#rhegar targaryen
leonalmalsy · 2 months
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A look at Rhegar right before battle
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teapartywithmadhatter · 6 months
Three Heads of Dragon
One woman for Duty and Kingdom,
One woman for Prophecy and Humanity,
One woman for Love and Selfishness.
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They each have suffered in their own way…
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sherlokiness · 8 months
been reading your Lyanna and Rhaegar posts and I very much agree with you about them having a wedding. If we assume that those Kingsguard's weren't false Kingsguards like Jaime and weren't lying about them keeping their "vow" then the most logical explanation would be that Jon is legitimate. When Aerys died, they should have gone to protect their new King Viserys yet they refused to do so. The reason for staying in the ToJ must have been because whatever they're guarding there takes higher priority than Viserys.
What do you think will be for the future of Sansa and Jon then? They will be the second Stark and Targaryen union in the current story we'll see. Since Sansa is a bastard just like Jon that means Jon isn't a bastard at all. They're made to pose as bastards by a father figure or else people would have their head. Stone and Snow. She's a Stark, he's a Targaryen.
Hi, anon! Thanks for the ask.
Great point about Sansa saying she's a bastard just like Jon. If we take that as a hint of RLJ then what she says is actually the truth. She was made a bastard exactly like Jon yet in reality they were not at all. We also have a clue to what Jon might feel once he learns of his heritage.
He is not my father. The thought leapt unbidden to Jon's mind. Lord Eddard Stark is my father. I will not forget him, no matter how many swords they give me.
They might offer him the IT(made up of many swords) and the allegiance of noble houses(my sword is yours.) He will never forget Ned and Rhaegar could just fuck off.💀💀
RLJ parallel for Jon and Sansa for me would probably them having a secret wedding. I mean, the books already teased Sansa having one with a cousin. But unlike RL, jonsa will have a public wedding too much like Jahaerys I and Alysanne. Next I would say is Sansa as the Girl in Grey. I very much believe the theory that Lyanna met Rhegar again at the Inn at the Crossroads which is where another iconic kidnapping took place- Cat seizing Tyrion. It resulted in hostilities between two major Houses where the Starks didn't know the inside story. It would have looked like a kidnapping specially if we have hostile forces against Lyanna there which were the King's men. So Sansa/Lyanna would be fleeing kidnappers only to end up with a Targaryen for safety. The elements involved would be a tourney, a crime, a wedding, and a rescue by a knight. Jon disdaining princesses in towers only to end up rescuing an actual one is peak comedy imo. 🤡🤡
As he walked toward the armory, Jon chanced to look up and saw Val standing in her tower window. I'm sorry, he thought. I'm not the man to steal you out of there.
This could be interpreted as it is or could be that Jon is not the man to steal Val because he will steal another princess later. Jon, Sansa's brother, might also give her a bastard's head - Ramsay's. She already has Janos but she doesn't know that.
After my name day feast, I'm going to raise a host and kill your brother myself. That's what I'll give you, Lady Sansa. Your brother's head."
A kind of madness took over her then, and she heard herself say, "Maybe my brother will give me your head."
Jon vs Ramsay has been foreshadowed by Ghost defending a prize from a yellow bitch three times his size. The most recent one would be Chett, a leech man's son with lordly ambitions, being defeated by "Snow and his pet pig." Lady Piggy is Jon Snow's lady love. There's only one notable guy in the story using leeches and it's Roose.
He will know me. How could he not? She considered throwing herself at his feet to beg for his protection. He never fought for Robb, why should he fight for me?
Sansa's already considered doing before what Alys did.
Alys knelt before him, clutching the black cloak. "You are my only hope, Lord Snow. In your father's name, I beg you. Protect me."
UndeadJon will know her and will fight for her. Jon has failed twice to fight for his family - Robb and Arya. He will succeed on the third one.
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freeusemuses · 1 year
So, since we got to see a little 10 years into the future window into Daenerys and Branwen’s relationship, I have to ask—are there any new little Targaryens running around the castle?
"And which one of you was a marksman at ten?" Jon Snow admonished those who laughed, as Rhegar missed the target again. The young man was the spitting image of his uncle, who he was named after. Rhegar's arrow had soared far above the target, sailing into the woods near Winterfell. Causing birds to scatter.
