#rick trese
darksideofthemamon · 2 years
Trese Family Headcanons
I randomly wanted to share some of my headcanons about the Trese family XD
It says in Bloodlines that Fr. Matt Trese had a “long and rebellious adolescence” that landed him in a seminary. It turned out ok though cus he found his calling and became a priest. 
Imagining Matt as an edgy rebellious teen led me to examine the Trese family and that’s how I got these HC’s! 
Carlos- Is the eldest so he probably had a lot of attention growing up, but also a lot of responsibility. I feel he wants to make his dad proud and if he has any issues, it has to do with the pressure of this. (Also I notice that despite being the eldest, he wasn’t the one to follow in their dad’s footsteps. That ended up being Alexandra, the youngest.) I feel Anton's death really affected him and is why he's such a vicious vigilante.
Rick- I HC that among all the Trese kids, Rick is closest to their lolo. They share similar interests and he ended up following in Alexander’s footsteps and became a professor of history and antiquities. Even physically, the two share similar traits. After the battle at the Balete Tree, Rick was the one to stay behind with his lolo while the other boys went to fight in the Underworld. 
Jimmy- After reading his story in Vol. 7, I could not help but HC that Jimmy is a mama’s boy XD Jimmy is the youngest of the boys, has a very playful and charming personality (even claims to be “a lover, not a fighter”), and resembles Anton the most. He mentioned in his narration that he promised his mom he’d quit smoking (though he still does). Idk but I instantly imagined that he's closest to Miranda and she always had a soft spot for him! 
Alexandra- Is the youngest and only living girl among the kids. Despite being the youngest, she was really more of her dad’s “heir” in the sense that she was the one who took up the mantle of Babaylan-Mandirigma. We see her as a young girl accompanying her dad to cases. She also has a whole prophecy about her. Similar to Carlos, I imagine she had a lot of attention from their parents growing up, especially their dad who she seems close to. 
And that leaves us with Matt. When I examine the Trese family, I can’t find anyone whom he would be close to (though to be fair, we haven’t met their other relatives yet!). Not that he was neglected or anything! I’m sure his parents loved their kids equally. It’s just that it can be hard when you stick out in your family and there’s no one who really understands you. 
Heck, even as a priest, Matt stands out in his family. Even though they all took different paths, everyone else is involved with Philippine mythology, spells, magic artifacts, and other things that the Church would consider “occult” or “pagan”. When Alexandra offers him one of their lolo’s artifacts for protection, Matt outright says that the Vatican “wouldn’t approve” of such items. Even as a well-adjusted adult, Matt stands out in his family. (And hey we can also think about what Matt’s colleageus think of his family given how the Church tends to view magic and witchcraft!) 
This all ties back to Matt having had a “long and rebellious adolescence”.  I guess when I try to examine their dynamics, I can understand why that was! 
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aeshnalacrymosa · 11 months
When All Is Well
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top, L-R: Jimmy, Carlos/Carlito, Alexandra, Enrique/Rick, Matthias; bottom, L-R: Crispin, Basilio)
I own all seven volumes of the Trese comics by Budjette Tan and KaJo Baldisimo, and I look forward to reading the new Verdugo special. Alexandra's brothers being introduced in Volume 3 (and given a 2-second cameo in the scene below) and their individual adventures being touched on in the Bloodlines comic inspired me to make this piece. It's really nice, for me, to imagine them together in a relaxed setting like this.
Trese brothers at 2:10!
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elbiprof · 3 years
This isn't an RP blog, but I'm tempted to write short first person POV fics about Rick's daily life
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takoarte · 3 years
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After the council meeting
Inspired by:
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tumblblabber · 3 years
Bubbleblabber's Summer 2021 Animated TV Preview
Wow, Netflix is just taking over entire months now with new premieres. The entirety of June alone is more original animation than what every network and streaming service is putting out the entire season COMBINED. The quality is beginning to catch up with the quantity for the streamer, but we've got a bevy of other premieres on various networks and streamers that you can see below. 
Wow, Netflix is just taking over entire months now with new premieres. The entirety of June alone is more original animation than what every network and streaming service is putting out the entire season COMBINED. The quality is beginning to catch up with the quantity for the streamer, but we’ve got a bevy of other premieres on various networks and streamers that you can see below.       June…
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manananggal · 3 years
I Wish I Had A Better Excuse, Like...
a/n: i read high tide at midnight again and i’m just - woof woof bark bark. beata is my trese oc. she’s an aswang raised by a hilot. stuff happened, and she becomes part of the diabolical crew. this is written mostly in english, but has a few tagalog phrases especially near the end. obviously i have no idea how to write fight scenes.
Beata is a bit nervous about today's spar.
Alexandra – well, considering that she practically took her in after the Incident™, that makes Alex her Bossing too, doesn't it? – informed her a few days ago that her Kuya would be joining them for training. Bossing didn't exactly say who, but it's not as if there's anyone else who'd join them.
She was still sort of hoping that it would be Sir Rick who'd be there - not that he ever joined them, but a girl can hope, can’t she? But when Beata saw the strong, looming figure in a salakót by the entrance of the gym, she couldn't help but be glad she brought the new sports bra she got from Valentina's Secret. It’s comfy, and she was only able to afford one because of a sale. It's powder-blue in color, with a sweetheart neckline that pushes her girls in the spotlight without the risk of them spilling out. 
She checks herself out in the ladies' room mirror and bites her lip. 
While her outfit looks great on her, like - instant boob job, because they look like  decent B-cup right now, and if she-saw-her-picture-in-a-dating-app-she'd-immediately-Swipe Right™, a knot of worry formed in the pit of her stomach.
