#dc mad hatter x reader
riddle-me-ri · 10 months
a/n: PHEW okay so here's one of two 4k commissions I was working on. And it's for my very amazing friend @mischievous-marchie (tagging the NSFW blog because this is so NSFW lmao) Marchie, thank you so much for supporting my writing and trusting me with your main man Jervis, and all his variations. I hope I did your sweet idea justice and thanks so much again for supporting me by commissioning me. It means the world. And I hope everyone else gets to enjoy it too.
*Also reader is referred to as the March Hare cause Alice is overrated, The Hare was always my favorite and...yeah it's its for March lol
Content Warning: explicit sexual content, masturbation, sex toy, mutual masturbation, unprotected sexual intercourse (gn so no specific genitalia mentioned), caught in the act, and making out.
Word Count: 4.5 k
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General Mad Hatter x Reader - Call Out My Name
Your fingers drummed along the hardback cover of a novel you were trying to read. Soon the tapping of your fingers migrated to your foot on the floor. 
You groaned in frustration. 
You grew restless with boredom. 
Even the white noise of some random show that played on TV began to become silencing…just an echo of how lonely and dim it was when he wasn’t around. 
You sighed, finally surrendering and putting the book down on the coffee table. 
Why did Jervis have to be in Arkham?
You knew why, because if one of you was to get caught by Batman… Jervis ensured it was only going to be him every time. Jervis always made sure you had an escape, even if you didn’t know he had one for you.
“Arkham is no place for lovely people, my dear.” He explained once in a moment of lucidity. “I take it as a chance to reconvene my thoughts and even get to visit old friends.” He chuckled before he continued. “So don’t worry about me, dear…Although don’t forget about me either…please.” 
Your heart panged the same way it did the day he told you that. He didn’t have to worry about you ever forgetting him. 
You could never forget about the man you have loved and continue to love feverishly since day one. 
If he only knew, sometimes you wished he would just miraculously figure it out. Then maybe, just maybe, he would be compelled to reveal his feelings…if he had any for you that is.
It felt like he did anyhow, the way he’d protect you from Batman, how he always somehow made time to see you or include you in everything. 
You two have been companions for quite awhile. Jervis has always been charming, kind, and fun. He always made you smile, even on days when you didn’t feel like rolling out of bed. 
You tried your best to always be there for him. 
During his highs and lows, his madness and his lucidity, for everything. In turn, Jervis is always there for you when you need him in any capacity (except when he was locked up, which he always felt guilty for leaving you.)
You two were inseparable.
The Mad Hatter and The March Hare at the Mad Tea Party–only missing a sleepy Dormouse. 
Yes, a strong, loyal relationship was formed, but if only it could transition from platonic to romantic…
Of course, it didn’t help that he is exquisitely handsome in the most unconventional way that was endearing to you. 
Jervis’ wide bright eyes, cute elongated buck teeth, raggedy hair, and his obtuse nose that you desperately wanted to kiss. 
You sighed as you sunk yourself deeper into the couch, no doubt creating a uniquely shaped dent in the cushions from lounging there all day.
You really did miss him. All of this reminiscing probably doesn’t help either. You just couldn’t help it, just forming his image in your mind made you happier. 
Perhaps…this imagining could help in another area and maybe you can salvage the boring day and turn it into a fun night. 
For a moment, you were grateful that Jervis wasn’t around…
The cushions of the couch sunk against your weight as you laid back and made yourself comfortable. 
You took a deep breath as your head nestled into the plush arm rest. You slowly rolled up the long graphic tee you wore, exposing your lower body. 
It had been a minute since you ventured into the realms of self love in the most physical sense, but you were certain the awkwardness of the start would be well worth the pleasure in the aftermath. 
Your breath hitched as your fingers fell into a decent rhythm stimulating your sex. Every nerve ending on every pore of your skin was ignited. 
You decide to finally take it up a notch. 
You reluctantly removed your hand to reach for the toy on the side table behind your head. You snatched up the dark blue bullet vibrator and turned it on to a low setting. 
Your body jerked slightly at the vibrating sensations as you glided the toy over your chest and down your abdomen. The smooth material made you wish it was something else. 
Instead of the cool smooth mechanical texture…it was rough, soft, and warm. 
Instead of your hand controlling a toy, it was someone else’s hand, better yet, Jervis’ gloved fingers. 
Desperately, you wished it was Jervis that stimulated your body. 
It was his warm diligent hands roaming across your skin causing goosebumps to form. His hands that created delicious friction that you craved. 
As the vibrator made its way closer to your sex, the setting was turned up higher and your moans became louder and more drawn out. 
The vibrations added with the continued pace of your other hand on your genitals. You were a withering mess on the couch. 
Your eyes tightly closed, trying like crazy to suspend reality and envision it was Jervis doing this to you. 
Your moans soon turned into pants and cries. “J-Jervis…Jervis!” 
As you were chasing that sweet release, as if your imaginations manifested him…
Jervis Tetch was actually a free man and was making his way to your apartment. 
Jervis was absolutely beaming with excitement. Adrenaline was still pumping in his veins from his narrow escape from Arkham.
The moment he was out, he knew he had to come see you and let you know he was free! The only person that would actually be waiting for him on the other side…
He just couldn’t wait to surprise you. 
Jervis missed you terribly. No one else understood him, appreciated him…genuinely liked him like you do. To say you made his heart race would be an understatement. However, he was extremely cautious and uncertain. 
As much as he wanted to sweep you off your feet, hold you, kiss you…he didn’t want to risk the chance of losing you–as he has lost others. 
Jervis wasn’t sure he could handle losing you in any capacity. 
Hence why he always did his best to protect you when things got dodgy. Despite your stubbornness to stay by his side…something he juxtapositionally adored and lamented about you. 
His gloved knuckles barely racked along your door when he heard–
“J-Jervis! Jervis!” 
Jervis’ heart fell to his stomach. The adrenaline from his escape rose back up out of sheer panic for you. He quickly grabbed the doorknob and was stantly met with resistance from the locked handle. 
Seeing no other option, he began backing away and braced himself with his side as he ran shoulder first into your door–
You were so lost in your motions and the fantasy in your mind that you didn’t register the reality of your doorknob being rattled. 
You were none the wiser to another presence until he made himself known by busting down your door. 
The loud bang of the door hitting your wall woke you up from your pleasurable reverie. 
Quickly, you sat up, hastily lowering your shirt back down and threw a blanket over your lower half for good measure. 
You were petrified and frustrated.
“J-Jervis?” You let out in a small almost mousy voice, as you finally took in who the intruder was. 
Jervis was looking around wildly, expecting some type of altercation to be happening, but quickly came to the realization nothing was awry. 
In fact, you were alone, on your couch…nothing entirely out of place. 
“Um…well..this is quite a predicament.” He chuckled sheepishly, as he lifted his hat to scratch at the side of his head. 
You gulped down a mouthful of air as you tried to regulate your heartbeat. You began silently praying to whoever could hear that he wouldn’t put two and two together of what you were doing. 
“Jervis,” you began, still trying to calm your nerves that were currently in a tailspin at the moment. “I-W-What are you–how…why did you break in?” 
Your mind struggled to think of just one question, but that one seemed the most pressing. Usually, when Jervis came over he always knocked or he somehow let you know ahead of time that he was coming over. 
“I-I heard you screaming my name…” He stretched his arms out exasperatedly. “I-I thought something was happening to you! It sounded all the same” 
Whatever redness coalesced from your earlier activities quickly drained from your face. 
“Ah…well…something was happening but nothing–bad…” You slowly began covering yourself up more with the blanket. Secretly wishing it would make you disappear.
“Yes, that much is obvious…so tell me, my dear. What was all the ruckus?” 
“Um, well…I was..uh…”
“And what is that?” He interjected. Jervis pointed to a small rounded device on the ground that was still buzzing on the floor. 
Jervis walked over towards where the object laid. He almost grabbed it until you grabbed his wrist. 
“It’s nothing! I’ll get it! Oh sh-”
“Hare! Langua-oh…”
In your panicked leap for the toy, Jervis saw your state of dress or more like the lack thereof. 
You couldn’t help but take note of how cute he looked when his face began blushing at the cheeks. 
Even though yours was most likely as red as his is. 
You instantly turned the toy off once it was in your grip. 
As if seeing the vibrator in your hands was the final piece to the puzzle, Jervis was able to slowly put the puzzle of events together. 
You were alone, on your couch, in nothing but a shirt, your skin was tinted red…you screamed his name…but not in danger or pain…
Jervis may be whimsical and mad most of the time, but he wasn’t ignorant. 
You sighed as you saw him come to the conclusion of what happened. Somewhere deep down you were grateful you didn’t have to spell it out. 
“I’m sorry.” 
“I apologize-”
You both looked up at each other after apologizing at the same time. 
“I-I didn’t mean to make you panic.” You continued, rubbing your arm. 
“I didn’t mean to…ahem…ruin your fun?” He nervously chuckled as he played with his hat brim. 
“It’s okay.” You reassured him softly. “I appreciate your concern.” 
Jervis nodded. Of course he was concerned, he was always concerned for your safety. 
“Yet…the question remains…why did you cry my name?” 
Jervis had an idea why. He would be lying if he said he wasn’t guilty of the same act, but he just needed you to confirm it. 
You looked away coyishly, biting your lip to keep from just dumping your emotions mixed with your explanations on him. 
Jervis gulped. He really wished you didn’t do that. Although it did complete this exquisite vision of you just now. 
Your hair a ruffled mess, your body gorgeously silhouetted by your shirt that only came to be just about your mid-thigh…all complimented with a cute lip bite. 
You sighed. “I…I was…uh…thinking of you…while I had fun.”
Jervis took a small but sharp intake of breath. You were actually going to say it.
You nodded before looking away, not being able to look at him. Assuming he wanted a further explanation after a beat of silence, you continued. 
“I-I’ve cared…I mean. I’ve always…” You groaned in frustration. 
After taking another deep breath to reset your thoughts. You tried once more, “yes really…I’ve had feelings for you for a while and I…when you’re in Arkham…I, for a lack of better words…really miss you.”
Jervis hung onto every word like it was the last life line connecting him to the ship out in the middle of the ocean. 
It was happening…it was really truly happening. Someone he loved…actually loved him back!
Jervis slowly walked over closer to where he was right in front of you. He gently curled his index finger around your chin and directed your head down to look at him. 
His eyes stared softly into yours. “I missed you too, my dear.” 
The sincere look he gave you, lidded eyes and a soft smile made your heart swell. 
“I suppose it comes as no surprise that I, too, have had feelings for you arise.” His eyes shifted slightly, still unsure if he reciprocated correctly. 
Your eyes widened, heart thumped against your chest. 
All embarrassment was dissolved into surprise. 
You reached to touch his hand that still propped your chin and your smile widened when you felt his fingers laced together between your own. 
“If you’re saying what I think you’re saying…I’m very surprised but super happy all the same.” You giggled as your hand tightened around his. 
Jervis chuckled warmly as he turned his hand so the back of your hand faced him. He gently pressed his chapped lips against your hand before smiling up at you. 
"My dear, Hare, you know my way, I always mean what I say."
You were ecstatic, your body unable to keep still. To finally have everything laid out in the open. To know the one you've cherished for so long returns the sentiment.  
"You do! You always do! Oh, Jervis!" You quickly slid your hand out from his grip but only to wrap your arms around his neck and pull him into an excited embrace. 
Jervis became nervous again. He wanted to return the hug desperately, but he wasn't sure how to keep himself composed when he actually got to feel what little you wore. 
Hesitantly, to not upset you, he wrapped his arms around your waist tightly. You were so soft and warm, he tried to refrain his fingers from tugging away at the flimsy obnoxious cotton that still covered you. 
You slowly brought your head back and looked back down at him. Your eyes coyly darting between his eyes and his lips. You were stuck in limbo once more, should you ask first or just go for it? 
Thankfully, despite Jervis' own dilemma, he was able to catch onto yours. As if silently asking if it's what you want, he slowly brought his face closer to yours. 