The laughter died away immediately as the guards of Winterfell were admonished by the King in the North. Rhegar looking up at his uncle with a soft smile of thanks. One Jon returned, motioning for the young lad to continue.
Notching another arrow, Rhegar took aim at the target again. Only for another arrow to strike it dead center just as he was about to let his bolt loose. Wheeling about, Rhegar saw his twin sister Rhena upon the farthest battlement. Bow in hand, and a smug smile upon her face.
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ofdarkestdesires · 1 year
Do Rhena and Rhegar get along with their Uncle Jon?
The two young Targaryen children clamored with excitement. “Uncle Jon! Uncle Jon, you’re back!” they exclaimed, both small bundles of excitement throwing themselves at the black-clad northern lord.
Jon Snow—now Jon Stark, as he had been named after Daenerys had took her throne—laughed and wrapped his arms around the two young ones, hoisting them both up off the ground. “Why, look at the two of you! You’ve grown so much!”
“Da says I’m almost old enough to go north! I wanna go see the Wall and meet the Free Folk,” Rhaegar proudly declared, before his sister shoved his shoulder.
“If he gets to go north, then I do too! I wanna find a dire wolf pup and bring her down home!” Rhaena exclaimed.
“Oh, you’ll both make your way up there sooner or later,” Jon chuckled, setting both kids down and flashing them a grin. “For now, though, who wants to show me how much swordsmanship your father has taught you?” he challenged with a grin.
“I do!” the twins exclaimed, and they both rushed off with a mirrored laugh, both silver-white haired ten-year-olds running to their practice swords in the yard, making Jon belt out a laugh.
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ao3feed-tywin · 2 years
Naerys the princess of the winds
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/6kKQh8P
by Tostarelhes
In 278 AC, Aerys Targaryen II of His Name, ordered Lord Steffon Baratheon across the narrow sea on mission to Ancient Volantis, to seek a suitable wife for Prince Rhegar his heir.
The story goes that Lord Steffon's mission ended in failure, and during his return his ship was sunk in Castaway Bay, bringing more embers to the fire that would one day bring the Targaryen Dynasty to an end.
However, if something different had happened, if Lord Baratheon had found a suitable wife, and brought her to Westeros, what would the new tune of the Song of Ice and Fire be?
Words: 2372, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Categories: Multi
Characters: Aerys II Targaryen, Rhaegar Targaryen, Tywin Lannister, Tytos Lannister, Steffon Baratheon, Cassana Baratheon, Original Essosi Character(s)
Additional Tags: Original Character(s), Self-Insert
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/6kKQh8P
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mermaidvenom · 5 years
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So something ive just realised danearys has a quote she was born to rule the 7 kingdoms and she will.
Except she wasnt lets look at her branch of the family tree and pretend for a second that robert didnt rebel
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It goes her mother and farther then they had
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Rhegar is the heir to the throne and he married elia martell and lyanna stark(for this post im going to include them both at the same time) with elia he had rhaenys an aegon and with lyanna he had jon(aegon)
Which makes viserys place in line go from 2nd to 5th and danys place to 6th taking also into account that at this point in the time line targareyns had started making alliances through marriage for protection since they didnt have dragons.
Then for the posts sake we say like viserys marries someone from another house and has a we will say 2 kids so danys spot goes down further to her being 9th in line for the throne.
Now if the rebellion never happend dany would have most likely been shipped off to somewhere like dorne or highgarden to forge an alliance and since females also dont typically inherit in their own right her butt was deffinatley not meant to sit on that throne and she was deffinatley not born to rule the 7 kingdoms
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sendmetonarnia · 5 years
Live Footage of Robert Baratheon Vs Rhaegar Targaryen
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tulipsinalaska · 7 years
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leonalmalsy · 2 years
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Rhegar should stay a pig.
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ruffiorocks · 5 years
What Rheagar and Lyanna Stark did wasn't 'romantic' it was idiotic! It would never have ended well.
The huge focus on these two is of course they were in love, secretly married and had Jon. Then Robert rebelled and killed Rheagar because he believed that he had raped Lyanna.
Rheagar is always spoken of as a beloved Prince of the people, a guy who was the last dragon, he preferred to play is harp than pick up a sword.
