#ri commissions
riddle-me-ri · 1 year
a/n: PHEW okay so here's one of two 4k commissions I was working on. And it's for my very amazing friend @mischievous-marchie (tagging the NSFW blog because this is so NSFW lmao) Marchie, thank you so much for supporting my writing and trusting me with your main man Jervis, and all his variations. I hope I did your sweet idea justice and thanks so much again for supporting me by commissioning me. It means the world. And I hope everyone else gets to enjoy it too.
*Also reader is referred to as the March Hare cause Alice is overrated, The Hare was always my favorite and...yeah it's its for March lol
Content Warning: explicit sexual content, masturbation, sex toy, mutual masturbation, unprotected sexual intercourse (gn so no specific genitalia mentioned), caught in the act, and making out.
Word Count: 4.5 k
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General Mad Hatter x Reader - Call Out My Name
Your fingers drummed along the hardback cover of a novel you were trying to read. Soon the tapping of your fingers migrated to your foot on the floor. 
You groaned in frustration. 
You grew restless with boredom. 
Even the white noise of some random show that played on TV began to become silencing…just an echo of how lonely and dim it was when he wasn’t around. 
You sighed, finally surrendering and putting the book down on the coffee table. 
Why did Jervis have to be in Arkham?
You knew why, because if one of you was to get caught by Batman… Jervis ensured it was only going to be him every time. Jervis always made sure you had an escape, even if you didn’t know he had one for you.
“Arkham is no place for lovely people, my dear.” He explained once in a moment of lucidity. “I take it as a chance to reconvene my thoughts and even get to visit old friends.” He chuckled before he continued. “So don’t worry about me, dear…Although don’t forget about me either…please.” 
Your heart panged the same way it did the day he told you that. He didn’t have to worry about you ever forgetting him. 
You could never forget about the man you have loved and continue to love feverishly since day one. 
If he only knew, sometimes you wished he would just miraculously figure it out. Then maybe, just maybe, he would be compelled to reveal his feelings…if he had any for you that is.
It felt like he did anyhow, the way he’d protect you from Batman, how he always somehow made time to see you or include you in everything. 
You two have been companions for quite awhile. Jervis has always been charming, kind, and fun. He always made you smile, even on days when you didn’t feel like rolling out of bed. 
You tried your best to always be there for him. 
During his highs and lows, his madness and his lucidity, for everything. In turn, Jervis is always there for you when you need him in any capacity (except when he was locked up, which he always felt guilty for leaving you.)
You two were inseparable.
The Mad Hatter and The March Hare at the Mad Tea Party–only missing a sleepy Dormouse. 
Yes, a strong, loyal relationship was formed, but if only it could transition from platonic to romantic…
Of course, it didn’t help that he is exquisitely handsome in the most unconventional way that was endearing to you. 
Jervis’ wide bright eyes, cute elongated buck teeth, raggedy hair, and his obtuse nose that you desperately wanted to kiss. 
You sighed as you sunk yourself deeper into the couch, no doubt creating a uniquely shaped dent in the cushions from lounging there all day.
You really did miss him. All of this reminiscing probably doesn’t help either. You just couldn’t help it, just forming his image in your mind made you happier. 
Perhaps…this imagining could help in another area and maybe you can salvage the boring day and turn it into a fun night. 
For a moment, you were grateful that Jervis wasn’t around…
The cushions of the couch sunk against your weight as you laid back and made yourself comfortable. 
You took a deep breath as your head nestled into the plush arm rest. You slowly rolled up the long graphic tee you wore, exposing your lower body. 
It had been a minute since you ventured into the realms of self love in the most physical sense, but you were certain the awkwardness of the start would be well worth the pleasure in the aftermath. 
Your breath hitched as your fingers fell into a decent rhythm stimulating your sex. Every nerve ending on every pore of your skin was ignited. 
You decide to finally take it up a notch. 
You reluctantly removed your hand to reach for the toy on the side table behind your head. You snatched up the dark blue bullet vibrator and turned it on to a low setting. 
Your body jerked slightly at the vibrating sensations as you glided the toy over your chest and down your abdomen. The smooth material made you wish it was something else. 
Instead of the cool smooth mechanical texture…it was rough, soft, and warm. 
Instead of your hand controlling a toy, it was someone else’s hand, better yet, Jervis’ gloved fingers. 
Desperately, you wished it was Jervis that stimulated your body. 
It was his warm diligent hands roaming across your skin causing goosebumps to form. His hands that created delicious friction that you craved. 
As the vibrator made its way closer to your sex, the setting was turned up higher and your moans became louder and more drawn out. 
The vibrations added with the continued pace of your other hand on your genitals. You were a withering mess on the couch. 
Your eyes tightly closed, trying like crazy to suspend reality and envision it was Jervis doing this to you. 
Your moans soon turned into pants and cries. “J-Jervis…Jervis!” 
As you were chasing that sweet release, as if your imaginations manifested him…
Jervis Tetch was actually a free man and was making his way to your apartment. 
Jervis was absolutely beaming with excitement. Adrenaline was still pumping in his veins from his narrow escape from Arkham.
The moment he was out, he knew he had to come see you and let you know he was free! The only person that would actually be waiting for him on the other side…
He just couldn’t wait to surprise you. 
Jervis missed you terribly. No one else understood him, appreciated him…genuinely liked him like you do. To say you made his heart race would be an understatement. However, he was extremely cautious and uncertain. 
As much as he wanted to sweep you off your feet, hold you, kiss you…he didn’t want to risk the chance of losing you–as he has lost others. 
Jervis wasn’t sure he could handle losing you in any capacity. 
Hence why he always did his best to protect you when things got dodgy. Despite your stubbornness to stay by his side…something he juxtapositionally adored and lamented about you. 
His gloved knuckles barely racked along your door when he heard–
“J-Jervis! Jervis!” 
Jervis’ heart fell to his stomach. The adrenaline from his escape rose back up out of sheer panic for you. He quickly grabbed the doorknob and was stantly met with resistance from the locked handle. 
Seeing no other option, he began backing away and braced himself with his side as he ran shoulder first into your door–
You were so lost in your motions and the fantasy in your mind that you didn’t register the reality of your doorknob being rattled. 
You were none the wiser to another presence until he made himself known by busting down your door. 
The loud bang of the door hitting your wall woke you up from your pleasurable reverie. 
Quickly, you sat up, hastily lowering your shirt back down and threw a blanket over your lower half for good measure. 
You were petrified and frustrated.
“J-Jervis?” You let out in a small almost mousy voice, as you finally took in who the intruder was. 
Jervis was looking around wildly, expecting some type of altercation to be happening, but quickly came to the realization nothing was awry. 
In fact, you were alone, on your couch…nothing entirely out of place. 
“Um…well..this is quite a predicament.” He chuckled sheepishly, as he lifted his hat to scratch at the side of his head. 
You gulped down a mouthful of air as you tried to regulate your heartbeat. You began silently praying to whoever could hear that he wouldn’t put two and two together of what you were doing. 
“Jervis,” you began, still trying to calm your nerves that were currently in a tailspin at the moment. “I-W-What are you–how…why did you break in?” 
Your mind struggled to think of just one question, but that one seemed the most pressing. Usually, when Jervis came over he always knocked or he somehow let you know ahead of time that he was coming over. 
“I-I heard you screaming my name…” He stretched his arms out exasperatedly. “I-I thought something was happening to you! It sounded all the same” 
Whatever redness coalesced from your earlier activities quickly drained from your face. 
“Ah…well…something was happening but nothing–bad…” You slowly began covering yourself up more with the blanket. Secretly wishing it would make you disappear.
“Yes, that much is obvious…so tell me, my dear. What was all the ruckus?” 
“Um, well…I was..uh…”
“And what is that?” He interjected. Jervis pointed to a small rounded device on the ground that was still buzzing on the floor. 
Jervis walked over towards where the object laid. He almost grabbed it until you grabbed his wrist. 
“It’s nothing! I’ll get it! Oh sh-”
“Hare! Langua-oh…”
In your panicked leap for the toy, Jervis saw your state of dress or more like the lack thereof. 
You couldn’t help but take note of how cute he looked when his face began blushing at the cheeks. 
Even though yours was most likely as red as his is. 
You instantly turned the toy off once it was in your grip. 
