#rick and mroty
ricksoychez · 2 years
sailor sanchez and hatsune morty,, 100 years, rick and morty forever, ff f f ighting crime and,, vocaloid songs,, yeah, nightcore, hatsune- sailor- rick and morty, yeah forever 100 years
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s ss sailor sanchez and hatsune morty yeaahhh oh yeah oh jeezz, yeah forever,, defeating villains, absolutelyy slaying them, death destruction, g g gglitter and shine oh yeah moon and stars mmhmm, vocaloid,,
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riot-dude · 1 year
rick and morty by solja boy. thats it, thats the post.
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aroacerick · 1 month
i have to figure out a tagging system if im gonna keep talking about these stupid fandoms
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maskelrat · 11 months
rigor mortis? more like RICK AND MROTY!! LAWL!!!!
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nomorejust1ce · 2 years
im actually still not asleep! i like . yje mroty snd rick show… i like it….:…… it makes me want to cry and throw things
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vampierrot · 8 months
terezi and tavros watching rick and mroty
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rickandmorty · 6 years
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Spencers is celebrating #Rickmas this year! 
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the-stoic-commander · 7 years
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I finally decided that Guard Dad needs to have his own little offline gif when i have to get offline, similar to ZetaRicks. i’ll finish this tomorrow, but just look at the big sleepy man, he couldn’t even make it home he was so tired from working hard at the office. ))
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I only now realize that the girl Ethan dumped summer for is the penis-in-the-foreskin-kind-of-love girl.
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televisionoperator · 2 years
can someone plese tell me why they made rickdependence day. geniunely scariest most strressfull awfullest most horrifying rick and mroty episode i came out of that experience more rattled than ive been from half the horror movies ive seen recently
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lenin-it-to-win-it · 7 years
Summary: Endeavor (and his bara tiddies) devise a nefarious plan to get ALL MIGHT-SENPAI to notice them
Notes: i was talking to @anemiaman about this art i saw of shirtless endeavor with smoke coming off his nips and decided to write a fic where every line about endeavor mentions his Cursed Tits in some way so now its here,, , it sfuckin here,,, 
*****************************************************************************************************endeveor rubbed his smoking nipples whiel cakcling evilly from behind the doorway. “my archenesis, that hot piece of ass ALL MIGHT-SENPAI, will HAVe to notice me now!” he cried triumphantly and hornily, his burning boobies heaving in excitement. “for i have hideen myself so cleverly behind this dor, and then i will EVEN CLEVERERLY pop out from BEHIND it and KILL hiM! i am almost as smart a rick and mroty fan! BWAWHAHHAHA !111!!!”
for years and years endevor had wanted to surprass all might and yet no matter how much pec flexing endevor did, his tits were never as rack-tastic as all mights so the only thing 2 do was to fuckin kill him and claim his tits as his own. that was wat endeovr was planning to do. 
someone came thru the door (then came on his tits ;)))) so endevor got slammed against the wall. His massive stripper tiddies protected him from dyying cuz those tits were #2 thicc 2 quit.
the people who came thru the door were peasant michael and azawa and they were talking about things. endevor leaned forward so he could here them and the weight of his massive meaty man-tits almost slammed him thru the ground but he didnt.
endevoers ears and also nips perked up. ALL MIGHT-SENPAI was having a birthday party,,,,  and ditnt even inivte him!??? tears rollled down endveors gigantic gazoombas and sizzled on his hot nips. what kind of archenemisis DID something like that???!?! endevors dick swelled infuriatedely and angery smoke started steaming from his nipples. he almost burnt the dor and murdeered everhone but he decided to hide and listen so he culd heer more about hte party so he wispered to his boobers to calm down.
“be strong my chidlren” he whispered as he tenderly cupped his own tits. “be strong for daddy”
mic wizowscki and aizawa were stil talking.
izawa was bitterly smoking a vape and shaking his head. three ded flies fell out of his hair. “mic what did i tell u about toshi” aizawa said annoyedly.
