peregrinramblings · 11 months
Hi there! We previously were mutuals on my other blog (rinatemme) and almost literally all the stuff you reblog I really enjoy seeing! I hope this does not come off as crossing some sort of a line, but if Tumblr sinks, are you on any other social media you're ok with sharing? Completely ok if not!
Thanks, kindly,
Oh that's lovely, thank you! I enjoy your stuff as well! And, sadly not really, anymore. I ditched Twitter before it became X, and I have avoided joining tiktok so far and plan to continue not joining. I have an Instagram but it's pretty dusty and barren, and I'm on reddit but reddit doesn't foster community like tumblr does, nor does it offer the variety, though the cultivation is pretty good. I was hearing decent things about pillowfort but it seems like that's also struggling.
I plan on sticking around here though! Maybe not to the bitter end, but at least for a while. There's not really anything like tumblr and I still love it here. Feel free to DM me and we can at trade discords or something! 💜💕
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pigeon-princess · 5 years
Hello! I was interested if you still do commissions?
Hey there! I have a couple of other commission in the queue at the moment so there might be a bit of a wait but if you don’t mind I’d be more than happy to draw a commission for you if you PM me! 
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jincherie · 6 years
GAH i know u sent this before I posted it but I hope it lived up to ur expectations!!!!! i was so happy to be writing jin again lmao!!! thank u so much for hyping it up and sending this babe!!! ily !!!! 💖💗💗💕💞❣️💝💓💖💕
sergentculotte said: Oh maaan… Thar siren!Seokjin was everything I needed! Funnily enough, I watched two mermaid movies tonight, the little mermaid (the new movie) and aquamarine, and then I got the notification that you posted, what a perfect addition to my great merfolk-y night! Thanks again for making me feel stuff with your words, xoxo 
UGH YES FCK we love mer-moods in this house!!! fuccc!!!!! thank u so much for reading baby I hope you enjoyed it !!! 💖💗 ugh its been so long since i watched other merfolk-y movies jhfbjbf
Anonymous said: hi, I just found your account because I was scrolling through bts imagines and I was reading a lullaby on canvas for a good 5 minutes (you write so well by the way and now I’m staying up to read your other stuff lol 💗💗) and the app crashed so when I put in bts imagines again it didn’t show up so it’s almost been an hour and I just found your account/ the story again and I had to follow just to make sure I wouldn’t lose your account
HAHA love an obligatory follow!! But I am so so glad you’re here and that you enjoyed lullaby on canvas, thank u so much for reading and sending this my love!!! 💖💗 I’m glad you liked it enough to look for it again :)
rinatemme said: Hello! “A lullaby on canvas” is one of those works that made me feel so happy to read, it has an amazing plot, the descriptions are wonderful and you can practically feel the atmosphere, taste it. Thank you for writing it
hey babe thank u so much for reading aloc and sending such a lovely message!! i’m so glad you like it and think those things, thank u so much!!! 💖💗
Anonymous said: oh my GOD YOUR NEW FIC IS SO! GOOD! WHAT! THE ! FUCK! Allsldksjaldlslaldldjsjjslslsj have an amazing day 💜💜💜💜💜
thank you so much!!! sob!!! you too my love!! thank u for reading and sending this !!! 💖💗💗💕
Anonymous said: hi babe!!! i finally had the time to read a lullaby on canva and T____T this was really freakin cute !!!! and the way jin calls yn flower…. perhaps i cried a little… i love ur writing sooo much ahhh 
nfhbfhjbfhgf god listen i am the biggest slut for a good pet name so i fnjhbfjhbf FFUCKKK i love it too!! sm !!! thank you so much for taking the time to read it, and then for sending his babe!! ily!! 💖
captainship97 said: So I read lullaby on canvas and I loved it! I do have a question though about a siren’s kiss. I’ve done a little research trying to see what mythology says about kissing a siren and didn’t find very much. So when you say that it was taking life force, was it just energy, or life span? If the reader were to continue to kiss Jin here and there would it be considered dangerous or something they can regenerate with sleep or something? Loved the story!!! 💜💜💜    
HAHAHAHA ok to be fair i pulled a lot of shit right out my ass but I wrote that in concurrence with the idea that sirens, at least in this au, ‘traditionally’ lured sailors etc to their demise as they feed on their souls/energy/essence. I figured a way that made sense for them to create a link and siphon the energy would be via kiss. In this sense, I guess they’re not that different from how I shape incubi in my fics LOL. to answer your question I’d say its more like energy! it can regenerate, but too much taken can be harmful. In this au, some sirens are especially greedy and drink it all in at once– they’re the ones that started the myths :3 
ALSO seokjin can control how much he takes, but he can’t stop the kiss from acting as a siren kiss– UNLESS the recipient is his bonded & mated, in which case his mate will be resistant. she can still give energy if she wants but its more a choice. So MC is all good in the end!! (also i’m glad you liked it!!! tysm for reading it and sending this!!! 💖💗)
Anonymous said: OKAY I have so many questions! First of all, seokjin x reader siren fic, I loved it! But also, is it a one-shot, because now I’m just, my mind is, I wasn’t ready. The picture? What is it? Why is the reader so moved by it? When did they meet? Did he move there after seeing her? Did he meet her after she moved to the apartment? How long has the longing been going on? Does he sing for her? because of her? Did he leave his life behind because of her? Just, amazing. no words, incredible, as always. 
