icysurbs · 1 year
Tag 24: Geothermalgebiet Reykjadalur
Nach 4 Tagen beendet Kabinchen den Urlaub auf dem Bauernhof. Zum Abschied gibt's nochmal großes Kino.
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Wir satteln auf und reihen uns in den Kolonnenverkehr auf der Ringstraße ein.
Reykjadalur liegt bei Hveragerđi nahezu an der Ringstraße und bietet eine Badestelle in reizvoller Landschaft zwischen Solfataren und grasenden 🐑 🐏 🐑
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Wir genießen zum wiederholten Male Einsamkeit abseits der ausgetretenen Pfade in nur kurzer Distanz von der Hauptattraktion.
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Wir machen die Rundtour so wie im Reiseführer auf Seite 565 beschrieben : Erst geht's hoch durch das Graendalur, dann über den kleinen Pass und über das Reykjadalur samt Badestelle zurück. Start ist beim Golfplatz, dort kostet parken nichts. Jause und Badesachen mitnehmen!
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Das Bad selbst ist ein warmer Fluss mit vielen kleinen Pools und offensichtlich sehr beliebt. Die Wanderung vom bewirtschafteten Parkplatz dorthin ist easy und dauert ca 45 min. (3 km eine Richtung)
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awomaninscience · 1 year
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ps1 · 2 years
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s-4pphics · 1 year
dial. 5 (e.w.)
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wc;cw: 3.9k, fratadjacent!ellie, all ocs r black coded<3, angst, weed, nun crazy… yet😝😝😝😝
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You’re finally a fucking senior! Joy to the queer world! 
After barely surviving your last term due to heartbreak and an intense depressive episode, the future ahead of you brightened the second you stepped into your aunt's home. Your summer was the highlight of your year… maybe even your life. What had you done in your past life to be blessed with such an amazing auntie? 
She took you any and everywhere you wanted to go. You never imagined Iceland would be the home country you wished to be born in. The mountains, the bright green grass, the fucking waterfalls you only dreamt of diving into. You became a mermaid the second you and Niah jumped into the Reykjadalur River. 
Every fiber of your being rejuvenated after your much needed break, and you were ready to get through your last year without chips on your shoulder. Fuck everyone from your past!
Moving in was always the worst part of the year. As much as you loved decorating, you never fully threw yourself into it until your third week on campus. Your fairy lights would have to sit in their box until you got your schedule in order. 
You and Niah trekked back and forth from your dorm to your auntie’s truck, hauling in box after box until your arms burned. Your back was already killing you. 
“Fucking son of a bitch— “
You interrupted Niah’s exhausted exclamations, “Swear ja— “
“Bitch, fuck you! I'm grown!” She dropped the last box near your work desk before slumping onto your chair. 
“Alright, my loves!” Your aunt entered your shared room with bags of new bedding. “This is the last of it. Need help making your bed?” 
You blankly stared at your aunt, and she smiled slyly, “Don’t look at me like that! You’re my baby!” 
You shook your head, snagging the neatly wrapped blankets from her hands, tossing them to the floor and engulfing her in the tightest hug you could muster. 
“I love you,” you mumbled into her shoulder. 
“I love you, baby. You’re almost done, you got this,” she kissed your cheek a dozen times before pulling back to plant more on your forehead. And nose. 
“Want me t’walk you out?” 
“I got it. Unpack and get comfy. I’ll see you in a couple months, okay?” She bopped your nose and you nodded, embracing her one last time before seeing her out. Niah gave her a goodbye hug and watched her dodge exhausted bodies down the hallway. 
Niah helped you set up your mattress topper and stuffed your pillow cases before your phone vibrated in your pocket. 
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“Dina’s having din-din downstairs in a feeew,” you sing-songed, “Come with us?” You gave Niah the best puppy dog eyes you could muster, her lips pursing as she glared at you. 
“Girl… Y’all always wanna do shit when I’m fucking tired— “
She sighed heavily before conceding, “If that bitch show up, I swear to god— “
“Dina wouldn’t let that happen,” you defended. 
“Oh, she wouldn’t? Really?” Niah scowled. 
“Stop,” you huffed in agitation, “Nothing that happened was her fault. She did what she could at the time.” 
Niah and Dina never explained to you why their relationship rifted, but you could only assume that it was due to you and Ellie falling out. They haven’t spoken since the beginning of summer, according to Niah, and it upset you greatly. You all used to fall asleep on the phone together every night during your scheduled breaks, and now you were hesitant to have them in the same room. 
You were never against Dina and Ellie being friends, even after she blew up on you; They grew up right next to each other, for fucks sake! They’ve always had a strong bond, and not even Dina’s loyalty to you would ruin that. Niah would just have to understand. 
Your best friend rolled her eyes, but dropped the tensity in her shoulders. 
“I’m not eating.” 
You pouted. 
“I don’t care about that,” she pointed at your stuck-out lip, “Get my purse.” 
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The booth you shared with your friends in the dining hall was tense. 
You awkwardly forked your pasta while Niah and Dina stared at each other. You didn’t notice any hatred in their gaze, but the fire was there without a doubt. 
This was the worst dinner ever. 
“Sooo…” you twirled your noodles, “How was your summer, Dee!” 
Your bright smile dropped at her empty response, but you tried again. 
“Cool! Did anything exciting happen? I saw you and Jess traveled a bit!”
“We did.” 
Your eyes flickered between your two friends, their eyes distant. 
“Guys, c’mon! This is so stupid!” You nearly threw your fork on your plate. “Why are y’all even mad at each othe— “
“I’m not fucking mad— “
“Ask her that— “
Both friends brushed you off in their fit of rambles, and you exploded. 
Neighboring students began to stare at all three of you, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. 
“I don’t fucking care about Ellie anymore! I’m over it! It’s a new fucking year and I wanna move on, but I can’t if y’all keep bringing it up every time you see each other!” Niah tried to interrupt, but you cut her off with a stern finger. 
“I know why you’re mad and I appreciate you for caring, but Dina didn’t do anything wrong! You’re taking your anger out on the wrong person!” You took some breaths through your nose to calm yourself.
“I don't wanna see y’all fighting over this bullshit anymore. I mean it! Or we’re…” you looked between them with a harsh glare. “We’re gonna have a problem.” 
Moments of thick silence passed before you heard a gentle snicker. Followed by a snort. 
Boisterous laughter escaped both your friends while you stared in confusion. 
“What’s so funny?” 
Niah clapped her hands in hysteria. 
“Who the fuck are you tryna intimidate— “
“She pulls one little prank and suddenly her balls dropped. How cute! —“
Your head jerked in Dina’s direction, “Wait—” 
“Oh! You thought I didn’t know about that shit? Seriously?” Dina wiped away tears, “You’re nasty, by the way.” 
