#ringo Langley
collecting-stories · 11 months
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just-a-leech-boy · 8 months
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This. Is how I perceive the polycule. This is also why Byers is the glue that keeps it all together. I also think that when they're in hotel rooms with two beds for the 4 of them, jimmy and Byers share a bed and then frohike and Langley share a bed.
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wipbigbang · 1 year
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WIP Big Bang 2023 Round Starting April 1st!
What is the WIP Big Bang? Good question! This is a Big Bang with one goal in mind: to clean out your fanfic drafts folder. These are stories that were unfinished for whatever reason, that authors returned to and completed, and the art that goes with them!
Please read our FAQ/check out our schedule for more details.
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typingtess · 4 months
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"First Person Shooter"
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m0th13e3 · 1 year
Hello Tumblr
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I humbly ask you judge me based off of my kinlist
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wastealien · 1 year
the way Langley feels about the capn toby show is how i feel ab The X-Files and The Lone Gunmen
"good friends who were always looking out for me, good friends that would help me grow up strong and true, and who would never make fun of my hair."
"someone i could trust growing up. someone i could count on."
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aloysiavirgata · 7 months
Prompt: M&S playing Cards Against Humanity with the Gunmen. Scully’s deal. The white cards (you pick the black card): Two midgets shitting into a box, Pixelated bukkake, Making the penises kiss, Meatloaf, the man.
She’s high.
She’s really fucking high, the way Agent Scully never could be but in the way Doctor Scully gets from time to time. Agent Scully doesn’t get to vote on these decisions anymore. She never had any fun.
Well, very little fun. She was sad a lot. She made questionable choices.
“Still way too weird,” Frohike says, eyeing her.
“Like that time in Vegas,” Langley says in his adenoidal voice, as he does every time she is stoned.
She remembers Vegas a bit, would absolutely murder someone for a cigarette right now, Christ.
“I would absolutely murder someone for a cigarette right now,” she says, cheerfully.
“Murder them later. Come on, Scully.”
“Meatloaf the man,” she murmurs, then cracks up, tears running down her cheeks.
Mulder groans. “That’s the third time you’ve read that one out loud! Pick a card.”
She frowns at him, wounded. Sticks her lip out with Shirley Temple verve. “I’m weighing my options.”
The Gunmen sigh in unison.
“Get your woman in line,” Frohike grouses.
Scully throws a corn chip at him, misses by a yard.
“I’m like a sniper,” she whispers loudly. “I snipe.”
“How high are you?” Mulder hisses at her.
“About 5’2,” she hisses back.
Mulder flicks her ear. “I’m counting to three. One -“
Scully chews her lower lip, then proudly lays “Making the penises kiss” on the table, face up. “A romantic, candlelit dinner would be incomplete without…” she reminds them. Helpfully.
“BYERS IS THE CARD CZAR!” everyone shouts at her.
Scully, unperturbed, pats Byers on the cheek. “You’re doing a good job,” she says. “I’m proud.”
Byers sighs and dips a piece of celery into the bean dip. “Thanks, Scully.”
She beams. “Two midgets shitting in a box, that’s…what’s it called if it isn’t racist but still very bad about specific people?”
Mulder considers this. “Offensive? Derogatory? Condescending?”
“Yes,” she says, solemn. “Those. Do we have any corn?”
“What was her last one?” Frohike asks. “She never read it.
“Pixelated bukkake.”
“Mulder!” she exclaims, scandalized. “That one isn’t appropriate.”
He guffaws. “For whom?”
She nods her chin towards the Nativity. “The baby Jesus.”
Langley cackles.
Scully frowns at him. “Even pixelated, Ringo. The Blessed Infant shouldn’t be exposed to oral sex. Kissing is G rated.”
Mulder puts his head on the table. “I quit.”
“No,” she says, aghast. “You retired! Skinner said so.”
There are tears of silent laughter running down Frohike’s cheeks. His shoulders are shaking.
“How long is Maggie keeping William,” Byers asks, watching as Scully makes a sandwich of two pieces of cheddar cheese and half of a strawberry.
“Noon at least,” Mulder says into the napkin holder.
“Meatloaf the man,” Scully squeaks, and laughs hysterically into Byers’s shoulder.
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theunusualsuspects · 2 months
An Multi-Muse RP Account written by Herald
The X-Files:
The Lone Gunmen - Richard "Ringo" Langley, Melvin Frohike, and John Fitzgerald Byers. Fringe group of government watch dogs and hackers who run the self published magazine The Lone Gunman (previously known as The Magic Bullet Newsletter). Mostly written as a group but can be written as singular characters.
A.D. Skinner - FBI Assistant Directer Walter Sergei Skinner. Serves above agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully. Has worked with them on many occasions to help in their investigations (but primarily impede due to bureaucracy).
CSM AKA Cigarette Smoking Man - [REDACTED]
Twin Peaks:
Special Agent Dale Cooper - FBI Agent assigned to the mysterious murder of Laura Palmer in the sleepy town of Twin Peaks, Washington.
Permanent Starter Call
Alan Wake:
Alan Wake - Titular writer and Champion of Light. Author of the best selling crime-thriller series Alex Casey. Last known location was that of Bright Falls. He is survived by his wife, Alice Wake.
Permanent Starter Call
The X-Men:
Erik "Magneto" Lehnsherr - A German born Jew given the gift of mutation on a warpath of revenge. He wants to see the world rid of humanity, and replaced with a new race: Homo Superior. Canon divergent, all threads will default to a Modern AU.
Permanent Starter Call
This is a sideblog and will be following from @mostunwantedfbi
This blog is +18 plus. Please only people of that age respectfully follow.
My primary blog is Mulder so activity here will be slow.
