and clone troopers dotted the hallway to monitor and guide the crowd. She was impressed by the intricate strategy and discipline of these boys. If she ever managed to locate Rex, she’d make it a priority to thank him for being so efficient on such short notice after stunning him into silence.
“Very well,” Padmé confirmed, sipping her drink as she pulled a flimsi with her speech notes from her desk. “The general and his Padawan are handling everything. Should be all set to make a quick toast to the VIP attendees in just a little while, and Captain Rex is doing a great job with patrols as usual.”
“Have you seen him yet?” Mari asked hesitantly, trying to be as innocuous as possible. Her eyes scanned over the plastoid buckets of every trooper she watched walk by, secretly hoping one of them was him.
Padmé smirked, noticing the unusual apprehension from her notoriously confident assistant, “Yes. He was here earlier. I didn’t know you knew him.” She cocked her head, trying to get a read on Mari.
Mari shrugged cooly, trying to play off her interest in him, and took another sip of her drink. She wiped her lipstick off the rim and spoke as matter-of-factly as possible, “I don’t. Not really. But I’d like to.” Her eyes went wide as she realized how the unfortunate choice of words made her look and Padmé did not let it go unnoticed.  Mari stumbled in an attempt to disguise her obvious interest. “You know, t-to thank him for this. For all this. They’re doing great. I agree.”
Padmé giggled, “Well, Mari, a girl doesn’t put on a dress like that for no reason. He is quite handsome and I know him very well. I could put in a good word for you. Unless of course there’s more to this story. ” She smirked, stepping closer to keep their conversation more private. “I always thought there was something going on with you and Commander Fox, personally.”
Mari shook her head, looking around the room once to make sure any clones were out of earshot before whispering. “No, nothing with Fox. He and I are just really good friends. There is a lot more to the story, but I don’t think now’s a good time.”
Before Padmé could answer, a soft alarm chimed signaling the time for her evening toast. She patted Mari on the shoulder and nodded her head. “Find me later. I want to hear everything.” With that, she lifted her drink and stepped to the front of the small platform her desk sat on.
Mari moved off to the side, quietly greeting both Bail Organa and Mon Mothma with a smile as they emerged from the crowd. As Padmé began her speech, Mari let her mind wander, watching the faces of some of the most affluent and powerful people on the planet absorb her boss’ words. 
Tonight would be a make-or-break moment. If she saw Rex again then it was because she was meant to and if not, she’d move on with her life like nothing ever happened. There were other men out there and Mari wasn’t going to lose any more sleep over someone who wouldn’t make an effort. As much as she appreciated Padmé, she didn’t necessarily want anyone else to have to force something to happen between her and Rex. She was special enough that he should want to find her on his own.
As soon as she pondered that thought, her gaze was drawn to a pair of unmistakable eyes. Blue jaig eyes carefully painted on a white plastoid bucket. Finally. she thought as her heart leapt into her throat. 
He stood with his arms locked behind his back and legs shoulder width apart as he surveyed the room beside a small, teenage Togruta in all maroon with a silver lightsaber attached at her hip. His Jedi commander is a Padawan. Mari smirked to herself as she imagined how spunky, confident, and probably bossy she would have been if she got to be in charge of so many warriors at that tender age.
She took in the sight of him for the first time in more than six rotations. All the emotions she’d felt for him came flooding back, and she couldn’t believe she’d thought about moving on for a single second. His shoulders were so broad it was intoxicating and all she could think about was how they had felt under her palms as she’d ridden his lap torturously in the bar. She could practically feel his strong thighs flexing as they held her weight on top of them with ease and his trim waist between her legs as she wrapped them around him.
Gods he is beautiful. What a man. she thought to herself, trying to keep from pouncing on him from her place on the small platform. More than anything she wished he’d take that damn helmet off so she could see his crooked little grin and the burnt umber warmth in his brown eyes that she’d fantasized about. She wanted to see his face desperately and for him to see hers.
“I want to thank my incredible junior senate assistant, Miss Mariella Vontas, for helping organize this wonderful event tonight. Mari, we couldn’t have done this without you.” 
Padmé calling her name tore her from her dream state and she looked around in surprise as every sentient life form in the room had their eyes on her. She smiled graciously, bowing her head as she took a look around the room, raising her champagne flute humbly at being so publicly recognized for her efforts. When she turned back to look for her helmeted heartthrob, she was no longer met with the darkened visor set in his white helmet. Now her seductive gaze locked with his, eyes opened wide in utter shock and awe at her standing before him once again.
It felt like someone set off a seismic charge inside her. She blocked out all sound apart from the thumping in her chest rapidly increasing. Her heart raced with excitement and adrenaline pumped through every last vein as she could feel his desire for her burning into her very soul. 
He stared at her with a dopey grin on his face and she smiled at how endearing it was for a man that incredible to be so awe-struck by just a regular girl like her. She had to find a way to get him alone, so they could talk about whatever this was. If she had to yell at him for waiting so long, she would. If she had to talk to his general to get him excused from duty for the night, she would. She was ready to confront every obstacle just to have him in her orbit once more.
Maybe he didn’t know who she worked for or that she was going to be here, but it was like every planet aligned to bring him here before her. However, she was prepared to make him work for her attention this time. She could still feel the bitter sting of anger from the supposed rejection, but she was glad fate brought them together again. She’d never been more sure that her heart was right, no matter what logic and reason told her.
She could hear Fox’s words in her head. Give him time to explain himself. He’ll make things right. He always does. She was ready for a man who would prove himself to her and who wouldn’t fail to be everything she wanted.
With her drink in hand and unbelievable confidence in the sway of her hips, she stepped into the crowd, heading for the door and hoping to all the stars above he’d follow her lead. She made her way to the banquet hall a few doors down, locating her seat at the table along the back wall set aside for the senator’s aides. Luckily, it gave her a perfect view of the entryway and she waited with bated breath for him to follow in her footsteps. Hopefully, he’d find time to quickly talk to her before duty called again.
Sure enough, he practically burst through the doors with the Padawan in tow. His helmet was tucked under his left arm and he turned to speak to the Togruta girl hurriedly, her large blue eyes peeking over his shoulder to stare in Mari’s direction briefly. Mari picked up her flute to take another sip, anxiously trying to find something to do to make her look casual as she waited for him to make his move.
Suddenly, he spun on his heel, marching toward her with purpose that slowly tapered off the closer he got. Mari watched him intently with her siren’s stare, beckoning him closer to her with every blink. She arched her brow at him in mock annoyance and pursed her lips, challenging him to do his absolute best to earn her attention again. 
Just as Rex went to sit in the seat beside her, a few of her colleagues brushed him aside to take their seats, barely acknowledging his presence. Mari glared at them for their rude intrusion, not wanting them to treat any clone like a second-class citizen, even if she was mad at him. Crowds of people flooded into the room and Rex had no other choice but to take his place against the wall behind her.
She spun around in her seat, drink in hand, and glowered at him expectantly. He glanced over at her and nodded politely, the rush of people probably scaring him into silence. Hoping he would overcome his fear, Mari worked her jaw in anger and turned back around, as if to ignore him. Almost sensing his panic prickling up her backside, she heard a gentle hiss from behind her.
“Psst… hey… surprised to see you here, brown eyes,” he whispered, his voice fading behind a crowd of people passing between them to get to their table. Mari leaned back in her chair subtly, brushing her long hair behind her back in order to hear him better.
“Can I help you, trooper?” she shot back, peeking at him over her shoulder and giving him as much attitude as she could muster to signal how much he had upset her.
He sighed deeply, “Mari, c’mon, don’t give me that. I-I’m sorry. I can explain.” He sounded apologetic, but even risking one look at his big, pleading eyes would weaken her resolve way too much. She had to make this at least a little difficult for him. He had to know he couldn’t have her that easily.
“I’m surprised you remember I have a name. I thought since you didn’t call me you might’ve forgotten it,” she jabbed, downing the rest of her drink in one sip and turning around to scowl at him. She tried her best to look angry, especially since she didn’t want to cry in a dress this nice and makeup this perfect.
When she finally made eye contact with him again, she could tell that he saw right through her pout. He saw the pain behind her eyes that no one else usually noticed, sometimes not even Fox. 
His brows knitted together and his lips tightened in anguish, immediately feeling immense guilt for ever hurting her. He stood there studying her, opening his mouth to say something, but failing to find the words to explain himself.
Another small group of people passed between her and Rex, the awkward tension between the two of them building with every second he didn’t respond to her. Mari rolled her eyes and scoffed, “Whatever. Excuse me, CB-18, another drink, please?” She choked down the fluttering in her chest as she called to the copper protocol droid serving drinks at a nearby table, smiling at them graciously as they made their way over.
“Yes, Miss? What would you like?” CB-18 asked pleasantly, offering her a platter filled with frothy, bubbling drinks of every flavor and color imaginable. 
“Champagne is fine. Thank you,” Mari smiled, waiting patiently for the droid to fill up another flute. From behind her, she could just make out the unmistakable sound of armor clattering as he approached, the crowd of people milling about giving him enough cover to go unnoticed.
The droid raised its metal hand to pick the now completely full flute off the tray and leaned down to hand it to Mari. “Here you are, Mistress. Enj–”
Before Mari could accept the drink, someone bumped the protocol droid's arm, sending its entire fluid contents spiraling out of their hand and directly into Mari’s lap. Everything from her chest down was soaked, the liquid bleeding across the threads of blue satin perfectly fitted to her midriff.
“Oh dear, Mistress, I am terribly sorry,” the droid trailed off with their programmed pleasantries. 
Mari completely ignored them to whip around in anger at the person who knocked into them. Of course, it was none other than the captain himself, standing as rigid and stiff as before with his eyes wide in horror at what he’d done.
“I-I can explain! I didn’t mean to… fuck, I’m so sorry,” he stumbled, reaching for a thick, cloth napkin on the table, but Mari moved away from him.
Mari was ready to explode. After everything she’d experienced the weekend before, all she’d done to prepare herself to hopefully see him today, this was what she got? No explanation, no compliments on how she looked, nothing but a half-baked, nervous conversation and champagne dumped down her dress. 
All she wanted to do was run. “Excuse me,” she huffed, tossing her napkin on her table and storming off. As soon as she left the banquet room and entered the much quieter hallway, she groaned loudly in frustration. Hot tears began running down her face before she could even process what she was feeling. 
She marched down the hallway, away from the noise and toward more offices she wasn’t very familiar with. Most of the rooms up here were occupied by those from the other side of the political aisle–those who benefited from and profited off the war, which meant there was no chance any of them would be attending this gala. She could, at the very least, get away to feel sorry for herself in peace.
Further down, she could just make out two helmeted clones patrolling the hall. She didn’t recognize them, but one of them called out to her the second she was within earshot. 
“Hey, I know you! Little minx from the bar… how are you?” 
Something about that velvety tone was so familiar, but she couldn’t exactly place him based on voice alone. He had the patterning of a Rishi eel carefully painted on his helmet and was flanked by a second clone who donned a perfectly crisp arc in blue on his.
“Fives, you di’kut, she’s clearly not in the mood.”
Oh right. Fives. The smooth-talking, handsome, cheeky clone she met sitting at the bartop that weekend. Of course, he was here, too. She rolled her eyes, trying to avert her gaze to walk by without them seeing her tears.
Before she could brush past them, the second clone stepped in front of her, cocking his head as he assessed her body language. “Uhm, sorry for prying, Miss, but are you alright?” he asked gently, removing his bucket with one hand. His eyes, crinkling with lines he was too young to have, teemed with worry as he inspected her. 
She remembered this clone, too. Pacifying his brother and quietly taking control to diffuse the tension of the situation. Echo. His name was Echo. She blinked her tears away as much as she could and smiled meekly up at him. “I’m fine, Echo… it’s just my dress–it’s ruined.”
“You… you remember my name?” he asked quietly with a shy grin, mostly to himself and very clearly not used to anyone outside the battlefront addressing him by name. “What happened?”
“Yeah, tell us who did this to you. They’ve got a very serious ass-kicking coming their way,” Fives snickered, removing his helmet and cracking his knuckles to prepare for the hypothetical fight he was having in his mind.
“That’s gonna be kinda difficult for you,” Mari started with a scoff, looking up at both men doubtfully. Echo shrugged, searching the hallway for the nearest refresher and nodding as he located the closest private one only a few steps away.
“Let’s get you dried off at least,” Echo offered, carefully ushering her forward with a nod, but without touching or pressing her in any way. Fives darted into the refresher and started pulling handfuls of towelettes from the dispenser.
They were both incredibly respectful of her space, to Mari’s surprise. She wasn’t used to being treated so graciously when she was so vulnerable. It allowed her to relax and follow Echo to the fresher door, becoming less bristled by the second.
“Thank you, both. I just–can’t believe he did that,” Mari muttered, her voice quiet as she took a bundle of towels to dab herself off. “I thought you guys were better behaved than that,” she joked sarcastically.
“Wait, what?” Echo’s friendly eyes darkened quickly, turning to Fives for support and finding an equally outraged look on his identical face.
“Which one of our idiot brothers do we have to fight?” Fives practically growled, leaning forward to brush one of Mari’s dark, loose curls away from the wet fabric.
First Fox, now Fives and Echo. I wonder how many ass-kickings Rex will have lined up for him by the end of the night. Mari thought amusedly, remembering how Fox had once told her many disputes between brothers were typically solved with a supervised sparring match, regardless of rank. They had been raised to fight after all.
Mari gulped. “I don’t think you want to know,” she smiled nervously, her eyes catching a figure barreling down the hall from where she just came. Fives caught on before she could say anything else and stepped further out into the hall to stop his CO from coming any closer. 
“What the hell did you do?” Fives challenged bravely, shoving Rex slightly as he pressed him back away from her. 
Rex looked panicked. His shoulders sagged in an unusual admittance of defeat, his expression woefully apologetic, and his brow wrought with worry. It was probably an accident and Mari certainly had succeeded in making him feel bad enough about everything he’d done if he was chasing her down the hallway.
“Easy, Fives. It’s alright. I’m alright,” she said, not wanting them to start a scuffle in the hallway. “Dress is probably ruined though. Not the way I was expecting it to be,” she added under her breath, making Echo smirk knowingly beside her as he caught on.
“Mari, I am so, so sorry. It was an accident. Can I just… I mean, you don’t owe it to me. I’m an idiot… but can you please just let me explain?” Rex rambled from over Fives' shoulder, ripping the towelettes from Fives’ hands and offering them to her.
Mari looked between the three identical men and sighed, “Alright, fine, blondie, but you have a lot to answer for. Can you both give us a minute?” She motioned between herself and the captain and crossed her arms as Rex approached her side. She turned and waved for him to follow, squaring her shoulders and trying to regain the confidence she’d had before. “We’re going to one of these spare offices, ok?” 
He nodded curtly, starting to walk beside her, “You two, stay here at your position. Cover for me. Comm me if there’s an emergency. Got it?”
“Yes, sir,” they replied in unison, straightening up and taking their positions against the hallway walls just outside the office doors. Mari could hear Fives complaining the second he thought they were out of earshot, probably grumbling about how unfair it was that he had to be stuck out here.
She and Rex walked awkwardly inside the unoccupied room, and the few feet they stood apart felt like miles. The office was once utilized by senators from a planet that had since left the Republic to join the Separatists and was left empty until a better use for it could be found. Well, empty except for pieces of spare furniture other senators evidently had no better place for.
Mari propped herself up on the side of one such desk, probably recently placed since it hadn’t accumulated any of the dust coating the rest of the furniture. Rex did the same across from her, just barely leaning on the surface, his body language was screaming his desire to be closer to her again. From their distance apart, Mari finally met his gaze with her big doe-eyes, still glossy with some leftover tears.
“I can only imagine how upset you are with me, and, for the record, I’m not crazy about myself right now either, but I am so fucking sorry. It was an accident, I swear. I was just stepping closer to explain myself and  I must’ve bumped the damn shiny droid. I would never do that to you,” he started, rambling in his attempt to explain himself.
She raised her hand and shushed him. “Rex, that’s not why I’m upset. Though it doesn’t help that you ruined my carefully crafted look.” Mari folded her arms and sighed, “I’m upset because you ignored me for a week. Makes me feel kinda cheap, you know?”
“That’s why I wanted to talk to you.” Rex closed his eyes and unclipped his repaired shoulder pauldron to reveal a sizable blaster burn in the white plastoid of his chestplate. “I got shot in the chest on our last mission. Almost didn’t make it. Spent the last five rotations in medbay with my CMO, Kix. I was pretty out of it for the first few hours. According to him, I wouldn’t shut up about needing to comm you actually.”
