#richard stapley
claudia1829things · 6 months
"LITTLE WOMEN" (1949) Review
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"LITTLE WOMEN" (1949) Review
Louisa May Alcott's 1868 novel is a bit of a conundrum for me. I have never been a fan of the novel. I have read it once, but it failed to maintain my interest. Worse, I have never had the urge to read it again. The problem is that it is that sentimental family dramas - at least in print - has never been appealing to me. And this is why I find it perplexing that I have never had any problems watching any of the film or television adaptations of her novel.
One of those adaptations proved to be Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's 1949 adaptation, which was produced and directed by Mervyn LeRoy. It is hard to believe that the same man who had directed such hard-biting films like "LITTLE CAESAR", "I AM A FUGITIVE FROM A CHAIN GANG" and "THEY WON'T FORGET", was the artistic force behind this sentimental comedy-drama. Or perhaps MGM studio boss, Louis B. Meyer, was the real force. The studio boss preferred sentimental dramas, comedies and musicals. Due to this preference, he was always in constant conflict with the new production chief, Dore Schary, who preferred more realistic and hard-biting movies. Then you had David O. Selznick, who wanted to remake his 1933 adaptation of Alcott's novel. One can assume (or not) that in the end, Meyer had his way.
"LITTLE WOMEN", as many know, told the experiences of the four March sisters of Concord, Massachusetts during and after the U.S. Civil War. The second daughter, Josephine (Jo) March, is the main character and the story focuses on her relationships with her three other sisters, the elders in her family - namely her mother Mrs. March ("Marmee") and Aunt March, and the family's next-door neighbor, Mr. Laurence. For Jo, the story becomes a "coming-of-age" story, due to her relationships with Mr. Laurence's good-looking grandson, Theodore ("Laurie") and a German immigrant she meets in New York City after the war, the equally good-looking and much older Professor Bhaer. Jo and her sisters deal with the anxiety of their father fighting in the Civil War, genteel poverty, scarlet fever, and the scary prospect of oldest sister Meg falling in love with Laurie's tutor.
Despite my disinterest in Alcott's novel, I have always liked the screen adaptations I have seen so far - including this film. Due to the casting of Margaret O'Brien as the mild-mannered Beth, her character became the youngest sister, instead of Amy. Screenwriters Sally Benson, Victor Heerman, Sarah Y. Mason and Andrew Solt made other changes and they left out some of Alcott's memorable plot points from the novel's narrative. But these changes, however regretful a few of them were (namely Jo and Amy's conflict over the former's manuscript) did not have any real impact on Alcott's original story. Ironically, both Victor Heerman and Sarah Y. Mason wrote the screenplay for Selznick's 1933 film. This should not be surprising, considering that this adaptation bears a strong similarity to the earlier version. I thought Mervyn LeRoy's direction injected a good deal of energy into a tale that could have easily bored me senseless. In fact, MGM probably should have thank its lucky stars that LeRoy had served as producer and director.
As much as I admired LeRoy's direction of this film, I must admit there was a point in the story - especially in the third act - in which the pacing threatened to drag a bit. My only other problem with "LITTLE WOMEN" is that I never really got the impression that this film was set during the 1860s, despite its emphasis on costumes and the fact that the March patriarch was fighting the Civil War. Some might say that since "LITTLE WOMEN" was set in the North - New England, as a matter of fact - it is only natural that the movie struggled with its 1860s setting. But I have seen other Civil War era films set in the North - including the 1994 version of "LITTLE WOMEN" - that managed to project a strong emphasis of that period. And the production values for this adaptation of Alcott's novel seemed more like a generic 19th century period drama, instead of a movie set during a particular decade. It is ironic that I would make such a complaint, considering that the set decoration team led by Cedric Gibbons won Academy Awards for Best Art Direction.
I certainly had no problems with the cast selected for this movie. Jo March seemed a far cry from the roles for which June Allyson was known - you know, the usual "sweet, girl-next-door" type. I will admit that at the age of 31 or 32, Allyson was probably too young for the role of Jo March. But she did such a phenomenon job in recapturing Jo's extroverted nature and insecurities that I found the issue of her age irrelevant. Peter Lawford, who was her co-star in the 1947 musical, "GOOD NEWS", gave a very charming, yet complex performance as Jo's next door neighbor and friend, Theodore "Laurie" Laurence. Beneath the sweet charm, Lawford did an excellent job in revealing Laurie's initial loneliness and infatuation of Jo. Margaret O'Brien gave one of her best on-screen performance as the March family's sickly sibling, Beth. Although the literary Beth was the third of four sisters, she is portrayed as the youngest, due to O'Brien's casting. And I feel that Le Roy and MGM made a wise choice, for O'Brien not only gave one of her best performances, I believe that she gave the best performance in the movie, overall.
