#rip baby visenya
artnoonewants · 4 months
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Rhaenyra and her lizard baby
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mirabellemoira · 29 days
HOTD S2 really said “a permit is required to mourn your children for more than five minutes”
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I need some fics where I just get to enjoy the family dynamics in the Rhaenyra 's household.
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voicesknowmyname · 2 years
Not to defend aemond or team green, but if I was a geriatric dragon with dementia having a flashback to my war days, I’d chomp on Arrax and Lucerys too
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alicentsaegon · 8 months
Broke : Visenya and Rhaenys compete against other for Aegon's affections
Woke : Visenya and Rhaenys were ALSO lovers who never quarrelled for Aegon but the history books would ommit that
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HOTD 1x10: First Review
Honestly, I did not expect such differences from Fire and Blood in this episode, like they were afraid to make Rhaenyra another Daenerys (mad queen) or what?
Let’s start. 
I really like the opening with Luke, knowing what would happened to him at the end. 
I truly share Daemon’s belief that Viserys was poisoned by the Hightower. 
Is it me of Syrax could understand Rhaenyra’s pain through childbirth? Like the child was connected to Syrax? However, I was quite astonished that the baby didn’t have dragon features like in Fire and Blood. Also, they haven’t even mention her name, right? No Visenya at all. 
I liked the parallels between Rhaenyra and Daemon’s mournings.
It was such a pleasure to see Ser Erryk Cargyll, but I thought he would have make a better entrance, and not like this alone, coming out of nowhere. 
Of course, I love the way Daemon crowned Rhaenyra and he was his true and utterly self here. 
I almost didn’t recognize Rhaenyra in this episode (of course with her comportment), but also her face, she looked so young, almost like Young Rhaenyra / Milly. 
Aegon’s table is amazing, even more with the candles. So much better than the one from GOT. A true piece of art. 
Can someone explain to me what happened to Syrax, she hasn’t grown during 20 years, even worse she seemed smaller. 
Daemon was excellent in front of Otto. Matt Smith’s performance was amazing again. I will never hate Daemon. 
Apparently Seasmoke is drifting on Driftmark, WTF. 
It was nice to see Corlys Velaryon even if he was so contradictory (but he wasn’t alone in this episode).
Rhaenyra was way too soft. They changed her too much. Is she or is she not a dragon?! But at least we could notice the differences of education between Rhaenyra and Alicent regarding their children. 
Poor Luke, I almost cry when I saw his last interaction with his mother. 
Daemon can touch another dragon who isn’t Caraxes? Like this, just by singing to him in High Valyrian? What else has he discovered in Pentos? 
Storm’s end court is so empty and dark! We didn’t get any interaction with Lord Borros Baratheon’s daughters such a shame. There were four of them and none could talk, really? And why every one is afraid of Lord Borros? At least, he is smart enough to put a stop of Aemond’s fighting 
The heartbreaking moment of the episode was Luke’s death and the down play of Aemond. Why making the Greens so innocent and careless instead of what they truly are ruthless, murders and usurpers!? Why? There is nothing to justify this writing. Aemond is a murder and now a kinslayer. He has dropped the first blood, and he is the immediate responsable of the following murders. 
At least, this time the CGI were on point. The way Arrax fly above the clouds was amazing. 
And yes, the final scene was the climax of Rhaenyra and Daemon’s relationship. Now their fire burn together and they will be capable of anything (foreshadowing of episode 7). So sad that we didn’t get the needed sex scene just after, but it’s coming... from me. But did you notice that they played their music when they were holding hands until the end. 
ps: Ser Harrold Westerling is currently MIA, if you have seen him, please report to the authorities of Westeros. Or maybe episode 9 was his noble exit?
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owlsnotes · 2 years
I just understood that scenes of preparation for the funeral of Viserys and Visenya are absolutely the same. Just look at this tables, light, candles (the shots are not perfect but you see)...
In means that Rhaenyra is burying not only her daughter, but her father too.
