#team rin (faor)
fragmentofmemories · 4 months
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Got Team Rin done and--
Oh my God I just did that. In like a week...
Guess Team Hinako's next!
as soon as i stop playing dq my productiveness goes up by a lot. huh.
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fragmentofmemories · 3 months
False Aria of Rebirth. Character Profiles: Mana "Mint" Aestas
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(Read FAoR here)
Mana Aestas: As the oldest daughter of the Aestas Clan, Mana - better known as "Mint" by her friends - is an irritable sprite with a tendency to act bossy.
As part of a prestigious clan of spellcasters, Mint was sent to Particus Academy alongside childhood friend Sol to better her knowledge. Although she expected her studies to be a breeze, being put on the same team as Rin Alsparda instead caused Mint's life to be a "living hell," in her own words.
As for her nickname - Mint - nobody knows exactly why she is called that. Sol seemingly knows, but she laughs hysterically whenever she attempts to explain it. Mint, meanwhile, does not want to talk about it.
Mint is begrudgingly part of Team Rin, as the team's designated healer. Allegedly, only because Sol is also part of it. She doesn't seem to fully resent her leader, however...
Extra Info:
Age: 16
Height: 36cm (1.1ft)
Major: Cleric
Likes: Sol, Marshmallows, Not going out on missions.
Dislikes: "Rin and everything she stands for, like her laziness and her recklessness and..."
Alignment: Lawful Good
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fragmentofmemories · 3 months
False Aria of Rebirth. Character Profiles: Typhon Echidos
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(Read FAoR here)
Typhon Echidos: Coming from a poor family, Typhon is a stoic, yet confident male drake.
After saving enough money to take up a sword, Typhon enrolled in Particus Academy in order to gain funds for his younger siblings. As a result, he can be seen motivating other people and even helping them with their swordplay. As long as they can pick up the slack themselves, that is.
Despite his calm demeanor, Vala's antics and overbearing personality tend to frustrate him. However, he is never truly mad with her. Perhaps he sees his siblings in her...?
Typhon is part of Team Rin, as the team's second warrior. Although, compared to Vala, he is much calmer and rational during combat - prioritizing defending his team.
Extra Info:
Age: 19
Height: 191cm (6.2ft)
Major: Warrior
Likes: Napping, Teaching
Dislikes: Having to do Vala's work, Magic
Alignment: Neutral Good.
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fragmentofmemories · 3 months
False Aria of Rebirth. Character Profiles: Sol Leo
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(Read FAoR here)
Sol Leo: As the daughter of writers, Sol is a cheery elf girl with a talent for spellcasting.
Fascinated by the many books she's read - from adventure to dramas - Sol learned about spellcasting at an early age. She likewise became interested in the history of magic and its evolution through time, netting Sol with the skill to read more ancient texts.
She entered Particus Academy alongside Mint, a sprite girl and her best friend since childhood.
Sol is friendly and tends to get along with people easily. However, she can be seen as airheaded at times. She lacks an understanding of social norms - speaking loudly or daydreaming even during an exploration.
Sol is part of Team Rin, as the main magic caster and "storyteller", which is to say she enjoys writing stories based on her expeditions and sharing them around.
Extra Info:
Age: 15
Height: 154cm (4.9ft)
Major: Wizard
Likes: Writing, Talking about magic, Mint
Dislikes: Nothing.
Alignment: Neutral Good
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fragmentofmemories · 3 months
False Aria of Rebirth. Character Profiles: Kouji Hinako
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(Read FAoR here)
Kouji Hinako: A stern, yet meek felpier, Hinako is a student of Particus Academy, known for her sword and spellcasting skills. Despite this, there is seemingly no previous records of her.
Hinako is generally reserved, often reading or training by herself and not speaking often. Whenever she is near Rin, however, Hinako instead becomes assertive - annoyed by the human's antics, yet nonetheless wanting the best for her. Hinako's tail tends to puff up as well, something Rin finds amusing.
Hinako is the leader of her own team, aptly named "Team Hinako". Although, her shyness doesn't allow her to take as much control as she'd like...
Extra Info:
Age: 18
Height: 166cm (5.4ft)
Major: Samurai
Likes: Being alone, Reading, Having her ears touched
Dislikes: Loud noises, Coffee, Having her ears touched
Alignment: Lawful Neutral.
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fragmentofmemories · 3 months
False Aria of Rebirth. Character Profiles: Celia Minks
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(Read FAoR here)
Celia Minks: As the "Burglar of Particus", Celia is a snarky, sneaky halfling who often appears and disappears in the blink of an eye.