There’s a voice at the back of her head that sounded like a mix of her mother and Sister Johanna from high school asking her just what the hell she thinks she’s doing. 
It’s effective enough to make her trudge back to her locker and dig through the bottom of her bag for a white, threadbare shirt which she tugs over her head right away.
"How the hell does Wari do that?" She grumbles, standing in front of the mirror again. Her reflection did nothing but throw her disgruntled expression right back. 
She could always ask Wari for tips, of course. But the Encanto would want to know why, and Beata doubts it will take her that long to figure out what's up, and it's not like she needed any more people on her case. With a sigh, Beata heads out, letting the wooden door swing behind her.
Carlos Trese, sans his usual salakot and armor, meets her near the center of the sparring mat. He's traded the usual maong for dark sweatpants, but the white camisa chino remained. His head is newly shaved, save for the close-cropped patch that emphasized the sharp widow's peak that everyone in the Trese clan seems to have.
The two of them gave each other the customary bow, an acknowledgment and a promise that neither is out to genuinely hurt the other. No claws and no weapons, but it doesn't mean that Carlos would be less than terrifying.
Beata exhales slowly as she slides into the first stance; her right leg in front of the other and bent slightly at the knees while her right arm extends forward as the left is positioned close to her chest, bent at the elbow, both palms facing the opponent.
Basilio yelling, "Kick his ass, Bibi!" from the sidelines didn't help settle her nerves. She stomped down the urge to stick her tongue out at him and kept her focus at her sparring partner.
She never expected Carlos to go easy on her, but what she didn't expect was him charging towards her right off the bat, and Beata yelps in surprise, barely able to block the oncoming punch. She takes a backward step as her left forearm deflects the hit. She could already feel the bruise forming, but Carlos left his chest unguarded – it could be a trap, or he could easily block any incoming hit, but Beata knows she's just fast enough to land one, and so she took the risk.
Beata was able to push Carlos backward as her right palm rushed forward, striking him flat on the chest.
"Nice, Beata." He says with a curt nod. "That was good."
Her eyes flickered to his face, and she was granted one of his rare smiles. It gave him a rather boyish look, less menacing and closer to the impish grins the Kambal would have on their faces.
And her heart decides it's a good time to speed up, to rattle inside her ribcage, and she knows,  she knows it's not because of the spar. Because if it was, then Beata wouldn't have the fluttering, jittery feeling in her gut now, would she?
It was mortifying, this silly, little torch she holds for the eldest Trese sibling. It started on the day he saved her from a gang of aswang. They needed her blood for some ritual. She was too out of it to remember, and not even Alex's spell helped her recall anything except for the flash of the Verdugo's blades and the pained shrieks of her captors.
In her foggy, half-delirious state, the warmth of his skin that seeped through his clothes was her beacon, and she remembered the way his voice reverberated through his body as he told her to hold on. She found out later that he carried her on his back, away from the rundown townhouse in Wack-Wack that served as her prison for a few days.
She'd been waitressing at the Diabolical for a month when he returned, and Alex – well, Bossing – introduced the two of them formally. Carlos Trese asked how she was doing as he shook her hand.
The contact lasted no more than ten seconds, but the feeling of how much bigger and warmer and more calloused his hand was compared to hers stayed long after he left.
Beata made the mistake of asking the worst person about Carlos. She was a few bottles in, with her head buzzing slightly, and the conversation flowed freely between her and the kambal.
It had been a casual question: 'Do you guys know if Carlos is seeing anyone?'
But those nine words were the beginning of the end, and she watched, like it was in slow motion, as the smile in Basilio's face stretched into a grin.
He, of course, told Hannah, who told Amie, who told someone else, and the news made its way to Hank. Beata's not sure who told Alexandra, but bossing knows everything that happens in her club.
"Ayos ka lang?" Carlos asks, a crease forming in the middle of his forehead.
She could only nod as it felt like something lodged itself down her throat.
The two of them have been at it for fifteen minutes, maybe more. It was a dance, a flurry of kicks and punches and dodges - 
She thought she'd been doing a pretty decent job holding her own against the force of nature that is Carlos Trese – she blocks, and she counters when needed, slips in a hit or two of her own whenever she sees a sliver of a chance. She is just bold enough to drive a spear-hand strike at his torso, one he was able to swiftly block and sends a countering side-elbow strike against her face. It made her leap backward, earning her a nod from him.
But he's not the Verdugo for nothing.
Beata was able to dodge the knee-strike he aimed at her middle section, but in doing so, missed the knife-hand strike headed at the side of her jaw.
Against her better judgment, the young woman froze, wrenching her eyes shut as she anticipated the oncoming strike.
But it's been a few seconds, and the pain hasn't registered. There was, however, a feeling of warmth on the side of her face. Ever so slowly, Beata opened one eye, daring to look up at her sparring partner, only to see him staring down at her with an expression she couldn't quite place and his fingers hovering just beside her temple.
"That would have been a lethal hit," He comments as he withdraws his hand. "Don't let your guard down easily, Beata."
Beata, the paragon of articulate speech that she is, could only manage a strangled sound that she hoped sounded affirmative. She knows her face is as red as a tomato, but it's not just because of the spar. Carlos wasn't wrong though, had it been a real fight, she wouldn't have to worry about her skincare routine anymore.
She slipped back into an offensive stance before launching herself at him.
Someone called for a break, and Beata, despite her endurance, was grateful as she all but dragged herself to the other side of the gym. She slumped on the bench, trying to catch her breath. Already, there is a dull throb that formed at the base of her neck. She presses her fingers against the sore spot, hoping that she still has Salonpas left in her drawer.
As she cooled down, she let her eyes wander to the only other people inside the gym.