“and wat did i tell u about thotties?”
mic hung his hed in shame. “WE AINT LOV NO THOTTIES “
“YOURE DAMN STRAIGHT WE DONT” aizawa cried, slapping mics flat ass. “i dont WANT to go to his slut party. hes probly gonna whore it up like usual in his sexy little outfit,,,, with thsoe ten pound hands,, and those chiseled ass cheeks,,,, ungnngfff thicc,,,,”
mic and aizawa were silent for a minute in appreiceation of toshis thiccness. endevor couldnt keep a slight moan from slipping thru his stupid bitch mouth at the thought of ALL MIGHT SENPAIs big beefy man hands on his hot and tender milk sacks and he got CAUGHT!!11!
“ENDEOVOR!!!?? WAH T TEH FUCK ARE U DOING HERE” mic yelled confusedly.
“yeah you guy fieriy looking-ass motherfukcer this is a school not a fuckboy convention” aizawa snrarled.
“WE AINT LOV NO THOTTIES BITCH” mic added yellingly, crossing his arms.
aizawa crossed his arms 2 but in a pentagram bc hes goffik. “get out of here b4 we lay down the smak on ur ass and not even int the kinky way”
endeover did not want the smak on his ass in a non kinky way so he slunk away with his tits pressed to the ground seemingly in defeat, but with a plan festering awaey in his sick and twisted little mind.
the next dey was the party. every1 was gettin turnt, especialy all might who had drank 4 whole glasses of sugar free apple juice and was feeling a little crazy. “THIS PARTY IS 3 LIT 2 QUIT” he cried. “WHY? BECAUSE I AM G O N E, YO!!!!1!” the rest of the party guests clapped polietely and went back to non-sexily dancing to the kidz bop version of kanye west songs. mic tried 2 grind on aizawas phat booty but all might shoved them apart while shrikeing at them. “L;EAVE ROOM FOR JESUS!!!” he shrieked. “HEROES WAIT UNTIL MARRIAGE! PREMARITAL TWERKING IS A SIN!”
memewhile, endevror smirked evilly within his bottom seckret (most ppl would call it top sekret but lets be fucking real here u guyes) hiding place and rubbed his frothing nipples with nefarious delight. “uhuhehehhehuhheuehhueh” he cackled viciousley. “it is almost time for our,, G R AN D ENTEREANCED DUN DUN DUNNN!!!!!1! ALL MIGHT SENPAI will NEVEr ssee it ccccumming!”
all might was giving a speech and cryeing. “well bros its been a funky fresh time tonite and i lov u all so much for comig 2 my super sweet 69th birthdey party but before we can break out the WILD PARTY GAMES like musicel chairs, we hav to eat the CAKE!!!!”
“THATS MY CUE!!1!” thouht endeover hornily as he sprang tits-first out of the giant cake like a disgustig shit dolphin. “SU RRPRISE yoU FUCKS! iTS ENDEAVAR!!!” he cried triumphantly.  he winked and licked his teeth with his tonge. “sup toshiWHOREY” he sed fuckboyishly as he flexed his fat rippling tiddies. ALL MIGHT SENPAI was looking so fresh 2 death in a “dont mess with texas” crop top and jorts that endevor nutted lava arousedly.“I have come to RU I n the BORTHDAY PARTY!”
all might checked his watch “read.”
endvoer was so angrery that he burst into flames and BURNED uP ALL OF THE CAKE with two streams of lava that sprang forth from  his massive girthy horse tits. “Read THIS SENPAI” he roared unsexily. “now u hAVE to notiece me!”
all might yawned. “read.” he turned away from endevor to talk 2 the party guests. “any1 else feel like taco bell? it smels like burning tit hair in here” everyone agreed that taco bell sounded good and left endevor and his sizzling salami sacks alone with the bunrt cake as kidz bop kanye west continuued to play in the backround.
endevors bara tiddeis saggged sadly in defeat and and he fuckin died and also all might adopted all his kids
 the en d.
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queenapple · 7 years
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cranberrybogmummy · 7 years
The storm that rocked the universe chapter 2.
