#reylo au bingo
tarzelladraws · 3 months
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10 Things I Hate About You AU for Reylo romcom bingo!
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thisisartbylexie · 3 years
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Reylo AU Bingo - L1 - Soulmates
I had a hard time with what this might look like, but since the dyad is supposedly even stronger than that, I went ahead and put a quiet post-canon-au moment, involving tattooed red string of fate. I have a million Pinterest saves from my wedding/engagement photography days, and so I was inspired for this quiet moment. 
These two deserve all the quiet moments possible. 
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coppersmama · 2 years
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Our Fanfic Book Club is hosting a Fanfic Trope Bingo for September! 
We’re considering creating a discord for this group - if you’re interested, let me know, but for now, feel free to join the Facebook group and mark off those reads until you get a Bingo!
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soloredeemed · 4 years
Hello there, dear! 🦋 Reylo drabble prompt: modern au, where Ben and Rey meet the first time after two months of quarantine without seeing each other in person (they could only keep in touch online, because they are working in different cities, and the cities were closed for two months). Thank you in advance, and i wish you da best! 🙏💙
It has been far too long since I received this prompt, but I’m working through some of the ones on my list, and thought I would write a little something short and sweet. Hope you enjoy :)
Ben glanced down at the email address his mother had scrawled down on a piece of paper at lunch. It was the copyright lawyer she had recommended when he had told her he was going to go into negotiations for his first book and movie deal. The only problem is, his mother has shit handwriting. He squinted at the paper again and pecked out a couple more letters onto the keyboard. [email protected].
           Hello Johnson, he typed, your services were recommended to me by my mother, Leia Organa. I was writing to inquire about your rates and general terms. Thank you, Ben Solo.
           That should be fine, Ben thought to himself, leaning back in his chair. He needed this deal to turn out in his favor if he wanted to continue to pay for his New York apartment. If he wanted to continue to pay for his New York meals.
           The next morning, however, he woke up to a very confusing email.
           I don’t know who you are or who told you I was a prostitute, but I would very much appreciate if you didn’t email me again. -Rey
           Ben read the email over once, twice, three times before he realized where the hell he went wrong—he had meant to email Ray Johnson, New York Lawyer, not—Ben read the watermark signature at the bottom of the email—not Rey Johnson, Chicago Florist.
           He responded, urgently.
           Rey,            I am so sorry. I was trying to get in touch with Ray Johnson, a copyright lawyer in New York. Unfortunately, my mother’s handwriting is shit. I assure you I did not think you were a prostitute.
That was how it started, really. Ben hadn’t expected her to reply again, but she had. Then lockdown rules were put in place and really, Rey was the only person he spoke to on a regular basis besides his weekly ‘zoom dinners’ with his mother. It was two months, two blissful, quiet months without in-person human interaction and cheap takeout from down the road. Delivered, of course. Rey, on the other hand, seemed to struggle.
           I can’t stand this whole being locked up thing, she had lamented to him once, I need people, I need interaction.
           You have me, Ben had responded.
She emailed him back a little while later, a quiet, simple, yeah, I guess I do.
Ben isn’t sure why they never manage to do a zoom call, or even text, for that matter. It had never came up, not really. The whole mess started as one mistaken email chain, and that was the way it would end. It was kind of nostalgic, really. It wasn’t until lockdown was lifted that he started thinking about more.
Hey, he sent her one day, a few days after the stay at home order had been lifted, got any plans for your new found freedom?
He wasn’t really expecting it when she messaged back, actually, I was thinking about spending some time in New York with a friend.
It was kind of disappointing, for an instant, realizing that Rey had made plans to go to New York without even having spoken to him about it first. Surely she knew he would want to meet her, to say hello. He was half an hour into his pity-party when he gleaned her meaning.
I’m the friend, aren’t I?
Bingo, Solo.
He sent her his address later that day.
*            Two weeks later and Ben was nervously pacing his apartment when there was a sharp knock at his door. He swung the thing open without checking first, to reveal a young woman wearing a bright yellow t-shirt and three buns in her hair. She was—adorable.
“Rey?” He asked, a little unsure.
“You’re taller than I expected,” she told him, looking him up and down appraisingly.
“Really?” Ben questioned, smiling slightly, “because you’re exactly what I pictured.”
The rest truly was history.
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mandaloriangf · 3 years
Didn’t have “reylo au where kylo rapes Rey’s mom so he can, in a twisted way, claim Rey” on my bingo card yet here we are… I am disgusted
not even stephenie meyer went that far
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What "Read three fics from the same challenge (ex: bingo, big bang, reverse bang, stockings, more.)" mean? Like 3 fics with one kind of motif or maybe 3 hits from any challenge found on the internet?
I had this gigantic answer all typed up but it basically amounted to examples that different fandoms found themselves gravitating towards. The simple answer is it’s a yes to the latter option: three from any challenge grouped even loosely thematically, doesn’t even need to be all the same style.
Google is your friend is also my shortened answer, or sending me an Ask if you want help finding something, or reblogging this and asking help from your dash to find it!