She watched Alexandra walk a bit ways off, talking to someone on her phone.
She watched the Kambal, both dashing even in cotton shirts and jogging pants, goof off with each other. Basilio trying to do a fucking Jyuken stance is funny enough to pull a giggle from her. Even funnier was Crispin barking out corrections on how to do the pose right .
A few feet away from them, Carlos Trese's shoulders shook as he laughed. Who knows when was the last time he was able to just sit without having to worry about the next monster coming at him?
She thought she'd already calmed down until Carlos stood up and lifts up the bottom of his sleeveless shirt to wipe the sweat off his face.
Beata froze; the rim of her tumbler is just barely grazing her lips. She blinks a few times as what seemed to be a high-pitched, ear-splitting wail of a siren echoed inside her head.
She averts her eyes because she has dignity, dammit. She's not gonna gawk at him like a voyeur; she's definitely not gonna burn this image in her mind's eye and save this once she’s alone.
And he removes his shirt. Completely. Because she's not stressed enough as it is.
She's definitely  not  looking at him, or his chest, or his equally broad shoulders, or –  Oh. Of course, he's got a six-pack, damn it all  – or his biceps, or how his faded scars contrasted against the brown of his skin. His sweatpants hung low on his waist, and her eyes seemed to fixate at the gutters of his hips.
It's definitely not the reason why her heart starts pounding heavily or why her throat seems to suddenly run out of moisture when her tumbler is already half-empty.
"Alam mo, this is creepy, even for you." A voice pipes up beside her, making the young mananaggal jump from her seat. Had she lathered herself with lana, her wings would have sprouted, leaving her upper body in the air and her lower half losing balance, comedically toppling on the floor, spilling her guts in a literal sense.
Beata's head whips to the side. The grin on Basilio's face, eerily enough, matched the one on his bone-while mask. She'd been too caught up… well, looking, she hadn't noticed her friend pop up beside her. How long had he been there?
"How is me drinking water creepy?" Beata counters in a well-rehearsed deadpan. She doesn't need to be reminded how weird it is. She's fully aware, thank you very much.
Basilio chuckles, slinging an arm around her shoulders. Beata tries to scooch away in her seat, but his reach is way too long to be avoided. "You could just go for it and ask Kuya to stay for dinner, Bibi." He had the guts to actually wag his eyebrows at her.
"Ugh, Crispin?" She made a show of scoffing. "If what that girl from the wind tribe said is true, salamat na lang,"
"Bibi, you know I'm not talking about –  wait – what did she say about him?"
"Wala," Beata grimaces as she pushes away from the long-haired twin. "Also, couldn't you wipe yourself off bago ka mang-asar? Manghahawa ka pa ng lagkit, kadiri amp,”
Finally getting the message, Basilio himself scooted a good few inches away, letting her out of his grip.
Out of the corner of her eye, she watched as he ran a hand against his other arm, muttering, "I'm not even that sweaty," to himself.
Beata rolls her eyes. Sometimes, it's really hard to imagine how the underworld trembles at the mere mention of The Kambal.
"Hoy teka – don't change the subject!" Basilio says, raising one hand to give her a light chop on the top of her head.
"Aray!" She glares at him. "Parang gago naman 'to eh! What was that for?!"
"Beata, just talk to Carlos," Basilio says seriously, the way he does when he's imitating his older brother. "I'm getting tired of you giving him puppy-dog eyes every time you see him –"
"I'm not –" She objects, glowering.
"– or you completely stuttering when he's near –"
"H-hindi kami close!"
"– or you suddenly disappearing into the kitchen when he's at the bar –"
"I was needed there!"
"– And you haven't actually spoken with him, have you?"
"I-I've talked to him!"
"Yeah. Once."
"Point still stands that I was able to hold a conversation,"
"Telling him that Bossing isn't at the club doesn't count as a conversation, Bibi-girl." He winks.
"Sure, it does. He even said thank you before leaving," She insists. "And I sparred against him today. So… so there."
"Well, you wore that new sports bra for him, and he didn’t notice,"
Her mouth fell open. "H-huy, gago, hindi!"
Basilio's eyes widened at how squeaky her voice came out. "I was teasing! Oh shit, you really did, didn't you?"
"Oh, my God," She groans, burying her face in her hands. "I hate you so much,"
Beside her, he all but exploded with laughter, and Beata was so, so tempted to see if his regeneration abilities could keep up if she started to rip out his arms just before the next one grows.
"Don't worry, Bibi. I won't tell,"
"Sure you won't."
"I mean, you never wear that when you're up against Kuya and me,"
"Shut it, Basilio," She moaned, face still hidden.
He touched his shoulder to hers. "Yiie, dalaga na siya..."
"Para kang gago,"
"He's got big feet…" He goes on.
"No, Basilio. Just... no."
"And you know what they say about men who've got big feet." A pause, and then. "I mean, I would know…"
"Isa pa, ha. Pag 'di ka talaga tumigil, sinasabi ko sa ‘yo... ”
Basilio's laugh echoes throughout the gym.