The Master grinned wider and clapped his hands. “Well, well… so Time Baby sent someone? Couldn’t waddle down here himself? That tells me one thing, I succeed and you…. fail.” The Master ended by picking up a small grey metal and yellow cylinder. “Let’s see what I can do with my laser screw driver—“
“—Wait! Y-you c-c-ant get away that easy-“ Blendin-Morty began adjusting his gun.
The Master casually raised his laser screwdriver and zapped him, there was orange glow of light, a puff of smoke, a sizzle and where Morty-Blendin stood, nothing but a heap of grey dust.
“—Looks like I did,” The Master said in causally cheerful voice. “Anyone else wanna go against me? Now where’s the lab?”
The Pines family began to yell at once.
“—Let’s just see how tough you are without that screwdriver!”
“-I’ll show you, I’ve got my grappling hook!”
“-We defeated Bill, we’ll defeat you!”
“—You are mad and I won’t help you!”
“SHUT UP!” The Master Screamed over all of them. “You do know if you try anything, anything at all. HE-“ The master pointed at Soos. “-Will suffer! So will his Nan, and his girlfriend! I’ll make all of you watch!”
There was  sudden hush.
Melody looked at them with tired, scared eyes, but Soos’s and Abuelita’s expressions were blank and lacking any sign of recognition.
“I’d like to see ya try!” Stan shouted.
“Would you?” The Master chirruped. “I’m not going to hurt them myself. No, too messy. Jesus will, I’ll make him rip his Granny and Melody limb from limb and slit his own throat! All I have to do is give the word, Stanley and he’ll obey. You want to test me?”
“We won’t let you!” Mabel shouted.
“Yeah!” Added Dipper
“The youngest of Pines family, so brave, so clever, and yet so DUMB,” The Master said. “You may have defeated Bill with kittens, tickles and memory gun. But I’m made different stuff, and I don’t fall for schemes. You’ll all die and this place will burn, if I don’t get help.”
“You can’t threaten us!” Dipper said.
“You wanna bet?” The Master raised his laser screw driver and aimed at Dipper and Mabel
“STOP!” Ford shouted. “I’ll help you, just—don’t hurt any of them. I know what you are, and I suspect when you contact Bill you can get us out of here, before he takes his revenge.”
Mabel gasped, Stan swore and Dipper scowled at Ford.
“Jolly good! I knew you’d come around! I might just have room on my TARDIS for some staff, understood?” The Master said with a  wink.
Ford looked worried and sad, he bowed his head. “Yes.”
“Now show me your lab and the journals!” The Master commanded.
“Very well,” Ford said and walked out the office door. The Master followed, in two or three minutes Ford returned alone.
“He’s in the lab, I told him I was getting the journals. Looks like he doesn’t know where the statue of Bill is or that the journals have been destroyed. We’re going to be fine, I just need to stall him a little bit and call someone who can help.”
“Who?’ Dipper asked.
“Exactly.” said Ford. “Ah, well he actually doesn’t like that name anymore….”
The Doctor could hear River singing the shower as he sat on the bed adjusting his bow tie and putting on his socks. It had been fun, but in his body he still wasn’t entirely sure why River was so mad for it really. He could go without for decades… but it had been  well—interesting—  and she’d let him wear his fez and everything! In the distance he could hear the TARDIS phone ringing faintly but persistently. River has stopped singing, the shower had stopped, and the phone kept ringing.
“You’d better answer that Sweetie,” River called from the Shower.
“Yes, I was about too—“ The Doctor began.
He got up and ran haphazardly into the console room. The phone gave one last ring then stopped.
“Oh, that’s unfortunate.” The Doctor said.
“Listen to the voicemail sweetie,” River said, she was behind him draped in a red silk bathrobe and nothing else.
“Right voicemail… voicemail…” He pressed the right button and a recording began.
“Doctor, this is Stanford Pines. I don’t know which of you this will reach or when I’ll reach you… you said if I ever needed help to call on you.  There is a timelord in the Mystery shack he calls himself The Master and what he wants to do threatens the very fabric of the of the universe!” Ford  said.