Smaller fandoms and ships tend to have fewer events but I’ve found there’s always at LEAST a character/ship Day or Week out here on Tumblr for any fandom, small or medium or large or even dying or way old/new fandoms. Like Murderbot Diaries’ 3/3 Day yesterday, or @jonsa-week for example. Bigger the best conglomerations of challenges would be, say, @cap-ironman’s numerous types of events over the last decade, or @fandomtrumpshate or @marveltrumpshate, or there are fandom-specific directories like @marvel-events-central or thematic challenges like WIKTT’s Marriage Law Challenge or even Kinktober/Whumptober or AU-gust or whatnot, which are already listed but can be appropriated for this too. Or you could read three Dobby Award finalists or something. Star Trek and Star Wars have lots of these, big and small, floating all over the internet, from Spirk to McSpirk to Michael/Pike to Michael/Philippa to Garashir to Deep Space Wives to J/7 to Trip/T’Pol events, and from Obidala to Reylo to Skysolo to Stormpilot to Obikin to MaraLuke to DinLuke to Reylux to uh, pretty much anything. They all have something out there. As does Potterverse. So. Much. Stuff. And thematic events like just.... christmas or hallmark or yule or halloween, to trans collections or femslash only or poly only or anything you can think of, even podfic and art and comics collections, it’s probably out there.
Just don’t Rule 34 it, kay y’all? This is art, not porn. ;) yeah yeah.... :P
So yeah! Google or just searching AO3’s collections with keywords. :) Or ask folks! ^_^ Cheers, and best of luck!
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rosemoonweaver · 4 years
I was tagged by @maliciouslycreative to broadcast my shame WIPs currently sitting in my WIP folder. 
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues/interests you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or I will tell you something about it! 
DCJ Big Bang 2021
Look Who’s Talking Four: Revenge of the Penis 
All That Glitters 
Into the Dark 
Reylo Prompt - Vampire AU 
Stir Crazy 
Asking the Big Questions 
Dragon’s Keep 
Destiel Happy Divorce 
Victorian Bingo Square 
I’ll Say I Hate You For Tonight (GOmens fear kink) 
Wretched and Divine 
Happy Forking Valentine’s Day 
I think that’s everything going back a year that’s actually named. I didn’t bother to look at the things that aren’t named because meh. If you wanna do this feel free. I have no idea who has WIPs anymore lol. 
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elliebear75 · 4 years
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Complete list of fics with links under the cut-line...
A fic you love without knowing the source material: How to Fall In LoVe in 10 Days by KMD0107  https://archiveofourown.org/works/5608291/chapters/12921790 (True fact...never seen the movie it's based on but still love it.)
A fic with a premise that shouldn't work but does: The Phenomenal Pixie by TheLastGoodGoldfish https://archiveofourown.org/works/6563197  ("Superhero" Veronica could have been REALLY campy, but it's not because of the great writing.)
A fic you've read several times: The Love Of Lightning Series by LisaWolfe80 https://archiveofourown.org/series/155648 (My feel-good-happy fic.)
A fic you still remember many years later: The GFE by jennygrrl https://m.fanfiction.net/s/3214563/1/ (Best smut ever!)
A comfort fic: The Breaking the Rules Series by KMD1070 https://archiveofourown.org/series/262273 (Florist Logan is my jam.)
A cathartic fic: Bound By a Kiss by Steenbeans https://m.fanfiction.net/s/8025180/1/ (It just makes me feel all warm inside.)
A fic you'd print and put on your bookshelf: The Cassablancas Legacy by Irma66 https://archiveofourown.org/works/10952238/chapters/24375198 (Also how S4 should have been.)
A fic you associate with a song: Hollywood Lost and Found by Cheshirecatstrut  https://archiveofourown.org/works/4865396/chapters/11151491  (Any and all good things 80's music but mainly Patti Smith and The Talking Heads in sound.)
A fic that inspires you: Haunted by Scandalpants https://m.fanfiction.net/s/9969711/1/ (Everything in this is so damn good it makes me want to be a better writer.)
A fic that brought you on board a new ship: The Light Within by Hope Princess https://archiveofourown.org/works/21913123/chapters/52303468 (Reylo!!!)
A fic you wish could be a movie: Not In A Million Years by Cubbiegirl https://archiveofourown.org/works/23278258 (I really want Hallmark to buy this deliciously fluffy fic.)
A fic that led you to making friends with the author: Sweet Invention by Marshmallowbobcat https://archiveofourown.org/works/20206642 (She's the 🐐.  She's also hilarious and a genuinely awesome human.)
A fic you've gushed about IRL: Stay With Me Inside by Casket4MyTears https://archiveofourown.org/works/21507331/chapters/51262342
(I gushed on Twitter about this a lot!)
A fic you associate with a place: A Graves Turn of Events by Irma66 https://archiveofourown.org/works/11222973/chapters/25076184 (Neptune in Seattle for the win!)
A fic that made you gasp out loud: The One Where Veronica Goes to Hell by Chickabiddy https://archiveofourown.org/works/21116870/chapters/51240091 (The suspense and angst in this one is delicious.)
A fic you found at the right time: The Life Extraordinary by MLP https://m.fanfiction.net/s/6161973/1/ (Fluffy goodness when my life was too much angst.)