Janet Leigh, who was a decade younger than Allyson, portrayed the oldest March sister, Meg. Yet, her performance made it easy for me to regard her character as older and more emotionally mature than Allyson's Jo. I thought she gave a well done, yet delicate performance as the one sister who seemed to bear the strongest resemblance to the sisters' mother. Elizabeth Taylor was very entertaining as the extroverted, yet shallow Amy. Actually, I have to commend Taylor for maintaining a balancing act between Amy's shallow personality and ability to be kind. The movie also featured solid performances from supporting cast members like Mary Astor (who portrayed the warm, yet steely Mrs. March), the very charming Rossano Brazzi, Richard Stapley, Lucile Watson, Leon Ames, Harry Davenport, and the always dependable C. Aubrey Smith, who died not long after the film's production.
Overall, "LITTLE WOMEN" is a charming, yet colorful adaptation of Louisa May Alcott's novel. I thought Mervyn LeRoy did an excellent job in infusing energy into a movie that could have easily sink to sheer boredom for me. And he was enabled by a first-rate cast led by June Allyson and Peter Lawford. Overall, "LITTLE WOMEN" managed to rise above my usual apathy toward Alcott's novel.
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mariocki · 2 years
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The Saint: The Man Who Could Not Die (4.6, ITC, 1965)
"I'm pretty good with a shotgun. I'll give you some pointers."
"Simon has quite a reputation as a marksman, Miles."
"Well I'm sure I'm not in Mr. Hallin's class."
"You're too modest."
"It's time one of us was."
#the saint#the man who could not die#itc#1965#leslie charteris#terry nation#roger moore#patrick allen#jennie linden#robin phillips#richard stapley#ivor dean#meredith edwards#mary jones#another Moore directing job‚ and once again he seems to have chosen a high cost production episode to helm. Pat Allen is the guest of the#week‚ a victim of blackmail but also (SPOILER) the bad guy! viewers would have been familiar with Pat by this point in his career; he'd#just finished his final series in Crane earlier in the year‚ a proposed filler programme for Associated Rediffusion that proved so popular#that it ran for three years. after some dilly dallying in London‚ it's off to North Wales for a spot of weekend sport and to my (pleasant)#surprise‚ the production team actually went to the trouble of casting real Welsh actors! there's only two of them mind (actually it's a#fairly small cast altogether‚ perhaps saving some of the money spent on caves). Meredith Edwards was even an actual North Walian! and#better still‚ he actually throws a couple of lines in welsh in! (and i understood him; he stuck to the script and didn't take the#opportunity to be a bit naughty). much of the second half of the episode is spent in the Ogof y Ddraig caves; incidentally there does exist#a real Ogof y Ddraig (Dragon's cave) in North Wales‚ but it's a sea cave off Anglesey‚ not the inland system of caves depicted here#caves is a dangerous route for old tv: it's surprisingly difficult to make rocks look real‚ particularly if they have to fall or be climbed#despite what some slightly mean critics have said on imdb‚ The Saint team actually did a very impressive job. if individual rocks look a#little suspect‚ so be it‚ but the sheer scale of the rock faces they knocked up is to be applauded. this episode would have aired just a#few weeks before Linden could be seen in the first big screen Doctor Who outing (which also had Terry Nation connections of course..)
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offender42085 · 2 years
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Post 0365
Cody Augustine, Utah inmate, born 1988, incarceration intake at age 23, sentenced 3 years to life, since discharged
Attempted Murder
By all accounts, Cody Augustine is polite and respectful. But it wasn't enough to keep him out of prison.
"It's hard for me to conceive of anything like this," 3rd District Judge Judith Atherton said before sentencing the man to three years to life in prison for a 2008 attack involving a knife and a battle-ax.
She also ordered Augustine, 23, to pay full restitution. He was given credit for his time spent in jail, which Augustine's attorney said amounts to 997 days.
Augustine was charged with attempted murder, a first-degree felony, after he and a friend, Scott Stapley, 24, attacked a man who Augustine believed had given his girlfriend a sexually transmitted disease.
At his trial, Augustine talked about how "distraught" he was when he began to think he had contracted an STD. He and Stapley, armed with a knife and a medieval battle-ax, then went to beat the man.
The judge called the victim in the case, then-17-year-old Justin Ennis, a "complete victim" as he was "lured out of his home" by Augustine's girlfriend. She said that while she agreed with Augustine's attorney that the man was "respectful and courteous," she said she could not ignore the facts of the case.
Augustine apologized in court to the victim and to everyone else involved and told the judge he would do everything she asked.
"I know what you decide will be just and fair," he said.
Ennis was not at the sentencing hearing.