As if seeing the vibrator in your hands was the final piece to the puzzle, Jervis was able to slowly put the puzzle of events together. 
You were alone, on your couch, in nothing but a shirt, your skin was tinted red…you screamed his name…but not in danger or pain…
Jervis may be whimsical and mad most of the time, but he wasn’t ignorant. 
You sighed as you saw him come to the conclusion of what happened. Somewhere deep down you were grateful you didn’t have to spell it out. 
“I’m sorry.” 
“I apologize-”
You both looked up at each other after apologizing at the same time. 
“I-I didn’t mean to make you panic.” You continued, rubbing your arm. 
“I didn’t mean to…ahem…ruin your fun?” He nervously chuckled as he played with his hat brim. 
“It’s okay.” You reassured him softly. “I appreciate your concern.” 
Jervis nodded. Of course he was concerned, he was always concerned for your safety. 
“Yet…the question remains…why did you cry my name?” 
Jervis had an idea why. He would be lying if he said he wasn’t guilty of the same act, but he just needed you to confirm it. 
You looked away coyishly, biting your lip to keep from just dumping your emotions mixed with your explanations on him. 
Jervis gulped. He really wished you didn’t do that. Although it did complete this exquisite vision of you just now. 
Your hair a ruffled mess, your body gorgeously silhouetted by your shirt that only came to be just about your mid-thigh…all complimented with a cute lip bite. 
You sighed. “I…I was…uh…thinking of you…while I had fun.”
Jervis took a small but sharp intake of breath. You were actually going to say it.
You nodded before looking away, not being able to look at him. Assuming he wanted a further explanation after a beat of silence, you continued. 
“I-I’ve cared…I mean. I’ve always…” You groaned in frustration. 
After taking another deep breath to reset your thoughts. You tried once more, “yes really…I’ve had feelings for you for a while and I…when you’re in Arkham…I, for a lack of better words…really miss you.”
Jervis hung onto every word like it was the last life line connecting him to the ship out in the middle of the ocean. 
It was happening…it was really truly happening. Someone he loved…actually loved him back!
Jervis slowly walked over closer to where he was right in front of you. He gently curled his index finger around your chin and directed your head down to look at him. 
His eyes stared softly into yours. “I missed you too, my dear.” 
The sincere look he gave you, lidded eyes and a soft smile made your heart swell. 
“I suppose it comes as no surprise that I, too, have had feelings for you arise.” His eyes shifted slightly, still unsure if he reciprocated correctly. 
Your eyes widened, heart thumped against your chest. 
All embarrassment was dissolved into surprise. 
You reached to touch his hand that still propped your chin and your smile widened when you felt his fingers laced together between your own. 
“If you’re saying what I think you’re saying…I’m very surprised but super happy all the same.” You giggled as your hand tightened around his. 
Jervis chuckled warmly as he turned his hand so the back of your hand faced him. He gently pressed his chapped lips against your hand before smiling up at you. 
"My dear, Hare, you know my way, I always mean what I say."
You were ecstatic, your body unable to keep still. To finally have everything laid out in the open. To know the one you've cherished for so long returns the sentiment.  
"You do! You always do! Oh, Jervis!" You quickly slid your hand out from his grip but only to wrap your arms around his neck and pull him into an excited embrace. 
Jervis became nervous again. He wanted to return the hug desperately, but he wasn't sure how to keep himself composed when he actually got to feel what little you wore. 
Hesitantly, to not upset you, he wrapped his arms around your waist tightly. You were so soft and warm, he tried to refrain his fingers from tugging away at the flimsy obnoxious cotton that still covered you. 
You slowly brought your head back and looked back down at him. Your eyes coyly darting between his eyes and his lips. You were stuck in limbo once more, should you ask first or just go for it? 
Thankfully, despite Jervis' own dilemma, he was able to catch onto yours. As if silently asking if it's what you want, he slowly brought his face closer to yours. 
You gasped softly, not missing the crucial hint. You closed your eyes, slowly leaned forward, and your lips gently pressed against Jervis’. 
The kiss was so soft, sweet, and even innocent in that hesitant uncertain first kiss kind of way, but it felt so right and it capsulated all your emotions in one simple gesture. 
You’ve dreamt of this moment for so long. Always thought if it were to happen it would be this way or that way. However, now that it happened, every made-up scenario and sensation paled in comparison to the real thing. 
Jervis was the first to slowly pull back. You couldn’t help the tiny snickers you made at the sight of him softly panting for air and his pink dusted cheeks. 
Jervis perked an eyebrow at you curiously. 
You shook your head, not wanting him to think he did something wrong. “Sorry, you’re just…so cute.” Your hands came up from behind his back to frame his face. 
Jervis practically melted at your touch. Your touch heated his face up even more, but he didn’t mind one bit. To be touched so tenderly, and lovingly by the only person he cared about…nothing could possibly come close to the sensation. 
He craved more of your touch and kiss. He yearned for your affection as the Knave of Hearts (allegedly) yearned the tarts. 
Jervis couldn’t even think of a response to your compliment as he swiftly crashed his lips back into yours. 
You were shocked but not displeased as you quickly kissed him back with just as much fervor. 
Jervis’ breath hitched when he felt you slightly poke your tongue along the edge of his protruding tooth and his lips. He didn’t hesitate to grant you entrance to his mouth. 
Your kiss became more heated as your tongues explored each other’s mouths. Jervis began exploring more of your body, slowly building confidence to feed his desire to touch more of your skin and hopefully please you. 
His hands raked and grasped around your waist and hips. As well as up and down your back. 
So close to that same feeling you were trying to mimic earlier in your mind.
Your kiss was broken once more, albeit simultaneously as you both fell onto the couch when your knees bent against the cushion at the sudden impact. Jervis’ own hat fell off his head but safely landed on the coffee table in front of you. 
The cheesy silly predicament caused you to snicker. 
Jervis hummed warmly before he slowly rose himself off of you by his hands that were on both sides of your head. 
“Still enjoying yourself, I see.” He chuckled lowly. 
The deep drop in his voice caused a shiver to go down your spine. 
It was then you took in the truly compromising position you were in…your fantasy from earlier was slowly playing out right before your eyes. 
You’ll be damned if you let it slip away. 
“Yep, much more so now with you actually here.” You smiled sweetly. 
“Whatever you sought in your fantasy.” He began.
Jervis leaned up to kiss your forehead. “I’d be more than happy to make a reality.” 
A kiss on your cheek before looking into your eyes in earnest. “If you’ll let me.”
Any confirmation you think you could say didn’t feel strong enough, so you just leaned in to kiss him once more. 
It was all the confirmation Jervis needed as he leaned into your kiss. It was all the motivation he needed as he brought his body back down to try and get closer to you. 
Your back arched slightly when you felt his hands slowly crawl up your body and under your shirt. 
Jervis slowly retracted his lips from yours. Only a small trail of saliva kept you two connected. 
He grabbed the hem of your shirt before looking up at you, silently asking if he could remove it. 
You nodded so quickly your head almost rolled off. 
The moment you were free from the flimsy cotton shirt, Jervis was quick to appreciate the exposure to your body as he began kneading the skin of your chest and abdomen. 
He tucked his head in between your neck and shoulder as he began leaving hot wet kisses along your jaw and neck.
“J-Jervis…” you sighed breathlessly. 
Jervis’ body tensed at your voice. He brought his head back up to face you. 
He gulped. “P-Please…do that again, just the same…want you to call out my name.” 
You nodded, your hand reaching up to cup the side of his face. “I will, just as long as you don’t stop.” 
To that Jervis grinned a grin that would put the Cheshire Cat to shame. He gave your forehead another peck. “My darling, March Hare, I wouldn’t dream of such a thing…I wouldn’t dare.” 
Jervis briefly sat up and rested on his haunches as he began shucking away his suit jacket.
Already missing his close proximity, you quickly sat up and wrapped your arms around his neck while he tried to unbutton his dress shirt, but quickly gave up in exchange for holding you.
He chuckled at your enthusiasm, still deliriously delighted to have someone love him like this. As you began returning the favor with your own kisses to his neck and chest, he continued to make quick work of his trousers. 
To have Jervis here with you almost as bare as you were, overwhelmed you in the best of ways. 