You gasped softly, not missing the crucial hint. You closed your eyes, slowly leaned forward, and your lips gently pressed against Jervis’. 
The kiss was so soft, sweet, and even innocent in that hesitant uncertain first kiss kind of way, but it felt so right and it capsulated all your emotions in one simple gesture. 
You’ve dreamt of this moment for so long. Always thought if it were to happen it would be this way or that way. However, now that it happened, every made-up scenario and sensation paled in comparison to the real thing. 
Jervis was the first to slowly pull back. You couldn’t help the tiny snickers you made at the sight of him softly panting for air and his pink dusted cheeks. 
Jervis perked an eyebrow at you curiously. 
You shook your head, not wanting him to think he did something wrong. “Sorry, you’re just…so cute.” Your hands came up from behind his back to frame his face. 
Jervis practically melted at your touch. Your touch heated his face up even more, but he didn’t mind one bit. To be touched so tenderly, and lovingly by the only person he cared about…nothing could possibly come close to the sensation. 
He craved more of your touch and kiss. He yearned for your affection as the Knave of Hearts (allegedly) yearned the tarts. 
Jervis couldn’t even think of a response to your compliment as he swiftly crashed his lips back into yours. 
You were shocked but not displeased as you quickly kissed him back with just as much fervor. 
Jervis’ breath hitched when he felt you slightly poke your tongue along the edge of his protruding tooth and his lips. He didn’t hesitate to grant you entrance to his mouth. 
Your kiss became more heated as your tongues explored each other’s mouths. Jervis began exploring more of your body, slowly building confidence to feed his desire to touch more of your skin and hopefully please you. 
His hands raked and grasped around your waist and hips. As well as up and down your back. 
So close to that same feeling you were trying to mimic earlier in your mind.
Your kiss was broken once more, albeit simultaneously as you both fell onto the couch when your knees bent against the cushion at the sudden impact. Jervis’ own hat fell off his head but safely landed on the coffee table in front of you. 
The cheesy silly predicament caused you to snicker. 
Jervis hummed warmly before he slowly rose himself off of you by his hands that were on both sides of your head. 
“Still enjoying yourself, I see.” He chuckled lowly. 
The deep drop in his voice caused a shiver to go down your spine. 
It was then you took in the truly compromising position you were in…your fantasy from earlier was slowly playing out right before your eyes. 
You’ll be damned if you let it slip away. 
“Yep, much more so now with you actually here.” You smiled sweetly. 
“Whatever you sought in your fantasy.” He began.
Jervis leaned up to kiss your forehead. “I’d be more than happy to make a reality.” 
A kiss on your cheek before looking into your eyes in earnest. “If you’ll let me.”
Any confirmation you think you could say didn’t feel strong enough, so you just leaned in to kiss him once more. 
It was all the confirmation Jervis needed as he leaned into your kiss. It was all the motivation he needed as he brought his body back down to try and get closer to you. 
Your back arched slightly when you felt his hands slowly crawl up your body and under your shirt. 
Jervis slowly retracted his lips from yours. Only a small trail of saliva kept you two connected. 
He grabbed the hem of your shirt before looking up at you, silently asking if he could remove it. 
You nodded so quickly your head almost rolled off. 
The moment you were free from the flimsy cotton shirt, Jervis was quick to appreciate the exposure to your body as he began kneading the skin of your chest and abdomen. 
He tucked his head in between your neck and shoulder as he began leaving hot wet kisses along your jaw and neck.
“J-Jervis…” you sighed breathlessly. 
Jervis’ body tensed at your voice. He brought his head back up to face you. 
He gulped. “P-Please…do that again, just the same…want you to call out my name.” 
You nodded, your hand reaching up to cup the side of his face. “I will, just as long as you don’t stop.” 
To that Jervis grinned a grin that would put the Cheshire Cat to shame. He gave your forehead another peck. “My darling, March Hare, I wouldn’t dream of such a thing…I wouldn’t dare.” 
Jervis briefly sat up and rested on his haunches as he began shucking away his suit jacket.
Already missing his close proximity, you quickly sat up and wrapped your arms around his neck while he tried to unbutton his dress shirt, but quickly gave up in exchange for holding you.
He chuckled at your enthusiasm, still deliriously delighted to have someone love him like this. As you began returning the favor with your own kisses to his neck and chest, he continued to make quick work of his trousers. 
To have Jervis here with you almost as bare as you were, overwhelmed you in the best of ways. 
No longer did you have to ponder what he looked like under his clothes or how he would feel against you. 
He was there in reality. All there and all yours. 
Jervis’ cock was hard and occasionally hit his stomach. He breathed a sigh of relief once it was free from its confines. 
He gasped shortly when you lightly traced your fingers up his dick. You turned your head to look at him to make sure this was okay. 
Jervis nodded before leaning in to kiss you again. A kiss that said “I love you” and “I trust you.” 
You felt the sharp intake of air through Jervis’ nose as you slowly wrapped your hand around his cock and began slowly stroking it. His gloved hands dug into the folds of your body, as if trying to keep himself grounded. 
Soon you felt his hand travel further down your body. Not wanting to leave his precious March Hare out, he began trying to copy the same rhythm you were going at to your own sex. 
This caused you to pull back from his lips, as you began panting into the crook of his neck. 
Fantasizing be damned, this was so much better than anything you could imagine or what that toy could replicate.
Yet, you wanted–needed so much more. After years of pining for Jervis, to finally have him here with you in the most passionate way imaginable. How could you not want everything? Every little bit of him he has to offer?
“Jervis–mmh…Jervis..” You moaned. Trying to form a sentence but got caught off guard by his sped up pace. 
“N-Need you…please…now.” You managed to pant out. 
Jervis gulped, slowing down his movements which you did too. “Are you sure?”
“Yes!” You almost whined. “Please…Jervis..”
Another shudder overtook Jervis’ body. His heart beating relentlessly against his ribcage. Jervis knows madness, but has never known a madness as passionate and pleasurable as this. 
Jervis gently leaned his body against yours to slowly have you lay back down on your back with him hovering above you once again. 
He brought one of his hands to his mouth and bit down on the tip of the finger sleeve of the glove, before peeling it off his hand. 
As sad as you were to see the gloves go, seeing the way he bit down on the finger of the glove made you swoon. 
Once his hand was free from the glove, he reached down to your core and gathered what wetness was there before proceeding to slowly push his finger into your entrance. 
Despite the fun you had earlier, you were still fairly tight as you winced at his finger entering you fully. 
Jervis stared at you intently, looking for any signs of discomfort and hopefully he could see signs of pleasure. 
He slowly added another finger as he continued his steady pace inside you. 
You appreciated the effort he went to make sure you wouldn't be uncomfortable. However, you think you were about to scream if you didn't actually have him. 
You gently put your hand on his arm and squeezed. "I'm ready, Jervis…please…I need you." 
Jervis doesn't think he will ever get over hearing you say that and hearing you pleading for him. 
He slowly brought his fingers out and maneuvered himself to where he could line himself up to your hole. 
Jervis leaned over you again with hooded eyelids before kissing you. As he kissed you, he gently pushed himself inside of you. 
You both took a sharp breath between your lips at the intrusion. Jervis began peppering soft kisses all along your face, jaw, and neck. Anything to ease any sort of pain you were feeling. 
You softly muttered to him you were okay and that he could start moving. 
Jervis seemed unsure at the moment, but took it in stride as he slowly pulled himself out and equally as slowly pushed back in. Every time it got easier and more pleasing.
Your moans continued to egg him on, but not nearly as much as when you moaned his name. 
It made him thrust faster, kiss you harder, and squeeze your skin tighter. Soon you began crying out his name similarly to how you sounded earlier when he thought you were in danger. 
He hoped that this was far better than whatever fantasy you had playing in your mind. 
If he had asked you that, you would have reassured that he was far better than what you imagined. 
Your arms wrapped tightly around his neck to keep his lips near yours. Your hands either clung to his hair or the thin dress shirt he still wore. 
Your throat began to burn from your moans and hot pants but you didn't care. It was well worth the deep burning sensation in your gut that continued to get hotter and tighter. 
"Jervis…Jerv-mmm-I-I'm close.." You managed to announce in between your sounds of continuous pleasure. 
Jervis nodded, all words in the English language being lost on him at that moment. He was close too, his ball tightening every time you squeezed around him or cried out his name. 
His focus was solely on you though as he began thrusting faster than before, pulling out just enough to keep the head of his dick in before thrusting back in. 
It knocked the air out of you, but you didn't care. It made your legs tingle and had you see stars. 
Soon the tingles in your legs soon overtook your whole body as your nerves became ignited from the delicious release from the burning tension finally boiling over inside you.
You cried out his name when you arched your hips up from your shaking legs. Your entrance tightened that much more around Jervis' cock causing him to finally come unwound inside you with an audible groan. 
Jervis reluctantly pulled out of you before collapsing on top of your body. His head nestled in your chest as he tried to catch his breath. 
You tried to do the same, completely at a loss for words at the moment. You brought your hand up to comb through his unruly hair, finally living out another fantasy of yours.  
You lowered your head and kissed the top of his head before whispering. "That was amazing, better than any fantasy." 
Jervis chuckled, but deep down he was ecstatic, he just didn't have the energy to entirely act on it. 
It meant so much to know he could please you, because loving you pleased him. 
He lifted his head up briefly to look at you with pure adoration in his eyes. "It was my pleasure, darling." He scooted a little forward so his lips could reach yours.
When you two broke apart your heart swelled up at the soft look he gave you. It almost felt silly to say it, the way he looked at you made it clear he felt it too, but your heart was so full you swore you were about to combust. 
"I love you, Jervis." You said softly as if speaking it too loudly could break the tender moment. 
Jervis' smile widened as his bright eyes softly glazed over and his eyelids got more heavy. "And I love you, my dear Hare." 
You two slowly slipped into a tender slumber. Likely going to wake up sore from the nightly activities and sleeping on the couch, but it wouldn't matter. 
All that mattered now was that you two had each other in a way you both desired for a long time. 
All those wondrous daydreams, desires, and fantasies were finally part of your wonderful reality. 
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i-smoke-chapstick · 28 days
all i can think of are gotham villians that would 100% get incredibly possessive, pissy, and pouty when they have a dream of Y/N cheating on them.
Oswald? Yeah. He’s waking up in a cold sweat, drinking himself into a hangover with lots of insecure thoughts, before being very standoffish the next day with you, maybe even a little mean. More irritated then usual. You can either wait it out for him to calm down and realize he’s being silly or he’ll get hyper attentive to every move you make and accuse you of ACTUALLY cheating 😭 knock some sense into this man pls. superstitious and paranoid bird man thinks it’s a sign.
Jerome. Unlike Oswald, he will surprisingly gently wake up in the middle of the night. Theres no cold sweat or jolting awake, he just opens his eyes and stares at the ceiling for a few minutes….before settling on VIOLENTLY shaking you awake. You’ll be half asleep, and youll have to listen to him rant into the next day about how dream you is a total sleeze. You’ll be able to go back to sleep though, since his ranting is pretty much white noise. Despite this, he’s inwardly pouting. Will be passive aggressive the next day.
Jervis!!! He wakes up with a start and cannot erase the thought of someone else touching you. Makes him violently ill. Will polietly excuse himself from bed (Jervis, reader is asleep, they cant hear you) and will either throw up or just start tweaking. Won’t be able to fall back to sleep. The next day expect some eerily calm smiles and EXTRA affectionate doting, just incase you think you arent getting enough attention at home with him. which is where you belong.
they are all delusional. i love them sm
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montimer · 9 months
Could I request btas Scarecrow, Hatter, and Joker (or any variants if you want to switch things up) accidentally hitting their s/o? Not in the abusive sense but like their s/o was just standing really close while they were flailing their arms in a rant or something. The hit wasn’t bad, maybe just a bruise or something minor like that. I assume these boys would blow it out of proportion though.
Joker,MadHatter,Scarecrow (seperated) x gn!reader
Good idea!