Augustine's attorney, Randy Richards, argued for more jail time to be followed by probation. He told the judge that Augustine was the most polite, respectful client that he has ever had in 28 years of practicing law.
"He's always accepted responsibility and always had remorse," Richards said after the hearing.
At his trial, Augustine said it was never his intent to kill Ennis, thinking that they would simply exchange words and maybe throw a few punches. He said he had no idea that Stapley exited the vehicle just behind him when they got to Ennis' home, much less that his friend was yielding a battle-ax.
He testified that he and Ennis engaged in a brief physical fight before Ennis broke free.
He said he then saw Ennis and Stapley in a struggle and acknowledged that he chased Ennis down, but said he only had a knife on him because of some work he did unpacking boxes at his job. He said he didn't know why he stabbed Ennis multiple times.
Stapley was sentenced to three years to life in prison after a jury found him guilty of attempted murder. He was called as a witness in Augustine's trial but refused to testify. Atherton ordered that he and Augustine both contribute to pay restitution.
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All 41 Survivor US Winners Ranked
Tony Vlachos (S28-Cagayan, S40-Winners At War)
Boston Rob Mariano (S22-Redemption Island)
Parvati Shallow (S16-Micronesia)
Michele Fitzgerald (S32-Kaoh Rong)
Adam Klein (S33-Millennials vs Gen X)
J.T. Thomas (S18-Tocantins)
Nick Wilson (S37-David vs Goliath)
John Cochran (S26-Caramoan)
Jeremy Collins (S31-Cambodia)
Maryanne (S42)
Tyson Apostol (S27-Blood vs Water)
Richard Hatch (S1-Borneo)
Chris Daughtery (S9-Vanuatu)
Ethan Zohn (S3-Africa)
Yul Kwon (S13-Cook Islands)
Todd Herzog (S15-China)
Sarah Lacina (S34-Game Changers)
Natalie Anderson (S29-San Juan Del Sur)
Mike Holloway (S30-Worlds Apart)
Earl Cole (S14-Fiji)
Tina Wesson (S2-Australian Outback)
Amber Brikch (S8-All-Stars)
Kim Spardlin (S24-One World)
Sandra Diaz Twine (S7-Pearl Islands, S20-Heroes vs Villians)
Danni Boatwright (S11-Guatemala)
Ben Driebergen (S35-Heroes vs Healers vs Hustlers)
Wendell Holland (S36-Ghost Island)
Tommy Sheehan (S39-Island Of The Idols)
Tom Westman (S10-Palau)
Erika (S41)
Denise Stapley (S25-Phillippiness)
Fabio Berza (S21-Nicaragua)
Sophie Clarke (S23-South Pacific)
Aras Baskausuas (S12-Exile Island)
Gabler (S43)
Jenna Morcasa (S6-The Amazon)
Natalie White (S19-Samoa)
Vecepia Towery (S4-Marquesas)
Bob Crowley (S17-Gabon)
Chris Underwood (S38-Edge Of Extinction)
Brian Heidik (S5-Thailand)
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tahyirasavanna · 2 years
Jeffrey Schwarz's Show and Tell Flick Boulevard! Is Streaming on Apple TV
Jeffrey Schwarz’s Show and Tell Flick Boulevard! Is Streaming on Apple TV
Boulevard! A Hollywood Story is now streaming for rental or purchase on iTunes and Apple TV  from Emmy-winning director, Jeffrey Schwarz (The Fabulous Allan Carr, Tab Hunter Confidential, I Am Divine, Vito).  Dickson Hughes and Richard Stapley, two young songwriters and romantic partners, find themselves caught in movie star Gloria Swanson’s web when she hires them to write a musical version of…
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meowmeowirena · 2 years
I was unable to find anything for 1950.
The Strange Door (1951) - 2 stars
Charles Laughton was truly an amazing actor. Really enjoyed his performance. Richard Stapley was underwhelming but Sally Forrest did imbue Blanche, an otherwise flavorless damsel character, with intelligence. Boris Karloff was a treat. As for everything else, it was just whatever. Half a star goes to Laughton.
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angelstills · 2 years
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Little Women (1949)
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almeriamovies · 3 years
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“The Ugly Ones” a.k.a. El precio de un hombre by Eugenio Martín (1966) Richard Stapley dueling in Las salinillas (movie set New-Charcos) #Tabernas #Almeria
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screamscenepodcast · 4 years
Charles Laughton and Boris Karloff return to a Universal horror film with THE STRANGE DOOR (1951, Pevney)! Based on a Robert Louis Stevenson story, the film proves Universal's B movie unit is not quite dead yet.
Also in this episode, we cover a huge shift in the Hollywood studio contract system that ripples to today's industry standards.
All this and more behind this strange door...