No longer did you have to ponder what he looked like under his clothes or how he would feel against you. 
He was there in reality. All there and all yours. 
Jervis’ cock was hard and occasionally hit his stomach. He breathed a sigh of relief once it was free from its confines. 
He gasped shortly when you lightly traced your fingers up his dick. You turned your head to look at him to make sure this was okay. 
Jervis nodded before leaning in to kiss you again. A kiss that said “I love you” and “I trust you.” 
You felt the sharp intake of air through Jervis’ nose as you slowly wrapped your hand around his cock and began slowly stroking it. His gloved hands dug into the folds of your body, as if trying to keep himself grounded. 
Soon you felt his hand travel further down your body. Not wanting to leave his precious March Hare out, he began trying to copy the same rhythm you were going at to your own sex. 
This caused you to pull back from his lips, as you began panting into the crook of his neck. 
Fantasizing be damned, this was so much better than anything you could imagine or what that toy could replicate.
Yet, you wanted–needed so much more. After years of pining for Jervis, to finally have him here with you in the most passionate way imaginable. How could you not want everything? Every little bit of him he has to offer?
“Jervis–mmh…Jervis..” You moaned. Trying to form a sentence but got caught off guard by his sped up pace. 
“N-Need you…please…now.” You managed to pant out. 
Jervis gulped, slowing down his movements which you did too. “Are you sure?”
“Yes!” You almost whined. “Please…Jervis..”
Another shudder overtook Jervis’ body. His heart beating relentlessly against his ribcage. Jervis knows madness, but has never known a madness as passionate and pleasurable as this. 
Jervis gently leaned his body against yours to slowly have you lay back down on your back with him hovering above you once again. 
He brought one of his hands to his mouth and bit down on the tip of the finger sleeve of the glove, before peeling it off his hand. 
As sad as you were to see the gloves go, seeing the way he bit down on the finger of the glove made you swoon. 
Once his hand was free from the glove, he reached down to your core and gathered what wetness was there before proceeding to slowly push his finger into your entrance. 
Despite the fun you had earlier, you were still fairly tight as you winced at his finger entering you fully. 
Jervis stared at you intently, looking for any signs of discomfort and hopefully he could see signs of pleasure. 
He slowly added another finger as he continued his steady pace inside you. 
You appreciated the effort he went to make sure you wouldn't be uncomfortable. However, you think you were about to scream if you didn't actually have him. 
You gently put your hand on his arm and squeezed. "I'm ready, Jervis…please…I need you." 
Jervis doesn't think he will ever get over hearing you say that and hearing you pleading for him. 
He slowly brought his fingers out and maneuvered himself to where he could line himself up to your hole. 
Jervis leaned over you again with hooded eyelids before kissing you. As he kissed you, he gently pushed himself inside of you. 
You both took a sharp breath between your lips at the intrusion. Jervis began peppering soft kisses all along your face, jaw, and neck. Anything to ease any sort of pain you were feeling. 
You softly muttered to him you were okay and that he could start moving. 
Jervis seemed unsure at the moment, but took it in stride as he slowly pulled himself out and equally as slowly pushed back in. Every time it got easier and more pleasing.
Your moans continued to egg him on, but not nearly as much as when you moaned his name. 
It made him thrust faster, kiss you harder, and squeeze your skin tighter. Soon you began crying out his name similarly to how you sounded earlier when he thought you were in danger. 
He hoped that this was far better than whatever fantasy you had playing in your mind. 
If he had asked you that, you would have reassured that he was far better than what you imagined. 
Your arms wrapped tightly around his neck to keep his lips near yours. Your hands either clung to his hair or the thin dress shirt he still wore. 
Your throat began to burn from your moans and hot pants but you didn't care. It was well worth the deep burning sensation in your gut that continued to get hotter and tighter. 
"Jervis…Jerv-mmm-I-I'm close.." You managed to announce in between your sounds of continuous pleasure. 
Jervis nodded, all words in the English language being lost on him at that moment. He was close too, his ball tightening every time you squeezed around him or cried out his name. 
His focus was solely on you though as he began thrusting faster than before, pulling out just enough to keep the head of his dick in before thrusting back in. 
It knocked the air out of you, but you didn't care. It made your legs tingle and had you see stars. 
Soon the tingles in your legs soon overtook your whole body as your nerves became ignited from the delicious release from the burning tension finally boiling over inside you.
You cried out his name when you arched your hips up from your shaking legs. Your entrance tightened that much more around Jervis' cock causing him to finally come unwound inside you with an audible groan. 
Jervis reluctantly pulled out of you before collapsing on top of your body. His head nestled in your chest as he tried to catch his breath. 
You tried to do the same, completely at a loss for words at the moment. You brought your hand up to comb through his unruly hair, finally living out another fantasy of yours.  
You lowered your head and kissed the top of his head before whispering. "That was amazing, better than any fantasy." 
Jervis chuckled, but deep down he was ecstatic, he just didn't have the energy to entirely act on it. 
It meant so much to know he could please you, because loving you pleased him. 
He lifted his head up briefly to look at you with pure adoration in his eyes. "It was my pleasure, darling." He scooted a little forward so his lips could reach yours.
When you two broke apart your heart swelled up at the soft look he gave you. It almost felt silly to say it, the way he looked at you made it clear he felt it too, but your heart was so full you swore you were about to combust. 
"I love you, Jervis." You said softly as if speaking it too loudly could break the tender moment. 
Jervis' smile widened as his bright eyes softly glazed over and his eyelids got more heavy. "And I love you, my dear Hare." 
You two slowly slipped into a tender slumber. Likely going to wake up sore from the nightly activities and sleeping on the couch, but it wouldn't matter. 
All that mattered now was that you two had each other in a way you both desired for a long time. 
All those wondrous daydreams, desires, and fantasies were finally part of your wonderful reality. 
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paperwick · 1 year
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Larksharius and Rimerock Ace of Cups
Lark awaits for Ri's soul to return so they can officially embark on their eternal romance.
Tarot commission for @arrow90-art of their two lovely characters.
If you'd like a tarot card of your own, check out my commission form here:
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this-is-ris · 3 months
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Pre-Dawntrail commission of my beloved Viera by @antaarf
I am SO in love with how this piece turned out- thank you so, so much for making wonderful art of Ris ♥
Please check out her work, it is so lovely!
89 notes · View notes
ree-duh · 5 months
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103 notes · View notes
fearsomejibblet · 1 year
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Didus Vah Thayg, a notorious adventurer known for drinking, flirting often, and that one time he helped kill a vampire.
Founder of the mercanary groups 'The Dapper Gentlemen' and 'The Definitely Human Problem Solvers'
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sfigatino · 1 year
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I got commissioned by the amazing @writer-rider-dirty-thirties to write a scene from her fic Strings, Gold, and Chocolate Hearts! It’s such a lovely fic and it features lukadrinette as kids! It’s so sweet, go check it out!
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adhdtsukasa · 2 months
actually i lied when i said it's not going to be in my fav wansho comms i listened to seibai itaaaaasu with a more clear mind and now i can't stop looping it someone help me. i love my children. it's my fav tsukasa event comm even
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riddle-me-ri · 1 year
prompt: arkham knight penguin and a f!reader's relationship is already on thin ice when things finally come to an explosive end. Can Oswald mend the relationship or was it always doomed to end this way?
a/n: phew!! finally after a weird anxious busy hectic couple of weeks I finally finished my other commission! It was interesting to get a commission for one of the pengys this time around! As always thanks so much again to the anonymous user that commissioned me and to anyone that commissions me. I'm still wrapping my head around the idea of people genuinely paying me to write about my favorite characters, it's so mind-boggling to me lol
Content Warning: angst, relationship conflict (arguing, fighting, break up/makeup), and strong language. 
Word Count: 4k
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Arkham Knight Penguin x F!Reader - Come Back to Me
Oswald had his hands caged around his head as he leaned his elbows against his desk. 
A corded phone was rendered cordless along with its receiver after being beaten and thrown across the room. 
The fire burning on the end of his cigar was nothing compared to the fiery rage consuming his entire body. 
Before the phone was put out of commission. The last bit he heard was his men getting their asses beat and the undeniable sound of an explosion. 
