#wip unwritten chapter 1
rexxdjarin · 1 year
The Captain's Log Prequel
A Captain Rex x OC: Mari Vontas Origin Story
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Chapter 1: Someone New
Series Summary: Mari Vontas has spent nearly twenty years of her life rising to the surface of the bustling ecumenopolis of the Republic Capital planet of Coruscant. Now, about a year into the conflict known galaxy-wide as the Clone Wars, Mari finds herself on a Civilian Rights Committee serving closely under none other than Senator Padmé Amidala. Though her passion for justice fuels her professionally, her personal life has yet to catch up. That is, until a night at the clone bar 79s changes her passion for her job, her historically rocky love life and the trajectory of her destiny forever.
Series Tags/Warnings: Rated E (18+ Only MINORS DNI), canon compliant, canon typical violence, political themes, war references, battle trauma and loss, human rights discussions and most importantly lots and lots of smut and heartstopping relationship drama and fluff.
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Pairing: Captain Rex x OC Mari Vontas Word Count: 8.8k Series Rating: Explicit (18+ only, Minors DO NOT INTERACT) Chapter Summary: The Captain's Log prequel has arrived :) Your favorite couple had to start somewhere… Chapter Warnings: 18+ as usual but SFW, No Smut this time, Mature Themes, Suggestive Situations, Language, Political References, References to Canon Plot, References to Canon, Mutual Pining
21 BBY - One Year into the Clone War
A great outfit and a steaming cup of caf in hand were all Mari ever needed to start her mornings. Before she moved up to the planet's surface where the sun could actually reach her at the break of dawn, caf was the only thing strong enough to wake her and trick her body into realizing it was the start of a new day. Coruscant’s lower levels never got sun, and those who called it home had to rely on stimulants and artificial sunlight to feel even a fraction of the climate the surface did.
No matter how long she lived above the cityscape horizon line, she could never get used to it. Tepid air breezed through her long dark hair as she stood on the platform for the airtram, carrying the cool tang of fresh rain with it that was never present in the stale atmosphere of recycled air in the underground world. The warmth that came from this system’s sun, instead of a manufactured heat source, tinged her exposed shoulders as it rose to start the day.
The platform continued to crowd with lifeforms of more species than she could count. The place seemed more crowded than usual as beings of every kind tried to make their way to work on time. No surprise there, as the galaxy’s capital flooded with more and more refugees from planets consumed by the Clone War.
The war tore entire worlds apart, contributed to mass organized crime and terrorism, and displaced millions every day. The Republic Senate had already spent an entire year funding the conflict, and discussing interplanetary negotiations and organizing relief efforts had become part of Mari’s daily life. Every conflict prompted relief bills, investigative committees, and political lobbying. It was a lot more than she had initially signed up for–an entirely different world than the spying and whistleblowing she had done in the Coruscanti underworld as a young girl.
Still, she could help people–people lost and alone like she once was–without any family to turn to or a place to live. She could make a difference. Luckily, she was placed under the best senator in the galaxy, Senator Padmé Amidala, Representative of Naboo. Padmé headed the special interest Civilian Rights Committee to which Mari had been assigned close to a year ago. It was little more than admin work at times, but it was less dangerous than being a double agent and far better than being a thief.
The airtram approached with a slow, steely screech, doors opening and allowing passengers in and out. Mari filtered in with the crowd, taking the lone seat at the end like she always did. She had a perfect view of the surface this way and, even on her worst days, it made her realize how far she’d come after nearly 20 years on her own. Now, she spent the majority of the short ride to the Senate Rotunda mentally preparing herself for the day ahead. 
General Kenobi had recently reported back to the Jedi Council and Republic Senate after freeing a small handful of Ryloth’s population from a Separatist hostage situation, and the details so far were extremely grim. With the Republic quickly working to provide support to the Twi’leks, Mari and Padmé had spent the last few weeks exploring every humanitarian avenue they could to find covert ways to provide emergency relief supplies to those suffering in the midst of their battle for liberation. 
As Mari watched the airtram approach the Senate Building stop, she sincerely hoped either Padmé or Bail had come up with some ingenious way to transport the starving people some food and medical supplies. Maker knew Padmé’s close ties with her Jedi friends often helped the committee break barriers that other Senators or special interest groups would have trouble circumventing.
The crimson halls of the Senate Building always energized Mari, even when the work got hard. Every one of her colleagues was highly regarded throughout the galaxy and it was an honor to have even a tangential association with any of them. 
She made her way through the bustling lifeforms to the lifts that led to her office. The quick rides were always the same. Most senate staffers like her were too busy to have a real conversation, and senators themselves didn’t concern themselves with the staff of colleagues they weren’t directly involved with.
That left Mari with only one option for socializing outside of her direct coworkers: The hard-working and friendly clone troopers of the Coruscant Guard. The elite troopers were assigned to deal with issues on Coruscant, guard the Republic Senate staff, and even directly assist the chancellor himself.
Mari exited the lift and made a beeline for her favorite trooper’s office. Coincidentally, the senate had given Amidala’s special interest committee an office that was only a few doors down from his, and Mari was overjoyed at the opportunity to annoy him with her presence even more than usual.
She approached the doors to his office, knocking a few quick times and hoping he was there already. Before she could knock again, the doors hissed open and she was greeted by a set of dark-circle-rimmed brown eyes and an exhausted scowl.
“Mari… please. It’s too early to be banging on shit,” he grumbled, motioning for her to come in and rubbing his temples with his fingertips. His office was an orderly mess, flimsis stacked on every corner of his desk and datapads taking up the rest of the space behind them. Mari had tried to help him organize it on more than one occasion but he liked it this way. He seemed to thrive on chaos. That was all he knew as Commander of the Coruscant Guard.
“Well then, Fox, good thing I brought you this,” she smiled, extending him the cup of caf she had carried all the way from her place. He leaned on the front of his desk, looking up at her as his scowl broke with the tiniest hint of a smile.
“Nah, c'mon. I can’t take that. That’s yours.” He waved her off, trying his best to refuse the one thing he obviously craved. Mari knew better than any civilian just how much Fox went through on a day-to-day basis. She could see it in the exhaustion behind his hooded eyes and through the graying hair at his temples that he was far, far too young to have. He never outright admitted that he struggled with a lot of his overwhelming duties as Marshal Commander of an entire planet’s armed forces. But Mari knew, so she did her best to look out for his well-being as much as she could.
“Fox…” she narrowed her eyes, scolding him gently, “take it. I’ll make more in our office.” She stepped toward him, offering it insistently and smiling at him, taking full advantage of the effect her big, pleading, brown eyes had on most men.
He rolled his eyes, sighing as he took the cup from her and shook his head. “Probably gonna be too sweet for me,” he grumbled, friendly irritation creeping into his deep voice. She arched her brow at him, folding her arms as she waited for him to take a sip. He did and his body language immediately changed to one of soothing relaxation, at least as much as Commander Fox ever could relax. “This is black caf…y-you know my caf order?”
“I’m observant. The Senator and I keep extra stocked in our office if you ever need it. That goes for all of you, actually,” Mari pointed out, patting Fox on the bicep and turning to head out of his office.
“Thanks, Sunshine. But the boys and I try our best to avoid being anywhere near Amidala. That’s the Torrent boys’ problem,” he chuckled, referring to the men in General Skywalker’s battalion who always seemed to be around and available if the senator ever needed extra help or security. Fox and the Corries had enough to worry about without getting sucked into anything General Skywalker was doing.
“Well then if I ever see them, they’ll get the good caf before you,” she laughed, turning on her heels and walking out his door. “See ya later, Fox.” He waved back, taking a few more hearty sips of caf as a final response. 
Her office door was already open, filled with more and more of her colleagues starting their long day. She took a deep breath and followed inside, fully prepared for a day of emotionally taxing humanitarian work.
“Good morning, Mari,” a pleasant and gorgeous Senator Amidala called from her private office on the other side of the room. “Your plan to send hydration boosters to Ryloth was a huge success. They were extremely grateful. Look at you, making a difference,” she giggled approvingly, making her way toward Mari’s desk.
“Thank you, Senator. Just tried my best to think of what I wanted when I was in their position. Helps to recall your own experience at times,” Mari explained, drawing upon times she wished she could forget now that she was in a better place. Padmé stopped at her desk and sat gingerly on the edge, adjusting a few of the lights and decorations that came with it.
“Of course. That makes perfect sense. You’re very empathetic and helpful. It’s one of the main reasons I wanted you on this committee. You care,” she sighed, looking out her massive office window at the sun now fully risen on a new Coruscant day. “It’s not always easy finding those who do these days. Compassion is a choice that not everyone is strong enough to make. I’m glad you’re one of those people, Mari.” Padmé smoothed out the wrinkles on her elegant purple robe and stood up, pointing at something on my desk just out of sight. “By the way, I left you a cup of caf. I saw you came in without one. Enjoy and good luck today.”
Mari turned over her shoulder to a massive cup of caf sitting just beside her holopad, already pinging with tasks assigned to her for the day. She smiled gratefully, sitting down to take a sip. Milk and two sugars. Exactly how she liked it. Padmé was truly one of the most thoughtful and giving people she knew.
As she settled in at her desk for the day, she scrolled through her holopad notifications to sort out which tasks warranted action first. Most of them were the usual report write-ups being due or news from Jedi Generals on different battlefronts across the galaxy. That meant a long, long day of typing on a screen. 
Hours ticked by before she could look up from her desk again. The senator was stuck in closed-door holocalls, likely for the rest of the day, and her coworkers had seemingly already taken their breaks. Mari gathered her things and followed suit, heading out of her office and toward the dining hall on the outside patio. Her personal comm that she’d left on silent during her working hours was flooded with messages.
Three of her girlfriends had been concocting a plan for tonight. They’d been trying to coordinate schedules to plan an outing for weeks now, especially to distract Mari from the disastrous end of her last relationship with an ambitious banking clan advisor named Kiro Jorr. Kiro, annoyingly, was the sender of another string of messages.
She perused through his thread first, rolling her eyes at the shallow excuse for an apology he’d been trying to communicate to her since the beginning of the week. There wasn’t anything he could say that would change her mind. He’d done nothing but treated her like a trophy, an object to be marveled at and never heard or listened to. He liked how she looked, voluptuous and curvy in all the right ways, but didn’t ever care about her thoughts or feelings. 
Mari had finally had enough of being seen as only good for one thing and broke it off with the person she thought she’d grow to love someday. She wasn’t exceedingly heartbroken by it. It was a necessary change and she dealt with the loss the way she always did– a few casual hookups and many drunken nights with her friends at 79s. It also helped that her best friend was one of the most well-liked bartenders there.
Siviee Vilhar was the peppiest, daintiest Mikkian in the history of forever. Her pale green skin was tipped with deep purple on all her appendages, and her tinted lips always wore a pleasant smile. She and Mari had grown up on the streets together, supporting themselves by secretly filtering underworld crime dealings and intel to the political committees dedicated to ending such corrupt behavior on Triple Zero. While Mari had her sights set on joining the Galactic Senate, Siviee was more than happy to take the credits as a reward for her work and live a comfortable life being everyone’s favorite vivacious bartender. 
Naturally, having all her girlfriends at the bar dominated by Republic clones was a great way for her to get tips and for the girls to have a guaranteed great time. Nearly all the messages were Siviee encouraging both their friends, Dara and Jamelle, to convince her to join them all out tonight. Mari quickly grabbed salad that had just enough in it to interest her and made her way out to the courtyard to find a quiet place to sort this all out.
It was good timing because Mari had been toying around with finally moving on. Not to her next sexual conquest, but to something real. Someone special and different who cared about the galaxy and her place in it. Sleeping around wasn’t fun anymore and taking the long break she had from serious dating after Kiro was allowing too much of her loneliness to factor into her decision-making. She did not want to go back on her promise to herself because she couldn’t stand being alone for long enough to wait for the right guy.
No. Tonight could serve as her last hoorah, saying goodbye to the reckless party girl who took home anyone she needed to satisfy her. Maker knew she’d never been interested in adding her personal baggage onto the already impossibly full plate of any clone, so 79s would be as good a place as any to dance and have fun for once. Since most clones weren’t interested in long-term relationships, she could go out without any expectations, and no one would get hurt or attached. If she ended up wanting to have a final one-night stand with a clone, then so be it. She could start fresh in the morning with no one holding her back either way.
She erased the meaningless, pleading apology thread from Kiro once and for all and blocked his channel from her comms. That way she’d never be tempted to go back there. She was a different person now. A better one who put herself and the good of the galaxy first– just like her wonderful mentor, Senator Amidala. 
She pinged the thread with her girlfriends immediately after that, solidifying her plans for the night with just two little words:
I’m in. :) 
Every goddamn clone in 79s had their eyes on her. The bolder or more experienced ones tried buying her drinks or asking her to dance. They were all handsome in their own ways, but their approach was wrong. Most of the time, the legions of clones who hung out in the bars were there to blow off a certain kind of steam, and Mari was still deciding whether or not she was up for that this evening.
More than a few times, Mari had indulged in heavy flirtation and banter with clones from lots of different regiments. They were all nice enough, but the days of taking men home to have her way with them were far behind her. She wanted something new, something more stable if she could find it. Stepping foot in a bar filled with conscripted clones--destined for, at best, a very unstable long-term relationship and, at worst, tragic death--was not a great start.
Tonight, the bar was filled with an especially raucous and celebratory group of blue-and-white-marked clones. The notorious and renowned 501st. Mari always heard stories from her other senate-adjacent friends about this particular group’s antics, and the second she saw them milling about the club tonight, she knew she was going to be hounded by all the wrong types.
These boys were definitely fun, rowdy, loud, and entertaining, but Mari’s long days of diplomatic strategy meetings and seminars made her incredibly wary of men like this. This did not stop them from trying their hardest to get her to come home with them. Mari and her friends, Dara and Jamelle, were encircled by a particularly boisterous group of men at the present moment. 
One was tattooed across the face almost entirely with the Republic cog, cementing a permanent and intense loyalty to the Republic. He was the first to ask her to dance, politely offering his hand and nodding coolly when she stepped all over his pride by declining him. He turned to Dara, who looked at her like she was crazy, before accepting the hand he’d just offered her and leading him onto the dance floor herself.