Context setting 00:00; Synopsis 40:42; Discussion 57:15; Ranking 1:10:42
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cleowho · 2 years
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“Now, you two...”
Time-Flight - season 19 - 1982
#tegan #she’s coming back
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thequeereview · 3 years
Outfest 2021 Exclusive Interview: filmmaker Jeffrey Schwarz on Boulevard! A Hollywood Story "how many queer stories are buried in boxes, sitting in people's attics & basements?"
Outfest 2021 Exclusive Interview: filmmaker Jeffrey Schwarz on Boulevard! A Hollywood Story “how many queer stories are buried in boxes, sitting in people’s attics & basements?”
Jeffrey Schwarz, the Emmy-winning documentary filmmaker behind Vito, I Am Divine, and Tab Hunter Confidential, returns to Outfest this month for the world premiere of his latest feature, Boulevard! A Hollywood Story. The fascinating film unearths the little-known attempt by actress Gloria Swanson to stage an original Broadway musical based on the movie she is most associated with—and was…
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mariocki · 2 years
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The Saint: The Damsel in Distress (3.13, ITC, 1964)
"We're finished."
"Yes, and perhaps the Saint is finished too."
"Guido, we must do something!"
"Yes! Let's go and eat."
"No! Aren't we men of courage?"
"Aren't you hungry?"
#the saint#the damsel in distress#leslie charteris#1964#itc#paul erickson#peter yates#roger moore#richard stapley#katherine woodville#paul whitsun jones#harold kasket#ivor dean#ray austin#john bluthal#camilla hasse#gwynneth tighe#hugh elton#richard wyler#i must admit that title was an immediate red flag for me‚ given the Saint's track record with sexism. and yes the pre titles bit is pretty#bad (basically just Simon slagging off his date's cooking) but after that this becomes something entirely different (if not wholly#successful). it's another slightly comic episode (thus the casting of comic actors like Kasket‚ Whitsun Jones and Bluthal) as Simon#inexplicably decides to participate in arranging a shotgun wedding. very strange; but this is also the penultimate directing job of Peter#Yates for the series‚ as he'd shortly be in high demand for proper cinema work (with Robbery in 67 and big hitter Bullitt in 68). here he's#clearly finding his feet as a director of action‚ sidelining the comedy in favour of an extraordinary fight scene between Moore and Ray#Austin (shot from a dizzying number of angles with rapid cuts) and a clearly expensive to mount car chase and plane takeoff (shot for real#and not stock footage!). oh and apparently Simon can fly a plane. he also goes undercover again using the name Sebastian (acceptable) and#doing an Italian accent (unacceptable). the ending of this episode is curious in that (unless i missed something hidden in the dialogue)#the police turn up and save the day quite by chance; interesting to know what would have gone down if they hadn't and whether Simon would#have been quite so noble in returning the key to a million pounds of stolen money..
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gagosiangallery · 7 years
Richard Serra: Films and Videotapes Kunstmuseum Basel Until 15 October The US artist Richard Serra, known for his graceful yet powerful monumental steel sculptures, has not made a film or video work since 1979, which may explain why this part of his career is sometimes overlooked, says Søren Grammel, the organiser of Richard Serra: Films and Videotapes, at the Kunstmuseum Basel, which runs until 15 October. The show is part of the museum’s wider strategy of investigating and presenting lesser-known aspects of individual artists’ output, Grammel says. “We visited [Serra] in New York and met him to talk about the project, and at first he was surprised himself that we wanted to focus on this area.”
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kimminstudying · 5 years
Case Study - 001
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Note: I chose to do this one first because for my Forensic Science class we had to investigate a case of our choice, write and report, and do a powerpoint for it and this was basically my final project for the class. Enjoy!
The span of these crimes was from 1983-1985 and the victims were lured to a bunker in the woods through ads that were posted of stolen goods. If the respondents were male, they were beaten, robbed from, and then shot often within a day of their capture. Female respondents were tied up, tortured, forced into submission, then raped. They would be shot and killed after their “services were no longer needed.”  Families or couples that were brought to the bunker had the same outcomes.
Charles Ng (pronounced as ing) was born Christmas Eve of 1960 in Hong Kong. Ng was a compulsive Kleptomaniac as a child and he was sent to several boarding schools in both China and London. He was granted a student visa in 1978 to study in the U.S and his parents hoped a new life in another country would set their son straight. Briefly attending the College of Notre Dame, Ng dropped out after one semester to join the Marines. 
To do so, Ng lied about his birthplace in order to keep his criminal record a secret. He was caught stealing guns, explosives, and other weaponry before being sentenced to 18 months in Leavenworth prison after his dishonorable discharge from the U.S Marines. 