There goes another fucking weapons cache. All thanks to the bloody Dark Knight and his lackey Nightwing–
Oswald’s grip tightened on his bald scalp. His teeth almost biting the nicotine stick in two in agitation. 
Sooner or later the old Dynamic Duo will be coming straight for him. 
Oswald began mapping out a game plan. Secure the last of the caches, finalize the two ongoing deals and begin making tracks to different locations for the remaining caches…
All the while, you were making your way to his office. 
As you walked down the long hallway, you tried to stay the course and not turn around. 
You’ve been working up the courage to go see Oswald, constantly conflicting with yourself to just leave him be or make something…anything happen. 
To say you have felt neglected lately was an understatement. 
Many date nights were canceled, phone calls gone ignored, dinners you made went cold…
You knew he was a busy man…and you knew what he did for a living is dangerous.
You stopped just a few feet before his office door. 
Maybe you were just being selfish and dramatic. You have heard rumors of Oswald’s weapons business being under attack by Batman. 
Batman, Batman, Batman…you groaned in frustration. Batman was always an issue. 
Sometimes it seemed Oswald paid more attention to him than you. 
Granted, Batman was a threat to your partner’s business and Oswald was more than likely just as annoyed with Batman as you are. Still if you could just get a fraction of that attention from Oswald. 
You sighed. No, you deserved better than this. 
You shouldn’t be waiting for weeks, almost months for someone you loved but they haven’t shown a fraction of that love in return. To put in all this effort and be ignored. 
You weren’t asking for much, just for him to be there! Call you back, come see you, or at least tell you that he loved you.
You shuddered when you realized you could not remember the last time he told you that he loved you. 
You instantly shook your head. Adamant to get the depressing thought out of your head. You were not going to cry when you confronted him. 
You were going to make one more effort. Ask him to come back to the penthouse for dinner, another dinner you made, and hope it can be the start back in the right direction. 
After taking in another determined sigh. You quickly walked across the remaining tiled floor to the front of his office door. 
You knocked on the door–
“Oh for fuck’s sake! Piss off will ya! I’m tryin’ to work!”
You could feel your eye ducts get heavy and your lips quivered.
No, you weren’t going to cry. He likely just thought you were just one of his incompetent henchmen. 
“Oz…it’s me.” You said softly but clearly enough to be heard as you opened the door. 
Oswald lifted his head out of his hands in an instant. Even hopped off his chair and made his way around his desk to greet you. 
“Oh-uh..sorry, love. Look–now is really not a good time.”
“Oswald, I just wanted to ask–”
Oswald shook his head and waved his hand dismissively at you. “Fucks’ sake, can’t we discuss this later-”
“No! Ozzie, please! Let me speak!” 
His eyes widened slightly as his brows raised, before he furrowed them again in agitation. 
“All right then! What the hell is so bloody important? I just lost another cache to that gobshite Dark Knight–but no, no, fuck me–”
You were distraught on your way to talk to him, but now that you are there. Oz spewed his venomous disregard for what you have to say–
You were furious now. You came to discuss the possibility of mending your relationship over dinner…but with your blood boiling from the way he yelled at you.
It didn’t matter anymore. You didn’t deserve this, you have done all you could. 
If he was just going to dismiss or berate you at your last attempt to salvage your relationship. 
Maybe it wasn’t worth saving anyway. 
“I’m done, Oswald.” You tried to turn around and leave it at that, but your feet seemed to be cemented to the floorboards. 
“Bloody hell is that s’pose to mean?” Oz barked as he walked closer to you. 
You gulped down the nervous lump that was building up in your throat. “I’m leaving. I’m packing my things and leaving.”
Maybe if you say enough times you can convince yourself of actually committing to it later. 
Oswald huffed and puffed as he paced in front of you. “Well, well, that’s just fuckin’ swell. Put salt in my fuckin’ wounds why don’tcha!” 
“I’ve tried to reach out! Make plans! Come see you!” You defended. “But you keep ignoring me! Brushing me off like you were doing just now!” 
Oswald rubbed his bandaged hand against his face. Frustrated, exhausted, and at his wits’ end. 
He thought you understood, that you would understand the stakes involved and how certain things have to take priority. 
After several years together, he thought you got it. That you were the one for him. 
Clearly, he was mistaken.
“Love, I told you from day one what it’ll be like, why is it causing issues, now?” 
You spread your arms out in exasperation. “Because you made an effort until now!” 
You continued. “You at least answered my calls! You may not be there when I go to bed, but at least you kissed me goodbye! And I haven’t heard you say I love you in a very, very long time.”
You hung your head and began rubbing the side of your arm with your hand. “I could at least count on that…I could rely on that to know you still cared…still loved me. But lately now, I-I don’t know.” 
Oswald sighed. His head was pounding, his blood pressure, no doubt, skyrocketed. 
Today was really not his day. 
“I don’t know what to tell ya, love. Business has been going down the shitter! Cause of that Bat-fuck! The very business payin’ for your home you want to just up and abandon, mind you. I’m so sorry that I’m too preoccupied with work, trying to make money to keep us a-fucking-float!” 
“It’s not that I’m ungrateful Oswald–”
“Sure sounds bloody like it!” 
You grit your teeth. Your grip on your arm tightening. “It’s not that! I just miss you! I want to be with you more! Isn’t that what you’d expect from someone that loves you?” 
Somehow your feet got lose from the floor and you began taking steps backwards toward the door. 
Whatever confidence and hope you had to mend this relationship was slowly dwindling. 
“I just came here to talk, to see you, I missed you…but now I’m wondering why I even bothered.” 
“I’m starting’ to think the same.” Oswald grumbled, completely checking out of the argument. 
“Fine. Then I won’t be a bother to you anymore.” You swallowed. 
“Fine! The sooner you leave, the sooner I can GET BACK TO FUCKING WORK!” Oswald growled as he raised his arms up in defeat, before turning around to go back to his desk. 
When he had his back turned, you took the chance to also dart out the door.
Before the tears finally poured over your eye ducts and you began hiccuping on your own breathing. 
It wasn’t until the elevator door finally shut that you collapsed. 
Your knees buckled before they hit the hard tile floor. Your hands going up to your face trying to dry up your fountain of tears. 
Even though a weight of uncertainty had been lifted. It felt like a ton of stone pillars just filled your heart causing it to crack in two under the pressure. 
The only thing to pull you from your sobbing is the ding signaling that you arrived at the first floor. 
You quickly stood up and began wiping the tears off your cheek. You didn’t want any of Oswald’s lackeys to see you in this upset state. 
Thankfully, when the metal doors slid open no one was there. 
You continued to try and mask the fact you had been crying as you called a cab to head to the luxurious penthouse apartment you shared with oswald. 
At least…you used to share with Oswald. 
Your body seemed to be running on autopilot as you went through the motions of packing your belongings. 
Meanwhile your mind was still reeling over the outcome of the argument. 
You kept replaying it in your head. Looking for any sign that it could have ended better…yet deep down a part of you knew that this was the only way it could end. 
As some last caring gesture or just a habit instilled in you to never waste food…you opted to stick the food you cooked in the fridge. Whatever appetite you had was long gone. 
You called up a friend that lived on the outskirts of the city. 
The constant bright lights made your head ache and you don’t know if you could stand to see Oswald again if he tried to come to the apartment. 
Five years down the drain and not an inkling of a clue of what the future has in store.
Oswald crushed another cigar into the small hill of burnt out cigar butts. The hill grew so tall that it was overflowing past the rim of the ash tray. 
It had been two weeks since Batman’s last assault on his weapons cache. The Penguin had been making fast strides to close current deals and get the remaining inventory moving. 
A part of him hoped that the business would keep him occupied…distracted from the falling out you two had. 
It did work for a moment. He even fooled himself to think that it’s what he needed. 
The Penguin didn’t need a girlfriend. Someone to wear him down, get in the way of his business endeavors. 
He laughed himself silly over several glasses of wine. What the fuck was he actually thinking? 
He supposed it was fun while it lasted. 
The Penguin was on to greener pastures now, especially while he was ahead of The Bat. 
At least that’s what he told himself some time last week.
In the second week, Oswald Cobblepot would nearly jump out of his seat when the phone would ring. 
Silently, he hoped it was you on the other line. He hoped you would reach out to consider getting back together. 
Yet, it was never you, usually just another henchman with an update. 