Mari’s jaw dropped in surprise, her heavy brows knitting together in shock. All of a sudden, she felt a sizable pang of fear and sheepish regret flood her chest. He hadn’t been avoiding her. He wasn’t trying to hurt her at all. In fact, he was the one who was hurt. He could’ve died while Mari was sulking around her apartment feeling rejected like a baby. 
“Oh, stars above, Rex.” She clutched her hands to her chest and felt guilty about how she acted. “I feel like such an ass.”
He shook his head and laughed, a wry smile drawing across his face. “No, no. It’s fine. I deserve it. I should’ve commed you as soon as I could. I’m sorry if I made you feel like I didn’t care. That’s the farthest thing from true after what I’ve been through this last mission…” he trailed off like he was recalling a past conversation or memory. 
Mari felt herself being drawn into him exactly like she was the night they met, even more so now that she knew he was almost fatally wounded in the field. She gripped the edges of the desk, resisting the urge to run across the room and throw herself on him. She wouldn’t have been able to live with herself if something had happened to him. “Are you… alright now? Nothing a little bacta couldn’t fix right?”
He shrugged, quickly scanning down her body to admire the dress on her before speaking again, “Yeah, but it was awfully close. Thought about you the whole time, you know–how much I would have regretted it if I never got to see your face again. I just can’t believe you’re here. I didn’t know you worked for Senator Amidala, and I really am sorry about your dress, you look incredible.”
Mari shoved herself off the desk and moved a few paces nearer to him to close the gap between them. She had heard enough apologies to know he meant it, and she didn’t have enough willpower to keep herself away from him any longer.  “Oh yes, she’s my boss. I’m on a special interest committee, human rights, activism, etcetera. I planned this whole thing.”
He clutched the edge of the desk he was leaning on and his eyes flicked down to watch the sway of her hips as she sauntered over to him. “You’ve done a pretty good job. My boys working security should keep things running smoothly. Hope they impress you.” 
A few steps closer and she was finally within arm's length of him, and his mouth quickly went dry. She tossed her hair back behind her shoulders and stepped in front of him. Even with all 5 feet 2 inches of her staring up at him, he was still taller than her from his seated position. 
Mari reached out to rest her hand on his bicep and traced it slowly up his arm, “They’re not the ones I want to be impressed by, Captain. I think you owe it to me twice over now.”
Rex’s gaze narrowed in determination, the nervousness melting away from his body as the adrenaline kicked in. He took a few moments to let the building tension thicken in the space between them and studied the features on her face intently–committing her to memory all over again. The corners of his mouth quirked into the little sideways smile that was all his own despite his familiar clone face. “There she is. That’s the little spitfire I remember.”
Her desire for him ignited under his stare. He was focused solely on her, keeping his hands to himself as he let her take the lead. She wanted to tear the armor off of him, to reward him for being so sweet and thoughtful when he was literally mere moments away from certain death. Was there anything more romantic than his admittance that she was who he thought about while he was trying to heal? 
Mari smiled happily and eased forward to settle herself between his parted thighs. She rested both hands on his shoulders and muttered, “I’m so sorry I was being so cold before. I misunderstood everything and I was just trying to protect myself. Not every man is as noble as you.”
Rex swallowed hard, caging her in with one arm around her waist. Carefully, he moved to rest his other palm on her cheek, “It’s alright. You’re kinda cute all pouty. You can be a little bit of a brat, huh?”
Mari bit her bottom lip and grinned, “You have no idea, Captain.” She slowly guided his thumb to her lips and suckled it into her mouth, giving him a teasing look at what she might be willing to do for him very soon. 
He moaned softly, his brows raised in surprise at her boldness. The way her dark eyes peered up at him under her long lashes sent a shot of arousal straight to his cock, but he shook the stunning lewd gesture off to make his own bold move to give her a taste of the tricks up his sleeve.
“I–uh… I mean it when I say I thought about you every day,” he admitted, slipping his thumb from her mouth and tipping her chin up toward him with his knuckle. His touch was slow and delicate, precariously balancing the tension between them like he was walking a tightrope. He leaned in closer, his darkening gaze jumping between the desperation in her big brown eyes and the plush of her parted lips emanating shallow bated breaths. “Every time I closed my eyes, I saw yours.” 
Mari could feel any semblance of composure she had left dissolving under his touch. She hiked her dress up and climbed onto his lap, just like she had at 79’s, and sank down just enough to rest her center on his. She moved her hand up to pull his face closer, but he caught her fingers with his own and entwined them together.
He let out a weighted exhale, clearly affected by the brush of her core, but maintained intoxicating eye contact. 
“I dreamed about having you in my lap again, feeling you all over me.” He glanced down at where her dress had now bunched up and let his tongue wet his lips hungrily, tipping his chin up to brush his nose with hers. He rested his index finger just below her jawline and held her delicately in limbo. “Even if I never saw you again, I didn’t want to forget this….” 
Their souls were set alight as their lips connected. Sparks flew and supernovas formed as raw need exploded between them. 
Mari let his tongue slip inside to dance with hers and she exhaled a mixture of relief and delight. Each time one of them broke for air, the other chased to close the gap between them. Faster and faster they worked until their lips were swollen and their chests heaving. 
“The blue was a nice touch. Looks good on you,” he smirked, running his hands up and down her waist and appreciating both the fabric and her curves.
“I thought it would.” Mari let her gaze darken and ran her hands down the front of his chestplate, leaning toward his ear and muttering seductively, “I think it would look much better off me, though.” 
“Yeah…” he breathed, fumbling for his words as he swallowed nervously. “Y-yeah it would. You really know how to work me, don’t you?” He looked up at her with both desperate need and total reverence.
“Mhm.” She hummed, kissing down his neck and feeling his hands slide lower to fiddle with the exposed hem of her dress. “Get me out of this, Captain. Please.” 
His hands worked fast, peeling the champagne-soaked satin up and helping her guide it over her head. Now she sat naked from the waist up in all her feminine glory, and she mentally thanked herself for her earlier decision to not wear a bra. 
“Fuck,” he gasped, sitting back on the desk and letting his eyes rake over every inch of her. “Not even in my dreams could I have imagined you. Y–you’re so…” He shook his head, struggling to find a word to describe her.
“Hot? Sexy? I’ve heard it all, Rex.” Mari rolled her eyes playfully, looping her arms over his shoulders to pull him close to her again.
“No. Beautiful. I was going to say beautiful, but it still doesn’t feel like a good enough word. Meadows and flowers and waterfalls are beautiful… you are just beyond… anything I’ve ever seen.” He reached for her face again, brushing a loose strand of dark hair behind her ear and pulling her into another deep kiss. “Mesh’la.”
Mari blushed a deeper red than the halls of the Senate Building. She was used to being desired and lusted after, but this was something else. Rex revered her, not as an object of pleasure, but as a lifeform with a heart, a soul, and feelings. 
“Thank you, Rex,” she whispered as she pulled away, holding his ardent gaze with her own. “But don’t think this means I’m not still mad at you,” she scolded playfully, beginning to work at the clasps of his chestplate to remove it from him.
Somewhere deep in Rex’s gut, he could feel the natural craving for companionship growing stronger. With her in his arms, feeling her desire for him, he couldn’t deny himself of it anymore. If he were to ever allow himself to dream of a life beyond duty, she was exactly who he’d want. Imagining a future was a luxury most clones couldn’t afford. It had taken an extreme amount of courage and willpower for him to admit that to himself and for him to even be here before her right now.
His brows raised, surprised that she knew how to take clone armor off. He helped her unclip each piece, shucking it off and letting it clatter to the floor of the storage room. “Oh, you should be mad. Furious even. Flash me that cute little angry pout you do. S’long as you feel something for me, I’m happy,” he chuckled softly. 
The rumble of a deep laugh in his chest made Mari’s core ache with want as the vibrations reverberated through him.
“You’re going to have to work pretty hard to get me to forgive you, blondie.” She walked her fingers slowly down the black fabric straining across his chest and swirled her fingers along the bronzed skin just underneath the seam. Her touch brushed up the trail of little hairs on his abs as she eased his top up agonizingly slowly. She bit her lower lip and moaned softly, “Think you’re up for it?”
“Hmmm… Mari.” He let a gravelly purr leave his chest just as both her palms splayed over his pec muscles on either side. 
She felt the freshly bacta-healed scar on his chest and swallowed down the lump in her throat forming at the thought of her never getting the chance to see him again. A blaster bolt to the chest could’ve killed him and he healed thinking only about the girl he would’ve missed out on. Mari traced it lightly and let her gaze dart up to flick between his eyes and the scar. She wanted to ask him all about what happened, but she’d take her time with him if it still hurt. 
Instead, as if he could feel the apprehensive question in her mind, he pushed her hands down gently and groaned softly, “Let me show you how ready I am.” He slipped his duraweave top over his head and wrapped his arms around her to pull her close. Her breasts pushed into his chest salaciously and he took a noticeable glance down at them before burying his face in her neck.
“Rex…” Mari gasped softly, letting her hands roam over the rippling muscles of his shoulders and admiring the width of him underneath her much smaller hands. She could feel his warm tongue swirling circles at the hollow of her neck, the gentle suckling of his lips dotting her decolletage with deep purple marks. He left a trail of simmering embers on each spot in his fiery wake, setting the passion between them ablaze the further down her torso he went.
“That’s it. Call my name, pretty girl,” he muttered, nuzzling his face into her breasts and tugging at a nipple softly with one hand. “‘S never sounded better.” 
She could feel his smirk against her skin as he cupped and massaged the round plush of her breast in his massive hand. She clung to him, letting him appreciate her naked body while she struggled to remember how to talk or breathe. She nearly forgot everything but the electrifying feeling of him touching her like this where she’d ached to have him for so long. Before she knew it, his hands were at her hips, rocking her slowly but firmly against him like she had in the booth when they first met. 
They both tempted each other, building on the painful friction while hoping the other would snap first. But Mari knew how to crack him. She’d done it dozens of times before. No man could resist her on her knees, not even someone as strong-willed as Rex.
To her own discontent, she slowed her writhing against his wide thigh plate and caught her breath while he shifted uncomfortably beneath her. She could see the fabric of his blacks straining against his codpiece and her mouth watered thinking about what his pretty cock might look like under there. “Awh, poor baby. Was that all ‘cause of me?” she teased, clicking the plastoid off.
He huffed softly, feeling momentary relief at the added room. “Been because of you for a week. Got off so many times thinking about you. Couldn’t get you out of my head.”
“Which one?” Mari giggled suggestively, more than enjoying the effect she had on him. 
Rex groaned in delighted frustration as she palmed him gently, giving her a pointed look and grinning sheepishly. 
“How about for real this time?” she asked, grabbing his jaw and leaning in to place a lazy open-mouthed kiss on him. “I want to see what I’ve done to you, Captain.” Tracing her thumb over his bottom lip, she pushed herself off of him and slowly sunk down to kneel between his parted thighs.
She dragged her hands down his lower torso and stopped to unclip both thigh plates. He hissed softly as the heat of her body spread over his now-exposed thighs, her breasts precariously pressed into the outline of his cock underneath his bottoms. He shifted his hands to grab at her shoulders, eagerly keeping her in place while she pawed at him. He swallowed thickly, the tension in his body starting to lessen as she worked him over with just her body weight resting on him.
“I’ve n-never… wanted anything… more,” he grunted between increasing pants of anticipation. His thumb brushed over the apple of her cheek as he tipped her face up to maintain his heart-stoppingly needy gaze. “Just… keep looking at me. Want to always see that pretty face.”
Mari smiled far too demurely for someone seconds away from doing something so provocative and turned to place a reassuring kiss into his palm. “Whatever you say, sir.” She smirked as that elicited a whimper from him, and she slowly let her hands trace down his abs, toying with the waistband of his bottoms to prolong the teasing. His erection twitched with anticipation as she finally looped her fingers into the fabric and tugged it down gently.
Her eyes nearly glazed over with delight at the sheer size of him waiting for her. His cock was long, thick, and as bronze as the rest of him, slapping up against his lower torso as it sprung free. She could feel her mouth watering and the space between her thighs slipping together lewdly as her mind raced faster than her body moved. He was perfect, not a single fucking flaw, and gods she wanted every last inch of him inside any part of her.
She sucked her lower lip behind her teeth and stared up at him in affectionate awe, letting her hands smooth along the inside of his thighs. “Hmmm… wow, look at you. Such a perfect cock.” His eyes hooded and his chest stuttered as he panted with unbearable longing. Mari wrapped a hand around the base to hold him and let her other hand curl just below the swollen head. She parted her lips, letting saliva pool on her tongue and dripping it down onto her waiting fist.
“For such a perfect girl,” he grinned, his jaw dropping as Mari tipped forward and licked the tip with the end of her tongue. Rex drew in a gasp, his hands flying to the side of her neck and brushing her curls behind her back. “Fuck, you’re good with that bold little mouth, aren’t you?”
“Stop talking and you’ll find out,” Mari smirked, sliding her spit-slick fist down the length of his shaft and kissing his tip gingerly. He chuckled but was cut off from saying anything more by Mari inching down to trace a long stripe up his cock from base to tip. Rex seemed to short-circuit, his grip in her hair starting to tighten more desperately. She knew she had him exactly where she needed him now.
With both her hands curled around him as she gently stroked him, she wrapped her lips around him and swallowed him down deeper with each inhale. He was a lot to take, but nothing she couldn’t handle. Each brilliant vein pulsed against her lips as she bobbed up and down along him. She hummed happily, the velvet of her tongue swirling around him and her cheeks hollowing tighter with every suckled pass. 
He gently held her, not pressuring her to move faster, but keeping her steady as her rhythm built him up toward his climax. He could do nothing but try to breathe, run his fingers through her silky hair, and keep his eyes open to stare at her with powerful lust. Mari couldn't tear herself away from looking at him either. Though he was more turned on than he’d maybe ever been, there was a look of genuine adoration in his eyes that made Mari’s belly clench with want and intrigue.
Rex threw his head back as Mari swallowed around him, sliding his tip down to bump the back of her throat. She glanced up at him through her thick lashes as she fought back tears and could feel the knot in her belly tightening at the sight of him. His strong, rounded jaw clenched as he groaned in delight, broad, squared-off shoulders and hard, tensing biceps held her to him and the thickness of his rippling torso glistened with a thin sheen of sweat forming along his tan skin. He looked delicious all worked up and writhing for her.
Mari’s center pulsed with desire, her core pounding with an overwhelming need for him. Even if he was close to cumming, Mari didn’t think she could do much more for him without wanting to explode herself. Molten need toiled around in her belly and she was sure she’d drenched through her lace panties as she worked him. His hands moved to delicately brush the hair from her forehead before sliding them down her shoulders to rub away the tension.
After a few beats longer of watching her suck him off, he tugged her hair gently. “Easy, pretty girl. I want to finish, but not like this.” He sat himself back on the strength of one arm and tried to come back to himself. He looked utterly wrecked in the most satisfying way, and if Mari never touched another man ever again, she’d be happy just remembering the way he looked right now. “Not without you,” he finished, his eyes squinting as a beautiful, satisfied smile spread across his handsome face.
Mari wiped her mouth with her thumb, the sweet tang of his precum on her tongue and wearing her own happy, blissed-out grin. Before she could even rise to her feet, he scooped her up eagerly. She yelped in surprise, her widened thighs positioning her so that her soaked panties rested perfectly against his aching cock. His lips smashed into hers, tasting himself in her kisses and sliding her back into his lap. Her eyes rolled back in her head as the heat of him pressed up against where she needed him. Looping her arms around his neck, she broke the kiss to moan desperately.
Immediately, Rex caught on to her reaction and rolled his hips up into her again. “Yeah, that’s what you want. Taking my cock in your mouth made you all wet, huh?” he teased, smirking as she pressed herself down onto his lap. His hands held onto her waist, caressing the soft curves of her skin and letting her briefly satisfy the ache she’d been feeling.
“Mhm. I’m soaked. You got me so worked up, Captain. You’re fucking hot. You’re so hot and I don’t think you even realize how–” Mari stammered, interrupted by Rex’s curled fingers stroking the soaked lace of her panties over her heat. Mari closed her eyes and mewled pathetically at the contact. “How much I…”
Rex’s other hand cupped her face, resting his forehead against hers and kissing her with all the passion he could muster. His knuckles brushed along her slit, stopping to let the pad of his thumb toy with her clit cruelly. He bit down on her lower lip as he pulled away, his confidence growing now that he knew the effect he had on her as well. 
“How much I what, pretty girl? Tell me what you need and it’s yours,” he instructed slowly but firmly.