0 notes
An Multi-Muse RP Account written by Herald
The X-Files:
The Lone Gunmen - Richard "Ringo" Langley, Melvin Frohike, and John Fitzgerald Byers. Fringe group of government watch dogs and hackers who run the self published magazine The Lone Gunman (previously known as The Magic Bullet Newsletter). Mostly written as a group but can be written as singular characters.
A.D. Skinner - FBI Assistant Directer Walter Sergei Skinner. Serves above agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully. Has worked with them on many occasions to help in their investigations (but primarily impede due to bureaucracy).
CSM AKA Cigarette Smoking Man - [REDACTED]
Mr. X - A rogue informant working with agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully.
Twin Peaks:
Special Agent Dale Cooper - FBI Agent assigned to the mysterious murder of Laura Palmer in the sleepy town of Twin Peaks, Washington.
Alan Wake:
Alan Wake - Titular writer and Champion of Light. Author of the best selling crime-thriller series Alex Casey. Last known location was that of Bright Falls. He is survived by his wife, Alice Wake.
This is a sideblog and will be following from @spookyagentfmulder
This blog is +18 plus. Please only people of that age respectfully follow.
My primary blog is Mulder so activity here will be slow to scarce.
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alienassmuffin · 6 years
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updated version:
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nerd-chronicals · 5 years
Nightmares Again (Langly x reader)
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Authors note **** I am so sorry I haven't written in awhile but with school taking over and everything going on in my life its been a struggle to come up with ideas. Please enjoy this product of sudden inspiration brought on by sleep deprivation. I tried using more gifs in this im not sure how i like it though. As always please send in requests and if your into American Horror Story and want a fic head over to my main blog @capan-devereaux and send in a request please. again as always enjoy. @lone-gunwoman-of-the-week @datarsiah-noodles @bechobbi @gothicpoebookworm @fawn-soul
I am starting to use the citrus scale on this blog and the scale I am using is on wiki and linked here and according to the scale this is a citrus/orange
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You finished tying your hair back before heading out for your date with Ringo. The two of you were going to the movies and then getting coffee after. Somehow you had convinced him to see the reboot of Pet Semetary. He had seen the original and it had kept him up all night so you knew he was doing this for you. The movie was as scary as you had hoped it would be and you enjoyed talking about the plot over coffee. Flash forward to tonight and he's struggling to sleep but is too embarrassed to say anything to you. You feel him shift for what felt like the millionth time and ask sleeply, " Honey are you ok? You keep moving"
" M'fine" He mumbles with his face smushed into your neck, "just having trouble falling asleep. Don't let me keep you up."
You fell back asleep quickly leaving Ringo to his thoughts again. Eventually he fell asleep even though he thought he could see the shadows moving in the room.
You woke up to him wimpering in his sleep and holding onto your torso tightly as if its the one thing that was keeping everything at bay, and his legs tangled with yours. The wimpers concerned you as did the hair clinging to his face. Slowly you moved your arm to sweep the hair from his cheeks and out of his eyes. Once that was done you started started humming and rubbing circles with your thumb on his arm. His face was still pressed into your neck so you felt it when his breathing changed and you knew he was awake.
"Sweetheart," you say quietly, "Whats wrong?"
 He was quick to say 'Nothing'.
You wanted to call bullshit but knew that wouldn't be helpful, so instead you you keep rubbing circles on his arm trying to soothe whatever troubled his mind.
Eventually he mumbles something into your neck before realizing you couldn't hear him and turning to speak.
"That damn movie I keep replaying it in my head I just cant get the gore out of my head."
"Oh Sweetie why didn't you tell me?"
"The guys always poke fun at the fact that I can't watch that kind of movie without having nightmares... I didn't want you to do the same"
"I would never do that"
"I know , I know I just..." He trailed off
"You just what Sweetie?"
"just didn't want to look like a wimp"
"Everyone has nightmares. Hell I do. After watching all that shit yeah sometimes I can't sleep either."
There was a small silence before you spoke again. "But do you want to know what I do when nightmares wake me up," you paused but didn't give him a chance to respond, " I focus on you."
He gave you a weird look so you elaborated.
"I listen to your breathing and watch the rise and fall of your chest. I make sure that you are still there. Because I can always calm myself down when I'm near you."
It was quiet again and with how long the quiet lasted you worried that you said too much. Then he told you he always hummed when he couldnt sleep but didn't want to wake you up. But he hummed Carry on my Wayward Son because he knew that you liked that song.
As the two of you kept talking you both continued to slip back into sleep. His arms still wrapped around you, your legs tangled together, his face pressed into your neck again and yours into your pillow but this sleep was much more peaceful.
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kuribo4indahouse · 7 years
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I wonder if my twitter app fucked up or if Ringo Starr is actually an anime fan, cosplayer and Asuka lover.
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typingtess · 7 months
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"Three of a Kind" - when Scully is brought to Las Vegas by the Lone Gunmen
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incorrectxfiles · 5 years
Scully is gonna be okay. I made her a PB and J, she said she didn't want it, so I ate it. She was still sad, so I made her another PB and J. She didn't want that one either, so I ate it. Anyway, Scully wants to be alone for a little while, and we're out of peanut butter.
Ringo Langley, probably
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sunshinetoday · 7 years
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Dean Haglund
Richard Ringo Langley (x)
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l-e-g-i-o-n-losh · 7 years
Im well aware that the running joke in the lone gunmen of "im not a girl!!!1! Stop joking about my long hair!!!!1" is a joke about How Dare You Assume I, A Man, Could Be A (Inferior) Girl and/or Be Androgynous And Therefore Weird,,,,, but as a nonbinary trans guy with long hair who's constantly misgendered because of it no matter how masc i dress im just gonna go ahead and say ringo langley is trans
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