Them accidentally hitting there s/o
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He was walking around while ranting. Probably about one of his pranks getting ruined by batman.
He came closer,standing next to you.
"Can you believe that?!" He asked as he raised both of his hands quickly. Then he felt hitting something w/ one of them, then an "ow"
He look there with a worried expression "Darling? Are you okay?"
After calming him down and getting him to stop kissing the spot that he hit, he still looked lil guilty.
You just gotta tell him that its all good and give him a big hug showing ur okay.
Mad hatter
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He probably threw his cup while talking to himself, not knowing you just come in to check on him. He then heard an "ow" and when he looked there, it was you there backing away.
His heart sank. He didn't know! He didn't wanted to hurt you!
He quickly made his way to you. "Oh dear, im so sorry. I didn't know you were there"
He kept on apologizing.
You cupped his face in ur hands telling him its ok.
Maybe it left a little brush which made him feel very guilty. He'll bring some ice for it.
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He was probably talking to himself too. Maybe about something not working out.
You heard him and wanted to see if hes okay. So you came into his labor.
You go behind him, which he doesn't notice being too angry still talking to himself.
You speak up. He quickly looks behind slapping you. "WHAT?!"
But then he notices its you. He feels so bad.
He puts his hands up, he has a worried expression. "Oh y/n I-i didn't know- im so sorry"
Hes not sure what to do, and he doesn't wanto make you uncomfortable.
You tell him its all good and that you shouldn't have sneaked up behind him.
Your apology just makes him feel more guilty. Other people would have snapped on him by now, but you actually heared him out.
He will be quiet for the rest of the day, doing whatever you ask him to.
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helpfandom · 9 months
Analysis on YANDERE PLATONIC TAS Batman Villains. Pt 1.
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What I am using as the archtypes: https://www.tumblr.com/helpfandom/724022554446135296/types-of-yandere?source=share YANDERE_AUXILLARY made it!!!!
I find it so curious that people neglect Platonic as a yandere version, {not to say that I am a pioneer, no no no, but rather that people don't write about it as much as romantic.} And so, here is my analysis on various TAS Batman Villains. Of course, this is part one, as there are many TAS villains. I just need to get to them.
Also, side note. Thank you TAS writers for already making Mad Hatter a yandere so now I have less work to do.
Mr Freeze: Now, he is the yandere type of Obsessive, Overprotective, Clingy. He found something else to focus on, and it happened to be you. Reader would be more of the friendly type, more outgoing for Mr. Freeze to have such an obsession with them. He wouldn't stalk you as much, more so just an immediate kidnap the next time he sees you. Most likely catalyst for his yandere swap would be dealing with the loss of his wife. He lost his wife. He won't lose his kid too. Maybe Reader was there to help, or maybe he saw his wife in you. No matter what it was, as soon as there is an obsession, he wants to keep you. You're screwed as soon as it began. He's overprotective, constantly hovering over you. "I've lost too much. I won't lose the last thing of my wife, too!"
Riddler: Hmm... His yandere archetypes for platonic is... Possessive, Delusional, Sadistic, and Self-Indulgent. His egotistical personality, tied with an obsession with a kid who is unafraid to throw hostility back? Not a good pair for Gotham. In his mind, to not be afraid of him, or to throw hostility back at him, must mean that you like him. And with his intelligence, how could you not? His catalyst, well, there isn't really a catalyst per say, more so he was already obsessed with beating Batman and being intelligent, so why wouldn't he be obsessed with someone who can challenge him? He's more of a stalker type, only kidnapping when Batman and Robin get a little too close to you for his comfort. You're just like a little him, well you have to be taught by the best, most intelligent, and that's him. "Well well, my dear child. You seem to have escaped, but I'm sure you know that you won't be out for long..."
Clayface: He is... Clingy, Manipulative, Impulsive, and slightly Sadistic. He would be obsessed likely with a theatre kid, or someone who enjoys the fine arts {So an Art Kid, Band Kid, Choir Kid, etc.} He would see that and miss the days when he could do that, when he could act or enjoy the arts. Because he can transform his shape into anybody, he transforms himself into people close to you, of course he stalks them ahead of time so that he can properly assume their character, but he quickly kills them off so he can assume that role in your life. If it was a friend who had a crush on you, he enjoys watching the life leave their eyes. How dare they try to ruin your potential with their desires? He uses someone in a position of power, too. Likely a teacher, or if you have a director? Boom, suddenly you have the main role, or a solo, or you won the first place in an art competition. Who knows what kind of a catalyst would be there, all I can tell you is that BOOM! You're being kidnapped by someone you trusted deeply. You watch your former mentor's skin droop off of this, this person, who's kidnapping you, revealing a rocky, clay texture. Clayface. "Heya kid, you already slipped up and called your teacher Dad, so I know you can for me too. Here, would looking like them help?"
Poison Ivy: Her yandere archetypes are Overprotective, Clingy, and attempts to be Manipulative. Delusional, but yet Lucid; She has delusions about Reader, but not in the 'ah, yes. Reader loves me too.' She would be a little apprehensive at an uncaring Reader, after all, if you're not for plants, you must be against plants. For an uncaring Reader to work, Reader must be a plant lover. Poison Ivy would see this, and suddenly everything makes sense. She assumes that Reader puts up a fake persona so that Reader can care for plants in their free time, so that no one knows that Reader loves plants. She loves that about Reader, and that's why she gets obsessed. She wants to keep the only other plant lover in Gotham and protect them against the cold, cruel world. She would originally try a sporeling, but she misses the real you so that plan fails and that's why she would kidnap you. "Come here my Rosebud, the world is cruel. Let me be your mother, like Mother Earth."
Mad Hatter: His characteristics are Delusional, Self-Indulgent, Overprotective, and Clingy. Who truly knows why he started to care for you? Perhaps you reminded him of someone a little too much... Nevertheless, not what we are here to focus on. He would not be a stalkerish type, but he would delude himself into believing you love him like a father. He would not be afraid to use his mind control on you. As soon as he manages to get you under his control, you're screwed. You're gone from Gotham forever. He has been shown to be willing to do it before, with Alice. I think he would be willing to do it until he gets you to the safe house which looks a lot like one of the sets for Alice in Wonderland... He would be overprotective, scared that Batman would take away his kid, take away the few things in life he loves. "NO NO NO! Batman simply cannot take away my child too!"
Catwoman: She is Clingy, Manipulative, Impulsive. She has been shown to be someone with a ton of money, {Paying $10,000 dollars for a charity that she loves, a lot of money, period, but also for 1992} So I feel that she would be willing to use that against her kiddo, saying that it's okay for Reader to use her money, and then guilt tripping Reader {who, realistically, wouldn't give a shit, but I digress.} Into staying with her to pay off the debt. Her clingy and Impulsiveness is because of when she was involuntarily transformed into an animal, some things stayed the same, and now that she found her cub? Even Batman can't fight a wild animal for her kid. "Lioncub, why are you worried? Mommy's got enough money for the both of us."
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batman-dc-imagines · 3 months
BTAS Riddler and Mad Hatter getting fan mail from a teenage reader (platonic)
Overview: Both receive fan mail while in Arkham.
Relation: Platonic
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You’ve piqued his curiosity.
But he is also skeptical of you.
Depending on what kind of fan mail you send him, he always reads over it a few times to make sure he’s seeing things right. Is this kid serious? Is his initial thought. After getting more fan mail, he quickly realizes you are in fact serious.
As soon as he gets over the whole skeptical stage, it’s all downhill from there.
If he can, he’ll write back to you.  Asking pretty vague questions. If you tell him you’re his biggest fan, he’ll most likely call your bluff and send you a riddle. If you answer correctly, he’ll send more that are harder. 
If you’re able to prove to him just how much of a fan you are, don’t think he won’t forget about you once he breaks out. When he does find out where you live, his first thought when seeing you is basically:
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You’re his kid now. Well, depending on your relationship at home. If you aren’t happy with the people you’re with now, he’ll take you with him as a young prodigy. Even then, if you’re happy with your folks or whoever it is you’re staying with, he’ll still let you work for him if it’s what you want. I mean, who wouldn’t?
BTAS!Mad Hatter
Relation: Platonic
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Oh boy.
You fit perfectly into his alice in wonderland fantasy. Obviously he not in the romantic sense but definitely wants to have a close friendship with you.
You don’t have blonde hair or blue eyes? Oh that shouldn’t be a problem. You being a fan is perfect enough.
He’ll write back to you almost immediately. He’ll write little poems that relate to Alice in wonderland and he’ll even create a custom made hat for you! Along with other little knick knacks.
You're the first thing on his mind when he escapes Arkham. Similar to the Riddler, he’ll offer you the choice to become his prodigy. If you decline, he’ll still be satisfied with having your friendship.
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mischievous-marchie · 2 years
Arkhamverse Dork Squad having romance with their fem!therapist at Arkham in secret?
I went the route of starting the relationships, but I would be into the idea of expanding on these eventually!
Arkham!Dork Squad x Therapist!Reader Headcanons
SFW, secret relationship, power dynamic, shift in power dynamic, varying degrees of manipulation by the dorks
Jervis Tetch
The last thing Jervis wants is to be sent back to Arkham. It's a hellish place and nothing good has ever happened to him there.
That is until he has his first session with you.
You're not like the other doctors he's spoken to. You always have a kind word and genuinely seem to be trying to understand him.
He falls fast and hard. By your third session, he's already making his feelings known..
You think he's... Sweet. Charming, even. You'd be lying if you said there wasn't an attraction there, but... It would be highly unprofessional.
You're also aware of his history of being manipulated. With your position as his therapist, you're afraid of inadvertently taking advantage of him.
That doesn't stop him from trying to woo you.
Complimenting your appearance at the start of each session, slipping in hidden words of endearment when answering your questions.
Even giving you small gifts he makes from the few little crafting materials he's allowed to have. Usually origami.
You're falling for him. You'd lose your job if anyone found out.
The appropriate thing would be to transfer him to someone else, but you're afraid of how he'd react to the switch. He's been doing so well and you'd hate for him to lose that progress.
Looks like you have an important decision to make.
He greets you with his usual fondness and the gift of a paper flower.
"Jervis. We need to talk about... This," you say, holding up the gift you'd just received from him.
"About my affection?" He giggles, leaning forward in his chair. "Ah, doctor doctor. A glimpse of perfection! I certainly hope you have no objection..."
"I don't," you confess. And that's exactly the problem. "You know what that means, don't you?"
"Well. I believe it means," the Hatter grins ear to ear, clapping as he delivers his excited response. "The courtship has been successful! Now... When shall we have the wedding? I believe Spring is-"
"It means I can't be your therapist anymore, Jervis!"
His smile fades. A looked of panicked realization fills his eyes.
"You're... Leaving me?"
"No, I'm. I don't know what I'm doing, honestly."
Every idea you could think of to handle this while still keeping contact was flawed. Handing him over to another therapist would limit you to visiting hours. You'd barely see each other.
You couldn't just sign his release papers before he was ready either. And breaking him out was an absolute no-go.
He takes your hand in his. "Doctor, dear... Oh, can't you see? You're the only one who can understand me."
You realize that he's right. The other doctors don't get him. Don't respect him. They'd just as soon lock him away and forgot about him as look at him.
You can't leave him in someone else's hands. A secret relationship with your favorite patient it is then. Sealed, of course, with a kiss.
And to think you were worried about manipulating him.
Jonathan Crane
Jon seems... Indifferent toward you at the start of the session. All things considered, that doesn't really bother you.
You're more concerned when he starts turning the questions around on you. Asking you about your fears. You know he's done this with other doctors and it never ends well.
Usually they try to resist and end up playing directly into his hand regardless. He knows what he's doing, and if he's going to get his answers anyway...
You decide to try something different.
"Alright. We'll take turns. For each of my questions you answer honestly, I'll answer one of yours."
This surprises him somewhat. At least if the quirked brow is anything to go by.
He knows what you're trying to do here, and he honestly finds it naïve. Still... Something new, if nothing else. Sure. He'll play along.