“The Master but he was —“
“—well he’s not anymore, is he?” River said.
The message went on: “You will  need help—“
“Help? I’m the Doctor!”
“— Contact Sanchez, he is involved in this somehow or will be, hopefully for the better, I saw a version of  his grandson, appear at the shack. The Master must have killed him but maybe with both of you working together— The Master’s coming back. I must leave.”
That’s when the cloister bell in the TARDIS began to ring wildly. Ford was right the very  fabric of reality was at stake!
“Right to the Mystery Shack!” The Doctor said, and started for the controls
River was already there pushed buttons and puling levers. “No, we have to get Rick first.”
The Doctor made a frustrated noise and flapped his hands. “No. We. Are. Not. Rick Sanchez is impossible! He only looks out himself! He can’t be trusted! Besides he has some kind of invisible barrier around his house, the TARDIS can’t get through!”
The TARDIS shook and made a painful grinding and screeching noise, River and the Doctor braced themselves on the console. The shaking got worse so the did the noise. River pulled a lever on the console back to the edge, holding there with a grimace and all of her strength. The console began sparking, and the TARDIS seemed to scream. That’s when it came to a juttering, stuttering, halt. Everything was normal for a fraction of a  second, then it fell with the noise of splintering wood and a solid thud. The Doctor found himself on the floor, underneath River.  The impact was enough that he saw lights in front of his eyes, his head hurt and his joints felt painful, being a timelord  this quickly wore off. River had righted herself, brushed off the dust, straightened her hair, fixed her make up and stepped out. The Doctor shoved his dislocated arm back in the socket, straightened his jaw and followed her his face set in a scowl. A redheaded teenage girl in a pink tank top and white pants was standing in the door frame looking bored, phone in hand. A short teenage boy with brown hair in yellow t-shirt and blue jeans stared at them looking just as non-plussed.
“Hello Morty and Summer, I’m River Song and this is Doctor. Could you get you’re grandfather for us?”
“Awww geez, We just fixed the roof, ya’know,”
“You mean Grandpa Rick right? And not our Dad’s Dad, because you weirdos never specify.”
“Aren’t you a sarcastic young lady.”
“I didn’t just crash my phone booth, through the garage roof.”
“It’s not a phone booth, It’s a Police box… errm it’s not that,  well it’s a TARDIS actually,” The Doctor said tugging on his bow tie in smug way.
“Yeah, whatever,” Summer didn’t seem impressed. “Grandpa Rick is passed out somewhere.”
The Doctor let go of his tie and looked slightly sad.
“He’s on the sofa,” Morty mumbled
“Splendid, it’s been a long time since I saw him,” River said. “You know I was almost your grandmother,”
“Ewwww,” chorused Morty and the Doctor. And they began to walk through the house.
Rick was indeed passed out on the sofa, surrounded by empties, snoring, drooling, sprawled out haphazardly, still out like a light. Morty gave him a shake.
“Wha… Morty… leave me alone…juss leave me alone.” Rick muttered and rolled over.
“Rick, there uhhh people here to see you,” Morty said.
Rick turned back over, rubbed his eyes and looked at them steadily.
“Why are you still with this loser, River?” He muttered.
River gave him a poisoned smile. “You never had a chance, you know.”
“Yeah, I know….” Rick  muttered, looked at the Doctor. “He’s  now…what a twelve year old with no eyebrows now?”
“Hey! You still owe me 20 blimfarks!”
“So? You we’re cheating, besides you got me fired from UNIT and deported!”
“You we’re spying on us for Torchwood London!”
“You we’re jealous cuz Jo dug me.”
“Was not! Anyhow, I rescued you in Colombia!”
“‘Rescued’ yeah, you destroyed my lab, my work, and killed my boss!”
“You were making a clone army of super soldiers!”
“Yeah, I needed the money.”
“You were working for a DRUGLORD!”
“So? I was going to find a way.. to  sabotage it… then you had come along, blond, crickety with that ginger twink and that Aussie Bitch!”