I'm crying
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When I realized which of Rhaenyras pregnancies this is I almost cried
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atopvisenyashill · 1 year
my favorite targaryens are the women who have bastards. i am obsessed with the similarities and differences in circumstances and how they related to motherhood, because every goddamn lord in westeros has a bastard but NOBLE MOTHERS OF ILLEGITIMATE CHILDREN. oooh hell yeah. see my love for
saera, my jaehaerys hating teen idle icon who never married and didn’t want the iron throne (bc she’s smarter than the rest of her family) but definitely told her 3 sons to call themselves targaryens just to fuck with her dad
gael, all we know is that she literally slept in her mother’s bed bc alysanne was so clingy, fucked a singer, had a stillbirth, then killed herself but i’m obsessed with her for having pre marital sex in known prude bitch jaehaerys’ court, i find her so iconic and tragic i want to know more
rhaenyra, my precious meow meow who really stuck to her guns by getting her husband AND his daddy on her side only to fumble last minute by letting corlys name alyn and not joffrey as heir to driftmark or pushing for baela's inheritance. rip to a queen tho.
elaena not only manages to have THREE bastards from TWO DIFFERENT BABY DADDIES but she set all three of them up nicely by being insanely good at politics and math so everyone just ignored the fact that viserys plumm was obviously aegon’s and the waters twins established their own lil house without starting a civil war or succession crisis, something these people are famously bad at! elaena did that shit!!
daena the defiant, we do not know when she died but i keep imagining her raising daemon in the maiden vault and living vicariously through him, encouraging him to make these dodgy alliances with these dodgy lords because despite a lot of the blackfyre supporters being incredibly socially regressive, it's only through them she's ever been allowed even the dream of freedom and power, just imagining all the mommy issues daemon has gives me life
visenya since i feel her having a baby thru blood magic was probably like half of why aegon never showed an interest in maegor lmao he knew that baby was as visenya’s and the goat she sacrificed to make him, that’s why maegor has daddy issues, but also he has mommy issues bc she loved him but also made him with her witchy powers.
daella or rhae, whatever one of egg’s sisters that fucks dunk and passes the baby off as the evenstar’s kid, if that theory is what actually happened you’re an icon and i will stan you until the day i die for successfully pulling what rhaenyra, elaena, AND cersei all tried but couldn’t succeed and that’s your bastard inheriting the seat of your husband who is NOT the baby daddy and not causing a huge scandal over it, well done baby girl
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daenystheedreamer · 5 months
Top 5 extremely minor characters?🤔
oooo i gotta go with wenda the white fawn wylla manderly willow heddle of course. but wylla and willow DO have speaking roles thats not minor enough. i will be listing these in order of least to most minor
5. DANELLE LOTHSTON ms bathory and dragonseed tease... mentioned a couple times in relation to harrenhal and mentioned in d&e. this makes her a main character in my eyes compared to some of the minor minor minor characters of planetos
4. WENDA THE WHITE FAWN of the kingswood brotherhood actually mentioned in the main series more than once. branding merrett frey on the ass lmfao QUEEN
3. POXY JEYNE POORE mx joan of arc of westeros yasss. maegor executing her for being a witch when his mother is visenya and his wife is tyanna. lmfao. not mentioned in the main series but DOES get extensive (a scene.) coverage in f&b.
2. PRINCESS DAERYSSA only ever mentioned by sansa in AGOT and possibly intended to be a targ until grrm figured out his timeline. early instalment weirdness. serwyn of the mirror shield got retconned/mythologised into a kingsguard member and mentioned in twoiaf and by several characters in asoiaf but daeryssa never gets mentioned anywhere again. people's princess baby I remember you
finally URSULA UPCLIFF random coming of the andals character only mentioned in twoiaf not important to anything at all. witch who said she was wed to the merling king and fought on the side of the first men. won over by robar royce's "honeyed tongue" which may be about him being charismatic or maybe he got down on his damn knees and ate her pussy out like she deserved. had her head ripped off by torgold tollett (omg dolorous edd tease!!!) and he had to jump on her blood red horse to do it. and her name is probably either a reference to ursula littlemermaid (she's from house upcliffe which has the sea as their sigil and they're from WITCH ISLE.) or ursula k le guin either of which is iconic
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marvelita85 · 3 months
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Vermithor was flying all around the red keep all morning it seems as he felt Visenya's pain even if it was a good one many would say she in that state wanted to rip the maesters head off
- Im in labor imbecile im brining a child to this damn world... you wont tell me how to behave for your conviniance.....- another contraction and she double in pain grabing one of her bed post, another comment from Orklide and she was fed up - thats it get him out of here.... i dont... want any male around me until this child screams out of me..... OUT!!! - Queen Rhaenyra was informed of her daughter's labors and she left her hand to handle the rest of her day Lord Corlys accepted and took Lucerys with him to start learning about how to rule as he would be Drifmark heir
- my sister... is she going to be alright grandfather?