"What kind of man was your father?" "How's your sleep? Fitful?" You go back and forth like this for a while.
He was expecting your first few questions. The basics that every doctor here uses to get a feel for their patient. But you manage to through a few curve balls as well. And he has to answer them or you'll deny him what he's looking for.
Perhaps you're not as naïve as he initially thought. A simple "well played, doctor," at the end of the session is as close as he'll come to admitting he's impressed.
Your following sessions follow a similar patterns. He tells you what you want to know, you tell him what he wants to know. It's a dangerous game you're playing, but a risk you're willing to take for even the smallest chance at progress.
You don't know when your mutual analysis of each other took a turn toward conversing like old friends, but somehow it made sense. You each knew things about the other that no one else did. As crazy as it sounded, there was a kind of trust there now.
Initially, that building of trust had been a part of Jon's plan. A way he could control you. What he hadn't planned on was his developing respect for you.
Respect that made it a whole lot harder for him to take advantage of that trust. But not impossible. A minor setback at worst, he assures himself. One he will overcome.
Or so he thinks, until the delay in his plans leaves just enough time for respect to develop into something more.
He's... Not happy with this development to say the least.
You notice during one of your sessions that he's quieter. Observing you more than usual.
You know him well enough to know that something's troubling him. And you bet your ass that as his therapist and friend, you're going to question him on it.
He evades the question at first, turning the questions around on you like he did in your first session.
And just like your first session, you bring out your now tried and true method. "I'll answer one of your questions. But you have to answer mine."
You even give him first question to sweeten the deal.
He trails off in thought, looking you over one last time before asking. "How's your sleep?"
"You've asked me that one before," you point out.
"Answer it."
"...Better, lately. Since we started having our talks," you confess.
There's a beat of silence. How rare it must be for the fearful Scarecrow to hear he'd had a positive impact on someone's sleep.
"Now," you tell him. "You have to answer my question. What's bothering you?"
"Unfortunately for us both, doctor," he finally answers. A curse on his plans, and certainly a curse on the recipient of his feelings. "It would seem that I'm in love with you."
You stare at him in silence, unable to find the words. As unprofessional as it may be, the feeling is mutual.
In lieu of a verbal response, you kiss him on the cheek, marking the beginning of a new secret between you.
Edward Nygma
As expected, he's highly antagonistic during your first session. There is nothing wrong with him, he insists, and your attempts to 'help' him are going to be a fruitless endeavor.
Needless to say, he doesn't like you.
Expect a lot of sarcasm, insults, and passive aggression.
You don't let it get to you though. Your job is to listen to him and help him work through his problems. Not that the man believes he has any problems, and he will lash out if you bring it up.
So you don't. You try to be more subtle.
You listen to him talk. You compliment him on his intelligence and insight, always toeing that line between validating him and just feeding his ego.
And honestly, you do believe he's brilliant. His potential is endless and you have no doubt that he could do just about anything he put his mind to.
Over time the barbed insults begin to fade, replaced by... Well, backhanded compliments.
"You know? You're not NEARLY as intellectually shortsighted as those other doctors I've spoken to. Why... I'm even beginning to believe you may possess a brain under that pretty little cranium of yours."
"Um... Thanks?"
No one said it would be easy, but you take this as a sign that he's warming up to you.
This is all but confirmed when he gifts you a puzzle box.
Where he got it, you have no idea. But his trust in you not to tell about the contraband item, not to mention the fact he would gift you something at all speaks volumes.
...Unless it's a trap.
"My dear, if I wished to entrap you, the means would be far more intricate than this."
Really. What do you take him for?
You think he couldn't turn your entire office into a deathtrap if he wanted to? Now that would be an endeavor worthy of his genius. And you'd never suspect a thing!
But no, he doesn't want you dead. He likes you doesn't want to waste his valuable time adjusting to a new therapist.
You keep the puzzle box secret, even as the guard arrive to take Eddie back to his cell.
And the moment you're alone, you start to work on it. You don't know what's driving you, but you're determined to solve it before your next session with him.
It takes... Longer than you expected. In hindsight, you suppose a puzzle from the Riddler wasn't going to be easy.
But little by little, you work at it, counting the days until you see Eddie again.
It's not until the final day that you manage to solve it. The box clicks open to reveal what is, essentially, a miniature Riddler trophy and the word 'CONGRATULATIONS' written in green across the bottom of the box.
Just in time to hear the knock at your office door. The guards bringing him in for his weekly session.
"I see you've solved it, doctor."
You nod your head, giving a hum of acknowledgement.
"And how long did it take you, might I ask?" he questions, eyeing you expectantly.
"I confess... I've been working on it all week."
A satisfied chuckle. "Then my estimations were correct. But then, that's hardly a surprise."
"Really, Ed? Another shot at my intelligence?" You quirk a brow. Your accusation is calm, but firm. "I take it this was an attempt to prove my stupidity."
He laughs at the insinuation, barking out an amused, "NO!"
You already know his opinions on the limited intellect of... Well, anyone who isn't him. Although the curse you bear isn't quite so heavy.
"Alright... But the way you're talking makes it sound like this wasn't just some random gift."
"Sharp as ever, doctor!"
"Then what? What was the point of this?"
"Mm... Think of it as... A little distraction. A way to keep you thinking about me until we could meet again."
He. Wanted to keep you thinking about him. You freeze at the implication, and you have to admit... That was smooth.
"Eddie. You know I'm your therapist. We can't-"
"Really? Because your eagerness to solve my puzzle. To IMPRESS me, and don't deny it doctor! I could see it in your eyes; tells me that we're already beyond a professional relationship."
The dawning realization that he's right consumes you. You had been trying to impress him. It had been the driving force behind your tireless efforts. The reason you couldn't just leave it alone.
You wanted his attention. And he wanted yours.
"So. You have another puzzle for me this week, I hope."
"I might have something... Trade you for a kiss."
You laugh quietly before allowing your lips to meet his. You know your job's on the line, but it's a risk you're willing to take.
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arcade-writing · 3 months
Tea party for two
Pairing: Jervis Tetch x AFAB! reader
Warning: ribbon bondage, Oral - man EATS out, drool and spit kink, scent kink, he's a little weirdo, brief sex toy, March Hare! Reader, he's as giddy as he is horny, alot of whimpering, Jervis is very vocal, probably cringe dirty talk - man rhymes and speaks silly, established relationship, boss x henchmen, cheesy petnames, premature ejaculation, messy sex, creampie, mating press, a lot of praise, minor light degrading for hatter, hair pulling, table sex, abit of aftercare, they’re ridiculous your honour
I'm aware a Hare and a rabbit/bunny are very different but I don't give a shit quite frankly!
This is a non specific Hatter, it is implied he's got a gut on him and said he has curly hair but he's not detailed in description where you can't imagine your own version. He is also intended to be shorter than you but ehh again, nothing is overly defined.
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Being one of the mad hatters goons wasn’t too bad. Not many people In Gotham can say they get paid to dress up for a criminal and enjoy it. Tea parties were routine at this point, always at the same time and well- you couldn’t even be so sure the clocks even worked accurately in Jervis’s underground lair. They always say to expect the unexpected but this was certainly not expected; currently you were being wheeled into the tea party on a carrier. Your arms tied to the oversized metal tray you were sitting on, your knees forced to your chest as your ankles and thighs were tied together with thick ribbon. The other goons just looked mindless as usual as the hypnotic chip in their head softly beeped. There you saw Jervis sitting in his usual chair, it was tall and wide enough to sit comfortably in. Now, you and the tray were on the table right In front of him. Displayed like a meal ready to be eaten.
“There’s other ways of inviting me to tea..” you finally spoke up, raising a brow, your foot just brushed the hatters chest. Nudging it just beneath his large bowtie.
Jervis made the other goons leave the room with a usher of his hand. Shooing them off as he tutted, having everything he wanted now you were Infront of him – perfectly presented and even tied up with a bow! Oh how marvellous! He laughed with that mischievous yet playful tone that you’ve gotten used to over time. Leaning forward as he cupped one foot with his gloved hand and raised it to his lips, kissing it.
“They say a rabbit foot is very lucky to have, wouldn’t I just be lined up for fortuitous events if I got to have a cheeky nibble on my dearest Hare?”
He pulled back to clap, giddy with his own excitement and anticipation. Giggling as he grinned so uncomfortably large, those buck teeth of his on full display. “Rabbit for dessert! They say they’re best for stews and supper but no no! But I’m sure you’ll just ooze with sweetness!”
You slightly flush, nudging his chest with your foot once again in retaliation knowing full well what this was leading to as your upper back pressed against the large and long table. You weren’t in the proper state of dress but that was because you had your own plans, until those large Tweedle henchmen came barging in. Your knees pressed together from how your tied as you could just about watch him from this position.
“oh? You’re hoping I’ll have some special filling for you to enjoy, hatter?” Your hands flex as your wrists were tied with ribbon to the handles of the large tray.
Oh such temptation in that tone of yours! It was oh so sweet and full of mischief. His grin grew wider as he licked his lips, his face so close to your knees as he hummed. Eyes darting all over you, those greedy eyes soaked up your thin fabric of your knee highs. Already drooling at just the idea, he’s been a fidgeting mess since he made those big goons grab you. And hard too, straining in his trousers already. He adjusted his big top hat to look more presentable, he was the boss after all.
“Hmm… I suppose that depends.. If I were to dig in, would I get to lick my fingers once I’m done and find all the delicious drippings and honey still on them?” He was only growing more jittery as he grew more flustered at the thought. Twitching fingers reaching for the big bow keeping your legs together as he pulled it undone.
“why don’t you try and see? I’m not a mirror, Hatter, you have to seek more than just a glance.” Even with the spontaneous and ridiculousness of it all; wishing Jervis would approach these kind of topics and desires like how most would but that wouldn’t be him. Once your legs were untied you parted them, resting your feet on his shoulders as you made sure to arch your back a little for show. “I’m sure with your attention I’ll be stickier than toffee.”
He let out an audible gasp, cheeks turning red, his eyes practically popping out of his head. A cheeky smirk flashed all over his face with that devious look in his eye. “If you insist, dear Hare.” He didn’t hesitate to move his gloved hands down and grasp your knees, pushing them more to your chest as his hands slid along your thighs. His breath became shallow and his heartbeat quickened, kissing from your ankle up to your knee. Biting at your socks the way up as he let out muffled giggles.
“Oh my! Getting a little dewy already?” He peered down at the underwear you currently had on, seeing a wet patch already formed. Just spotting an outline of something else, growing curious as his fingers danced up your thighs and to the waistband of your underwear.
As he stripped your bottom bare, he was nuzzling into your thighs as he pressed them to his head more. Tucking His face against your clit as he his big nose peeking over as he inhaled with a proud ‘oh ho ho ho!’. He loved that scent of yours; it’s why he always tried to get clothes of yours into his grubby hands. Wanting to smell you whenever he could.
You squeeze around his head, almost knocking off his top hat in the process as the ribbons and feathers decorating it tickled at your legs. Rolling your eyes with a smile at his giggles and noises of pride. Pushing him closer with your legs considering you were still bound at the wrists. “I just want your attention, makes me all warm.” You coo, your legs wanting to tense but each kiss just made your body melt.
“ohhh don’t you worry, my attention is already all yours, dear Hare” He chuckles as he nuzzles you more, your legs squeezing his head making him all squirmy, hips rolling against the plump of his chair. Getting that needed friction. “Warm is definitely the right description. You’re practically a cocoon of warmth with all that blood pumping, I’m sure your heart is just THUMPING!” He adjusted his hat to sit more firmly on his head and let his hands venture, sliding down to your slicken folds and finally found what brought his curiosity.
“And what’s this? Have you been hiding carrots from me?” He teases with a scolding brow, awaiting your answer as he feels the rubbery end of the toy currently stuffing your hole. Its end looks like cartoonish leafs and a stem, looking between you and the toy as he flicks the stem.