A fic that you would read a fic of: The Importance of Sharing by lv63 https://m.fanfiction.net/s/5961139/1/ (More Casey/Veronica/Logan please.)
A fic that made you laugh out loud: Hey Blue Trunks by Trogdor19 https://archiveofourown.org/works/22406128 (Truly LOL'd at this one with the banter.)
A fic with a line or two that you've memorized by heart: Trading Places by Bondopolous and KMD0107  https://archiveofourown.org/works/11222973/chapters/25076184 (All of the titles in this fic just get me every time.  "On the eleventh Day of Christmas, Santa gave to me….eleven carolers with my alpaca and an early shot at my trust fund money")
A fic that gave you butterflies: Wrapped in a Bow by Silverylining2k  https://archiveofourown.org/works/13172823 (Butterflies...other tingley feelings...whateves…)
A fic that embodies something you value in life: Rocky Shores by LisaWolfe80  https://archiveofourown.org/works/3478727/chapters/7638374 (I have a deep connection to the storyline of Logan donating bone marrow.♥️)
A favorite AU: Rio Village Nights by Bondopoulos https://archiveofourown.org/works/7739467/chapters/17642620 (Olympic LoVe!!  I mean come ON!! Such a great AU.)
A fic you stayed up too late to finish reading: Come Back to Me by CMackenzie https://archiveofourown.org/works/1591523/chapters/3383435 (Read this while up during the night with my infant daughter and just never went back to sleep.
A fic that made you feel seen: The One With The Game by MrsKissyT https://archiveofourown.org/works/21116870/chapters/50574725 (Because *I* would be the one who's life is saved being distracted by my phone on the way out the door.  lol)
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fictionalabyss · 4 years
For the fanfic questions - I & W
I: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?  Reading - I’m kind of a sucker for Reylo Au’s HAHAHAHAA.  Writing - I love love LOVE writing high school era Dean. I think it’s my favourite Dean to write.
W: Do you like more general prompts, or more specific ones?  GENERAL. I 100% prefer general because I can let my mind wander freely and let the words flow. Plus, if the prompt starts off general and I’m stuck, I can always ask for more information. A specific one can be limiting. It’s why I love Bingo’s so much.
Thank you for the ask, boo!
Fanfic Ask Game. • Inbox.
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arualr2 · 3 years
¡Echa un vistazo!
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I'm not sure if you are stil doing this, or if you combine the prompts, but I was thinking 49 + 18 plus maybe a little 5 on the mix? ;)
Thank you so much anon! (and sorry this took so long, it ended up much longer than expected) This was a really cool challenge!
For fun, I also decided to work in Reydar for @reylofanfictionanthology‘s Reydar Month, so we’re hitting a diagonal on the bingo board with hacked, midnight, free space, med bay, and employee of the month, and then also ‘real talk with real folks’ and glasses just for fun.
Send me a number and I’ll write a short Reylo au fic (4, 8, 28, and 40 answered)
49. boss/intern au18. waking up with amnesia au and a little bit of 5. one night stand and falling pregnant au(and Reydar)
Should Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot
Words: 3634/7563Rating: on that M/E line
(first part is below, entire thing is on ao3 so the people on mobile don’t hate me too much)
Kylo peeled his eyes open, feeling like they had been glued shut. A tiny crack revealed blinding white light, and he quickly closed them again. His head pounded and his ears seemed to be stuffed with cotton and ringing at the same time. He tried opening his eyes again, the pounding in his head getting loud enough to hear as he did. Still blinding. He stubbornly persisted, until the white resolved itself into a ceiling and walls. He flexed his hand. Something was stuck to it, but it seemed to move okay. Just his head then.
“Kylo?” A familiar voice came from his right. He instinctively turned towards it and winced. Neck too.
Gritting his teeth, he peered at the dark shape next to him. He was confused at first; her hair was down instead of up in her typical buns, and it looked like she had been wearing makeup, but he finally knew who it was.
“Rey,” he croaked, or tried to. His throat was too dry for him to even swallow.
(cont under cut)
Rey grabbed something from next to the bed. It clattered, and then she pushed something cold against his lips. He opened them in surprise. Rey’s fingers on his lips… She withdrew them too quickly for his fuzzy brain to fully appreciate the situation. He realized she’d given him an ice cube and wondered if he finished this one if she’d do it again.
“How are you feeling?” she asked, leaning over him anxiously.
He blinked in surprise, then thought about the question. Everything was vaguely achey, as far as he could tell around the drumbeat in his head. “Terrible,” he muttered around the ice cube.
She rolled her eyes. “I bet.” She sat back in the chair next to the bed. “You’re an idiot,” she told him.
He snorted, then winced again. “That sounds familiar.”
“It should. I’ve mentioned it a couple times tonight.” She was trying to look annoyed with him, but her hand still rested on the bed.
“What happened?”
For some reason, she turned slightly pink at that. She pushed another ice cube at him. Her fingers were warm against his lips, and he flushed as well. “What do you remember?” she asked, not meeting his eyes.
He closed his eyes and tried to think back. Everything hurt. Flashes of blurred scenes passed through his mind, but disappeared before he understood any of them. “I don’t know,” he finally said, frustrated. She was looking at him now, with a combination of exasperation and dismay. “What?” he asked with trepidation.