With their foreheads pressed together and Mari’s hands clinging to the corded muscles of his neck, she let her seductive glare bear deep into his eyes and she exhaled. “How much I want you. How much I need you to…” She trailed off again as Rex’s deft fingers pushed her panties to the side and slipped two fingers between her slick folds.
A deep, weighted purr left Rex’s chest as he massaged her wet pussy so delicately it was making her completely forget herself. Words were a blur, her mind completely hazed by the musky, woodsy scent of him all around her, her body overcome with rushes of heated desire coursing through her veins like liquid fire. The building tension in her belly was coiling immeasurably hot and the only relief was his touch on her clit stoking the flames of pleasure. Mari whimpered into another of Rex’s heavy kisses, her hands now clinging to his biceps as he circled her clit with the perfect amount of pressure.
“Need what, Mari? This what you need? My fingers in this perfect pussy? Such a wet little thing… you can’t help it,” he tutted playfully, resting his cheek against hers as he looked down at her bucking her hips into his hands. “Did you think about me too? The way I thought about you? All hot and bothered, slick between your legs because you wanted me? Mesh’la, look at me,” Rex instructed affectionately, working her into a frenzy and smiling at all he could do with just his hands and his words.
“Rex,” Mari moaned his name, gripping his biceps and grinding into his throbbing cock with her drenched folds. She held his stare with her own half-hooded one and dragged him into a heated desperate kiss with clashing teeth and bitten lips and pulled away gasping two muttered little words. “Fuck me.”
In half a heartbeat, he tore through the lace of her pink panties and tossed them onto the floor with the rest of his kit. Weighted palms grabbed at the round flesh of her ass as he flipped them both over. Her bare back pressed against the cold surface of the spare desk, and she clawed down his shoulders deep enough to leave marks as she begged him for entrance. He kissed her three times more, parting her thighs and sliding her entire bottom half toward where he stood waiting and hard as a rock.
“Thought you’d never ask,” he laughed softly, caressing circles on her hip bones as he thrust himself through her heat to coat his length in her slick. He notched himself at her entrance and pressed inside with a groan, the stretch around him frictionless from all the teasing he’d given her. 
Mari practically squeaked in delight, the perfect, heavy tip of him notching inside her beautifully and making her bloom open more to receive his greater girth. “Fuck… move. Please. Deeper,” she begged, digging her nails into his shoulders and wrapping her thighs around his waist to pull him closer. 
He slipped in deeper, the heat of his cock radiating inside of her in the best way and coaxing her tight walls to open up just a bit more for him. He tested out a roll of his hips and pounded the tops of his thighs against the edge of the desk. The snap of his hips carried a brutal amount of power and Mari scrambled to pull him deeper inside her again. He groaned loudly, finally feeling the full collapse of her around him and shivering in absolute ecstasy. “So fucking tight. Feels so good. Like they made you for me.” 
“I could say the same, Captain. Fuck. More, baby, please,” she pleaded, craving so much more of the stretch he was providing. Every breath she took dragged him in deeper and she wanted to drown in the wave of pleasure that was quenching the burning heat inside her. He was all over her. 
His strong hands seemed to find every place she needed him–kneading her breasts in his hands as he thrust, lifting her hips up and supporting the small of her back to change the angle he was spearing into her, and turning her face back toward him so he could see her every orgasmic, pleasure-filled expression.
Rex kept at an efficient pace, not too fast and not too hard, just enjoying the languid heat inside and exploring her body. He needed to know what made Mari feel good, what places he could lick or grab to make her scream, and which positions had her yelling his name so loud she was sure someone would’ve heard them. 
Mari lost herself in how naturally and easily he took control. She didn’t have to think about satisfying anyone and didn't have to worry about catering to what he wanted. All he needed her to do was feel and he was taking care of the rest. It was a different kind of sex than anything she had before because it wasn’t just one person satisfying the other, but rather two partners working together to share in the desire they’d built together.
Mari reached for him, dragging him down on top of her so she could cling to him the way she wanted. Every part of her touched some part of him and she completed that by sealing him into breathless, sloppy kisses whenever she could. He had seemingly unstoppable stamina, able to go at a pace that satisfied her for much, much longer than any other man she’d ever had. Every so often, he’d pull back to check in with her, waiting for her approval before diving back down to bite a new mark into her tan skin. 
Suddenly, he thrust into a spot so deep and sensitive it made Mari’s vision white out. The strangled sound of pain mixing with moans of pleasure gave Rex pause, but she quickly called his name and moaned at a much breathier, higher pitch than before. “Oh… right there! That spot… again. Please, Rex!” she whined, holding his jaw with her palm and watching him smirk knowingly at the perfect place inside her he was able to find.
“Here?” he rolled his hips again, grinding deeper and making Mari cry out in delight. She parted her thighs more to give him better access and he nearly folded himself over her to piston into that same sensitive place as many times as he could. “That’s it. Such a good girl. Want to feel you cum for me. Gods, you’re so fucking beautiful.”
Mari leaned forward to grab at him again, but instead, he took her hand in his and pinned it beside her. His other hand gripped her hip and held her steady while he plowed into her even harder. Mari lost track of the amount of times she sang his name in response. She’d only ever had toys make her feel this good.
He rested his head in the crook of her neck momentarily, and let his stirring hips drive himself into her spot over and over again. Rex’s praises turned into hisses and grunts behind gritted teeth as he tried with all his might to hold his own orgasm back until she was ready to let go with him. 
Squelching sounds filled the room as heat began to flood Mari’s opening. The pressure in her belly was being repeatedly combated by the steady weight of his cock splitting her walls to fit him and she could feel herself rocketing to heights previously unknown. His gorgeous face reappeared hovering above her with a determined scowl, his brows pressed together and his jaw slack as the wave just began to crest inside him.
His fingers found her clit again, delicately twisting looping circles on the little bundle and making tears form in her eyes at the new sensation added to his incessant thrusts into her favorite spot. Mari began to feel herself slipping away, relaxing into tingles of bliss overtaking all of her limbs and giving her the same butterflies she had the very first time she’d kissed him. She could just vaguely make out the sound of him calling her name and asking her something when she remembered he’d asked her to keep her eyes open. He wanted to see her face and she couldn’t deny him what he wanted. Not now, not ever.
Mari reached for him again and he leaned right down into her, foreheads sliding together and his gaze fixated on hers. His eyelids fluttered just as his movements became erratic, pushing himself to stay focused and with her long enough to send her over the edge. 
Mari studied his handsome face as time began to slow and she whispered as quietly as she could, “Cum with me, Rex. Show me what I’ve been waiting for.” 
His cock bumped her spot and he laid into it, pressing himself in and resting there as his muscles locked down and his cock twitched inside her.
“Oh fuck… Mari… I’m going to–Mesh’la, cum with me. Mari–” he moaned her name in his deep, gravelly baritone in her ear and she felt herself snap. 
Light faded away until all Mari knew was the sound of Rex’s voice filling her ears, the feel of his warm release flooding inside her, the taste of his tongue lingering on hers, the scent of him imprinting in her memory, and the visual of the most gorgeous man she’d ever met melting into bliss all around her. 
She sang his name in a salaciously melodic moan. She felt his warmth in her belly and her own release mixing with his as it spilled out of her opening. She glanced up at him in her honeyed haze of pleasure and smiled as she felt herself going totally cockdumb. The pleasure coursing through her veins consuming her was because of him–the beautiful, doting, caring captain she was so sure she’d never hear from again.
He dropped his head into the crook of her neck, their centers still connected as they both let the swell of their highs overtake them. She held the back of his neck gently, tracing featherlight touches like star trails against his nicked and scarred skin. He panted breathless praises and endless compliments in her ears, carefully pulling her up to wrap himself around her exposed body protectively. “Felt… s-so good. I know, Mesh’la. Looked so stunning, too, cumming all for me.”
“Rex,” she muttered much quieter now, her voice hoarse with overuse. “I’ve never felt like that before. Never,” she admitted, averting her eyes to the locked door mere feet from their bare bodies.
He smirked smugly, kissing the tip of her nose and gently slipping out of her. “Thought you said you were experienced,” he teased, as his large hand massaged up the back of her neck, twisting the dark strands at the nape around his fingers. 
Mari basked in the blissful afterglow and relaxed into the calming feeling of his hands working away the last of the remaining tension in her body. She relaxed her legs around his waist and  tucked herself into him. “I am. I never said they were any good. And even if they were, it was nothing like that. That was…”
“I know,” he stopped her, the admission in his eyes giving away his feelings far more than his words did. Whatever the spark was between them, they both felt it. They both understood that this meant something special, and it was worth it to figure out what that feeling was, even if it scared them. 
“I’ve never been with someone who made me feel like you do. Like I’m someone worth feeling something for,” he admitted slowly, discussing his real feelings and exposing a far more apprehensive side to him than the man who had just plowed her the way he had. “How is someone as amazing as you…” He paused, gazing deep into her eyes with nothing but sheer adoration and wonder in his own. “All alone?” he finished, running a very unsure thumb across her cheek.
Mari sighed, looking up at the ceiling of this unused office. She bit her lip to keep her voice steady and to hold back the flow of tears that were dangerously close to spilling over. “Because people… men use me. They always do. And after a while, it’s easier to go it alone than to let them hurt you and take from you anymore.” 
A single tear rolled down her cheek–a painful expression of all the times she’d let herself think someone might care about her, only to throw her away like trash when they were through using her how they liked.
He placed a firm and reassuring palm on her cheek, turning her face to meet his. He wanted to reassure her, to say exactly the right thing to comfort her, and communicate that he was different from the men in her past. He wasn’t like them, but as much as he wanted to shoulder her burden, this type of pain cut him too deep and he looked down almost in disappointment.
“I know what it’s like to feel used,” he whispered, guilt and searing shame at the admission clouding his vision. He was hiding his emotional wounds just as much as she was, if not more. 
Suddenly, Mari felt incredibly stupid and selfish for trying to compare being a little lonely to a man whose very existence was to serve a purpose he had never had a say in. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to act like I had it worse or anything. I just–” she started to say, but his needy hands grabbing at her shoulders and pulling her into a desperate hug quieted her.
“Don’t apologize. It’s something we have in common, you and I,” he muttered, burying his head in her hair and snuggling her tighter. “It’s nice to feel understood by someone outside the GAR. I know I said it before, and I’ve been so nervous I almost ruined it, but I promise I won’t forget about you. I am totally out of my element here, I’ve never done this before and we’re not technically allowed to, but I’d like to keep seeing you… if you want.”
He pulled back to look down at her with the same hopeful amazement on his pretty face that he had the first day they met. Mari reached up to cradle his face in her hands, “I’d like that, Rex. What do you say we get out of this office and you keep seeing me at my place? You’re off for the night, right?” 
Rex nodded. “Yeah, I’m free. I sent you a message earlier to ask you to come out to 79’s with the boys and I. I was hoping I’d see you again there. Guess I don’t have to worry about waiting around for you to show now, huh?”
“I haven’t checked my comm all day, so I guess fate decided we waited long enough,” Mari chuckled, sitting up and pulling Rex up with her. She motioned toward the door and slid down to her feet, searching the office floor for her dress.
Rex hummed in agreement and followed her lead, sliding his underwear and body glove back on and admiring her naked frame as she gathered her dress into her arms. He had nearly his entire armor kit back on before Mari was able to even rearrange her dress enough to step back into it.
“I’ve got nothing to put on under this since you destroyed these,” she flirted, lifting both sides of her torn panties off the floor and tossing them at Rex playfully. 
He caught them in his right hand deftly and laughed darkly. “Good. Now I can recall this image of you naked every time I need it.” He bunched her panties up and tucked them into his pocket, winking at her.
“You filthy boy. Fine, keep them. I’ve got much sexier ones I can show you at home,” Mari tucked the plush of her bottom lip behind her teeth and slipped the dress back on. 
Rex grabbed her hand and spun her around into him, his hand splaying out on her lower back. “Then let’s get you home, Mesh’la. No one’s taking me away from you this time.” He pulled her into a gentle, meaningful kiss to seal his promise with tangible action, and let her lead him the entire way back to her place for the night.
notes: AAHHHH ITS THEM!!!! finally we find out how it happens. and god I love them both so much. so much. thank you so much for all your kind messages and support while i've been going through it lately. and of course for all the love I receive for mari and rex. pss my face claim has taken her rightful place in the header photo, so going forward thats our girl.
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rexxdjarin · 1 year
The Captain's Log Prequel
A Captain Rex x OC: Mari Vontas Origin Story
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Chapter 2: A Beautiful Distraction
Series Summary: Mari Vontas has spent nearly twenty years of her life rising to the surface of the bustling ecumenopolis of the Republic Capital planet of Coruscant. Now, about a year into the conflict known galaxy-wide as the Clone Wars, Mari finds herself on a Civilian Rights Committee serving closely under none other than Senator Padmé Amidala. Though her passion for justice fuels her professionally, her personal life has yet to catch up. That is, until a night at the clone bar 79s changes her passion for her job, her historically rocky love life and the trajectory of her destiny forever.
Series Tags/Warnings: Rated E (18+ Only MINORS DNI), canon compliant, canon typical violence, political themes, war references, battle trauma and loss, human rights discussions and most importantly lots and lots of smut and heartstopping relationship drama and fluff.
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Pairing: Captain Rex x OC Mari Vontas Word Count: 9.5k Series Rating: Explicit (18+ only, Minors DO NOT INTERACT) Chapter Summary: The Captain speaks but his mind is in a scramble because there is no strategy for the kind of situation he's found himself in... Chapter Warnings: 18+ as usual but SFW, No Smut this time, Mature Themes, Suggestive Situations, Language, Political References, References to Canon Plot, References to Canon, Mentions of the Ethics of War, Masturbation (if you squint)
The clone barracks could be a cold and lonely place, but there were ways around that. The smart clones always found company in bars or restaurants on the many different levels of Coruscant, and they frequently ventured out when they needed a taste of the minor comfort humans should be afforded. That comfort wasn’t always explicit in nature, but with everything he heard from the solitude of his captain’s quarters, it certainly seemed like it was.
For someone so widely regarded as tactful, agile, and–by his own admission at times–brilliant, Rex felt it was pointless to crave the kind of attention he always let his men indulge in. Perhaps he was too sensible for his own good, but he didn’t see the point of getting close to someone he would inevitably disappoint in some way or another. He was a soldier, a commanding officer of an entire battalion of his brothers, whose sole duty was to lead the Republic to victory. Wanting more was something he regularly forced himself to believe he couldn’t have. It was never in the cards for him, so why waste precious time needed for rest on dreams of a life he’d never see?
But now he wanted more. 
More than a life with no future. More than an existence where duty was his only option. For so long he had buried it as deep in his soul as he could–swallowed it whole and let it sit like a heavy weight in his gut that he could pretend was just growing pains or battle wounds. Yet, when his head hit the sorry excuse for a pillow on his standard-issue bed, the desire was still there gnawing at him.
For a while, living like that was fine. He could handle physical pain without complaint, and he did what he could to endure the mental fatigue and trauma that came with fighting a war. He had been prepared for that as soon as he learned to walk. 
He had occasionally given into the need for carnal release, but he never felt truly connected to any of the women before. It had always just been another form of physical stress relief. Sex was easy, but emotions were the hard part. The Kaminoans, as a whole, didn’t seem to have them at all. Their blank expressions and monotone voices took the place of where any semblance of humanoid emotion would be, so none of the clones learned anything about feelings from them.
The Mandalorian-adjacent men and women who trained the earliest batches of clones weren’t exactly in tune with their emotions either. It wasn’t like they had time to go over things like that when they were teaching a thousand-plus cadets how to aim a blaster correctly.
Most of what clones knew of love, affection, and care came from the bond they had with each other. They had shared experiences and brotherly camaraderie that no other lifeforms in the galaxy would ever truly know. It was absolutely sacred to all of them, and they lived their entire lives by two shared truths: for their duty to victory for the Republic and for the respect and honor of their fellow brothers.
For the first eleven years of his life, that was all Rex ever knew and that had been enough. The only desire he felt was to become the leader he knew he could be–the leader he eventually proved he was in a very short time. His drive to become truly great got him through the Battle of Geonosis, where thousands of his brothers were not nearly as lucky as he was. It helped him survive dozens of battles on pure determination and grit alone. He saw promotion after promotion until he was made a captain and granted the privilege to serve alongside the boldest and most insane Jedi he’d ever seen.
All the accolades, the valor, and the glory in the galaxy couldn’t make that little feeling in his gut go away, though. He didn’t know what more he wanted or what else he could reasonably expect to have in what he could only assume would be his short life. He didn’t know what that flutter he felt deep down inside even fucking meant.
Until that night in the bar. 