“I know how much you like games, I was hoping you’d enjoy playing with me but you ended up beating me to it.” You huff, your toes curling as he brought attention to the carrot toy. Biting on your bottom lip as you almost completely forgot it was there – your feet pushing him by the shoulders to be as close as he could as your hands clenched and unclenched.
“Aha! So you ARE hiding secrets.” He let out a giggle with a grin and a mischievous look in his eye, clapping his hands together in his glee, you really had no idea how much you were teasing him. Before he gave your thigh and smack as punishment. “Naughty! Naughty! Bad rabbit! Such a cheeky little thing!” He tutted and tsked, giving your thigh a few more smacks in quick concessions. “Planning to toy with your poor ol’ Hatter, I can only imagine the maddening game you would have played.”
He hummed to himself as he grabbed the rubber stem of the toy, twisting and pulling at the ends and bouncing it about between his fingers. Giving it a testing tug as he could see it wasn’t an easy fit. You gasped sharply at the slaps and then my breath caught in my throat as he played with the stem, tugging and twisting. Your reaction only just made his breathing more rapid, drool slipping past his trembling lips. His buck teeth caught on his lip as he chewed on it. "ohh I should take your carrot from you! Yes yes! Naughty rabbits like yourself don’t get lovely carrots.”
Squirming as your feet lightly kicked at his shoulder. Your hands grasping at the table cloth as you bit down on my lip tighter to muffle the sound that escaped you. “Then why don’t you take it then? Huh, hatter?” You breath out, eyes fluttering at just the thought as you saw just how excited he was getting – his energy rising and rising was more obvious. He never was one to stay still for long.
“why not indeed?” He asked as he finally stopped teasing the toy and grasped it properly, pulling with a bit more force then he thought he would have to. Pulling out the large carrot – much larger than he expected it to be- as his eyes widened, his jaw dropped slightly as he breathed in with a sharp intake of air. “O-oh my!” Marvelling at your cunt squeezed and fluttered as he pulled it out, listening to the sweet moans pooling out as it dragged along your walls. Your legs trembled as you arched. Delighting in the friction but already feeling that full sensation in your stomach retreat. His boner was pressing hard against his trousers, pre-cum smearing and wetting the fabric through his boxers at just the sight alone.
Once the toy came out with a loud pop he was staring at it with wide sparkling eyes. His cheeks utterly flushed and his heart pounding. “You…you are naughty, my Dear Hare…utterly and entirely naughty..” he breathed out, staring at your body as he can only imagine delightfully in his head the struggle you went through just to stash this carrot away just for him.
Panting, as you could feel how embarrassingly messy your thighs and pussy now were. Leftover lube and slick stringing out and dripping down to your ass. It rattled even you with how wet you were. Watching him through glazed eyes at his surprise as your hips wiggled, trying to pull his attention back into focus.
“Hatter…” You whimper, feeling so empty now. You just needed him to fill you up. You needed his attention.
His eyes are glued to the puffy folds between your legs, mouth agape and still stunned by the size of the toy and of your willingness to use it to such extremes just to get him in a tizzy. But more so, the way you gushed. Oh he has never thought of a day more fitting to be deemed Fractious day more than now. “Oh- dear Hare..” his voice was nothing but soft and breathy. As he swallowed against the sight.
His eyes looked back at the toy in his hand, but at the sound of you whimpering his focus was refocused to your wiggling hips. With haste he grabbed the largest teapot he had and shoved the carrot in it. Practically Jumping into action, Not wasting a beat he began to nuzzle your thighs and kiss around your fluttering cunt. His nose was practically smothered by your soft pussy as he huffed and puffed under his breath. His mouth opened as he began to lick away at the wetness you left behind as he moaned. His gloved hands gripping tightly at your thighs as he let out an approving groan at the mess. At your taste, always so sweet.
Your legs tighten at his head again, your hands thumping against the table as you just wanted to grab him and pull on his thick curly locks of his. He was acting like he was starved and it made your head spin. You loved it. Gasping and whining as you strained in your restraints. “Oh that’s it- my pretty Shortcake..” your breathing is thick in your throat and heavy as it escapes you. Looking down to watch him as you can just see his eyes rolling and twitching.
Your sweet mess on his face was like the perfect desert, the smell and taste driving him into a delirious state. His breath became shallow as he continued, his eyes rolling back as they fluttered. His nostrils flaring in and out as he took in your smell, it made him feel drunk. Your scent was intoxicating. His tongue taking it's time to trace around your sticky hole. Savouring every moment. He continued to suck and lick with no end.
“oh….as juicy as an apple, a ripe delicious fruit you are!” Jervis praised between slurps he let out a moan, he sounded so desperate and needy. Bucking and rolling against his chair more. “yum..yuuuumm my Hare..so sweet..so very delicious.” he hummed the song of the tea party against you. “just perfect to eat!”
You wanted to roll your eyes, to huff and complain at his nonsense but you couldn’t deny he was doing perfect. Your hands tugged on the restraints and you finally felt the ribbon loosen against the handles, yanking your arms forward and the bow came undone as your hands grabbed the back his head, intertwining into the thick heap that was his curly hair. Hatter’s eyes widened In surprise as you broke free from your bounds, his mouth opening to scold you but you beat him to it.
“Poor Hatter… you’re ravenous… someone’s been needing his desert, hasn’t he?” You coo once more, scrunching a fist fall of his hair just beneath the rim on his big top hat.
Hatter turned to putty as you pulled at his curly locks, gasping with a breathless giggle. Your fingers ran deep into his hair, his breathing was frantic as he moaned and whimpered with your hands being so greedy.
Nodding feverishly at your words. “oh yes! I’m famished! I am but a starving man and like the wolves I hunger for tasty rabbits.”
And it was true, he was ravenous, every cell in his body was hungry and wanting more. He couldn’t hold himself back anymore. His lips glued to the sticky mess that was your sex, sucking on your throbbing clit as he hummed, suckling on you like you were the finest meal he’s ever had. Moaning as he let his nose nudge and nuzzle against the pearl as his tongue slid between your folds and to your entrance.
With great reluctance, he pulled back from you as a string of saliva connected his tongue to you as he panted. His hands pried from your thighs as he began to eagerly tug off the silk gloves finger by finger. “But to truly enjoy my meal, the gloves must come off!” He declared, growing impatient as he just yanked his other glove off his hand and dived back in.
Your hands tighten In his hair as you see him discard his pretty gloves so eagerly. His hand reached between your legs to hold open your dripping cunt as he prodded his tongue inside. Keeping his face as pressed to you as humanly possible as he fucked you with his wiggling tongue. Needing to taste you inside and out. To feel you clench and flutter. To savour each dewy drop you produced just for him. Keening under all his attention as you let out a whine. One hand raising to keep his precious hat on his head as he enjoyed himself vigorously. Knowing he’d go into a moody state if his top hat was knocked off his head no matter his enjoyment. Your thighs trembling against either side of his head as you nod, unable to as words felt impossible. Feeling his tongue deep in you, hungrily lapping and fucking you.
Jervis’s eyes sparkled to see you put care into making sure his hat didn’t fall off. He had you well trained, a marvellous Hare! But then again with a good bunny like you, you would know better not to ruin his hat. Jervis’s grubby hand feel along your thigh as he uses his free hand to hold on to your hips. His other hand using his bare fingers to keep you spread open for him. Spitting directly onto your dewy spot as he giggled, chewing on his bottom lip. Sucking in what was left of his spit as he smeared it into you with his fingers. Watching it string and connect his fingers to your sex.
“Messy bunny…oh you sticky little treat.”
You gasp at the feel of his spit, leaning up as you yank on his hair and tug his head back. “filthy Hatter!” You scold, even if it did make your face warm and your body shudder. Your breathing heavy as you make his big eyes stare up at yours. Brows scrunched up to keep some display of authority. “you’re a dirty little man, aren’t you? Just spitting on your desert, no manners.”
A smile lit up his face, your voice scolding him made it all the more better. His tongue sliding out of his mouth as he let it trace along your wetness, his eyes wide as he looked into yours. Oh how one part of him wanted to put you in your place for scolding him, telling him how he should enjoy you but another whined at your light jabs at his character. Unable to decide, drunk on the taste of you as he licked his lips.
“No manners? No no! I have manners, my sweet, yes – your hatter has all his table manners but…oh you make me feel as if I am topsy-turvy! I am spun in the head!” He shook his head but he couldn’t deny this was pushing at his restraint. He needed more of you. “But I am a starving man and I am in need of more than just a succulent meal, I need warmth and a cosy place to tuck myself into.”
The hatter hastily undid his trousers and shimmered them down as he pulled himself out of his chair and up onto the table, crawling over you as he pulled your legs to your chest, his shoes letting out a squeak against the wooden table as the cloth rode up in his pursuit.
“JERVIS-!” You yelp with surprise, the teapots and cups rattling at the sudden movements. His chest pressing to yours as he nestled himself right where he needed to be, right between those pretty legs as his hands grasped at the edge of the table to keep himself steady. Your legs were hooked under his arms and dangling in the air. Staring up at him with eyes as wide as his as your breathing hitched. Heart racing faster than ever as your hands kept a tight grasp on his hair and down to his shoulders for stability. The weight of him was a welcomed change, feeling his stomach press against yours, feeling its roundness through his waistcoat.
His face was just mere inches from yours, his eyes glued on yours as you breathed. Your warm breath being the only thing he could feel with every exhalation, you could almost feel his heart beating against you. Your arms holding on to him for dear life was just the icing on the cake, a tasty cherry to top it all off.
“oh my, oh my, I’m not too heavy am I? A little hapless Hare like you, you’re not struggling with little ol’ Hatter, are you?” He teased, as he nestled into you, sinking his cock into your warm heat as he gripped the table tighter. His knees slightly bending to keep himself balanced, but more so it was then buckling at just first contact.
He sank in slowly as he stretched you out with the girth of him, as thick as the rest of him but just as short, as he let out giggles. Chewing on his lip to muffle them as he nodded. You gasp, clinging onto him as your legs kick out slightly. Letting out a strained and wobbly ‘ooooh…’ as he pressed into you. Staring down at you he spoke up once more, though strained in his words.
“mmph! Oh-oh h-haha! Hatter has fallen into his very own rabbit hole! I think Hatter will never escape! Ah-!” His hips met yours as he pressed more of his weight onto you, bottoming out completely with delight. He really has been training you well.
Scoffing at his words as your nose pressed against his, your hands gripping at his shoulders. Feeling the ribbon draped off the edge of his hat caress your cheek, returning his intense stare. “I don’t think this rabbit wants you to-“ you finally responded, able to gather the words that threatened to lose themselves on the tip of your tongue. You never wanted him to stop whenever you two got intimate, he made your head spin and your body react in ways you never did with others.
His mouth split Into a smile as he nodded, your hands on him were a delicious pleasure, his hands clawing at the table cloth. He started to pump, keeping pace with his words, his hips moving downwards to meet you. Balls smacking against your ass. “Oh…is that so?” He let out a soft moan as he felt a nice little jolt go through his body that made a little hum escape his throat as his eyes rolled slightly as a spark went through his body. Oh you were so perfect.
“mmm that’s it darling! Good Hare! Good bunny! Good good! Yes! Oh yes!”
You were clenching into him so tightly – why would he ever want to escape when your perfect sex was hugging him? Wrapping his cock In the warmest embrace he could ever withstand. Wanting him as desperately as he wants you. Panting as that familiar warm knot in his gut already formed. Your heat was too much- he whimpered. His eyes widening with a cry of protest as he thrusted into you.
Suddenly, cumming before he could even fully grasp. He couldn’t help but stutter out his breath, a bloom of shame appeared in the heat of his cheeks, trying to maintain appearance. He knew this may happen but this was not what he wanted. Not the first he’s been a quick shooter but with you? He was a man who liked to impress and this was certainly not a moment his own excitement getting the best of him was desired.
“I- you snug rabbit-“ he hissed, that pride of his burning at his own action. He was a brilliant man! The mad hatter! He was-! He…oh he was humiliated. You mouth part, my eyes locked downwards as you watch him falter. Feeling the hot seed shoot and paint your walls, not expecting it at all.