But what about the other side of him that isn't acknowledged at all? Rheagar was married to a Dornish princess, he had two children. Rheagar had a son called Aegon who was the heir after him. But the wonderful and honorable Dragon prince of the people publicly spurned his wife at a tournament in preference to Lyanna Stark naming her the queen of love and beauty. He then planned to annul (actually did annul as Gilly found the record ) his marriage to his wife so he could marry for love. While that is very romantic in a spurring your wife kind of way it is also one of the worst things that he could have done. By annulling his marriage to Elia he not only dishonoured her, but he also declared his children to be bastards and disinherited them both.
This would of and should have pissed of the Dornish, they would not have been OK with that. Their princess has just been used and discarded, her children (half Dornish) declared bastards and Aegon would no longer be heir. That is a giant 🖕 Rheagar gave the Dornish. The Dornish would have every motive to rebel for that act.
Poor Elia Martell, what would her place at court of been? The prince's ex mistress and mother to his bastard children? Rheagar had no grounds for an annulment. In the books it is said that it would be dangerous for Elia to have anymore children. But that isn't grounds for an annulment, in some medieval society you could find a loop hole for annulment if your wife was barren but that doesn't apply here as she has two and one was a boy. So Rheagar what? Wanted another child? So he cast aside his lawful wife and children, completely messing with the established line of succession ?
This would have so many consequences. First off if you have to sneak off to secretly get married to another woman you know what you're doing is wrong and is going to piss people off. Secondly you have just pissed off and insulted one of the 7 kingdoms you rule over. You are asking for them to rebel against you and risking war. For what exactly?
Going back to Rheagar and Elia's children, Rheagar put those children in constant danger from the moment he ran off with Lyanna. Him running off with Lyanna pissed of Robert and Ned who rebelled, Tywin knew he was in danger from the Mad King and hedged his bets on Robert. Did Rheagar not think about how his actions would have effected his children? Because that didn't work out so well for them did it? Even if The Mountain hadn't killed them they would had to have been gotten rid of some how, Robert wasn't all that arsed about the way they were killed. If the king is dead, you've killed the crown prince to, then you need to get rid of his children, legitimate or not they are always a threat to you. You can't keep them around because they will always be an alternative to you, they will always have supporters. You can't send them away either for the same exact reasons. Prince Aegon and little Rhella were f**ked the moment their selfish arsehole of a father thought casting them and their mother aside for a pretty girl was a good idea!
If Robert hadn't rebelled then it would be inevitable that Dorne would have.
This leads me to Aegon and Rhella had they not been killed and Roberts rebellion hadn't happened.
Where would Elia go? She couldn't stay with Rheagar not being his wife anymore. The only place for her would be to go back to Dorne spurned and jilted. Her children ? No longer royals and heirs to the throne, nothing but bastards now with no inheritance or place in the world.
But would have happened to them? Rheagar couldn't really keep them with him, he could have sent them off to some castle to be raised but they still present a threat, they could be used by those who grow displeased with Rheagar or they could grow up and become pretenders to the throne, backed up of course by Dorne and those who believe them to be the rightful heirs.
But what about Jon? Well I hope they wouldn't have called him Aegon! Because that's even more of an insult to your ex wife, her family, her people, your allies and your first born son. If by some miracle Rheagar made it to the throne and Jon was allowed to reach adulthood he would still be a questionable heir and he would be a bastard in the eyes of the Dornish and anyone else who supported Elia and her children. Jon could have ended up having to fight for a throne against his own half brother who would almost certainly be backed by the Dornish causing nothing more than civil war.
Now we now Targaryens have been bigamists before so Rheagar could in theory have taken a second wife. But to make Jon his heir would again of caused massive issues with Elia, the Dornish, anyone who supported the Dornish etc.
Basically in the end Rheagar Targaryen was not a wonderful prince of the people who would have made a fantastic king and was nothing but honorable. He was a selfish jack ass who spurned his wife, declared his children to be bastards, would have pissed off all of Dorne and no doubt would have caused a civil war in the end no matter what he did. He immediately placed the lives of his existing children and ex wife in constant danger, the life of his now wife and the life of his new son Jon. He also would have still pissed off Robert and he may even have still rebelled, he would have put the Starks into a difficult position to. The Starks are honorable, but what Rheagar did was not. They would be torn between supporting the rightful heir, who was now married to one of them and had an heir on the way, or support Robert in his rebellion thereby making an enemy of the Targareryns or not support Robert and make an enemy of the Baratheons. The Starks, Targaryerns, Martels and Baratheons would have all been at war with each other. The Lannisters would have waited to see who comes out on top. In the end Jon or Aegon and Rhella would have had to be dead for there to be peace.