She huffed. “You fell down the stairs. Do you remember that?”
He squeezed his eyes shut and tried to concentrate around all the noise. Something - walking down the hallway, in his apartment? Just wearing his slacks, he was at the top of the stairs. Something fell down from the leg of his pants; it had been wedged against his knee - how had it gotten there? It was yellow and fluffy - his foot snagged on it, the stairs rushed forward, and his head gave a particularly painful throb. He raised the hand not attached to anything to press against his forehead. His eyes flew open when Rey’s hand covered his, both soft and callused.
“Do you want me to call the nurse?” she asked worriedly. “I can get her to come back if you need.”
“It’s fine,” he gritted out. His head throbbed again. “…maybe you should call her.”
Rey walked to the door and leaned out into the hallway. He rubbed his fingers against his eyes in an attempt to get the pounding to quiet. He jumped when he felt someone touch the lines attached to his hand. His eyes opened and saw an older, very tired looking woman in scrubs bending over him.
“You’re back with us then?” the nurse said as she checked him over.
“I guess,” he said uncomfortably, following her finger with his eyes.
She sighed. “Pity. I guess we’ll never know which of your daughters is going to grow up to be president.”
Kylo choked. “What?”
The nurse continued blithely with her tasks. “Oh, you must not remember. Once we finally got you to cooperate-” she cast him a look that gave him idea of just how difficult he’d been “-you were quite talkative about your future children.” She nodded at Rey. Kylo glanced over and saw she was flushing furiously red. He felt his own face heat.
“If I remember,” the nurse went on, either ignoring, or more likely enjoying his embarrassment, “you were insistent on two daughters, and one or two more, either girls or boys. You were very adamant that they would be smart and beautiful; that was repeated a few times. Let me think -” she paused while making notes on his charts “- I think you decided that they would have her features and your hair. You were just getting into their future careers when you finally fell asleep.” She smiled at them both. “Well, I think that’s all for me! Looks like you’re in good shape, though you’ll need monitoring for at least the next twenty-four hours. I’ll go talk to the doctor to get your discharge put through.” She left with a spring in her step.
Kylo chanced a look at Rey, who was looking determinedly at the wall, face still brightly flushed. “I - were you here for all of that?” he asked, feeling he knew the answer.
She nodded, still not looking at him. “Yeah, it was - it was fine though, you weren’t really yourself -”
He wondered if he could convincingly fall back to sleep and forget this as well. “Still - I’m sorry.”
“No, really, it’s fine.” She glanced at him quickly, giving him a brief smile. “It’s really the nurses you should be apologizing to, you were a right ass when they got you in. I think it ended up taking four of them to keep you from running off at one point. You’re lucky you have such good insurance.”
“If you stick around First Order, you could get the same deal,” he offered, with a tentative smile.
She shook her head, smiling back. “Nice try. I’ll get by on university health services for now; with any luck I’ll have something actually in my field by the summer. Poe knows a guy he’s going to introduce me to.”
He looked down at the sheets, then back up. “You’ll do great,” he told her sincerely.
“Yeah, I will.” She grinned at him.
His head pounded again, and he had another flash of - something, almost like deja vu.
The nurse came back, carrying a stack of forms. “Just a couple things for you to sign, then we’ll get you out of here,” she said brightly, seeming pleased by the idea.
Kylo took the sheets from her, signing on the lines she pointed out to him, not bothering to read the swimming words. He knew better than to sign things blindly, but he would have offered her quite a lot to escape from this confusing situation and get back to his apartment to pass out again on his own bed.
“Perfect,” the nurse said, once he had finished the final page, whisking the forms away. “I’ll leave this here for you.” She pulled a couple pages off and set them on the bedside table “You can get him ready to go, right?” she asked Rey, clearly not expecting an answer.
“Actually -” Rey started, but the nurse was already at the door.
Rey turned to him. “Um, your pants are here,” she said, gesturing to next to the bed. “I can help you -”
“I can get dressed on my own,” Kylo grumbled. The impact of her words suddenly hit him, and his brain finally registered a fact that had been lost in the mind-numbing pain: he was only wearing a flimsy hospital gown. He didn’t have so much as a pair of underwear on and was now uncomfortably aware of the sheets on his skin through the gap in the gown. His face burned.
Rey bobbed her head. “Just - let me know if you need anything. It’s not like I haven’t - “ she cut herself off, turning red again, matching him.
“Thanks,” he muttered. Then, embarrassed: “Could you-?”
“What?” Rey looked at him in confusion, then understanding dawned. “Oh, yeah, sure.” She turned towards the window. “Um, yell if you need help. Don’t hurt yourself again, please.”
Slowly, he swung his legs over the side of the bed. His head spun wildly, and he gripped the edge of the bed tightly to prevent himself from falling in either direction. He breathed slowly, trying to tamp down the rising nausea. He closed his eyes, letting the metal of the bed frame ground him. He thought about opening them, to check if there was a trash can by the bed, but it seemed like a bad idea.
“Kylo?” Rey’s voice was soft and came from next to him. Her hand settled lightly on his shoulder. “Come on, let me help you.”