Heat washed over your entire body at her smirk and arched brow, “My baby’s a fucking freak! Who woulda thought.” 
Niah muttered whores around her straw with a shake of her head. 
“… You still got the vid, or.” 
More laughter erupted from your table, and your arms folded across your chest. Dina’s hand met Niah’s from across the table in a high five. 
“She does still have it, not gon’ lie— “
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The second Ellie saw you, Niah, and Dina laughing through the windows of the canteen, she hit the fastest fucking U-turn of the century. Her appetite dissipated in an instant and she booked it towards the parking lot and into her car. 
She hated the physical reaction that took over her body whenever she saw you, the only thought on her mind being run, run, run. 
After her last… encounter with you and fucking Abby, she made a request to move to the complete opposite side of campus. She packed all her belongings and was out of her and Jesse’s shared place in the nick of time, surrounded by faces she wasn’t used to. The thought of switching schools raced through her mind days after it happened, but when she realized that you hadn’t had plans to broadcast your porno across the campus’ Snapchat, she was at ease.
At least for a little bit. 
Telling Dina and Jesse was, by far, one of the worst parts of this whole experience. 
She hadn’t mustered up the courage to do it until two months later when Abby brushed past her with a mere nod of acknowledgment at a house party. Her hazy mind thought that coming clean would erase some of the guilt she felt, but it was all for naught. 
All she got was a theoretical pie thrown at her face when both her best friends' exploded into the biggest laughing fit, she’d ever seen from them. They knew she deserved all the smoke she got from you and Abby after everything she did, and despite her attempts at being prideful, she knew she did too. 
You never came along when Ellie was around for the remainder of the term, and she didn’t know whether to be thankful or full of fucking shame. It became a bit of both overtime. 
She’d only seen you once after the sextape fiasco. It was during move-out week: your face was droopy and tired—probably due to finals— as you and your family hauled box after box into a truck. 
Ellie hadn’t had a reaction to anyone like that since her first fucking girlfriend. The sweaty hands, the swirls in her tummy, the jitters of her fingers. It all came back to her and she wanted to vomit. 
Looking as cuddly as you did that day shouldn’t be allowed. Ellie knew she didn’t deserve a hug from you, but she allowed her imagination to take over anyway, her subconscious completely engulfed by your scent and forgiveness. 
Ellie’s head rested on her steering wheel, her head banging against it and accidentally sounding the horn. 
Ellie’s never been in a relationship with someone who wasn’t selfish. She allowed people to take and take and take so much from her in the past, gladly accepting their overstepping and lack of boundaries if it meant she received their affection. It went on for so long until it abruptly halted and left her destroyed and alone. Her heart iced over after her last relationship went up in flames, and she vowed to keep it that way. If there’s no love, there’s no heartbreak. 
She thought she could do that to someone else. Prey on someone as sweet and comforting as you. 
But it didn’t work. You fucking cracked her. You’re a witch, and your pussy is godsent. 
Ellie brought out that side of you and she regretted it (despite the jerks in her clit every time she reminisced about your glittery tears), and she owed you the most respectable apology she’s ever given.
Ellie reached into her hoodie pocket and pulled up her phone, messages filled with students asking if she’s around to sell. She ignored them all and searched for your contact that she selfishly never deleted. 
Her thumb hovered over the unblock button. 
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Ellie’s heart is racing and she thinks she might pass out. 
She got used to hearing the small ding from the bell of the Starbucks entrance that she hardly ever looks up at who’s waltzing in. 
When she heard you and your best friend’s laughter, she almost dropped to the floor to hide behind the service counter. She was not fucking prepared to see you. Nausea and butterflies stirred in her gut at the sound of your giggles. 
H-Have a good day, she cringed when her voice cracked, scribbling the customer's names on their cup before passing it down to the mixing station. 
The minutes that passed felt like years, endless seconds of anticipation of seeing you face to face for the first time in months. Her eyes scattered to the end of the lines where the two of you stood every two seconds, observing how you inched up the line. 
Until the two of you stood in front of her, Niah’s intense glare searing through her skin and shaking her bones. She shakily asked for both your orders, but you took over, answering for you and your roommate with your classic smile. You’re too sweet for your own good; She couldn’t imagine being this cordial in public with someone who did what she did. Said what she said. 
You looked fucking adorable: hair twisted, dangly earrings, glossy lips. Her hands wouldn’t stop as she scribbled your name on your cup and cake pop baggie. 
Niah was fucking grilling her, and rightfully so. Ellie’s shocked she didn’t reach over and strangle her with her bare hands. Her presence was a threat on its own, Jesus Christ. 
You swiped your student ID and yanked a stiff Niah by the arm over to the pick-up line, the wind sitting in Ellie’s lungs finally releasing. 
She peered over at the two of you as she collected the rest of the orders from caffeine-withdrawal students, anxiety pitting in her gut when she watched you snag your cup and bag, reading the messy scribbles she left at the bottom.  
hi. can we talk when you’re ready?
You had enough courtesy to hide the baggie from an already pissed Niah, and she was grateful. It gave her an inkling of hope before you frowned, your eyes surprised, then confused. Then angry. 
Ellie almost cried at the scoff that left your mouth when you shot her a pissed glare, before you snatched your dessert from its encasing, crumpled the paper and threw it into the trash by the exit. She watched the two of you leave with a heavy heart, embarrassment overtaking her when you refused to look back. 
Ellie couldn’t shake the feeling that you experienced this same disappointment whenever she shut you down previously, and it made her feel even worse. 
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Ellie started seeing you everywhere you went after that: in the quad, on the way to class, even in the fucking library (a place she never went!), but you never seemed to notice her. She hadn’t been in the study center since she was a fucking sophomore, and she instantly remembered why when she caught a glimpse of you in your own world, headphones on as you scribbled down your notes. 
Remorse flooded her gut when she remembered the time, she dismissed your proposal of listening to a playlist you made for her a couple days after you fucked a couple times. She didn’t even know what artists you liked. 
Even after all this time, she refused to forget all the times she upset you, intentionally or not. 
The twisted part of her brain was already prepared to march over and speak with you, but she had enough sense to overpower her selfish desires. 
She managed to get past you without hassle, rushing onto the elevator to find her usual spot in the second-floor corner. It was her safe place whenever she came in here; She’ll never forget when she and Dina tripped balls atop the beanbags pressed up against the window. 
Going to the library was pointless; The thought of you and your sprinkled cupcakes dominated her mind for the rest of her study session. 
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It was the best part of the entire year. 
The month of October has its own presence: it’s grand and dark, gloomy, fun. Evil. You would never wear bright orange on a normal day, but during October, you might as well be a pumpkin! 
