#rian surana
lasatfat · 1 month
Hi there! If you are still taking DA Worldstate questions: 13 and 19 for any/all of your protagonists?
canon DA worldstate questions
13 - What are their thoughts on the Grey Warden Order?
Eireann Surana: I think she has quite complicated thoughts on the Grey Wardens. Duncan freed her from the Circle, and she knows first-hand how necessary the Wardens are, but she also has a lot of problems with how they operate. She's of the mind that the Wardens need to be a little more open and a lot less ruthless.
Rian Hawke: The ritual to imprison Corypheus makes Rian very wary of Grey Wardens. They only had Anders to go on for a long time, and they love Anders to absolute distraction, but he's hardly a typical representation of what a Warden is. What happened to Rian's parents really brings home how far Wardens will go.
Gideon Lavellan: Gideon's first experience with the Grey Wardens is from Blackwall, so that probably skews his perception of them a little bit. He's horrified by the whole "raise an army of demons" malarkey, especially since he can't find any evidence that it's even possible to reach the Old Gods before they wake up. But he's also aware that they serve a purpose that others may not be able to fulfill.
19 - Are they afraid of death?
Eireann Surana: Very much so. She's not so much afraid of dying herself as she is of leaving behind her children. As they grow older and more independent, that fear abates somewhat. She'd like to grow old, but she knows they could manage without her, if it came to that.
Rian Hawke: It's not their favourite thing in the world, but there are other things they're more scared of, if that makes sense.
Gideon Lavellan: He tries not to think about it too much. He wants to believe he'll live to fight another day, and if he does die, it'll be fast enough that he won't know it happened. In the lead up to Trespasser, when he thinks he's actually going to die, it becomes a more immediate consideration, and he's absolutely fucking terrified.
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avernusreject · 3 months
Pro tip. Don't impulsively play through each of the origins in DAO. Because if you're at all like me you will get attached to every character then be unable to pick which game to actually playthrough. So any chance ya'll want to pick for me? I already have a Brosca warden that I consider to be canon rn, but I want to have an elven warden for my other world state (I'm really trying to stay to two world states). If it helps she will be romancing Alistair and possibly be making the ultimate sacrifice
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bantennewscoid-blog · 4 months
Pengedar Sabu dan Ganja Sintetis Diciduk dari Kamar Kontrakan di Serang
SERANG – Satresnarkoba Polres Serang kembali menciduk penegdar sabu berinisial AD (22). Tersangka ditangkap di dalam kamar kontrakan di Lingkar Selatan, Kelurahan Serang, Kota Serang. Tim yang dipimpin Iptu Rian Jaya Surana menggerebek tersangka pada Kamis (30/5/2024) tengah malam dan mengamankan barang bukti berupa 30 paket sabu seberat 5,5 gram. Dari tangan tersangka juga polisi menyita 8…
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mediaban · 2 years
Polisi dari Satresnarkoba Polres Serang kembali menangkap pengedar pil koplo di Warungjaud, Kecamatan Kasemen, Kota Serang.
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armor-goblin · 7 years
"You believe me, don't you?" for Rian?
a preface: in rian’s warden canon, he and natalie amell are made wardens at the same time, so they’re both present through ostagar and beyond. rian’s an arcane warrior and eventually battlemage specialization. 
takes place right after broken circle. 
Two days out from Kinloch, a river sprang off the edge of Lake Calenhad and rolled down the hill, heading north toward the ocean. Debris under the raised stone bridge of the highway had dammed it into a wide pool. From the bridge, you could see Lake Calenhad through the trees. It was probably very beautiful, or something. 
Rian ducked his head and scrubbed the sleeve of his robe harder against the rocks. Just a little more. There was enough soap still. If he could just – get this spot – it wasn’t coming off – 
His hand slipped and caught against something sharp and in reflex Rian bit his tongue rather than curse out loud. And then realized he was doing it. And then ground his teeth, and said, “Andraste’s fucking ashes.”
It did make him feel a little bit better, even with the blood running down his elbow.
Rian sighed, a long low breath, and looked down at his enchanter robe. His brand new enchanter robe, only three months old, because they’d gone off to meet a Dalish clan instead of going back to the only people he’d ever known in time to save them –
He kicked a rock, petulantly, and held up his wounded hand to the evening light. It was bleeding sluggishly. It hurt. He almost reached back to rub his neck, but it wasn’t just his habit and the last time he’d seen the man he’d picked it up from he’d been backed into a corner and nearly dying of thirst and hunger and demon induced madness. 