The next smirked at Mari devilishly. With a small 5 tattoo on the upper right of his forehead and dark facial hair covering his strong jaw, he was definitely making her second guess her no more sleeping around rule. This group of clones was already strikingly more individual than the guys from the Corrie Guard she saw at work nearly every day. Reading her body language enough to know she wasn’t repulsed by the sight of him, he chuckled, “What do you drink? Would buy a girl as stunning as you whatever she wanted…” He nodded at Siviee, who started fixing what she could only assume was his usual.
“No– no that’s alright.” Mari smiled gently trying to decline him before she made a decision she knew she’d regret. Mischief twinkled in this clone's eyes like he knew he could probably charm her into accepting it. He’d definitely played this little game before.
“Well at least let me introduce myself then. Fives. The name’s Fives,” he confessed, accepting a drink that looked like purple poison from Siviee, who shot her a holy shit he’s into you glance.
“Yes, I gathered that. It’s tattooed on your forehead,” Mari chuckled, motioning casually to it and rolling her eyes. He laughed and shook his head, amused at her ability to keep him on his toes. She gripped her glass, the few final drips of Corellian Whiskey in it begging to be finished. She tipped it toward herself and sipped slowly.
“Whiskey huh? That’s a big drink for such a pretty little thing,” he flirted, elbowing a third brother who was chatting respectfully and kindly to Jamelle, his chest plate covered in a blue handprint. This man smiled at Jamelle to excuse himself before turning toward them.
“That’s our captain’s drink,” he spoke, much softer than his very brazen, flirtatious brother. “Which…you still owe him, Fives,” he reminded, clinking their glasses together and gesturing over their shoulder at another yet unseen clone. The crowd was buzzing with similar blue and white men, bobbing up and down to music or laughing amongst friends.
Fives sighed out loud, “Oh yeah. Better grab that or he won’t let me forget it.” He waved Siviee over again and motioned for her to grab another glass of whiskey for Mari. 
Siviee glared at Mari as she handed her another drink, motioning obnoxiously to make a move, encouraging her to maybe entertain herself with the exceedingly handsome clone for one last time. 
“Hey, don’t be so hard on him. He never comes out with us,” the quieter one said, turning back to Jamelle and shrugging in annoyance at his brother’s constant interruptions.
“That’s because he doesn’t know how to have fun, Echo,” Fives replied, rolling his eyes while accepting the drinks from Siviee’s bright smiling face.
“That’s not fair. He just doesn’t have the time. As much as he could use it. He works too hard.” Echo shrugged, patting Jamelle on the hand before motioning for her to head out to the dance floor while he waited for their drinks. 
That piqued Mari’s interest slightly. Yeah. A guy like that. Focused on his job, doing what needs to be done. She admired that kind of drive and focus so much in a partner; That same kind of drive she was trying to embody as she grew out of her wild child partying days.
Mari tapped her new glass back onto the counter and tossed her hair behind her shoulders, straightening her body up against the bar top. Fives’ brows raised as he side-eyed her very full set of breasts outlined by her tight black dress. She spun her chair around to look out into the crowd for this hard-working, focused captain of theirs. A guy like that wouldn’t be hard to spot. “Now helping a guy who needs to have a little fun… that’s something I’m interested in,” she mused, leaning back on the bar top on both of her elbows. Fives gaze traveled down her body and she let him stare, silently flexing the power she knew she currently held over him.
He shook his head. “Good luck. Captain’s never so much as talked to any of the girls in here. Usually comes back late to sweep us all up off the floor,” Fives laughed, holding two drinks in his hand and sipping the purple concoction from his own.
“Hmmm… hard-working, responsible, a leader… that’s checking a ton of boxes,” Mari smirked, bringing her new cup to her lips and starting to scan the room to guess which one he was. He couldn’t be any of the ones dancing carelessly in a crowd of equally drunk party-goers. He also wasn’t likely to be one of the very sloppy and reckless ones engaging in something salacious around the back hallways by the refreshers. That left the tables and booths. Each was dotted with men wearing lots of colors, talking to women and men of many different species. Most clones were generally pretty open when it came to the company they kept.
Squinting through the pulsing neon lights, a lone circular table in the corner caught Mari’s eye–just a few clone brothers gathered around talking. Some wore shades of yellow, but most wore the same blue as Fives. I definitely found the right table, but which is the captain?
A group of fair-skinned Twi’lek women walked past them, turning the heads of nearly every man at the table from their decidedly unimportant conversation. All except one, who’d barely even looked up from a datapad he’d been perusing through, and who didn’t have a drink in front of him.
His armor was a scratched-up mess, only certain parts of the white plastoid polished up. His helmet sat on the table in front of him and proudly sported an emblem Mari recognized. Jaig eyes. A symbol of undeniable valor awarded for particular acts of bravery. Not a common signet to wear. If this wasn’t a sign of something different and special about him, then the buzzed and definitively blonde hair was. Mari had never seen a blonde clone before, and she’d seen and met dozens of them.
“Any chance that’s him over there?” she asked Fives, pointing at where he sat with his eyes buried in the datapad at the table. “Captain Jaig Eyes?” Mari smiled fondly, batting her lashes flirtatiously at such a pretty, stoic, and enticing man.
Fives rolled his eyes and nodded. “You’re good. How’d you pick ‘em out so easy?” he laughed, still eyeing her like something he’d love to devour for his last meal. 
Mari took the whiskey from his hand, looking down at her lap before flicking her alluring eyes up to meet his gaze. “He’s the only one at that entire table that didn’t look at those Twi’girls like he wanted to pounce.” Mari smiled up at Fives, well aware of how good she must look to him right now while thinking only of his superior. “Mind if I take this over?” she asked, easing herself down onto her heels.
Fives shook his head, stunned by her temptatious flirting. She’d knocked him off his feet in a way he absolutely wasn’t prepared for. “Uh yeah sure I guess. But when he inevitably and stupidly says no, promise you’ll let me dance with you?” he bartered, gently grabbing her shoulder. While he certainly was nice enough, he was definitely the heartbreaker of the bunch. He was too smooth not to be. 
Sleeping with him would either end in Mari hating herself for going against what she’d promised herself she wouldn’t do or hopelessly falling for someone who didn’t want to commit to her. Stars, if meeting such a unique clone captain tonight didn’t work, then what was sleeping with one more dashingly handsome clone gonna hurt? No, I can’t. She thought. This captain was who she was meant to meet tonight. She had to tell herself that until she believed it.
Mari turned to Fives and patted his cheek softly, “Maybe, but I don’t make promises I can’t keep, Fives.” She looked up into his deep brown eyes through her own hooded lids and blinked away the sultry stare she was using on their captain from afar. She sauntered away from him, feeling his dark, brooding stare on her bouncing behind. “That lucky bastard,” she heard him curse under his breath as she crossed the crowded floor.
The men at the table were happily chattering away about battle plans-this and mission-that. Two sporting yellow armor were arm wrestling loudly to the right, taking turns sipping their drinks, but never giving up their death grip on each other. Next to them was a medical trooper, a red health signet on one of his blue and white pauldrons, casually sipping on sparkling blue liquid and conversing with the others. Directly across from the medic and the yellow boys was another 501st man, his right eye marked with a bright blue geometric tattoo that mimicked the piping he’d painted down the right side of this chest plate. This crew and their tattoos were certainly very unorthodox for having such a supposedly responsible captain. Their captain was tucked into the booth side of the table, propping his head up on a palm in tired frustration, eyes still on his datapad. Mari knew she could break that frustration easily with just a few touches.
As she approached the table, the eyes of every single man seated turned to stare at her with very serious intrigue, even halting the arm wrestling. She held her ground, her tight black dress highlighting her every curve and only serving to boost her outrageous confidence. 
The medic spoke first, “How can we help you, pretty lady?” His brown eyes crinkled into a very kind smile, not a hint of the suggestive nature that twinkled in Fives’ dark pupils before.
“Actually, I’ve got a gift for Captain Jaig Eyes, here,” Mari said rather seductively, twisting the very full whiskey glass in her wrist and biting her bottom lip into an alluring smile. The captain looked up with a jolt, the medic’s elbow to his bicep pulling him from his concentration on the datapad.
“Huh? Did Fives ever get my dri…?” He froze, as his beautifully warm amber eyes traveled from the glass in her hand up the curves of her side to meet her gaze. His mouth dropped open in surprise and his eyes went wide, in shock at the sight of Mari before him.
It was actually quite cute to get such an innocent response from the most highly regarded man at the table. The two yellow clones across from them whistled an amazed approval of her and suddenly the captain was very aware of every set of eyes around him waiting to gauge his response. But he didn’t move. He sat dumbfounded before her, his mouth unable to form the rest of his sentence.
Mari stepped forward, completely unfazed by the tension of the situation, and sat in the empty chair beside him. He reached forward to take the whiskey from her hand, but she jerked it away. 
“No, the drink is for me.” She brought the glass to her lips and sipped, maintaining direct eye contact with him as her tongue slipped past her lips. He raised a confused brow and cocked his head slightly before she set down the glass and slid forward in her chair. She leaned into him, staring deeply into his brown eyes, and ran a few gentle fingertips along his durasteel jaw. “I’m your gift,” she whispered, running a thumb across his bottom lip and smirking at him. 
He closed his eyes and let out a deep sigh, setting his datapad on the table. He ran his gloved hand awkwardly down his buzzed blonde hair at the nape of his neck and met her gaze again. He looked nervous, but the excited sparkle in his eyes was all she needed to see to know that he was more than interested.
“Boys… give me a minute,” he finally huffed out, glaring at the rest of the table and silently ordering them to get lost. Mari smiled at the gesture, grateful that he wanted to talk–just the two of them alone. Already a good sign of how respectable he was, even when she was being so bold.
The hastily dismissed soldiers muttered excitedly to themselves, giggling like schoolboys at their captain actually trying something for once. They all filed away from the table toward where Fives stood with his jaw dropped at the bar. 
“So, do you have a name or am I going to have to keep calling you Captain Jaig Eyes?” Mari joked, pointing to his helmet in front of him. 
He smiled, impressed that she recognized the symbol so easily. “The name’s Rex. Don’t think it’d be polite to have you call me any of the other names I usually prefer,” he said, shrugging casually as if he hadn’t just commanded at least four men to do exactly as he asked without question.
“Rex. Nice to meet you,” she complimented, the name rolling off her tongue delightfully. It was fitting for him. Intense and rough, but something still so perfectly familiar and safe about it. 
“And who might you be?” Rex asked, settling back in his seat.
“I’m Mari,” she responded, watching his eyes crinkle joyfully like his medic brother’s had before. 
He had such a handsome face–a strong rounded jaw, a broad nose, and plush lips quirked into a sideways smirk that fit him so well. His clean-cut blonde hair and long, dark eyelashes highlighted the pools of his honey-brown eyes that reflected almost golden in the right light. He was expressive, too, with any emotion he felt written all over his face.
Yet, he did seem tense. Lines and scars etched on his face showed an incredible sense of wisdom and reflected the struggles of every battle he’d lived through. The war was brutal to those fighting it, and he certainly seemed like he’d seen a lot more than most. The worry on his face was evident, but he was still so pretty, and he needed someone to remind him of it.
“Fives sent you over here, huh?” he asked, looking over her shoulder at his brother, glaring at him in annoyance. Fives was clearly bothered by the fact that somehow his brother had beaten him to the most beautiful woman in the bar without even trying.
“Well, technically I sent myself, but he talked you up. I wanted to help ‘the man who works too hard’ loosen up a little. Have some fun,” Mari said, placing a hand gently on his knee. He looked down at her hand and gulped, evidently not used to getting this much attention.
“Y-you? Want to help me?” he asked in disbelief, letting out a scoff. “The prettiest girl I’ve ever seen wants to sit here with me?” he asked again, leaning forward to grab the drink in her hand. She handed it to him, sliding her other hand further up his thigh.
“Yep. The prettiest girl in the bar wants to spend time with the only man here who I find interesting,” she reaffirmed, placing her now free hand on top of his gloved one. His breathing quickened, his hand turning to grip her delicate fingers. He looked down at her hand on his thigh and his expression changed from one of surprise to determination. 
Shooting another glare at Fives, he pulled her forward, patting his upper thigh and boldly inviting her to sit in his lap, exciting her even more. He was definitely tense and preoccupied, but he wasn’t innocent. Mari obliged, sliding over to position herself on his lap and wrapping her arms around his shoulders. He eased his strong biceps around her sides, a large splayed hand supporting the small of her back.
“Well then, what do you want to know, pretty girl?” he asked, looking up into her eyes with an emboldened and hopeful gaze. He certainly didn’t come to 79s tonight thinking he’d have any girls in his lap, much less someone he was this attracted to. He drew her possessively into his torso, exploring all the features on her face with his expressive eyes. He had passion, that much was evident from the desperate and sultry way he looked at her.
She tipped his chin up with a few gentle fingertips before trailing those touches down the front of his chest plate. “Tell me how you got those jaig eyes, Rex. From what I understand, they don’t give those out to just anyone.”
He hummed in response, impressed by her knowledge and happy that someone was taking an interest in what he had to talk about. “Well that’s a long story…” he muttered, brushing a few strands of hair off her face and tucking them behind her ears. Mari bit her bottom lip and smiled, the gruffness in his voice was somewhat different than his brothers’ and sent butterflies to the lowest part of her stomach.
“I’ve got time, Captain,” Mari replied, “plenty of time.”
The bar was absolutely buzzing with life, more so than it had in a long time. This 501st crowd really did know how to party. They’d just come back from a long tour of duty. For as hard as they always fought, Rex let them party twice that whenever they came home. It was the best way to reward his men for all their good work and distract them from whatever horror or atrocity they had to witness or commit.
Rex talked a long while and Mari listened, slowly brushing flirtatious circles along the top of his chest. He was highly intelligent, more so than most diplomats and senators she was forced to work alongside. He was funny, too, with a penchant for sarcastic and slightly dark humor.