“Oh hatter…” You whine, your hands pulling him closer as you nuzzle your nose to his. “oh my shortcake..my hatter.” You coo, searching his eyes as one hand goes to his cheek, spotting the shame in his red cheeks and now wavering gaze.
“I am not so easily..explosive..” Jervis tried to explain as he tried to pull away from you. Which you hastily made sure he was securely pressed to you, the both of you moaning as his cock twitched inside you. He was in a frenzy of emotions. Your touch was so stimulating, your words sent jolts down his spine as his mind raced. His eyes were glued to your lips, almost wanting to kiss them. But strangely between you two, it felt too sacred. It was expected of two people who have such an affair.
“Did I squeeze too tight? You just make me so excited, I can’t help it, just like you can’t help that little burst, now could you?” You mumble quietly, trying to make sure he doesn't feel embarrassed. If anything, you found it flattering. You loved when he cummed and this was no different.
“oh…dear me…” the heat in his cheeks grew, and his breath quickened as you nuzzled him. Your voice was so sweet and smooth. A shiver went from his shoulders all the way down to his knees when you nuzzled your nose against his. Your comforting hand stroking his face made his lip curl up into a wobbly smile. “oh you are not mad at your Hatter, I couldn’t help it, when you squeeze and squeeze I go pop!”
“oh no, I’m not mad at all, I want…more of that-“ oh how you wanted him to just be blunt but he was a fickle man. Whenever your mouth was too dirty he’d rattle on about manners and how one Should talk to a man of his class so you do your best to reassure him. “-filling of yours, Jervis.”
Spotting his gaze flickering to your lips and you lean forward, kissing the top of his big nose as you shift my hips. Giving them a small wiggle as your feet press into his back to push his body more into yours, feeling him bottom out once again with a shudder.
“I think it would only be fair, wouldn’t you?” You give his hot cheek another caress as you smile at him. Abit strained with your own growing embarrassment. “I know you can do it, you’re the hatter and he can do impossible things, can’t he?" Doing your best to sound as encouraging as you could. You knew if he couldn’t handle it he’d say, no matter if you stroked his ego. He knew his limits.
The man's eyes were locked on yours as they met. Your words of encouragement spur him on, pushing him to go forth. A whimper escaped his lips as you shifted your hips and pushed up against him. The feeling was so incredible, your fluttering heat coaxing a few more strings of cum to ooze out.
“You-you’re so naughty and persistent…oh…oh-…oh damn it-! Just like your delicious quim you can’t go five seconds without wanting more…how is that fair? How can your Hatter ever compete with such a hungry and needy bunny like you?” He pouted, leaning over to kiss your nose back. Leaving another kiss on the edge of your lips as he trembled at the mere act. The tender kiss he couldn’t dare himself to steal.
Jervis started to pump into you once again, but this time slower. Easing himself in and out as the drag of the ridges of your walls and the veins of his cock rubbed so agonisingly deliciously together. His lips were trembling as he began to breathe heavily again. His brows pinched as he felt that confidence warm his chest as he tried to not focus on the twitch of overstimulation just on the edge of sensation. Threatening to make his brain putty.
“But- I am capable of doing many things…”
“I know you are, you’re just so brilliant like that.” You grin, mewling at the feeling of his thrusts. Tilting my head away just enough so your lips couldn’t touch, teasing him. Knowing even when he was balls deep he couldn’t bring himself to kiss you on the lips. It was cute in a way. Charming even.
Gripping onto him tighter than before as you nod. Relishing in his stamina still able to keep him going. “big capable Hatter, huh? I think it’s plenty… fair…you have someone that can’t get enough of you…”
Talking felt easier with the slow pace, words coming out between heavy puffs of air. Your head pressing more against the table, your legs squeezing just under his armpits. There was a numb pain in your back, the cold of the metal tray beneath you but your blood was rushing too fast to truly feel it. Too focus on the feel of him.
The warmth you gave him with your compliments caused him to melt further into you, your words making him smile more. But when you shifted, he frowned a bit, your tease was very naughty. Using his timidness (shocking he could still be) against him. He pouted his lips and made a low noise in the back of his throat as he pushed even more into you. Biting your cheek with a nip as retaliation making you let out a small yelp of surprise.
“But it's been…hard to not keep you filled with cream, turn you into…my little éclair-'' Jervis whined, your heat causing more shivers down his spine as his pace grew more steady. Confident. He grinned, squeezing his eyes shut as his jaw was clenched. Your walls still hugging him like your life depended on it. How very naughty you were!
“oh god- oh god your too tight-!” He whimpered out with a small cry. His hands almost ripping the table cloth as the table trembled and rocked from his movements.
“Your éclair-?” You gasp out, your brain was mush as your legs gripped and lightly kicked at his back. Your eager hands lifted up to reach his, grasping them tightly as your eyes fluttered. “you want that?” You tease more, testing how he’ll react, not the first time he’s said something like that to you but in the silly ways he spoke his filthy desires you couldn’t help but encourage him. Perhaps you were as whipped for him as cream.
Feeling that familiar knot in your stomach as your fingers interlocked. Your own orgasm approaches with each electrifying friction. Feeling his stomach just graze against your clit, the fabric of his waistcoat making you keen.
The feel of your hands grasping his and interlocking with them was like a new set of handcuffs keeping him in place. And how could he ever dream of escaping the wonderland that was you? He couldn't. He wouldn't.
“H-haha…ha ha…oh-oh yes-! I- I want you to be my little éclair. A creamy, delicious one.” He hummed, licking your cheek with one long slow drag of his tongue, tasting your skin. Just able to taste the layer of salt forming on It as his cock twitched. The faster his hips moved the more overstimulation bit at his nerves but you were far too delicious to give up. But he knew his limit was approaching. “I want to fill you till you’re overflowing…and I’ll eat you up-“
Licking his damp lips as he pressed his nose to your cheek as he groaned. Overstimulation began to sting at his pulsing nerves as tears started to form into his eyes, his second orgasm rushing towards the finish line with you.
Just another hard few thrusts and the feel of his body just flicking your bud made that knot slap. “Hatter-!” You let out a squeal, your heels completely digging into his back as your eyes squeezed shut. Toes curling as your own release crashed over you. Your hands gripping his so tight as you chew on your bottom lip, trying to stop from being too loud but your attempt was futile. The loud clattering of the table and the teapots just barely drowning the sounds out.
His eyes shot open at the sudden release of yours. His grip tightened on your hands as he moaned into your cheek, tears falling down his cheek as he slammed into you. Completely filling you.
“oh god- squeezing-! Oh dear god- oooo-ooo-“ his voice faltered as your moans took its place, his body shook uncontrollably, his mind was in oblivion as he emptied himself into you. Painting your walls again, drooling as his mouth hung open. So caught up in it all he didn’t even realise his precious top hat fell off his head!
Feeling his body slump, your hands reached up to his head and cradled it. Easing him down as he jerked and trembled. Feeling sticky wet from his drool against your skin. Your legs falling down and resting on the back of his knees as both of your bodies gave out. His knees knocking against the table with a thud. Cooing as you nuzzled against him. Your hands smoothed and toyed with his curly hair, grounding the both of you as you caught a glimpse of his fucked out expression.
“oh Jervis.” You whisper, giving his cheek a kiss as you tried to ride out the high with him. Your bodies clumsily rub against each other. Feeling the pitter patter of his tears fall down onto your cheek. Immediately consoling him with kisses under and around his eyes.
The man's body was limp, the heat he felt coursing through him left him exhausted, his lips were curled into a small smile as you nuzzled him. Your cooing voice was like a dove's melody to his ears. He was still drooling slightly, he was like a puddle of melted chocolate on your lap, utterly ruined. Liquid in your hands, defenceless and blissed. You were definitely the best sweet he had ever had. His eyelids slowly opened back up, his eyes were tired and his throat was hoarse, his cheeks were still wet with your kisses. He was too exhausted and overwhelmed to speak any words. Only able to make a few slurred giggles and whines. You had completely wrecked him, just as he hoped you would when he got those goons to bring you to him, to present you so prettily with a bow.
“sweet Jervis…my shortcake.” The high left you in a daze but the adrenaline was dying down. Letting out a small noise of discomfort, the consequences of the continuous smack of your bodies made your tailbone hit the large tray you were resting on. In your shared bliss you completely forgot you were still set up like a delicious meal and now your back was feeling sore. Trying to nudge his heavy weight off you, though it was soothing to have. Grounding your dizzy mind.
“I need to move-“
But he didn’t want to move, his legs were jelly and every bump of your bodies together made that overstimulation strike him. Whimpering as his brain screamed for him to move but his body pleaded to stay in your wet heat. He tried to roll over for your own benefit but he miscalculated how far you two were to the side.
Letting out a yelp, never more thankful the flooring of his tearoom was padded as his back smacked against the floor as he fell off the table. Bringing you with him, yelping with him, as the table rattled loudly, the tray under you went clattering down on the floor. His cock falling out of your heat only adds to the jolt. His blissful high ruined as he was forcibly snapped out of it. Blinking as his cheeks were as bright as they could be now before he started to laugh. Unable to restrain himself as laughter poured out.
His laughter cut through the second of silence that came after the crash. Blinking in surprise as you finally noticed the puddle of tea on the table and the floor from all the moving on the table in your vigorous play. Your brain needing a few seconds to catch up to the sudden fall as you looked down at him; The lingering afterglow coating your mind as you listen to his sudden burst of laughter. It caught you off guard. A surprised chuckle escaped you before I started laughing too. Joining him as you both grew amused by the ridiculousness of it all.
His giggling became more genuine, and his eyes finally cleared up as he glanced at the tea mess on the floor. If it weren’t the honeyed glaze coating his brain and the absolute enjoyment of you he’d be sent into a tizzy. He took a big breath before sighing, his laughter turning into dying out chuckles.
“Oh dear, this is why we shouldn’t partake in such acts of debauchery. It's simply not good for our health.”
Your hands slid along his chest, letting out a little whine as you can feel the consequences. The pain shooting up from your tailbone up and the emptiness without his dick stuffing you beautifully. The feeling of his cum dribbling down your thighs and getting on his stomach. Adding to the mess around you two. Nosing his red cheek as I shook my head, a few giggles slipping out.
“perhaps not having it on the table will be for the best”
“Tables will be off limits…until I make some adjustments.” Jervis muses with a grin before a small, disappointed frown washed over his face the consequences of your wildness began to take its toll on you.
His hands went to your back as he saw the little aches of you and it made him frown more. Rubbing your back in tiny little circles with his fingers. He was a responsible person after all. Even after such activities, he shouldn’t have been so greedy with you.
“Oh My dear Hare, are you alright? Are you feeling pain?” His eyebrows wrinkled together in worry.
You nodded, sighing as you sank against him, the mess can be handled after. “My tailbone hurts, must have banged it on the tray dish I was on.” You admit, utterly caught up in the bliss of it all, of him, to even notice but now with adrenaline running out of my system you could feel it. Cuddling close to him as you stroke his cheek.
Oh that displeased him greatly.
“oh bad- bad hatter.” He tuts, shaking his head as he scolds himself. Bad, bad bad.” As he says that each time he makes your hand slap his tear stained cheek, not too harshly but it left a small sting. You wanted to protest, not wanting him to slap himself but he was already moving on. Cuddling you up to him as he forced himself to sit up.
“Luckily I have all the ailments to your issues right here-“ Jervis reaches up for his hat, his marvellous top hat, but it finally struck him! it has fallen off! His eyes wide and a sharp panicked gasp left him.
“my hat! Oh! My hat! Where-? When-?!” His head whipped side to side to see if it landed with you two on the floor. His fingers tapped and searched the very top of his head as if the hat would somehow be found in his curls. “thief-! Theft! Oh I bet it was that blasted cat-!”
The man rants as he scrambles around, but still reluctant to move far from you, checking under the table cloth to find his hat. He needed his hat, it had everything – his hard work and love poured into it. He kept things tucked into the band on the inside. His precious gadget was attached to his hat. How could he ever face batman- his goons- the world without his hat!?