“Andraste’s fucking ashes,” he said, again. It didn’t make him feel better this time. Actually, he just felt like crying again.
“Not bad for your first curse.”
Rian jumped, and nearly lost his footing in the river, and scrabbled madly for a foothold before he could turn and point accusingly at Zevran standing on the bank. “You – don’t do that.” 
“Which part?” Zevran asked innocently, removing his boots. 
“The part where you just show up.” Rian sloshed back through the gravel. At least his toes were numb enough he couldn’t feel anything sharp underfoot. “Where you aren’t invited.”
“I was simply in the area.” Zevran peeled off his socks and began rolling up his breeches. “And fancied a dip of the feet. And I supposed I’ve caught you red-handed, so to speak.”
The pain flared back into his awareness, and Rian shook his hand, scattered droplets of blood into the river. “I’m fine.”
“Now that is a lie.” Zevran’s amiable expression seemed brittle, somehow, his eyebrows drawing together and his smile tilting up too far at one corner. “From one liar to another.”
Rian scooped up his robe with his uninjured hand and examined it for a second, but it still had blood and ichor stained into it. Still. He wrinkled his nose and picked up the soap, and hunkered back down in the river, with his back to Zevran. 
Wait, that meant his back was to an assassin. 
“Fucking Maker,” Rian muttered, wringing his hands in the cloth. Gripping the robe was a lot harder with his bleeding hand.
Zevran waded into the river beside him, wiggling his toes, and squatted down. “It’s never quite easy to kill someone you care about, even in the least of ways.”
Rian tossed the soap down in the shallows hard enough to splash them both and looked up at him. Zevran wasn’t looking back, for once. He had his elbows propped on his thighs and was gazing into the river. Rian looked down at his hands and clenched them in the fabric, his eyes burning. 
“I didn’t want to kill them,” he heard himself saying. “I didn’t – I don’t – how could they do this – ” He ground his uninjured hand into his forehead. “I – how could they do this? Why was blood the only choice, fucking Maker and fucking Andraste – ”
A hand touched his shoulder, very gently, and patted. Rian heaved in a breath, and it felt like as he exhaled the whole weight of Kinloch’s destroyed tower settled on his shoulders. He wasn’t breathing quite right. Why couldn’t he breathe? “I’ve never done that,” he said. “You – I’ve never – I mean, Alistair showed me how to use the sword, but – b-but sticking a – a sword into a couple of spiders isn’t the same, as, as people – and I tried, I did, I tried to save them in the h-harrowing chamber, you believe me, you saw it, right? I – I tried, I tried to keep them safe – ”
“All right,” Zevran said, and tugged Rian upward by the arm. “Come, come on, now. Come on. I believe you. Come, now.” He was pushed, very gently, deeper into the river. 
“Zevran, I can’t – are you trying to drown me?”
“Do you have more than two sovereigns in the coin purse? Has Alistair gotten so tired of your borrowing his shirts that he’s paid me to murder you at last? Then no,” Zevran said cheerfully, hustling him into the water until the cold was up to his waist. “Trust me.” Then unceremoniously he was dunked. 
It was cold enough that it knocked all the air out of his lungs, and Rian sputtered to the surface almost immediately. Zevran was still there, holding onto his arm. “Deep breath, my friend. Trust me.” And he pushed his head back under. 
Rian blinked into the water. Everything looked kind of wobbly under here. His feet could still touch the bottom, at least here, and the current tugged at the tunic he’d borrowed off Alistair. And his ears were starting to burn with the cold. 
He came up, peeking his eyes over the surface, and Zevran gave his arm a squeeze. “Better?”
Rian sighed, blowing bubbles into the water, and stood up. “Sorry.”
“Don’t be, I am enjoying this too.” He gave Rian an incredibly obvious once-over and Rian snorted. “It was not a pleasant experience, that tower. You did what you felt was right at the time, you saved whoever you could, and nothing will change that now. May I see your hand?”
Rian let him, wiping the water off his face with his other hand. Maybe some tears. Maybe that was the point of being dunked in a river. “I’m, uh. Not much good at healing.”
Zevran turned his wrist over. “And you don’t wish to ask Wynne.”