- Visenya is as strong as your mother and the queen brought 4 children into this world, she will be just fine
Rhaenyra arrived to Visenya's chambers, saw Aemond standing looking very nervous but trying not to show it, she smile touching her brother's shoulder and he looked at her....Rhaenyra only smile dissapearing inside the room
- how could you do this 4 times....- Visenya said looking at her mother....
- princess you have to breath....- Visenya tried to followed their commands and she grab her mothers hands - now push - Visenya was kniling and grabbing both of Rhaenyra's hands, the queen maids help brining the baby out and as the first cries fill the room
- its a boy princess
- healthy? - the queen asked...
- very much your grace - Visenya had her boy in her arms and all the pain dissapeared.... the looks were much like Visenya and Aemond, holding Targaryen trades silvery hair and the blues eyes when he opened his eyes
- hello you... Im your mom - after the afterbirth came out Visenya was cleaned and Aemond could entered his rooms to finally meet his child
- how are they...
- mother and child are very healthy brother...
- thank you... your grace - it wasnt easy for Aemond to aknowledge Rhaenyra as the queen but after Aegon succesfully fleed to Dragonstone and bend the knee to her there wasnt much to do about the legitimisation of the true air... after that Rhaenyra assended the throne, forgave her siblings and as time proceded Aemond and Visenya got married as it was Viserys wish to unified the family and now they were wecoming their child, the future heir to the throne....
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- hello.... you are going to meet your father....
- are you alright?
- yes... it was painfull but is all forgoten having him here....
- you have the heir in your hands Visenya....
- you help in the making Aemond... you will have a very hard job now.... teaching him how to be king - Visenya always tried to resured Aemond even when he didnt have a dragonand now they were an unity and have a son she kept inspiring him to be better she even talked to Rhaenyra for Aemond to be included in the small council, as Rhaenyra didnt have any use for blavkfire it was given to Aemond as dark Sister was Daemon's
- he needs a name...
- what do you think about Baelor.... it was your and my fathers father.... deem apropiate for the future king...- Aemond kiss her temple carresing Baelor's head
- is perfect.... - Visenya close her eyes exausted and Aemond grab the baby in his arms letting her rest...
- my prince...the queen mother wished for the baby to be brought to her...Aemond realised it wasnt the first time his mother has done that
- if my mother wants to see my son she can come here... she is no queen anymore.... she will make herself remind of that before she dares to make my wife exaused for her sake
- she did that to my mother you know.... i was the only one that was spare because of my looks all my brothers had to be brough to her
- she cant do that anymore.... your mother forgave her and she still thinks entirled to order us...
- she did it for you and your siblings, if it depended of me she would have the same end your grandfather Lord Strong and the traitors of the small council
- and I thanked you didnt insist on it... but she needs to learn her place
Alicent didnt like it one bit but she was alone all her children were away from her and now Aemond was a father and his son would be the heir of the throne Rhaenyra's reing was asured that afther another queen there would be a king and the Lord of Westeros were alright with it
Baelor recived a dragon egg from his uncles Jace and Luke and many other gifts from Visenya's other siblins, Aegon II joked about taking him to know the brothels around kingslanding and won Aemond's look it was enough to bring fear
Helaena lived in another reality but her words for Baelor were of prospery and loved her wish was Jahaera would be married to him and Visenya was not oposed to that idea but as Baela and Jace were to have a baby probably the queen would want her to be queen along with her son
Aemond went to fly with Vaghar to reasured Vermithor hia rider was alright and resting,Vermithor seem to understand and flu with Vaghar for a time before he dissapeared into the horizon of dragonatone... he didnt like the pit to stay and nor him or Visenya could blame him for that
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rynnthefangirl · 4 months
Ranking the deaths of the Targaryen Kings:
17. Aerys I- unspecified cause of death, so can’t really be ranked. -/10
16. Jaehaerys II- nothing special here, just sudden illness. No pizazz. 1/10