Knowing he was a sensitive man about his hat, you look around with him. Spotting his hat still on the table as you wobbled up, reaching over to and grabbed It. Another wince leaving you as you stretched out your back. Hastily, you placed it firmly back on his head. Making sure all the ribbons and accessories were placed on it were still tidy and didn’t get tea split on it.
“Oh there, there, see it’s like it was never gone.” You sooth, kissing both of his cheeks as you dust off some powdered sugar from the top of it. Keeping your face close to his as you did your best to give a reassuring smile. “No cat, it just fell off.”
Jervis exhaled in relief, his breathing steady again as he watched you reach over and grab his beloved hat. Your touch, sweet and gentle as you place it on Jervis’s head again. It’s as if he breathed better once it hit his head, he seemed less frantic with you there supporting him and his hat back in place. Jervis was still shaking a little, his heart pounding in his throat. You truly were a blessing in his miserable life. He knew you were different from the day he met you, when he stopped hypnotising you and you still obeyed him so happily. You were perfect. So utterly Perfect.
“Oh – my- thank you, oh- god..thank you..”
Now his hat was back, he whipped back to his usual demeanour. Smiling, kissing your nose before he pulls out a ibuprofen packet from the side of his hat, hidden behind some feathers as he lets out a ‘ta da!’.
“Now let’s get you feeling better…I think after all that I need to have another taste of my bunny to calm me down.” He giggled, a mischievous look growing back on his face, his hand stroking along your aching back as he grinned so wide.
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lonleydweller · 6 months
For the halloween event! [If this is okay...]
🍬 Mysterious red candy- (Going trick or treating!)
👁 Sour eyeball candies- (You're not walking alone.)
for a Yandere whoever you wish! [Platonic please <3]
I think that this combo would be most fascinating, as well as the character you pick.
🎃🦇Halloween event-BTAS Mad Hatter-Mysterious red candy, Sour eyeball candies🦇🎃
Sorry for this being super late!!
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!Warnings!: drugging, paranoia, stalking, implied kidnapping
Yanderes are OK in fiction. They should stay fiction. They are not example of healthy relationships. These behaviors are NOT okay in real life. This is for entertainment purposes
🍬Trick or treat! You're not walking alone.👁
The streets are dark, hollow, and empty. As one would expect at such an hour. However in a city like Gotham a sight like that was almost unerving when you're accustomed to crooks shuffling about. Or in this case, children running down the streets in cheap costumes, celebrating Halloween. Now all that were left were candy wrappers blowing in the wind, swaying decorations, and the occasional street light. It felt wrong. The longer you looked at the empty streets the quicker you wanted to get home.
Quick and steady. Quick and steady. Your footsteps echo out.. the thought flashes in your mind. That couldn't be right could it? There would be no reason for there to be an echo. Sure the streets were empty- but not that empty. Had you scared yourself so much you were hearing things? You look over your shoulder, the street greets you with emptiness at it did before. Maybe you were just going mad?
You stepped once. There was the sound of two. When you stopped the sound stopped. Every time you looked behind you it resulted in nothing. You could swear you were seeing someone in the corner of your eye. At this point you were were speedwalking, close to running. Just a bit farther then you'd be home!
But..with a sudden skid you start to stumble over your own feet, a wave of dizziness slamming into you like a brick wall, your head starts to feel fuzzy. You try to wrack you brain for answers in a panic. How long had you been walking? Did you eat or drink anything weird? You didn't recall so. It flashes into your mind. The man from earlier.
There was a man, a man you would of thought peculiar if not for the night. You figured his strange outfit and behaviors were just part of his costume. He was dressed like the mad hatter after all. He had offered you a piece candy, no, looking back, he insisted you take it. Claiming it was leftovers from the candy he had been handing out. It seemed harmless at the time!
Wham! Your face met with the rough concrete below. You try to push yourself back up, but it was no use. Your whole body seemed to almost be shutting down. Your limbs felt weak and tired. Your vision was turning dark as the sound of footsteps drew closer.
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gilverrwrites · 3 days
My horny ass has been watching Gotham again.
A-Z Gotham Men* and how they fuck you.
*like 75% of Gotham men: Alfred, Bullock, Butch, Ed/The Riddler, Jerome, Jervis, Jim, Lucius, Maroni, Penguin, and Zsasz 🖤
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Almost everything Alfred does is practiced, and purposeful and despite all his training, he’s still rough around the edges. But when he looks into your eyes, when he hears his name on your lips, all of that hardness and posturing dissipates. He tries to praise you but it comes out all muddled and breathless. So he worships your body as best he can, gently brushing your most sensitive parts with strong calloused hands, rocking your bodies together until you’re as lost as he is. Sometimes he does it with those white cotton gloves still on, and he neglects to clean them for days after because he can still smell you on them.
Bullock talks a big game, but he’s not the man he used to be. Still, what he lacks in youth, he makes up for in enthusiasm. Swollen lips kiss and suck at you, wherever he can find, his scruffy facial hair leaving beard rash on all his favourite parts. Firm, clammy hands pull and grope and guide your body, showing you how he likes it done. “Oh yeah, ooooh yeah, baby.” He pants between ragged breaths and clenched teeth, “Feels so fucking good baby, just like that.” When he’s done he wipes you down with a wet cloth and a cheeky grin, offering to buy you a drink he’s needed since you started.
Butch is big and sturdy and such a good boy. Butch is happy to say whatever you want to hear, to do whatever you want him to do, for you to use his body however you need to get off. “Anything for you Ma’.” He gets high on the scent of you, whimpers when you touch his cock, and eagerly licks up any mess he’s made, whenever, and wherever you allow him to. He’s at your service, just tell him what to do, so long as you shower him with your praise and adoration when you’re done. He especially loves it when you run your fingers through his hair, and plant your kisses behind his ears.
Ed is curious and attentive. His voice is shaky as he asks “Is this okay?” “Does that feel good?” “Is all this because of me?” His long fingers tentatively exploring every inch of you, in and out, memorising every jerk of your body, retaining every noise you make. He refuses to cum until you’re ready, until you’re fully entwined and engrossed in each other.
But The Riddler knows you’re needy. The Riddler takes advantage of that desperation, because it makes you dumb and mailable. He uses your body for his pleasure, he knows where to twist and pull to make your walls wet and tight around him. When you try to speak, he shushes you, cups your cheeks in gloved hands and coos; “I know, I know. Don’t speak. Just take it.”
Jerome is unpredictable. Some nights he’s a tease, making you beg and plead for your own defilement. It’s an act, entertainment, and you’re his favourite performer. When you’re good to him, he’s good to you, but when you’re bad, he’s really really bad. But it’s hard to be good, because he likes to move the goalpost whenever he senses you getting comfortable.
On other nights he’s clingy, and dutiful. He uses you to keep his cock warm, cradling you, swaying your bodies back and forth, inching himself deeper and deeper inside of you, and laughing into the crook of your neck.
Jervis is composed, and poised. He rolls his sleeves up and lets his hat sit askew while you ride him. Likes to watch the way you wither and pant, your eyes grow more and more vacant each time you work his cock deeper into your burning core. Likes to whisper and woo you with his sweet nothings. “Aren’t you a treasure? Fucking yourself for my pleasure?” It’s such a thrill to watch you come undone for him, especially when you’ll unravel yourself willingly.
As to be expected, Jim is the vanilla type. The quiet type, the strong and sturdy type. He makes love to you like it’s his duty, holding you down in missionary or the mating press as he hammers into you in powerful, uniform thrusts into your both coming undone, your name escaping his lips in an atypically soft whisper when he finishes deep inside you. What’s less expected is his oral fixation. Jim likes to relieve his stress by loosing himself between your legs, by licking and sucking and biting all the parts that make you flinch. He likes to know he’s left his mark on you, even if it’s confined to the places only he can lay his eyes on.
Lucius is like the cat that got the cream, grinning the whole time, every time. No matter the place or position, he peppers your skin with kisses, the curl of his lips evident with each press of his open mouth. He likes it slow and deep. Holds your feet over his shoulders and sink in until you can both feel his tip press against your cervix. Tell him how good that feels, smile back at him and he’s a goner. He likes to finish in your mouth, likes to watch the way your body perks when his cock twitches against your tongue, the way your expression softens, and your lids grow heavy when his thick, warm cum hits the back of your throat. You can barely roll over to grab the tissue before he’s on you again, ready to assault you with yet another round of smile-laden kisses.
Maroni likes a show, likes to be entertained, likes to know he makes you feel good without barely lifting a finger, he’s just that good, you know? So he lets you grind against him, or lets you ride him, nice and slow. He might play with your nipples when he wants you to make those pretty little noises, or press your tongue down with his think fingers when he wants you to be quiet. After you’ve found your release he holds your hips in a vice-like grip as he bucks up into you, deceptively fast for a big guy, until he unloads wherever he sees fit.
Penguin fucks you in a frenzy, high on your body, using you like every time is the first and last chance he’ll get. He ruts into you in short, sharp movements. He likes to see you on your knees, worshipping at his feet, taking him in whatever hole he pleases. He likes to rub his cock on your face, likes to mark you with his musk. When he speaks, it’s between shallow, harsh breaths, he begs demands that you call out his name, again, and again, louder and louder, ensuring everyone knows you belong to the King of Gotham.
Zsasz doesn’t care about your pleasure or comfort. In fact, it’s your pain that gets him off. Zsasz will fuck you dry so he can watch you flinch. He pinches, and wrenches, and grabs you like a ragdoll. He enjoys choking you until your neck is bruised and swollen, until you're crying deliciously salty tears that he loves to lick up. He likes to cut you on those fleshy, tender parts, likes to see your deep red blood on his pale hands. He loves to fuck you until you’re shaking, until you’re sore and overstimulated and begging him to stop.
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gothamitelove · 3 months
May I request Arkham and BTAS Jervis who also likes to speak in rhymes?
dude i got one answer for both and it's ALL RHYMING ALL THE TIME. you engage in these silly rhyming conversations that no one else can stand or decipher and it's like having your own language. and it's so so great for jervis because not only do you accept the rhyming thing and dont think it's annoying but you also PARTICIPATE which is a whole new level of !!!!! that he didn't know he could feel. it sends him WAYYY further in love with you if that's even possible. you understand him! and isnt that what all of these guys really want at the end of the day
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riddle-me-ri · 1 year
May I request breakfast in bed for a General!Mad Hatter?
A/N: Eee yes of course! I'm glad to be able to exercise and work with my general iterations of characters lol. This one also comes with a little twist compared to the others tehe. Also this is the last of my 500 event prompts! Thanks so much to all those that participated 💚 it means the world to me! Will get back to normal requests soon, probably going to take a break for a while and do some drawing to break up the monotony lol.
Word Count: 541
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General Mad Hatter - Breakfast in Bed
Jervis has had to cook plenty of his own meals.
He was rather proud of himself for how good of a cook he is. One of his more unknown special talents no one knew about.
Well, except you of course. You loved and enjoyed every meal, and yet he still felt anxious whenever he cooked something for you.
Jervis found himself awake earlier than necessary, especially since you two agreed to sleeping in.
However, he didn't want the opportunity to treat you to pass. He's always willing and able to show you how special you mean to him…
You tossed and turned in bed. Something wasn't right. You propped yourself up and reached out to the other side of the bed.
Where you were supposed to feel a mass of flesh, muscle, and bone adorned in cotton pajamas…you felt empty sheets.
You sat up more on the bed, even pulled back the sheets. Jervis was nowhere to be found.
Your eyes widened in worry for a moment. Your mind racing with possibilities, almost jumping out of bed-
"Good morning, darling~"
Instant sigh of relief. You turned around and noticed he held a tray with two dishes of homemade breakfast.
"Oh, good morning, Jervis…" You looked down at the tray he was carrying.
"D-Did you make breakfast?" You asked, reaching out for the tray.
Until Jervis pulled it away from you just out of reach.