In all the time he spoke, he barely even touched his drink. It seemed like he preferred keeping all his senses at attention to focus on her. He could get alcohol anywhere, but he couldn’t easily find a distraction like her. He looked at her like she was the only person there, completely uninterested in the party atmosphere. Every time Mari spoke up to comment on some part of his story, his eyes lit up and his cute little half-smirk broke up his serious, hardened face.
His grip on her lower back kept her tight to his side as if anything looser would result in her slipping away, never to be seen again. It was the almost subconsciously desperate hold of a man who hadn’t been touched like this in a long while, if at all. He was showing an inexperienced hand–unusual for a man who was so well-versed in nearly every other area of his life. He knew where to hold her to pique Mari’s interest in that way, which proved he wasn’t inexperienced in that department. No, it was deeper than that. It was like he couldn’t believe his luck at having someone he’d barely even let himself dream about sitting in his lap.
The tiredness and frustration that was written all over his face when she first sat down had been erased almost instantly. He looked refreshed and like he was genuinely enjoying himself for once. His heavy brows weren’t scowled in concentration anymore, the tension in his shoulders completely fading away just from having a conversation. Fives wasn’t kidding. Rex didn’t know how to have fun and he really did need this. He looked so much more content than he had just a few hours ago. 
Mari wondered just how much happier she could make him tonight. Her mind wandered to what his bronzed skin might look like under his armor, how incredibly built he must be, and how each little muscle would contract under her touch. She’d never wanted to sleep with someone so badly just after talking to them. She shook the thoughts from her mind. No. He is far too respectful to do all the kinds of debauched things I’m thinking about. He wasn’t the type to take a girl home after one night. Fives said it himself, he never talked to girls here.
Before she could realize she’d been staring, his thumb and forefinger cupped underneath her chin. He tilted her face toward him and she couldn’t help the unintentionally tantalizing look she gave him. 
“You’re not used to this,” Mari giggled, running a hand down his chest further and feeling him lean into her touch.
“I’m not. Especially not from someone as gorgeous as you,” he grumbled, his voice dropping and matching her energy. He pulled her impossibly closer to him, his eyes trailing down to where her breasts were now pressed up against him. He shifted underneath her, his body starting to betray the restraint he’d been holding onto all night.
“Maybe you need to get out more. It’s a shame I hadn’t met you sooner,” Mari pouted, ever so slightly rolling her hips against him.
“Definitely won’t need to go out anymore. Think I might’ve already found what I’m looking for. Or she found me,” he smirked, his face inches from hers, his breathing slow and focused. He was sweet when he was tempting her, cleverly baiting her to go after him. He’d already fallen hard for her but was dragging the moment out. The longer they played this game, the longer they could sit here like this together.
“Hmm… you catch on quick.” She smiled, biting her lower lip to tease him right back. She’d noticed that he couldn’t keep his eyes off her lips every time she did that, and she was sure her lipstick was probably faded from it by now. 
There were more than a few intrigued eyes on them at this point, nearly all of them his men watching from the bar–both impressed that she’d had the guts to go after him and astounded that their captain had actually accepted. How far was he willing to go? 
Mari had promised herself she wanted someone nice, someone respectable. She didn’t want to regress back to the girl who took home whoever she wanted, but who no one ever seemed to need. But those big, desperate, golden eyes of his. Maker how could I resist? She thought desperately. He needed this. He needed to go home with someone who understood him, who had a real connection with him, and who could take his stress away and remind him how fucking good it would feel to be cared for. This wasn’t even about her. She wanted it for him. And she didn’t trust that anyone would take better care of him than she could.
Mari wanted to be the one who tore that armor off him and kissed down the perfectly toned chest she knew he had–to draw away the pain and bruises and brutality of all the battles he fought. She wanted to give him his own personal reward for fighting so hard to protect everyone around him. She could only imagine how good he’d look with his head thrown back, that strong jaw clenching as she swallowed him down the way he needed. He talked for hours about missions he’d been on. Now she had one of her own.
She turned in his grasp, rotating her hips and hiking her dress up slightly to straddle his lap. With her entire center pressed against his, he sat back, letting out a strained breath. He could resist almost anything. But this? This he couldn’t fight. She was everything he dreamed about at night, sprawled across his lap and fawning all over him. His rough, gloved hands ran down her sides, feeling the way her body curved beneath his nimble fingers.
“Stars-- look what you do to me…” he sighed, rutting his hips up into the space between her thighs to make her feel him. The black fabric tented beneath his codpiece, the length of him even harder than his armor.
“I can do that without touching you? What’s gonna happen when I get my hands on you?” Mari whispered in his ear, letting her lips brush against his neck. He growled softly in response, his hands coming down to grip her hips powerfully. Maker, he was strong.
“Kinda want you to find out.” He nibbled at the space beneath her jaw gently. “Do you wanna get outta here?” He asked politely, freeing her hips from his death grip on them and pulling back to blink at her hopefully. 
Mari told herself so many times that this wasn’t who she was anymore. Casual sex wasn’t something she wanted to do anymore. She was looking for something better, someone better. A commitment, a partner. She searched his face for any sign that she shouldn’t do this. Anything suspicious or disrespectful, but she didn’t find it. Everything about him felt safe, understanding, and even protective of her–like there was nothing he would ever do to let anything or anyone hurt her.
He was overwhelmed, too, his pounding heart making his chest heave with anticipation. Every second that went by as he waited for her answer felt like another bit of time she was wasting by thinking too much.
Before she could open her mouth to speak, his hands found the sides of her neck and his lips crashed into hers, as if to convince her in action instead of with all the words he couldn’t find. His lips surrounded hers, tenderly separating them with his tongue. It was heavy and desperate, and a jolt of what felt like a thousand volts of electricity shot down Mari's spine. The subtle tang of surprisingly good whiskey hit her tongue as she remembered the brown liquid they had both left nearly untouched on the table while they talked.
Tension stronger than a tow cable wire suddenly snapped and she relaxed into the mind-numbing kiss. As he pulled away, he rested his forehead on hers and huffed out shaky, lust-laden breaths over her face. 
“Woah,” Rex muttered, blinking up at her in shock over how that felt. 
She smiled and leaned forward to place another few featherlight kisses on his lips. This was something. Whatever this feeling was between them, they both knew it was there, and that was enough of a good sign for her to take the leap.
“Let’s go, Rex,” Mari tipped her head toward the door, suddenly hyper-aware of the entire crowd of people around who probably just watched them pounce on each other.
“Yes ma’am,” he chuckled darkly, his lust-blown eyes now a much deeper and almost threatening shade. She swung herself off his lap quickly, tangling her fingers in his very large armored ones as he stood up. He scooped up his helmet in his other arm and followed her like a lost tooka.
His brothers from across the bar were stunningly quiet, watching in disbelief at the scene unfolding before them. Mari could feel Fives’ eyes especially, wide in shock as he pieced together what was happening. She didn’t just talk about successfully capturing their immovable captain’s attention, she had done it.
The sea of blue and white armor began to hurriedly part for them as they made their way to the door, taking note of the girl who had enraptured Captain Rex. It was like the whole battalion was watching in shock as one of the most notoriously by-the-book captains of the entire Grand Army threw the regulation manual out the window. Although, she was sure it was probably just her imagination.
What was it about her that struck him? Sure, she wanted him and went after him because she never denied herself what she wanted. But why this time around did he accept?
His large hand crept up her forearm, holding tight as he shouldered through the crowd. The room parted for him, barely having to say two words to anyone to get them to follow his lead. It was incredible to watch him so easily demand respect from hundreds of people without batting an eye or getting cocky. 
She’d never seen such humility in a clone leader before. Mari had met dozens of clones, but most were pretty much the same as any nat-born. They were all handsome, built, and smart. They had plenty going for them and they knew it, especially the ones that held high ranks. Fox certainly had an air of untouchable authority about him around his troops, but not Rex.
The men they passed gave him various acknowledgments: friendly cheers, formal salutes, and even what felt like celebrity fanfare. But his reaction to them all was the same: a slow, short nod of appreciation and that cute little sideways smirk, as if the glory and attention meant nothing to him and he was just another ordinary man. 
But he wasn’t. 
No man, and especially none of the other clones Mari had ever spoken to before, had made Mari’s insides tremble and her heart ache like this. Not the ones she saw at work. Not Fox with his sarcastic quips and blunt honesty. Not even Fives’ insanely handsome face. As much as she wanted to be a new person, to not drag herself through another night of meaningless sex with some guy, she wanted Rex badly. The need to have him overwhelm her was too great. Yet, being in his atmosphere felt like a promise of something more.
Her arms erupted in goosebumps as they approached the sliding blast doors, the cool air of the night washing over her overheated body. She pulled herself into his side, clinging to him like he had been to her in the booth. His hand slid down the small of her back, politely guiding her outside first. He looked left and then right, scanning the area slowly for something unknown before turning to her.
“My apartment is on the uppermost levels by the Senate Building. It’s… kinda far.” Mari sighed, doubting that either of them could make it much longer.
“Our barracks isn’t that far, but I didn’t think you’d want to go there. It’s not exactly romantic,” he scoffed, using the hand on her back to guide her closer to him. 
“My place is fine then. It’ll be a little more… private,” Mari muttered suggestively, her pulse thrumming as he held her into his body. “We’ll probably be needing that, won’t we, Captain?”
He let out a deep exhale, clearly trying to contain himself as his title falling from her lips did something obscene to him. “Definitely… especially if you call me that again.” The way he looked at her felt like he could see so much more than just her desirable physical presence before him. His interest was beyond skin-deep; he saw all of her and wanted to keep digging, to explore more of the person he’d clicked with so perfectly. 
Just as he stepped forward to hail a hover cab for the both of them, his comm blinked twice and he froze in place. He shook his head and dropped his eyes to the ground, pinching the bridge of his nose with two fingers. “This cannot be fucking happening right now.” He shrugged and let her go, the few steps he walked away to answer the call felt like lightyears all of a sudden.
Mari felt her heart sink to the ground at her feet. She knew this was too good to be true. There had to be a catch. There always seemed to be for her. “Is everything ok?” she mouthed and he shook his head, his expression fading to one of deep regret and apology, unable to hide his disappointment.
“Yes, General?” He paused, looking over at her nervously like he too felt the cloud of the dream they’d just lived in drifting higher and higher out of their reach. His entire demeanor seemed to sink as his eyelids dropped shut and his shoulders sagged. “N-no, sir. I’m not busy.”
Mari clenched her jaw and closed her eyes, trying her damndest not to get misty-eyed over something that probably would never work out anyways. The way he made her feel could only ever happen in her dreams. She was sure they both knew it. The hovercab they were hailing had finally approached and was starting to get antsy.
“Right away, sir. See you in ten.” Rex hung up his call and walked back over, completely deflated and as stressed as he’d been when she first laid eyes on him.
“Well?” Mari sighed, asking a stupid question she already knew the answer to.
Rex motioned to his comm and then to a building not far from where he’d mentioned the barracks would be. “I’m… I’m sorry,” he offered, stepping forward to rest an apologetic hand on her arm. Mari backed away, not wanting him to come any closer if this is how it was always going to end.
“I get it,” she said bitterly, crossing her arms to her chest to reassure herself since he couldn’t. “Duty calls.” She turned on her heels to enter the cab, but he caught her arm and yanked her back. “What?”
“I…” he stuttered over his words, exposing just how much this was uncharted territory for him. He stopped himself and flashed her that endearing half-smirk that made her heart jump through her chest in a way she didn’t want to admit meant something to her. “I can give you my comm frequency. If you give me a way to reach you, too… ” he laughed, nervously trying to downplay his disappointment.
For the first time, Mari couldn’t read the expression on his handsome face. Somewhere between desperate for this to work and doubting it ever would. He was trying his hardest to do anything he could think of to prevent her from slipping away. 
“Okay. Fine,” she relented. She uncrossed her arms and took out her personal comm, sighing to prevent herself from letting her anger at her plans being shattered ruin the moment. She shared her frequency with him and received his in exchange, raising her finger in wait to hold the cab just a few seconds longer. “But you better contact me.”
“I will, Mari. Promise,” Rex nodded, awkwardly trying to think of anything else to add and sorely wishing he could feel any of the obvious spark they had only a few minutes ago.
“That general of yours better be dying or something,” she joked darkly, turning to finally sit in the hovercab.
“Sometimes I’m surprised he hasn’t by now,” Rex quipped, folding his arms and rolling his eyes playfully. He let his laughter die down and his brows furrowed again, “I won’t forget how you made me feel anytime soon. I promise, Mari.”
Mari sat with her hands in her lap, blinking up at this handsome, noble captain professing something more to her than she could understand right now. She swallowed thickly and blinked up at him, wanting to reach out the cab window and kiss his face all over again. “I know. Take care of yourself, Captain.” That was all she could manage to say as the cab revved up and took off back to her apartment, leaving a crestfallen blonde clone captain standing alone on the platform with his helmet tucked under his arm.