In conclusion Rheagar running off to marry Lyanna wasn't romantic, it was the most ridiculous thing he could have done.
You can tell G.R.R Martin based this on the Wars of the Roses because all of the above senarios and consequences are things that happened during them. Also Rheagar annulling his marriage to Elia Martell mirrors Henry VIII annulling his marriage to Catherine of Aragon so he could marry Anne Boleyn disinheriting Princess Mary and replacing her with Elizabeth. So quite a few Tudor parallels in there as well.
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scldsouls · 5 years
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I firmly believe at this point, that Jon Snow will be on the iron throne. First of all the first book of GoT is called the song of ice and fire.
Ice=Stark and fire =Targaryen. Jon is both Stark AND Targaryen, it’s his song, his story.
Secondly, it’s known that the Targaryens marry inside their family so dany and Jon have a good change of being together thus king and queen.
Finally the last season it’s revealed that he’s the heir to the iron throne, they won’t throw that in there unless it was like REALLY important so I think he’s gonna be king
Reboot with alternate theories AS LONG AS YOU CAN BACK IT UP
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ericanoelle · 2 years
What if Cersei married Rhegar?
If King Aerys agreed for Rhaegar to marry Cersei instead of Elia, that would have changed things drastically. I believe that they still would have had two children and we will still call them Rhaenys and Aegon. Since Rhaegar would have treated Cersei better than Robert, she would have tried to make things work with him.
However, Rhaegar was obsessed with the prophecy of a Song of Ice and Fire, so he still would have crowned Lyanna the Queen of Love and Beauty, which would have insulted Cersei far more than it would have Elia. While Rhaegar and Lyanna were off having an affair, so where Cersei and Jaime- which would have lead to her being pregnant with Joffrey.
Robert rebellion happens however, since Tywin is Aegon (the heir) is going to back the throne. Both Rhaegar and Robert die at the Trident and Jaime still kills the mad king. Ned just wants to go back to the North and Tywin, who steps up for his grandson, tells Cersei to pardon them because they were just trying to get their sister back.
This brews a fresh hatred for the Starks because of Lyanna. Cersei gives birth to Joffrey Targaryen. Aegon is crowned King but Cersei is the Queen Mother and Tywin becomes hand of the King. Everyone else, is sent home. Stannis becomes Lord of Storms End and Jon Arryn and Lysa stay in the Vale.
Daenerys and Viserys are given Dragonstone and eventually grow up and marry each other. - they never hatch dragons.
Ned never tells anyone who Jon Snow is for fear of
Things are peaceful and Tywin proves to do well with the kingdom. Petyr's story stays the same, makes Gulltown profitable, catches the eye of the throne and Tywin brings him to be Master of Coin.
When Aegon is about 17, Tywin decides that he should marry. Cersei feels. that he should marry Rhaenys but disagrees. For services to the throne during the rebellion, Aegon marries Margaery- something Petyr arranges and is given Harrenhal as services to the throne. Which Cersei hates. Rhaenys is engaged to Trystane Martel. Tywin also reaches out to Ned and arranges for Sansa to be engaged to Joffrey.
When Sansa is 17, Ned and Catelyn bring Sansa to be married to Prince Joffrey (who is Cersei's favorite) who is the heir to Casterly Rock since Jaime is still in the King's Guard and Tywin ignores Tyrion completely in the line of succession. Joffrey and Sansa marry but he quickly becomes abusive.
They stay in the Red Keep for a time and Sansa becomes good friends with Margaery but also begins to lean heavily on Petyr. When Sansa miscarries due to a beating from Joffrey and is bed ridden, Petyr arranges for an accident to occur. Joffrey is killed and Cersei becomes distraught. Tywin is forced to name Tyrion as heir to Casterly Rock.
Sansa stays in King's Landing to heal and around the same time, news breaks that Jon Arryn has died in the Vale (Petyr had Lysa poison him). Sansa decides to remain in King's Landing since she is now a widow and has more freedom in comparison to when she was married. She starts having an affair with Petyr after a year or so. Sansa learns that it was him that had Joffrey murdered and that is a secret she will take to her grave.