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Leonard Lake was born on October 29, 1945, in San Francisco. His parents separated when he was six years old, leaving him and his siblings in the care of his grandparents. 
Growing up, Lake was described as very cunning but sinister as he would collect mice and other small animals to dissolve them in acidic chemicals. He developed a pornography addiction during this time and Lake would force his sisters into taking sexual photos of themselves or performing sexual acts in exchange for protection from their abusive brother Dom. This incestual behavior was encouraged by Lake’s grandmother. 
Lake attended the University of San Jose State but also dropped out after a single semester. He also joined the Marines in 1965 when he was 19 years old and served two tours as a radar operator during Vietnam. He received a medical diagnosis of Schizoid Personality Disorder, an uncommon condition in which people avoid social activities and consistently shy away from interaction with others and also have a limited range of emotional expression, which caused him to be medically discharged in 1971. 
After his diagnosis, he received psychotherapy treatments and joined a hippie commune afterward. At the commune, Lake was directing and starring in adult films that involved bondage and/or sadomasochism. He met his first wife at the commune but the marriage didn’t last long when she discovered Lake’s film industry and after he kept insisting that she star in said films.
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Lake was remarried to Claralyn “Cricket” Balazs in 1981 after Lake was imprisoned in 1980 for car theft, she was the “woman of his dreams” as she willingly complied to his sexual interests. It is suspected that Cricket had some knowledge of her husband’s behavior and that she assisted in the luring of Ng and Lake’s victims. 
She once admitted in a police interview that Lake would often bring in children or various ages and genders and that she wondered what it would feel like to do stuff to them. 
The bunker in the woods where the crimes took place also belonged to Balazs.
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Lake had believed a nuclear holocaust was near and needed sex slaves to repopulate the earth. When he met Ng he passed this plan on to the susceptible, younger male. As chronicled in a series of video diaries, Ng and Lake are caught on tape raping, beating, and killing their victims along with their own personal monologues. 
There was also a typed journal with a list of Lake’s Rules for his behavior and treatment to his victims. They had more of a mentor-mentee relationship; Ng was the Sheep and Lake was the Shepard. Ng had always had such ideas but he was too shy of a man to commit to his urges by himself. 
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The Victims (Confirmed):
Harvey Dubs
Deborah Dubs
Sean Dubs (infant)
Lonnie Bond Sr. (Lake’s Neighbor)
Brenda O’Connor (Bond’s Wife)
Lonnie Bond Jr. (infant)
Clifford Peranteau
Jeffrey Gerald
Michael Carroll
Kathleen Allen (boyfriend was Ng’s cellmate)
Robin Scott Stapley
Both men are suspected of being responsible for the disappearances of up to 25 people. The women were kept in the bunker for at least a few days or up to a week before they were shot and killed after they were tortured and raped repeatedly while their family watched and then got shot right in front of her eyes. The men were used for financial gain, although they and the children were not the main priority of Ng and Lake. Men and children were killed within the same day as their abduction.
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Lake’s Possible Victim’s
Charles Gunnar: Military friend of Lake’s. Lake’s best man in both of his weddings. Went missing during ‘83-’85 and Lake was using Gunnar’s ID at one point in time. His remains were discovered at the ranch in September of 1992.
Donald “Dom” Lake: Leonard Lake’s younger brother. The one he used as a threat during his childhood in order to get sexual favors from his sisters in exchange for protection. Vanished in 1983 and was presumed dead. His remains were also found on the ranch in September 1992.
Paul Cosner: Police found out that the real Robin Stapley was missing for several weeks at the time of Lake’s arrest and that Lake’s car belonged to Paul Cosner, 39, who had also been missing for eight months in November 1984. 2001: a San Francisco judge found Ng and Lake responsible for the murder of Paul Cosner, a missing auto trader who was presumed dead.
Donald Giulietti: The FBI estimates their kidnapping and killing spree started within a month of their reunion. In July 1984, Donald Giuletti, a San Francisco disc jockey, and his roommate, Richard Carrazza, were shot by an Asian man who broke into their apartment and robbed them. 
Giulietti died in the attack but Carrazza survived and would later identify Charles Ng as his attacker. The pistol used in the attack was found at the Wilseyville site.
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Lake and Ng got caught when they went to the store to buy a new vise on June 2, 1985. The store owner was immediately suspicious since Lake used Stapely’s ID; Stapely was 26 but Lake looked far from it. Ng couldn’t control his instincts and tried to steal from the store only to have the owner catch Ng in the act. The police were called but Ng fled from the scene, leaving Lake behind to go into hiding.
Lake stayed behind in an attempt to pay for the goods in order to elude arrest. In his car, police found a .22 revolver with an illegally equipped silencer, which is why they were allowed to arrest him at that moment. Since Ng was nowhere to be found, police investigated the bunker.