When a day or two went by without even so much as a message from him, Mari sulked in her apartment pathetically and mourned something that never even existed with someone she wished she didn’t have to see the face of everywhere she went.
notes: AHHHHHH ok hi bbys. this series has been a long time coming. Mari's official by name debut has me SO excited. these two are truly everything to me and I hope you love learning about their journey as much as I love telling it.
taglist coming soon! comment on this post or message me if you'd like to be added :)
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jennarations · 10 months
The Ultimate Lestappen Fic Masterlist ™
Hello all. This list has about 70+ fics within it. That’s just under 1,000,000 words solely dedicated to the Carbonara Leclerc-Verstappens. (yes i counted) I’ve tried to maintain my organization throughout, but if something looks a little janky or feels out of place, let me know. (Lord knows I never made this list thinking I would make it public but alas, here we are) The key is simple:
> (Title) +/= (Multichaptered/One-Shot)
!!! (Link)
• (Tags - please note these are just the tags I saw relevant to myself, double check the fics themselves for any other tags you might deem relevant!) *(Word count)
Now I’ve put a ♥️ next to all of my personal favorites. Remember, this is a masterlist and a fic rec if that’s what you’re looking for. I will never read (or record) any fic that is not up to my personal golden standard; so everything you see below has been read and vetted by yours truly 💋 I will also tag my favorite authors at the bottom of this post so you can go view their pages and send them some love :^) Note: All of these works are on Ao3. There is only one WIP in this list and it is stated with the fic. Now go crazy you animals ;))
(p.s. some of the fic descriptions are quite long, but with respect to the authors wishes I feel that it would be a dishonesty to chop them off though so you’ll have to deal with it) Here we go!!!!!!!! (under the Read More)
> Home (Is Wherever I’m With You) + ♥️
Or: Charles leaves Ferrari, tries to win a championship, and learns some things about belonging. All the while, Max is there.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/40801053/chapters/102234501
• Angst, Fluff, Red Bull!Charles *17.9k
> On The Limit = (Series - Objects in the Mirror) ♥️
Two Formula 1 drivers walk into a bar and accidentally have a heart-to-heart.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/43252263
• Angst, Heart to Heart *6.8k
> Leave No Space = (Series - Objects in the Mirror)
Max Verstappen fucks men sometimes. Charles struggles to cope.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/43505271
• Falling in Love, Charles is depressed, Charles is moving to Red Bull *31.7k
> All To Play For = (End of Series - Objects in the Mirror)
Charles Leclerc is not at Red Bull to win races. He is here to win championships.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/46910503
• Nasty Breakup w/ Happy Ending, Charles is so depressed, Pain, Angst, Red Bull!Charles *49.3k
> I Think There’s Been a Glitch = (Series)
or: Max sits on Hüllkenberg’s lap during a press conference. Charles is decidedly Not Normal about it.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/46107499
• Teasing, Crush, First Time, Charles POV, Bottom!Max *5.5k
> Room 309 = (End of Series)
or: what happens in room 309
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/46397647
• Max’s POV, Smut *8.2k
> Undress Me to the Naked Truth =
or: Charles and Max celebrate post-Austria 2022
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/46761448
• Smut, Established Relationship, Bottom!Max *6.8k
> The Rest is Unwritten =
Max ran, like his husbands life depended on it.
Weaving his way around the paddock, murmurs of a black flag and unresponsive boring through the crowds. All he could do was get to Charles.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/46203964#main
• Angst, Husbands, Crash *1.5k
> Monaco Malaise = (Series)
Max and Charles have been hooking up for a few months, casually, no string attached — definitely no feelings involved…
The disaster that was Monaco 2021 sees them in Charles’ apartment, with Max having to deal with the fact that Charles can’t get out of his head.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/43192021#main
• Smut, Slight Angst, Slight Fluff *8k
> Azerbaijan Abnegation = (End of Series)
After Monaco, Max thought he’d made up his mind about Charles, and their little arrangement.
They’re in Azerbaijan and Charles is everywhere: in his head, in his messages, in his hotel room…
Will Max be able to hold onto his resolve, or will his attempts at self-denial only prolong the inevitable?
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/46781737/chapters/117829006#workskin
• Angst, Smut *16.9k
> Ribs =
He wakes up all weird on Monday. Charles can feel it the moment he opens his eyes. It’s like an odd weight on his chest that evolves into something a lot more achy and sharp emanating down his torso as he starts crawling out of bed.
Or: Charles injures himself before the last race of the season. The only option is to power through it.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/44784424#main
• Fluff, Established Relationship, WDC!Charles *2.6k
> You Could Call Me Babe For the Weekend + ♥️
Or: There are lots of ways to love Charles Leclerc, Max maybe learns all of them through the years.
Featuring: puddles, stargazing, unsolicited driving lessons, and the overwhelming fear of growing up.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/42042690/chapters/105559215#workskin
• Angst, Teenagers, Falling in Love *12.3k
> Got Your Tongue =
It’s the middle of the night, there’s a stray cat in Charles’ bedroom, and only one person he can think of to help him. The rest is just a misunderstanding.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/46854709?view_adult=true#main
• Fluff *2.9k
> Do You Want Me (Dead)? =
When Charles accidentally comes out to Max it shouldn’t really change anything. It doesn’t change anything.
Until it does. In fact, it changes everything.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/44626003#main
• Angst, Pining, Fluff, Happy Ending, FIFA in Suzuka *12.5k
> How to Babygirl-ify Your Boyfriend: A Comprehensive Guide by Charles Leclerc =
Charles sees someone on the internet call Max babygirl. He’s instantly obsessed.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/45295756?view_adult=true#main
• Smut, Fluff, Bottom!Max *4.5k
> Silly Me (For Falling in Love With You) = ♥️
“We’re not asking you to ‘woo’ him,” Christian says, looking pained at having to say the word ‘woo’, “We just need others to think you’ve wooed him.”
“I’m not following,” Max says, frowning.
“A PR relationship,” Poppy explains. “You pretend to date, making the public think you’re all happy and in love. Then you reap the benefits of being in a relationship without actually having to put in the effort or work.”
“Absolutely not,” Max says, crossing his arms over his chest. “That’s depressing, I’m not doing that.”
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/44464324#main
• Fluff, Angst, Fake Relationship, Non-F1!Charles *18.3k
> Glitch + ♥️
Max hums. “Well, at least that means I won’t bump into Charles Leclerc again.”
“Bummer, really,” Daniel says, moving back to his own seat and drinking the little bit of coffee that was still in the cup. “Could’ve been the start of a great love story.”
Lando snorts. “Kids, it all started when I told your father, who had won two World Driver Championships at that point, that he sucked at driving.”
Max sticks his middle finger up at them, and pulls his noise canceling headphones back over his ears. Only two hours left to go, he thinks, wistfully, and goes back to work.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/46316224/chapters/116609527
• Angst, Fluff, Funny, Programmer!Max *26.6k
> Heart On Your Sleeve =
The thing about having a racing helmet that constantly displays your emotions for the whole world to see, is that you kind of get used to it after a while. These days Charles almost forgets it’s even a thing.
But then he goes and falls in love.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/45717973#main
• Pining, Magical Realism *4.8k
> You Can Hear It In the Silence =
Or, the five times Max and Charles accidentally fall asleep together, and the one time they do it on purpose.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/43882683#main
• Pining, Sleep trope, Fluff *7.4k
> You’ll be Alright = ♥️
Charles is not an idiot. He knows there’s a part of him that has been at least a little bit in love with Max for as long as they’ve known each other. But he’s always been able to shove it down. Burying it under rivalries and competitiveness until it was getting hard to differentiate between love and hate. And that had worked, for a really long time.
And then Max had to go and barge into his life and be really fucking cute with his baby.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/45348790#main
• Kidfic, Fluff, Slight Angst, Max is great with kids, Falling in Love *19.2k
> Maximum Formula =
“Welcome back to another episode of Maximum Formula, I’m your host, Emilian, and this is the first episode for the F1 2022 season. There will be plenty to talk about, but first I’d like to introduce our first guest of the season: Charles Leclerc. Welcome to the show, Charles.”
Or, Charles tries to become a world champion with Ferrari.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/45691483#main
• Angst, Falling in Love, Podcast!Max, Identity Hiding *20.4k
> Violent Delights +
Max can’t smell any of his usual aggression beneath the unusual spatter of Omega, sweet yet violent, and it makes his head spin.
“Max,” is all Charles says, voice breathless. He looks over his shoulder, quick, hasty, looks back. His eyes are wider, if possible. “We have— we have fucked up, I think.”
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/41445333#main
• A/B/O, Alpha!Max, Alpha!Charles turns into Omega!Charles *15.5k
> Petrol =
Max scoffs. He steps closer, smile a little real. It lets Charles see the tiny freckle on his lip, dark and undying, always zoomed in on when his face is in HD. Chuckling, Max scratches at his stubble. “I didn’t know you liked Red Bull.”
Automatically, Charles corrects, “I hate it.” It says too much.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/41359482#main
• Smut, Angst, Denial, Bottom!Max *4.2k
> It All Reminds Me of You =
Pierre turns, and with him, the object of his distasteful frown. “Why do you have a Red Bull cap in your apartment?”
Charles tenses. He looks between Pierre and the cap, still held tepid between two fingers, dark blue and flat-brimmed and garishly branded with a sick sense of obvious. It feels wrong, just looking at it. There’s a big red 1 emblazoned on the front.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/40279869#main
• Angst, Smut, Secret Relationship, Switch!Max, Switch!Charles *3k
> Proximity =
These kinds of smiles on Max are reserved for other people. Like Daniel, like Lando, like those Dutch guys that come around sometimes and he likes to yell with.
Not Charles.
It’s probably the fourth time Max is acting noticeably strange around him that he notices the freckle on his lip.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/40737591#main
• Angst, Smut *6.7k
> Want It Good Want It All =
When Max puts the disc into the cartridge of his PS4 he isn't sure what to expect.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/43761192#main
• Sex tape, Masturbation *2.1k
> Algorithm + ♥️
Tired of all the internal team conflicts, the F1 powers-that-be have developed a simulation-based compatibility test for drivers and their teammates.
Five times Max doesn’t find the right partner and one time he does.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/29561109/chapters/72650025#workskin
• Magical Realism, Compatibility Simulations, Fluff, Slight Angst, Some Maxiel in the beginning *16.9k
> In the Dark You Can’t See Shiny Cars +
In the summer of 2022, the quiet neighbourhood of Les Amants in Monaco becomes the epicentre of a strange weather phenomenon.
A dark cloud hangs over Charles’ head—unfortunately not just a metaphorical one. Max sets out to investigate.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/41147001/chapters/103144245
• Magical Realism, Charles accidentally controls the weather, Fluff, Slight Angst *14.5k
> Panem et Circenses =
Panem et circenses, the Romans called it. Bread and circus to appease the people.
The bread is always in short supply these days, ever since the wheat fields burned down. So that just leaves-
“The brave new world of Formula One,” Crofty’s voice comes out distorted from the circuit speakers. “Ten teams. Twenty cars. An auspicious new technical programme that combines the top edge AI technology with the most skilled drivers to deliver the best spectacle ever seen.”
In a dystopian near-future, Charles and Max drive for survival.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/40704441#main
• Dystopian future, Sentient F1 cars, oppressive Regime, Hope, Angst, Falling in Love *13.2k
> Every Other Sunday + ♥️
The grainy pictures are pieced together like a crude comic strip, sketching a poorly thought-out narrative arc that somehow made it onto the front page of every sleazy newspaper.
EXPOSED!: The secret gay double-life of F1 driver Max Verstappen
Max navigates the aftermath of being outed in the press, and Charles is always there.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/34827223/chapters/86722561
• Slight Angst, Fluff, Smut, Max has been outed, Charles does some soul searching, Motorhome club, F1 family antics *34.5k
> Soak Up the Sun =
“What do you think?” Charles asks, leaning back into the seat as he turns the laptop so Max can see the options.
“I think—” Max starts, “—that this can wait until after FP1.”
Charles’s lips curl downwards, and Max wants to kiss the look off his face. “There’s still like an hour until it starts. There’s no one even looking for me yet.”
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/collections/Lestappen_Summer_Exchange_2022/works/40998603#main
• Fluff, Non-Linear timeline, Getting together *6.8k
> Like a Prayer =
It was sinful to have such thoughts but then Charles had never been one to shy away from sinful desires. Stood at the alter the priest looked glowing, his strong cheekbones and jawline illuminated by a wash of colour. Charles’ gaze followed the beams of light back to the stained glass, he tried not to think too long about the image of Christ etched on to the window. This was a sacred place, but there could be nothing more deserving of veneration than the God who had so kindly sculpted the body of Father Verstappen.
Charles is an F1 driver and Max is a sexy priest.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/collections/Formula_One_Kinkmeme_Round_One/works/44838136#main
• Smut, Religion, Priest!Max *3.2k
> We Go Way Back =
They were the same in the end. Yes, Max was an alpha, and Charles was an omega, but that didn’t matter. If you took racing from either of them, there wouldn’t be anything left.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/43936200?view_adult=true#main
• A/B/O, Alpha!Max, Omega!Charles, Smut, Fluff *13.8k
> Close Proximity =
A hotel mix-up forces Max and Charles to share a room. There is only one bed.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/collections/Formula_One_Kinkmeme_Round_One/works/44503150?view_adult=true#main
• Smut, One bed trope *3.5k
> Pens, fingers and most definitely cock ... a random list of things Max likes to put in his mouth =
Max has an oral fixation, Charles is happy to oblige. This is a story of their developing relationship as told through the things Max likes to put in his mouth!
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/collections/Formula_One_Kinkmeme_Round_One/works/44205019#main
• Oral fixation kink, Smut, Fluff *2.7k
> FIA Approved Stress Relief =
It’s the strangest briefing Charles has ever been a part of. Ever. Which is saying something because this time last year he was sat wide eyed as the Fia tried to bring in mandatory checks for Fia approved underwear and intimate piercings. A few team principles had helpfully offered their services and it had ended in a rather heated debate over whether that fell under their job description.
It didn’t compare to this though.
As director of the GPDA it’s been left to George to run through the basics of the brand new Fia approved sex doll. Charles was sure he had misheard but no, as it turns out, the Fia really have lost their minds.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/collections/Formula_One_Kinkmeme_Round_One/works/44059752?view_adult=true#main
• Sex Doll, Smut, Pining, Voyeurism *2.3k
> Long Live (The Walls We Crashed Through) + ♥️
“What are you doing?” Charles asked, his voice cracking.
Max blinked at him once before he smirked and said, “Well... I was going to kiss you.”
“Because I want to.”
“Why?” Charles repeated, feeling like his legs were going to give out.
“Is that not a good enough reason?” Max asked.
OR: The childhood best friends to lovers fairy-tale-soulmates fic that nobody asked for. Charles has been in love with Max since he was seven years old.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/46190509/chapters/116284681
• Fluff, Smut, Best friends to lovers, Slight Angst *76.8k
> Viva la Miami =
Max raced all over the world and was used to different climates. But there was something about Miami’s sticky, muggy, make-your-phone-screen-fog-up kind of scorching heat that made him feel fucking crazy.
It made him want to strip naked and jump in the bright blue water surrounding his hotel.
It made him want to fuck.