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k1ngan0n · 3 years
yrc uoy ekam annog reveN uoy tresed dna dnuora nur annog reveN nwod uoy tel annog reveN pu uoy evig annog reveN uoy truh dna eil a llet annog reveN eybdoog yas annog reveN yrc uoy ekam annog reveN uoy tresed dna dnuora nur annog reveN nwod uoy tel annog reveN pu uoy evig annog reveN uoy truh dna eil a llet annog reveN eybdoog yas annog reveN yrc uoy ekam annog reveN uoy tresed dna dnuora nur annog reveN nwod uoy tel annog reveN pu uoy evig annog reveN dnatsrednu uoy ekam attoG gnileef m'I woh uoy llet annaw tsuj I ti yalp annog er'ew dna emag eht wonk eW no gniog neeb s'tahw wonk htob ew edisnI ti yas ot yhs oot er'uoy tub gnihca neeb s'traeh ruoY gnol os rof rehto hcae nwonk ev'eW )pu uoy eviG( evig annog reven ,evig annog reveN )hoO( )pu uoy eviG( evig annog reven ,evig annog reveN uoy truh dna eil a llet annog reveN eybdoog yas annog reveN yrc uoy ekam annog reveN uoy tresed dna dnuora nur annog reveN nwod uoy tel annog reveN pu uoy evig annog reveN uoy truh dna eil a llet annog reveN eybdoog yas annog reveN yrc uoy ekam annog reveN uoy tresed dna dnuora nur annog reveN nwod uoy tel annog reveN pu uoy evig annog reveN ees ot dnilb oot er'uoy em llet t'noD gnileef m'I woh em ksa uoy fi dnA ti yalp annog er'ew dna emag eht wonk eW no gniog neeb s'tahw wonk htob ew edisnI ti yas ot yhs oot er'uoy tub gnihca neeb s'traeh ruoY gnol os rof rehto hcae nwonk ev'eW uoy truh dna eil a llet annog reveN eybdoog yas annog reveN yrc uoy ekam annog reveN uoy tresed dna dnuora nur annog reveN nwod uoy tel annog reveN pu uoy evig annog reveN dnatsrednu uoy ekam attoG gnileef m'I woh uoy llet annaw tsuj I yug rehto yna morf siht teg t'ndluow uoY fo gnikniht m'I tahw s'tnemtimmoc lluf A I od os dna selur eht wonk uoY evol ot sregnarts on er'eW
Did you just reverse Rick roll me
who long did that fucking take-
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yrc uoy ekam annog reveN uoy tresed dna dnuora nur annog reveN nwod uoy tel annog reveN pu uoy evig annog reveN uoy truh dna eil a llet annog reveN eybdoog yas annog reveN yrc uoy ekam annog reveN uoy tresed dna dnuora nur annog reveN nwod uoy tel annog reveN pu uoy evig annog reveN uoy truh dna eil a llet annog reveN eybdoog yas annog reveN yrc uoy ekam annog reveN uoy tresed dna dnuora nur annog reveN nwod uoy tel annog reveN pu uoy evig annog reveN dnatsrednu uoy ekam attoG gnileef m'I woh uoy llet annaw tsuj I ti yalp annog er'ew dna emag eht wonk eW no gniog neeb s'tahw wonk htob ew edisnI ti yas ot yhs oot er'uoy tub gnihca neeb s'traeh ruoY gnol os rof rehto hcae nwonk ev'eW )pu uoy eviG( evig annog reven ,evig annog reveN )hoO( )pu uoy eviG( evig annog reven ,evig annog reveN uoy truh dna eil a llet annog reveN eybdoog yas annog reveN yrc uoy ekam annog reveN uoy tresed dna dnuora nur annog reveN nwod uoy tel annog reveN pu uoy evig annog reveN uoy truh dna eil a llet annog reveN eybdoog yas annog reveN yrc uoy ekam annog reveN uoy tresed dna dnuora nur annog reveN nwod uoy tel annog reveN pu uoy evig annog reveN ees ot dnilb oot er'uoy em llet t'noD gnileef m'I woh em ksa uoy fi dnA ti yalp annog er'ew dna emag eht wonk eW no gniog neeb s'tahw wonk htob ew edisnI ti yas ot yhs oot er'uoy tub gnihca neeb s'traeh ruoY gnol os rof rehto hcae nwonk ev'eW uoy truh dna eil a llet annog reveN eybdoog yas annog reveN yrc uoy ekam annog reveN uoy tresed dna dnuora nur annog reveN nwod uoy tel annog reveN pu uoy evig annog reveN dnatsrednu uoy ekam attoG gnileef m'I woh uoy llet annaw tsuj I yug rehto yna morf siht teg t'ndluow uoY fo gnikniht m'I tahw s'tnemtimmoc lluf A I od os dna selur eht wonk uoY evol ot sregnarts on er'eW
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moescreencaps · 4 years
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moe's mega-sync content list : 2022 !
