#richard baxter
reformedfaith · 1 year
Till you can rest in God's will you will never have rest.
Richard Baxter
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jesusrei · 2 months
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"Content not yourselves with being in a state of grace, but be also careful that your graces are kept in vigorous and lively exercise, and that you preach to yourselves the sermons which you study, before you preach them to others." Richard Baxter
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ritadcsc · 1 year
"Cristo não me conduz por nenhum aposento mais escuro do que aqueles que ele antes percorreu".
Richard Baxter citado por Elizabeth Elliot em O sofrimento nunca é em vão, p. 35
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The Puritan wanted to work in a calling; we are forced to do so. For when asceticism was carried out of monastic cells into everyday life, and began to dominate worldly morality, it did its part in building the tremendous cosmos of the modern economic order. This order is now bound to the technical and economic conditions of machine production which to-day determine the lives of all the individuals who are born into this mechanism, not only those directly concerned with economic acquisition, with irresistible force. Perhaps it will so determine them until the last ton of fossilized coal is burnt. In Baxter’s view the care for external goods should only lie on the shoulders of the “saint like a light cloak, which can be thrown aside at any moment”. But fate decreed that the cloak should become an iron cage.
Max Weber, The Protestant Ethic
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hymnrevival · 3 months
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Cristo não me conduz por nenhum aposento mais escuro do que aqueles que ele antes percorreu.
Richard Baxter
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hypkigoodquotes · 7 months
this is not a god to be neglected
If he be good, and infinitely good, there is all the reason in the world that you should love him; and there is no show of reason that you should love the world of sin before him. If he be faithful and true, his threatenings must be feared, and his promises must not be distrusted; and there is no reason that you should make any question of his word. If he be holy … then he must be an enemy to…
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This life was not intended to be the place of our perfection, but the preparation for it.
- Richard Baxter
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battleforgodstruth · 11 months
Governing the Passions 6: Directions Against Sinful Hatred, Backwardness Towards God - Puritan Richard Baxter
Presbyterian Reformed of R.I.Michael Ives | East Greenwich, Rhode Island https://www.prcofri.com/ Ephesians 4:26 Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: Ephesians 4:31 Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: 32 And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for…
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reformedfaith · 1 year
Spend your time in nothing which you know must be repented of; in nothing on which you might not pray for the blessing of God; in nothing which you could not review with a quiet conscience on your dying bed; in nothing which you might not safely and properly be found doing if death should surprise you in the act.
Richard Baxter
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jesusrei · 2 months
“Não gaste seu tempo em nada de que venha a se arrepender mais tarde; em nada acerca de que não possa orar pedindo a bênção de Deus; em nada que você não consiga recordar com uma consciência tranquila em seu leito de morte; em nada em que você não possa ser encontrado a fazer, com toda segurança e propriedade, se a morte o surpreender no ato.” (Richard Baxter)
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Make careful choice of the books which you read: let the holy scriptures ever have the pre-eminence, and, next to them, those solid, lively, heavenly treatises which best expound and apply the scriptures, and next, credible histories, especially of the Church... but take heed of false teachers who would corrupt your understandings.
Richard Baxter
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_"Jemaat tidak berkehidupan karena yang mengkhotbahi mereka adalah orang mati."_ ~ George Whitefield, Puritan, salah satu pendiri Methodisme dan gerakan Injili.
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The high esteem for agriculture as a peculiarly important branch of activity, also especially consistent with piety, which the Puritans shared, applied (for instance in Baxter) not to the landlord, but to the yeoman and farmer, in the eighteenth century not to the squire, but the rational cultivator. Through the whole of English society in the time since the seventeenth century goes the conflict between the squirearchy, the representatives of “merrie old England”, and the Puritan circles of widely varying social influence. Both elements, that of an unspoiled naïve joy of life, and of a strictly regulated, reserved self-control, and conventional ethical conduct are even to-day combined to form the English national character. Similarly, the early history of the North American Colonies is dominated by the sharp contrast of the adventurers, who wanted to set up plantations with the labour of indentured servants, and live as feudal lords, and the specifically middle-class outlook of the Puritans.
Max Weber, The Protestant Ethic
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hymnrevival · 4 months
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