OR: Max and Charles hook up for the first time, and it's very different than what Max had pictured.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/46963513#main
• Smut, PWP, Top!Charles *8.2k
> I’ll Be Right Beside You = ♥️
Max stared at Charles’ closed eyes and how they twitched in his sleep. Objectively, Max knew that Charles was probably the most beautiful man he had ever seen. But... this was Charles.
Charles Leclerc.
Big, cry-baby Charles.
Sauber #2 driver Charles.
When did he decide that Charles The Driver would become Charles The Boyfriend?
He wishes he could remember.
OR: The self-indulgent Amnesia AU that nobody asked for. This is my love story to Charles Leclerc, thank you for coming along. Warning: this fic may break you.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/42990660#main
• Amnesia, Graphic Accident, Angst, Pain, Fluff, Smut *50.7k
> Breathe You In (Like a Vapor) =
OR: the self-indulgent story of how Charles and Max fell in love over winter break 2022, in a classic Enemies to Friends With Benefits to Lovers fic that nobody asked for.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/45079192?view_adult=true#main
• Smut, Fluff, Falling in Love *53k
> And That’s How I Foksmashed Dad’s Championship Trophy =
All of that would have been forgivable if not for the Green-Eyed Monster’s complete disregard for the pre-contracted occupation rights of Max’s lap. Such rights had long been pre-determined and belonged to Sassy (and occasionally to Jimmy, she admitted begrudgingly). However, no amount of quiet hisses and vicious glares seemed to penetrate the creature’s thick skull, and he would greedily occupy Max’s thigh for more than 95% of any given afternoon. Sometimes with his head, sometimes with his feet, and a few times he even straddled his entire body over Max; the latter could not have been comfortable for Max, as the Green-Eyed Monster was enormously overweight compared to Sassy.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/43833321#main
• Fluff, POV!Sassy and Jimmy, Funny *6.5k
> Set My Midnight Sorrow Free =
He doesn’t blame Max, not really.
If he could have Charles for one night, he would never let him go either.
Maybe he isn’t the one who is losing; Max is also playing a losing game.
You can’t open yourself to Charles and try to exist in his charmed life without becoming irrevocably enamoured.
When Max let Charles walk into his motorhome, when he let Charles slip into his existence, Max didn’t know it then but the battle was already lost.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/31552340#main
• Angst, POV!Pierre, Falling in Love, Jealousy/Pining *13.4k
> All of You, All of Me (Intertwined) =
Or, two future teammates get high, get on Mattia Binotto's wrong side through an inadvisable escapade involving fairy lights, get on a plane, and get a stuffed armadillo named Chax. In that order.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/42627222#main
• Fluff, Slight Angst, FWB to Lovers, Future Red Bull!Charles *12.8k
> The Grid: A Comprehensive Guide for Handling your Gay Racer Friends =
Or, Charles and Max, and the handbook birthed from their idiocy. Featuring a large number of baked goods.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/33291136#main
• Fluff, Humor, Friends *6.3k
> we're fallin' like the stars, we're fallin' in love = ♥️
"So, do we need a signal for when things are going downhill and you need me to save you?" He asks, a glimmer in his eyes that seems so unfamiliar yet familiar that Max feels it like a sucker punch to the stomach.
"Just have the vodka waiting." Max laughs, flicking his gaze down to the gentle grip that Charles has his wrist in before he releases and Max turns around with pink cheeks and crosses the restaurant to join up with his date once again.
(Lando sets Max up on disastrous blind dates that end up with Max falling for the bartender who was the real set up all along.)
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/27047056/chapters/66033652?show_comments=true&view_full_work=false#comment_668986186
• Fluff, Non-Driver AU, Blind dates, Bartender!Charles *8.7k
> Pick Apart the Pieces of Your Heart =
"I reckon-" George says in-between scenes, "- that Charles is Gatsby."
Lando tilts his head back to clock Max's reaction but it's nothing except confusion etched on his face as he scrunches his nose up trying to figure out what George means,
George holds his hand up and continues to explain, "Gatsby threw all these big parties in the hope that Daisy would go to one of them, right? Charles throws a party every other day and I think it's because he wants you to go." He says to Max
alternatively, Charles is Max's nightmare neighbour until he's something much more than that.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/25489348/chapters/61832617?show_comments=true&view_full_work=false#main
• Fluff, Angst, Non-Driver AU, Apartment neighbor AU *6.3k
> We’re Making Gold Dust = (Series)
They’re carefully walking, skipping and hauling themselves across any gaps. The morning air feels crisp and fills Charles’ lungs until it hurts, but god, it hurts in the best way that it’s ever hurt him before. He takes pictures, videos but tries to remember the feeling most of all.
It feels like home.
The best people, the best places, the height, the element of danger, it’s everything that Charles hadn’t imagined his life to be five years ago but maybe it’s right after all.
alternatively, a fascination discovered at fifteen leads to love, trust and healing whilst breaking the rules and climbing things that aren't supposed to be climbed.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/24374812#main
• Angst, Non-Driver AU, Parkour AU, Falling in Love *13k
> Two Burning Hearts (It Would Last Forever) =
In the end, it does turn out that your soulmate can be the person you least expect and neither of them don’t think it could have been anybody else.
alternatively, Charles and Max are soulmates and for the most part, they hate it but should have seen it coming.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/23363920#main
• Soulmate AU, Angst *2.5k
> All the Lights (Couldn’t Put Out the Dark) = (Series - The Warming Verse)
“Charles,” Max said, his tone soft again and breaking Charles of his thoughts. “Please just ask me for whatever you want to ask me. You don’t have to keep explaining yourself.”
Charles laughed again, his cheeks bright red.
“Could I... sit on your cock for a little bit?”
OR: Charles is overwhelmed and wants Max to make it better.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/46165159#main
• PWP, Cock Warming, Feelings *7.5k
> The Right Place (The Right Time) = (Series - The Warming Verse)
“Charles,” Max said, his tone gentle.
Charles didn’t move his hands away from his face.
“Hey... look at me,” Max said softly.
Charles took a deep breath and finally let his hands fall.
Max looked at him for a long moment, their eyes locked together before he asked, “Would my cock help?”
OR: In the aftermath of the shit show that was Melbourne, Charles turns to Max for comfort.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/46332700#main
• PWP, Cock Warming *9.7k
> Something New (Let’s Not Get Complicated) + (Series - The Warming Verse)
Max smiled at him, his expression soft despite how hard he was against Charles’ hip.
“Pretty boy,” Max mused, brushing Charles’ hair out of his eyes.
“Shut up,” Charles huffed, flushing bright red. It only made Max smile harder.
“You’re even prettier when you tell me to shut up.”
“Shut the hell up, Max,” Charles squeaked.
OR: Charles and Max finally talk about their Feelings™
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/46896289/chapters/118129207#workskin
• PWP, Cock Warming, Size Kink, Dom/subspace, Daddy kink *31.7k
—Please note there may be more works in The Warming Verse, I may not be caught up***
> Fair Winds and Following Seas = ♥️
Max lets out an impatient sigh and looks at Lando as he washes the shot glass before putting it back. “Well who is it?”
Lando rolls his eyes. “You’re no fun.”
“I’m delightful, now come on,” Max presses, trying not to show he’s getting curious. “Who is this mystery person?”
“Charles Leclerc!” Lando says with a bright smile, he’s almost jumping up and down with excitement. “He’s chartering the yacht for the week!”
“Charles Leclerc?” Max repeats, raising an eyebrow. “The Charles Leclerc, F1 driver for Ferrari, is here?”
Max works on a super yacht during the summer to make some money to invest in his sim racing career and Charles happens to charter it for the week.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/48088906/chapters/121258555?show_comments=true&view_full_work=false#comment_671144260
• Non Driver!Max, Yacht shenanigans, Fluff, Slight Angst, Mentions of Smut *24.8k
> Carry Me in Your Heart (You Know You’re Never Gonna Leave Mine) =
“You are the reason he started learning German?!” Lorenzo practically gasps, honest-to-god glee on his features. Charles hates him.
“But Max is Dutch,” Arthur says.
Charles groans, his hands trailing in front of his face in an effort to disappear from the situation.
AU where you can sometimes see through your soulmate's eyes.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/42022176?view_adult=true#main
• Soulmate!AU, Growing up together, Angst, Harsh breakup, Angst with a happy ending *30.2k
> No Brakes On = ♥️
Max is a race car driver. Charles is a movie star. They really shouldn't work, but they do.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/48170218#main
• Actor!Charles, Slight Angst, Character study, Fluff, Strangers to lovers *32.5k
> Lost In Your Current Like a Priceless Wine =
"What did you just say?" Max asks in a flat voice and Charles gives him a strained smile.
"I might have accidentally told my mom that I have a boyfriend and now she's demanding that I bring you home with me for the New Year. Actually, she said Christmas and New Year, but I told her that you were spending Christmas with your own family..."
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/28535271
• Fake dating, Non-Driver AU, College AU, Fluff, Slight Angst *10.2k
> You Got Me =
When Max looks up he stares into pretty green eyes behind black rimmed glasses. His hand is still blindly feeling around to find the books—his brain lagging—as he stares at the guy from last night. He straightens up and Max follows, staring dumbly as he holds out the books for Max to take.
“Thanks,” Max says, feeling like an idiot as he takes the books, their fingers brushing for a split second. This was not how he wanted to meet again. “Again, I’m so sorry.”
The guy smiles and Max thinks he might just die a little when he notices he has dimples. Of course he has dimples.
Max falls head over heels for the cute guy at a college party and he can't stop thinking about him (aka the lestappen college au nobody needs).
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/49182076#main
• College AU, Fluff *16.6k
> This Feels Like Falling in Love =
Five kisses throughout their lives, and the one that started it all.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/49162735/chapters/124043815?
• Podfic, 4+1 fic, Kid fic *3k
> Closest I Get = (Series)
“It doesn’t have to be a big deal or anything, right? It can be just about sex, nothing else.” Charles steps forward, into Max’s space. Reaches out a hand, lets it run over Max’s cheek, leans a little closer. “Just sex,” he whispers, in the ever diminishing space between them as Max leans into his touch.
“Fuck,” Max whispers, screwing his eyes shut, breathing deeply through his mouth. “I shouldn’t, I really shouldn’t-“
Charles cuts him off by lurching forward and pressing a kiss to Max’s mouth, quick and fleeting, but then Max groans, grabs Charles’s waist, pulls him closer, kisses him hard. Charles melts into it immediately, overwhelmed by Max’s scent, by his hands on Charles’s waist, his mouth on Charles’s.
It’s like something clicks into place, when they kiss.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/49230871#main
• A/B/O, Alpha!Max, Omega!Charles, PWP, Angst *4.8k
> Heart Held Close = (End of Series)
“Just sex,” Charles whispers in his ear, and he’s coming closer closer closer and Max is getting swallowed by the sun, Charles’s smell bright and enticing and all around him.
Max let’s out a heartfelt, “Fuck,” as he feels himself tipping forward ever so slightly, his rut dumb brain taking over, ignoring the little voice in the back of his head that is still screaming at him that this is a terrible idea. “I shouldn’t, I really shouldn’t-“ He tries, but it’s weak at best.
And then Charles kisses him, and it’s all over.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/49276354#main
• A/B/O, Smut, Angst, Happy Ending *7.8k
> A Force More Powerful Than Gravity =
Charles studies goop in his lab. Goop is actually a very attractive alien.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/collections/LestappenWeekSummer2023/works/49302043#main
• Non-Driver AU, Alien!Max, Scientist!Charles, Fluff, Slight Angst *4.5k
> Give Yourself Up To Me =
For the safety of his people, Crown Prince Charles is willing to do anything.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/49300402/chapters/124403428?
• Non-Driver AU, Royalty AU, Angst *1.5k
> Amazing Grace =
“I win!” Charles announces when he has Max pinned to the ground by his wrists, a wild grin on his lips. His chest is heaving, there’s some dirt on his cheek and in his hair, and Max can’t help but grin up at him.
“No you don’t,” He argues, mirth in his eyes. “You only win when you capture my sword!”
They're teenagers. And then they're not.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/49325872/chapters/124469185?
• Non-Driver AU, Swordsmen AU, Angst *1.5k
> Red Bull’s Golden Puppy =
In a memory box tucked away deep in their minds, Charles, Max and Chloe Leclerc-Verstappen, share their biggest memories and photographs. Adopting a pet named after the original Red Bull golden boy Sebastian Vettel would soon join that club.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/collections/LestappenWeekSummer2023/works/49313617#main
• Kid!fic, Future family, Established Relationship, Fluff *1.4k
> This Love Asylum =
“Are we still having dinner with your mother?,” Max asked, his arm still on Charles’s waist, Sebastian’s low whistle now hard to miss. “I didn’t know you went to dinner with the Leclercs.”
“Hmm? Oh yeah, I do! My mum told Pascale I was only having takeout when I’m here. It worries her, you know? So when we’re here, I’m supposed to have dinner with Charlie and his mum at least once a wee—ow! Hey!” Charles had elbowed Max, causing the latter the pout while another pout was already on Charles’s face.
“I didn’t know Sophie and Pascale were friends either,” Sebastian was having the time of his life and Max being oblivious about Charles’s whole situation was the icing on the proverbial cake.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/collections/LestappenWeekSummer2023/works/49312864#main
• Fluff, Sebastian!POV *1.5k
> Dangerous Games =
Too late, Charles realises he’s been standing rooted in his spot, and Max looks over his shoulder, a questioning look on his face, “Is everything al—,”
“Suck my dick.” Charles blurts out.
Max’s eyebrows shoot up. Charles’ cheeks are bright red. “What?”
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/collections/LestappenWeekSummer2023/works/49276297#main
• Non-Driver AUCollege AU, Blowjob, Slight Smut *1.9k
> Eighteenth Summer =
Max wanted to burn it into his memory, engrave bits and pieces of it into each of his senses. The way the blue sky reflected off of Charles’s massive sunglasses, the smell of the hot asphalt mixing with Charles’s cologne, the nearly hysterical sound of their laughter as their playlist finally shuffled to Mr. Brightside; everything felt so precious. So fleeting. Moments memorialized on the 101 northbound, flying out of their open windows and away from his greedy fingers.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/49253491/chapters/124280527?