All your friends were already in the Halloween spirit, baking and decorating some of the strongest edibles you’ve ever smelt in your damn life. You were shocked that none of Jesse’s neighbors called to complain about the loud scent. 
“You wanna hit?” 
You peered up at Abby’s invitation puff from her blunt with a polite smile and a shake of your head, “You know I have to drive that one home,” You pointed out an already wobbling Niah in the kitchen. 
Abby chuckled around her next puff, “They’re gonna go fucking crazy with those.” 
“I’m scared,” You huffed, “Niah literally turns into a fucking potato when she’s high. I can never get her to move anywhere.” 
Abby giggled at your eye roll while she ashed. 
Running into Abby after what happened last year was much different than you expected. 
After you two went your separate ways at the party, you assumed she would never want to see you again, blow off any invitations you had to hang out, go back to fucking Ellie like nothing happened, but she did nothing of the sort. 
She always waved you over when she saw you sitting by yourself, greeted you with the brightest smiles and warmest hugs, texted you first. She was everything you could’ve wanted from someone. From a partner. 
So why didn’t you feel that spark whenever she looked at you with those pretty, blue eyes? 
You could always be honest with Abby, so bringing up your predicament was easy. She took it with a grain of salt and told you not to worry because she’s still a whore. It’s college! Her energy always calmed you. 
Niah’s weight plopping down next to you broke your trance. She slumped onto your shoulder with a weak giggle of it’s October 3rd. 
You stared down at her blankly, “It’s the tenth, bonehead— “
“Shhh, shh, i-it’s October 3rd,” she sloppily pressed her index finger to your mouth. 
Abby’s laughter rang from next to you like bells in winter. 
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Ellie was… sad. And felt like a fucking loser. 
She’d been lazily lying on her couch with her dab in hand, scrolling through Instagram and watching 5-minute crafts when she received a notification from Dina. 
She felt a subtle crack in her chest when she saw her best friend caption the post the ‘best time of the year 👻’. She was dawned in her usual witch's hat while Jesse had a pumpkin carving imprinted on his shirt, both decorating what she assumed to be laced sugar cookies. 
Her heart shattered when she scrolled through the slides and saw pictures of a slumped Niah, Abby with her tongue out and middle finger up, and you, eyes gentle and smile doll-like with two peace signs by your face. You looked so cozy under the yellow glow of the decorative lamp. So comfortable in the place she used to call home. 
… She’s never not received an invite to decorate edibles. Why was a lump growing in her throat? Her high was fucked. 
Another notification from Jesse’s Snap highlighted across the top of her screen. Her thumb tapped it without hesitation, and some tears fell from her eyes to her cheeks. 
It was a clip of you, Dina, and Jesse squeezing out icing from a tube onto a loudly snoring Niah’s face, snickering softly when the traces of sugar didn’t go where you wanted. 
Stick it up her nose!
Ellie’s body tensed when she recognized Abby’s low whisper in the background. That was definitely the final nail in her coffin. 
The Snap ended with Niah’s eyes peeling open like a zombie and your heavenly laughter. 
Ellie dropped her phone and sat up, resting her head atop the back of the couch, palms digging into her teary eyes. She tried to convince herself that she was angry, pissed the fuck off, ready to fight everybody, even her closest friends. But she wasn’t at all. 
She was lonely and sad, and no one was there to comfort her. 
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Class dragged on the entire week leading up to Halloweekend. 
Your shoulders were heavy and slumped from exhaustion. What kind of professor assigns projects the week before Halloween? They’re pretending as if they’ve never been students before; They know you’re all getting faded soon! 
You and Niah were grinding in the library the entire week, perfecting your papers and presentations for the following week. You didn’t want anything to ruin this weekend. Distractions, be gone! 
You’ve dedicated a couple hours each day to prepping your costumes for Friday and Saturday. The excitement to adorn your fairy getup was nearly bursting through your eyes. You decorated your wings with sequins and glitter, made your own flower crown, and designed your own spirit guide by snipping and re-stuffing a Squishmallow. 
You were a little too antsy to start the weekend; Niah almost called Dina to help tape you down to a chair. 
You bolted down the crosswalk after your scheduled library visit, a bright grin on your face at the thought of showcasing your designs for your costume. Dina and Jesse are your best critics. 
You turned the corner and hit a hard chest, almost falling to the floor before a pair of strong arms wrapped around your waist. 
“Lookin’ for rings?” 
Your smile widened at the all too familiar voice, “What does that mean?” 
Abby separated from you with a gentle smile, pointing at your sky-blue sweatshirt, “Blue sweater… running… Sonic— “
“Oh fuck!” You paused before a lightbulb appeared atop your head. “Oh fuck! Sonic would’ve been such a cute costume— “
“Still stressing Niah out?” Her brow arched. 
“Of course! Dina and Jes are about t’get the same treatment!” You rushed past Abby, throwing her a wild wave, “I'll see you on Friday bitch!”
Her airy laugh aired behind you before you eased past departing students and into the apartment lobby. 
It’s almost impressive how much your mood can deplete due to one person. 
You instantly recognized Ellie’s back muscles over her muscle-tee, her tattoo sleeve completely exposed as she murmured to the receptionist. The bun at the back of her head was coming loose with each nod of approval she gave. 
Anger and embarrassment and sadness battled for power in your gut as you glared through her skin and down to her bones. And she must’ve felt it.
She spun at the sound of the door shutting, and her eyes immediately glossed over when they locked with yours. She looked like a deer caught in headlights before she whispered hey.
You ignored and looked behind her and greeted the familiar receptionist, “Hey, is Jesse home?” 
“Yeah, babe! You just missed him— “
“W-Wait— “
“Cool, thanks,” You didn’t hesitate to book it for the second entrance, Ellie’s urgent calls of your name ringing behind you. You heard her following you down the hall like a horse. 
She called your name out louder, “Fuck, wait, wait— “
You frantically pressed the up button on the elevator but it was for naught. 
You felt a gentle hand on her shoulder, “Hey— “
“Ellie, don’t fuckin’ touch me, I’m serious,” you spat. 
Her touch dropped, her hands raising in the air, “Okay, okay, I’m sorr— “
“You’re sorry? Really?” You scoffed. “Fuck off, bro.” 
… Where the fuck was this elevator?! You were this close to holding the button down until the doors opened. 
Ellie sighed, “No, I’ve… I've been meaning to talk to you. Can I— “
“I don’t give a fuck about anything you’re saying, genuinely,” You harshly turned to glare into her eyes. Her gorgeous, green eyes that, for the first time, seemed so soft for you. Desperate, and not lustful. 
She didn’t seem to care about your protests, “I know I fucked up and I was… awful— “
The dings sounding from the elevator sounded like alarms. 