Police discovered the bodies of 11 people and 45 pounds of unidentifiable bones, caches of weapons and explosives, personals from the victims such as clothes and forms of ID, and the videotape diaries. 
Ng escaped to Canada but got caught shoplifting at another store. Only this time, he panicked and drew a gun, which led to one of the officers getting shot in the hand. He was charged with robbery, attempted robbery, possession of a firearm, and attempted murder in Canada; Ng did his time there for the crimes committed there before being turned over to American authorities. 
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In questioning, Lake told the police about Ng, where the bunker was located and gave a hint about what their master plan was. He asked the officer for a cup of water and a pen with paper. While the officer went to fetch the water, Lake wrote his suicide note. He used the water to swallow two cyanide pills that he had sewn into his coat collar. Police thought Lake was going to put his confession in writing when he asked them for pen and paper so they happily complied. 
Lake was rushed to the hospital and fell into a coma, survived on life support for four days before he died on June 6, 1985.
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The trial was overly complicated because of Ng’s lie about his nationality and the fact that Ng would often fire lawyers, change the location of the trial, and attempt to defend himself in order to buy himself time and hopefully avoid a trial. Eventually, he faced trial for the first time in 1991.
The final trial took place in 1999 and it lasted for eight months. The jury deliberated for about two weeks until Ng was found guilty for the murder of six men, three women, and two baby boys. He was sentenced to death after he and Lake were caught and was sent to San Quentin. While no sentencing date is set, Ng is appealing his conviction to this day.
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Side Notes:
Ng’s Military Cellmate said in a television interview that Ng professed to hating some ethnic groups and homosexuals so much that he killed a gay man by burning him alive.
“The Collector” by John Fowles is a novel about a lonely young man who works as a clerk in a city hall and collects butterflies in his spare time. 
The man becomes obsessed with a female art student and instead of coming up to her he watches her from a distance because it appears that he is socially underdeveloped. 
He then kidnaps the woman after moving into an isolated lodge and adds her to his collection of preserved beauties. He promises not to hurt her, only to shower her with his spoils. 
He is convinced that she would learn to love him over time, but she becomes ill and dies. 
Lake is said to have been obsessed with this novel. 
Kenneth Ng, Charles Ng’s father, blames himself for his son’s role in the killing spree on the physical abuse he did to his son during his childhood.
He testified in court that during that time, there was almost no line between discipline and child abuse. He meant to bring up his son in a narrow and straight path, which sometimes meant tethering him and whipping him with a stick. 
"I tried to bring him up right. Unfortunately, I used the wrong way. I thought this was normal. But now I know how wrong I am." 
Mr. Ng wanted his son to be sentenced to life in prison instead of to death, “I do hope I still have him in jail, instead of dead," he said.
Relatives of the victims said they were not swayed by the testimony, but expressed sympathy for Kenneth Ng. 
It was reported that Ng held his head down for the testimony and cried silently as his father spoke. 
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beansonbread2 · 5 years
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2017 > Richard Dawson ‘Ogre’ (see full list HERE)
2016 > Solange ‘Cranes In the Sky’ (see full list HERE)
2015 > Kendrick Lamar ‘The Blacker The Berry’ (see full list HERE)
2014 > FKA Twigs ‘Two Weeks’ (see full list HERE)
2013 > Oliver Wilde ‘Perrett’s Brook’ (see full list HERE)
2010 > Untold ‘Stop What You’re Doing (James Blake Remix) (see full list HERE)
2009 > Joker - ‘Digidesign’ (see full list HERE)
2008 > Lil’ Wayne - ‘A Milli’ (see full list HERE)
2007 > Panda Bear - ‘Bros’ (see full list HERE)
2006 > Hot Chip - ‘Over And Over’ (see full list HERE)
RULES - A maximum of THREE tracks from any one artist. Songs can be tied in the same position.
THE RUNNERS UP (in alphabetical order)..