That night, everything he’d kept himself from feeling sat down in his lap and offered him a kiss that tasted like the life he’d make in an alternate universe where his choice mattered. She was everything he kept himself from dreaming about night after night—a reality he craved where all the galaxy’s endless possibilities were afforded to him and life was about more than the number of battles it took for death to claim him. Rex found himself yearning for it so desperately that it made the ache in his chest bloom.
Now he knew what his gut was trying to tell him. He wanted her. Gods he wanted her. He wanted her and whatever his life might look like if she was in it, even if it was just for a rotation. If only his current reality hadn’t crept up on him in the blink of an eye and fucked everything up with the click of his comm.
He had silently cursed being called away for another battle–another insane mission of chasing a murderous, raving lunatic named Grievous around hyperspace. The look in her big, brown eyes as he left her on the platform went from curious, seductive, and clever to disappointed, hurt, and offended. If it was anyone other than himself making her feel like that, he’d probably have flattened the guy in short order.
Yet, he had to live with the fact that upsetting her for even a second was his fault. He had plenty of time to think about the disappointed look on her face as he’d spent the last week recovering from a nearly fatal shot in the chest on Saleucami. He’d been nursed back to health by a deserter named Cut, and the family he’d made for himself, which did nothing to curb Rex’s desire for a different life with someone who truly cared about him. 
Even though he had tried to put off thinking about Mari, Rex was forced to confront the convictions he’d lived his life by for the last decade in various conversations with Cut. 
Now that he was back planetside, he still couldn’t bring himself to comm her. It wasn’t his fault that he was nearly killed and unable to contact anyone for a few rotations, but if he commed her now, she probably wouldn’t even entertain answering him. Sure, she might understand if he explained everything, but he’d be surprised if she even gave him that chance. A girl like that would have plenty of other options and wouldn’t wait around her whole life for a guy that couldn’t even find time to comm her like he promised.
Someone like her deserved better than a clone. That was true regardless of if she cared or not. He rubbed his eyes with the heels of his palms, hoping that by the time he opened them again, he’d stop seeing her face in the darkness.
As he lay there in his barracks bunk, he somehow managed to convince himself that maybe it was all in his head. Maybe it didn’t even happen at all and he was hallucinating on medicinal herbs in the Lawquane’s barn the whole time.
It was 0300 hours and he’d done nothing but toss and turn since he got in bed. In part because the wound still stung, but also because he felt guilty. Even if he wanted to know her better, to be in her life, it was still going to be selfish. He would be asking a nat-born to care about someone they could lose every time he was deployed. He knew how much it hurt to constantly carry that kind of loss, and he’d never want another person to feel that weight because of him. 
He sat up in frustration and reached for his comm, her frequency channel queued up for hours now. Cut would tell him he owed it to himself to at least try to have something good, someone special who cared about him for more than just his service to the galaxy. 
He stared at the device in the darkness, waiting for the words to come to him, but before long, he was leaning back in bed, thoughts of what could’ve been that night swirling in his mind. His commlink sat forgotten on his sheets as his hands became too preoccupied imagining her touch on him to type anything.
He tugged at himself fueled by the echoes of hauntingly seductive filth she’d whispered in his ear that night. The memory of her soft hands made him feel alive, and he spilled all over his fingers picturing her gorgeous face. He’d cum so fast it was embarrassing, like an inexperienced shiny. As the haze of his high dissolved through his pulsing veins, he finally found the remedy to quiet his mind and send him to sleep in peace with the promise that tomorrow he’d comm her. Tomorrow, he’d find a way to see her again. 
“Hey, Rex–”
The sound of his name jolted him awake again, blinking away the sleep in his eyes to make out the silhouette of his general leaning up against the door frame. Skywalker’s habit of showing up unannounced normally wouldn’t bother him, but after the events of the last mission, he was probably the last person Rex wanted to see.
He cleared his throat, trying to shake the exhaustion from his body enough to speak. “...General… sir...” Rex silently thanked himself for remembering to clean up before he fell asleep last night.
“I knocked, but you sleep pretty deep when you’re injured.”  He took Rex’s acknowledgment of him as permission to enter and sat down casually at the desk in the corner of the room. Slowly, he lifted the memory module from a broken battle droid Rex had recovered from Grievous’ Saleucami wreckage and turned it over in his hand. The general was exceedingly gifted at everything, but especially at fixing broken things. Rex had planned on bringing the clanker’s tiny excuse for a brain to him to look over at some point anyway. “How ya feelin’, buddy? Better, I hope?”
“I’m alive. Been better, but I’ll survive,” Rex replied, reaching over to grab his datapad off his bunkside table. The notifications were flooded with a new mission log and endless messages from the Torrent boys detailing their plans. As he typed in his passcode, his half-formed message to Mari from last night was on the screen still waiting to be finished. With a sigh, he swiped it away to read through the announcement of the mission he was just assigned to. A pang of guilt knotted in his stomach all over again knowing full well he would have to push back comming her… again.
“Well, good because I’ve got us a new mission.”
Great. Rex thought, trying to resist the urge to roll his eyes in protest. The general knew him too well and laughed, clearly sensing his captain’s hesitation as he twisted a few loose wires back into place. 
“Nothing too crazy. Senator Amidala is having a gala tonight and needs us on security detail. Shouldn’t be anything to worry about, but you know the extra muscle can’t hurt.” He grinned, a hint of mischief twinkling in his blue eyes as he succeeded in getting exactly the mission he wanted. 
Anything happening with Senator Amidala practically guaranteed Skywalker would find a way to get involved, which meant Rex and the 501st boys were brought along, too. It wasn’t the worst possible mission after nearly being shot to death, but enduring the couple's antics was a more stressful task than it seemed.
Stressful because Rex knew what others could only speculate at or, more appropriately, outright refuse to admit. His Jedi General was married. He and the very high-profile senator had been together for quite some time, and although he wasn’t entirely sure how long, he figured it was long enough to warrant the utmost discretion–something that was most definitely not Skywalker’s strong suit. 
Rex had always been taught that it was against the Jedi Code to be married or in a relationship with anyone. Yet, knowing who his general was, it wasn’t a total surprise that he chose to actively ignore that rule. Rex didn’t care about their rules–or his general’s penchant for breaking them–so long as it didn’t get in the way of them completing their missions. To his credit, Skywalker tried very hard to keep things concealed, and Rex had sworn to help him keep that secret.
His general had cared about his men in a way that he never expected from a Jedi, and his wife was no different. The pair saw the 501st as an extension of their family and treated them all like the individual men they were. There weren’t accurate enough words to express how much that meant to Rex, so he figured the best thanks he could offer them was to keep their happy relationship a secret. 
“Alright. Doesn’t sound too bad. Where are we headed?” Rex questioned, assuming the gala would be held on some kind of luxury liner or retreat somewhere. 
Skywalker chuckled, snapping a few pieces of metal into place and setting the now-repaired memory module onto Rex’s desk. “That’s the best part. The gala’s at the Senate Building. We don’t even have to leave town, and you boys can have a calm night to yourselves as soon as the party ends.”
“Easy enough. I’ll go tell the boys the good news. Though, from the 500 messages I have, it seems like they already know,” he raised his datapad and scrolled through the long thread of plans Torrent Company had seemingly already solidified. 
The general shrugged and stood up, heading back toward the door. “I know. I had Ahsoka brief them all while you slept. Her idea. She figured you could use the extra rest.” 
Ah, the commander spread the word already. Rex thought. His snippy, brash, and clever little sister–even if she was technically she was older than him and would be quick to remind him of that–was as in tune with the general’s plans as one could be. Rex greatly appreciated the camaraderie that had quickly developed between them, and her involvement always made the boys behave a little better. Plus, smaller missions like this one were a great way for her to take the lead while still in training.
“I’ll make sure to thank her then,” Rex nodded affirmatively. “What time do you need us ready by, sir?” 
“Let’s meet at the Senate Building at 1600 hours. That’ll give you some time to get the guys together. Ahsoka and I are heading out to meet Senator Amidala now. Comm me if you need anything… but try not to need me,” Anakin smirked. With a quick salute, he walked back out into the hallway.
“Don’t worry, General. I won’t,” Rex quipped, throwing his blanket off himself and setting his feet on the floor.
“That’s why I trust you,” Anakin shouted from somewhere down the hall, already in a rush to meet up with his wife.
Rex shook his head and gathered his things, desperate for a hot shower before he had to start another day of protecting lofty senators who never saw the kind of real danger he did. His datapad sat on his bunkside table, mocking him with the reminder of the message he needed to send. Begrudgingly, he shrugged it aside and set off toward the refreshers.
Letting the steamy water roll down his back allowed him ample time to think about what he might want to say to her or how he could possibly explain himself after this long. Sending her a casual message after a week and a half would not cut it. Talking to her and hoping she would understand that he didn’t avoid her on purpose was strategically his best shot. 
However, he knew next to nothing about her. He knew her first name and what she looked like–stars, he’d never forget that face as long as he lived–but her last name, her job, where she lived, and who she hung out with were all a fucking mystery. He remembered her being at 79s with some other women, but he couldn’t pick them out of a crowd even if he tried. Suddenly, it dawned on him that she had spent a decent amount of time talking to Fives. Maybe he knew something.
He groaned in frustration, not at all excited by the prospect of having to ask Fives about women. The ARC trooper would never let him live that down. Besides, he didn’t seem thrilled that Mari had gone for his captain over him in the first place. 
It would be worth it for her. he thought, scrubbing the last bits of shampoo from his buzzed blonde hair and turning off the water. 
Rex scrambled to fit himself into his armor kit and started toward the barracks mess hall, knowing where he would find his men at this hour. The pit in his stomach was starting to growl with a hunger he’d been dealing with since his time in the medbay. All Rex had consumed for several rotations had been soup, and he’d do just about anything for a measly ration stick to change things up a bit.
The smell of what he assumed was nuna nuggets hit him as he rounded the corner, and his mouth watered. If this was how his day was going to start, he had a good feeling. Men filtered in and out of the blast doors as the lunch rush started to ramp up, and he easily spotted Kix and Jesse’s tattooed heads at a table just a few meters away. He counted five men in total and didn’t have to look to guess who they were.
“Hey, Boss!” a loud voice called across the hall. “Saved ya a seat if you want it!”
Hardcase. He knew his hyperactive brother's voice anywhere. Hardcase waved at him, quickly being elbowed to quiet down by Echo.
Rex shook his head in amusement, heading toward them and noticing that the delicious scent of nuna was steaming off a loaded silver tray at the center of the table. He was greeted by Hardcase, Echo, Fives, Jesse, and Kix as soon as he slid into the empty spot on the bench. “Thanks, boys,” Rex said, reaching for a handful of food. “Do you mind? I haven’t eaten real food in a while.”
“What? They don’t do high-class dinners in the medbay?” Jesse joked, arching an eyebrow at him and laughing, knowing damn well that Kix was too focused on saving lives to worry about cooking them 5-star meals.
“No, because if I did, you would never leave my office,” Kix quipped, taking a sip of his electrolyte-loaded beverage and chastising his gluttonous brother.
“Hey… gotta feed these muscles,” Jesse shrugged, flexing a bicep obnoxiously.
Echo snorted and rolled his eyes, shoveling in a final spoonful of his own meal. “Between you and Fives, I can’t decide who’s the bigger fucking show off,” he remarked, looking at the rest of the men at the table for agreement.
Fives sat up and folded his hands, setting them on the table and glancing around knowingly. “Actually, Echo, after the events of a week ago, I’d say someone else here has earned that title.” He raised his brows and motioned toward Rex chomping away at the head of the table. “Was one hell of a night out for you, huh Rex?”
Rex froze, a focused scowl growing as he worked his jaw in annoyance. “Actually, no. It wasn’t,” he responded, setting his food down and folding his arms. “Nothing happened. We got called away right before we could do anything.”
The boys all sighed and shook their heads in disdain. Chasing Grievous around the galaxy only to have him get away again and almost have their captain killed was not their idea of a worthwhile mission. Fives tucked one knee to his chest and scratched at his growing goatee with thoughtfulness. “You at least got her comm frequency, right? I know we were gone awhile. She was probably worried.”
Rex closed his eyes, feeling the guilt punch him in the stomach again, and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, “Uh yeah. I have her info and everything, but uhm, I never got around to comming her.”
A look of pure indignation crossed Fives’ face, and he raised his voice, slamming his fist on the table. “You… had… the hottest girl in 79s… in your fucking lap… and you. Didn’t. Comm. Her?!” 
Rex grinned sheepishly, feeling the embarrassment darken his cheeks. “I know… I know… but I did get shot and was out of commission for a while.” 
Jesse coughed, unconvincingly covering his words, “Bantha shit.”
Rex shot him a look, but he knew Jesse was right. He could’ve reached out to her at any time, but he was too paralyzed by indecision to even try. His retort died on his tongue as Fives interrupted.
“You know, for such a brilliant captain, you can be a real fucking di’kut sometimes.” He took several deep breaths to settle himself, pinching the bridge of his nose between his fingers, and shaking his head. “I can’t believe you probably just let that fucking gorgeous woman get away. I’m so mad at you right now.”
Rex groaned and set his datapad on the table. “I still have time. I just… I want to find a way to talk to her in person and explain myself. But you talked to her, too, so… I was hoping you might actually know where to find her.”
Fives’ eyes narrowed, “Yeah go ahead, twist the vibroblade a little deeper. You wound me, you know that?” He shoved three nuggets into his mouth and chewed away his irritation, muttering his usual excuse to himself that Rex’s blonde hair was the root cause of all his troubles.
The rest of the guys at the table snickered as they watched Rex subtly point out to their most flirtatious brother that he’d won the attention of a person even Fives wanted–without trying. They all knew that bruise on Fives’ ego would take some time to heal because there was nothing he loved more than being the object of everyone’s affection. 
“All I know is her name. Mari.” Rex resisted the urge to swoon, as her name rolled off his tongue. “I don’t know anything more than that. I didn’t get the chance to ask.” All Rex could do was picture her. Every freckle on her face, every curve of her body, every blink of her eyes focused on him. 
“Cap, I don’t know what to tell you. I know less than you do. Besides, she was too focused on you to tell me anything,” Fives admitted, sipping his drink and swirling it in his cup when his signature mischievous smile flashed brightly again. “Think she might’ve known that Mikkian bartender, though. Bright green and very cheery. Made killer Phattro cocktails. Think I had like four of ‘em that night. If we go back there, I’m definitely talking to her again.”
“Her name’s Siviee, Brother. You’d remember that if you weren’t so drunk. You asked her like a hundred times,” Echo scolded, looking at Rex apologetically. “We were all kinda wasted that night, sir. I can’t remember much either and I only talked to your girl briefly.”
Rex sighed, realizing that any more research into his dream girl’s backstory would probably have to come after their mission. “Well, I guess after tonight we could head back to 79s and ask her.”
“Way ahead of you, Boss. The boys and I were already coordinating a meet-up tonight with the 212th. You can stalk her whole entire life then,” Hardcase needled, clapping Rex on the shoulder and laughing.
“I’d still comm her or something, though. You know better than to ghost, sir,” Kix pointed out, reaching around the table to gather everyone’s dirty trays. “And from what I can recall, which isn’t much, you’d be insane to miss out on her. She was a real stunner.”
Jesse scoffed and let out a weighted, lofty exhale. “Oh, you have no idea, Kix. Fives and I were biting our fists whenever she spoke two words to either of us. Every guy there would’ve worked garbage detail for a year just to have a chance with her.”
Rex sat back and smirked, quite satisfied with himself, even if he was on the verge of blowing it. She’d still chosen him, for some unknown reason. Although he was oblivious to it at the time, he had the girl everyone wanted. Coupled with the incredible kiss they shared, he felt more special than he had in a very long time. Kix was right. He had to say something.
“You could invite her out with us tonight?” Echo offered, handing Kix a tray that managed to make even garbage look neat and orderly. “Not that we know what time that will end up being.” 
“Right… I guess I’ll find a way to string words together and I will definitely let you all know as soon as the general dismisses us for the night.” Standing and sighing, Rex shifted from socially anxious to his more comfortable leadership role. He straightened his shoulders and lifted his bucket off the table to tuck it under his left arm. “For now, let’s hustle up. We’re meeting the general and commander in a few hours. We’ve got details to discuss.” He motioned for them to follow and set off toward the strategy room to prepare for a mission that should be easier than most.
Mood lighting in an already dimly lit and unnecessarily confusing maze of a building made for terrible surveillance on a security detail. The crimson-carpeted floors and amber halogen sconces bathed the hallways in the flattering flicker of mock candlelight. Vain senators and diplomats were always paranoid about how they looked, especially for transmissions sent out on the holonet. It was almost always smoke and mirrors, and Rex was beginning to see why Fox complained about it all the time.