Eyes still squeezed shut, he nodded. Her hand left, but she returned a moment later. His eyes flew open when he felt her hands on his feet. She was kneeling on the floor, his slacks in her hand, pulling them onto his legs.
“You don’t have to-” he protested.
“I think the nurse probably wants us out of here sometime today.”
Reluctantly, he conceded the point and let her continue. Not that there was a whole lot he could have done to stop her. She was mildly embarrassed, cheeks still pink, but efficient. He tried to draw from that and act as if it was a normal thing to have his intern help to dress him. It didn’t work. Rey reached the edge of edge of the bed, sliding his pants over the gown. “Here, stand up,” she prodded.
“I can do it,” he insisted again. He tried to stand, but barely got a few inches up before landing back on the bed. Rey pursed her lips.
“Lean on me,” she instructed.
Kylo tentatively placed his hands on her shoulders. They were narrow, but he could feel the muscles under his fingers as she helped him up. She pulled the pants up past his hips, slightly uncomfortable with the hospital gown still stuffed into them. He stared across the room, face blazing, as Rey’s hands fumbled at his stomach with the fastenings. Her head was just in front of his, bent down under his nose, and he told himself repeatedly how terrible of an idea it would be to lean closer. He was incredibly lucky she hadn’t walked out on him already.
She finished and took a step back. His hands fell from his shoulders and he started to sway, but she caught them. “They left a wheelchair; let’s get you to that,” she suggested. She led him across the room with his arm around her shoulder and hers around his back. He sat heavily down in the wheelchair and Rey fetched his paperwork. “You good?” she asked, positioning herself behind him.
“Besides the humiliation?” he muttered.
She snorted. “You’ll live.”
She rolled him into the hallway, stopping briefly at the nurse’s station. He did his best not to make eye contact with anyone. He attempted to busy himself by reading the papers he’d been handed, but trying to focus on the dancing words was not making him feel any better. He settled for glaring into the distance.
Rey came back and they continued through the waiting area and out the automatic doors. The brisk air bit into his skin under the thin gown, startling him into being slightly more alert. He folded his arms in front of him and tried not to shiver. Within minutes, a yellow cab pulled up. Rey opened the door and helped him into the backseat, then took her seat next to him. The driver looked back at them expectantly.
“Shit,” Rey muttered. She turned to him. “Do you remember your address?”
He ignored the instinctual annoyance and gave the driver directions. It was a perfectly reasonable question given the circumstances. He furrowed his brow.
“How did I get here?” he asked Rey.
“Ambulance. I wasn’t sure whether or not to move you; you hit your head pretty hard and I didn’t want to make anything worse.”
He nodded slowly. “You were - at my apartment?”
She turned pink again. “Yeah, you invited me.” She looked at him hopefully. “Do you remember?” He shook his head and her expression dropped. “It’s okay. The doctor said things might come back to you, but even if they don’t - it’s okay.” She sounded as if she was reassuring herself as much as him.
He nodded again and leaned his head back against the seat. He closed his eyes, thinking about the little bit he had remembered. Something about yellow…
Kylo nervously patted the blonde wig covering his dark hair, looking out over the crowd of people. Various colleagues filled the room, some he recognized, plenty he didn’t, in various states of inebriation despite the early hour. He was searching for one person in particular, and he found her in the shadow of a pillar, holding a drink and scanning the room. He adjusted his glasses and walked over.
Rey barely glanced at him as he approached, shooting him a look out of the corner of her eye, then returning to her search. He cleared his throat.
“Hi,” he said, the single word coming out somewhat strangled as he tried to alter his voice halfway through.
She glanced at him again, then looked away. “Hi.”
Kylo reminded himself that this was the point, she wasn’t supposed to recognize him like this. “I’m…Matt. From IT.”
This time her look was derisive. “So you’re responsible for the email system getting hacked last week?”
“No! Well, I guess, I mean…” She wasn’t looking at him anymore. “What do you do?” he asked desperately.
“I work under Kylo Ren, I mostly do data analysis.” Her focus was far from him. She leaned onto her tiptoes to try to see better, then settled back down again in disappointment.
“That must be pretty great,” he stammered.
She finally really looked at him, with raised brows. “Really?”
“Y-yeah, why not? He’s a great guy - or that’s what I’ve heard?”
Her eyebrows shot higher. “Who have you been talking to?”
“You know - people? Just some real talk…with some real folk?”
She gave a shocked laugh. “Well, you must have been talking to someone different than everyone else. Usually people’s first response is ‘you poor thing’ followed by ‘pay must be really good for that job’.”
He scowled. “I can’t imagine why people think working for m-him would be so terrible. It’s not like you’re working for Hux.”
She laughed again. “True. I’m not sure they could pay me enough for that.”
She went back to looking across the room. Hux stood on the small stage at the end of the room announcing the employees of the month for the year, like he was giving out awards for perfect attendance at an elementary school graduation. Kylo clenched his teeth as Hux gave another condescending smile to another winner from his own department. He turned back to Rey determinedly. “So…how is working for - Kylo Ren?”
She shrugged. “Not as bad as people assume.” She shot a glance at him. “Though maybe not as exciting as your…folk apparently think.” She half smiled. “He’s an ass, but I’ve figured out how to deal with him. They pay me enough to stay on for now.” She raised herself onto her toes again. “He was supposed to be here tonight,” she muttered.