15. Daeron II- again, just an illness, although this one is at least an infamous plague and he was accompanied in death by two of his heirs, helping mess up the succession. 2/10
14. Jaehaerys I- old age, points for living long enough to actually die of old age though. 2/10
13. Aegon I- some points because it reminds me of the Godfather’s death. Just a normal stroke. 3/10
12. Aegon III- also just illness, but points because somehow consumption feels so in character for him. 5/10
11. Aenys- possibly poisoned by Visenya, possibly just died of stress (same). Pathetic either way, but also a bit tragic. 5/10
10. Aegon II- poisoned by his own men. Pretty funny and well deserved and saved my baby Aegon III. 5/10
9. Viserys I- again, just illness. HOTD makes it pretty dramatic though, the scene where he walks to the throne to defend his daughter will always be iconic. Also being left to rot by the Greens is so horrifically morbid. 6/10
8. Maekar- hit by a falling rock, wtf Maekar. Kinda lame, but also a little funny. A rock?! 6/10
7. Daeron I- slain under a peace banner, pretty iconic of the Dornish tbh. The tragedy of a young man’s ego. 7/10
6. Viserys II- probably poisoned by his own son. The drama, the hatred, the kinslaying, the tragedy bc he actually would have been a great king. 8/10
5. Aerys II- pivotal moment in Jaime Lannister’s character arc, and Jaime is great. Basis for some of the best development and dialogue in GOT. 8/10
4. Baelor- starved himself to death because his sister had sex. Hilarious, this is your brain on religious extremism kids. Iconic of Daena to cause this. 9/10
3. Aegon IV- literally fell apart and rotted due to his own gluttony and morbid obesity. Everything Aegon IV ever did was so needlessly extra, including his death. Legitimized all of his bastards on his death bed as one final act of spite against his dead siblings and his own son. Ruined everything for everyone as his last act on this Earth. What an icon. 10/10
2. Maegor- murder? Suicide? Slain by the throne itself as a manifested condemnation of his corrupted soul? What’s more epic than an age old eternally unsolved Westerosi mystery? 10/10
1. Aegon V- answer: another age old eternally unsolved Westerosi mystery. The sheer tragedy of cute little Egg setting himself, Dunk, and most of his family on fire is enough, but throw in a spiraling mental state, the dark theory that he was attempting a blood sacrifice, and the ominous refusal by the survivors to speak of what they saw. Love us a good unspeakable horror. Rip Egg🕊🍳 10/10
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drakaripykiros130ac · 11 months
Why are TG stans trying so hard to pair their greenies with Team Black members? It reminds me of Otto’s schemes - doing everything they can to try to latch onto even a small shred of power surrounding the Iron Throne so they feel like they get something, even though their faction started the war that nearly destroyed the whole dynasty.
You get nothing.
Aegon III and Viserys II are not going to end up with members of the faction who usurped and then killed their mother.
Leave Rhaenyra’s babies alone!
Aegon III chooses Daenaera Velaryon as his bride, at the suggestion of Baela and Rhaena, because he liked her, and it is a terrific match. The two powerful Valyrian houses finally unite, and this time in a very acceptable manner (not a Crown Princess forced to reproduce with a gay man, or an old king bedding a 12 year old).
As for Viserys - he did deserve better than Larra Rogare. Way better. But let’s not forget that the greens themselves are responsible for him being ripped from his family. He is lucky he survived (GRRM really is Team Daemon). As for Larra Rogare - this woman can’t be erased without erasing all the important plot points of the reign of Aegon III.
And I would much rather have all this come to pass than any possibility of Aegon and Viserys being forced to come together with any member of a traitorous faction that destroyed their young lives. Yeah, that’s right - you know who I am talking about.
So this whole “Why not keep Jaehaera alive…she is just a girl…”
Princess Visenya was just a baby girl too, so…
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bbygirl-aemond · 2 years
Cursed Targaryen Names
Hello everyone! I think by this point we've all heard the theory that the name Visenya is cursed in ASoIaF, and I recently received this ask here that drew my attention to the fact that the name Aegon doesn't have the greatest track record, either. One realization later, and I arrived at my new theory: All three names from the Conquering trio have been cursed. Maybe by Visenya (I hope by Visenya). So let's go through what happens to all the poor kids that get saddled with these names, shall we?