Battles and strategy were simpler and the objectives were clear; defeat the Separatists by whatever means necessary. Ulterior motives and personal gain were never factored in. Everything was put on the line to help ensure a Republic victory. The Republic Senate claimed that’s what they were doing, too, but after a year of fighting this war, Rex quickly realized things seemed to get more complicated on a daily basis. He didn’t understand a lot of the political jargon or in-fighting, but sometimes it seemed like they did more to work against the best interests of the galaxy as a whole.
Rex sighed, breathing out the disdain he had for politics he was starting to pick up on from serving alongside General Kenobi. He focused his mind elsewhere, watching the guests beginning to arrive up the red carpet on the grand steps from his post inside Senator Amidala’s office.
Ornately well-dressed politicians and their entourage filed in slowly, the crowd diverging where the senators were directed toward the office and their plus-ones were ushered to a cavernous dining hall, taking their time in showing face to their equally self-important colleagues. Tall, intricate hairstyles, glittering crowns and jewelry, and the billowing fabric of larger-than-life gowns were worn by both women and men. Plastoid might not have been the most comfortable material, but somehow what these lifeforms were arriving in seemed ten times worse. Rex was thankful he could keep watch over the front entrance from the comfort of the transparisteel window.
General Skywalker sat casually on top of Senator Amidala’s desk, watching her chat with a few of her close friends. Commander Tano stood behind it with her arms behind her back and hands clasped together to retain focus. Though they looked serious and intimidating, they’d both been keeping count of the number of hideous outfits they could find, relaying to each other who to look out for on their comms. The whole squad was in on it, and their repressed giggles filled the Torrent company frequency and echoed in his helmet.
It was silly, but it got them all through the mission. If Skywalker wasn’t worried, he wasn’t either. Not really. Since they all arrived at the Senate Building, Rex had done nothing but sweat over the message he’d finally managed to send out to Mari’s comm channel. 
Hey. I know it’s been a while… but I’d like to invite you out tonight to explain myself. 79s at midnight. Hope I see you there.
That was an hour ago, and he had received nothing but radio silence.
Rex stood with his hands on the window sill, kicking himself for sending what was probably the worst message he could have ever composed. On some level, he deserved this. He should have sent her something a week ago, right before they left the atmosphere for their mission. He should have sent her something when he got back to the ship after being rescued on Saleucami. He was laid up in the medbay with Kix for three days; he should have sent her something while he was out of commission with nothing else to do. So why didn’t he? Why couldn’t he bring himself to do something he clearly wanted?
“General? Captain?” Rex’s comm lit up with Jesse’s voice.
“I’m listening,” Rex responded, turning away from his daydreaming out the window and walking over to where Ahsoka stood.
“Yeah, we’ve got a situation down here.” A loud groan and shouting in the background rang out over the channel. “...Representative Binks, sir, calm down! Oh for the love of–Captain, Binks set his robe on fire,” Jesse grumbled, trying to hold back his laughter.
The general turned and rolled his eyes, “Alright Jess, keep it together. I’m sending Rex and Ahsoka down.” He motioned for the both of them to head down and Ahsoka groaned.
“At this point, Jar Jar’s probably the biggest security risk for us tonight,” she scoffed, elbowing Rex for his approval as they started off down the hallway together.
“He’s the biggest security risk every time he’s invited anywhere,” Rex snickered, remaining on alert as he and Ahsoka walked through crowds of glitzy gala attendees who were probably just as flammable.
“Klutz,” Ahsoka remarked, stopping at the lift and pressing the button for the ground floor. “But hey, dealing with him is still better than getting shot at, right?” She smirked at him, lightly teasing him for the ordeal he’d gone through in the last week.
“Very funny, Commander, but trust me, I think we’d fare better with the droids.” He patted both DC-17s on his hips as the lift doors opened and followed after her. Ahsoka giggled and shrugged in exasperation. “By the way, thank you for getting the boys together this morning. You can be pretty thoughtful, kid.”
“You’re welcome. Figured you could use the extra rest. Plus, I think they like it better when I’m in charge.” She nudged him with her shoulder playfully. She had been watching him all afternoon, probably sensing all his apprehension. He had a lot on his mind and he couldn’t hide anything from a Jedi Padawan so keen on honing her intuitive senses. The constant needling and back and forth with his little sister was likely because she could tell something was bothering him. “How are you feeling anyways?” she asked, her eyes narrowing as she waited for an answer that fit her suspicions. 
“Fine. The wound is healing ok. Kix is good with bacta,” Rex replied, the lift slowing to a halt as it approached the ground floor. 
Ahsoka hummed, turning toward him and cocking her head. From everything Rex read about Togrutas when Commander Tano joined their squad, he knew her montrals were hypersensitive to emotional changes and she could sense there was more to what he was feeling. 
“Rex… you know that’s not what I meant–” The doors opened to the ground floor and a rush of gray smoke filling the air interrupted their conversation.
They ran out of the lift toward where Jesse and Hardcase were attempting to subdue a panicking Jar Jar Binks. By now his robe was doused in fire-extinguishing foam and soaked in pond water from a large, splashing fountain in the center of the courtyard. 
The boys, both equally drenched, were unsuccessfully wrestling the frazzled Gungan out of the soggy red cloth and were attracting the unwanted attention of the incoming guests.
“Oh, my god,” Rex groaned, removing his bucket and scrubbing his fingers over his eyes. “Commander, calm the Gungan down, will ya?”
“Happy to,” she replied, jumping between the two brothers and resting her hands on Jar Jar’s shoulders. She used the Force to subdue his panic, and Rex bent down to pull both his men off the ground.
“Fire’s out, Boss,” Hardcase panted, cracking his neck on both sides as he settled himself on his own two feet again. Jesse stretched, resting his hand on Rex’s shoulder and catching his breath.
“Are you all done playing around now?” Rex chided, raising his hand to beckon over an attendant droid serving up drinks to arriving gala attendees. “Hey, can we get a few of those napkins over here?” The attendant droid glided over and handed all three of them a tiny, square cloth napkin to dry themselves off with.
Jesse scowled at him. “Oh, yeah this’ll work,” he grumbled sarcastically, grabbing another fistful of napkins from the droid and sopping up the water droplets collecting around his waistband. “This mission cannot end fast enough. I’m in desperate need of a drink… or three.” 
“Couldn’t agree more, Jesse. I want to be two shots deep on the dance floor so bad… and I know you’re itching to find your girlfriend, Boss,” Hardcase joked, loud enough for even Ahsoka to hear. 
Rex surveyed the mess and dispatched a maintenance droid to mop up the floor with a few taps on his commlink, noticing that Ahsoka had looked up curiously–her sharp blue eyes darting between the three brothers trying to figure out what part of the conversation she was missing.“ Not in front of the kid, trooper,” he hissed, glaring at Hardcase with a look sharp enough to kill. 
Ahsoka stood up, helping Representative Binks to his unsteady feet and smoothing the wrinkles out of her own clothes. She eyed them all suspiciously with that inquisitive ‘you’re going to tell me about this’ look that only she and Skywalker ever could use successfully on them.
“Kid? She’s older than all three of us, Captain,” Jesse argued playfully.
“By about a year I’d say,” she giggled, approaching the group of them and revealing that she’d heard their entire conversation. “Look. Let’s all head upstairs and you and Hardcase can take up the post in the dining room. Go relieve Echo and Fives. I’ll tell them they can take hallway duty. Got it?” Ahsoka offered, pointing Representative Binks away to the helpful hands of Senator Amidala’s handmaidens.
“Yes, Commander. Thank you.” Jesse and Hardcase straightened up and saluted, marching off toward the stairwell closest to their next post.
Rex groaned, ready to kill both his brothers for giving Ahsoka the ammo to pester him even more about personal problems. “Let’s hope that’s the worst of it,” Rex commented. “The sooner we can be done with this place tonight the better. I hate dealing with missions like this.”
“Not a big fan of politicians, huh? You sound like Master Kenobi. My Master doesn’t seem to mind. He’s really good friends with a couple politicians. He took this mission as a favor to Senator Amidala. They’ve been friends for a decade,” she explained matter-of-factly.
How blissfully unaware a child could be. Especially a young Jedi Padawan like her. If she couldn’t even tell what was going on between the general and Senator Amidala, then there was no way she’d understand what he was going through presently.
“Mhm. The General takes on a lot of missions for her if you haven’t noticed,” Rex muttered, heading back to the turbolift with Ahsoka in tow. “I’m sorry, Commander. I shouldn’t be complaining. This is an easy mission–I’ve just had a tough few days.”
She rested her hand on his shoulder pauldron. “Thought something was up. Figured it was best not to pry. Maybe getting back into the swing of things will just take getting used to, that’s all.” She smiled weakly, fishing around in her pocket for something quickly before pulling out a fresh ration stick. “Here. It’s supposed to be for later, but the senator gave me a couple snacks before you got here, so you can have this.”
“‘S alright, Commander. I couldn’t eat right now even if I wanted to.” Rex shrugged, refusing her offer and looking off down the hallway at the hundreds of people filling up the usually cavernous space.
“You got a hot date or something?” she joked, crossing her arms and freezing in place when Rex whipped around to scowl at her. She raised her hands in surrender, “Woah, sorry. Guess I hit a nerve. You’re awfully on edge. Are you sure you’re okay? Did something happen that I should know about?”
Even if he wanted to tell her, he couldn’t. How was he supposed to explain the concept of romantic desire to his Jedi Padawan little sister? It was way too embarrassing. He couldn’t admit to her that a woman was what had been tripping him up for a week. A really, really fucking hot woman. No, not just any woman. Mari.
He shook his discontent away when he saw the concerned look crossing her features. It wasn’t Ahsoka’s fault that she was so perceptive. It made him rethink the idea that she might just know something about Skywalker and Amidala after all, and she was just keeping it under wraps like he was. Whatever the case, he was comforted by the fact that she knew him well enough to sense that something was bothering him. 
“No, no it’s fine. I’m okay. Just have a lot on my mind. We should head back toward Senator Amidala’s office. The general will probably want us on guard outside the doors once the party starts.”
She squinted her big, blue eyes at him like she didn’t believe a word he said, but nodded her agreement. “Alright… if you say so, Blondie. I’m surprised Skyguy hasn’t commed us for an update already.” They approached the lift and she pressed the button to open the doors. “Oh, and about 79s later… when do I get invited to that?”
“When you’re an adult. Trust me, you don’t wanna go. Scraping drunken brothers off the floor is sort of an internal thing for us clones,” Rex explained, neglecting to mention all the debauchery that frequently occurred in the bar. 
Their time off was their business. Whatever the clones needed to do to blow off steam was fine by the Jedi, so long as they didn’t need to step in for any reason. It was absolutely not a place for a Jedi Padawan, and General Skywalker would probably lose it if he found out she set foot inside such an establishment. 
The lift doors slid open and they both walked inside, Ahsoka slamming the button for Senator Amidala’s floor aggressively. “Ugh… I knew you’d say that,” she groaned, folding her arms and pouting slightly. “Being a kid sucks.”
Rex smiled softly, knowing she was mostly joking, watching her roll her eyes and huff the same way his general always did when he was annoyed. They were already more alike than they realized. He wished more than anything that she wasn’t forced to grow up so fast. The clones knew that pain far better than any other lifeforms in the galaxy. If he could help it, he’d do anything he could to let her be a kid the way he and his brothers were never allowed to.
He sighed, giving her shoulder a light squeeze, “Hey, at least you get to be one.” He felt her relax and a sympathetic smile grew on her face, too.
The men of the 501st had grown very fond of their young surrogate Togruta sister in a very short amount of time. While Rex didn’t necessarily feel like he was obligated to protect her or that he was responsible for her, she was truly one of his own. He secretly hoped that someday he and the Torrent boys could be the ones to buy her, her first drink on a night out. Maker knew she worked hard enough on the battlefield to deserve her own shore leave sometimes.
“Sorry,” she apologized, understanding that childhood could be a sensitive topic for a clone. 
“Nah, it’s alright, Commander. Just don’t try to grow up too fast.” They approached their floor again, the lift doors opening mid-sentence, and Rex motioned her forward. “C’mon let’s head back to our post. We’ll have an even better view of all the ugly dresses up there anyways.” Ahsoka laughed as they made their way back down the hall. 
The floor had started to fill up and they could barely make it three steps down the hall before they were shoulder-to-shoulder with Republic senators. Drinks were flowing and conversations were so loud Rex had no choice but to put his helmet back on just to keep up communication with his squad.
“Senator Amidala sure has a lot of supporters and friends,” Ahsoka noted, keeping in stride with the captain as they pushed through the crowd and finally found their way to the office door again. The sea of people filtering in and out to mingle with other party guests was overwhelming and, logically, splitting up was their best strategy for monitoring the situation. 
“Yeah, too many. I’ll take the entryway, watching people coming in from outside. You stand inside and monitor people within the room. The general will appreciate you having his back in there.” He nodded, moving into position just outside the entryway and standing rigidly to survey the area.
Ahsoka took off inside the senator’s office and checked in with him as soon as she took up her post inside, making sure they all took note of the representative from Sector 12 wearing what could only be described as the lifeless corpse of a nightswan.
In truth, Rex was relieved to be back in his own head again. His duty gave him focus and he could mindlessly watch over the crowd while checking his datapad to see if his illustrious dream girl had even read his message to her yet. To Rex’s dismay, she hadn’t. He sighed, letting his helmet clank back into the wall. He was going to have to do this the old-fashioned way; using what he already knew about her, which wasn’t much, to investigate further.
The swell of the crowd heightened as the time approached for Senator Amidala to give a toast before they all made their way down to the banquet hall, and more and more varying species from all over the Galactic Republic made their way inside.
Even having seen so much of the galaxy, Rex felt odd and out of place in this crowd. He hardly knew anything about the world outside of being a soldier, and it made him question whether or not he would ever amount to anything else.
For all that existed in this big wide universe, Rex’s role in it felt both so important and so small at the same time. Without them fighting in this war, there might not be a Republic like this for much longer. However, these people in this lavish setting made it seem like there wasn’t a warfront at all, that the clones themselves were merely props in some elaborate story being woven through rumors every day.
It made him feel about as human as all the droids serving the crowd tonight–like a very expensive security feature that worked so well no one had to give it a second thought. He and his brothers weren’t seen or heard unless there was a problem, and on nights like tonight, there were no real risks for them to be called on to tackle. Maybe Cut was right to find his calling. At least he wouldn’t have to be surrounded by millions of people and still feel like a faceless object. 
Mari hadn’t made him feel like that. She didn’t bark orders at him or act like a helpless damsel from a cushy position of power. She looked at him as a whole person, not just a copy of one. She had spoken to him like she truly cared what he had to say and made him feel like he was worthy of more. He’d give anything to feel that valued again.
For a long time, he would’ve said it was a stupid waste of time to feel much of anything. Victory was what mattered and everything else wasn’t in the cards for him in his lifetime. The last few days felt like an emotional shockwave he was just now starting to recover from. Discussing free will and choice with Cut, meeting his family, and a beautiful, incredible woman falling into his lap; all of a sudden, things Rex never thought twice about were all around him. It was hazing his resolve and clouding his focus with the tentative promise of possibilities for a life beyond war. Maybe there was more to him than he ever thought there could be. Maybe now it was safe to think about what might come next for him and all his brothers.
Just as he started to daydream about a place of his own and every last detail surrounding what and who would be in it, his comm lit up again. “Rex, you all good out there, buddy?” Skywalker’s voice echoed inside his helmet.
He pushed the fantasy from his mind and did a once over of the vast hallway, the crowd now filing into Senator Amidala’s office. “All clear, General. Just a few stragglers. Want me to head in and watch your six?” Rex questioned, already heading in. 
“Yeah get in here. Keep an eye on Snips while I’m busy,” Skywalker ordered. Rex already spotted his general leaning against the window to watch his wife’s back as she prepared her toast.
“Understood, sir. I’ll keep the Commander in line,” Rex chuckled, shaking his head at Skywalker’s blatantly obvious attachment to his wife. It was noticeable as all Sith Hells if anyone bothered to really pay attention.
“Oh, because I was doing such a bantha shit job of standing here at the back of the room,” Ahsoka drawled sarcastically, grabbing Rex’s shoulder and yanking him back from walking directly into a serving droid.
“You’re doing just fine, kid. Just consider me moral support.” Rex fell in line beside his Commander and began a half-serious scan of the room. Nothing was out of place. He couldn’t blame his general for wanting to take this mission, even if it was only so he could stare at his wife in her very revealing purple cocktail gown all evening.