Credit is appreciated but not necessary ✨
book / media links : one |
SOLO FILMS : blood the last vampire (2009) | la riffa (1991) | suspiria (1977/2018) | The Caller (2011) | Benedetta (2021) | Camille Claudel | Carole Matthieu | Ganja and Hess | Gothika | High Life | Midsommar | Passing 2021 | The Untouchables | The Green Knight | The Story of Adele (1957) | Secret Beyond The Door | Hellboy II : The Golden Army | Let The Right One In | The Autopsy Of Jane Doe | The Handmaiden
TV SHOWS : game of thrones | hannibal | the fall | legend of the blue sea | magnificent century S04 | starz' power | secret forest | sleepless society : insomnia | spartacus | the nanny | wonder woman (1975) | scenes from a marriage | juvenile justice | house of the dragon | rings of power | devil in ohio
FILM SERIES: lady snowblood (1 and 2) | female prisoner (1-4) |
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SOLO FILMS : stan lee's mosaic | swan princess | Tangled | Mulan I and II | The Little Mermaid | blood the last vampire (2000) | frozen I and II |
ANIME : bloodplus | castlevania | ghost in the shell : sac | kakegurui (S01 / S02) | michiko e hatchin |
CARTOONS : justice league unlimited | teen titans (spanish) | the hollow | w.i.t.c.h | gargoyles | sym bionic titan | samurai jack
ADULT ANIMATION : seis manos | trese (2021) | spawn | american dad (season 1 - 19) | little demon | rick and morty |
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AISHWARYA RAI : Aa Ab Laut Chalen | Aur Pyar Ho Gaya | Bride and Prejudice | Devdas | Dhaai Akshar Prem Ke | Guru | Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam | Provoked
AUBREY HEPBURN : Roman Holiday | Funny Face | Sabrina
AVA GARDNER : 55 days at Peking | At The Beach | Pandora and The Flying Dutchman | Priest Of Love | Seven Days In May | The Barefoot Countessa | The Killers
BAE DOONA : secret forest | the silent sea
ELIZABETH OLSEN : captain america : winter soldier | avengers : age of ultron | captain america : civil war | avengers : infinity war | avengers : endgame | wandavision | doctor strange : multiverse of madness | Sorry For Your Loss (S1-2)
EMILY BROWNING : The Uninvited | Sucker Punch
FAN BINGBING: empress of china | lady of the dynasty
GAL GADOT : Batman V Superman | Justice League Snyder Cut | Wonder Woman | Wonder Woman 1984 | Keeping Up With The Joneses
GENE TIERNEY : Leave Her To Heaven | Laura | On The Riviera | The Ghost Of Mrs. Muir |
GIANNA JUN : blood: the last vampire | legend of the blue sea
GILLIAN ANDERSON : the fall | hannibal
GRACE KELLY : Dial M for Murder | Mogambo | The Country Girl | To Catch A Thief | High Society | Rear Window
HEDY LAMARR : Her Highness and The Bellboy | Ziegfeld Girl | Come Live With Me |
ISABELLE ADJANI : le reine margot | possession | nosferatu
ISABELLE FURHMAN : Orphan / Orphan : First Kill
JESSICA CHASTAIN : ava | the forgiven | scenes from a marriage | the 355
JULIE DELPY : Before (Midnight, Sunrise, Sunset)
MEGAN FOX : Jennifer's body | till death
MERVE BOLUGAR : Magnificent Century ( Season 4 )
MAGGIE CHEUNG : In The Mood For Love | Hero | Irma Vep
MARILYN MONROE : bus stop | don't bother to knock | gentlemen prefer blondes | how to marry a millionaire | let's make love | river of no return | the misfits | there's no business like show business | Niagara | The Seven Year Itch | some like it hot | ladies of the chorus | the prince and the showgirl
MICHIEL HUISMAN : The Age Of Adaline | A Boy Named Christmas
NADINE NASSIB NJEIM : Al Hayba | Cello | Nos Youm
NAOMI WATTS : (coming soon) the ring | the ring two | king kong | luce | the watcher | shut in | boss level | birdman | eastern promises | funny games | mulholland drive | the desperate hour |
REBECCA FERGUSON : the white queen | the girl on the train
REKHA GANESAN : Aastha | Bahurani | Baseraa | Daasi | Mother | Silsila | Suhaag | Umrao Jaan | Vladyka
VIVIAN LEIGH : Anna Karenina | Waterloo Bridge | Gone With The Wind | Heaven Can Wait |
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wieisdemol2022 · 5 years
Opdracht 1 Vlag uithangen
Waar Medellín ooit de meest gevaarlijke stad in de wereld was, was Comuna 13 weer de gevaarlijkste wijk in Medellín. Vrolijke kleuren en graffiti-kunsten waren manieren voor de bewoners om zich te uiten en de wijk een positiefere uitstraling te geven. Met wat hulp van de overheid is Comuna 13 nu boven hun ‘gevaarlijke’ status gekomen en is het een prachtige wijk met enorm veel kleur en grote trappen die het voor de bewoners makkelijker maken hun huizen te betreden. Daar onderaan zo’n grote trap staat Rik; “Kandidaten, welkom in Comuna trese, een van de kleurrijkste wijken in Medellín. Jullie gaan deze wijk vandaag nog iets kleurrijker maken. Jullie gaan hier Colombiaanse vlaggen uithangen, bestaande uit het wasgoed van de mensen in deze buurt. Probeer zo veel mogelijk van deze waslijnen te vullen met gele, blauwe en rode kledingstukken. Om jullie een klein beetje op weg te helpen heb ik wat Spaanse woorden voor jullie. Jamie Bandera Colombiana, de Colombiaanse vlag. Nikki voor jou heb ik Azul, blauw. Sarah voor jou heb ik Amarillo, geel.  Sinan jij krijgt het woord Prestar, lenen. Merel rood, Rojo. Robèrt Ropa, kleding. Evelien Devolver, terugbrengen. Rick Paul, voor jou heb ik Toalla, handdoek. Niels Gracias. Jullie hebben trenta minutos, en Evelien en Jamie, jullie gaan met mij mee”.
Het is natuurlijk geen toeval dat Evelien en Jamie deze opdracht bij Rik door moeten brengen, want deze twee zijn de enige die Spaans spreken, wat de opdracht een stuk vergemakkelijkt. Rik vertelt de twee dat ze de prestaties van de groep moeten inschatten; 6 of meer waslijnen vol, of 5 of minder waslijnen vol. Wanneer ze een goede inschatting maken verdienen ze  €1500 voor de pot. Evelien beredeneerd dat het afhankelijk is van de hoeveelheid wasgoed dat ze krijgen, maar ook de lengte van de trappen die ze op en neer moeten. Jamie is in eerste instantie positief gezind, maar vind de waslijnen wel lang. Aan het eind zien we dan ook dat ze voor 5 of minder lijnen hebben gekozen.