Visenya, who Rhaenyra wanted as a sister when Aemma was pregnant, but who was actually a boy named Baelon. Still, at one point Rhaenyra had declared the baby's name would be Visenya. As we all know, the baby died, and took its mother with it.
Visenya, the stillborn daughter of Rhaenyra. Born with birth defects, with scales on her skin, and with a tail.
Aegon the Uncrowned, who was usurped by his uncle Maegor despite being the trueborn and eldest son of the late king, and who was later killed by Maegor at just seventeen.
Aegon, son of Jaehaerys and Alysanne, who died three days after he was born
Aegon, son of Baelon and Alyssa, whose birth killed his mother and who died days before his first birthday, also managing to ruin Viserys and Daemon's childhood
Aegon II, who watched all of his siblings and most of his children die before him in a war they were forced into, who spent his final years disfigured and in agony, and who died in his twenties
Aegon III, who traumatically lost his dragon and thought he'd abandoned his brother to die, whose older half-brothers all died, who watched his mother be eaten alive as a child, and who spent the rest of his life depressed as a result
Aegon IV, who was probably actually insane
Aegon V, who killed not only himself but also his own children and heir in his desperation to uncover the magic of the dragons in the Tragedy at Summerhall
And finally, poor baby Aegon, whose head was bashed in against a wall in front of his mother, Elia
Rhaenys, daughter of Aemon and Jocelyn, who outlived her two beloved children and was burned alive after being sent on a suicide mission by the same woman she thought killed her son
Rhaenys, the three-year-old daughter of Elia and Rhaegar, who was ripped from beneath her bed and stabbed to death so viciously that Tywin Lannister had to cover her body with a cloak before presenting her to the King.
Also, as a note, there's one instance of one of these three names popping up pre-Conquest: Aegon Targaryen, son of Gaemon and Daenys, who happily married his sister, ruled Dragonstone, and passed it down to his son with no problems. Whose children all survived to adulthood, whose wife did not die in childbirth, and who is not noted to have a particularly gruesome death. This just adds to my theory that this name was not cursed pre-Conquest hehe.
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lunarmoonanons · 2 years
Yandere Aegon I x Stark Reader
🌕 🌖 🌗 🌘 🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔 🌕  
Can I request yandere Aegon the conqueror getting frustrated cause she his 3rd wife still isn’t pregnant despite being married to him for several years?
🌕 🌖 🌗 🌘 🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔 🌕  
It was beginning to annoy Aegon. YN had been his wife for at least thirteen years now and not a single child had come from the match. He had already had a child with both of his sister wives but none from YN. 
The feelings of anger came mixed with his grief over the loss of Rhaenys, who had died three years prior. She had left him a son. 
Visenya masked her grief better, never showing a weak emotion like grief; she only held rage over the loss of her sister. Visenya had given him a son, one year old Maegor. 
Two boys, one dead wife, and no baby from YN. Aegon had wanted to have a little girl with YN. 
So he decided to bed you more often. Never giving you more than a few hours rest in between endeavors. YN was constantly sore from his increasingly aggressive beddings. 
What Aegon didn’t know was that YN had been drinking Moon Tea religiously so as to not carry his child. 
Ever since he flew his way into her homeland of the North, YN had hated the silver haired “king”. She was one of his “conquests” that he had claimed for himself after he subjugated her people and homeland. YN hated her brother, Torrehn Stark, for handing her over to the maniac who flew his beast of fire over their land. 
The conqueror had seen this northern beauty trying to hide behind her wolf for protection and having been stunned by her beauty decided to wed her to himself and bind her to the south when her place was supposed to be in the North. 
As revenge for stealing her from the comfort of the cold and locking her away in the unbearable heat of the south, YN decided she’d never bear his children. Vowing never to carry his seed, YN religiously drank Moon Tea and briefly considered blood magic to make her infertile. 
It wasn’t as though she hated children, she just didn’t want to carry his children. And her plan seemed to be working so far, but with Aegon bedding her more often now it became more difficult to sneak her tea but she was able to accomplish it. 
What wasn’t easy to avoid was Aegon’s increasing anger with her having no child. He would grow more and more frustrated with her as the years went on. 
He’d grow short and snippy with her, choosing to blame her for the fact he had no child with him, it was her fault but he couldn’t really prove it. When he wasn’t asking her constantly if she was pregnant he’d either leave her alone with her dog or spend the next few hours bedding her. 
