#ricy writes fic
jeffersonhairpie · 7 years
new prompt: joker goes to another mcdonalds to get another burger. but then, BAM, batman arrives!!!!!!!!!!!! he is there to stop joker from getting a burger
Is this gonna be a Thing where you just ask for lots of Joker at McDonalds fic?
The Amusement Mile branch will always be his first love, but there’s a lot to be said for the jungle gym in the Diamond District McDonalds. After the first few tries when the staff so rudely tried to tell him that he was ‘too old’ for it he’s finally managed to convince everyone to clear off, leaving him with the whole arrangement of climbing gear and ball pit to himself. 
“Oi, someone get me a McBurger!” Joker hollers as he skids down the slide onto a satisfyingly squishy plush shape that had been left behind by the retreating crowds. 
No one confirms his order and no one rushes over to hand him his food. (They can do that, ya know? They have rows and rows of the stuff all stacked up along the back behind the counter). At first he thinks that they’re all too chicken to stay in the same room as him, a common affliction of the type of person who frequents these restaurants, but when he goes to the edge of the safety netting to get a better look at what he assumes will be empty tables he’s met with a rather lovely surprise. 
They’re dead. All of them, eyes bulging out of their heads, tongues lolling out of their mouths where they’ve face planted right into their dinner. One of the little toys that comes with the children’s meals has lost its mind and started cycling through a series of irritating beeps. 
Joker decides to let it keep beeping until he’s really worked up, then he’ll march out there and take every McBurger in the place. Even the ones with dead kiddy drool in them. He’ll just shove them all in a big bin bag and sneak them back to his hideout to make himself thoroughly sick sometime between now and whenever he next feels like leaving the house. 
Just as the beeping is reaching peak infuriation levels, the front door of the restaurant clicks open. Joker watches as a large black shape comes drifting inside. 
“What are you doing here?” He snaps, and promptly starts trying to climb the netting to get out there and teach that useless flying rodent an important lesson. It’s hard though, the netting appears to be stuck to the ceiling and he’s going to have to chew his way through if he wants to make a break for it. 
The Bat meanwhile, useless goody two shoes that he is, marches over and enters the play area through the door. He thinks he’s so smart. 
“Joker!” The Bat calls up to him, his vice is muffled by a gas mask he has shoves over his mouth that makes him look like some sort of cyber bat from the future. It’s all very funny, and Joker can hardly be blamed if he maybe stops chewing long enough to laugh it out and winds up getting dragged away from the netting before he can regain his composure. 
“Where are you taking me? I wanna see my lawyer!” Joker barks as he’s hoisted over the Bat’s shoulder and removed, quite against his will from the premises.
“There’s been a gas leak, in case you hadn’t noticed.”
“Is that what all the dead bodies are about?”
“That would have something to do with it, yes.”
“Well at least let me grab a McBurger before we leave.” Joker reasons, he stretches out, trying to reach for the counter which is rapidly getting further away from him in a very obliging manner. 
“No burgers today, Joker.” The Bat says as they leave the McDonalds. 
Joker’s gonna absolutely ream this guy in court. 
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lumilasi · 4 years
17 questions tag
@itsmikatheghost tagged me in this, and I was bored enough so I figured I might as well do it
Nickname: Lumi
Zodiac: Pisces
Height: 155 cm (I think its...5,0 feet? Either way I’m short lmao)
Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw
Last thing I googled: Steampunk city. I was looking for some inspo/refs for that Shigadabi image’s background I recently made.
Song stuck in my head: none right now
Number of followers: 1759.....wow that’s a lot. When did you all pop up here? Hi there either way! I apologize for the clutter of random shitposts and rapid fic update notifications in between proper art pieces.
Amount of sleep: Its not really the amount for me, but the quality. I typically get between 7-9 hours of sleep, but the quality can be poor where I don’t get much deep sleep, or keep snapping awake every now and then. As a result I am tired no matter what when I wake up.
Lucky number: I’ve stopped kinda paying attention to stuff like this so idk.
Dream job: I suppose a writer. Being able to do artsy/visual stuff in general too, which is kind of what I am studying for RN as a graphic designer
Wearing: pajamas that say ”just give me my coffee and nobody gets hurt” it was a christmas gift and cracked me up so its my favorite pajamas now.