“I’m sure he’s just busy,” he offered, feeling guilty. He had told her he would be there. This plan was a stupid last minute decision, inspired by passing a storefront on the way home. He’d seen the wig and been struck with the sudden inspiration for a way to get to know Rey outside of being her boss. He hadn’t even been sure he’d go through with it until he was standing with a mouth full of bobby pins in front of the mirror five minutes before leaving.
She snorted. “He probably forgot.”
“It’s New Year’s Eve, how could he forget that?” he asked, feeling mildly insulted.
She rolled her eyes. “I don’t know, probably got a last minute email and dropped everything to answer. Or the Wall Street Journal just published a really interesting article on the financial outlook for tin.”
He definitely felt insulted now. “I’m sure he has a good reason.” He hesitated. “Family emergency, maybe?” he offered, cursing himself as soon as he said it.
It seemed to work though. “Maybe,” she said, looking thoughtful. She turned towards him. “So how about you? Don’t you have more exciting things to do on New Year’s Eve than talk to work strangers at a company party?”
“…no.” That would have been true even if he hadn’t decided to come as ‘Matt’. “Don’t you?”
“Eh,” she said, shrugging. “I’ll meet up with friends later. Free food though, can’t pass that up.”
“Yeah.” He nodded, feeling more stupid with every passing minute. At least as Kylo Ren, Rey wanted to talk to him. Usually. He cleared his throat. “You’re still in college then?”
“Yup. Mechanical engineering, junior.”
“Yeah? How’s that?”
“Not bad. Work’s hard, but it’ll be worth it.”
He floundered. “So how’d you end up with First Order?”
Her shoulders bobbed in her sleeveless dress. “Needed a job to pay for school, and for all his quirks, Kylo lets me work around classes.” She hesitated, and Kylo could feel her reluctance to continue the conversation. “You?”
“I - I work in IT.”
Her eyebrows were back in the air. “Yeah, you said.”
“Well…I was looking for a job in IT. And they had one.”
“Yeah.” He coughed and clenched his hand in the stupid khakis he’d worn to stop himself from pulling on his hair. “So…working for Kylo Ren…not so bad?” Forget tugging the idiotic wig off, he was going to bang his head against the nearest wall until he could forget this whole exchange.
“…no, not so bad.” She narrowed her eyes at him. “You know, one of the things about working for him that I wouldn’t have expected to enjoy is watching him tear into people.” His eyes widened behind his glasses. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, there are some of them I feel bad for,” she continued, blithely ignoring his reaction aside from a quirk at the corner of her lips. “But there are some people who deserve it. Speaking of which, I think I remember your boss coming by the other day about the hacking thing.” She smiled pleasantly at him.
“Um…I guess he did.” She continued smiling at him and he cast around desperately for a way to continue the conversation that didn’t involve him giving up on the whole charade. “He sounds like my mother,” he said,
“You’d like her,” he said, babbling in a panic. “I mean - she’s very outspoken.” He could feel his cheeks turning bright red and knew his ears were burning. He was Kylo Ren, dammit, successful and intelligent, and he couldn’t even hold a five minute conversation with his assistant as a normal human being. He wondered how successful sprinting from the room would be. Rey also seemed to be looking for exit strategies. “She once strangled a man with his own tie.”
That got her attention, though she was still looking at him askance. “Really?”
He nodded, bobbing his head like an idiot. “Yeah. He ended up in the hospital, which was better than he deserved. The tie ripped though, or she might have finished the job.”
Her eyes were wide. “What happened?”
His mind raced. Had he told Rey about his mother? He didn’t think so, but he wasn’t sure. “She’s a - “ not a politician, something else “- lawyer, and this man was suspected of a string of crimes, including human trafficking. She’d helped gather evidence against him, and he came into her office to threaten her. She grabbed him by his tie and choked him until it broke. It was enough to knock him out until the police got there.”
Rey grinned. “She sounds amazing.”
He smiled. “She is. She led protests for years until she started working from inside the system.” He smiled humorlessly. “Then they kicked her out, so she’s back to banging on doors again.”
“What’d she get kicked out for? Threatening to do a judge in with his wig?”
He laughed, then grimaced. There was no way to tell her that without revealing himself. “Not quite. It’s a long story,” he hedged. “There was that time she had to go rescue Dad from the man she ended up strangling though.”
“Yeah?” Rey grinned up at him, and he was pretty sure he’d tell her anything.
The evening continued like that, with him telling her stories from his past, bringing up memories he hadn’t thought about in years. She talked to him a bit about herself as well, though she had little reason to open up to a stranger, something else he had neglected to think about. (Which assumed he had thought through this at all, which was a stretch.) They at least managed a normal conversation without him completely embarrassing himself again, that he could remember. No more than he normally did around Rey anyway.
He leaned his head further into the sticky pleather of the cab seat, trying to remember more. Like exactly how much he had told her about his family, a subject he’d avoided completely until she showed interest in it. His thoughts were too slippery though, and Rey’s voice broke through his reverie.
(Continued on ao3!)
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tarzelladraws · 2 months
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While You Were Sleeping AU for romcom bingo! This is my all time favorite never to be replaced romcom!! Bill Pullman Supremacy!