Eventually, Robin who is very ill dies and in her grief, Lysa commits suicide- especially since Petyr never came to the Vale to marry her like he promised. Harry takes control of the Vale. Petyr suggests that perhaps Sansa and he should marry. At first Sansa is not pleased wit this but agrees. When Harry and Sansa marry, she learns very quickly that Harry is not faithful. He is a better husband that Joffrey but she is still not overly pleased with him. Petyr ends up leaving his position of Master of Coin and goes to the Vale to sit on Harry's council - but in reality it is to be near Sansa and away from prying eyes of the court.
When Sansa falls pregnant, she knows it is with Petyr's child and not Harrys. She gives birth to a son that they name Benjen. He has black hair which Sansa says must be the Stark line- when the child looks like Petyr. Harry never notices. Sansa eventually gets pregnant again and this time she gives birth to twin girls, Alayne and Lyanna. When the girls are infants, Harry is killed in a fight at a brothel (that Petyr owned).
Sansa becomes Lady of the Vale and rules through her son Benjen until he becomes of age. Petyr is her closest advisor and their affair continues undetected for many years. It is not until Lyanna marries Aegon and Margaery's son that Benjen discovers who his father really is.
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paulamoon1 · 3 years
Danaerys warning at the end of ADWD.
“No. Hear me, Daenerys Targaryen. The glass candles are burning. Soon comes the pale mare, and after her the others. Kraken and dark flame, lion and griffin, the sun’s son and the mummer’s dragon. Trust none of them. Remember the Undying. Beware the perfumed seneschal.”
They are clearly telling her to TRUST NO ONE. Wish I totally agree. Danaerys is a foreign and the daughter of the mas king. People in Westeros will not trust her and they will allied with her but will plot her demise since she is a very dangerous enemy to any house or any crown in Westeros as long as she has her dragons alive.
It says with the pale mare. The pale mare could be the white walkers, or Arya. Arya is very connected to death and is learning to practically play with death.
The others are the potential allies Danaerys will meet along the way.
Kraken: Euron Greyjoy
Dark flame: Melisandre or Jon Snow resurrected. If Jon is brought back by Melisandre flame lord then Jon could be this.
Lion: the Lannisters (Tom men, Cersei, kaven, Jaime and Tyrion)
Griffin can be the vale. Specially Lord Harrdying. Since is posible he could become the lord reign of the vale. Which they call young falcon.
Or even Jon Connigton which is known as the Griffin.
Then comes the Sun’s son. This could be Aegon VI. Elia’s son. Which have already kind betray Danaerys since he left to Westeros and leave Danaerys to have mareen because he wants to claim the throne for himself.
Or it could be Jon. Who if is resurrected by Melisandre could be the son of the God of the light. The champion of light azor ahai. He was also born in the tower of Joy and the sun and in dorne.
And the murmer’s dragon. Mumer means actor. This could be
Aegon or Jon. They are both Danaerys nephews if Aegon is the son of Elia and Rhegar. However actor could mean that they have acted all their lives in other’s shoes and not their own.
For example Aegon was given a nicknamed by Jon connington and had his hair dyed blue to keep his identity hidden from who he truly was. So he had acted like he is young griffin but he is the heir of the seven kingdom.
The same goes for Jon. All his life he has been a dragon disguised to be a bastard. The murmer dragon could be Jon. Since he doesn’t know who he is like at all.
Danaerys grew up knowing who she was and her house and her parents. Aegon and Jon grew up with made up stories of who they were and where they came from.
And last but not least perfumed seneschal means house.
Perfumed house. Roses. House of roses. House Tyrell.
She must not trust any of them. Because none of them have good intentions with her.
And remember the undying.
When she sees the death, the whights and the white walkers to remember that this is part of her destiny.
I think Danaerys arrival to Westeros would happens mid or end of Winds of Winter. Her arrival will set motion to that old magic keeping the death behind the wall.
I believed Danaerys is the key. That is why the slavery and change of plans happened. Her trip must be delay to allow other story lines to line up before is time to play the war between the dead and the living.