Was his face burning? It probably was. If it’d been Alistair he would have gotten away with it, but Zevran glanced up at him and smiled. “I have more skills than just assassination, my friend.”
“And you weren’t even very good at that, so maybe I should let it bleed rather than let you bandage it,” Rian said, which prompted a laugh. He glanced up at the trees. “Um. Thank you.” 
“For a dunk in the river? Any time, my friend. Come, let me see what I can do about your stains, that’s another skill I have.”
“If it’s anything like your skill with lockpicking…”
“One chest! One chest, I fail at, and you repay me with slander?”
But Zevran didn’t let go of his arm until Rian was standing in ankle-deep water again. The cold breeze prickled along his arms and when Zevran’s hand slipped off his bicep he flexed his aching fingers against the loss. 
A small part of him, the part that was still a good Circle mage afraid to so much as look sideways at someone attractive, was glad for it, and the part that had died in Kinloch wanted very badly to -- well, nothing crazy, just to get Zevran to do that again. Somehow. Maybe. It seemed like it’d be nice.
All things considered, it was almost refreshing to worry about something that mundane. 
Maybe that was the point.
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elle-enasalin · 4 years
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My OC poster in anticipation of DA4~
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biserker-kadan · 4 years
OC nicknames!
Unfortunately I'm not talking Varric-esqu, just normal shortened names. Nicknames that my OCs will answer to!
Myrinah Lavellan: Minah, Rinah, Rin, Ally (for her middle name)
Rhydian Lavellan: Rhyd, Riddy, Rhys.
Valerio Lavellan: Val.
Eirianwen Lavellan: Eiri.
Saraya Trevelyan: Sara, Yaya.
Lila Hawke: Lil, La La.
Marian Hawke: Mari, Mar, Ri, Rian.
Asher Hawke: Ash.
Briar Cousland: Bee, Bri.
Ophelya Cousland: Lia.
Eliza Aeuducan: Loga, Liz, Liza.
Meira Tabris: Mer, Me Me (Shianni and Sorris only.)
Frey: -
Harlow: -
Saoirse Lavellan: Sersh.
Riddick: -
Brenash'va Lavellan: Bren, Ash.
Heidi Cadash: -
Aliyah Adaar: Ali, Lia.
Thea Surana: Tee, Teya.
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lasatfat · 1 month
Hello! For the canon DA worldstate asks, how about 14 and 25 for your protagonists?
canon DA worldstate questions
14 - who are they closest with from their family?
Eireann Surana: She was taken to the Circle when she was five, and doesn't see her family again until she's nineteen, so she doesn't have close relationships with any of them for a long time. She has to rebuild all of those connections, but there's still a lot of love there.
Rian Hawke: It ends up being Carver. The three siblings were pretty close as kids, but Rian's relationship with Carver is fractured pretty badly by Bethany's death and all the blame that follows. It takes a lot of time and a lot of work, but they become closer than ever.
Gideon Lavellan: His twin sister, Athim. The pair were practically inseparable for much of their lives, and they remain close even after maturing and building their own lives. She's a big help keeping him grounded and sane during the events of Inquisition.
25 - what did they plan for their life to look like before the events of the game happened?
Eireann Surana: Not much, honestly. Become an enchanter, and live in the tower for the rest of her days. Becoming a Warden was an escape from that hopeless future. Even the thirty-year timer on her life didn't seem important at first, because it was better than just being a prisoner. Having her daughter changes that.
Rian Hawke: Too many hedge mages in one place would attract unwanted attention, so they planned to leave home as soon as they could. They figured they'd wander around Ferelden and maybe Orlais, just going where they fancied.
Gideon Lavellan: He had the most clear plan of his life, that of a Dalish Keeper. He wanted to continue Deshanna's plans of becoming closer with humans and co-operating more with their societies. I think he would have been just as happy in that life, but in the end, he also feels glad that he was pulled into the Inquisition.
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lasatfat · 5 months
Give your OCs a sword!
I was tagged by @samseabxrn. I'm just doing my canon DA protagonists, but I might add some of my Star Wars OCs at a later date.
Eireann Surana, Hero of Ferelden
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Eireann in-game is an arcane warrior and the wielder of Spellweaver, so I kind of wanted to come up with a cool headcanon for its appearance. She's a big believer in radical kindness, however, so the sword only comes out as a last resort. Or to show off.