De groep heeft een planning gemaakt. In 2 groepjes van 3 gaan ze huizen naast elkaar langs met Rick Paul als centraal middelpunt die de kleding opvangt en ophangt. De 2 groepjes van 3 werden 3 groepjes van 2 waarin Merel en Niels een team vormde, Sarah en Robèrt een team en Nikki en Sinan een team. Sarah, Robèrt, Merel en Niels hebben al snel wat kleding verzameld en Rick Paul krijgt zelfs ook kleding aangereikt van de kinderen in de buurt. Vooral Nikki vind het niet nodig actief bij huizen naar binnen te gaan. En wanneer ze wel kleding hebben gevonden heeft Sinan het idee dat hij beter Rick Paul kan gaan helpen met het ophangen van de kledingstukken. Met 5 minuten hebben ze al 1 waslijn vol. En wanneer de dit doortrekt kan je dus met een half uur 6 waslijnen vol hebben. 
Wat gek is, wetende dat uiteindelijk Jamie en Evelien voor de 5 of minder lijnen hebben gekozen, is dat de twee wel de overige kandidaten enorm aan het aanmoedigen is. Als je weet dat je geld verdiend met 5 of minder goede lijnen, laat die fouten er dan inhangen, laat ze dan lekker met z’n 6en die was ophangen en dat niemand dat vraagt. Tenzij het ze specifiek gezegd is dat je dat niet mag doen ofzo. Het blijft een gekke tactiek. 
Bij het was-ophangcentrum werd het even chaos. De kandidaten gingen zelf was ophangen, de bewoners kwamen zelf was ophangen, en Rick Paul raakte een beetje het overzicht kwijt. En het kan gespeeld zijn maar hij leek oprecht geïrriteerd, en ik geef hem niet ongelijk. Dan zien we dat Sarah een beetje onrust zit te stoken, waarbij ze de volgorde voorstelt als: Rood-Blauw-Geel, in plaats van Geel-Blauw-Rood wanneer je de vlag de goede kant omhoog houdt. Dit wordt overigens bevestigd door Nikki, die het ook handig vond even yoga te gaan oefenen op de trap. 
Uiteindelijk met nog 4 minuten te gaan en een dubbele check van de kandidaten zijn alle 9 lijnen vol. En dan komt het moment dat Jamie en Evelien aan de groep bekend moeten maken dat ze niet verwacht hadden dat de kandidaten 6 of meer lijnen vol zouden krijgen. Ik vind het allemaal een beetje gespeeld hoe Jamie en Evelien het bekend maken. Maar dat kan aan mij liggen… ik weet ook nog niet welke conclusies we er aan kunnen verbinden. Er word bij deze opdracht dus geen geld verdiend.
Is jou iets opgevallen deze opdracht, aflevering of in voorgaande afleveringen? Laat het ons dan weten!
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aion-rsa · 3 years
TV Premiere Dates: 2021 Calendar
Wondering when your favorite shows are coming back and what new series you can look forward to? We’ve got you covered with the Den of Geek 2021 TV Premiere Dates Calendar, where we keep track of TV series premiere dates, return dates, and more for the year and beyond. 
We’ll continue to update this page weekly on Fridays as networks announce dates. A lot of these shows we’ll be watching or covering, so be sure to follow along with us! 
Please note that all times are EST. 
DATESHOWNETWORKFriday, May 21TryingApple TV+Friday, May 21Jurassic World: Camp CretaceousNetflixFriday, May 21The NeighborNetflixFriday, May 21Solos  AmazonFriday, May 21Marvel’s M.O.D.O.K.HuluFriday, May 21The BiteSpectrumFriday, May 21TryingApple TV+Sunday, May 23Master of NoneNetflixSunday, May 23Duncanville (8:00 p.m.)FOXSunday, May 23In Treatment (9:00 p.m.)HBOSunday, May 23The Chi (9:00 p.m.)ShowtimeSunday, May 23Black Monday (10:00 p.m.)ShowtimeSunday, May 23Flatbush Misdemeanors (10:30 p.m.)ShowtimeMonday, May 24Whitstable PearlAcorn TVMonday, May 24Mad for Each OtherNetflixTuesday, May 25Mr. Inbetween (10:00 p.m.)FXWednesday, May 26The Bold Type (10:00 p.m.)FreeformThursday, May 27Eden NetflixThursday, May 27Black SpaceNetflixThursday, May 27RagnarokNetflixThursday, May 27Madagascar: A Little WildHuluThursday, May 27Rugrats Paramount+Friday, May 28The Kominsky MethodNetflixFriday, May 28LuciferNetflixFriday, May 28Panic AmazonFriday, May 28Launchpad Disney+Monday, May 31Bunk’d (8:00 p.m.)DisneyMonday, May 31Housebroken (9:00 p.m.)FOXTuesday, June 1The Haves and the Have Nots (8:00 p.m.)OWNThursday, June 3Why Women KillParamount+Thursday, June 3Summertime NetflixThursday, June 3Creator’s File: GOLDNetflixThursday, June 3We Are Lady PartsPeacockThursday, June 3The FungiesHBO MaxFriday, June 4Dom  AmazonFriday, June 4Lisey’s Story Apple TV+Friday, June 4Sweet Tooth NetflixFriday, June 4Feel GoodNetflixFriday, June 4Marvel Studios Legends – LokiDisney+Friday, June 