#rick grimes quotes
“We are the walking dead.” - Rick Grimes
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arrowenchantress · 2 months
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Y/n: Do you ever feel bugs on you when there aren’t any?
Rick: Those are the ghosts of all the bugs you’ve killed.
Y/n: …….
Daryl: Look what you did, you scared them. Stupid idiot.
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Random person in Alexandria: Wow, your group is so strong. What’s it like being with them?
Y/N: Well, imagine being with some completely mature, civilized, and responsible people
Random person: Oh, wow! That’s great-
Y/N: *having flashbacks to every chaotic moment that has ever gone on with everyone* Now throw that image out the window
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celtic-crossbow · 1 month
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gif by @daryl-dixon-daydreams
Rick: Why is Y/N crying?
Carol: She’s drunk.
Rick: And?
Carol: She saw a picture of Daryl's wife.
Rick: But she’s Daryl's wife.
Carol: I know.
Rick: Where’s Daryl?
Carol: She kicked him out for cheating.
Carol, whispering: He went hunting.
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daddygrimes · 10 months
rick: how was your day, y/n?
y/n: i almost got surprise adopted by the saviors.
rick: what?
carl: they almost got kidnapped.
rick: oh...
rick: WHAT?!
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twdxtrevor · 7 months
Y/N: would you love me if I was a worm
Daryl: why would i love a worm
. . .
Y/N: (hours later) *sighs loudly*
Rick: what's wrong y/n
Y/N: daryl said he doesn't love me
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*The group is getting into the car*
Rick: I’m driving.
Y/N, out of view: Shotgun!
Glenn, turning to face Y/N: Aww! But you had it on the way here-
Everyone except Y/N: WOAH-
Y/N, holding a shotgun: No! I found a shotgun! And I want the front seat! *Pumps gun*
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ricksmarlene · 2 months
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  I missed you so much. Words can't even say it right.                      You don't have to. I know.
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ysoandi · 2 years
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*playing twister*
Rick: Right hand red.
Daryl: *ends up on top of Y/N*
Y/N: You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?
Rick: I stopped spinning like 15 minutes ago. Honestly, I'm surprised you didn't notice.
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forgetminot · 1 year
Incorrect Quotes - The Walking Dead Edition.
Y/n: "So, Daryl is no longer allowed to take the trash out at night."
Rick: "What, Why?"
Y/n: "Because, I've caught him trying to train raccoons to fight five times in a row."
Daryl: *arms crossed and pouting* "You'll be thanking me when the third raccoon battalion saves your ass from walkers."
Rick: *walks into the room*
Y/n: "He's covered in blood again. Why is it he's always covered in blood?"
Daryl: "Well, it looks like it’s his own blood this time."
Y/n: "Not gonna lie, I'm kind of afraid of Rick..."
Daryl: As you should be.
Y/n: "No, for real, he's kind of-"
Daryl: "As. You. Should. Be."
Daryl: *whispering* "So when are we gonna tell them?"
Rick: *whispering* "Just give them a minute."
Y/n: *Pulling harshly on a door that clearly says push.*
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sam-moose · 3 months
y/n: is stabbing someone immoral?
Daryl: not if they consent to it.
Negan: depends on who you're stabbing.
Rick: YES?!??
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arrowenchantress · 2 months
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Carl: You can’t make everyone like you, you’re not Y/n.
Michonne: What? Not everyone likes Y/n.
Rick: Who doesn’t?
Michonne: Well-
Rick: *pulls his gun out* Names. Now. Give me their names.
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Y/N: *knocks on door*
Rick: *opens the door* Hey, N/N, what can I do for-
Y/N: *grinning, wearing a witch hat* Trick or treat!
Rick: *confused* Trick or-? Y/N, you’re trick or treating in the middle of the apocalypse?
Y/N: *more serious now* Trick or treat
Rick: *sighs* You can’t just-
Carl: *appears next to Y/N out of nowhere, wearing a pirate hat and his eyepatch* Trick or treat!
Rick: Not you too-
Daryl: *appears out of nowhere behind them, wearing a blanket tied around his shoulders as a cape, excited* Did he choose trick?!
Rick: *scared now* Wh-what? N-no-
Michonne: *walking in with her sword and pointing it at Rick* Trick or treat?
Rick: *almost crying because he’s so confused* What are you even supposed to be?! You’re not even dressed up!
Y/N: She’s a ninja. Duh. Now, answer her question
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celtic-crossbow · 6 months
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-Everyone at a small gathering in Alexandria-
Carl: If you put 'violently' in front of anything to describe your action, it becomes funnier.
Enid: Violently studies.
Glenn: Violently sleeps.
Maggie: Violently looks over expansion plans.
Spencer: Violently checks out Y/N.
Y/N, looks worriedly between Spencer and Daryl: Violently kisses Daryl.
Daryl: Violently stabs the head lady’s kid.
Rick: Violently worries about the previous statement.
Y/N: Violently takes Daryl home.
Rick: Violently appreciates that.
Carl: Violently wonders how that escalated so quickly.
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daddygrimes · 7 months
y/n: ....
y/n: man, revenge is underrated, that felt awesome!
carl: RIGHT?!
rick, dragging them both away from the scene: what is wrong with the both of you?!
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glennifer · 11 months
y/n: hey rick
rick: hi, y/n
y/n: what do walkers call us when they see us in cars
rick (questioning his life choices): i don’t know, what?
y/n: meals on wheels :D
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