#rin alsparda
fragmentofmemories · 2 months
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Class of Heroes: Anniversary Edition is out!
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fragmentofmemories · 4 months
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Got Team Rin done and--
Oh my God I just did that. In like a week...
Guess Team Hinako's next!
as soon as i stop playing dq my productiveness goes up by a lot. huh.
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fragmentofmemories · 3 months
False Aria of Rebirth. Character Profiles: Rin Alsparda
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(Read FAoR here)
Rin Alsparda: Abandoned at an early age, Rin is a human nomad with no family or home to speak of — her last name being the only clue she has about her lineage.
Because of this, Rin learned how to survive on her own, carrying a handcrafted bow at all times. After a while, she also gained a reputation as a young nomad who traveled across the land, aiding travelers and adventurers alike. This was what allowed Rin to enter Particus' academy of adventurers.
Rin is generally joyful, if a bit slow on her studies, and loves teasing those close to her. She also feels attracted to only girls — especifically Hinako, a felpier whom she has a crush on. Deep down, however, Rin may come off as overly attached to her friends.
Rin is the leader of her own team, aptly named "Team Rin".
Extra Info:
Age: 19
Height: 171cm (5.6ft)
Major: Ranger
Likes: Traveling, Meat, Hunting
Dislikes: Reading, Fish, Staying indoors
Alignment: Neutral Good
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fragmentofmemories · 5 months
"Gaiden Rin isn't real, she can't hurt you."
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(left: 2022, right: 2023)
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fragmentofmemories · 6 months
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If you wonder why she changes hairstyles every drawing then no. She doesn't. Stop lying.
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fragmentofmemories · 2 months
Before I forget:
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high quality wink...
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fragmentofmemories · 3 months
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On the topic of Rin, I still like mentioning the sort of outside development she's had since I first wrote her.
Back when I started CoH, Rin was more of an airhead than anything else. Her crush on Hinako had always been a thing, but back then she was dorky about it — acting more like a fangirl toward Hinako.
Back then, Hinako was also much more confident and outspoken — being somebody who was clearly more experienced at adventuring than Rin ever was. And, inspired by her crush, Rin eventually grows out of her fangirling until the two are on equal levels of skill.
I didn't think of their backstories (or even FAoR) until later, which funnily enough resulted in both of their personalities to switch.
Nowadays, Rin is the confident one while Hinako is the introverted one. Although parts of their old selves are still present in my current writing...
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fragmentofmemories · 3 months
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(nearly) 3 years of Rin...
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fragmentofmemories · 4 months
What's the point of Major change in CoH? I know you can keep your spells if you change from a spellcasting major to another, but is there any other reason to do so?
Good question! There are actually a ton of benefits to reclassing in CoH1, one of which you've mentioned here.
1) Spell Learning
Like you said, reclassing allows a character to carry over most of their spells, and gain the ability to learn new ones they couldn't have access to in their previous major. This is probably the main benefit of reclassing, not just in CoH but in most other DRPGs.
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For example: Rin in my Solo Run, having access to nearly every spell in the game after going from Mage -> Devout -> Evoker
Beware, however, that not every spell will be carried over when reclassing.
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This boils down to these numbers, which determine a major's proficiency in each spell type. Each number represents the amount of spells they can learn for each tier.
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In Rin's case, for example, she can have up to three black magic spells per tier. This means, for example, that if you move from a class with 4 in B.Magic proficiency to one with 2, the character in question will forget two of their spells.
I don't know the exact details regarding which spells are forgotten and which are kept. But just to be safe: forget any spell you consider unnecessary, so you can keep the ones you actually want when reclassing.
Each major has its own proficiency, which you can look below.
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2) HP Increasing
A useful part of reclassing is that it doesn't reset your HP back to what it was at Level 1. Instead, it only halves your current Max HP.
Though this might not seem like a lot, it actually works more like a snowball effect.
For example: If a level 50 character has 2000 HP, reclassing them will set them at Level 1 with 1000 HP.
Thus, by the time the character gets back to level 50, they will most likely have way more than 2000 HP.
Because of this, it is genuinely possible to reach the cap of 9999 HP, provided you have the patience for it.
3) Class Exclusive Skills
A minor point, but still worth mentioning, is that you'll be able to use certain class skills you would not have in your previous one.
For example: Changing to a Cleric will allow your character to appraise items. Changing to an evoker will let you use evoker rings and summon monsters, and so on.
Now one thing to ask yourself is: Do you need to reclass?
CoH1 allows for easy catching up thanks to the donation mechanic, so the drawback of returning to Level 1 isn't all that punishing. Your stats are also kept intact, though that is a minor point knowing their low caps.
But reclassing isn't exactly necessary to beat the game. If you play smart enough, you can get by with whatever team comp you made at the start.
Reclassing does, however, make the game much easier to complete. With enough patience, it can allow for "perfect" teams, with access to nearly every spell in the game and thousands of health.
Think of it as something like, idk, Fire Emblem reclassing: You certainly don't need to do it, but it makes your characters much more versatile if you do.
Hopefully, this answers your question, and good luck with CoH1!
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fragmentofmemories · 3 months
False Aria of Rebirth. Character Profiles: Mana "Mint" Aestas
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(Read FAoR here)
Mana Aestas: As the oldest daughter of the Aestas Clan, Mana - better known as "Mint" by her friends - is an irritable sprite with a tendency to act bossy.
As part of a prestigious clan of spellcasters, Mint was sent to Particus Academy alongside childhood friend Sol to better her knowledge. Although she expected her studies to be a breeze, being put on the same team as Rin Alsparda instead caused Mint's life to be a "living hell," in her own words.
As for her nickname - Mint - nobody knows exactly why she is called that. Sol seemingly knows, but she laughs hysterically whenever she attempts to explain it. Mint, meanwhile, does not want to talk about it.
Mint is begrudgingly part of Team Rin, as the team's designated healer. Allegedly, only because Sol is also part of it. She doesn't seem to fully resent her leader, however...
Extra Info:
Age: 16
Height: 36cm (1.1ft)
Major: Cleric
Likes: Sol, Marshmallows, Not going out on missions.
Dislikes: "Rin and everything she stands for, like her laziness and her recklessness and..."
Alignment: Lawful Good
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