Rian Hawke, Champion of Kirkwall
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Rian Hawke is another mage, so they don't use a sword - the most you might get is a dagger in dire situations - but I imagine the Champion would have some kind of ceremonial sword? It's all scratched up and scary-looking because it's Kirkwall. Rian themself is on the diplomatic side of sassy.
Gideon Lavellan, "Herald of Andraste"
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Yeah, all my protags are mages, what else would they be? But the Inquisitor has a ceremonial sword too. Gideon is a Knight-Enchanter and storm mage, a very savvy character, and wants to change the world for the better. If there was an in-game option to divorce the Inquisition from the Chantry and have it belong to its people, that would be Gideon's Inquisition.
I don't like tagging specific people in these things, but if you see it and want to do it, consider that a tag from me. I'd love to see what you come up with.
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lasatfat · 4 months
Kiss maker game
@samseabxrn put an open tag on their post, and I just realised how few of my ships I've assigned songs to. Goodness me. A selection under the cut:
Alistair Theirin and Eireann Surana
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It's kind of juvenile, but this cover of I See the Light always makes me think of them.
Rian Hawke and Anders
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The funny answer is Bad Case of Loving You by Robert Palmer. I think the serious one is Fire on Fire by Sam Smith.
Rian Hawke and Varric Tethras
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The Viscount and the Champion has such a romantic ring to it, don't you think? Also yeah, Rian grew out their hair a little. I kind of like If It Kills Me by Jason Mraz for them, but I don't think it's as fitting after they actually pull their fingers out and smooch.
Gideon Lavellan and Dorian Pavus
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What song could be enough? I like Love is Easy by McFly, or the Circa Waves' version of Love Me Like You Do.
EDIT: I just heard Spencer Day's cover of I Don't Know How to Love Him and man. MAN. I have done it, I have found THE song for Dorian romances everywhere. (Also check out Mel C's version. She's dynamite).
Athim Lavellan and Solas
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Yeah, she dumps his bald ass over the whole vallaslin thing. But maybe he leaves her with a surprise? Or two? You'll have to find out. Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls is such a Solavellan song, though.
Surprise! It's Finnreylo!
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This has made me bitter that we never saw Ben Solo in a ugly ass man bun. Well, that's going in the longfic. I think Guide You Home by Rebecca Kneubuhl and Gabriel Mann works well for them.
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lasatfat · 4 months
I've had these ideas brewing in the back of my head for a while, but thanks for @shivunin and @greypetrel for giving me the final kick in the butt I needed to actually write some things down.
In the Fade graveyard in Here Lies the Abyss, what would the tombstones of your characters say? What are their deepest fears?
Eireann Surana: the Calling. Eireann is afraid of a lot of things - losing her family, losing herself, becoming actually physically lost, spiders - and the Calling combines more or less all of them. Worst of all, she knows that it's coming, and it's just a matter of time.
Rian Hawke: power. The kind of power that makes the impossible real. The kind of power that, say, cures the Blight, or corrupts entire thaigs, or allows one to physically walk in the Fade. The potential for corruption is part of it, and the unknown ripple effects are another. Yeah, they spend a lot of their time very worried.
Also, spiders. Fuck spiders.
Gideon Lavellan: the Inquisition. As a Dalish mage in an Andrastian organization, Gideon is well aware of how precarious his situation is. His first act as Inquisitor is to officially divorce the Inquisition from the Chantry, but even so, he knows where a lot of its people place their loyalties, and what they might do with the power base he's creating.
more peripheral characters under the cut
Athim Lavellan: losing Gideon. As twins, Gideon and Athim were joined at the hip for much of their lives. Even as more independent adults, he's still her closest friend and confidant, and they haven't really spent a significant amount of time apart. Plus, he's the one holding back the apocalypse. If he is lost, who knows what will happen?
Kali Lavellan: the shadow people. Kali has suffered with sleep paralysis for most of her life, and her most common hallucinations are of shadow people. It abates somewhat after her magic manifests, but that doesn't happen until well into Inquisition.
Sigyn: once, she would have said her mother. Then the Templars, and then being made Tranquil. After escaping Kirkwall and learning to fend for herself alone, she also learned not to be afraid. Then, she found Camile. Today, her biggest fear is losing her. (I swear, I will finish The Witch Child if it fuckin' kills me).
Torunn Adaar: relapsing into self-harm. She struggled with it for most of her teenage years and into her twenties. She has scarification art on her forearms, which she used to kind of wean herself off it, but she still gets the urge sometimes when she's very stressed or emotional. She's also shit-scared of nugs. Her brother had a vicious one when they were little.