• Fluff, Angst, Happy Ending, Summer in California, High School AU *5k
> Middle Child Syndrome +
After all, Charles being a middle child always made a lot of sense to Max.
Max’s unwillingness to deny Charles anything always made a little less sense to Max.
Standing on the third place podium beneath the Monegasque flag made a lot less sense to Max.
The fact that he wasn’t mad about it, a warm sense of acquiescence spurred by Charles’s smile, made it all click.
He was in love with Charles Leclerc, and he always had been.
Or: A small collection of memories leading up to a realization on the podium of Baku 2023
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/46979311/chapters/118348648#workskin
• Fluff, Realization of Feelings *3.6k
> Rules of Engagement =
“Take me with you then!” Max felt his eyes go wide, his jaw literally dropping at the suggestion. “Tell them I’m like. Say I’m your fiancé, mate.”
The heat had melted Charles’s brain, Max decided, staring at him blankly.
“No.” He deadpanned.
“Mate it’s genius! You won’t have to do anything, just stand there. Let me handle it. Them. The women.”
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/49006156#main
• Fake Relationship, Roommates, Non-Driver AU, Socially inept!Max *7.2k
> All the Stars We Cannot See = ♥️
Sitting on his roof, bathed in wintery silence, Max prayed to be rescued. To whom, he wasn’t sure. Maybe the force that branded his wrist, the universal power that decided who to tie him with forever. Perfectly. Something like fate.
Max prayed to fate, then.
“Am I interrupting something?” The man’s accent was French, his tone unusually assertive for a question of intrusion.
“It’s not my roof,” Max shrugged, hopping back onto the ledge.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/49182697/chapters/124096612?
• Soulmate AU, Non-Driver!Charles, Mentions of Child Abuse, Mentions of Sickness, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Happy Ending *9.8k
> Lie to Me =
5 times they told the truth + 1 time they tried to lie
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/49206214?view_adult=true#main
• Soulmates AU, Angst, Smut *5.3k
> Shut Up and Drive +
Max pointed at Charles’ bags. ‘Is this all you're bringing or will there be more?’
Oh so he was making fun of him now, well Charles could do the same. ‘You mean more than the four white t-shirts you brought?’
Max blinked at him for a couple of seconds before his entire face lit up and he giggled. He giggled.
‘Good one, and I actually brought five t-shirts,’ Max replied, still smiling.
Was he serious? Charles hoped not.
OR: Charles and Max are 'forced' to go on a road trip together, whatever could go wrong?
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/49181029/chapters/124092070#workskin
• Road-trip, One bed trope, Enemies to Lovers, WIP *
> Partiality =
“Okay, this is—,” Max stops himself. His eyebrows knit together and he’s obviously frustrated with something. “I know this isn’t what you wanted,” He says slowly, when he gathers his thoughts. “But I’m not going to force you to treat me like your—,” Max makes a face. “Your alpha.”
Charles coughs. “But… You are.” He points out.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/49230259?view_adult=true#main
• A/B/O, Alpha!Max, Omega!Charles, Fluff *2.4k
> You Went, and It Was Night =
“I can hear you thinking from here,” Max says suddenly. His voice sounds husky, used, wrecked. It sends a shiver down Charles’ spine. He did that. “You’re being very loud.”
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/49182070/chapters/124095055?
• Slight Angst, Fluff, Charles is thinking *900 words
> Sort You Out (Heart Out Series) =
Charles can't tell which is worse — that he can't remember the sex he had with his childhood rival, or how according to her, it wasn't even good.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/49340395/chapters/124508077?
• Girl!Max, Pining Charles, Slight smut *6.3k
Here are some of the best authors in the Lestappen field. Please go follow and send them some love!! They are doing the Lord’s work!!!!!!
@nyoomfruits (nyoomfruits on Ao3)
@drivestraight (Linearity on Ao3)
@fabbyf1 (Fabby on Ao3)
@charlescoded (lazarusgreeneyes on Ao3)
@fueledbyremembering (NovaCloud on Ao3)
@wanderingblindly (Wanderingblindly on Ao3)
@hoewedeshummels (Monzas on Ao3)
-Only Ao3 username is known-
*Authors, if you want to be untagged, or you want your fics pulled from the list, shoot me a dm :)
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crushermyheart · 1 month
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you to @fandomsbyladymelodrama for the tag! This should be fun...
How many works do you have on AO3? Presently, 24. (I joined AO3 3 years after joining fanfiction.net so there are a few more on there of questionable quality)
What's your total AO3 word count? 135,060
What fandoms do you write for? It varies greatly depending on what I'm watching, but mostly All Creatures Great and Small (2020) and Star Trek Voyager/Next Gen.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? My Dearest Lizzy (a Pride & Prejudice/Death Comes to Pemberley fanfic from AGES ago), Right Here (Mission Impossible, Ilsa/Ethan), Frozen Harmonies (hilariously, an overly dramatic Star Trek Next Gen fanfic, Picard/Crusher), For a Time Innumerable (Wheel of Time, series 1 aftermath, wrote this last year and kinda proud of it), Milk & Honey (All Creatures Great and Small 2020, in which Mr Farnon and Mrs Hall converse in the kitchen in the small hours of the morning, one of my personal faves)
Do you respond to comments? Yes! I love responding to comments and discussing my fics as well as commenting on other people's works.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? That is a good question... There are a great many. Potentially Some Shred of Goodness (The Crucible) which reflects on John and Elizabeth Proctor's relationship and if you know what happens in the play then the end of this fic, whilst sounding happy, is SUPER angsty.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Ooooh, um, either Little Ordinary Things or Knights and Dragons, both fluffy Siegfried & Audrey, All Creatures Great & Small fics.
Do you get hate on fics? I had one comment on a fic last year that was weird/not nice/super critical/generally confusing and it kinda freaked me out so I deleted the fic - until some lovely person came and found me on Tumblr asking where the rest was and to not give up writing it.
Do you write smut? Nope.
Do you write crossovers? I don't think I've ever written one? I do have a potential crossover in mind (added to the very long list of unwritten fic ideas)
Have you ever had a fic stolen? I don't think so.
Have you ever had a fic translated? No idea?
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Not yet.
What's your all-time favorite ship? Good grief I can only have one? Most of my ships have not sailed, lol. RIP. Or have yet to set sail *cough* Siegfried/Audrey from All Creatures Great and Small, and then Picard/Crusher and Janeway/Chakotay from Star Trek. Also platonic ship: Moiraine & Lan, Wheel of Time. My original OTPs will forever be Aragorn/Arwen and Han/Leia.
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? The Star Trek Next Gen fic I started writing 10 years ago which has 5 different versions and is over 40k words in note form *cries*
What are your writing strengths? I have not been asked this before... I like writing descriptively, describing locations but also emotions. If you've read my fics I'd like to know what you think my strengths are?
What are your writing weaknesses? Coming up with titles. I have a tendency to edit to death. And then ending up in the cycle of I kinda hate this/this is the best thing I've ever written and trying to find an end. Also, not planning everything out and getting lost in my chapters.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? If it's called for, go for it! I'm currently working on a Witcher fic and have done a stupid amount of research into the Elder speech and Skellige jargon.
First fandom you wrote for? Technically Scott & Bailey on fanfiction.net, When it Rains it Pours. It is terrible, the punctuation is everywhere, it's hilariously dramatic, and still my longest fic to date.
Favorite fic you've written? Oh no, I don't know! I really don't. Possibly Milk & Honey?
Tagging: @fuel-prices, @phoenixflames12, @shelbyxhughes, @beanabouttown, @itsmeagain00O , or tag yourself ;)
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icedteaandoldlace · 8 months
20 questions for fic writers - tagged by the fantastic @frosty-the-killer-doll ☃️🔪🪆
How many works do you have on ao3?
What's your total ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
The Flash, Glee, and Gossip Girl.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Flying Free (or Free Kurt - Emma Pillsbury Style) ((Glee obvs))
Heartless (Glee)
Smoke and Mirrors (Glee)
Maybe Our Real Soulmates Were The... (Flash/Arrow)
As Frightened As You (Glee)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
It depends. Direct compliments, yes, I'll reply to say thank you. I'll also answer questions, or drop little bits of behind-the-scenes info if there's something fun attached to a detail that a reader pointed out. If the comment is simply "wow!!" or "oof" or something else that doesn't really call for a response and that I don't have anything to add to, I'll just leave it as it is.
What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Toss up between two:
Heartless ends with Kurt getting hit with another wave of grief after having Finn's letterman returned to him, and while he's hugging it and sobbing, for a second it feels like Finn's hugging him back.
The Longest Distance Between Two Points Is Arm's Length ends with Cisco accidentally vibing a moment from earlier in the fic, and misunderstanding what's happening in it. If he'd had context, he would've realized he was seeing proof that his mom loves him, but instead he takes it as a painful reminder that he'll never be enough for her because he's not Dante.
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably Alive Again. Just two dorks playing in the rain, on the brink of falling in love.
Do you get hate on fics?
None so far.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Absolutely not.
Do you write crossovers?
Not usually, but I have a few. Maybe Our Real Soulmates Were The... is considered a crossover fic by AO3 and FFN's standards, but not by mine. My most ambitious crossover (and the one I'm most invested in) is Preppy In Pink, which is gonna be so much fun when it's ready for posting.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I certainly hope not. Doesn't look too likely, though.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Pretty sure I haven't had that happen, either. It'd be cool though.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Smoke and Mirrors started as a few lines of dialogue that @kurtbastian-land had sitting in her notes app that she didn't have a full story developed for, and posted on Tumblr for anyone who wanted to expand on it. I wrote a very dramatic continuation (the majority of chapter 1), and then @jwmelmoth gave it a happy ending (chapter 2). But then she realized we left a couple loose ends untied, so the two of us collaborated on how it should end, and wrote a few more chapters together.
What’s your all-time favorite ship to write for?
I honestly don't know. I think I have the most WIPs for Kamisco at the moment, but Barrisco and Kurtbastian are both incredibly fun as well.
What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I started a crossover AU ages ago where Kurt Hummel ends up with Eric van der Woodsen. I don't think I'll ever finish it, but I like to reread the snippets I've already written every now and then.
What are your writing strengths?
Viscerally describing emotions, setting a scene, nailing characters' voices.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Titles, titles, titles, and titles. Oh, and also titles. They HARD!! Also, I'm very bad at following my own advice to write badly and edit later. I want everything to sound pretty immediately! This is how I get stuck on the same paragraph for weeks with a whole big chunk of the fic still unwritten.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Not something I'm going to attempt a whole lot of in the near future. I have already slipped a little bit of Spanish (+1 word of French) into a couple fics, but only like a single word/phrase at a time, spoken by bilingual characters in mostly English sentences. There are also a few spots where a character says more in Spanish, but I don't write the actual dialogue, I just imply a general idea of what they're saying. I'd love to include more, but I'm not about to make a fool of myself with Google Translate—I'm sticking to very minimal Spanish until I can speak it better.
First fandom you wrote for?
First fandom I finished a fic for was Gossip Girl. As for first one I started writing a fic for, it was either Gossip Girl (not the same fic) or Boy Meets World (a still unfinished Shawngela fix-it).
Favorite fic you’ve written?
I mean, A Little Help From Your Friends is pretty hard to beat. It's got everything—humor, angst, fluff, ambiguity, movie references, ROOMMATES!! And funnily enough, I gave it a title with a little help from my friend, @daftydraw (and by "a little" I mean she suggested the whole title and I ran with it).
And tagging: @starstruckpurpledragon @fictionandmusic @orangesunsets12 @thequeenofshebasays @queer-cheer @elledelajoie
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Happy STS! I hope you don't mind me using this occasion to shamelessly pump you for info about your upcoming WIP!
Is The Queen of Lies told from multiple points of view? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think all the snippets you're shared so far seem to be from Breanna/Bree's POV, so I'm curious. And whatever the answer is, why did you choose this approach?
Happy STS! Thank you for the ask!!
I don’t mind at all!! You can ask me questions about anything, anytime. 💕
You are indeed very observant! The entire thing is written from Breanna/Bree’s POV. There were a few reasons for this.
It’s been a while since I wrote anything that was only one character’s POV, so I dabbled in it this time. (Idk if anyone’s noticed but Tumblr is where I experiment, lmao.)
I was possessed by some kind of writing spirit for the last month and that’s just sort of what happened. 😂
Okay, on a less silly note, if you’ll indulge me in a ramble (sorry in advance)…
TPOT ended up being Will's, and by extension, Jamie’s, story, even though the first piece I ever wrote was purely Bree (her arrest) and Will didn’t even exist in my brain when I wrote it. Of course, Bree is integral to TPOT and there is no story without her, but even the title—The Prince of Thieves—screams: THIS IS WILL’S STORY.
The Queen of Lies is her story. She’s the one who goes through the Big Character Arc, the one who makes sacrifices and hard decisions, and the one who suffers the most (I think, anyway) to get her happy ending. (Dw dw Will suffers too.) She is a different person in chapter 21 than she is in chapter 1.
Breanna, a woman in a time period that isn’t always kind to women, goes on this crazy journey to learn that she is strong and independent and can make her own decisions—wrong or right—and so it’s her voice I chose to prioritize.
(TPOT SPOILER >>>> She gets her “I’m an independent woman” dealio in TPOT, too, but when? Off-the page, unwritten, in secret, in the year she and Will are separated.)
Now. That being said...
If I am blessed with engaged, curious, interested readers (for whom I am and will be ever so grateful until the end of my days), I can see there being scenes/chapters they want to see from Will’s POV. And I’m open to that, too. 💕
I’m so sorry for the mini essay but thank you for letting me ramble!!
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darkpoisonouslove · 9 months
I’m a couple of days late, but if you still want to play the unwritten/unpublished ask game (I apologize in advance for how badly I’ve been keeping track of your wips), here you go :D
4. Is there anything in the fic you're unsure about including? -CoL trying to have one normal breakfast
5. Is there any scene you're excited about writing? -CoL trying to have one normal breakfast
9. Is there anything in the fic you're not so excited about writing? -Fallen Love
10. If unpublished, can you show a sneak peek of what you've written? -your choice :)
11. Is there any scene you can't wait for people to react to when reading? Why? -the series rewrite
13. Is there any unwritten/unpublished fics you haven't mentioned you're gonna do?
14. Is there any unwritten/unpublished fics you planned on doing, but now you're feeling like you're gonna scrap those ideas?