Most clones revered Senator Amidala and she was a common choice of pinup girl-style poster found adorning the barracks walls in many different battalions. Not among his 501st men, though–Skywalker had put a stop to that immediately. The senator from Naboo was beautiful, compassionate, and fierce, but Rex found his stray thoughts wandering back to Mari. She was every bit as stunning as Senator Amidala was, and he couldn’t help but imagine how beautiful she would have looked in that purple gown instead. 
Rex imagined her plump, rosy lips, how soft they felt as they had enclosed around his, and how they quirked up at the corners in a suggestive, sultry smirk whenever she looked at him; her dark hair cascading in long, thick waves down her back like the blanketing depth of a midnight sky; the gentle swell of her breasts as she breathed; the dip of her tiny waist as it curved into the plush of her full thighs while she had straddled him in that booth. She was short, nearly a whole head shorter than him, but what she lacked in height she made up for in spirit. Fiery, bold, and intense like a tantalizing little vixen.
He could see her as clear as day, even now with his eyes closed as he recalled her from memory. Rex never thought he had a type, but he certainly couldn’t deny that he did now– voluptuous and beautifully soft in every place he touched, but also wickedly daring and ambitious.
He had to be more careful with that train of thought because it led to one very unbearable consequence that was making his codpiece extremely uncomfortable. He let out a heavy sigh and forced his eyes open, hoping that he could find something off-putting in this room full of people that could calm him down.
His eyes darted around the room from one ugly outfit to the next, focusing on one overly bloated Twi’lek male senator who wore a robe the most hideous shade of green Rex had ever seen. It made his stomach turn as it reminded him of the green Geonosian guts he had plastered all over his brand-new helmet by the end of the Battle of Geonosis, but it had the intended effect. His body was so revolted by the sight and his traumatic memory that every ounce of arousal rapidly receded.
Ahsoka stood beside him, scanning the left side of the room, which gave Rex the entrance and the right half of the space as Senator Amidala began her speech. While she thanked the crowd for their generous donations and for taking the time out of their busy lives to show up tonight, he only picked up on every fourth word or so, instead focusing on the office’s outer perimeter. He didn’t have to listen to the humdrum of political conversation to stay on task, content to just ignore it until he heard the one sound he never expected in a million lightyears.
Her name.
“I want to thank my incredible junior senate assistant, Miss Mariella Vontas, for helping organize this wonderful event tonight. Mari, we couldn’t have done this without you.” Senator Amidala raised her hand to gesture to someone beside her, just out of Rex’s line of sight.
He whipped off his helmet and stepped in front of Ahsoka, moving until he found a gap in the crowd that allowed him a perfect visual. He froze in place, every limb stiffening and jaw dropping open in utter shock he couldn’t contain. The sight before him simultaneously stopped his heart and made every drop of blood in his veins drain down to fill the space now swelling between his legs. 
Mari stood just a few feet to the left of Senator Amidala, raising her champagne flute and bowing her head graciously at the recognition. Tight, satin fabric in a brilliant cobalt blue hugged the curves of her body perfectly down to her mid-thigh and then flared out to leave a train of blue fabric in her wake. It was barely held up by delicate straps and a plunging neckline that caged in her breasts. Long, dark curls pooled on her bronzed shoulders and swayed behind her back as she turned to smile at her team around her, but the gaze of her brown eyes–his favorite thing about her–seemed to cut through the crowd like a dangerously sharp, seductive weapon only to meet his shocked stare.
She ripped the very breath from his lungs and he stood there, staring in hopeless longing and tuning out everything else around him. She was here. When all Rex wanted was to see her again, here she appeared before him like a gift from the Force itself. She fucking worked for his general’s secret wife, the irony of which was not lost on him.
He’d just gotten shot in the chest a week prior,  but her being here now felt more like a heart attack than that. He was so lost in his waking daydream that he didn’t even feel Ahsoka shaking him.
“Rex! Psst… Rex! Do you see something? Are you alright?” Ahsoka whispered, moving around him to follow his line of sight directly to where Mari stood.
“Hmm? What? OH! No, yeah, I’m–I’m, uh–I’m fine,” Rex stammered in a pathetic attempt to string words together. “So… so fine.” He trailed off as Senator Amidala’s speech ended, watching Mari turn around and saunter out of the door at the far end of the room. He was probably drooling, but he could not be bothered by anything in the universe enough to care.
Ahsoka looked between him and the woman a few times before the realization seemed to dawn on her. “Oh,” she said softly, covering her gasp with her hands. All the inner turmoil she had been sensing off him in waves made sense to her now. She gave him a knowing glare and smirked mischievously. “So that’s why you’ve been so off today.”
Rex just stood there gawking at the only person he’d been thinking about all day, realizing that now was his only chance. After the second raging bulge behind his codpiece died down, of course. He couldn’t embarrass himself further in front of this many people. Unless of course, she asked him to. Whatever she wanted, he’d do it. He’d do embarrassing, unspeakable, definitely unsanctioned things with, for, and to her any time she asked.
After the crowd of Senator Amidala’s colleagues had filtered out of the room, Rex let his feet mindlessly carry him to the banquet hall to take up his next post. He gripped his bucket in one hand and balled his other into a fist to keep himself from shaking as he spotted the shocking blue satin of Mari’s dress again across the room.
“Oh, Sith Hells… Commander, that’s her,” he breathed, rooted to the spot as the crowd around him dissipated to their tables. He watched as Mari enjoyed her drink, the bubbling golden liquid slipping through the lips he could still taste on his tongue. Luckily for him, Ahsoka was quick on her feet and guided him to a less conspicuous corner of the room.
“The girl from the bar that Hardcase was talking about?” Ahsoka pieced together, sneaking a glance at her over Rex’s shoulder.
“Yeah. We met at the bar before Saleucami, and I… I forgot to comm her. And now she’s fucking here. Commander, I’m awake, right?” Rex laughed nervously, now suddenly aware that he had no plan whatsoever.
Ahsoka snapped two fingers in front of his eyes. “Relax, Captain. Calm down,” she giggled. “This is funny. It's like I found your panic button.”
Rex’s jaw clenched in apprehension. He needed guidance right now and actually found himself wishing Fives were here to help him instead. “Commander, what do I do? I wasn’t expecting to find her here.”
“Rex. You’ve fought side-by-side with me through dozens of battles, faced impossible odds, survived being shot in the chest six rotations ago, and you’re falling apart because of a girl you barely know?” she teased, punching his shoulder pauldron. “C’mon, you’re better than that. Get it together and just go talk to her.”
Ahsoka was right. He could handle this. He’d gotten her attention once before, he could do it again. “Cover for me?”
“Yes, of course,” she smiled, urging him forward with a shove. Rex headed toward the table hearing his little sister grumble, “Ugh… boys,” under her breath as he left his post beside her.
When he went to sleep last night thinking of seeing Mari in person again, this was not the environment he had in mind. He was at a gross strategic disadvantage with no leverage whatsoever. He wasn’t even supposed to be leaving his post for anything short of a massive security breach. But hell, if Skywalker could bring an entire battalion to a low-risk mission at a Republic fundraising gala just to hang out with his wife, then Rex could take this chance to go after the girl of his dreams.
Luckily, the table reserved for Senator Amidala’s aides was tucked against a wall, so he could slip up to her without drawing too much attention. However, as he made his way over, all the confidence he possessed seemed to evaporate away all at once. By the time he got there and made eye contact with her, his tongue was stuck to the roof of his dry mouth and his peripheral vision had gone blurry. She was staring at him with a mixture of shock and inquisition, and only then did he realize he had nothing to say.
You kriffing di’kut. he thought to himself. What made you think this was a good idea?
notes: hehehe I love writing Rex's POV more than anything on earth I think. :) also keep watch over my unwritten references, oc: mari vontas and rex and mari🥺 tags for extra little bonuses and brain rot about these two and my various fics about them.
taglist coming soon. im working on a google form for it. ill let yall know when thats ready so you won't miss any updates :)
67 notes · View notes
rexxdjarin · 6 months
everyone thought rex was so proper and by the book and noble and too dedicated to his job and his duty to be dating around
and mari really said.....I bet I could fuck him and incite the freak in him. she unlocked his inner slut and then cuffed him.
truly incredible the power of pussy
16 notes · View notes
rexxdjarin · 1 year
The Captain's Log Prequel
A Captain Rex x OC: Mari Vontas Origin Story
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Chapter 1: Someone New
Series Summary: Mari Vontas has spent nearly twenty years of her life rising to the surface of the bustling ecumenopolis of the Republic Capital planet of Coruscant. Now, about a year into the conflict known galaxy-wide as the Clone Wars, Mari finds herself on a Civilian Rights Committee serving closely under none other than Senator Padmé Amidala. Though her passion for justice fuels her professionally, her personal life has yet to catch up. That is, until a night at the clone bar 79s changes her passion for her job, her historically rocky love life and the trajectory of her destiny forever.
Series Tags/Warnings: Rated E (18+ Only MINORS DNI), canon compliant, canon typical violence, political themes, war references, battle trauma and loss, human rights discussions and most importantly lots and lots of smut and heartstopping relationship drama and fluff.
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Pairing: Captain Rex x OC Mari Vontas Word Count: 8.8k Series Rating: Explicit (18+ only, Minors DO NOT INTERACT) Chapter Summary: The Captain's Log prequel has arrived :) Your favorite couple had to start somewhere… Chapter Warnings: 18+ as usual but SFW, No Smut this time, Mature Themes, Suggestive Situations, Language, Political References, References to Canon Plot, References to Canon, Mutual Pining
21 BBY - One Year into the Clone War
A great outfit and a steaming cup of caf in hand were all Mari ever needed to start her mornings. Before she moved up to the planet's surface where the sun could actually reach her at the break of dawn, caf was the only thing strong enough to wake her and trick her body into realizing it was the start of a new day. Coruscant’s lower levels never got sun, and those who called it home had to rely on stimulants and artificial sunlight to feel even a fraction of the climate the surface did.
No matter how long she lived above the cityscape horizon line, she could never get used to it. Tepid air breezed through her long dark hair as she stood on the platform for the airtram, carrying the cool tang of fresh rain with it that was never present in the stale atmosphere of recycled air in the underground world. The warmth that came from this system’s sun, instead of a manufactured heat source, tinged her exposed shoulders as it rose to start the day.
The platform continued to crowd with lifeforms of more species than she could count. The place seemed more crowded than usual as beings of every kind tried to make their way to work on time. No surprise there, as the galaxy’s capital flooded with more and more refugees from planets consumed by the Clone War.
The war tore entire worlds apart, contributed to mass organized crime and terrorism, and displaced millions every day. The Republic Senate had already spent an entire year funding the conflict, and discussing interplanetary negotiations and organizing relief efforts had become part of Mari’s daily life. Every conflict prompted relief bills, investigative committees, and political lobbying. It was a lot more than she had initially signed up for–an entirely different world than the spying and whistleblowing she had done in the Coruscanti underworld as a young girl.
Still, she could help people–people lost and alone like she once was–without any family to turn to or a place to live. She could make a difference. Luckily, she was placed under the best senator in the galaxy, Senator Padmé Amidala, Representative of Naboo. Padmé headed the special interest Civilian Rights Committee to which Mari had been assigned close to a year ago. It was little more than admin work at times, but it was less dangerous than being a double agent and far better than being a thief.
The airtram approached with a slow, steely screech, doors opening and allowing passengers in and out. Mari filtered in with the crowd, taking the lone seat at the end like she always did. She had a perfect view of the surface this way and, even on her worst days, it made her realize how far she’d come after nearly 20 years on her own. Now, she spent the majority of the short ride to the Senate Rotunda mentally preparing herself for the day ahead. 
General Kenobi had recently reported back to the Jedi Council and Republic Senate after freeing a small handful of Ryloth’s population from a Separatist hostage situation, and the details so far were extremely grim. With the Republic quickly working to provide support to the Twi’leks, Mari and Padmé had spent the last few weeks exploring every humanitarian avenue they could to find covert ways to provide emergency relief supplies to those suffering in the midst of their battle for liberation. 
As Mari watched the airtram approach the Senate Building stop, she sincerely hoped either Padmé or Bail had come up with some ingenious way to transport the starving people some food and medical supplies. Maker knew Padmé’s close ties with her Jedi friends often helped the committee break barriers that other Senators or special interest groups would have trouble circumventing.
The crimson halls of the Senate Building always energized Mari, even when the work got hard. Every one of her colleagues was highly regarded throughout the galaxy and it was an honor to have even a tangential association with any of them. 
She made her way through the bustling lifeforms to the lifts that led to her office. The quick rides were always the same. Most senate staffers like her were too busy to have a real conversation, and senators themselves didn’t concern themselves with the staff of colleagues they weren’t directly involved with.
That left Mari with only one option for socializing outside of her direct coworkers: The hard-working and friendly clone troopers of the Coruscant Guard. The elite troopers were assigned to deal with issues on Coruscant, guard the Republic Senate staff, and even directly assist the chancellor himself.
Mari exited the lift and made a beeline for her favorite trooper’s office. Coincidentally, the senate had given Amidala’s special interest committee an office that was only a few doors down from his, and Mari was overjoyed at the opportunity to annoy him with her presence even more than usual.
She approached the doors to his office, knocking a few quick times and hoping he was there already. Before she could knock again, the doors hissed open and she was greeted by a set of dark-circle-rimmed brown eyes and an exhausted scowl.
“Mari… please. It’s too early to be banging on shit,” he grumbled, motioning for her to come in and rubbing his temples with his fingertips. His office was an orderly mess, flimsis stacked on every corner of his desk and datapads taking up the rest of the space behind them. Mari had tried to help him organize it on more than one occasion but he liked it this way. He seemed to thrive on chaos. That was all he knew as Commander of the Coruscant Guard.
“Well then, Fox, good thing I brought you this,” she smiled, extending him the cup of caf she had carried all the way from her place. He leaned on the front of his desk, looking up at her as his scowl broke with the tiniest hint of a smile.
“Nah, c'mon. I can’t take that. That’s yours.” He waved her off, trying his best to refuse the one thing he obviously craved. Mari knew better than any civilian just how much Fox went through on a day-to-day basis. She could see it in the exhaustion behind his hooded eyes and through the graying hair at his temples that he was far, far too young to have. He never outright admitted that he struggled with a lot of his overwhelming duties as Marshal Commander of an entire planet’s armed forces. But Mari knew, so she did her best to look out for his well-being as much as she could.
“Fox…” she narrowed her eyes, scolding him gently, “take it. I’ll make more in our office.” She stepped toward him, offering it insistently and smiling at him, taking full advantage of the effect her big, pleading, brown eyes had on most men.
He rolled his eyes, sighing as he took the cup from her and shook his head. “Probably gonna be too sweet for me,” he grumbled, friendly irritation creeping into his deep voice. She arched her brow at him, folding her arms as she waited for him to take a sip. He did and his body language immediately changed to one of soothing relaxation, at least as much as Commander Fox ever could relax. “This is black caf…y-you know my caf order?”
“I’m observant. The Senator and I keep extra stocked in our office if you ever need it. That goes for all of you, actually,” Mari pointed out, patting Fox on the bicep and turning to head out of his office.
“Thanks, Sunshine. But the boys and I try our best to avoid being anywhere near Amidala. That’s the Torrent boys’ problem,” he chuckled, referring to the men in General Skywalker’s battalion who always seemed to be around and available if the senator ever needed extra help or security. Fox and the Corries had enough to worry about without getting sucked into anything General Skywalker was doing.
“Well then if I ever see them, they’ll get the good caf before you,” she laughed, turning on her heels and walking out his door. “See ya later, Fox.” He waved back, taking a few more hearty sips of caf as a final response. 
Her office door was already open, filled with more and more of her colleagues starting their long day. She took a deep breath and followed inside, fully prepared for a day of emotionally taxing humanitarian work.
“Good morning, Mari,” a pleasant and gorgeous Senator Amidala called from her private office on the other side of the room. “Your plan to send hydration boosters to Ryloth was a huge success. They were extremely grateful. Look at you, making a difference,” she giggled approvingly, making her way toward Mari’s desk.
“Thank you, Senator. Just tried my best to think of what I wanted when I was in their position. Helps to recall your own experience at times,” Mari explained, drawing upon times she wished she could forget now that she was in a better place. Padmé stopped at her desk and sat gingerly on the edge, adjusting a few of the lights and decorations that came with it.
“Of course. That makes perfect sense. You’re very empathetic and helpful. It’s one of the main reasons I wanted you on this committee. You care,” she sighed, looking out her massive office window at the sun now fully risen on a new Coruscant day. “It’s not always easy finding those who do these days. Compassion is a choice that not everyone is strong enough to make. I’m glad you’re one of those people, Mari.” Padmé smoothed out the wrinkles on her elegant purple robe and stood up, pointing at something on my desk just out of sight. “By the way, I left you a cup of caf. I saw you came in without one. Enjoy and good luck today.”