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lasatfat · 3 months
dadwc prompt list/info
general info:
I'm most familiar with the Inquisition roster, and I've played Origins enough to get a handle on those guys, I think. DA2, I haven't played as much. I'd avoid Awakenings and Absolution for now, because I haven't got around to them yet.
Please specify the prompt list you're using, if you can, so I can link back to it. Don't worry if you can't.
I'll be reposting stuff to AO3 by default, but if you'd rather I didn't repost for your prompt, I will absolutely respect that.
OT3/poly prompts are welcome, cracky ships are welcome, rarepairs are welcome. "LI swaps" are welcome (e.g. my Surana romances Alistair in my game, but you can request her with Morrigan, for example. Or a non-romanceable character. Anything you like). Nothing really grim, though, please.
If you send me prompts for platonic interactions, I will love you forever. I will give you a little digital kiss/hug/handshake/high five/wave.
If you send me something that I have a real mental block against for some reason, I will let you know and you can send in another prompt, if you want to.
If I combine prompts, I'll post one with a screenshot of the other(s), and privately answer the other ask(s) to link you up.
prompt fills
Blood of the Lion || Blood of the Crow || Two Hands Longing (For Each Other's Warmth) || Tempting Fate || An Unfriendly Wager || Shadows and Tall Trees || Sanctuary || Easy Like a Sunday Morning || Scathefire || A Rose Upon a Thorn || Let Me Walk (Before They Make Me Run) || Risk My Hands to Pick Up Shards || Fair Game || Safe Under Cover || The Beginning of All Things || The Safest Place to Hide (NSFW) || You Will Find Him Next to Me || Don't Look Back Into the Sun || The Nug King's Prize
prompt lists
I have a whole tag for story prompts and ask games HERE; this is just a selection of various types and topics. Again, please include the name of the list if you can, but don't panic if you're on mobile or just forget.
dragon age artefacts
unusual words and Raleigh's lost words
adventuring party dialogue pt. 2
50 wordless ways to say "I love you"
touches ask game and romance of hands and touch
smut prompts and dirty talk
platonic sentence starters
fluffy sentence starters
hurt/comfort dialogue prompts #1
angsty sentence starters
two-part drabble game
my ocs
canon protagonists:
Eireann Surana, Hero of Ferelden - City elf mage, arcane warrior and spirit healer, wielder of Spellweaver. Mother of Farah. Radically kind, values honesty, wishes she didn't have to keep so many secrets. A good tactician. (she/her, bisexual)
Rian Hawke, Champion of Kirkwall - Human hedge mage, force mage. On the diplomatic side of sassy, or the sassy side of diplomatic, depending on your view, but always aims for compassion. (they/them, pansexual)
Gideon Lavellan, Herald of Andraste - Dalish storm mage, Knight-Enchanter. Twin brother of Athim, brother of Aisling. Cunning, and good-hearted, a great believer in uplifting the downtrodden. His title is a burden, but he tries to use his power for good. (he/him, gay)
my other characters (I made characters to try out most of the Inquisition romances, and ended up shoving them all into my canon for funsies):
Athim Lavellan - Dalish mace-and-shield reaver. Twin sister of Gideon, sister of Aisling. Honest and inventive, good with problem-solving. Shares her brother's dry humour. (she/her, bisexual with a preference for men)
Kali Lavellan - Dalish dual-dagger tempest, sketches anything and everything. Perpetually anxious, and hides it well until she doesn't. Always goes the extra mile. (she/her, bisexual)
Sigyn, the Lady Archer - City elf mage of the Kirkwall Circle, escaped at the age of fifteen. Mother of Camile. Isn't used to being around people. Angered by injustice, will always protect those in need, but still building her social confidence. (she/her, grey-ace)
Farid Adaar - Tal-Vashoth mage, shapeshifter. Level-headed and kind-hearted, until a game board or cards come out. A friend to all living things. (he/him, aroace)
Basvaarad Adaar - Tal-Vashoth rift mage, freed saarebas. Says little, and chooses his words carefully. Painfully shy, but loves deeply and well. (he/him, they/them, bisexual)
Nanna Adaar - Half-dwarf Vashoth, two-handed warrior, non-verbal. Brash and hot-tempered, but easily mollified. A lover of all physical contests. (she/her, lesbian)
Torunn Adaar - Vashoth archer and midwife. In-game she's an artificer, but in my heart she's a bard. Emotionally intelligent and always eager to learn new things. (she/her, bisexual greyromantic)