Which is fine…he figured. Everything was right as rain. 
Oswald leaned back in his plush office chair as he sighed out the last of his smoke. 
Now would have been a good evening to pick you up and treat you for a night on the town. 
There was a restaurant in between one of his main warehouses and the penthouse that you two frequently patroned. 
He always ordered for you, because no matter where the two of you went he always remembered what you wanted. 
Oz liked to show off that quality, that he could read your mind–that he knew you enough to be able to get you anything without the uttering of a word from you. 
All he ever wanted in return was to see your bright enchanting smile. To see your eyes crinkle when you smile wide. Your eyes would twinkle with love and amusement. 
For the first time in a long time, Oswald found a small semblance of a lop-sided smirk form on his face. 
Oswald reached across his desk for another cigar but cursed when he found the pack empty. 
He rocked back and forth on his chair. For once unsure of what to do. It was like he couldn’t think clearly. 
Oswald should be celebrating, taking it easy. He’s managed to get his empire under control.
However, he was in no mood to celebrate. Oswald was more aggravated than anything. 
Aggravated that he couldn't seem to move on. You left him and you weren’t there. He was frustrated that no matter how hard he tried to deny it…he missed and needed you. 
Oswald sighed exhausted over the mental gymnastics going on in his head. Now that he finally came to terms with his emotions…just what was he going to do about them?
The Penguin was nothing if not tenacious, especially when it was something, or in this case, someone he wanted. 
You were picking at some take-out you grabbed on your way home from work. 
You got a job through your friend, and thankfully you had some money saved for an extended-stay hotel room until you can afford a proper apartment. 
Not that you didn’t mind bunking with your friend, but you just really needed your own space. 
You couldn’t believe it had already been two weeks since you left Oswald. 
A heavy weight still hung on your heart but you couldn’t deny the solace of having your mind clear of your anxieties, that had been brewing the last few months you were with Oswald. 
No longer were you drained from effort that went unappreciated. You didn’t have to sit there twiddling your thumbs wondering if the man you loved even loved you back. 
As you got up to throw away your trash, you couldn’t help but wonder what Oz was up to now. 
The phone rang on your dresser. You perked your eyebrow, confused to what the hotel could want. 
You picked up the phone. “Hello?” 
A man asked for your name. 
“Y-Yeah, this is her…what do you need?”
You could hear an audible gulp from the man on the other end. 
“Y-You have a visitor…a-uh-Mr. Cobblepot…he would like to see you-”
You pinched the bridge of your nose as you sighed. 
A part of you really didn’t want to bother with him…he never heard you out so why should you?
Another part of you couldn’t deny your curiosity though…plus you felt bad for the guy at the front desk that was one more demand away from pissing his pants. 
“Tell him I’ll be right down. And don’t worry nothing is going to happen to you.” 
“T-Thank you, miss.”
The phone clicked back onto its base and you went to get ready to meet your ex.
The car ride to wherever you two were going was stifling. 
Oswald kept fidgeting in the seat next to you and you kept waiting for him to say something.
“Thanks, love…for coming along.” He finally spoke, in a soft voice you haven’t heard in a long time. 
“Don’t thank me yet, you’re lucky you scared the shit out of the concierge, I felt bad. The only reason I’m going through with it.” 
“Is it really the only reason?”
You stayed silent. 
Oswald sighed. “Look, love…I-shit-I don’t know what the fuck to say…I know sorry is no good.”
“You’re right there.” You scoffed. 
“But, just, I-I wanted–needed to see you…all I’m asking is to be with you for tonight.”
“Why did you need to see me? Got bored with the ladies from the Iceberg? Things were going fine for me until you showed up!” 
That wasn’t necessarily true, but you were trying to prove a point…to be as mad as he got at you when you two fought.
To ward off the small ball of excitement at the bottom of your chest that was happy to be in the same space as him.  
Oswald sighed heavily. He mulled over his words in his head before deciding the truth will likely be the best option. 
"I'm sorry for disturbing your night, love. Let me make it up to ya…just for tonight. And if not, I'll turn this car around and leave you be…"
Oswald's knuckles almost matched the white of his gloves as he held his umbrella with a vice grip. He wasn't exactly ready to give quite an ultimatum just yet, but he wanted this to be fair for you and if you truly were doing fine without him. 
It would be a tough pill to swallow, but he will swallow it. 
You sighed. You were already here…and while you tell yourself you just want to be the bigger person and hear him out–Deep down, once again, you knew that you really did miss him. 
However, you weren't going to admit that right away.
"Well, I'm already here aren't I?" You sat up straight in your seat. 
Oswald nodded. "That you are, love. And you won't regret it." 
After a few minutes of thick heavy silence the car finally pulled to a stop. 
Before you could even ask where you were, Oz had already gotten out of the car and limped over to your side to open the door. 
"Where did you take me?" You asked as you stepped out of the car and stood beside him. 
"Just an old trip down memory lane." Oz smiled as he looked up at you. 
He offered you a gloved hand before you two crossed the street. 
Your hand already reached out and took it before you could even try to put up a front. You blame it on your body just doing what came naturally and out of instinct. 
As you two approached the restaurant you couldn't help but warmly chuckle at the establishment sign. 
"I'm surprised this place is still open." You murmured. 
Oz chuckled. "You and I both."
The moment between sitting down and ordering drinks became a blur as the haze-like shift between reality and memory merged. 
All the date nights to this exact restaurant and the exact seat, in fact this was the location of your first date with him. 
Funny, back then you were kind of humoring him as you are now. No way back then you could have known that one night would lead to countless others with him. 
You propped your head up by cupping your chin into the palms of your hands. You tried to look anywhere but the pair of eyes staring at you.
“You’re staring…” You pointed out. 
“Can you blame me? I haven’t seen you in awhile.”
“You rarely saw me anyway.” You crossed your arms. 
“Look love, I-I want to talk….Properly this time…like I should have let you done before.” 
That made you perk up your head. At least it was a step in the right direction. 
You sighed as you collected your thoughts. 
Before you could talk, Oswald spoke up. “I know it won’t do much now, love, but I do apologize. I-I just didn’t want ya to see me failing, and it was looking grim. I just–I didn’t want ya to worry about anything…then, poor thing, you walked straight into the bloody thick of it.”
You nodded with a tight smile looking back at that tense moment in his office. 
“I brushed you off, I tried to get you to leave because I didn’t have an excuse ready to give you…because that’s all I’ve ever done, and it was foolish of me to think they’d keep workin’ as is.”
“It was the same old excuse. ‘You were busy’, ‘I don’t need to worry’, ‘I shouldn’t worry’…but Oz me not knowing made me worry even more. Had you just been honest and told me what was going on–I would understand…” You interjected. 
“I know, the one thing I adore most about you and I somehow, over time, completely underestimated it. Your level of compassion even to a sorry piece of shite like me. Somewhere somehow over time I made the terrible mistake of muddling you with the others. Others that wanted something outta me…weapons, money, notoriety…”
“I only ever wanted you, Oswald.” 
“And I want you, love.” 
Oswald put out his calloused hand palm out towards you on top of the table. 
“I’m by no means a perfect man, never claimed to be. But I swear, to you and for you, I’ll do better by you. No more excuses, delayed or canceled plans, if I do it’s cause I’m on my deathbed.”
You scoffed at that, but stared intently at his open palm, as you deliberated what you already knew he was going to say. 
“Come back to me love…it doesn’t have to be tonight or tomorrow, just…to know we’re not over…not just yet.” His fingers curled slightly as if to coax your own hand to hold his. 
Meanwhile you were wringing your hands in your lap under the table. Your throat was parched and you kept blinking rapidly, as if hot wiring your brain to come up with an answer. 
You didn’t want to say yes right away, while he identified the problems and spoke about doing better…it didn’t exactly mean it was going to happen just like that. In fact, you knew it wasn’t going to. 
Then another part of you, the part that loved him and missed him wanted to give in and just worry about what would happen later. 
Perhaps there was a way to meet him in the middle of the road. 
You were so lost in your own thoughts you didn’t even notice Oswald talking to the waiter and ordering your food for the both of you. 
“Why do you do that?” You asked, suddenly very curious. 
“What’s that, love?” 
“You always order for me.” 