“Ellie, please, I’m begging you, just leave me the fuck alone,” Rageful tears flooded in your eyes. “Get the fuck away from me! Just g-go away!” 
Ellie’s small glimmer of hope died in her orbs, her body flinching at your tone as she peered to the floor with red cheeks. 
The doors peeled open after what seemed like a lifetime and you threw yourself between them, slamming the fourth-floor button like your life depended on it. You refused to look at Ellie as the doors shut, your heart pounding in your chest as you heaved, your hands resting on your knees. 
You vowed that absolutely nothing could ruin your weekend, but why was Ellie’s flushed cheeks and sniffly nose almost enough to make you fold? 
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okkkaaaaayyyyy im switching shit up fr so excited to write the next part stay with me yall lemme cook lemme coooook
taggie waggies love yall down :3 @dyk3ang3l @iced-metal @sawaagyapong @kittnii @mariefilms @villainousbear @pick-me-up-im-scared @dragonasflowercrown @elsmissingfingers @bugaboodarling @freakumfilm @robinismywifee @ohitsjordynn @womenofarcane @inf3ct3dd @nil-eena @kaispaws @letsreadsomesins-shallwe @yuckyfucky @machetegirl109 @ximtiredx @mattm1964 @liabadoobee @tfuuka @aouiaa @lastofvenus @iove-bbb
teaser, one, two, three, four
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oonajaeadira · 2 years
27, 30, and 73 for the weird asks!
favorite activity to do in cold weather?
Stay inside. Cool weather (30s-60s) is one thing and I love being out walking in it. But cold weather (20s to the negatives) usually comes with windchill which is dangerous and I don't mess with that. If there's snow, then I like watching it. From inside my house. With a warm drink. Parked in front of my heater fan.
places that you find sacred?
The House on the Rock. The Museum of Jurassic Technology. The Winchester House. Minneapolis Institute of Art. The Met and Met Cloisters. The Louvre. The V&A. The Uffizi. Cathedral Saint Chappelle. Pompeii and Herculaneum. La Sagrada Famillia. Fushimi Inari Shrine. Wat Po. Ankor Wat and Preah Khan. Reykjadalur River. Highgate Cemetary. Père Lachaise. Salem. Most Minnesota state parks. And anywhere there are equal parts monkeys and gamelan music flying through the trees.
favorite weird flavor combo?
Burger topped with jalapeno, cream cheese, and raspberry jam. I am telling you. I AM TELLING YOU.
weird asks that say a lot
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annafshr · 1 year
Exploring Iceland's Enchanting Hot Springs: Nature's Tranquil Oasis
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Iceland, the land of fire and ice, boasts a natural wonder that captivates travelers from around the world—the enchanting hot springs. With its geothermal activity and abundant geysers, Iceland offers a unique opportunity to immerse oneself in soothing hot waters amidst stunning landscapes. These geothermal treasures not only provide relaxation but also a glimpse into the country's geological marvels. In this article, we will take you on a virtual journey through some of Iceland's most breathtaking hot springs, where you can indulge in the soothing embrace of nature's tranquil oasis.
Blue Lagoon
Located in a lava field on the Reykjanes Peninsula, the Blue Lagoon is undoubtedly one of Iceland's most iconic hot springs. Its milky-blue waters, rich in minerals and silica, create a rejuvenating experience like no other. Visitors can submerge themselves in the warm, geothermal waters while surrounded by an otherworldly landscape of black volcanic rocks. The Blue Lagoon's unique combination of natural beauty and luxurious amenities make it an unmissable destination for those seeking relaxation and indulgence.
Nestled in the heart of the Icelandic Highlands, Landmannalaugar is a geothermal wonderland renowned for its colorful rhyolite mountains and steaming hot springs. The area offers a variety of natural hot pools, where hikers and nature enthusiasts can unwind after traversing the picturesque trails of the surrounding wilderness. Soaking in the warm waters while admiring the vibrant hues of the surrounding mountains is an experience that will undoubtedly leave an indelible mark on any visitor.
Mývatn Nature Baths
Located in the north of Iceland near Lake Mývatn, the Mývatn Nature Baths offer a serene retreat amidst breathtaking volcanic landscapes. These mineral-rich geothermal baths are often referred to as the "Blue Lagoon of the North." Surrounded by lava fields and geothermal steam vents, visitors can bask in the warm, milky-blue waters while taking in the panoramic views of the surrounding wilderness. The Mývatn Nature Baths provide a more intimate and tranquil alternative to the larger and more crowded hot springs in Iceland.
Reykjadalur Hot Springs
For those who seek a more off-the-beaten-path experience, Reykjadalur Hot Springs, meaning "Steam Valley," offers a unique opportunity to combine a scenic hike with a rewarding hot spring dip. Located near the town of Hveragerði, a short drive from Reykjavík, this hidden gem boasts a series of natural hot pools situated along a beautiful river. Visitors can embark on a moderate hike through geothermal landscapes before immersing themselves in the warm waters, surrounded by lush greenery and bubbling hot springs. The blend of nature, exercise, and relaxation makes Reykjadalur an unforgettable destination for adventurous travelers.
Iceland's hot springs are not only a source of natural beauty but also a testament to the country's geothermal activity and unique geological heritage. From the famous Blue Lagoon to the serene Landmannalaugar and the lesser-known Reykjadalur, each hot spring offers a distinct experience in harmony with nature. Whether you seek relaxation, therapeutic benefits, or a chance to marvel at Iceland's astounding landscapes, a visit to these hot springs promises an unforgettable adventure. So, take a dip, embrace the tranquility, and let the warm waters of Iceland's hot springs wash away your cares.
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ppppicssss · 5 months
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Thermal vent in Reykjadalur
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pabloedison · 7 months
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Reykjadalur hot springs, Iceland
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zkenvs3000w24 · 7 months
Embracing Nature's Unpredictability
As I sit down to write this week's blog post, I find myself reflecting on the boundless inspiration that nature offers us. With no specific prompt this week to guide my thoughts, I am drawn back to vivid memories from my trip to Iceland in 2018. A journey filled with beautiful landscapes, breathtaking adventures and a deep appreciation for the wild beauty of nature.
One experience that really stands out to me is the hike I took to the Reykjadalur Hot Springs Thermal River. It was about an 8-kilometer round trip, and the scenery was absolutely stunning. As I followed the winding trail, with towering mountains and steaming geothermal vents all around me, I felt a deep connection to the natural world and its timeless beauty.
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However, Iceland's beauty extends beyond its hot springs. While exploring this captivating land, I had the opportunity to visit Gljúfrabúi waterfall, a hidden treasure tucked away in a moss-covered canyon. Standing in front of the waterfall, surrounded by mist and sunlight was breathtaking.