4Gabby Duran & The Unsittables (8:50 p.m.)DisneySunday, June 6Little BirdsStarzSunday, June 6War of the Worlds (9:00 p.m.)EpixSunday, June 6Domina (10:00 p.m.)EpixMonday, June 7Ms. Fisher’s Modern Murder MysteriesAcorn TVWednesday, June 9LokiDisney+Wednesday, June 9In the Dark (9:00 p.m.)CWThursday, June 10Locombianos NetflixThursday, June 10Moloch Sundance NowFriday, June 11ZenimationDisney+Friday, June 11Love, VictorHuluFriday, June 11Home Before DarkApple TV+Friday, June 11Lupin NetflixFriday, June 11Trese NetflixFriday, June 11Love (ft. Marriage and Divorce)NetflixFriday, June 11Betty (11:00 p.m.)HBOSunday, June 13Blindspotting StarzSunday, June 13Tuca & Bertie (11:30 p.m.)Adult SwimMonday, June 14Elite: Short StoriesNetflixMonday, June 14The Republic of Sarah (9:00 p.m.)CWTuesday, June 15Workin’ MomsNetflixWednesday, June 16Dave (10:00 p.m.)FXXThursday, June 17Black SummerNetflixThursday, June 17The GiftNetflixThursday, June 17Hospital PlaylistNetflixThursday, June 17Katla NetflixThursday, June 17iCarly Paramount+Thursday, June 17IntelligencePeacockThursday, June 17Summer Camp IslandHBO MaxFriday, June 18Physical Apple TV+Friday, June 18EliteNetflixFriday, June 18The Rational LifeNetflixSunday, June 20Us (9:00 p.m.)PBSSunday, June 20Kevin Can F**k Himself (9:00 p.m.)AMCSunday, June 20Rick and Morty (11:00 p.m.)Adult SwimTuesday, June 22David Makes Man (9:00 p.m.)OWNTuesday, June 22Motherland: Fort Salem (10:00 p.m.)FreeformWednesday, June 23Too Hot to HandleNetflixWednesday, June 23In the Dark (9:00 p.m.)CWThursday, June 24The Good FightParamount+Thursday, June 24The Naked DirectorNetflixThursday, June 24Godzilla Singular PointNetflixFriday, June 25Sex/LifeNetflixFriday, June 25The A ListNetflixFriday, June 25BoschAmazonFriday, June 25Central ParkApple TV+Friday, June 25The Mysterious Benedict SocietyDisney+Sunday, June 27A Discovery of Witches (7:00 p.m.) | US broadcast premiereAMCMonday, June 28The Seven Deadly Sins: Dragon’s JudgementNetflixTuesday, June 29StarBeamNetflixThursday, July 1Young RoyalsNetflixFriday, July 2Monsters at WorkDisney+Wednesday, July 7Riverdale (8:00 p.m.)CWThursday, July 8Resident Evil: Infinite DarknessNetflixThursday, July 8grown-ish (8:00 p.m.)FreeformThursday, July 8Impractical Jokers (10:00 p.m.)truTVFriday, July 9Leverage: RedemptionIMDb TVSunday, July 11Wellington Paranormal (9:00 p.m.) | US broadcast premiereCWSunday, July 11Animal Kingdom (9:00 p.m.)TNTSunday, July 11The White Lotus (9:00 p.m.)HBOMonday, July 12The Beast Must Die (10:00 p.m.)AMCWednesday, July 14Good Trouble (10:00 p.m.)FreeformThursday, July 15The Outpost (9:00 p.m.)CWFriday, July 16Turner & HoochDisney+Friday, July 16Schmigadoon!Apple TV+Sunday, July 18Power Book III: Raising KananStarzSunday, July 18The End (8:00 p.m.)ShowtimSunday, July 18Dead Pixels (9:30 p.m.)CWTuesday, July 20The Oval (9:00 p.m.)BETFriday, July 23Masters of the Universe: RevelationNetflixFriday, July 23Chip ‘N’ Dale: Park LifeDisney+Friday, July 23Sky RojoNetflixFriday, July 23Ted LassoApple TV+Monday, July 26Roswell New Mexico (8:00 p.m.)CWFriday, July 30Burden of Truth (8:00 p.m.)CWFriday, August 6Mr. CormanApple TV+Tuesday, August 10Fantasy IslandFOXTuesday, August 10Stargirl (8:00 p.m.)CWWednesday, August 11Riverdale (8:00 p.m.)CWThursday, August 12Star Trek: Lower DecksPaamount+Thursday, August 12Brooklyn Nine-NineNBCSunday, August 15Chesapeake ShoresHallmarkSunday, August 15Heels (9:00 p.m.)StarzThursday, August 19Coroner (8:00 p.m.)CWSunday, August 22The Walking Dead (9:00 p.m.)AMCTuesday, August 24Supergirl (9:00 p.m.)CWFriday, August 27The ChairNetflixTuesday, August 31Only Murders in the BuildingHulu
If we’ve forgotten a show, feel free to drop a reminder in the comment section below!
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from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/2xjV1Vr
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aion-rsa · 3 years
TV Premiere Dates: 2021 Calendar
Wondering when your favorite shows are coming back and what new series you can look forward to? We’ve got you covered with the Den of Geek 2021 TV Premiere Dates Calendar, where we keep track of TV series premiere dates, return dates, and more for the year and beyond. 
We’ll continue to update this page weekly on Fridays as networks announce dates. A lot of these shows we’ll be watching or covering, so be sure to follow along with us! 
Please note that all times are EST. 