Oz chuckled as he decided to turn his palm towards the table, but still open to your touch. “I enjoy spoilin’ ya, love…and although I don’t always seem like it but I pay attention…especially if it means things that you enjoy.” 
Then he began listing off your favorite, granted trivial, but sentimental things. Your favorite songs, foods, time of day, weather, all sorts. Things that you imagine have probably changed from time to time but he somehow remembered. 
“And yet, through all that, I somehow sabotaged the easiest thing that brought you more joy than anything.” He continued. 
You nodded. “Just to be with you…” 
Oswald nodded too in agreement. 
A small smile grew on your face as an answer that would suit the both of you for the time being came to the forefront of your mind. 
You reached out your hand and placed it gently on top of his. 
“I’ll come back, but not in a hurry. I want us to do this right. I don’t want it to ever get to where it did again.” 
Oswald sat up in his seat and put his hand over yours. “I agree, love. Whatever it takes to get you to come back, I’ll do it.” 
“Even if it means starting over? Little by little?” 
Oz guffawed. “The chance to fall in love with you all over again? I wouldn’t miss that for anything.” 
Your smile widened. “That’s one way to look at it. I guess I can’t argue with that.”
You two pulled your hands apart when your dishes arrived. For once you genuinely felt content in the moment. 
Pleased in the decision to slowly work back up to what you had before and hopefully make it even stronger than it was. 
You felt that familiar feeling of hopefulness for the future. You weren’t walking around half-hazardly in the dark trying to collect pieces of what once was or what can be with what remained. 
You had a new clean slate, even with pre-used material, you were still determined to produce something new and everlasting. 
Oz chuckled warmly at you. “I missed that.” 
“Your smile.” 
You lowered your head at a poor attempt to hide your flushing face. This only caused Oswald to chuckle some more. 
Oswald grabbed his glass and raised it up towards you. “To us, anew, starting with tonight.” 
“To us, tonight.” You smiled as you clinked your glass to Oswald’s.
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tinyhawks · 2 years
this picture is my villain origin story
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ree-duh · 2 years
I’ve been very into the idea of designing characters based on dnd stuff except I don’t play or know anything about it other than it’s like fantasy stuff
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fratricideknight · 5 months
i feel like a former boxer angsting in my unbefitting life situation and longing for the ring in the wake of a career cut short (my knee freaking hurts)
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davidbrussat · 11 months
Attack on Wickenden St.
Rendering of proposal to redevelop site of 269 Wickenden St. (CPC) Thayer Street lost its character over the past two or three decades, as Providence and Brown shrugged their shoulders when “the Main Street of Brown University” saw its carriage trade and mom & pop shops ousted in favor of a still growing invasion of chain stores. Thayer is not without charm for those who admire the perusal of…
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dollfacefantasy · 6 months
Like a Friend
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pairing: toji fushiguro x fem!reader
summary: it's been months since you and toji split. when he shows up at your apartment, you struggle to not fall back into his arms.
cw: nsfw (18+), smut, p in v, toxic relationship dynamics
word count: 4.7k
a/n: commission for @nexysworld <3
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One eye cracks open when a loud pounding sound rouses you from your sleep. You sit up, rubbing your face and yawning. The red numbers on your alarm clock glare 2:37. After a few more moments of it, you register the sound as knocking on your front door. As you drag yourself from the comforts of your bed, you wonder who and why. Who would not only disturb you at this hour, but also be so brash about it? You kind of hoped it was no one you knew so you wouldn’t have to deal with anyone’s bullshit problems at nearly three in the morning.
When you arrive at the entryway and glance through the peephole on the door, your wishes dissipate immediately. Standing outside your place was the biggest bullshit problem you’d ever encountered. You unlock your door and crack it open, the bright light of the hallway making you squint as it casts over you.
“Toji?” you ask, your voice still a bit raspy from disuse.
“Hey baby,” he says quietly. Despite his subdued tone, he still flashes you that grin that lets you know he’s still himself.
“What… what are you doing here?” you mumble. You rub your face again to try and make yourself a little more presentable. Even though he was an asshole and you couldn’t say enough about how you had totally moved on, the sight of his shaggy hair hanging in front of his eyes and the faded scar on the corner of his mouth still made your heart flutter.
“The place I was staying kind of fell through. But you know, it’s kind of a good thing. Brought me back to you. I’ve been missing you a lot,” he says.
You roll your eyes. He must need more than just a night to get himself together with how thick he was laying it on.
He reaches out to stroke the curve of your cheek. His rough fingers drag against the soft skin while the two of you stare at each other. You know you should swat his hand away. Tell him to go to hell. Get lost and lose your number. But you can’t be that cruel. Not to him. Even with everything that’d happened, all the tears he’d caused and days he’d ruined, he was still your Toji. Your bad habit. Your never-ending vice. A piece of you that’d you’d never cut out no matter how rotten it became.
“Fine, c’mon,” you relent. You open the door wider and allow him entry.
“That’s my girl,” he says and steps through.
“Don’t call me that,” you say quietly. You were falling for it, but he didn’t have to throw it in your face.
After following you in, he doesn’t shut the door behind him. You raise an eyebrow.
“Before we catch up…” he starts with a chuckle, “I kind of need you to pay for my ride. I don’t have any cash on me.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” you ask, walking to the window and looking down. As he said, the cab was waiting outside.
All the dreamy thoughts you’d just had about him being yours no matter what start to have a bleak tint. Your gaze hardens as a harsh sigh leaves your lips.
“Fine, but you’re gonna pay me back,” you say. You stop at the counter to grab your wallet and fish out some cash. Then you slap it into his palm and gesture for him to go. Sure you’d give him the money, but no way were you gonna scamper down there out into the cold in your pajamas.
He leans down and gives you a small peck on the cheek before heading out. You stand in your living room alone. He was still affectionate even though you’d been apart for months. You knew he was that way with his words. The occasional texts he sent you during this break always held copious amounts of “baby’s” and “my pretty girl’s.” You just didn’t expect him to touch you like nothing was different.
You rub your eyes in a mix of frustration and exhaustion. Deciding to be proactive, you occupy the small wait for his return by setting up some things on the couch. You rifle through the closet in the hallway to find some spare bedding. Pillows are easy, you toss two spare ones over to your couch. Blankets are more difficult. You initially grab the fluffy lavender one he gave you for your last birthday. It looked brand new. You hadn’t had much time to use it before you kicked him out. Then when it felt like he was actually gone for good, you’d clutched it to your chest while crying your eyes out for days. But since that week, it remained hidden away in the depths of this closet.
He probably wouldn’t even notice if you did put it out, but he didn’t need confirmation that you hadn’t thrown the stuff he gave you away. So instead, you pull out an old blue one with little fish all over it. You spread it out on the couch as he slips back into the apartment, this time closing the door and locking it. Your back is turned while smoothing out the wrinkles in the plush fabric, so you don’t see him sliding a leftover bill into his pocket.
As you finish up the makeshift bed on the couch, he approaches you. He places a cautious hand on your waist, his fingertips rubbing tiny strokes on your t-shirt.
“You’re really gonna put me out on the couch? I thought you’d want me in bed, all to yourself. Like old times,” he teases.
“I don’t want it to be like old times,” you say.
“C’mon, they weren’t all bad,” he says and pulls you a little closer, “You used to love to cuddle. You’d curl right up to me, give me those little kisses. We had a lot of fun together in that bed.”
You look up at him. His familiar eyes meet yours. It would be so easy to give in. To connect your lips and pull him back to your bed that had been missing his presence for months.
“We did. But not anymore. They’re good memories, and that’s it,” you say, turning your head and stepping away. You needed the distance between the two of you.
You further separate yourself from him by sitting in the chair near the couch. It was a single seat, no room for anyone else to slide in next to you and drape their arm around your shoulders. He knows what you’re doing of course. You can see the look of amusement in his eyes. This was how you got during fights. You just closed off, tried to remove yourself from him and not engage. It was kind of cute you hadn’t changed.
He plays along and sits down on the couch, leaning back into the cushions and propping his legs on your table. The silence between the two of you feels heavy. It fills up the room, suffocating any space words could have gone.
“Do you want a drink?” you manage to get out.
“I’m fine,” he says. And in contrast to you, he did seem fine. He seemed unbothered by the lack of conversation. He looked content to stare at you, drag his eyes over every detail of your figure.