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Now, as I reflect on Iceland's recent volcanic activity and the state of emergency declared in the Reykjanes Peninsula, I am reminded of the unpredictable nature of the world we inhabit. The same forces that shape majestic landscapes and create natural wonders can also disrupt and challenge our lives in unexpected ways. This event serves as a vivid illustration of how nature can disrupt and reshape our lives in the blink of an eye.
The eruption, the third in the area since December, has caused a new 3km-long fissure to open, spewing streams of lava high into the air (Armstrong & Casey, 2024). The resulting smoke from the lava flow has been visible in the capital city, Reykjavik, about 40km away (Armstrong & Casey, 2024).
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Yet, amidst the chaos and uncertainty, there is a sense of wonder at the sheer magnificence of nature. The sight of molten lava spewing from a fissure, the distant glow of smoke against the sky, it's a reminder of the beauty and power that coexist in the natural world.
Nature's unpredictability extends beyond volcanic eruptions. From sudden storms to unexpected wildlife encounters, we are constantly reminded of our vulnerability in the face of nature's whims. And yet, there is also a sense of resilience and adaptability that emerges from these experiences.
As I think about Iceland's recent volcanic activity and what it means for our connection with nature, we must learn to accept the unpredictability and appreciate the beauty it brings. We can treasure our past adventures and eagerly anticipate new ones, recognizing that every experience, whether calm or challenging, allows us to learn, explore, and connect with the world.
Kathryn Armstrong & Ian Casey in London. (2024). State of emergency declared in Iceland after volcanic eruption. BBC News. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-68237327 
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newyeariniceland · 9 months
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Reykjadalur is best know for the heated river that runs through it. Water boiling out of dozens of hot springs in the hills trickle into one body, which is also fed with glacier and rainwater.
The result is a wonderfully warm, gentle stream. Depending on how hot you want the water to be, you can go up- or down-river for the perfect bathing temperature.
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reisewanderlust · 1 year
Island - Georhermalgebiet Hveragerdi, heiße Quelle Reykjadalur und Kerid Vulkankrater
Die erste Nacht im Dachzelt haben wir gut hinter uns gebracht, auf dem Campingplatz gibt es frische Eier vom Hof zu kaufen.
Wir packen unsere Sachen - der Jimny ist so klein, dass auf jeden Fall beide Koffer rausgeräumt werden müssen, damit eine Person an die Sachen kommt. Bei 20 Grad Campingwetter wäre das ja kein Problem, bei uns regnet es und es ist so kalt, dass die Hände nach 2 Minuten schon vor Kälte schmerzen. Mimimi.
Wir fahren als erstes zwischen Schotterpisten und riesigen Schlaglöchern, vorbei an grünen Wiesen mit viele kleinen gelben Blümchen in Richtung eines viereckigen, knallorangen Leuchtturmes. Wieso ist der eigentlich eckig?
Am Leuchtturm angekommen entdecken wir in der Ferne ein großes Etwas. Was könnte das sein? Wir begeben uns auf Entdeckertour und klettern über glitschige Felsen vor Seetangbergen. Puh, riecht das krass nach Fisch hier. Ok, verständlich, weil wir direkt am Meer entlang laufen. Die Frage ist nur, was sind diese gummiartigen, leicht rosafarbenen Schlangen… Holz, Seegurken? Vielleicht irgendeine Seetangart - sehr seltsam. Und seeeeehr gummiartig-schwabbelig-glitschig.
Nun können wir endlich erkennen, was es mit dem großen Berg auf sich hat. Es ist ein toter Wal. Wow.
Wir fahren weiter - und bemerken, dass wir noch viel zu früh dran sind, um einzukaufen, weil der Supermarkt mit dem pinken Schwein erst um 10 Uhr öffnet. Kein Problem, Frühstück und Kaffee auf dem Supermarktparkplatz - danke an Decathlon für die perfekten kleinen Stühle und „Welcome to Penner-Camping-Leben“. Mögen wir. Wir besuchen das Geothermalgebiet Hveragerdi, angelegt, aber informativ - wir hätten über einer heißen Quelle ein Ei kochen können. Dann ströben wir durch die Landschaft, entdecken einen Gufu-Golfplatz und „finden“ eine schöne Wanderung zu der heißen Quelle Reykjadalur, sodass man oben im Flussbett in warmen Wasser liegen kann. Es sind ein paar Touristen unterwegs, die aber wohl outdoor-minded wir wir, nett grüßen, und wir passen unser Wandertempo so an, dass wir stellenweise alleine laufen. Die vom Wandern strapazierten Füße in den Fluss zu halten tut gut - und fühlt sich zuerst richtig seltsam an, weil man irgendwie kaltes Wasser erwartet. Am Parkplatz angekommen wurde unser Auto-Kennzeichen bei Einfahrt fotografiert, sodass wir es durch Zahlung auslösen müssen - sehr fortschrittlich, aber auch sehr leicht zu übersehen. Augen auf beim Parken auf Island.
Wir fahren weiter und besuchen den Kerid-Vulksnkrater. Auch ziemlich touristisch, unten am knallblauen See scheint ein Insta-Spot zu sein. Wir laufen einmal am Kamm entlang und staunen über die verschiedenen Gesteinsschichten, die uns begegnen - schwarz, dunkelrot, hellrot, Moos in allen möglichen Grüntönen. Wir können irgendwann abbiegen und das Vulkangebiet weiter erkunden und dabei in die unendlichen Weiten der Umgebung blicken. Landschaft, ein paar wenige Bäume, zwischendurch ein kleines Häuschen. Der See schimmert so unfassbar blau, dass es unecht aussieht.
Die nächste Nacht verbringen wir bei Regen und schrecklicher Kälte („Es ist so fürchterlich, fürchterlich kalt!“) auf dem Campingplatz in Skjöll. Nicht schön, ein wenig seltsamer Vibe, mitten im nirgendwo, und an der Rezeption stehen so krasse Monstertrucks mit so riesigen Reifen, dass wir uns kurz fragen, ob wir mit unserem Jimny 4x4 morgen wirklich ins Hochland fahren können.