YN didn’t want to know what would happen if he found out that she was preventing a pregnancy. 
She should’ve been more worried about Visenya spying on her to see what the cause was. When Visenya found the woman drinking Moon Tea, she had such a fury for her brother that left YN with a bruise across her cheek. 
YN had left a few good licks of scratches onVisenya as well. YN was a vicious fighter, but Visenya was stronger. She had to physically overpower YN to make her submit and stay in her room to await Aegon’s wrath.
Aegon was furious. 
He stormed into YN’s room with fury in his eyes. Slamming the door behind him, he shouted at the northern girl who said very little, she only smirked. 
“You think this is funny? Do you?!” Aegon shouted at her, purple eyes furiously glaring at her. 
“I think it’s fucking hilarious. Ha Ha Ha.” YN sarcastically said back. She accepted her fate, her ruse was over and now she’d have to face the music. 
Aegon didn’t say much after that, YN felt no remorse and he knew it. She faced her future with more bravery than most men. 
And she’d have to be brave now, as Aegon forced her down into the bed and ripped her dress from her body. He was rough and angry as he forced her once again. YN showed no emotion, only staring at the ceiling and gave no reaction to his ministrations. 
Afterwards, Aegon stayed the whole night and watched her intensely. Forcing her again in the morning, he assigned a guard to watch her the whole time until YN started to show she was pregnant. 
After nine months of watching and silence, YN produced a child. A girl, with Northern features and her mothers bravery. 
They would have to be brave. They were wolves walking with dragons.
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fromtheboundlesssea · 4 months
HotD Episode 10 reaction under the cut.
(These aren’t my initial ones since I forgot to do my initial comments, but yeah. I’ve also added the “boundless watches HotD” tag. I will be using that for season 2 block that and “boundless watches” if you don’t want my future opinions or to be spoiled!)
Rhaenyra you did nothing to earn it.
You are not perfect and your dad did diddly squat to prepare you.
Rhaenys… baby… you did start this war. What about all those people you killed?
Daemon did not look like he liked being called Prince
And Jace being a bad brother, knocking Luke down and being forceful. Brother of the year. Even Aegon didn’t push Aemond down. Actually the only time we saw Aegon and Aemond actively fight was when Aegon was trying to leave King’s Landing.
Really do think they are going to play up hot headed Jace the coming season.
I actually wouldn’t be surprised if they had him man handle Baela in season 2 in his anger and frustration, mimicking his grandfather and Daemon. Like I don’t mean he’ll be as physical as Viserys or Daemon, I just mean he would act roughly.
And man… Rhaenyra refusing feminine help while delivering her baby… causing the death of her daughter. Carrying on the cycle her father started. Quite literally ripping the baby from her body and then mourning the child because she would not accept help. Her maids (or whatever they are meant to signify) were begging to help.
Also, people complaining about the Greens making a “show” of Jaehaerys’ death as though the Blacks did not do the same for baby Visenya’s. Gathering all who were there to the funeral and then having Rhaenyra crowned at her own child’s funeral. Like??? Not the time
Also, the Black Kingsguard twin bowing and doing his vow looking up at Daemon rather than at Rhaenyra’s feet.
Rhaenys, you chose a side as soon as you fled. Bend the freaking knee
Is Rhaenyra supposed to be queen of the Rhoynar yet? Isn’t that Dorne?
Lady, why isn’t your heir your cupbearer?? Or at least your husband’s betrothed? The supposed next queen?
Lady, House Baratheon has wanted someone of their blood on the throne for ages and there is no Baratheon blood in your boys, Rhaenyra. Stop pretending they do because that is what actively put Luke in danger later.
RHAENYRA YOU JUST HAD A TRAUMATIC MISCARRIAGE!!!!! WHY ARE YOU ON FREAKING DRAGONBACK?!?!?!? You were in so much pain with Joffrey, and could barely walk?!?!?!?
All of Rhaenyra’s kids are given good options and positions if they had accepted Aegon’s terms.
What would the Green kids have gotten had Rhaenyra been made queen? What positions? What holdings?
Rhaenyra… sweetie… why do you think Otto owes you any loyalty? You made him lose his job when you lied to your father, who knew full well you lied.
And that stupid page was pointless.
Why not have Alicent write a letter??? Or go herself????