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thisisartbylexie · 3 years
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Reylo AU Bingo - Y1 - Historical
I had tried to write a little story around this idea of a sweet and simple mid-1930s wedding, but I am emotionally and mentally drained, so I decided to finally just post it. I hope you like it!
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quirkypaynesgrey · 7 years
Star Wars, “First Scars” Rey/Ben, Reylo, rated Explicit
Fandom: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy Title: First Scars Author: paynesgrey Characters/Pairings: Rey, Ben Solo, Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren Rating: Explicit Word Count: 1975 Spoilers: The Last Jedi Warnings: Sexual situations, Fluff, Established marriage, good!Ben Solo Notes: Takes place far in the future, possibly AU and definitely a What If? scenario. This is established relationship with redeemed Ben Solo. Written for my "scars" prompt for hc-bingo. Summary: Rey and Ben discuss his sentimental value in the scar she gave him, and then things heat up after that. Links: AO3 | Dreamwidth
Rey knew the scars on Ben’s skin weren’t proof enough that he was once Kylo Ren and he had been their enemy. They did not encompass the internal strife that Ben lived with everyday, waking up sweating and shaking in her arms from horrible nightmares.
Yes, once Ben Solo had turned to the dark side. More than once, Rey had to fight against him on the battlefield.
There were times where their battles had felt like yesterday. Other days when she saw his smile or smelled the musky scent tangled in his hair, he seemed a completely different person from a far off past and not the man she came to love.
Watching him sleep, Rey studied him as she snuggled up to him and soaked in the warmth of their large bed. In their modest suite, Rey enjoyed the quieter times alone with Ben rather than their usual duties as ambassadors of the the New Alliance to help forge peace in the galaxy.
Today, sunlight peeked through the large window and painted patterns on his bare skin. She reached out a finger, tracing freckles and spots over his body. Delicately, she brushed her finger over his scars - many of them healed and grafted over beyond their former selves.
The one on his face and shoulder, however, he had kept mostly intact. Long ago, when Supreme Leader Snoke was still alive, Ben had fixed the lightsaber scar that she had given him on their first duel on the snowy landscape. Yet, he had left some of the jagged and gnarled skin as a reminder of his first meeting of her, rather than completely heal it with grafters over time. He could have fixed every scar on his body if he so chose, but this particular one he had kept.
He was sickenly sentimental, she mused fondly.
She ran her index finger over the scar down to his shoulder as his soft breathing began to change. When she finally pulled her hand away, she was startled as he grabbed her hand and squeezed. She met his eyes, now awake, and he grinned wolfishly at her. He pulled her against his chest, and she felt his long dark hair fall over her face like a whisper. She exhaled a heavy breath as his warm mouth met hers, sending a surge of heat and wanting through her frame. He settled on top of her gently arching his body into hers.
“Morning,” she said through the kiss.
“You were assaulting me,” he teased her.
“Not true,” she said defensively. “I was looking at your scar, wondering when you’d get it mended.”
“Never,” he said, showering her with kisses again, his lips leading a path down her neck to her breasts.
“Really, it’s just a scar. The health droids could heal you up in only a couple days,” she said.
“No,” he said forcefully, and his busy hands removed her lower garments. His tone rang final and his thoughts had now moved onto something else. “If we have twins, will you name them Han and Leia?”
“What!” she exclaimed, and Rey tried to escape his grasp but he only held her tighter. “Since when have you had this thought?”
“Since you keep going on about my scar,” he said.
“Look, I’m only saying perhaps you should truly do away with the past,” she said.
He sighed heavily, rolling over on his side and propping his head up as he rested on an elbow. “I have told you before, this scar is special to me. Yes, I was a different person then, but it’s when we first fought. We almost killed each other!”
“Ben, while all of this is true, these are not the makings of a first date. Just because we… fought and I scarred you badly, does not mean you should have any affection for such an old wound,” Rey said.
“And here we are,” he said with a small smile. He locked with her eyes and she fell into his dark, magnetic gaze - the one that almost pulled her to the dark side many times. Thankfully, he had been more inclined to take her hand and fall in step by her side. Of course, she had defeated him and his knights by then, but like the deaths of his parents, those scars were not visible. His defeat at her hands was only a wound to his pride, something from which he recovered.
Lucky for her anyway, as well as the whole galaxy. The Jedi Order, the Sith and the First Order all be damned as Rey and Ben started something new together. More importantly, they started over, and Ben made good on his word he would no longer hurt anyone so long as Rey was with him.
She never knew his words had been a proposal for marriage. Ten years later, as he indicated, here they were.
Rey shifted under him on the bed and smiled, cupping his quiet face and leaning close for a long kiss. “Fine, keep the scar.”
“Will you ever shut up?” he said, pulling her arms over her head and pinning down her wrists. He was already starting to sweat from the heat of the morning. She molded herself against him, and she could feel Force energy in her hair, on the sides of her hips, and at the bottoms of her feet. She moaned softly. Rey loved when he did that.