Favorite author: Eeh, I don’t have a favorite. I barely read anything outside checking over and editing my own writing at this point.
Favorite instrument: I guess a violin, I wrote a whole fic revolving around Tomura being a violinist. It sounds kinda cool too. Piano is nice as well.
Aesthetic: Winter day where everything is covered in snow, its peaceful and quiet. Or space with all the stars and colors we associate with the space images. (From my understanding they don’t actually look like that to the naked eye, the images are edited to include different wavelengths of light to create the pretty visuals)
Favorite song: currently ”Zombie” cover by Bad Wolves, though I do really like the original by Cranberry as well
Favorite animal noise: Recently, when a fox goes EHEHEHEHEHEE, its just so funny and adorable sounding
Random: I might get a part-time job working for a local Dog-themed magazine that is published four times a year by a small organization.
IDK, I guess I’ll tag uhh... @mad-hatter-rici @violently-canary and @rinakitamura, do it if you feel like it, or not. Up to you!
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lumilasi · 4 years
So I was tagged
How dare u @plastic-cutlery-queen
(Jk Jk, these can be fun)
Rules: tag some people you want to get to know better/catch up with and then answer these questions
Last song: I think it might’ve been “Chandelier” by Sia from radio. Nowadays I’m more likely to have a random video as BG noise when I work rather than a song.
Last movie: oof I haven’t watched movies in ages. Maybe it was that old James Bond movie we watched from TV with my fam. It was kinda....cringy to watch from modern perspective, to put it kindly. (Not like the effects or slower action or anything, but certain behaviors by the characters)
Currently reading: The instructions for my online course/my own fic (Family Secrets) as a refresher for the sequel purposes.
Currently watching: Random youtubers for the most part. I barely watch TV nowadays. Recently been watching a lot of Hollow Knight gameplay for some reason.
Currently craving: Chocolate is always good. Maybe I should also go make my afternoon cup of coffee...
Currently working on: I’m trying to start working on my online course, but also may try to sketch out stuff for my piece for Shigadabizine. Also might try to write forward the FS sequel again. My plans for the plot have already changed a lot from the original haha. 
Currently playing: I’m not much of a gamer. The most I play are those hidden object games like June’s Journey. 
Tagging: @violently-canary @lunarapocolypse @mad-hatter-rici
Do if you want to, it’s completely optional of course!
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lumilasi · 6 years
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Prepare for long ass explanation because these two pictures have a kinda long context/BG story to them.
So, I red this one fic a whiile back (I can’t remember which, but I’ll link it if I can find it) which had a darker version of Steve and all, and shit went down, lemme tell ya.
I was kinda inspired by that take on Steve and wrote my own story, now the difference being I haven’t published that one for several reasons;
1. It’s more of a collection of scenes and doesn’t have a proper plot
2. I find it has elements too similar to the inspiration source atm
3. I HAVE A LONG-ASS (grimmichi, a whole other fandom) FIC I NEED TO FINISH FIRST
  (probably....likely I start writing another one before I get even halfway done with that one)
In this story, which I only really sent to my friend @mad-hatter-rici the world is basically gone to shit and Steve is much harsher and morally ajar than the dorito we are more used to. Despite this he still adored his Bucky, because obviously he would. Unfortunately, this Steve’s Bucky began to go crazy due to the serum he was given, and eventually he turned into a complete psycho so Steve had no choice but to kill him. (The bg story for this world setting would be pretty different, there would be no WS period, you don’t need that kinda misery on top of everything) 
Naturally Steve was badly shaken by that experience, and became even colder than he normally was.
Then, he ends up in Wakanda by accident as his plane crashes (you know, Steve and planes don’t mix well) which would be the hidden and highly advanced nation it is in the canon.
He finds out there is ANOTHER Bucky living there, who appeared around ten years ago. This Bucky’s world was destroyed by the Space Grape (Thanos) but he somehow got sent to another dimension instead of dying. 