Mari turned over her shoulder to a massive cup of caf sitting just beside her holopad, already pinging with tasks assigned to her for the day. She smiled gratefully, sitting down to take a sip. Milk and two sugars. Exactly how she liked it. Padmé was truly one of the most thoughtful and giving people she knew.
As she settled in at her desk for the day, she scrolled through her holopad notifications to sort out which tasks warranted action first. Most of them were the usual report write-ups being due or news from Jedi Generals on different battlefronts across the galaxy. That meant a long, long day of typing on a screen. 
Hours ticked by before she could look up from her desk again. The senator was stuck in closed-door holocalls, likely for the rest of the day, and her coworkers had seemingly already taken their breaks. Mari gathered her things and followed suit, heading out of her office and toward the dining hall on the outside patio. Her personal comm that she’d left on silent during her working hours was flooded with messages.
Three of her girlfriends had been concocting a plan for tonight. They’d been trying to coordinate schedules to plan an outing for weeks now, especially to distract Mari from the disastrous end of her last relationship with an ambitious banking clan advisor named Kiro Jorr. Kiro, annoyingly, was the sender of another string of messages.
She perused through his thread first, rolling her eyes at the shallow excuse for an apology he’d been trying to communicate to her since the beginning of the week. There wasn’t anything he could say that would change her mind. He’d done nothing but treated her like a trophy, an object to be marveled at and never heard or listened to. He liked how she looked, voluptuous and curvy in all the right ways, but didn’t ever care about her thoughts or feelings. 
Mari had finally had enough of being seen as only good for one thing and broke it off with the person she thought she’d grow to love someday. She wasn’t exceedingly heartbroken by it. It was a necessary change and she dealt with the loss the way she always did– a few casual hookups and many drunken nights with her friends at 79s. It also helped that her best friend was one of the most well-liked bartenders there.
Siviee Vilhar was the peppiest, daintiest Mikkian in the history of forever. Her pale green skin was tipped with deep purple on all her appendages, and her tinted lips always wore a pleasant smile. She and Mari had grown up on the streets together, supporting themselves by secretly filtering underworld crime dealings and intel to the political committees dedicated to ending such corrupt behavior on Triple Zero. While Mari had her sights set on joining the Galactic Senate, Siviee was more than happy to take the credits as a reward for her work and live a comfortable life being everyone’s favorite vivacious bartender. 
Naturally, having all her girlfriends at the bar dominated by Republic clones was a great way for her to get tips and for the girls to have a guaranteed great time. Nearly all the messages were Siviee encouraging both their friends, Dara and Jamelle, to convince her to join them all out tonight. Mari quickly grabbed salad that had just enough in it to interest her and made her way out to the courtyard to find a quiet place to sort this all out.
It was good timing because Mari had been toying around with finally moving on. Not to her next sexual conquest, but to something real. Someone special and different who cared about the galaxy and her place in it. Sleeping around wasn’t fun anymore and taking the long break she had from serious dating after Kiro was allowing too much of her loneliness to factor into her decision-making. She did not want to go back on her promise to herself because she couldn’t stand being alone for long enough to wait for the right guy.
No. Tonight could serve as her last hoorah, saying goodbye to the reckless party girl who took home anyone she needed to satisfy her. Maker knew she’d never been interested in adding her personal baggage onto the already impossibly full plate of any clone, so 79s would be as good a place as any to dance and have fun for once. Since most clones weren’t interested in long-term relationships, she could go out without any expectations, and no one would get hurt or attached. If she ended up wanting to have a final one-night stand with a clone, then so be it. She could start fresh in the morning with no one holding her back either way.
She erased the meaningless, pleading apology thread from Kiro once and for all and blocked his channel from her comms. That way she’d never be tempted to go back there. She was a different person now. A better one who put herself and the good of the galaxy first– just like her wonderful mentor, Senator Amidala. 
She pinged the thread with her girlfriends immediately after that, solidifying her plans for the night with just two little words:
I’m in. :) 
Every goddamn clone in 79s had their eyes on her. The bolder or more experienced ones tried buying her drinks or asking her to dance. They were all handsome in their own ways, but their approach was wrong. Most of the time, the legions of clones who hung out in the bars were there to blow off a certain kind of steam, and Mari was still deciding whether or not she was up for that this evening.
More than a few times, Mari had indulged in heavy flirtation and banter with clones from lots of different regiments. They were all nice enough, but the days of taking men home to have her way with them were far behind her. She wanted something new, something more stable if she could find it. Stepping foot in a bar filled with conscripted clones--destined for, at best, a very unstable long-term relationship and, at worst, tragic death--was not a great start.
Tonight, the bar was filled with an especially raucous and celebratory group of blue-and-white-marked clones. The notorious and renowned 501st. Mari always heard stories from her other senate-adjacent friends about this particular group’s antics, and the second she saw them milling about the club tonight, she knew she was going to be hounded by all the wrong types.
These boys were definitely fun, rowdy, loud, and entertaining, but Mari’s long days of diplomatic strategy meetings and seminars made her incredibly wary of men like this. This did not stop them from trying their hardest to get her to come home with them. Mari and her friends, Dara and Jamelle, were encircled by a particularly boisterous group of men at the present moment. 
One was tattooed across the face almost entirely with the Republic cog, cementing a permanent and intense loyalty to the Republic. He was the first to ask her to dance, politely offering his hand and nodding coolly when she stepped all over his pride by declining him. He turned to Dara, who looked at her like she was crazy, before accepting the hand he’d just offered her and leading him onto the dance floor herself.
The next smirked at Mari devilishly. With a small 5 tattoo on the upper right of his forehead and dark facial hair covering his strong jaw, he was definitely making her second guess her no more sleeping around rule. This group of clones was already strikingly more individual than the guys from the Corrie Guard she saw at work nearly every day. Reading her body language enough to know she wasn’t repulsed by the sight of him, he chuckled, “What do you drink? Would buy a girl as stunning as you whatever she wanted…” He nodded at Siviee, who started fixing what she could only assume was his usual.
“No– no that’s alright.” Mari smiled gently trying to decline him before she made a decision she knew she’d regret. Mischief twinkled in this clone's eyes like he knew he could probably charm her into accepting it. He’d definitely played this little game before.
“Well at least let me introduce myself then. Fives. The name’s Fives,” he confessed, accepting a drink that looked like purple poison from Siviee, who shot her a holy shit he’s into you glance.
“Yes, I gathered that. It’s tattooed on your forehead,” Mari chuckled, motioning casually to it and rolling her eyes. He laughed and shook his head, amused at her ability to keep him on his toes. She gripped her glass, the few final drips of Corellian Whiskey in it begging to be finished. She tipped it toward herself and sipped slowly.
“Whiskey huh? That’s a big drink for such a pretty little thing,” he flirted, elbowing a third brother who was chatting respectfully and kindly to Jamelle, his chest plate covered in a blue handprint. This man smiled at Jamelle to excuse himself before turning toward them.
“That’s our captain’s drink,” he spoke, much softer than his very brazen, flirtatious brother. “Which…you still owe him, Fives,” he reminded, clinking their glasses together and gesturing over their shoulder at another yet unseen clone. The crowd was buzzing with similar blue and white men, bobbing up and down to music or laughing amongst friends.
Fives sighed out loud, “Oh yeah. Better grab that or he won’t let me forget it.” He waved Siviee over again and motioned for her to grab another glass of whiskey for Mari. 
Siviee glared at Mari as she handed her another drink, motioning obnoxiously to make a move, encouraging her to maybe entertain herself with the exceedingly handsome clone for one last time. 
“Hey, don’t be so hard on him. He never comes out with us,” the quieter one said, turning back to Jamelle and shrugging in annoyance at his brother’s constant interruptions.
“That’s because he doesn’t know how to have fun, Echo,” Fives replied, rolling his eyes while accepting the drinks from Siviee’s bright smiling face.
“That’s not fair. He just doesn’t have the time. As much as he could use it. He works too hard.” Echo shrugged, patting Jamelle on the hand before motioning for her to head out to the dance floor while he waited for their drinks. 
That piqued Mari’s interest slightly. Yeah. A guy like that. Focused on his job, doing what needs to be done. She admired that kind of drive and focus so much in a partner; That same kind of drive she was trying to embody as she grew out of her wild child partying days.
Mari tapped her new glass back onto the counter and tossed her hair behind her shoulders, straightening her body up against the bar top. Fives’ brows raised as he side-eyed her very full set of breasts outlined by her tight black dress. She spun her chair around to look out into the crowd for this hard-working, focused captain of theirs. A guy like that wouldn’t be hard to spot. “Now helping a guy who needs to have a little fun… that’s something I’m interested in,” she mused, leaning back on the bar top on both of her elbows. Fives gaze traveled down her body and she let him stare, silently flexing the power she knew she currently held over him.
He shook his head. “Good luck. Captain’s never so much as talked to any of the girls in here. Usually comes back late to sweep us all up off the floor,” Fives laughed, holding two drinks in his hand and sipping the purple concoction from his own.
“Hmmm… hard-working, responsible, a leader… that’s checking a ton of boxes,” Mari smirked, bringing her new cup to her lips and starting to scan the room to guess which one he was. He couldn’t be any of the ones dancing carelessly in a crowd of equally drunk party-goers. He also wasn’t likely to be one of the very sloppy and reckless ones engaging in something salacious around the back hallways by the refreshers. That left the tables and booths. Each was dotted with men wearing lots of colors, talking to women and men of many different species. Most clones were generally pretty open when it came to the company they kept.
Squinting through the pulsing neon lights, a lone circular table in the corner caught Mari’s eye–just a few clone brothers gathered around talking. Some wore shades of yellow, but most wore the same blue as Fives. I definitely found the right table, but which is the captain?
A group of fair-skinned Twi’lek women walked past them, turning the heads of nearly every man at the table from their decidedly unimportant conversation. All except one, who’d barely even looked up from a datapad he’d been perusing through, and who didn’t have a drink in front of him.
His armor was a scratched-up mess, only certain parts of the white plastoid polished up. His helmet sat on the table in front of him and proudly sported an emblem Mari recognized. Jaig eyes. A symbol of undeniable valor awarded for particular acts of bravery. Not a common signet to wear. If this wasn’t a sign of something different and special about him, then the buzzed and definitively blonde hair was. Mari had never seen a blonde clone before, and she’d seen and met dozens of them.
“Any chance that’s him over there?” she asked Fives, pointing at where he sat with his eyes buried in the datapad at the table. “Captain Jaig Eyes?” Mari smiled fondly, batting her lashes flirtatiously at such a pretty, stoic, and enticing man.
Fives rolled his eyes and nodded. “You’re good. How’d you pick ‘em out so easy?” he laughed, still eyeing her like something he’d love to devour for his last meal. 
Mari took the whiskey from his hand, looking down at her lap before flicking her alluring eyes up to meet his gaze. “He’s the only one at that entire table that didn’t look at those Twi’girls like he wanted to pounce.” Mari smiled up at Fives, well aware of how good she must look to him right now while thinking only of his superior. “Mind if I take this over?” she asked, easing herself down onto her heels.
Fives shook his head, stunned by her temptatious flirting. She’d knocked him off his feet in a way he absolutely wasn’t prepared for. “Uh yeah sure I guess. But when he inevitably and stupidly says no, promise you’ll let me dance with you?” he bartered, gently grabbing her shoulder. While he certainly was nice enough, he was definitely the heartbreaker of the bunch. He was too smooth not to be. 
Sleeping with him would either end in Mari hating herself for going against what she’d promised herself she wouldn’t do or hopelessly falling for someone who didn’t want to commit to her. Stars, if meeting such a unique clone captain tonight didn’t work, then what was sleeping with one more dashingly handsome clone gonna hurt? No, I can’t. She thought. This captain was who she was meant to meet tonight. She had to tell herself that until she believed it.
Mari turned to Fives and patted his cheek softly, “Maybe, but I don’t make promises I can’t keep, Fives.” She looked up into his deep brown eyes through her own hooded lids and blinked away the sultry stare she was using on their captain from afar. She sauntered away from him, feeling his dark, brooding stare on her bouncing behind. “That lucky bastard,” she heard him curse under his breath as she crossed the crowded floor.
The men at the table were happily chattering away about battle plans-this and mission-that. Two sporting yellow armor were arm wrestling loudly to the right, taking turns sipping their drinks, but never giving up their death grip on each other. Next to them was a medical trooper, a red health signet on one of his blue and white pauldrons, casually sipping on sparkling blue liquid and conversing with the others. Directly across from the medic and the yellow boys was another 501st man, his right eye marked with a bright blue geometric tattoo that mimicked the piping he’d painted down the right side of this chest plate. This crew and their tattoos were certainly very unorthodox for having such a supposedly responsible captain. Their captain was tucked into the booth side of the table, propping his head up on a palm in tired frustration, eyes still on his datapad. Mari knew she could break that frustration easily with just a few touches.
As she approached the table, the eyes of every single man seated turned to stare at her with very serious intrigue, even halting the arm wrestling. She held her ground, her tight black dress highlighting her every curve and only serving to boost her outrageous confidence. 
The medic spoke first, “How can we help you, pretty lady?” His brown eyes crinkled into a very kind smile, not a hint of the suggestive nature that twinkled in Fives’ dark pupils before.
“Actually, I’ve got a gift for Captain Jaig Eyes, here,” Mari said rather seductively, twisting the very full whiskey glass in her wrist and biting her bottom lip into an alluring smile. The captain looked up with a jolt, the medic’s elbow to his bicep pulling him from his concentration on the datapad.
“Huh? Did Fives ever get my dri…?” He froze, as his beautifully warm amber eyes traveled from the glass in her hand up the curves of her side to meet her gaze. His mouth dropped open in surprise and his eyes went wide, in shock at the sight of Mari before him.
It was actually quite cute to get such an innocent response from the most highly regarded man at the table. The two yellow clones across from them whistled an amazed approval of her and suddenly the captain was very aware of every set of eyes around him waiting to gauge his response. But he didn’t move. He sat dumbfounded before her, his mouth unable to form the rest of his sentence.
Mari stepped forward, completely unfazed by the tension of the situation, and sat in the empty chair beside him. He reached forward to take the whiskey from her hand, but she jerked it away. 
“No, the drink is for me.” She brought the glass to her lips and sipped, maintaining direct eye contact with him as her tongue slipped past her lips. He raised a confused brow and cocked his head slightly before she set down the glass and slid forward in her chair. She leaned into him, staring deeply into his brown eyes, and ran a few gentle fingertips along his durasteel jaw. “I’m your gift,” she whispered, running a thumb across his bottom lip and smirking at him. 
He closed his eyes and let out a deep sigh, setting his datapad on the table. He ran his gloved hand awkwardly down his buzzed blonde hair at the nape of his neck and met her gaze again. He looked nervous, but the excited sparkle in his eyes was all she needed to see to know that he was more than interested.
“Boys… give me a minute,” he finally huffed out, glaring at the rest of the table and silently ordering them to get lost. Mari smiled at the gesture, grateful that he wanted to talk–just the two of them alone. Already a good sign of how respectable he was, even when she was being so bold.
The hastily dismissed soldiers muttered excitedly to themselves, giggling like schoolboys at their captain actually trying something for once. They all filed away from the table toward where Fives stood with his jaw dropped at the bar. 
“So, do you have a name or am I going to have to keep calling you Captain Jaig Eyes?” Mari joked, pointing to his helmet in front of him. 
He smiled, impressed that she recognized the symbol so easily. “The name’s Rex. Don’t think it’d be polite to have you call me any of the other names I usually prefer,” he said, shrugging casually as if he hadn’t just commanded at least four men to do exactly as he asked without question.
“Rex. Nice to meet you,” she complimented, the name rolling off her tongue delightfully. It was fitting for him. Intense and rough, but something still so perfectly familiar and safe about it. 
“And who might you be?” Rex asked, settling back in his seat.
“I’m Mari,” she responded, watching his eyes crinkle joyfully like his medic brother’s had before. 
He had such a handsome face–a strong rounded jaw, a broad nose, and plush lips quirked into a sideways smirk that fit him so well. His clean-cut blonde hair and long, dark eyelashes highlighted the pools of his honey-brown eyes that reflected almost golden in the right light. He was expressive, too, with any emotion he felt written all over his face.
Yet, he did seem tense. Lines and scars etched on his face showed an incredible sense of wisdom and reflected the struggles of every battle he’d lived through. The war was brutal to those fighting it, and he certainly seemed like he’d seen a lot more than most. The worry on his face was evident, but he was still so pretty, and he needed someone to remind him of it.