He silenced her again for another long kiss, and Force energy buzzed around them like static electricity, welcoming them as it always had since the very first time they’d made love. His tongue, devouring her like a lifeline, moved from her mouth and sucked on the pulse of her throat. She felt cold for a moment as he pulled his hands away from her wrists, wrenching free the last thin garment between them, his undergarments. Hard, ready heat rubbed against her. She moaned as his fingers dipped below, lightly caressing her skin and leading a trail to the soft hair between her legs. When he’d found her wetness, his lips returned to her mouth and she welcomed him back, the lazy morning lull gone as rising energy fed her fire.
Ben dipped a finger into the moist apex below, and she mewled softly against his lips before following him in turn and letting her hands flutter over his erect cock, hot and pulsating just like those times she had taken his lightsaber into battle. Her fingers slid up and down the shaft as he arched into her and met her motions. He grunted like a stirring monster as she picked up speed, getting him ready for her.
“Enough,” he growled against her skin, like an order of a Supreme Leader and not her husband. A shiver went through her body from his voice, and her instincts almost appealed to defy him. But not this time. She melted into him, letting him do with her as he pleased.
He shifted, and he moved his fingers to replace with his wet and waiting cock, piercing through the buzz of energy around them and filling her whole. First, he rocked into her slowly, building up suspense and taking her slow. It aggravated her a bit, and he knew it. He chuckled against her skin, settling within her and biting at her quivering lips. She clenched around him, desperate for more speed.
For a controlled moment, he obliged her and finally his speed kicked up. She whined when she felt the edge, a wave of hot, unbridled energy coming to push her over. Gods, he felt so good - wet and hard and always perfectly fitted to her insides. Power radiated from everywhere, and she would blush to admit that yes, Force power resided on that part of him too, mimicking the impulsive, erratic energy that had often put them at odds.
But now Ben Solo used that power in a different way - an only for her.
He gripped her hips hard, leaving marks and Rey began to see stars as he pistoned harder, almost tearing her in two, making her pliant and submissive, leaving her with an unending want that echoed out into the future beyond them.
Ben Solo was her place in this world. Ben Solo was everything she needed, and he showed her every time.
“I’m going to give you twins,” he whispered in her ear - like a raw, unquestionable order that filled her blood with fire. And undertow of emotion left her speechless, and she could only release a ragged breath as she came.
He fell in step with her, not more than a few seconds after his words, and she felt the familiar pool of warmth as he emptied himself inside her.
“Ben,” she said, soaking in those last aftershocks of ecstasy, and he stayed within her, finding her lips again, encasing her in a tender, territorial embrace.
She exhaled heavily, her body raw and tender from his onslaught. The sunlight coming into the window sparkled over them, and as she squinted against the bright light she swore she could hear children laughing - like a dream patient for her to meet it.
Rey rested her head against her husband’s thick chest, and he gave her soft kisses against her temple as he stroked her light brown hair. She painted circles on him and entwined their feet together. She let out a sigh of relief and smiled against him.
“I think I can handle the scar,” she admitted, though if this is what came out of nagging him about it, maybe she should hold onto her words.
“I’m glad you see it my way,” Ben said, his tone light from sleepiness. “Let’s not go to the Senate hearing today. Let’s stay in bed and make future force-sensitive generations.”
“Ha, ha,” she said, though she wanted to agree with him. Having to attend Senate meetings, even as figureheads, was getting rather dreary. “Though, it’s good for peace and needs to be done.”
“Argh,” he groaned with abhorrence. “I was not built for these kinds of things. I’d rather be mauled by a flock of porgs.”
“Ben,” she said, and she turned to meet his eyes with resolution. “It’s only for today. And it’s not like we can go out and find trouble to stop, or even make trouble ourselves.”
“Oh?” he said, his brow rose in consideration of the idea.
“Well, I did hear that there are some skirmishes in the Outer Rim territories. Just minor local militia issues and uprisings to preserve the ideals of the First Order over the poor locals,” Rey said.
Ben’s interested piqued. “Oh, that sounds serious. We may have to deal with that,” he said with resolve. “Much more important than a routine senate meeting.”
“We could check into it…” she said, turning to him with a playful smile. “It definitely wouldn’t be boring.”
He pulled her close to him again and kissed her. “Good, let’s go within the hour. Because I swear if I have to sit through a Senate meeting, I will not be able to control myself while I’m sitting next to you.”
Rey’s eyes widened at his meaning. She was half intrigued to let that play out, and half embarrassed that she knew Ben would definitely keep his word on that.
“Alright, let’s go then..”
He held her against him rigidly and caressed a hand down her shoulder. She looked up at him and lightly traced his scar. “Not yet,” he said, capturing her eyes in an intense lock. She knew what he inferred.
Rey crawled into his lap and rubbed against him, already feeling him harden again. Tenderly, she kissed his lips. Ben arched against her again and wrapped his strong arms around her.
She submitted, and Rey admitted this was one battle she was always willing to lose to him.
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tarzelladraws · 3 months
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Return to Me au for romcom bingo! This is, in my opinion, the most underrated movie on here. I’m begging you all to go watch it!
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tarzelladraws · 2 months
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Set it Up AU for Romcom bingo! I first saw this when I had just gotten home from being a missionary for 18 months and I hated it. But I’m pleased to say I LOVED it on this rewatch.
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10 left!
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