Farah Surana - daughter of Eireann Surana and Alistair Theirin. Gregarious and inquisitive, she could make a friend in an empty room. (she/her)
Camile - adopted daughter of Sigyn. Shy and quiet, but always eager to help. (she/her)
Aisling Lavellan - baby sister of Gideon and Athim Lavellan. She's brought to Skyhold to live with them after their parents are killed in the fighting in Wycome. Still finding her feet, but curious about everything. (she/her)
my 'ships
As I said, I'm up for trying most any ships, but these are all the ones I have in my verses:
Gideon Lavellan/Dorian Pavus
Eireann Surana/Alistair Theirin
Kali Lavellan/Cullen Rutherford
Rian Hawke/Anders
Rian Hawke/Varric Tethras
Athim Lavellan/Solas
Basvaarad Adaar/the Iron Bull
Nanna Adaar/Sera
Torunn Adaar/Raleigh Samson (quasiplatonic)
Torunn Adaar/Cullen Rutherford (Lion and the Hind AU)
Kali Lavellan/the Iron Bull (FwB)
Gideon Lavellan/the Iron Bull (FwB)
Carver Hawke/Merrill Sabrae
Cole/Krem Aclassi
Fenris/Isabela/optional Zevran Arainai
Josephine Montilyet/Leliana
Raleigh Samson/Ser Thrask/Ambra
probably more I can't remember right now
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armor-goblin · 7 years
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@thedosian-cabbage has a d&d au...and now...i have joined the d&d au 
rian is some kind of arcane archer magus, nat is a rogue/warlock who decided weird eldritch powers were better than dying bravely, mordred belongs to my cabbage friend and he is my fave paladin, and i am going to color this wip LATER
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armor-goblin · 7 years
5, 6 and 10 for all 3 mages (mage questions)
5. What is their favourite spell?miri: she uses an eavesdropping spell a lot. miri is nosy as hell, haha. rian: likes barrier spells nat: anything that’ll confuse or misdirect an enemy. 6. Do they put a lot of time into studying magic?miri has! mireille was the only senior enchanter of the bunch, and she’s put a lot of time and effort into her studies in the circle. i think of her as a postdoc, or a high level grad student. rian has too, but it’s been mostly self study and learning on his own. i think he left the circle earlier than miri did and has picked up more tricks by himself. he does practice a lot though, and he does a lot more weapon magic than mireille does. nat has certainly had a lot of practice, but she only studies in certain areas of interest; if she’s not interested, her attention span is pretty low. (this is why she’s not very good at healing – Creation was a really boring teacher in the Circle.) 
10. Do they consider magic a blessing or a curse?miri doesn’t really think of it either way; she considers it just another tool in her arsenal. (partly because she’s internalized the Chantry notion that while magic isn’t good, it can be used for good, and she’s generally using it in a way that she feels is most helpful to the most people.) consciously i would guess she views it as more of a blessing, or at least as a hard-won skill, and something she should be able to use because she’s proven herself capable of using it responsibly many times over.  rian probably considers it closer to a curse, but since he’s got it, he’s going to make use of it. he’s wary of using it too much and tends to do things by hand. if anything, he’s internalized the Chantry line even more than miri has, and definitely doesn’t have the most positive view of magic (even if he’s not exactly a supporter of the Circle either).  nat – well, she’s a blood mage, she vehemently dislikes the Circle and the Templar system, and i kind of think she’s the type of person who’d get out of that toxic system and spitefully embrace her magic as a blessing. she’s also the kind of person who would absolutely use magic to do lots of tiny little things just because she can – miri does it automatically because magic is second nature to her, nat does it with full conscious desire to use magic to do things she doesn’t have to do via magic.  
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armor-goblin · 7 years
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why do i keep having to reinstall my drivers?? why u do this wacom??anyway here’s rian surana all grown up and mercenarial 
also i’m incapable of drawing elves without this haircut apparently so here is a bonus (with a slightly clearer version of rian’s first layer of clothing):
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armor-goblin · 7 years
t m i tuesday
i’m gonna try and write instead of playing more horizon zero dawn so feel free to ask me shit about headcanons or ocs or what have you!! 
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