DATESHOWNETWORKThursday, June 3Why Women KillParamount+Thursday, June 3Summertime NetflixThursday, June 3Creator’s File: GOLDNetflixThursday, June 3We Are Lady PartsPeacockThursday, June 3The FungiesHBO MaxFriday, June 4Dom  AmazonFriday, June 4Lisey’s Story Apple TV+Friday, June 4Sweet Tooth NetflixFriday, June 4Feel GoodNetflixFriday, June 4Marvel Studios Legends – LokiDisney+Friday, June 4Gabby Duran & The Unsittables (8:50 p.m.)DisneySunday, June 6Little BirdsStarzSunday, June 6War of the Worlds (9:00 p.m.)EpixSunday, June 6Domina (10:00 p.m.)EpixMonday, June 7Ms. Fisher’s Modern Murder MysteriesAcorn TVWednesday, June 9LokiDisney+Wednesday, June 9In the Dark (9:00 p.m.)CWThursday, June 10Locombianos NetflixThursday, June 10Moloch Sundance NowFriday, June 11ZenimationDisney+Friday, June 11Love, VictorHuluFriday, June 11Home Before DarkApple TV+Friday, June 11Lupin NetflixFriday, June 11Trese NetflixFriday, June 11Love (ft. Marriage and Divorce)NetflixFriday, June 11Betty (11:00 p.m.)HBOFriday, June 11FlackAmazonSunday, June 13Blindspotting StarzSunday, June 13Tuca & Bertie (11:30 p.m.)Adult SwimMonday, June 14Elite: Short StoriesNetflixMonday, June 14The Republic of Sarah (9:00 p.m.)CWTuesday, June 15Workin’ MomsNetflixWednesday, June 16Dave (10:00 p.m.)FXXThursday, June 17Black SummerNetflixThursday, June 17The GiftNetflixThursday, June 17Hospital PlaylistNetflixThursday, June 17Katla NetflixThursday, June 17iCarly Paramount+Thursday, June 17IntelligencePeacockThursday, June 17Summer Camp IslandHBO MaxThursday, June 17GenerationHBO MaxThursday, June 17Record of RagnarokNetflixFriday, June 18Physical Apple TV+Friday, June 18EliteNetflixFriday, June 18The Rational LifeNetflixSunday, June 20Us (9:00 p.m.)PBSSunday, June 20Kevin Can F**k Himself (9:00 p.m.)AMCSunday, June 20Rick and Morty (11:00 p.m.)Adult SwimSunday, June 20EvilParamount+Tuesday, June 22David Makes Man (9:00 p.m.)OWNTuesday, June 22Motherland: Fort Salem (10:00 p.m.)FreeformTuesday, June 22This Is PopNetflixWednesday, June 23Too Hot to HandleNetflixWednesday, June 23In the Dark (9:00 p.m.)CWThursday, June 24The Good FightParamount+Thursday, June 24The Naked DirectorNetflixThursday, June 24Godzilla Singular PointNetflixFriday, June 25Sex/LifeNetflixFriday, June 25The A ListNetflixFriday, June 25BoschAmazonFriday, June 25Central ParkApple TV+Friday, June 25The Mysterious Benedict SocietyDisney+Sunday, June 27A Discovery of Witches (7:00 p.m.) | US broadcast premiereAMCMonday, June 28The Seven Deadly Sins: Dragon’s JudgementNetflixTuesday, June 29StarBeamNetflixThursday, July 1Young RoyalsNetflixFriday, July 2Monsters at WorkDisney+Wednesday, July 7Riverdale (8:00 p.m.)CWThursday, July 8Gossip Girl HBO MaxThursday, July 8Resident Evil: Infinite DarknessNetflixThursday, July 8grown-ish (8:00 p.m.)FreeformThursday, July 8Impractical Jokers (10:00 p.m.)truTVFriday, July 9AtypicalNetflixFriday, July 9Leverage: RedemptionIMDb TVFriday, July 9Virgin RiverNetflixSunday, July 11Wellington Paranormal (9:00 p.m.) | US broadcast premiereCWSunday, July 11Animal Kingdom (9:00 p.m.)TNTSunday, July 11The White Lotus (9:00 p.m.)HBOMonday, July 12The Beast Must Die (10:00 p.m.)AMCTuesday, July 13Miracle WorkersTBSWednesday, July 14Good Trouble (10:00 p.m.)FreeformThursday, July 15The Outpost (9:00 p.m.)CWFriday, July 16Turner & HoochDisney+Friday, July 16Schmigadoon!Apple TV+Sunday, July 18Power Book III: Raising KananStarzSunday, July 18The End (8:00 p.m.)ShowtimSunday, July 18Dead Pixels (9:30 p.m.)CWTuesday, July 20The Oval (9:00 p.m.)BETFriday, July 23Masters of the Universe: RevelationNetflixFriday, July 23Chip ‘N’ Dale: Park LifeDisney+Friday, July 23Sky RojoNetflixFriday, July 23Ted LassoApple TV+Monday, July 26Roswell New Mexico (8:00 p.m.)CWFriday, July 30Burden of Truth (8:00 p.m.)CWFriday, August 6Mr. CormanApple TV+Sunday, August 8Godfather of Harlem (9:00 p.m.)EpixSunday, August 8The L Word: Generation Q (10:00 p.m.)ShowtimeTuesday, August 10Fantasy IslandFOXTuesday, August 10Stargirl (8:00 p.m.)CWWednesday, August 11Riverdale (8:00 p.m.)CWThursday, August 12Star Trek: Lower DecksPaamount+Thursday, August 12Brooklyn Nine-NineNBCFriday, August 13Modern LoveAmazonSunday, August 15Chesapeake ShoresHallmarkSunday, August 15Heels (9:00 p.m.)StarzWednesday, August 18Nine Perfect StrangersHuluThursday, August 19Coroner (8:00 p.m.)CWSunday, August 22The Walking Dead (9:00 p.m.)AMCTuesday, August 24Supergirl (9:00 p.m.)CWFriday, August 27The ChairNetflixTuesday, August 31Only Murders in the BuildingHuluFriday, September 3Money HeistNetflix
If we’ve forgotten a show, feel free to drop a reminder in the comment section below!
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The post TV Premiere Dates: 2021 Calendar appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/2xjV1Vr
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