15. Do you have any unwritten scene that you think about a lot? -Smolder universe
I have been in the trenches battling sleep deprivation the last few days and I haven't had time to get to the ask game so you're just in time! (It's okay; there's like 2 WiPs that currently exist in my mind and everything else has been put on the back burner so... I've not been very good at keeping with them myself. 😅 😂)
4. Is there anything in the fic you're unsure about including? -CoL trying to have one normal breakfast
Honestly, this is still such a fragmented idea that everything is up in the air. Like, what is the plot? Who knows? Certainly not me. I haven't really gotten past chapter 1 and that feels like it needs more, actually, than what I already have.
5. Is there any scene you're excited about writing? -CoL trying to have one normal breakfast
You're not going to believe how long it took me to realize that the scenes I'm thinking of are actually from the Griffin being reluctant allies with the Company fic. So, um, you're getting bonus content, I guess, because now I need to talk about them.
Those would be Griffin and Valtor's first meeting after she's accepted to switch sides. I can just feel the tension between them. The rage that Valtor won't know whether to direct at Griffin for letting Faragonda take her away from him and then even agreeing to work with her and the rest of the clowns in the Company or at himself for not preventing this, for not preventing them from capturing her and for not killing Faragonda in the first place. And, of course, Griffin would be a mirror reflection of that.
Then there's the whatever scenes I'm going to include of other Coven members trying to take Griffin's place as Valtor's partner and Griffin being intensely jealous while Valtor is fucking done with both the Coven members and her (but mostly with the Coven members; he actually likes the fact that she's jealous; he can use this!). I am including this for the comedy AND drama. As a treat.
And the one scene that I'm most looking forward to is when Valtor will decide that "You know what? Fuck it!" It doesn't matter why she joined the Company or that she did at all since she's clearly still totally obsessed with him. They can sneak away to make out during battles, it's totally fine, exciting even! 😂 To say that Griffin's onboard would be an understatement. The Ancestral Witches and the Company are going to go out of their minds, though.
Okay, back to the breakfast fic, something that I'm really looking forward to is the talk that's mostly between Griffin and Oritel about expectations - how everyone expects the worst from Griffin no matter what and how Oritel is held to impossible standards of perfection. I feel that they are finally going to reach a place of understanding no matter how painful the journey there (and actually, the more painful, the better in my book). I can't say that I'm looking forward to having to carefully write Oritel, though. And treat him with respect on top of that? Who has heard of such ridiculous notions! XD
9. Is there anything in the fic you're not so excited about writing? -Fallen Love
You mean besides this fucking sex scene that has been stalling me for the past 3 months? I'm not ecstatic about the scenes where I'll have to deal with a lot of characters simply due to the fact that royal guards and Specialist raids exist. I've managed to circumvent that in the scenes with Erendor and the visit to CT but, god, the sequences in the Solarian palace and the Fortress of Light where the Council is seated will fucking kill me, I can already tell. Why do I have to deal with the fact that these important people will have guards protecting them at all times? This is cruelty specifically designed to torture me. I might just fuck around and find a way around those as well but I'm afraid the Specialist raid I've planned will have to happen the way it is now. Somebody save me! 😭😭😭😭😭
10. If unpublished, can you show a sneak peek of what you've written? -your choice :)
Feast your eyes on the evil itself (aka the smut part of the chapter - cause that's all I've managed to work on):
Valtor was of the same opinion. He held her so close that every movement of their chests engraved their shape into the other. Feeling her body molding itself to his and his – to hers was addictive. They had always been one in mind and magic. To become one in flesh as well would be the only sane course of action, yet, she fought him. Giving the impression that she could succeed in bringing a single shred of space between them only made him cling to her tighter – hands digging in her hips and teeth – in her lips. He wouldn’t let oxygen itself touch her. She was all his.
She’d missed him. Sorely. Hopelessly. Her want came in cutting shards, each coalescing into a furious, crippling rush of magic hollowing out her bones when it couldn’t spill fast enough through her skin. It pooled behind her eyes, into the hollow of her throat, the valley between her breasts, her lower belly – everywhere. Burrowed in every cell to reach him from there when his hot breath seeped inside her, filled her, spread through her like a claim to her soul.
The flow erupting from her conquered the air itself, lured it into her every cell through her pores. Her lungs expanded with his scent; her power wrapped Valtor, too, to do the same for him, to keep him in the reach of her lips and make anything outside their bodies irrelevant.
Valtor’s laughter flooded her mouth, startling. Having forgotten the taste of it, she was forced to retreat, to gulp it down between ragged breaths to avoid drowning in it. Her skin tingled from his roaming touch, his palm trailing down her spine from between her shoulder blades and his nails in the back of her thigh. Her eyes opened to a sight she’d dreaded and craved, a sight seared in her mind from the first time she’d met him.
He was luminous with triumph, the glow surrounding him half-magic, half-pride. In her embrace he was a flame nestled to her chest – forbidden heat choosing not to burn her, allowing her caress to make her reel from the contact. In his arms she was floating, weightless, untouched by the jagged edges of the fractured metal in their feet.
She’d only ever needed her armor for the space between them, for the divide that made his victory her loss and her victory – unthinkable as much as it was a necessity. She had chosen her side, left him behind, and doing everything right meant never having to suffer his success again, nor his presence. With her place by his side forsaken, the call of his living, breathing magic had cut through her with the need to drink it in. Instead, there had been only bitterness, the knowledge that every inch she’d gained on him, he would reclaim twice as viciously next time while she’d be stranded opposite of him again, made to bear the lure of him–triumphant and dazzling–from a distance. All enjoyment she could have found in winning had been locked behind his teeth, kept from her like his lips, his kiss. She’d only had her pyrrhic victories and the knowledge that he was robbed of that much, without her. Often not even that, without him.
11. Is there any scene you can't wait for people to react to when reading? Why? -the series rewrite
I have a ton of scenes that I can't stop thinking about and wishing to see people's reactions to so, naturally, now I cannot come up with anything.
Okay, you know what I'm gonna do? Rumplestiltskin my way through this (😘) aka exploit loop holes. The scene that I am looking forward to getting people's reactions to is in the "movie" after season 5 and it's the reveal of Kalshara's motivations. She's the villain of the canonical season 7 and she used to be a fairy in Alfea - and Faragonda's roommate - until she used wild magic (that corrupts everything it touches) and turned herself into a shapeshifter. I have kept that but the reason why she did all that was because she wanted to join and become the fourth member of the Champions of Alfea:
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From left to right those are Farcelia of the Wind, Ress of the Flame and Chevonne of the Water, who were summoned by the Legendarium in season 6 (which is just as nonsensical as everything else in that season).
In my rewrite they are the three strongest fairies of Alfea that ever lived. They were so powerful that they created the Wild Lands, which are full of Wild Magic. That is all kept a secret, though, because imagine the backlash Alfea would face if people learned their most famous fairies created a force that can destroy the whole Magic Dimension. Kalshara wants to be their missing Earth element and she's trying to spread Wild Magic through the rest of the Dimension. Of course, the plan includes fucking over Faragonda one more time just like in the good old days and destroying Alfea as well as CT and RF.
13. Is there any unwritten/unpublished fics you haven't mentioned you're gonna do?
Other than the ton of Erendor x Samara fics that haunt my dreams and may or may not see the light of day? I have stuff that I haven't announced on the blog but I feel like I've told you pretty much everything. The Scream AU, the mind sharing, the one based around the necklace from your story...
The dream-inspired fic, kind of. I have mentioned this but I have not said what exactly it is. It's another Valtor wins the war AU (If I had a nickel for every time I wrote that concept, I'd have two nickels which isn't much but it's weird that it happened twice; can you tell I was having some kind of moment in April and May (even if I myself am not sure what kind of moment it was)?) but the key thing about this one is that he's found himself another partner to take Griffin's place, someone from the Coven. And well, Griffin has to deal with those feelings as well as everything else that's going on. But whatever direction you think this is going in, you're probably wrong.
There's also one other AU. I'm not even sure what kind of AU it is exactly. The prompt that it came from was for a superhero x supervillain but I have no idea what is happening with the fic. But it's basically "Griffin goes back to Valtor (after she'd joined the Company) for the sole purpose of distracting him". And what do you know? It works! ...at least somewhat.
14. Is there any unwritten/unpublished fics you planned on doing, but now you're feeling like you're gonna scrap those ideas?
There was something but I really can't remember which one it was. Usually, when I don't like an idea, it's not the idea itself; it's just the execution or the direction in which it's going. In those cases I just save it to rework it later (which is about 60% of all of my ideas).
15. Do you have any unwritten scene that you think about a lot? -Smolder universe
Yes! The entirety of chapter 2 because it instantly dives into the progressing Griffin x Marion relationship. Now Marion is doing so well with moving on from the pain of Oritel's death; it's actually her mother's constant nagging that's the biggest obstacle between her and Griffin (but they are handling that as well). But this whole relationship with Griffin is so much self-exploration for her and so different from everything in her life up to now. She's kind of scared that she'll realize at some point that she is still the same old Marion and she will always be, which will inevitably pull her away from Griffin. It's not so much that she's afraid of digging herself out of the grave she's been sharing with Oritel as much as it is that she'll realize she's drowning in her grief again and isn't able to let go despite how good she feels with Griffin. I really want to get her to a place where she can be happy and not be freaking out for 2 seconds. Fortunately, Griffin is helping.
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lavendelhummel · 6 months
20 Questions about writing - another tag-game!
Now that I spend my Sunday doing the music game, why not do it again? Because  as I said before but want to say again: thank you for *all* the tags @lilolilyr ! I appreciate all of them a whole lot! But especially the ones about writing!! Because I love writing and talking about it and because I still struggle a bit to call myself writer with my cute little 125k words on ao3 and especially with so rarely finding the time to write recently :( Aaand looks like I just answered one of the questions: 
2. What’s your total ao3 word count?
It’s 125418 at the moment (hoping that I’ll finally come around editing the 10k chapter next weekend, that sits on my computer for months now, that would change it quite drastically but we’ll see).
But back to the beginning: 
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
Not that many, 7. Most of my ideas still live in my head, mostly out of lack of time to write. It's a very varied mix of length though, my first work are 15 chapters of single one shots, that I posted as one story because I didn't want to take up to much space. Then I have the WiP, that is almost 80k now and not at all finished, I have most of the next chapter finished and it's again quite long. But in between being able to finish that I suddenly started posting shorter works too, one two-shot and one one-shot. And now there is also two new one shots that are a different fandom and the first thing I was able to write since I had to stop for real life stress reasons for a few months, one of them was written together with @lilolilyr, another first experience, writing together, such fun! And then there is also another oneshot collection about pregnancy, that I almost forgot, that I have plans for but tbh they are not very high on the priority list.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mostly The Wheel of Time (well, Siuaraine aka the fishwives) so far, but those two newer ones are Warehouse 13 (Bering&Wells) and so are many of my unwritten ideas. And I wrote about Marla and Fran from I care a lot.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Well, since there aren't that many, it's all of them expect for those two Warehouse ones.
But to be more precise: for some reason, by far, very far that one-shot collection for I care a lot with 176 kudos. I don't understand this at all, because I wouldn't rec them nor do them this way again, they are quite weird and my first fanfic steps. I definitely see that I have gotten better since then, even though it hasn't been terribly long! Still, I am very happy if people had fun reading this!! Second is the long fic with so far 7 chapters and I think, this can be explained by it having more chapters than the others but also I put a lot of work in it, so it's nice. And then the 4 chapter one shot collection with 48 kudos, then the one shot I wrote as a birthday present for @ginnyjyng and fifth the short mermaid two shot - still planning on writing a longer Mermaid AU! - with 18 kudos.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes, every single one, always so far. Even this one, though it confused me a lot:
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And why? Because if someone says something to me, I answer, I react? Because comments make me over the moon happy and I want to show it? Because I love to talk to people and when someone comes to me to talk, yes I will talk! And I think I would feel impolite not to as well, if someone goes out of their way to tell me something about my writing, then I can answer that. And also! I am unfortunately still working on overcoming my shyness in commenting other peoples fics and if I do that and get a reply it makes me a) happy and b) makes it so much easier to comment again because it means I hopefully didn't annoy the person (rationally I know that other people are as happy about comments as I am but... it's not fully rational).
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't think I have any fic with an angsty ending! Life is hard enough, I want happy endings and also happy beginnings and middle parts! So no angsty endings at all, but you could call the fix-it chapter/one shot of the I care a lot- collection angsty because it deals with the not-so-happy ending of the otherwise great movie (I don't like it anymore, if anyone wants to read about it, better try the follow up chapter, that one is better). And maybe also my new warehouse13 fic, because it deals with Helenas grief and pain, but it's about healing through poetry and both have happy endings!
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Well, all of them then? Happ-iest though... I mean both of the above mentioned because they have a happy resolve? Or rather the ones that are pure fluff, like the birthday one? Or the mermaid one, because sapphic mermaids are the happy ending I am still waiting for for my own life? Btw., even every chapter of the long WiP has its own happy ending. Oh, and I guess chapter7 was a bit angstier too and has a very happy ending! And so chapter8 starts very happy, but unfortunately still unedited in a word document...
8. Do you get hate on fic?
I wouldn't say "hate". But the very first comment I ever got wasn't very positive and I have to admit, it stung for a good while. I am mostly over it now. Well, and the one from above from "weird ass" (why?) calling me "tea snob" (weird ass is right on this one, so I guess its just truth and no hate).
9. Do you write smut?
No, but not because I don't want to or think it's bad. I enjoy reading it from other writers! But I can't do it (yet). I will allude to it though and feel more confident in that the longer I write fic in general, so maybe one day, I will. Right now, I can't.
10. Do you write crossovers?
No, it's not something that interests me. Not even in the little head-scenarios, it just doesn't happen.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so. But again, my fics aren't very plentiful or popular and most very specific, so I don't think they'd be first choice to steal.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, and I can repeat it here again, my fics aren't very plentiful or popular and most very specific, so I don't think they'd be first choice to x (steal, translate, anything).