“He wasn’t! She…. well she was bit of a… yeah…”
“Why the fuck are you here?”
“Well darling, you remember the Master?”
“…. the camp and crazy timelord?”
“Why is HE darling!”
“Because sweetie, he is. Now getting back to what I was saying…”
“….The Master is up to some scheme, whoop-de-fuck. Why should I care?”
“Because he’s in Gravity falls!” the Doctor chimed in.
“…yeah so, it doesn’t mean anything?”
“Because he’s going to summon Bill CIPHER!” The Doctor shouted. “AN ELDER-GOD! THE VERY FABRIC OF REALITY IS THREATENED!”
“…There are other realities, why should I care?”
“You think they’ll stop at this one?”
“Hmmmm good point. But still not caring…”
“A version of your grandson, was seen, briefly by our source.It looked like he’d come back from some distant timeline and….”
“Me?” Mroty Started. “W—w-what do I have to do with this?”
“It was version of you Morty.  Could be some other Morty.”
“I told you River, he’s impossible!”
“River, why are you still with this loser?”
“He actually cares about things, Rick.”
“So? if he wants to save reality, he should talk to the other timelord.”
“The Master but he wants to destroy everything.”
“Not the Master, duh.”
“Then who?”
“You don’t know… wait...he really doesn’t know… fine I’ll show you.”
Rick pulled out his portal gun.
“We are not doing that, we can take  the TARDIS.” The Doctor said.
“That heap of junk? This is much more reliable, it’ll actually get us we’re we want to go.”
“I don’t want leave her here, you might steal her or dismantle her for parts.”
“No. I wouldn’t steal that ancient shitbox if you left by my door.”
Rick aimed the portal gun and zapped out a glowing green portal.
“Summer, we’re going to ‘save reality’ you wanna come?” Rick called out.
“Naw, sounds dumb,” Summer called back.
Rick, Morty, River and reluctantly the Doctor stepped into the green swirling vortex.
They stepped out into a bland office corridor.
“Where are we?” Morty asked.
“Hinteracorp, one the -urp- cutting -urp- edge bio-chemical firms.”  Rick said and took a pull from his flask.
“Yeah, I’ve heard of them… but why are we here?” The doctor asked in bored fashion.
The logo hung on a door in front of them, River looked at it and then back at Rick and the Doctor.
“…You really don’t know, Sweetie?” River asked. “Look at the door.”
The Doctor stared at it puzzling, then it hit. “The Rani! She’s still alive! How did she… Why did she…?”
“…because the time war sucked.” Rick said then belched.
The door also read: ‘A.Hinter CEO.’
“Why don’t you ask her?” River said sweetly.
“Right! I will!” The Doctor  charged into the rather mundane looking executive office, only real relief from the boring grey, white and black decor was  large potted ficus in the far corner of the room.
Two women looked up, one was tall of Indian descent with arrogant eyes and high cheek bones, dressed in a burgundy pantsuit with shoulder pads  The other was short, black, her hair in afro puff ponytails and dressed in shades of pink and blue.
Rick pressed a button on his portal gun.
The elegant woman glared at them: “WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!?”
“YOU KNOW!” the doctor roared back.
The other woman seemed to inch away.
“Hang on…. “ the doctor passed and listened for the sound of two heartbeats, he could one from that woman. “….You don’t know who we are….”
“NO!” The woman screamed. “Why aren’t security here?”
The Doctor listened again, he faintly two heartbeats, coming from the direction of…. the little woman he took for the assistant. “…RANI”
And the small black woman who was frantically trying to open a door on the ficus plant turned to him, a resigned expression on her face.
Her new voice was high and squeaky. “Oh, bugger.”
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lenin-it-to-win-it · 7 years
i am almost as smart a rick and mroty fan! BWAWHAHHAHA !111!!!”
as my dear comrade radish once said “you need a high iq to understand IM TOO HOT (HOT NIPS)”, i dont expect everyone to get it, its okay if ur confused sweaty :) maybe try studying some more physics next time okay?
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