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jaydeemedia · 1 year
[ad_1] Our Iceland Ring Road itinerary uncovers what makes this land so unique from the most popular must-see attractions on the Ring Road, to out-of-the-way places complete with endless scenic indulgence and exciting experiences. Here’s how to spend 10 days in Iceland. Iceland is a unique destination. Perched on the mid-Atlantic ridge where the Earth’s crust is thin, it’s a volcanic wonderland. Black lava fields drop from towering volcanos, sulphurous vents scar the land and colourful mountains rise above crystal-blue lakes. It’s a stunningly beautiful country. The Ring Road which circles the exterior has become a rite of passage for many road trippers. But to appreciate the power of nature and the utter desolation of the country, our 10-day itinerary also includes jaunts into the central highlands where the crowds disappear, and the landscapes are at their most magnificent. We’ve developed this Iceland Ring Road itinerary so that it can be followed in either summer or winter, with suggestions for how to extend your vacation if you have more time, as well as additional reading to help you plan an epic Iceland excursion.   For more ideas, read our Iceland itinerary suggestions and our complete guide to the best places to visit in Iceland. Booking your trip via the links on this page (or on our book page) will earn us a small commission, at no extra cost to you. Thanks for your support – Paul & Mark. IN THIS GUIDE ICELAND RING ROAD ITINERARY OVERVIEW RING ROAD ITINERARY MAP Our Ring Road itinerary spends 10 glorious days taking in some of the best sights Iceland has to offer. The below map includes all the main stops on this itinerary with each red marker representing the day. >> How to use this map / Click on the top left of the map to display the list of locations, then click on the locations to display further information. Click on the top right corner of the map to open a larger version in a new tab or the star to save to your Google Maps.   WHEN TO DO THE RING ROAD? Our favourite time to visit Iceland is over the summer period when the F-roads are open and the incredible landscapes in the highlands are accessible to anyone with a 4×4 vehicle. However, we’ve developed this Ring Road itinerary so that it can be followed in both summer and winter. If you are visiting in winter, you’ll need to skip Day 3 and add another day around the Vatnajökull National Park where you can go on an ice cave experience. All the details are below. DAY 1 – REYKJAVÍK & REYKJADALUR HOT SPRINGS Stay – Reykjavík | Travel – 45 minutes each way to Reykjadalur Spend the morning exploring the streets of charming Reykjavík. In the afternoon head to Hveragerði. From here a 1-hour hike takes you to Reykjadalur thermal river where you can soak in the naturally heated water while staring out at glorious scenery. Winter – In winter spend the evening searching for the Northern Lights on the outskirts of Reykjavík. This Northern Lights Bus Tour includes free entry to the Aurora Museum on the day of the tour and it is fully transferable if the tour doesn’t go ahead due to bad weather.   Summer – In the summer, take advantage of Reykjavík’s cool bar scene. Kaffibarinn is a café by day and a bar by night with regular DJ sets and cocktail happy hour. Veður Bar has a wide selection of beer and wines in a cosy space with happy hour from 4pm to 7:30pm. WHERE TO STAY Hotel Borg – an elegant art-deco stay near the centre of town with a relaxation spa. Loft – HI Hostel – a budget-friendly option with a roof terrace and weekly social events. Black Pearl Apartment – a family-friendly hotel in the centre of Reykjavík with contemporary furnishings. REYKJAVIC REYKJADALUR THERMAL RIVER DAY 2 – GOLDEN CIRCLE & SECRET LAGOON Stay – around Selfoss | Travel – 3 hours Today, leave Reykjavík and complete the Golden Circle – a 3-hour, 30-minute circular drive that visits some of the most popular sights on this Iceland Ring Road itinerary.
Stops include Thingvellir National Park where a fissure runs through Iceland’s historic parliament, Geysir where geysers erupt every ten to fifteen minutes, and Gullfoss, a powerful and beautiful Icelandic waterfall. Finish the day at the Secret Lagoon geothermal pool near the town of Flúðir. It’s one of our favourite hot springs in Iceland and remains delightfully natural. WHERE TO STAY Hotel Rangá – a modern, spacious hotel with an onsite observatory that’s excellent for viewing the northern lights. Álftröð Guesthouse – a great value guesthouse with all the facilities you need for a comfortable stay. THINGVELLIR GUILFOSS SECRET LAGOON DAY 3 – LANDMANNALAUGAR OR THÓRSMÖRK Stay – near Hella or Holt | Travel – 4 to 5 hours return for Landmannalaugar; 20 minutes drive to the Thorsmork bus stop at Hvollsvöllur. Iceland is famous for dramatic scenery, but the best of its impressive landscapes is in the highlands. It’s a wild and remote part of the country but two of the best areas are accessible from the southwest. Today, head into either Landmannalaugar or Thórsmörk. Landmannalaugar – Landmannalaugar is an area of colourful mountains in the Fjallabak National Park. It has excellent hiking with amazing views and a geothermal pool set under a cooled lava flow. The drive there passes Haifoss waterfall; the picture-perfect canyon of Sigöldugljúfur; and the volcanic crater of Ljótipollur. Read more in our Landmannalaugar Guide. Thórsmörk – Three valleys converge forming a dramatic wilderness of spectacular scenery at Thórsmörk. Huge moss-covered mountains dwarfed by even bigger glaciers are divided by a swathe of black rivers. It’s a hiker’s paradise but even a short 40-minute walk can take you to some wonderful viewpoints. Read more in our Thórsmörk Guide. WHERE TO STAY Hotel Rangá – a modern, spacious hotel with an onsite observatory that’s excellent for viewing the northern lights. The Garage – cool Icelandic stay with fully equipped kitchens, private bathrooms and laundry facilities. THORSMORK THORSMORK LJÓTIPOLLUR LANDMANNALAUGAR DAY 4 – SKÓGAFOSS, DYRHÓLAEY & VIK Stay – near Hrufines | Travel – around 1 hour, 30 minutes to 2 hours, 30 minutes. On day 4 of your Iceland Ring Road itinerary, head east along the Ring Road to visit some of Iceland’s best waterfalls. Seljalandsfoss is a 60-metre drop that you can walk behind, Gljufrabui is a smaller waterfall hidden behind rocks, and Skógafoss is a beautiful 25-metre-wide cascade. Another 30 minutes’ drive brings you to the Dyrhólaey Peninsula. This spot has great views of the black sand beach but it’s especially known for the great puffin spotting opportunities from April to August. Some other ideas for day 4 – Walk on the black sand beach of Reynisfjara under basalt columns Drive up the rough road to Katla for wonderful views of the canyon Take an Ice Cave tour and Glacier Hike from Vik Walk to the wrecked DC-3 Plane at Sólheimasandur for your Instagram shot WHERE TO STAY The Garage – cool Icelandic stay with fully equipped kitchens, private bathrooms and laundry facilities. Hotel Katla – a modern comfortable lodging just outside Vik with a superb hot tub and sauna Glacier View Guesthouse – a 40-minute drive from Vik overlooking the Mýrdalsjökull Glacier with well-decorated rooms. SKÓGAFOSS REYNISFJARA DAY 5 – SKAFTAFELL & JÖKULSÁRLÓN Stay – Vestrahorn | Travel – 3 hours to 3 hours, 30 minutes Today head east along the south coast to the far southeast of Iceland. This drive takes you under the flanks of Vatnajökull Glacier, the largest ice cap in Europe. First stop at the moss-covered Eldhraun Lava Field, then at the beautiful Fjaðrárgljúfur Canyon where a river has cut a jagged path through the gorge. Next, go to Skaftafell National Park to hike alongside the Vatnajökull glacier. In 45 minutes (each way) you can see Svartifoss, one of the most beautiful waterfalls in Iceland. In 1 hour 15 minutes (each way) you can reach the Sjónarnípa viewpoint which overlooks the glacier.