700 Bliss ‘Ring The Alarm’
A$AP Rocky (feat. FKA Twigs) ‘Fukk Sleep’
Alabaster DePlume ‘Is It Enough’
Alabaster DePlume ‘They Put The Stars Far Away’
Alexis Taylor ‘Beautiful Things’
Aphex Twin ‘T69 Collapse’
Arctic Monkeys ‘One Point Perspective’
Arctic Monkeys ‘Four Out Of Five’
Ariana Grande ‘Thank U, Next’
ASBEST ‘They Kill’
Bas Jan ‘No Sign’
Bas Jan ‘Walton On The Naze’
Beak> ‘Brean Down’
Beak> ‘Alle Sauvage’
Bill Ryder-Jones ‘And Then There’s You’
Blood Orange ‘Saint’
Bonnie ‘Prince’ Billy ‘Blueberry Jam’
Brockhampton ‘1997 Diana’
Brockhampton ‘1999 Wildfire’
Cardi B ‘Be Careful’
Cardi B ‘I Like It’
Caroline Says ‘Sweet Home Alabama’
Charli XCX ‘1999’
Childish Gambino ‘This Is America’
Colin Self ‘Emblem’
Connan Mockasin ‘Con Conn Was Impatient’
Connan Mockasin ‘Charlotte’s Thong’
CupcakKe ‘Cartoons’
CupcakKe ‘Quiz’
Daphne & celeste ‘A.L.T.O’
Dean Blunt ‘A_X’
Dean Blunt ‘Beefa’
Death Grips ‘Black Paint’
Death Grips ‘Shitshow’
Death Grips ‘Streaky’
Deerhunter ‘Death In Midsummer’
Denzel Curry ‘SUMO’
Denzel Curry ‘SWITCH IT UP’
Dirty Projectors ‘Break-Thru’
DJ Taye ‘Trippin’
Django Django ‘Tic Tac Toe’
Django Django ‘In Your Beat’
Drake ‘Nice For What’
Drinks ‘Real Outside’
Earl Sweatshirt ‘Nowhere2go’
Emily Isherwood ‘Calibrate’
Everything Is Recorded ‘Mountains Of Gold’
The Evil Usses ‘Wowtown’
Felicita ‘Coughing Up Amber’
Fenne Lily ‘Car Park’
Fenne Lily ‘On Hold’
Field Music ‘Time In Joy’
Flohio ‘Bands’
Frankie Cosmos ‘Apathy’
Gang Gang Dance ‘J-Tree’
Giant Swan ‘The Plaque’
The Goon Sax ‘Make Time 4 Love’
Grasscourt ‘Stones Upon My Chest’
Grimes ‘We Appreciate Power’
Group Listening ‘Wenn Der Sudwind Weht’
Gruff Rhys ‘Frontier Man’
Gruff Rhys ‘Oh Dear!’
Hen Ogledd ‘Problem Child’
Hen Ogledd ‘First Date’
Herbal Tea ‘Kitchen Floor (4 am)’
Hinds ‘The Club’
Hyukoh ‘SkyWorld’
IDLES ‘Danny Nedelko’
Iglooghost ‘New Vectors’
Insecure Men ‘Subaru Nights’
Insecure Men ‘Teenage Toy’
James Blake ‘If The Car Beside You Moves Ahead’
James Ferraro ‘Remnant’
James Yorkston ‘My Mouth Ain’t No Bible’
Janelle Monae ‘Make Me Feel’
Jean Grae & Quelle Chris ‘Gold Purple Orange’
The Jelas ‘Interrupterruption’
Jimothy Lacoste ‘Fashion’
John Bence ‘Kill / Aftermath’
JPEGMAFIA ‘Baby I’m Bleeding’
JPEGMAFIA ‘I Cannot Fucking Wait Til Morrissey Dies’
Kate Stapley ‘Iceland’
Kendrick Lamar & Travis Scott ‘Big Shot’
Khruangbin ‘Lady and Man’
Khruangbin ‘Maria Tambien’
Kids See Ghosts ‘Freeee (Ghost Town Pt.2)’
Let’s Eat Grandma ‘Falling Into Me’
LICE ‘Stammering Bill’
LICE ‘Gentleman’s Magazine’
Limmy ‘Buckle My Shoe’
Little Simz ‘Offence’
The Lovely Eggs ‘Wiggy Giggy’
Low ‘Always Trying To Work It Out’
Marie Davidson ‘Work It’
Marie Davison ‘The Psychologist’
Melody’s Echo Chamber ‘Cross My Heart’
MGMT ‘She Works Out Too Much’
MGMT ‘Little Dark Age’
Mouse ‘3 Weeks’
Mun Sing ‘Balloon’
The Orielles ‘Blue Suitcase (Disco Wrist)’
Ought ‘Desire’
Panda Bear ‘Dolphin’
Peggy Guo ‘It Makes You Forget (itgehane)’
Peggy Guo ‘Han Jan’
Petite Noir ‘Blame Fire’
Playboi Carti ‘Long Time’
Post Yoga ‘Boy Doesn’t Eat Right’
Princess Nokia ‘Look Up Kid’
Pusha T ‘The Games We Play’
Rhain ‘Solid Gold’
Rina Sawayama ‘Cherry’
Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever ‘Talking Straight’
Rosalia ‘Malamente’
Ryuichi Sakamoto ‘Andata’ (Oneohtrix Point Never remix)
S4U ‘Heart’
Sasami ‘Not The Time’
The Saxophones ‘Aloha’
Seamus Fogarty ‘The Old Suit’
Sega Bodega ‘Daddy’
Seth Graham ‘Flower Cheese’
Sharon Van Etten ‘Comeback Kid’
Shopping ‘The Hype’
Shygirl ‘Nasty’
SL ‘Tropical’
Snail Mail ‘Pristine’
Soccer Mommy ‘Cool’
Soccer Mommy ‘Your Dog’
Sock ‘Bored’
Something Anorak ‘And In The Current State’
Sorry ‘Starstruck’
Sorry ‘Tearz’
Squid ‘The Dial’
Steady Holiday ‘Mothers’
Steady Holiday ‘Who’s Gonna Stop Us’
Superorganism ‘Everybody Wants To Be Famous’
Superorganism ‘Nobody Cares’
Sweet Baboo ‘Lost Out On The Floor’
Tara Clerkin ‘Queeny’
Travis Scott ‘Sicko Mode’
Travis Scott ‘Skeletons’
Tyler The Creator ‘OKRA’
Tyler The Creator & A$AP Rocky ‘Potato Salad’
Vince Staples ‘FUN!’