“Are you ok?” you ask. You just couldn’t take the silence.
“Why wouldn’t I be?” he asks in return.
“Cause you said you didn’t have anywhere to go and the place you were staying, something went wrong,” you answer.
“That was nothing, I’m fine,” he deflects.
“Well I just want to know if I should be concerned if there’s a hit out on you or something. If someone’s gonna burst through my door in a few minutes cause you ripped them off,” you say and cross your arms.
“Nothing that serious. Just some lady problems,” he says with a smirk.
A dark cloud forms over your head at this. It wasn’t like he was cheating. You weren’t together anymore. But the thought of him with another woman drove you crazier than just about anything else. And of course he knew that.
“What happened? She get smart enough to kick your ass out?” you say, unsuccessfully masking the bitterness in your tone.
“Something like that,” he says. He pauses, still looking smug as ever. “Why? Are you jealous?”
“You wish,” you respond. He doesn’t seem to believe you.
Another bout of uncomfortable silence crowds the distance between you two. This time it’s broken by him.
“You got anyone I should be jealous of?” he asks.
“That’s none of your business,” you answer without a second thought.
“Guess not. I mean if you did, you probably wouldn’t be letting me crash on your couch. And anybody who was a real threat would be here. Would’ve answered the door instead of you,” he mocks.
You roll your eyes yet again. “You’re so smart,” you say.
He shrugs. “Only when it comes to you.”
Rage boils within you. You know you shouldn’t feed into him, give him what he wants by getting all riled up. Your rational mind knows this. But the irrational part of you loves the game. Walking as close as you can to the line without stepping across. Pulling and pulling until you feel something about to snap.
“Well I’m not like you. I take a while to move on since you actually mattered to me. I just can’t jump into someone else’s arms and pretend that nothing is different,” you say.
“Don’t start that shit. Don’t act like I’m some cold-blooded asshole who broke your innocent little heart,” he says. His eyes don’t leave you once.
“You did break my heart and you are a cold-blooded asshole, so tell me where the lie is,” you challenge.
“You aren’t innocent,” he states, “You could get just as nasty when we were fighting. And you’re the one who broke up with me.”
“Because you are a dick. Cause and effect. If you weren’t so insufferable, we wouldn’t have so many fights, and I wouldn’t have broken up with you,” you point out.
“So it’s all my fault? You never do anything wrong? Whatever you say, baby,” he says, now taunting you with the pet name.
“I didn’t say I never do anything wrong. But everything we fought about is because you did something stupid,” you say.
“I make a little mistake once in a while and you blow up on me. I think you just like fighting,” he says.
You dig your nails into the flesh of your arm to keep your temper from flaring. You begin to wonder if it’s too late to throw him out again. Part of you had the urge to go back in time and slap the version of yourself that let him in cause he was “your Toji.” But really, this was your Toji. Your Toji with his sleazy smile, dumb shaggy hair, smug eyes, and chilling voice. This was the man who had you hopelessly trapped.
“Whatever,” you huff, determined to prove him wrong. You rise from your chair and walk towards the hall that leads to your room. “I’m going back to bed. Do what you want, just stay out of my room. If you want to change, I can bring you some clothes.”
“You have clothes here that will fit me? Maybe I should be jealous,” he says, leaning forward and resting an elbow on his knee.
And instead of taking advantage of his assumption, like he would have done to you, your mouth opens and words fly out before you can even think of that.
“They’re your-” you start, your mental brakes screeching to a halt. Suddenly, you felt so stupid for putting so much thought into avoiding the purple blanket.
The smile that breaks out on his face is so wide it’s almost unsettling. It would be if it was anyone else.
“Aw baby,” he coos mockingly, “You didn’t get rid of my clothes? You still been using ‘em? Cause that’s fine you know. I like it when they smell like you.”
You didn’t even know what to say. You had used them a few times since he’d been gone, but it wasn’t like a regular thing. You did like that they smelled like him, and you liked hearing that he felt the same way about you. But he couldn’t win.
“Just shut up. Do you want them or not?” you say and look away.
“No, baby. I’ll be fine. Thank you,” he says, every word dripping with condescension.
You slink away without returning the courtesy. It takes you no time to collapse back into your bed, but resuming the sleep he had torn you from proves more difficult. Your thoughts just keep drifting back to him. You toss and turn, legs kicking away the blankets and then arms pulling them back.
He really was out there on your couch. You thought you may never see him again. You’d broken up a few times before over different small things, but this time felt different. It was supposed to be for real. But just like that, he came back. 
Now that he had returned, you felt the dull ache for him returning as well. You had hoped it shrunk over time until eventually it didn’t exist, but here it was, showing itself again. You know you shouldn’t, but you were starting to regret not asking him to join you. He was fucking infuriating, but you had missed him so much. He could help push away the memories of loneliness that had occupied your bed in his wake.
After nearly an hour of this, you manage to slip into some form of sleep. It felt like you were still awake, but far away. You were floating, drifting around aimlessly. You were resting, but you probably wouldn’t feel that way if you woke up right now.
You’re deep enough that you don’t hear your door creaking open. You don’t feel the mattress dip slightly with additional weight. You don’t sense your blanket being lifted as another body slides in next to yours. You only begin to wake once you feel his skin on yours, his thick arms wrapping around you and pulling you close.
You babble tiredly as he presses kisses to the back of your neck. Humming in confusion, you turn and crack your eyes open to see what’s happening.
“Toji?” you croak when you register his face so close to yours. 
He’s still kissing up and down your neck. His fingers trace little patterns on the skin of your waist. Once you realize it’s him and what he’s doing, you squirm. You whine and try to pry his arms off you.
“Stop. What'd I tell you? Quit it,” you grumble as you struggle more with him.
He squeezes you tighter and nuzzles you. “But it’s cold out there, sweetheart. Lonely too,” he murmurs.
“Don’t care. It’s the couch or the curb, so take your pick,” you yawn.
“Baby, it’s me. I’ve been missing you so bad. And I wasn’t being a very good guest before. Let me make it up to you a little,” he whispers.
“No,” you whine, “Make it up by letting me sleep.”
“You can sleep whenever. I’m here right now,” he purrs. His fingers ghost along your waist making you squirm and whine at the slight tickle.
“Why do you always have to be so annoying?” you huff and try to readjust to be comfortable within his hold since he shows no signs of letting up.
“You know you like it.”
He pulls you tighter against him and drags his nose against the curve of your neck, inhaling your scent. It felt good, natural more than anything else. Like this is how things should be.
“Has anyone been in this bed since I left?” he taunts.
“You already asked me about that, and it’s still none of your business,” you respond.
“Can’t be too careful. Especially with a cute thing like you,” he says.
“Just shut up and go to sleep. Count yourself lucky I’m not forcing you back to the couch,” you say as if you could actually force him to do anything.
“It’s been months. You really want sleep more than you want me?” he teases and nips at your earlobe.
The drag of his teeth on your flesh pulls you back into the waking world a bit more. Your sleepy eyes open more and take in the sight of his face. He looked almost innocent in a way, like he was truly just asking for another chance to connect.
He leans in for another kiss, this time catching your lips with his own. His toned chest and abdomen pressed against the softness of your side, and despite his claims of being cold, he felt like a space heater the way warmth radiated off him.
You indulge him a bit, gently reciprocating the affection for a moment. But after a few soft movements of your lips, you pull away.
“We can’t… I shouldn’t do this,” you whisper through the darkness of your bedroom.
“Why not?” he says back. His fingers rise to your face, stroking over your temple, from your hairline to your cheekbone.
“I can’t do this again. I’m tired of it. I’m tired of believing you’ll be different and then you’re not. And then we break up again and then make up a little bit later. It’s exhausting,” you sigh.
“It will be different this time, babe. You recognizing this stuff shows that it will be,” he says and brushes his thumb over your lips. He moves even closer to you, as close as he possibly can be. “You’re so pretty,” he murmurs.
The soft hum of his voice alone made you want to give in. Combine it with his gentle touches and firm body, you were fighting with your urges to let him ruin you. Your head tilts back to contemplate, and he takes advantage of the position to start peppering kisses on your throat, sucking love bites into the sensitive flesh.
“Toji,” you whimper, “Stop, you’re gonna leave a mark.”