Then visit the magical Jökulsárlón Glacial Lagoon and the massive ice cubes on the black Diamond Beach – two of the best things to do in Iceland right next door to each other. End the day at Vestrahorn taking photos of the pointed mountains reflecting in the tidal lagoon. WHERE TO STAY Viking Café is the only accommodation in Vestrahorn where you can wake up right beside the mountain. For other options, read our guide to the best places to stay in Iceland. JÖKULSÁRLÓN SKAFTAFELL DAY 6 – EASTFJORDS & SEYÐISFJORDUR Stay – Seyðisfjordur | Travel – 4 to 5 hours Spend this morning getting sunrise shots of Vestrahorn to compliment the sunset shots you got yesterday. Then begin the long drive (3 to 4 hours) up the east coast of Iceland on Route 1 (the Ring Road). In the summer months, when the road is open, it is well worth taking the shortcut between Breiðdalsvik and Egilsstaðir on Route 95. It’s about an hour shorter and the scenery, if anything, is better. Just before Egilsstaðir take a detour on the 931 west to Hengifoss. From the car park it’s a 1-hour hike (each way) to the waterfall and the first 30 minutes is quite steep, but the red rings etched into the rock framing the cascade make it one of the most beautiful falls in Iceland. There are a host of nice places to stay in the area, but our pick is Seyðisfjordur. It’s an extra 30-minute drive each way from Egilsstaðir, but this colourful town perched at the end of a fjord offers great views and the drive there is breathtaking. Dinner Tip – The pizza and local beer at Skaftfell Bistro are an excellent addition to your Iceland Ring Road itinerary. WHERE TO STAY SEYÐISFJÖRÐUR VESTRAHORN DAY 7 – STUÐLAGIL CANYON AND MÝVATN Stay – Mývatn | Travel – around 3 hours to 3 hours, 30 minutes. Start today at Stuðlagil Canyon which was revealed only in 2009 after a dam forced water levels to drop. All the details are on our Stuðlagil Canyon guide including the best viewpoints. From Stuðlagil, follow the Ring Road northeast to the Mývatn area based around the village of Reykahlíð. There are loads of different volcanic oddities to see in the area and all of them are listed on our Mývatn guide. For this afternoon, we suggest you explore the bubbling mud pots of Hverir and/or the steaming lava fields and volcanic crater at Krafla. Spend the evening soaking in the geothermal pools of the Mývatn Nature Baths. WHERE TO STAY Fosshotel Myvatn – a modern comfortable chain hotel with good facilities and an on-site restaurant Hotel Laxá – modern accommodation away from the town making it the perfect location to see the Northern Lights                  STUÐLAGIL STUÐLAGIL MÝVATN MÝVATN DAY 8 – HUSAVÍK & DETTIFOSS Stay – Mývatn | Travel – 3 hours, 30 minutes Today, take a detour off the Ring Road and head north on Route 87 to explore the fishing town of Husavík. From May to September, this is one of the best places in the world to spot whales. They can often be seen from the coast, but increase your chances by taking a Traditional Whale Watching Boat Tour. In July humpback whale sightings are almost guaranteed and from April to August puffins can be seen fishing in the waters. In the afternoon head back to Mývatn via route 85 and 864, where there are a few spots to stop on the way – Ásbyrgi is a unique horseshoe-shaped canyon that stretches 3.5 kilometres long and 1.1 kilometres wide. Hljóðaklettar is a collection of basalt columns diverging in multiple directions creating swirls, spirals, roses and arches that are known to produce haunting acoustic effects.  Dettifoss is the largest waterfall by volume in Iceland and one of the most powerful in Europe. It plunges 44 metres into a canyon creating a watery spectacle. WHERE TO STAY Fosshotel Myvatn – a modern comfortable chain hotel with good facilities and an on-site restaurant Hotel Laxá – modern accommodation away from the town making it the perfect location to see the Northern Lights                 
HUSAVÍK DETTIFOSS DAY 9 – NORTH ICELAND EXPLORE Stay – Blönðuós | Travel – 3 hours to 4 hours, 30 minutes. It’s a 3-hour drive along the Ring Road from Mývatn to the town of Blönðuós. On the way, stop at Goðafoss, one of the most attractive waterfalls in Iceland. For the rest of the day, there are several choices – Visit more of the volcanic sights around Mývatn such as the pseudo craters or the lava cave and fissure at Grjótagjá before you leave for Blönðuós. Pop into the fishing town of Akureyri for lunch and a stroll along the harbour. Drive a loop around the Trollaskagi Peninsula where the road twists and turns around steep bends amongst lovely scenery (add 1 hour 30 minutes to the drive). If you have a 4×4 you can take a detour (50 minutes each way on the F26) to the waterfalls of Aldeyjarfoss & Hrafnabjargafoss  WHERE TO STAY There are few better places to stay in the north coast than Brimslöð Atelier. This guesthouse has splendid evening meals on a shared table and breakfast is excellent. ALDEYJARFOSS DAY 10 – FAGRADALSFJALL VOLCANO & BLUE LAGOON Stay – Blue Lagoon | Travel – 4 hours Today, take the 4 hour drive from Blönduós to Fagradalsfjall Volcano, the site of Iceland’s most recent eruption. If you don’t find anything on the way, you can stop for lunch back in Reykjavík. A range of different hiking trails offer magnificent views of the steaming black lava fields at Fagradalsfjall. The closest viewpoint to the eruption is the Meradalir Viewpoint via Stórhóll which takes around 4-5 hours to complete. All the details are in our Fagradalsfjall guide. End the day soaking in the upmarket geothermal waters of the Blue Lagoon. Entrance including the silica mud mask, towel and 1 drink is ISK 8,490 ($58 / £50 / €59). Advanced bookings are required. Hot Springs – For more luxurious ways to soak, read our hot springs in Iceland round-up. WHERE TO STAY The Blue Lagoon is a 20-minute drive to Keflavík airport, so if you have a late flight, you can head home after a soak. Otherwise, here’s where you can stay nearby: Northern Light Inn – a full-service hotel including a wellness spa and restaurant just 5 minutes from the Blue Lagoon. Hotel Berg – a smart hotel with individually designed rooms just 2.2 miles from Keflavík Airport Raven’s Bed – a quirky bed & breakfast in a converted cow house with original wooden beams and an outdoor terrace just 7 minutes from Keflavik Airport.   BLUE LAGOON BLUE LAGOON FAGRADALSFJALL ICELAND RING ROAD ITINERARY EXTENSIONS MAELIFELL Iceland’s dramatic green volcano, Maelifell, rises out of a sea of black ash and stone creating a spectacular desolate scene. There are 3 ways to get here, two of which are very achievable. How to add Maelifel — Access is from Hrifunes, just east of Vík, so Maelifel could be added in after day 4 of this itinerary. All the details are in our Maelifell guide. HAHFRAHVAMMAGLJÚFUR Hahfrahvammagljúfur is a steep-sided canyon in the highlands accessed by a bumpy but very achievable mountain road. A few miles away, the thermal river of Laugavallalaug is one of our favourite hot pots in Iceland. How to add Hahfravammagljúfur — Access is near Hengifoss or Stuðlagil so this could be added before or after day 4. More details about visiting Hahfrahvammagljúfur are in our Iceland highlands guide. WE’D LOVE YOUR SUPPORT If you found this guide useful, a small donation helps fund our work – Big thanks, Paul & Mark. FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM USE OUR RESOURCES PAGE ASKJA One of the most challenging adventurous day trips is to the calderas and craters of Askja. You’ll need at least a medium-sized 4×4, a sense of adventure, and the ability to control those jangling nerves. How to add Askja — Access is near Mývatn so you could squeeze a trip to Askja in before or after day 7. Read more in our Askja guide. KERLINGARFJÖLL A mountain range concealing colourful hills and steaming vents, Kerlingarfjöll is a magical place.