Also, this Bucky gained some weird magic powers while floating in between dimensions; he can look into people’s dreams and thoughts and walk on the astral plane. (these powers also protect him passively from people with bad intent for some reason, basically blasting anyone away who intends to harm him. I had a whole story behind the reason why, but I’m not gonna go into that because this post is already reeeally long, at least by my standards)
He’s basically a friend of the king (naturally it took him quite a bit of time to gain T’Challa’s trust) and occasionally does missions for him. (mostly he just hangs out in his plum farm and prefers not to wear his metal arm then, too many sad/bad memories)
Naturally, poor broken-hearted Steve grows infatuated with this kinder Bucky, but the same time feels he doesn’t deserve the kindness given to him by our brunet given what he’d done.
As for these two pictures
Since Bucky astral-traveled into Steve’s dream to ease his nightmare, Steve is now able to do the same, spirit-walk to Bucky which he’s done in these pics.
Such a long explanation just to get to that final sentence.
Steve and Bucky (C) marvel
art (C) me
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lumilasi · 6 years
~ get to know me meme ~
Rules: Answer the 30 Questions and tag 10 blogs you want to get to know
Tagged by the almighty Sheep-mom, @mad-hatter-rici
Nicknames: The only one who has ever actually given me nicknames is the Sheep-mom herself, so here they are: Cat, Grumpy-cat, Sergeant, Sarge, Sergeant-cat, cake, beefcake, Teddy, Teddy-Bear (All inside jokes relating to my favorite characters from our fandoms) dude, buddy (the more generic ones used in less inside-joke heavy convos)
Gender/Pronouns: she/her Star Sign: Pisces Height: 155 cm  Time: The stone was in the hands of Doc. Strange Birthday: March 2: nd
Favorite Bands: Err....I’m not that band loyal nowadays, but the ones I do still listen to the most are Linkin Park, Muse, Sunrise Avenue and.....Actually those three might be the biggest ones currently  Favorite Solo Artist: Err....Again, there is a ridiculous amount of those. I’m pretty chill about the music I listen. It can be any genre/artist as long as I like the song *shrugs*  Song stuck in my head: I’ll help you hate me by: Sunrise Avenue, and the Avengers Theme (see the reason below)
Last movie you watched: Avengers Infinty war. All my friends who saw it are dead and I’m hunting all the grapes down I can find.
Last show: I don’t watch TV much nowadays. I’ve not been hooked into a series for years now. Last one I did watch more regularly was supernatural, but even with that I watched it from my friend’s DVD box sets that I now don’t have the access to. 
Why did you create your blog: I have no clue. I guess I wanted to spread out to other art-related sites? Or it was just a random spur-of-the-moment decision.
Other blogs: In Tumblr? nope. I do have Deviantart (has been my main account for years, tho now I’ve tried to spread elsewhere too) Wysp and Instagram. (this last one is mainly for my traditional stuff like paintings)
Ao3: I do have one actually:
Mostly either Stucky or Grimmichi fics, usually multi-chaptered and pretty complex stories.There is some one-shots too though. I sometimes post art relating to them on my tumblr. 
Do you get asks?: I haven’t even opened them yet
Idea for your url? *confused noises*
I follow: Given I’m a newbie, I barely follow any blogs yet, mainly some of my friends.
Followers: Again, since I’m a newbie, there’s only 14 ATM
Average amount of sleep: 4-8 hours. often either too much or too little
Lucky number: 6 (Due to a fav character of mine) Instruments: I did play a flute as a kid. Not anymore. 
What are you wearing?: often times comfy straight- or sweatpants, a hoodie and sleeveless/short sleeved shirt, oh, and a ponytail Dream job: Well....I did want to be a writer and I still kinda do. I also wanted to work as a graphic artist, which I AM studying to become (Graphic designer to be exact) Soo....I guess I’m working to get my dream job?
Kid me: *pops in* I WANNA BE A DRAGON!
Me: uh...wha..? Kid me: DRAGONS ARE COOL!
Me: That’s not even a profession...
(not even kidding; as a kid i wanted to be a dragon xD)
Dream trip: I‘d love to visit new Zealand someday as the scenery is really beautiful there. Another place would probs be where my pal @mad-hatter-rici lives in. By the time I could make this trip I dunno if it would be Austria or Germany tho.
Significant Other: Married to coffee (I drink wayyy too much of it) Last book I read: It’s been ages since I red books; been too busy drawing or writing my own things. I guess Bleach manga counts.
I don’t even follow that many people unknown enough to me yet to tag anyone (majority of this stuff I’d probably know already about my friends I do follow) soo...
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