“I wanna leave a mark, baby. Gotta remind everyone that you belong to me. Can’t have you forgetting either,” he mutters.
A breathy whine floats through your room, and one of your hands laces itself in his hair. You close it into a fist, giving the dark locks a little pull. Your mind was an echo chamber of don’t don’t don’t stop stop stop. But familiar heat bloomed between your legs as his large palm coasted up your side to find one of your breasts. The sound of his lips on your skin and his shallow breaths gave you heart palpitations.
“I didn’t forget,” you gasp softly as his fingers dig into your tit.
“Yeah? So you’re all mine still?” he teases.
“Mhm,” you hum, taking the last step to giving in.
“That’s right,” he says. You can feel his smirk against his neck. “My baby. Back where she belongs.”
“I missed you too,” you whimper as he continues the assault on your neck.
“I know you did,” he breathes as his tongue slides over your skin.
His hand continues to grope your breast. You arch into his touch, a wordless plea for more. He snakes the limb beneath the thin fabric of your shirt and finds your soft skin. With no barrier separating the two, his fingers toy with your nipple. They pinch and pull, twist and tease. They’re merciless until he feels the small bud start to peak. That acts as his signal to direct his attention downwards. 
He moves to be more on top of you. His thumbs hook beneath the hem of your shirt and pull it up over the swell of your chest. Immediately, his mouth latches onto the nipple his fingers had neglected. His saliva coats the area as his tongue laves on the skin, getting it to rise to attention just as the other day.
“Been missin’ these perfect tits,” he mumbles before using his mouth again, “No one else could take care of ‘em like me.”
You whine and squirm a bit, your hands staying firm in their grip on his head. You nod along with his words. A completely thoughtless gesture. You didn’t even fully register them. Your mind simply believed he couldn’t be wrong while making you feel so good.
As he works on warming you up, he begins peeling off your clothing. Your shirt comes over your head and falls off the side of the bed. Your bottoms are next, slid down and flung away from the two of you. He kisses down your belly before leaning back on his knees. His shirt meets yours on the ground when he pulls it off.
You’d seen it so many times before, but you couldn’t help gawking at his figure. Your fingers glide up his abdomen, feeling every ridge in his abs. He smiles down at your wondrous expression.
“Remembering exactly what you missed, hm?” he asks.
You reach up to pull him down to you at the same time he starts lowering himself. Lips collide and hands slide all over now bare skin. Your fingers find the familiar grooves on his back that they always dug into when he was buried deep inside you. His digits snake beneath your panties and slip between your folds.
“You’re so fuckin’ wet,” he laughs against your mouth, “That’s probably just her natural reaction when I’m around though.”
You grumble in response and try to mute his words by making out. He cuts you a break and does shut up for once while rubbing your pussy some more and getting your panties off. It’s not long before he follows suit by freeing his cock and brushing it through your slick.
“Time to see if she’s as tight as I remember,” he grunts as he lines up and then sinks in.
Your heat engulfs him like it’s a natural fit. Your walls squeeze around him, the massaging sensation making his breaths more labor.
“Fuck… might be tighter. Think she’s begging me not to leave again,” he teases.
He begins thrusting, working his hips back and forth. He’s so big that he’s instantly hitting pleasure spots. You sigh and wrap your limbs around him more.
“Just be quiet,” you whimper as your cheeks burn.
“Not a fan of me making fun of you?” he mocks, “Doesn’t shock me since you didn’t before. You’re just usually more agreeable while stuffed full of cock.”
You go to argue, but the words in your throat die and shrivel up into a whine. Your body rocks with each of his motions. He’s not even going that hard yet, but you still feel his raw strength as his muscles flex against you.
“Aw, it’s ok, dollface. You just go a little dumb. It’s only natural for bratty girls like you,” he coos.
The whole time he continues, in and out. You stay tight around him, and you start thinking his theory about you not wanting him to leave may have some truth to it. This felt so good. So much better than the couple guys you’d had in between. And even though you are going to be fucked dumb soon enough, you’re not totally there yet.
“The only time you don’t act dumb is when you have your dick out,” you say between soft sounds of pleasure.
He grips your hips harder upon hearing your words. “That so?” he grunts. He picks up the pace, his pelvis making a loud noise every time it slams against your ass. “Like I said, the only time your silly little head isn’t clouded by your attitude is when I calm you down on my cock. So shut it and let all those thoughts melt away.”
And you listen because despite your little comments, you liked how it felt to lose everything except him. You couldn’t live without the feeling that nothing else in the world mattered but you and him. All your worries that plagued you during every other moment of the day transformed into distant ideas as the feeling of him battering into your cunt moved to the forefront.
And as much as you love feeling it, he loves watching it. He loves watching your eyes blank and become thoughtless, totally dependent on him to guide you to release. He was obsessed with the way you’d start to drool. Your inhibitions all but disappeared, and he couldn’t get enough. He’d never admit it to you, but he could never find anyone else with reactions that captivated him as much.
After an extra sharp thrust, your body seizes up and you shriek. “Toji!” you cry out.
“Mhm, never too dumb to remember that, are you? My little slut always knows who owns her,” he says.
You nod mindlessly, your head bobbing in wide movements. “Fuck me so good,” you babble, “No one else. Don’t want anyone else. Always gonna be you.”
“Good girl,” he grunts, “Pussy’s all for me. Takes me like it was made for me.”
“It’s all yours. Nobody else gets it,” you whine.
“Gonna be mine forever. Just look at you. No one else could do this to you. You ever fuck anyone else, and all they’re gonna get out of it is that they’re not as good as me,” he moans while ricocheting his hips off yours.
You gasp, getting to the point where words are an unrealistic concept.
“All your neighbors already know who this pussy belongs too. I’ve got you trained so well, I know my dumb little girl calls for me whenever she cums, even when I’m not there,” he whispers. His voice was starting to strain under the proximity of release. “Even when you’re just soooo mad at me. You press your toys to that pretty little clit to blow off steam, and you can’t help but cry out-”
“Toji!” you mewl as if he had been asking you. It was good to know your mind was still good for at least one word.
He grins like a madman and drills into you harder. Your limbs flail and your noises become short and rhythmic.
“You take any cock from any guy, and what are they hearing the whole time?” he asks.
“Toji!” you repeat.
“What was that? Don’t think they could hear you.”
“Toji, Toji, Toji,” you sob out.
“Good baby. Perfect little whore all for me. Never letting you go again,” he grunts.
“Never gonna be apart again. Gonna be yours forever,” you mumble.
Both of your breathing is picking up. Your chests puff against each other as your sweaty skin rubs against one another. It’s all a blur at the end, like always. You think you cum first, but as soon as you hit that high, you pretty much black out. The room spins and your vision fills with stars. All you really register are his groans that make your tummy flutter, and the feeling of his warmth flooding your pussy as he shoots his load inside.
This time though, the after part is fuzzy too. You vaguely feel him pull out and guide you to lay against his chest. You feel his lips against your head and his large hands cradling you close, but then you’re gone. You pass out and sleep till late in the morning.
By the time your eyes reopen, the room is full of sunlight. You take a second to remember the previous night and all that happened. Surprisingly, a sense of regret didn’t crash into you like a swat van. You actually feel some sort of satisfaction. You feel sated. The ache is gone at least for now. You have him back. As he opens his eyes and sits up to give you a kiss, you return the gesture in full.
“You gonna stay a while?” you whisper.
“Yeah. No reason for me to leave,” he says.
You give him another kiss before he lies down again and pulls you onto his chest again to rest some more. You sink into his toned body. He was yours again. You could admit now that you never stopped being his. As you lay there and absorb the dreamy atmosphere in your room right now, your poor heart truly believes that this time will be different.
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sfigatino · 9 months
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My commissions are open for the first time!!
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robogart · 1 year
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Finished commission of Ris for @princeheiko! 💖💕✨
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hachiibun · 3 months
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Patreon requests from last month's stream!
Tigh/na/ri for @collectivelyallergic 💚
@zensations35's lovely OC Leo
@kittensnz7's OC Calyx
If you like my drawings, and are willing and able to do so, please consider commissioning me, pledging to my Patreon, or donating through ko-fi ☕! You're not obliged to, but every bit helps to keep me living decently and I really do appreciate it!
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