“Fives sent you over here, huh?” he asked, looking over her shoulder at his brother, glaring at him in annoyance. Fives was clearly bothered by the fact that somehow his brother had beaten him to the most beautiful woman in the bar without even trying.
“Well, technically I sent myself, but he talked you up. I wanted to help ‘the man who works too hard’ loosen up a little. Have some fun,” Mari said, placing a hand gently on his knee. He looked down at her hand and gulped, evidently not used to getting this much attention.
“Y-you? Want to help me?” he asked in disbelief, letting out a scoff. “The prettiest girl I’ve ever seen wants to sit here with me?” he asked again, leaning forward to grab the drink in her hand. She handed it to him, sliding her other hand further up his thigh.
“Yep. The prettiest girl in the bar wants to spend time with the only man here who I find interesting,” she reaffirmed, placing her now free hand on top of his gloved one. His breathing quickened, his hand turning to grip her delicate fingers. He looked down at her hand on his thigh and his expression changed from one of surprise to determination. 
Shooting another glare at Fives, he pulled her forward, patting his upper thigh and boldly inviting her to sit in his lap, exciting her even more. He was definitely tense and preoccupied, but he wasn’t innocent. Mari obliged, sliding over to position herself on his lap and wrapping her arms around his shoulders. He eased his strong biceps around her sides, a large splayed hand supporting the small of her back.
“Well then, what do you want to know, pretty girl?” he asked, looking up into her eyes with an emboldened and hopeful gaze. He certainly didn’t come to 79s tonight thinking he’d have any girls in his lap, much less someone he was this attracted to. He drew her possessively into his torso, exploring all the features on her face with his expressive eyes. He had passion, that much was evident from the desperate and sultry way he looked at her.
She tipped his chin up with a few gentle fingertips before trailing those touches down the front of his chest plate. “Tell me how you got those jaig eyes, Rex. From what I understand, they don’t give those out to just anyone.”
He hummed in response, impressed by her knowledge and happy that someone was taking an interest in what he had to talk about. “Well that’s a long story…” he muttered, brushing a few strands of hair off her face and tucking them behind her ears. Mari bit her bottom lip and smiled, the gruffness in his voice was somewhat different than his brothers’ and sent butterflies to the lowest part of her stomach.
“I’ve got time, Captain,” Mari replied, “plenty of time.”
The bar was absolutely buzzing with life, more so than it had in a long time. This 501st crowd really did know how to party. They’d just come back from a long tour of duty. For as hard as they always fought, Rex let them party twice that whenever they came home. It was the best way to reward his men for all their good work and distract them from whatever horror or atrocity they had to witness or commit.
Rex talked a long while and Mari listened, slowly brushing flirtatious circles along the top of his chest. He was highly intelligent, more so than most diplomats and senators she was forced to work alongside. He was funny, too, with a penchant for sarcastic and slightly dark humor.
In all the time he spoke, he barely even touched his drink. It seemed like he preferred keeping all his senses at attention to focus on her. He could get alcohol anywhere, but he couldn’t easily find a distraction like her. He looked at her like she was the only person there, completely uninterested in the party atmosphere. Every time Mari spoke up to comment on some part of his story, his eyes lit up and his cute little half-smirk broke up his serious, hardened face.
His grip on her lower back kept her tight to his side as if anything looser would result in her slipping away, never to be seen again. It was the almost subconsciously desperate hold of a man who hadn’t been touched like this in a long while, if at all. He was showing an inexperienced hand–unusual for a man who was so well-versed in nearly every other area of his life. He knew where to hold her to pique Mari’s interest in that way, which proved he wasn’t inexperienced in that department. No, it was deeper than that. It was like he couldn’t believe his luck at having someone he’d barely even let himself dream about sitting in his lap.
The tiredness and frustration that was written all over his face when she first sat down had been erased almost instantly. He looked refreshed and like he was genuinely enjoying himself for once. His heavy brows weren’t scowled in concentration anymore, the tension in his shoulders completely fading away just from having a conversation. Fives wasn’t kidding. Rex didn’t know how to have fun and he really did need this. He looked so much more content than he had just a few hours ago. 
Mari wondered just how much happier she could make him tonight. Her mind wandered to what his bronzed skin might look like under his armor, how incredibly built he must be, and how each little muscle would contract under her touch. She’d never wanted to sleep with someone so badly just after talking to them. She shook the thoughts from her mind. No. He is far too respectful to do all the kinds of debauched things I’m thinking about. He wasn’t the type to take a girl home after one night. Fives said it himself, he never talked to girls here.
Before she could realize she’d been staring, his thumb and forefinger cupped underneath her chin. He tilted her face toward him and she couldn’t help the unintentionally tantalizing look she gave him. 
“You’re not used to this,” Mari giggled, running a hand down his chest further and feeling him lean into her touch.
“I’m not. Especially not from someone as gorgeous as you,” he grumbled, his voice dropping and matching her energy. He pulled her impossibly closer to him, his eyes trailing down to where her breasts were now pressed up against him. He shifted underneath her, his body starting to betray the restraint he’d been holding onto all night.
“Maybe you need to get out more. It’s a shame I hadn’t met you sooner,” Mari pouted, ever so slightly rolling her hips against him.
“Definitely won’t need to go out anymore. Think I might’ve already found what I’m looking for. Or she found me,” he smirked, his face inches from hers, his breathing slow and focused. He was sweet when he was tempting her, cleverly baiting her to go after him. He’d already fallen hard for her but was dragging the moment out. The longer they played this game, the longer they could sit here like this together.
“Hmm… you catch on quick.” She smiled, biting her lower lip to tease him right back. She’d noticed that he couldn’t keep his eyes off her lips every time she did that, and she was sure her lipstick was probably faded from it by now. 
There were more than a few intrigued eyes on them at this point, nearly all of them his men watching from the bar–both impressed that she’d had the guts to go after him and astounded that their captain had actually accepted. How far was he willing to go? 
Mari had promised herself she wanted someone nice, someone respectable. She didn’t want to regress back to the girl who took home whoever she wanted, but who no one ever seemed to need. But those big, desperate, golden eyes of his. Maker how could I resist? She thought desperately. He needed this. He needed to go home with someone who understood him, who had a real connection with him, and who could take his stress away and remind him how fucking good it would feel to be cared for. This wasn’t even about her. She wanted it for him. And she didn’t trust that anyone would take better care of him than she could.
Mari wanted to be the one who tore that armor off him and kissed down the perfectly toned chest she knew he had–to draw away the pain and bruises and brutality of all the battles he fought. She wanted to give him his own personal reward for fighting so hard to protect everyone around him. She could only imagine how good he’d look with his head thrown back, that strong jaw clenching as she swallowed him down the way he needed. He talked for hours about missions he’d been on. Now she had one of her own.
She turned in his grasp, rotating her hips and hiking her dress up slightly to straddle his lap. With her entire center pressed against his, he sat back, letting out a strained breath. He could resist almost anything. But this? This he couldn’t fight. She was everything he dreamed about at night, sprawled across his lap and fawning all over him. His rough, gloved hands ran down her sides, feeling the way her body curved beneath his nimble fingers.
“Stars-- look what you do to me…” he sighed, rutting his hips up into the space between her thighs to make her feel him. The black fabric tented beneath his codpiece, the length of him even harder than his armor.
“I can do that without touching you? What’s gonna happen when I get my hands on you?” Mari whispered in his ear, letting her lips brush against his neck. He growled softly in response, his hands coming down to grip her hips powerfully. Maker, he was strong.
“Kinda want you to find out.” He nibbled at the space beneath her jaw gently. “Do you wanna get outta here?” He asked politely, freeing her hips from his death grip on them and pulling back to blink at her hopefully. 
Mari told herself so many times that this wasn’t who she was anymore. Casual sex wasn’t something she wanted to do anymore. She was looking for something better, someone better. A commitment, a partner. She searched his face for any sign that she shouldn’t do this. Anything suspicious or disrespectful, but she didn’t find it. Everything about him felt safe, understanding, and even protective of her–like there was nothing he would ever do to let anything or anyone hurt her.
He was overwhelmed, too, his pounding heart making his chest heave with anticipation. Every second that went by as he waited for her answer felt like another bit of time she was wasting by thinking too much.
Before she could open her mouth to speak, his hands found the sides of her neck and his lips crashed into hers, as if to convince her in action instead of with all the words he couldn’t find. His lips surrounded hers, tenderly separating them with his tongue. It was heavy and desperate, and a jolt of what felt like a thousand volts of electricity shot down Mari's spine. The subtle tang of surprisingly good whiskey hit her tongue as she remembered the brown liquid they had both left nearly untouched on the table while they talked.
Tension stronger than a tow cable wire suddenly snapped and she relaxed into the mind-numbing kiss. As he pulled away, he rested his forehead on hers and huffed out shaky, lust-laden breaths over her face. 
“Woah,” Rex muttered, blinking up at her in shock over how that felt. 
She smiled and leaned forward to place another few featherlight kisses on his lips. This was something. Whatever this feeling was between them, they both knew it was there, and that was enough of a good sign for her to take the leap.
“Let’s go, Rex,” Mari tipped her head toward the door, suddenly hyper-aware of the entire crowd of people around who probably just watched them pounce on each other.
“Yes ma’am,” he chuckled darkly, his lust-blown eyes now a much deeper and almost threatening shade. She swung herself off his lap quickly, tangling her fingers in his very large armored ones as he stood up. He scooped up his helmet in his other arm and followed her like a lost tooka.
His brothers from across the bar were stunningly quiet, watching in disbelief at the scene unfolding before them. Mari could feel Fives’ eyes especially, wide in shock as he pieced together what was happening. She didn’t just talk about successfully capturing their immovable captain’s attention, she had done it.
The sea of blue and white armor began to hurriedly part for them as they made their way to the door, taking note of the girl who had enraptured Captain Rex. It was like the whole battalion was watching in shock as one of the most notoriously by-the-book captains of the entire Grand Army threw the regulation manual out the window. Although, she was sure it was probably just her imagination.
What was it about her that struck him? Sure, she wanted him and went after him because she never denied herself what she wanted. But why this time around did he accept?
His large hand crept up her forearm, holding tight as he shouldered through the crowd. The room parted for him, barely having to say two words to anyone to get them to follow his lead. It was incredible to watch him so easily demand respect from hundreds of people without batting an eye or getting cocky. 
She’d never seen such humility in a clone leader before. Mari had met dozens of clones, but most were pretty much the same as any nat-born. They were all handsome, built, and smart. They had plenty going for them and they knew it, especially the ones that held high ranks. Fox certainly had an air of untouchable authority about him around his troops, but not Rex.
The men they passed gave him various acknowledgments: friendly cheers, formal salutes, and even what felt like celebrity fanfare. But his reaction to them all was the same: a slow, short nod of appreciation and that cute little sideways smirk, as if the glory and attention meant nothing to him and he was just another ordinary man. 
But he wasn’t. 
No man, and especially none of the other clones Mari had ever spoken to before, had made Mari’s insides tremble and her heart ache like this. Not the ones she saw at work. Not Fox with his sarcastic quips and blunt honesty. Not even Fives’ insanely handsome face. As much as she wanted to be a new person, to not drag herself through another night of meaningless sex with some guy, she wanted Rex badly. The need to have him overwhelm her was too great. Yet, being in his atmosphere felt like a promise of something more.
Her arms erupted in goosebumps as they approached the sliding blast doors, the cool air of the night washing over her overheated body. She pulled herself into his side, clinging to him like he had been to her in the booth. His hand slid down the small of her back, politely guiding her outside first. He looked left and then right, scanning the area slowly for something unknown before turning to her.
“My apartment is on the uppermost levels by the Senate Building. It’s… kinda far.” Mari sighed, doubting that either of them could make it much longer.
“Our barracks isn’t that far, but I didn’t think you’d want to go there. It’s not exactly romantic,” he scoffed, using the hand on her back to guide her closer to him. 
“My place is fine then. It’ll be a little more… private,” Mari muttered suggestively, her pulse thrumming as he held her into his body. “We’ll probably be needing that, won’t we, Captain?”
He let out a deep exhale, clearly trying to contain himself as his title falling from her lips did something obscene to him. “Definitely… especially if you call me that again.” The way he looked at her felt like he could see so much more than just her desirable physical presence before him. His interest was beyond skin-deep; he saw all of her and wanted to keep digging, to explore more of the person he’d clicked with so perfectly. 
Just as he stepped forward to hail a hover cab for the both of them, his comm blinked twice and he froze in place. He shook his head and dropped his eyes to the ground, pinching the bridge of his nose with two fingers. “This cannot be fucking happening right now.” He shrugged and let her go, the few steps he walked away to answer the call felt like lightyears all of a sudden.
Mari felt her heart sink to the ground at her feet. She knew this was too good to be true. There had to be a catch. There always seemed to be for her. “Is everything ok?” she mouthed and he shook his head, his expression fading to one of deep regret and apology, unable to hide his disappointment.
“Yes, General?” He paused, looking over at her nervously like he too felt the cloud of the dream they’d just lived in drifting higher and higher out of their reach. His entire demeanor seemed to sink as his eyelids dropped shut and his shoulders sagged. “N-no, sir. I’m not busy.”
Mari clenched her jaw and closed her eyes, trying her damndest not to get misty-eyed over something that probably would never work out anyways. The way he made her feel could only ever happen in her dreams. She was sure they both knew it. The hovercab they were hailing had finally approached and was starting to get antsy.
“Right away, sir. See you in ten.” Rex hung up his call and walked back over, completely deflated and as stressed as he’d been when she first laid eyes on him.
“Well?” Mari sighed, asking a stupid question she already knew the answer to.
Rex motioned to his comm and then to a building not far from where he’d mentioned the barracks would be. “I’m… I’m sorry,” he offered, stepping forward to rest an apologetic hand on her arm. Mari backed away, not wanting him to come any closer if this is how it was always going to end.
“I get it,” she said bitterly, crossing her arms to her chest to reassure herself since he couldn’t. “Duty calls.” She turned on her heels to enter the cab, but he caught her arm and yanked her back. “What?”
“I…” he stuttered over his words, exposing just how much this was uncharted territory for him. He stopped himself and flashed her that endearing half-smirk that made her heart jump through her chest in a way she didn’t want to admit meant something to her. “I can give you my comm frequency. If you give me a way to reach you, too… ” he laughed, nervously trying to downplay his disappointment.
For the first time, Mari couldn’t read the expression on his handsome face. Somewhere between desperate for this to work and doubting it ever would. He was trying his hardest to do anything he could think of to prevent her from slipping away. 
“Okay. Fine,” she relented. She uncrossed her arms and took out her personal comm, sighing to prevent herself from letting her anger at her plans being shattered ruin the moment. She shared her frequency with him and received his in exchange, raising her finger in wait to hold the cab just a few seconds longer. “But you better contact me.”
“I will, Mari. Promise,” Rex nodded, awkwardly trying to think of anything else to add and sorely wishing he could feel any of the obvious spark they had only a few minutes ago.
“That general of yours better be dying or something,” she joked darkly, turning to finally sit in the hovercab.
“Sometimes I’m surprised he hasn’t by now,” Rex quipped, folding his arms and rolling his eyes playfully. He let his laughter die down and his brows furrowed again, “I won’t forget how you made me feel anytime soon. I promise, Mari.”
Mari sat with her hands in her lap, blinking up at this handsome, noble captain professing something more to her than she could understand right now. She swallowed thickly and blinked up at him, wanting to reach out the cab window and kiss his face all over again. “I know. Take care of yourself, Captain.” That was all she could manage to say as the cab revved up and took off back to her apartment, leaving a crestfallen blonde clone captain standing alone on the platform with his helmet tucked under his arm.
When a day or two went by without even so much as a message from him, Mari sulked in her apartment pathetically and mourned something that never even existed with someone she wished she didn’t have to see the face of everywhere she went.
notes: AHHHHHH ok hi bbys. this series has been a long time coming. Mari's official by name debut has me SO excited. these two are truly everything to me and I hope you love learning about their journey as much as I love telling it.
taglist coming soon! comment on this post or message me if you'd like to be added :)
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rexxdjarin · 9 months
Mari is Rex’s Favorite Welcome Home
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Rex comes home after a long campaign, flops down on his girlfriend’s couch and takes a lil nap only to wake up to his dream girl right in front of him. Mari is his favorite welcome home.
crossposted on ao3
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rexxdjarin · 4 months
Mari sucking on Rex’s fingers slowly whenever she wants him
and he’s dyiiiing over it because holy shit how is he supposed to resist that
just a thot
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