I always get the feeling that Danaerys won’t be alive by the end of the books. But she is defiantly not the ultimate enemy. I believed she has a purposed to serve.
Maybe save Westeros. Like her father destroy Westeros, she is meant to save it from this immortal danger
My beautiful Dany.
I just hope she does listen and keeps this warning in her head. For those around her and the ones she will meet.
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malereader-inserts · 5 years
Amar Pelos Dois
Fandom: Game of Thrones Pairing: Sansa Stark x Male!Reader Summary: If one day someone asks about me tell them I lived to love you. Before you, I only existed tired and with nothing to give Word Count: 1,626 Request: “May I request something with Sansa with a little bit of angst? I would literally take anything, I love your writing so much so I just know whatever you’re going to write will be good 💕💕” A/n: I know there is some inaccuracy in this, but I'm bending the plotline because I am watching GOT season 8, it’s like three in the morning when I started this and now it’s somewhere in the four o’clock. So spoilers for the new season. Also, the title of this fic is from a song, a song about the continuous search for a lost love,  a Portuguese lullaby kinda song that fits perfectly for this story.
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The voice was like a distant memory to her as she gasps awake, years have passed since she has seen the love of her life. Winterfell was home to her, but it felt empty, she was missing that person she had longed for.
The Targaryen Boy.
The captured Targaryen, you were left to be a prisoner of Kings Landing, under King Joffrey. Sansa had been curious to you when you had arrived, she was merely fourteen when you had arrived being a few years older than her. Joffrey was left not to kill you, under strict orders of Tywin Lannister.
You were pretty in her eyes, as she grew up she wanted to be with a prince. Whilst, she thought Joffrey could be that prince she had longed for, she had seen his cruel nature. Then comes another a prince, an exiled prince with a tongue. A boy of Joffrey age, but instead a crown made of gold, yours was a crown made of silver.
Sharp purple eyes and a boyish smile, despite your predicament you tried looking it from a positive perspective. He’s cruel, bitter and angry, that’s what they say. Locked up in a room in the castle, they say, you’re planning your attack and you being in Kings Landing was bad news.
Sansa dreamt of a prince to wed, she hadn’t expected you.
Your voice was calming, there was no bitterness, no anger. Your purple eyes had enchanted her, Joffrey was nothing compared to you. You were compassionate, loving, but yet oh so fierce. You were allowed to roam certain aspects of the castle grounds, but often times your door was left open.
Members of the Kingsguard kept an annoyingly close eye on you, wary of your actions. You were the one to approach Sansa, fascinated with her looks. Soon, the meetups were frequent, she found you intelligent as you spoke of your wonders.
“This is where I was supposed to be born, this was supposed to be my home,” Yo sighed, it always felt so surreal to you.
“It still could be,” Sansa spoke, there was a determination in her voice but you chuckled, however, it wasn’t mocking to her suggestion.
“Time, my dearest Sansa love,” You murmured, pushing back a stray hair behind her ear, “We need patience, I don’t have a sword to even defend myself.”
The two had arrived at your chambers, you allowed her to enter first, noticing there were no knights around to spy as you enter your room and shutting the door behind yourself. Sansa’s fingers trace the words on the books stacked on a nearby desk.
“I want to get back to my twin,” You dreamt, lying back on your bed as Sansa sat on a chair nearby.
“And what would you do?” Sansa asked, she fondly watched your lips twitched upwards.
“I can’t tell you, or they’ll slit my throat, Sansa dear.”
She never meant to fall in love with you, nor did you. But, within your secret meetings, she found a prince that had ambition, a prince that would fight for his people, you weren’t a coward like Joffrey. You certainly weren’t cruel, nor bitter, nor angry like the whispers that roamed the Castle walls.
She had fallen for you, and suddenly she understood how Cersei wanted to marry your older brother, Rhegar. You were charming, full of pride and full of honour.
You had fallen for her, you watched her grow into a strong woman. She had been pushed and pushed by the king, whilst you tried your best to keep yourself on the good side, sometimes your tongue got ahead of you. You had admired her, how playful she could be and was quick to be swoon with your pretty words and romantic gestures.
Sansa found herself dabbing away the blood on you, you found yourself longing for her gentle touch. Joffrey though he was so smart, forcing a marriage between you and Sansa, he truly believed that you and Sansa hated each other since they hadn’t seen you together. 