Also??? Why didn’t Rhaenyra offer any terms in return for the Greens to contemplate?
Rhaenys, why are you still there? Like you are doing nothing
Why is Rhaenyra shocked that Daemon doesn’t know? Daemon was only informally the heir? Viserys wouldn’t have shared the dream with Daemon because he was actively trying for a son.
And the stupid abuse plot that will no doubt be used to make it so Rhaenyra does not have to be held accountable for her actions. “Oh, she’s being abused so she can’t publically condemn Daemon’s actions”
It actually would have made more sense if Alicent had written a letter saying Viserys had shared his dreams with Alicent and said that Aegon must carry on his dream. That would have made more sense for why Rhaenyra was being hesitant because she might think that Viserys shared Aegon’s dream with Alicent as well as the SoIaF, and with Daemon not knowing, would have given Rhaenyra pause on staking her claim to the throne. Then, her going to war after Luke, would have made it more of her active choice against what she believes her father would have wanted. It would have been a good dilemma or her end.
Corlys… you have been passed out, how did you know Viserys died but not that your brother died?
Corlys, you should now be thinking Daemon is the reason your daughter is dead, your son was murdered, as was your brother. Like???
And Corlys? Even if you wanted to stay neutral, Daemon sure as heck would not allow you to.
Jace, Luke, and Joffrey were given the chance of being heir to both Driftmark and Dragonstone. They wouldn’t be left with nothing, nor would they seemingly be placed in any danger. I would argue Aegon the Younger and Viserys would be the one with some danger as they would have been at the Red Keep. “Aegon” offered that. They would have lived, your grandchildren would have been fine.
Yeah. Where is Daemon?
They swore oaths when it was either you or Daemon. Your father should have had them all rewear to you after his son was born and survived.
Love that the only people not allowed to have revenge is House Velaryon, the racially Black house.
I love how they are only focusing on House Hightower, as though the entire Reach is not really freaking important too.
Why does Baela not go with Luke? She has actual Baratheon blood? Why does Baela not go at all?
Jace is like “we have dragons” but only Jace and Luke are sent? What about Baela?!? She can apparently ride and fight on dragonback next season!
Rhaenyra? Why are you having them swear to the Seven? Those oaths mean nothing since they don’t seem to hold to that Faith! And besides! Jace is going North! Where they hold to the Old Gods anyway!
Also, why the heck does Rhaenys not go????????? She’s more closely related to the Baratheons even if Luke was related to them!
“He’ll be honored to host the Prince of the realm” when have you ever spent any time playing up the Baratheon connection? Borros’ daughters could have served as companions to Baela and Rhaena! Borros’ heir would have been a girl seemingly and you could have offered to foster her as a female heir yourself Rhaenyra.
I feel like it would have made more sense for Daemon to have taken Rhaena to see if she could claim a dragon rather than him stupidly singing for a reason we are just not given in the show.
Luke, why would you not leave as soon as you saw Vhagar?????
Like, you KNOW Aemond has a beef with you and the only reason there was no retaliation is because someone else was there to stick up for you
Also… you just had a letter. You could have had it passed on and then left!
Also… the fact that Rhaenyra and Rhaenys are seemingly unaware that Borros can’t read is astounding.
“I will not fight you.” If I were Aemond, I would have said “why, because you do not have three to help you fight me?”
Luke hasn’t even flown in battle and I assume he hasn’t flown in a storm either. Like? Why not request time to stay and talk things out? Hear more of a possible offer? Hold him hostage for the king you now apparently serve? That would have been the smart thing to do
Also, Luke drew his sword, so does that not mean he’s no longer bound to be protected as a messenger?
While Arrax did so without Luke’s command, once more, it is the Blacks that incite the first physical act of violence. Rhaena or Baela punching Aemond first. Jace punching Aemond first when he didn’t like what Aemond was saying. Rhaenys escaping on dragonback instead of just fleeing and killing multiple people in the process. Arrax breathing fire on Vhagar.
And love (*sarcastic*) how the Greens are made to feel bad when they retaliate to aggression they did not necessarily start (although Aemond is fully at fault for being the one to set out after Luke and Arrax)
Great final shot of Rhaenyra? But I honestly don’t feel like it was a strong end to the season.
Bonus for next season:
I hate the whole “eye for an eye; a son for a son” thing because there was never an eye for an eye.
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