Wasuremono ‘Rest In Peace’
Wiley (feat. JME) ‘I Call The Shots’
Wished Bone ‘Reasons’
Wished Bone ‘Yellow Bird’
Wished Bone ‘Spring Time Lover’
Yaeji ‘One More’
Yama Warashi ‘Kofun No Uta’
Yama Warashi ‘Jyomon Doki Doki’
Young Fathers ‘Wow’
Young Fathers ‘Holy Ghost’
Young Fathers ‘Toy’
Yung Lean ‘King Cobra’
Yves Tumor ‘Noid’
Yves Tumor ‘Lifetime’
TOP 50 SONGS OF 2018 (in no order)
Hannah Diamond ‘True’
Kamasi Washington ‘Fists Of Fury’
Haley Heynderickx ‘The Bug Collector’
Brockhampton ‘1989 Truman’
Frankie Cosmos ‘Being Alive’
Group Listening ‘A Little Lost’
Field Music ‘Count It Up’
Kali Uchis (feat. Tyler The Creator & Bootsy Collins) ‘After The Storm’
Alabaster DePlume ‘Be Nice To People’
Palm ‘Dog Milk’
Parquet Courts ‘Total Football’
Kate Stapley ‘These Planets’
JPEGMAFIA ‘1539 N. Calvert’
Poisonous Birds ‘Big Water’ / ‘Little Puzzle’
The Orielles ‘Old Stuff, New Glass’
Bas Jan ‘Let’s’
Tirzah (feat. Coby Sey) ‘Devotion’
Arctic Monkeys ‘Star Treatment’
Jay Rock, Kendrick Lamar, Future, James Blake ‘King’s Dead’
Parquet Courts ‘Wide Awake’
Spiritualized ‘Here It Comes (The Road) Let’s Go’
DJ Koze ‘Bonfire’
Beach House ‘Lemon Glow’
Trust Fund ‘King Of CM’
Playboi Carti (feat. Nicki Minaj) ‘Poke It Out’
TOP 25 SONGS OF 2018 (in correct order)
25. Gaika ‘Immigrant Sons (Pesos & Gas)’
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24. Anderson .Paak ‘Bubblin’
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23. Pusha T ‘If You Know You Know’
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22. Daphne & Celeste ‘You & I Alone’ / ‘BB’
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21. Jimothy Lacoste ‘Subway System’
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20. SOPHIE ‘Is It Cold In The Water?’
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19. Blood Orange ‘Charcoal Baby’
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18. Oneohtrix Point Never ‘Black Snow’ / ‘The Station’
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17. Django Django (feat. Self Esteem) ‘Surface To Air’
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16. Spiritualized ‘I’m Your Man’
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15. SOPHIE ‘Immaterial’ / ‘Faceshopping’
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14. Tirzah ‘Holding On’
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13. Trust Fund ‘Abundant’
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12. Self Esteem ‘Rollout’ / ‘Wrestling’
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11. Let’s Eat Grandma ‘Hot Pink’
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10. Trust Fund ‘Embarrassing!’
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9. These New Puritans ‘Into The Fire’
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8. Julia Holter ‘I Shall Love 2’
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7. Kero Kero Bonito ‘Time Today’ / ‘Make Believe’
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6. Oneohtrix Point Never ‘We’ll Take It’
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5. Serpentwithfeet ‘Bless ur Heart’
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4. Hen Ogledd ‘Sky Burial’
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3. Kero Kero Bonito ‘Only Acting’
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2. Tirzah ‘Glady’
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1. Let’s Eat Grandma ‘It’s Not Just Me’
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angelstills · 2 years
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Little Women (1949)
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