it is a oneshot, unfortunately! and seokjin’s artworks aren’t of anything concrete, but a combination of colours, shapes and patterns that evoke feeling in the viewers. there is nothing recognisable within them, yet the contents call to the deepest parts of a person’s being and tug. It is especially potent if the person gazing upon the artwork is the one that he had in mind while making it, as MC found hehehehe. its a little bit magical :)
And they “met” a year or so prior, when Seokjin moved in to the apartment next to hers! Although, that wasn’t the first time he’d seen her...
And yes, when he sings at night it was always for/about her. Ugh our lovesick little siren, singing mournfully about his “impossible, unrequited love”.... over time the tune changed though, often his song reflected how he felt after an interaction he had with her during the day-- it was usually sad if he didn’t see her. And regarding the last question, he left because he wanted to explore and travel in part but perhaps.... also bc of her.... :3
anyway thank u so much for reading and expressing such interest, I love having the opportunity to expand my worlds a little more for you all! thank u babe! ily!
Anonymous said: ahh… i just dropped by to say how much i adore your work. i reread the recent siren!jin fic bc i wanted to do a mock-up story board for the reveal scene (one of my favourite ever parts!!) and i loved the way you wrote it so much, like the whole fic but also that scene in particular. your fics make me so flustered and i get hot cheeks and everything - and yet i find myself creeping back for more. *‘you cast a spell on me’ plays from the speakers* 
a m-mock up storyboard? OMO-- and gah I’m so glad you liked that scene! I love that scene too!! It’s one I had in my head from the moment I started brainstorming and planning it. Perhaps one day I will illustrate it as I imagined it but in the meantime.... ugh... i love it so much. i’m so so glad you liked aloc,, and even my other fics too! thank u for reading and for sending this in babe!!! ily!!! i hope u have a wonderful day!!!
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btssavedmylifeblr · 6 years
Thank you so much for that chapter! This was such an artfully created and written turn in the story, and I loved the interactions in the “cutting hair” scene, it really built up the emotional “sphere” of characters. I’m really looking forward to the next chapters! Thank you!
Thank you so much!!! I’m glad you enjoyed the hair cut. I appreciate the message! 💜
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jamaicastation · 7 years
woah, i'm sorry that kinda thing happened to you, some people are really.. shitty, if i may say. but hey, sometimes some people have to go, no?.. and if they only talked to you because of how much followers you had, well..
I no longer have any regrets in dropping people who aren’t coming from a place of compassion or love. It’s a shame that so many people only use friendships as a means to an end :/
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syuga · 7 years
Hello! Sorry to bring bad news, but the same work that was used on Koreaboo also was used in a Buzzfeed article!
Hi, you must have misunderstood. I gave Buzzfeed an interview and gave them permission explicitly to use my edits in their articles. 
Koreaboo has only paraphrased what was in the Buzzfeed article (citing them as the source at the end). Koreaboo has never contacted me for any interview or to ask permission, yet have uploaded my edit as a tweet and on Facebook. 
Hope this clears it up!
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thecaitortot · 6 years
Rules: Answer 11 questions and make up 11 of your own
1. What superpower would you have to be a proper super-villain, and why?
Oh god... I can’t stop thinking about the stupid Sailor Moon villains of my childhood. As much as I would LOVE to turn people into giant tennis balls or some shit, I’d probably choose some kind of storm based powers; I’ve always loved weather-based heroes and magics.
2. Pick a group of animals. What would you do if that flock/pack/hiss/pride/gaggle/et cetera did whatever you said?
I would have a flock of cockatoos to cuddle and dance with at all times. Easy. Next question. 