The mountain road here is easy to drive and makes an excellent route between Blönðuós, Gullfoss, and Reykjavík, rather than via the Ring Road. How to add Kerlingarfjöll — Kerlingarfjöll could be added to this itinerary after day 9. Read more on our Kerlingarfjöll guide. SNAEFELLSNESS PENINSULA The Snaefellsnes Peninsula is on the western tip of the country and is often described as a mini-Iceland. Here you’ll find a glacier, basalt columns, and dramatic coasts. In our opinion the sights are less good when compared with other parts of Iceland, so we’d save Snaefellsnes for your second trip. How to add Snaefellsness — If you want to add Snaefellsness, it’s just 2 hours from Reykjavík, so you could add it to the start or end of this itinerary. WESTFJORDS Stretching out into the Atlantic Ocean, the Westfjords are a series of rugged peninsulas and massive mountains including spectacular but remote scenery. They include one of the best bird-watching cliffs in Europe and wonderful local bars and restaurants. How to add Westfjords — The Westfjords requires at least 2 days which is best added at the end of the northern section of this Iceland Ring Road itinerary. More details are in our guide to visiting the Westfjords. KERLINFARFJÖLL MAELIFELL HOW TO PLAN AN ICELAND RING ROAD ITINERARY Here is some more reading to help you plan your epic Iceland itinerary. DISCOVERY Firstly, if you are in discovery mode, our guide to the best places to visit in Iceland also includes 32 cool, somewhat adventurous and thoroughly enjoyable things to do. To get a feel for what you can see in the highlands, read our guide to the top places in the Iceland Highlands. Iceland is known for impressive waterfalls; we’ve collated a list of our top 15 waterfalls in Iceland after 4 visits to the country.   PRACTICALITIES For general tips on planning your itinerary including a breakdown of the different regions, when to go and how long you will need, read our Iceland trip planning guide. As this 10-day itinerary is a road trip, read our guide on driving in Iceland with helpful tips, plus advice on how to book your car rental. If you want to head into the highlands you’ll need to travel on the mountain roads which are unmaintained gravel tracks. Our F-roads in Iceland guide has all the information you need. HRANABJARGAFOSS MORE ICELAND READING Iceland is an excellent destination for semi-adventurous travellers who like to get off the beaten track and immerse themselves in stunning scenery. Here’s some more reading from us to help plan your journey to the land of fire and ice. If you found this guide useful, we’d love it if you could follow us on Instagram. A BIG THANK YOU We’ve been providing free travel content on Anywhere We Roam since 2017. If you appreciate what we do, here are some ways you can support us. Thank you! Paul & Mark FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM USE OUR RESOURCES PAGE [ad_2] Source link
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ps1 · 2 years
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voids-are-ok · 2 years
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Reykjadalur Valley
We ascended in mid-afternoon,  descending in dusk.
At the top, we found snow-capped mountains and rusted power line structures in the shape of a V.
Their vertex is affixed to a cement base; wires hook their bodies to the ground --- steadying.
I wonder why they’re built in such a way in such a windy environment.
The day we hiked the valley the wind was a strong presence, hands on our shoulders as we ascended, opposing our motion.
A jeep drove by in the distance.
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oonajaeadira · 2 years
These are delightfully weird questions!
how did your elementary school teachers describe you?
places that you find sacred?
favorite weird flavor combo?
Love you ❤️
Hello, my J, my lady, my love. Let's goooooooo
how did your elementary school teachers describe you?
"Baby." I was very short for my age and looked like I was a good 2 or 3 years younger than everyone. Got picked on a lot and left out of things and my dad was a war vet with PTSD ISSUES so home life was stressful. I cried easy and a lot and probably should have had some kind of therapy. I had quite a few teachers that were kind and nurturing, but my sixth grade teacher couldn't deal with my swings and actually told me to my face that I would amount to nothing and would end up being a terrible weight on society. Imagine telling an 11-year-old with obvious emotional problems something like that.
Anyway, he's dead now. And I'm glad he died wrong.
This all sounds very bleak. But I was also in advanced courses, first chair in orchestra, brought home nothing but As and Bs, and left my fellow girl scouts in the dust when it came to badge awards...
So other than Mr. Goodriddance McCunty up there, most of them would have also said "bright."
places that you find sacred?
The House on the Rock. The Museum of Jurassic Technology. The Winchester House. Minneapolis Institute of Art. The Met and Met Cloisters. The Louvre. The V&A. The Uffizi. Cathedral Saint Chappelle. Pompeii and Herculaneum. La Sagrada Famillia. Fushimi Inari Shrine. Wat Po. Ankor Wat and Preah Khan. Reykjadalur River. Highgate Cemetary. Père Lachaise. Salem. Most Minnesota state parks. And anywhere there are equal parts monkeys and gamelan music flying through the trees.
favorite weird flavor combo?
Burger topped with jalapeno, cream cheese, and raspberry jam. I am telling you. I AM TELLING YOU.
weird asks that say a lot
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Reykjadalur, ICELAND. 
I met a stranger and made a friend on the flight to Amsterdam. Decided to spend the day exploring Iceland with him. An unforgettable experience soaking in the Reykjadalur Hot Spring Thermal River.
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