With a tendency to steal from even those close to her, Celia is the wild card of Rin's team - often doing things her way and without the others' knowledge.
Whatever the case, Celia does seem to be fond of her teammates - even if her cooperation is merely a means to an end.
Celia is part of Team Rin, though with how often she ventures on her own, she tends to help other teams from time to time. At a price, whether they realize it or not.
Extra Info:
Age: 18
Height: 125cm (4.1ft)
Major: Thief
Likes: Money, Her beanie, Pudding.
Dislikes: Hypocrites, People that point out her height.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
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fragmentofmemories · 3 months
False Aria of Rebirth. Character Profiles: Vala Cannighis
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(Read FAoR here)
Vala Cannighis: The youngest of a large family of dwarves, Vala is an excitable furred girl.
The self-proclaimed "heart" of Rin's team, Vala is an impulsive girl with a penchant for proving herself. Loving adventures and traveling, she often carries an axe twice her size and is the first to step in to fight monsters.
In particular, she tends to get into fights with fellow teammate Typhon - her "rival". This rivalry, however, seems to be one-sided...
Vala is part of Team Rin, and probably the loudest.
Extra Info:
Age: 14
Height: 131cm (4.2ft)
Major: Warrior
Likes: Playing, Sports, Chocolate
Dislikes: Being underestimated, Losing.
Alignment: Chaotic Good.
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fragmentofmemories · 3 months
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On the topic of Hinako, there was once a time where she and Rin were part of the same team.
To clarify, the "original" team was Rin, Hinako, Vala, Mint, Celia and Gabriel. But the group dynamic wasn't one I found interesting enough.
That was, until I found out you could actually have more than one active team at a time. As in, you could switch back and forth between parties at any time, and without the need to go back to an academy/town.
So what better way to improve the group dynamic by just, breaking them up. I had Hinako and Gabriel move to their own team, and it was where the rest of FAoR's cast came from.
On a lesser note, FE Gaiden was also a reason for the "two teams" dynamic.
Although, giving the timid girl the shadiest team ever might've not been as great of an idea...
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fragmentofmemories · 3 months
False Aria of Rebirth. Character Profiles: Rin Alsparda
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(Read FAoR here)
Rin Alsparda: Abandoned at an early age, Rin is a human nomad with no family or home to speak of — her last name being the only clue she has about her lineage.
Because of this, Rin learned how to survive on her own, carrying a handcrafted bow at all times. After a while, she also gained a reputation as a young nomad who traveled across the land, aiding travelers and adventurers alike. This was what allowed Rin to enter Particus' academy of adventurers.
Rin is generally joyful, if a bit slow on her studies, and loves teasing those close to her. She also feels attracted to only girls — especifically Hinako, a felpier whom she has a crush on. Deep down, however, Rin may come off as overly attached to her friends.
Rin is the leader of her own team, aptly named "Team Rin".
Extra Info:
Age: 19
Height: 171cm (5.6ft)
Major: Ranger
Likes: Traveling, Meat, Hunting
Dislikes: Reading, Fish, Staying indoors
Alignment: Neutral Good
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fragmentofmemories · 5 months
1. 42. And 77. (FAoR specifically)
Thanks for the asks too! Replying immediately after the other since I made a note with all questions I got on them :p.
1) Do you prefer One-Shots or Multi-Chaptered fics
Answered this one before, but Tl;Dr It's a tie, both writing and reading wise.
42) What's the last fic you've read?
I've been mostly catching up on Touhou longfics I missed due to college. Last one I've read is locked to only AO3 users though, so I'm not entirely confident if I should link it for the author's sake. I'll just say it's a very fluffy, cute fic starring Hong Meiling and leave it at that.
More Meiling is always good~
77) Do you have a favorite scene you've written for False Aria of Rebirth?
False Aria of Rebirth is still fairly recent, so there isn't much I can bring up without spoiling future chapters. But the aftermath of Chapter 1's fight scene is probably my favorite — Rin falling face first and kissing the floor, and Hinako nearly dying of embarrasment as if she hadn't just been the most stoic person in the room.
If there's a word I could describe Rin and Hinako's relationship is "parallel". One is a socially awkward bookworm who, despite being team leader, lacks any sort of leadership skills. The other one is a rowdy, extroverted nomad who equally lacks social skills but for the opposite reasons. But despite all, the two of them are still prone to the same mistakes and virtues. And above all, they only wish for the other to be happy, and would take the bullet for them.
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