Your eyes burn with hatred, the king laughed at your new wife as if she was a joke. She held your hand under the table, trying to prevent you from doing something incredibly stupid.
She was fifteen when she had married you and you were eighteen.
She found happiness with you, she had known that you would protect her. That night of your marriage, she felt happy to be by your side, to consummate the bond. You went her pace, you made her feel like a princess. She felt like the luckiest girl in the world, sometimes she wondered if it was too good to be true.
“Remember I love you,” You whispered into her ear, it was so soft and gentle.
Sansa stood in her room in Winterfell, she had been Lady of Winterfell and she was doing a great job in serving her people. She could imagine you teasing her in the background, but praising her as well. she wanted you to see her now, she was much more than the girl you fell in love back at Kings Landing.
She knew you loved her, it wasn’t false words, it wasn’t a lie. It was something she held onto. 
She had gone through trauma, but she had the hope you were still alive. She kept faith in your return. She had survived Ramsey, she took back Winterfell, all she needed was you. Every day was a day closer to finding the truth of you. But, the last time she had seen you was at the Purple Wedding. 
You both sat on the table, you next to Tyrion and her at the end. Tyrion found it heartwarming to see two children find a true bond, a love that blossomed so naturally and in their favour. However, all good things come to an end.
You both watched how Joffrey choked on his drink, both watching silently in the demise of the King. You squeezed her hand as you kissed her forehead, passionately and lovingly.
She gazed into your purple eyes as you stare back at her blue eyes. Your lips curve upwards, you were always happy to look at the love of your life.
“I love you,” You whispered, “Don’t forget that.”
“It’s the Targaryen boy!” Accusations pointed to you, naturally, and to Tyrion. You looked up to see eyes on you and Sansa.
“Don’t give up on me,“ You looked at Sansa once again, your grip around her tighten, scared to let her go, “Until we meet again, my love.”
Sansa looked outside her window, it had been three years since she had seen you. She’s twenty now, she still celebrates your name day despite not being there. You should be twenty-three. Every day she is reminded of the little things of you, how you would read out loud to her in your shared chambers.
She remembers how warm you were, you claimed it was the dragon blood but she brushed it off as playful. She treasures your story of Essos, how you longed to be reunited with your twin. She recalls back to the time where you two would lie around in bed as she tells tales of her home. Excited for you to visit if it was possible.
Yet, here she stood, at the wall of Winterfell watching dragons fly over her head. She descends down to the courtyard, finding herself waiting for her brother and the new Queen. She stood by Bran as she smiles upon the sight of her brother. Embracing him tightly.
She stares at the new Queen, a spitting image of you, just female. The same silver crown locks and purple eyes, skin as soft and a voice that was soothing. Sansa greets her politely, she was still married to you and despite even not knowing your current status it was only good of her to treat your twin with respect.
Queen or not.
She looks over Daenerys’ shoulder, her eyes widening to see familiar faces. The Hound, who had not noticed her. Then she saw unfamiliar faces before she had noticed someone get off their horse. Wearing white, like Daenerys. She stood up straight as she tries to see this new person who was approaching the Queen.
Then her whole world stopped for a moment. There in your glory, you were alive, sure with some additional scarring but she could get over that. 
Daenerys smirked as she noticed her younger sibling falter and stare at the red hair girl.
“My brother has been telling me tales of you, Lady Stark, ever since he was brought back. You are far prettier than my brother had described.”
Jon looked between the male dragon and his sister in confusion before recalling how Sansa had been married twice. One in a horrible marriage and another that it was too good to be true. 
“(Y/n), you’re making a fool of yourself,” Daenerys whisper to your ear as you snap out of your daze.
“Sansa, my love-” Your voice bringing her back to reality as she jumps into your arm.
You chuckled, your arms fitting perfectly around her tight. She had buried herself in between your neck and your shoulder. Still warm despite the harsh cold of the North. She missed you, your voice, your laughter, your warmth, your scent.
Finally, Winterfell felt complete with you back. Home is where the heart is, and that is you safe and alive.
“I never gave up on you,” She whispers into your ear.
“I never doubt that for a second, my love,” You hummed, still gripping her in a hug, “I hope you haven’t forgotten my love for you.”
“Never in the seven kingdoms would I forget your love.”
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