"Now, now." He tutted. "I'm supposed to serve this to you."
You furrowed your eyebrows together, unsure what difference it made. You decide to lay back on your pillow and even properly tuck your blanket back to where your lap was covered.
That seemed to be what Jervis wanted as he rounded the bed to your side. He gracefully placed the plate in your lap and your preferred drink on your nightstand.
"Thank you, Jervis…this was awfully sweet."
He smiled warmly at you as he made his way to his side of the bed where his food was waiting for him.
"I'm sorry if I made you panic by not being here when you woke. I wanted to surprise you." Jervis apologized, not forgetting that frantic look on your face.
You smiled, reassuringly. "It's all right, sweetie. I am just glad you were here." You gave him a kiss on the cheek. "A kiss for the best chef in Gotham."
You two enjoyed your meal in peaceful tranquility. Occasionally, sharing a bite or two from your plates or feeding each other the food.
When you two were finished, you offered to take the dishes back to the sink.
However, Jervis wasn't having it. Before you could even gather your plate, silverware, and glass; Jervis already had it all back on the tray and he was out the door.
You sat in bed, debating whether to get up or stay in bed like you two initially planned…
Then you felt something or more like someone jump on the bed. You yelped as you came face to face with your beloved.
Jervis smiled down sweetly at you, before slowly leaning in for a kiss.
You couldn't help but feel your chest swell at just how much love you felt for this man and the love from him as well.
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i-smoke-chapstick · 3 months
ough can you do something else smutty with gotham jervis tetch he’s literally the love of my life and I read your other stuff with him and I literally love it so much. like him being needy for the reader like he was in the other one you did with him? it was so aughhh 😫😫
thank you thank you
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⋆ 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 ; Jervis doesn’t like it when you leave without warning him.
⋆ tags/warnings. GOTHAM!jervis x female reader. PURE SMUT!! Literally no plot. Needy and obsessive jervis. Like, he’s fucking FEINDING. Jervis is a little toxic. Biting. Body worship. Hints of PAST non consenual hypnotism. Guys this might be my fav smut fic i’ve ever written. Heard this song and I was floored; it’s so HIM.
Inspired a bit by @adalwolfgang ‘s biting ask ;)
♫ “How many times did I tell you I'm no good at bein' alone? / I lose control when you're not next to me / Problem is when I'm with you, I'm an addict / And I need some relief, my skin in your teeth.” Lose Control by Teddy Swims
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“Look into my eyes, my dear.” He whispers, forcing your jaw up with his hand that isn’t occupied, shoved deep into your cunt. Two slender fingers pump in and out of you at a furious pace. You’re choking on your tears and saliva, heavy mascara streaks running down your face as you sqeeze around his digits.
You are whining and squirming in his hold, desperately trying to rut yourself against his hand. The overstimulation is killing you, and you know he can see it. He’s biting his lip, and your eyes drag along his neck and chest. He must have been at this for hours now.
He’s borderline torturing you, like he’s trying to get a confession. When you feel your eyes begin to roll back, he only shoves his fingers deeper, teasing your wet cunny and roughly finger fucking you.
“Ah ah ah,” He clicks his tongue, a scowl of dissaproval on his face. “Come back to me.” He orders, a particularly deep thrust of his middle and ring finger curling up into your pussy. Your chest is heaving, whimpering as he continues his game.
You don’t know how the two of you ended up in this position. One moment you come home from work, and the next he has you pressed up against a table, you two fucking like bunnies. It took you by surprise, the way his soft hands roughly grabbed your throat, muttering some sort of incantation.
Somewhere along the way; you realized, he thought he had hypnotized you. Your mind ran wild. The two of you had made love before, but it was always slow and sweet. He was the perfect gentleman, slow thrusts of his cock into your slit, sucking on the tender flesh of your neck. This was a whole new side of him; Dark. Deep. Animalistic.
No, he thought he had you hypnotized. You think back to if he’s done this before- when he wanted to get rougher with you. The more deep-seated perverse thoughts he has; he unleashes them on you, when you can’t say no. He fucks you harder, as though he doesn’t want to offend you. When he has his own needs to fill, that aren’t very gentlemanly.
Problem is, you quite enjoy this side of him. The way he leans his forehead against yours, keeping eyecontact the entire time. He’s starved for your attention. He wants is all on him.
“Tell me, where were you today, hmm?” He commands, still thinking you’re under his spell. You’ve been playing his game; not letting him know that you know. You realize this is own little lie detector test. He’s trying to ask if you were anywhere else…with any other man. You shiver when another thrust of his fingers brings you back.
“Work.” Is all you whisper, looking into his gaze. Your eyes are glossy, and he just hums in response. He looks vaguley pleased, vaguley dissatisfied with the ambiguity in your answer. If he suspects something, he doesn’t say anything. He must be too caught up in the moment, in your body, in your core to care.
Just when you feel the knot of your orgasm building up inside you, he rips his fingers away. You give a loud yelp at the loss of contact, which he remedies by sticking his fingers in your mouth.
“Suck.” Is all he directs, eyes still focused on you and only you. You try not to gag when he forces them deep into your throat, watching your tongue swirl around your own juices.
You suck on his fingers for what feels like ages, until he’s satisfied. You can feel his hard cock pressing into the meat of your thighs, and you’re desperate to have him inside you.
His chest heaves wildly as he roughly pushes you onto your back. You feel your skull and back hit the wood of the table and wince, but he doesn’t seem to be paying attention. He prowls on top of you, like a predator hunting his prey. His pupils are blown, mouth slightly agape. He doesn’t take his eyes off you for even a second.
His cock is flushed long, hard, and red from base to tip- and he shoves it into you without warning. He lets out a loud growl beside himself, and thrusts slowly at first. He laughs at his own obscene groan of pleasure.
“Forgive me,” He coos, and he sounds patronizing, smirk on his face. “I just couldn’t help myself.” He giggles, as though he knows he’s apologizing for something you won’t remember.
His thrusts grow faster as he pounds your body into the table, brusing grip on your thighs. The more he fucks himself into you, the more his hands roam, until he’s wildly squeezing and groping at every part of you.
He’s engorging himself on your pleas, and the sound of your drenched pussy. The only noise that fills the room is the squelch of his dick dragging against your walls. His hands settle themselves on your throat, and you see him trying his hardest to maintain concentration on you, and not let his own gaze slip into the back of his head in pleasure.
He’s hitting it deep and raw, and you mewl around him. You can tell he’s getting close when his brow furrows and he grits his teeth, pace faltering in short spasms. His mouth keeps opening and closing- like he wants to speak, like he wants to give you more commands; but you’re too tight, too wet, and feel too good- he can’t seem to utter a word or rhyme.
He finally loses himself, buring his face in the crook of your neck. You similarly lose yourself as well, hypnotized sex-doll facade failing as you pull him into you, and bite down on his neck. He damn near chokes, eyes widening as he pumps thick ropes of cum into you, not bothering to pull out. You cum just the same, and you can feel his heartbeat against your chest.
He pulls away quickly, scurrying to look at you. He swallows, nervous. His eyebrows are furrowed as he stares at you incredulously- unsure if he’s somehow woken you up out of your hypnotized state.
“Sorry,” You murmur, pathetically. Your eyes are closed, still resting against the table, trying to catch your breath.
Scilence falls between the two of you, until you prop one eye open to look at him.
Standing before you, Jervis’s chest is heaving, a wild and carnivorous look in his eyes. You look down to find him instantly hard again, eyes narrowed in on you like an animal. His jaw is slacked, obviously not previously aware of your fully alert mind.
He looks like he wants to tear into you again.
This is going to be a loooooong night.
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montimer · 10 months
Btas mad hatter x reader whos nice to him
Gn!reader, reader is working in arkham. Its literally him having a crush on you
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This is what hes been waiting for so long. Someone to care and love for him. He thinks he deserves at least that much.
He is head over heels for you.
Every time you show that you care for him he falls for you even more.
Imagine bringing him his favourite book (alice in wonderland ofc) so he could atleast read something while hes locked down. It'll melt his heart.
You listen to him rambling, showing interest, asking him about stuff.
He just knows that you are the one for him! His alice or march hare or..or whatever you want to be!
He won't hold back his love for you. Showering you with endless affection and compliments. And if you does it back? He'll be a blushing mess.
Hes calling you "my dear"
You stole this gentleman's heart, so don't break it 'kay?
He loves you so so much, he couldn't handle that.
He'll make a tea party just for you!
He can't wait to hold you in his arms.
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helpfandom · 9 months
I saw your Platonic Yandere analysis on Mad Hatter, could you possibly do a platonic yandere!mad hatter with an autistic reader who also enjoys Alice in Wonderland? Please and thank you
Unfortunately, I am not autistic, so my apologies if I am incorrect with my writing.
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For a darling who ADORES Alice in Wonderland, he would be ecstatic to find someone like him, especially if this is before he becomes a yandere? too late, he is now.
Nothing changes much from how he usually is for a platonic darling.
He would take you to the Alice in Wonderland set often, just so that he could have you be happy. He would allow you to enjoy playing as Alice or the Cheshire Cat or whatever character you wished to play, although he would like it best if you wanted to be the Mad Hatter, basally saying you wanted to be like him.
He wouldn't care for your autism, that is to say that he would never treat you unkindly, or purposefully trigger you. He would try his best to understand your emotions so that you would never have to force yourself to be expressive.
All in all, he would try his best to accommodate you and make you happy, after all, all he wants is his kid to like him, to accept him as a father.
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batman-dc-imagines · 2 months
Gotham! Jervis falling in love with a cop! reader please :>
A/N: Alice will never be written as related to Gotham!Jervis. Also this might have slight yandere-ish traits since Jervis is delusional af.
Left this on a small cliffhanger so if you want me to continue this let me know. Sorry for the wait.
Gotham!Jervis Tetch
Relation: Situation ship (a relationship that hasn't been explicitly defined) but progresses to Romantic.
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You, like most of your colleagues, probably met him for the first time when he raided the GCPD searching for Alice.
You were trying to escort one of the rookie officers, who had been hit when the raid happened, to safety.
Two big men who looked like wrestlers had jumped up onto the desks a few minutes earlier and started shooting up the place, wounding some officers in the process.
You might not have noticed him at that moment but oh he noticed you.
He didn’t understand how or why but you practically stuck out like a sore thumb in his eyes. He’d have to deal with you later though.
After Alice’s death, tormenting Jim, and being sent to Arkham, that's when Jervis saw you for the second time.
You had accompanied Captain Barnes at his request. Just for the extra support and to be a bodyguard basically.
Jervis is ecstatic when he sees you.
He’s grinning like the Cheshire Cat and waving at you all giddy like.
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He pouts a bit when you don’t acknowledge him.
Barnes ordered you to wait outside the caged room.
After a while of integration and threatening, Barnes finally got frustrated and stormed out.
You started to follow after him before Jervis called out to you.
“Don’t leave just yet, my dear”
He leaned his body in your direction.
Though the handcuffs that were chained to the table didn’t give him much
“Without you my heart will fear, the emptiness that you'll leave behind will be a pain that's hard to find”
You mentally cringed at his words.
Rhymes to be exact.
You looked behind you to check that Captain Barnes wasn’t waiting up for you.
The hallway was empty.
You faced Jervis again, seeing now he had a giddy smile on his face.
He enjoyed observing your actions.
You showing signs of hesitation to leave right now and follow after your boss made him feel all sorts of things.
Giddy being the main one.
You open your mouth to speak but jump when Barnes’ booming voice shoots out from your radio yelling your name.
To jervis’ dismay, you quickly exit the visiting cell and speed walk down the halls.
The sound of your boots echoing til you leave the building.
Jervis pouted for the rest of the day at the fact he didn’t get to hear your voice.
He so craved to know what you sounded like.
Was it angelic like a morning dove?
Or perhaps thunderous like a lion's roar?
Whatever the matter.
He’d see you again soon.
He’ll make sure of it.
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yulyymr · 1 year
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what would you say if tonight I seduce you in my car
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