skyyprince-blog · 10 years
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soraingsky-blog · 10 years
Of course this would happen. Just when he'd managed to get the other to stop running at the sight of him, and perhaps start down the path of things being normal again, the grey wizard had to show up again, and do something like this. What had they done to deserve this kind of singling out? Taking a deep breath, he approached the other. "Hey, uh, Sora? I have to- uh, well- sorry." And with that, he grabbed the other and pulled him into a kiss... again.
The ocean was refreshingly cool against his skin. He knew salt water would get sticky as it dried, but after his run around the island, he needed to splash off the perspiration. He was still a little damp, but he slipped his tank top on anyway, just for the sake of not having to carry it around. He had just gotten to his feet when Riku grabbed his attention. He stiffened, initially squashing his instinct to run. The other’s demeanor was…
He shook it off, instead grinning to bear it. That was behind them now. It was time to be adults and forget about that whole fiasco, because in all fairness to Riku, the event was completely out of his control. (Which just made Sora pray he would never have to run into that “grey mage”).
Grin was gone.
Sora made a distressed sound in his throat, dropping his vest straight onto the sand as he gaped wide-eyed at Riku’s closed ones. ‘You’ve… got to be… fricken kidding me!’
He could swear he felt his temple throbbing as his temper flared. His hands clenched into fists and his eyes squeezed shut. Now he knew he hadn't done anything to activate a spell or whatever, which just ticked him off. If Riku liked him, couldn't he just say so instead of making it out like an obligation? He wasn’t sure what Riku’s game was, but if that was how he wanted to play, then fine, Sora could play.
He grabbed a hold of Riku’s head to pull him closer, and the boy parted his lips to deepen the kiss. One hand grabbed his hair to hold him in place as he moved his lips insistently against his. 
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modernpriestes · 10 years
"HEY! Keep your idiot boyfriends on a leash before they start molesting me next! If I'm gonna be bombarded with make-out sessions 24/7, I might as well have a kiss I actually want!" He ranted, just before he grabbed the girl and smashed his lips into hers.
She didn’t have time to protest, argue, or even question his statement before her lips were suddenly assaulted. She blinked owlishly until he pulled back, and her cheeks were pink as she stared back.
Right up until the first part of his statement registered, and her flush deepened as her anger rose. The girl turned around to scream out into the distance.
"SORA! RIKU! This better not be a new lover you’re trying to sneak past me! You know we’re supposed to come to a consensus and share!”
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skyyprince-blog · 10 years
*flops upon shamelessly* Love me Sora. We need to get enough points to gets me abilities you can actually use.
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"After everything that happened yesterday I'm supposed to shower you with affection and love?" Riku please.
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"What did you do to yourself?"
Leon looked really bad. Even he knew it. Sitting in a shirt and pants with no shoes or armor, he looked up at Riku, evidence he had a breakdown in his eyes. His arms and hands were covered in cuts, and glass shards of a mirror surrounded him. Looking back down, he hid his arms, particularly where a few self-inflicted cuts were, not lethal or even deep, but still there.
"I...i-it was a terrible nightmare. I-I was still in shock after waking up. M-my apologies for scaring you."
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bxymaxcxrxs-blog · 10 years
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                "According to my sensors your heart rate is elevated, is something wrong?"
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uncoveredillusions · 10 years
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reapingwar · 10 years
long-tongued-liberation    slayersupreme    rubylxght    nigrumxmagus    mercurialagent    rexmei    betheretobringyouback
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||   Whispers thank you so much for following and for some, following back. Firstly a shout out to the two new FF9 blogs nigrumxmagus and mercurialagent. Follow them yes? If any of you want a starter and don't mind waiting a really long time for it because you have saintly patience, then be my guest and like for a starter.
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skyyprince-blog · 10 years
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Send me a url and I'll record my voice saying the url along with what I think of them.
How do I words?! ♥
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uncoveredillusions · 10 years
Clothes swap
"...Riku, I look ridiculous in your clothes." He really did- someone who was 5'5" did not belong in the clothes of someone 6'1."
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☤ : Is there anything about their health they are continuously on edge about? Something they disregard? 
Good question really. There probably aren't any large things about it that stand out more than others, however, he is very meticulous on making sure he stays healthy and takes rather good care of himself. He'd rather make sure he doesn't get sick if he can help it, but there isn't really anything that stands out. As far as something he disregards? I don't really think anything in particular really. He's a bit of a clean freak and a slight germaphobe so :|
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