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Woooohpppp, yes, as I mentioned already, now I have! @lilolilyr and I had fun mentally teasing poor Helena here! It was definitely very different from writing alone, different mindset, atmosphere and feeling afterwards but fun! Different kind of fun than sitting alone at my desk ;) (which is also fun if it's for fanfic). And it was quite spontaneous, we were both actually working on other fics and then interrupted those to do this. Aaand now maybe this new thing that we just thought of? What is going on?
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
I have to say Moiraine and Siuan here! I can't say yet Bering&Wells because I have only been obsessed with them for months, but it feels like an obsession that is going to stick.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but probably won’t?
I only have one WIP that is more than an outline and a few sentences but actual posted chapters, it's Yellow. I do still plan on finishing that, the reason it hasn't been updated is that I couldn't write anything at all for a few months and am easing back into writing slowly (still dont have huge amounts of time). But I am thinking about cutting it a bit shorter than originally planned. It would still fully work in the plot and as I said each chapter has a happy end, so it would just not follow their lives as long but have a finished ending. I have 85% of the new chapter written but haven't touched it since mid-july. It is coming!
In my head I have so many and the thought of giving some of them up hurts but realistically I won't write them all. I'll have to see which ones I'll be able to pursue.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I can bring a flow into the emotions I try to describe, that they feel kind of natural? And I can't be too trope-y or fake, same as I can't lie in real life, so I'd think my writing should be rather authentic? This is a difficult question, but what I can definitely say is that writing makes me feel very good. It's a very special mindset and calmness that it brings, like a little candle that gets lit inside of me.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Dialogue, I'd say. Not that my dialogue is particularly bad, but initiating it instead of describing the protagonists inner world is sometimes a problem. But I am working on it and I feel like my writing is only getting better. I mean after the involuntary break I am a bit rigid and have to get back into practice but in general there is progress.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
The thing is that there are some things I am used to saying in one language and others in another. Before I committed to fanfic I mostly wrote melodramatic poems in Frallemand (because let’s be honest, Freutsch klingt scheiße), maybe 80% French (because that’s what I mostly use in my head for some reason) and 20% German (because that is after all what I grew up with and spent the bigger part of my life with). So, yes, I love using that! But it had to fit the character and the story, have a reason. And I often find it doesn‘t go very naturally in some fics. In my head it makes sense to use multiple languages but in my head lots of things make sense that could be hard to follow on page. The question is what is the character‘s relationship with this language and words in general? Who are they talking to, do they understand? What about the POV is it in the mixed languages too? 
Are it words or whole sections? I don’t like just using cliché words in that language and the whole rest in English, no one (me?) talks like that. 
So far when I have used another language than English, it was in a way that it got explained during the next few sentences by the characters anyway, so it felt like a flow and not interrupted by translation.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
It was I care a lot. I had been trough a bad few months mentally and was starting to do better, and when I watched that film (and loved it) suddendly I started having ideas and it felt like a fog had finally be lifted. I hadn’t been able to access my creative side for a few years at that point because of stress, and it felt so good. So I tried to never give it up again (obviously I had to take breaks again but I didn’t forget about it like before).
And when I read more interviews with Rosamund Pike because of I care a lot I found out about The Wheel of Time and read the books and got into that. 
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
My favorite is the least popular. It is a bit of nonsense but so fun and I like the ambiance. Dreaming of waves. The first chapter is serious and actually canon compliant and the second a bit cracky. A bit of siuaraine mermaid fic when I couldn’t write a whole long AU (which I still want to do but we will see when). And now I also like the most recent one I posted, it’s about Helena discovering my favorite poet and so probably as self indulgent as the mermaid one. I got very little feedback on both, especially the last one, so if someone has thoughts, I’d love to discuss them! 
Thank you again, so much for tagging me @lilolilyr! I am tagging @lakeofsilverpike and @trollocks-in-my-bollocks. Sorry to both of you, if this feels spammy, I think it is kind of fun and you said you didn't mind spamming. I am curious to know about your feelings on writing, but only do it if you want to! I will stop doing these again now, this took me three days and will spent my time rather on actual fic writing and not writing about writing ;)
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fallenstarzz · 2 months
1 3 and 4 for the ask game!! - maridayurno
Thank you @dayurno for the questions and giving me a reason to look away from AutoCad becuase college was driving me insane. Anyway
1. last sentence you wrote
Alright, thing is, last thing I wrote was an edit in the middle of a chapter, so can't be really sure. However, I THINK it might have been this one (technically 3 but it was the middle one so it makes no sense without a bit of context):
When Aaron's door closes, Andrew says, eyes still on his book:
"That was just strike three."
3. how do you feel about your current wip
I have like. Five current wips. But going for the one I used to answer the previous questions: it is my baby, dead men walking. It's the fic that made me truly come back into the fandom (I was just gonna lurk betaing Nani @queer-lovebot otherwise), and that prompted me to reread the books last year. I am so proud of everything I have planned for it, and I think every single sentence I write on it is the smartest bestest thing ever written, unless I get something so factually wrong I spend five months away from it in shame of having to go back and correct like half of a 3k pov. In my defense, it HAD been five years, how the fuck was I supposed to remember that the Twinyards backstory had this many details.
Anyone it's going to be so over for you guys once this drops in uuuuuh 8-24 months at least.
Here are some Nani reactions to the (now finally fucking finished I hope) prologue the quote was from, that made me feel very evil and very proud:
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4. a story idea you haven’t written yet
Again, it's gonna be hard picking just one, but… The unwritten apple of my eye right now is nowhere girls, a Dan/Renee AU that came to be because I read Dan's EC and the potential was so blinding my dick exploded. Anyway, it's a no-Exy world, so they were soccer rivals in school instead and didn't manage to get any scholarships, and it's kind of a bad ending for them both in the sense they don't have the Foxes as that groudind presence. Dan is juggling community college, her strip club job and also occasional shifts at a diner. Renee is feeling kind of lost after graduation, and maybe sort of joins an underground fight club as a way to manage her anger. Dan recognizes her at the diner and tries to avoid her, up until Renee starts showing up with bruises, and trying to intervene leads to Renee inviting her to the fight club. Homoeroticism ensues. Seth and Allison run rival betting rings. Matt is also going to show up eventually.
The title was inspired by this part of the Dan EC:
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I have listened to brutal by Olivia Rodrigo and thought about Them like daily ever since I came up with the idea.
I also included the first sentence to this in that challenge a few weeks back, but I'll tell you a trade secret: I made that one up on the spot because I thought the number of actual wips I had started was kinda sad and I wanted to do it anyway. Really liked it though, so it's staying :)
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vampires-oxymorons · 3 months
ufrently have Choir as a WIP and five short unwritten stories (all tma yeah)
1. sasha dead, tim and jon sad
2. sounds of brutal metal chair murder (bye bye elias)
3. art=horror, but everything is fine
4. s4 jon ran out of shits to give about humanity
5. extinction!jon + time travel and jonmartim (moderately long)
if u didnt know the Choir is going to be really chonky, maybe 45 chapters.
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rexxdjarin · 1 year
now listen.........
normal I do a chapter summary before each chapter, but this time around I want unwritten ch 1 to speak for itself so, you'll see soon
very soon 🫢
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kelyon · 8 months
TMI Tuesday
Hello Tumblr!
They say not to measure your life in productivity, and I mostly agree--but it is very nice to actually be productive. To have the time and energy and mental and physical strength to accomplish your goals... I gotta say, it's better than the alternative.
To that end, I will be posting Nephila chapter 6 (now titled "Abandoned") on Friday. What can I say, it's a Halloween miracle! This chapter is mostly about teenage Emma and Spider-Neal getting to know each other and finding out what they have in common. And Jefferson is there, being absolutely ridiculous. (I had a lot of fun writing Jefferson this chapter.)
Snippets available to anyone who asks!
Coming up, my goal is to write Solstice well before the start of the Rumbelle Secret Santa. (Yes, it's October, so I've got Christmas on the brain.) This is a moderate bummer, because I'm leaving two stories for my Summer of WIPs unwritten for now. (That being said, if you want to a read a sequel to my fic Begging on His Bended Knees, you just need to sign up for the Rumbelle Secret Santa, prompt "Hamburger date, library smut," and bribe @deliriumsdelight7 so she will violate the ethical standards of her mod position and make sure I get assigned that prompt. The perfect crime!)
After RSS (and maybe a little before) I'm going to start focusing on Courtship: A Golden Rings Story. This is the tale of how Lacey French became Mrs. Gold and what made her think it was a good idea at the time. I'm really excited to get back into the Golden Cuffs Universe, both with this and with the upcoming Golden Love. It's gonna hurt so bad and be so much fun!
I hope you all have a wonderful day. Hit me up with questions. I can't wait to hear from you!
Nephila starting with chapter 1 is here
My inbox is here
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missameliep · 1 year
Ten Songs, Ten People
Thanks for tagging me @jerzwriter ☺️
Rules: list ten songs, then tag ten people to pass the game on to! (bonus points if it's from a wip/character playlist!)
The first five are from two different WIP playlists (3 from A Bookshop AU! I don't know if I'll ever finish writing but I love daydreaming about, and 2 from my Second Chances series playlist because I'm trying to edit the next chapters and maybe this will inspire me), and the others are just songs from a playlist I've been listening at work today.
1. Toothpaste kisses - The Maccabees
2. A shop with books in - The Bookshop Band
3. Longing to Belong - Eddie Vedder
4. Ask - The Smiths
The next songs are under the cut
5. Unwritten - Natasha Bedingfield
6. Paint it, black - Rolling Stones
7. Mr. Brightside - The Killers
8. Ghosts - Muse
9. Don't go away - Oasis
10. Stuck in a moment you can't get out of - U2
Tagging a few of you (let's pretend there's ten names there and you guys feel free to ignore it) : @princess-geek @lorirwritesfanfic @noesapphic @aallotarenunelma @lilyoffandoms @peonierose @storyofmychoices and whoever feels like playing the game
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emperorsfoot · 7 months
WIP fic asks: 1, 12, & 15!
1. What are you most excited about when you start to write it/publish it?
Its a lot of things. When the inspiration first strikes me, I'm just excited to have an idea. I'm excited by the characters and I have to put them in a situation, then the situation's exciting. (And, of course, its also always exciting when I get that little email from AO3 letting me know I have a comment.)
12. How far have you planned ahead?
This is a hard one to answer. I have "planned" so far ahead, in my mind their kids are already having kids. Do I know how they're gonna get to that point? No. Do I at least know what's going to happen in the very next chapter right after the one I just posted? Also, no.
15. Do you have any unwritten scene that you think about a lot?
Most of them.
(Name a fic and I'll be more specific, but be warned: will contain spoilers)
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alamogirl80 · 1 year
WIP game
WIP game
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPS.
Tagged by @indira-korr and @marbled-polecat  Thanks guys!
1. Chapter 17 and 18 of “And I’ll Follow the Light in You”
2. Unwritten Fox/Vos idea
3. ART - Dragon Wooley and SharkMer Slash
4. ART - Fox and Quinlan
5. ART - Echo and Fives  - Fives Lives art idea
6. ART - various smutty arts that I have not decided who they are yet.
@blackkatmagic @cacodaemonia @mock-speed @frostbitebakery @deadstarsrisingsblog @bladelei
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kirkypet · 1 year
🎶, ⛔, 👀, 🤭 for the fic asks! :))
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
I sure do! The first fic I ever wrote was inspired by a song, and I tend to keep up the ‘song titles as fic/chapter titles’ thing. I’ve got a playlist for every fandom and it’s full of 1) songs that inspired a fic 2) songs that remind me of things I haven’t written yet and 3) songs that vaguely remind of the fandom. I haven’t written anything in a month and a half so I’m not in the zone right now, but I do listen to that chapter’s song on a loop while I’m writing
⛔ Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
I started a His Dark Materials / Fury Road mashup where a witch ended up in the wasteland and met a young Joe Moore, but it was too angsty for me to get through. Idea free to a good home!
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
I’m halfway through an American Gods High School AU which is pretty much plotted in my head I just need to write the damn thing. As yet unwritten and only existing as a bedtime story to self is Ain’t Got No Body, where Laura is revived by the coin as a ghost rather than a zombie. I also would love to write a BBC Ghosts fic where they watch American Gods
🤗 What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
1) Try and get into your character’s heads, figure out what they’re thinking. This may mean constructing elaborate backstories that never get written down, but it’ll make it more real for the parts you do include.
AND 2) If it’s fun for you to write, chances are it’ll be fun for folks to read.
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sabraeal · 1 year
For the unwritten/unpublished fic asks: 1,11,13,15,19!
1. What are you most excited about when you start to write it/publish it?
There is usually one scene or one reveal I'm REALLY EXCITED to get to in any fic, so that's really what I look forward to on anything that's a WIP or unwritten. Finally getting to post that ONE THING i know everyone's gonna scream over.
11. Is there any scene you can't wait for people to react to when reading? Why?
A couple, depending on the fic! I have one that I'm sloooowly working my way up to in Desert & Reward, a twist that should be coming in In Plain Sight, and a very big reveal I am still SO MANY CHAPTERS AWAY on in Get Up Eight, and there's a few scenes in Truth in Masquerade I'm sure people are gonna die over
13. Is there any unwritten/unpublished fics you haven't mentioned you're gonna do?
Not that I can think of! I usually talk about what fics I'm writing on twitter, so I don't have a ton that are SEKRIT. Just stuff I haven't gotten to
15. Do you have any unwritten scene that you think about a lot?
Pretty much all the ones I can't wait for people to react to 🤣 I guess the big ones right now are whatever ones I'm working on for the Jiro/Nanami fic, since I'll be working on it tonight and tomorrow and want to be PREPARED
19. Is there any scene that you feel is really planned out/going to be really planned out?
A bunch of the scenes for the next don't speak boyshit chapter have really been worked out quite a few times. There's very few scenes I have to plan out DEEPLY in any given fic, but sometimes I do have to get into the nitty gritty and plan out little beats for harder chapters
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