3. If you could be an extra/could have been an extra in any tv show or movie, which would you pick?
The Magicians; I would LOVE to go to the physical kids’ cottage set. It’s so lovingly constructed with excellent detail.
4. What toy/fun object would you like, regardless of price?
My Nintendo 3DS. The amount of play time I’ve gotten from that little guy is insane.
5. What random word (i.e. not a common word or phrase like ‘hi’, ‘thank you’, ‘where is the bathroom?’) would you like to be able to say in every language?
Either the word for “honesty” or “priorities”. I know it sounds weird but it feels like those words could really help in assessing someone’s character?
6. If you could pick a character in a book or video game to be your best friend, who would you pick?
Oh god... I can’t decide between the characters from Rune Factory 4. I’d probably choose Forte or Margaret. They’re such well rounded characters who care for their friends and family.
7. What tradition would you like to have in your life?
Some kind of monthly potluck with my family and our family friends would be amazing. I don’t see that happening because our house is still under renovations.
8. Is there a company or specific product that you genuinely want to be a spokesperson for?
Khan Academy. I sing it’s praises constantly.
9. Do you have any sounds that bother you?
When two songs are playing from different sources at the same time I get unreasonably irritated. This is especially true of genre mixing.
10. What do you think is the weirdest thing in your house?
Right now? My dad has a 3D scanner for work sitting in the kitchen, scanning some weird faux military helmet; he’s doing this to 3D print a Halo helmet as a sales prop when he goes to anime and gaming conventions. Cosplayers are a major untapped market in 3D printer sales, apparently.
11. Do you like cheese, what’s your favorite?
I do not usually like cheese but mozzarella is pretty good as long as it’s hot and paired with something really unhealthy.
My questions:
1. What was your first concert?
2. What color was your childhood bedroom?
3. What cut of clothing makes you feel the most confident?
4. Do 3D movies give you a headache?
5. What is your favorite mascot character? (Sports, video games, pop culture like Hello Kitty, cartoons, whatever!)
6. Favorite guilty pleasure band/artist?
7. Is there a mainstream tradition that you just don’t believe in? Why?
8. What’s your drink? (alcoholic, non-alcoholic, or answer both!)
9. What piece of media do you wish your friends would learn to love?
10. Favorite self care activity?
11. Favorite thing about your best friend?
I’m tagging: @zachhorenburg​ @sailorcheese @rinatemme​ @allfallsaway​ @witchesinthesewoods​ @wordsfallingapart @fajhiita​ @thatdudetheycalljesus and anyone else who wants to participate!
Thanks @sethkeepyoursmile for tagging me btw!
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jamaicastation · 8 years
rinatemme replied to your post “Trying really hard not to get bogged down with hopelessness. I feel...”
i fully support you in this! do what you feel is best for your own!
Thank you so much, sweet heart - it’s been really hard to figure out a good balance. I know that right now I need to do a lot of self-care, which for me means making some time to be on my bike, more time to sleep, more time for creative planning and memory keeping, but I also love being involved in fandom and writing and keeping up with politics and current events. And with everything that is happening right now, both really important real world things and not at all important but pleasure fannish things, sometimes I feel like my brain is just swelling with too much information and too many things to do. And I’m very good at reminding all the girls in my activism group to take it slow and commit to three actions a week and to make sure they’re eating right and sleeping well all to prevent early burn out, but I’m really terrible at making those decisions myself. It’s funny, I was just talking this morning to one of the women who I met through Suho fan union and she used to be so involved in feminist gaming politics over in Korea and she was helping to run a fansite on the side and still maintain a good relationship at home and she recently quit almost everything and I really envy that. I envy that she was able to put it all aside to do something good for herself. I wish I was more able to make that choice. My worry is that, in addition to being depressed and anxiety and traumatized to shit, I’m also very much in need of stimulation or I fall into even deeper holes because of boredom and feelings of worthlessness. Anyway, like I said... finding a good balance hahaah :P 
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pocket-army · 8 years
L: aww haha im happy for you! and no, i'm still going through them and just got another one added;; no idea how i'll manage..
Okay now I spuper duper ultra suck bcuz I took forever to answer these asks again OTL. 
College is making us all super busy, I apology pocket pals. Don’t worry I’ll be replying to asks in between classes as much as I can~
Anyways holy cow I wish you THE BEST OF LUCK on your exams if you still have them lol. 
I know I am hella ready. Also I’m ready for the comeback of new hairstyles and colors :)
👑Admin L
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