#rip curl pro 2012
billnoncipher · 3 years
Losing Time
This story is not in my usual continuity, but was written for Wendip Week 2021, topic "Time Travel."
for Wendip Week 2021
Mabel faced a hard decision when she called in that favor.
She was nearly thirty, she was a successful clothing designer, she had a steady romantic partner, life was good. But then on a visit to Gravity Falls, she visited the grave of good old Waddles, whose heart had given out the previous winter, while she was off in New York.
And she hadn't been able to say goodbye.
And despite the fact that she was all grown up and everything, it ripped at her heart—that she hadn't said farewell to her most favorite pet of all time. It wasn't that he hadn't been well cared for—Soos saw to that, giving the pig all the comforts and plenty of food. It wasn't that he was cut off in his youth—seventeen is a good long life for a pig. It's just that—
Well, now she knew how Dipper felt.
Speaking of whom.
Dipper and Wendy were coming up on their tenth wedding anniversary, they had adorable twins, age six, names Alexander and Amanda, and they lived in the Mystery Shack. Grunkles Stan and Ford still technically owned the place, and Soos ran it, but over the years he and Melody had expanded it until their own growing family caused Soos to have a separate house built just across the road, and he and his family of six—he, Melody, Benny, Betty, Alma, and little Stanley—had made the short move. Dipper had inherited Grunkle Ford's role as investigator of the weird, Wendy was a nationally-known consultant on forestry issues, and they took over the living space that Soos had left vacant.
Ford, now semi-retired, still came over to work with Dipper down in the secret labs when some project was afoot. Grunkle Stan came over to help when the Shack was swamped with tourists in vacation season, but he spent a lot of his time visiting casinos all over the world, where his odd luck always brought him a steady income.
The attic bedroom had become disused.
"Can I stay?" Mabel asked in a small voice just at sunup that day. "Just for a couple weeks?"
"Sure, Mabes!" Wendy said. "Any time, you know that."
Dipper, now sporting a goatee and wearing glasses to correct mild myopia, said, "Sis, what's wrong?"
With a sad smile, Mabel said, "You can tell, huh? Just getting all sentimental. Missing Waddles."
"Oh," Dipper said. "That. We're sorry you couldn't make it back in January."
"It was so unexpected," Wendy said. "He was OK, you know, kinda slow and sleepy all the time, and then one morning we found him in his stall. He'd passed in his sleep."
"He was comfortable to the end," Dipper said. "The heat was on. He didn't freeze or anything. He looked peaceful."
"We buried him down the hill," Wendy told her. "Come on, we'll walk you down."
The place was pretty, a small clearing off to the right of the Mystery Trail. Grass had greened the mound, dewy now with the dawn, and—Mabel couldn't help sobbing—Dipper and Wendy had put up a marker, one of those you could buy for a cherished dog or cat. It read,
Always Loved
"Could you just leave me here for a few minutes?" asked Mabel.
Dipper hugged her. "Sure, Sis," he said. "Take y our time."
Wendy hugged her, too. "You gave him a good life," she said.
When the two had left, Mabel took a deep breath and took something that looked like a thick button from her jeans pocket. She held it between finger and thumb, close to her lips, and said, "OK, Blendin Blandin, you owe me one."
And without fuss, explosions, or special-effects noise, he was there, beside her, in his old uniform. "M-Ma-Mabel," he said, smiling. "Hi. It's be-been a wh-while."
"Yeah," she said. "You're looking—exactly the same. How's Time Baby?"
"Te-te-teething," Blendin said with a grimace. "The ne-next thou-thousand years are go-gonna be hard. I gu-guess you want your fa-favor now?"
"I do," she said. "Waddles passed away last January. I don't want to bring him back to life or anything. I've learned better than that. But I didn't get to see him before he went, and I really want to visit him one last time. So—could I borrow a time tape?"
"I pro-promised," he said. "I always carry a sp-spare these da-days. Here."
"And I also need your advice," Mabel said, accepting the heavy time-travel device. "I want to visit Waddles on the happiest day of his whole life."
"You-you'll have to a-avoid meeting yourself," Blendin warned. "That would be cat-cata-catas—bad."
"Agreed," she said.
"Let me find out how to se-set the co-coordinates, then," he said. "Just a se-second."
He blinked out of existence for just three seconds, then reappeared, slapping at his hair, which was smoldering. "Th-that was two we-weeks of hard wo-work!" he said. "Lucky this-this is m-my va-vacation month. OK, I've reviewed Wa-Waddles' s li-life and this will ta-take you to the ex-exact day when he was happiest. You can ha-have the wh-whole day, or eight hours any-anyway, bu-but remember to a-avoid me-meeting yourself."
"Will do."
Blendin set the time tape, warned, "It will br-bring you ba-back to the present automatically. Ha-have a g-good time-tr-trip."
The strange noiseless explosion, a moment of spinning disorientation, and poof! there she was, at the edge of the woods behind the Shack. The sun was just rising.
"Out you go," she heard a girl's voice say from the back door.
She saw a rectangle of yellow light. Oh, my God, that's me, in my old sleep shirt! I'm twelve! I'm so young!
Her younger self held the door for Waddles—He's so cute and tiny!—and the pig stepped out, sniffed the air, and waddled over close to the woods to take care of his morning business.
Let's see. I always let him out, then had breakfast, then called him back in, so I have about half an hour before I have to duck out of sight.
"Waddles," she called softly.
He heard and galumphed over to her. He knew her. Her different size, her different voice, didn't matter. She scooped him up. "Oh, I love you!" she said as he curled into a ball and nuzzled her cheek. "Let's go for a walk."
She set him down, and they went down the Mystery Trail, past the Bottomless Pit—not yet fenced off—and as far as the bonfire clearing, where she sat on a log and played with him, laughing through tears. "I'm gonna have to say goodbye, later," she whispered. "But remember, no matter what, I'll always love you!"
Too soon she heard her own younger voice calling, probably for the second time and more loudly, "Waddles!"
"Go on," she told the pig, patting his bottom. He trotted back to the other Mabel, his Mabel.
What day is this? Mabel wondered. What day made him happiest?
She sat too long. Someone spoke, startling her. "Whoops, sorry, didn't know anybody was here!"
Mabel stood up. "I was just, uh—I used to come here when I was a girl—" she began.
"Mabel?" Wendy asked, blinking and staring. "Mabel? Is that you?"
"Haven't changed all that much, have I?" she asked. "Oh, my God, you're so young! Can—can I hug you?"
She was a little bit taller than the fifteen-year-old Wendy, who would add a few inches to her height in the next two years. Mabel couldn't help crying again. "I'm sorry," she whispered. "I didn't mean to let anyone see me. Time travel. I came back to—to visit Waddles."
"Oh, man," Wendy said. "Dipper's told me about this kind of stuff! Come on back to the Shack and surprise him!"
"No, I can't," Mabel said. "Don't even tell him you met me. That would cause problems with time."
Something in Wendy's voice hit her then. "Uh—what's wrong, Wendy?"
"Just—just the end of summer," Wendy faltered. "I—I hate that you and Dip are goin' home today."
Oh, my God! Of course! Waddles thought I was gonna leave him, and I nearly had to, but Grunkle Stan and Grunkle Ford made the bus driver take him aboard—of course he was happiest on that day!
"Oh, yeah," Mabel said. "Our birthday was yesterday. We turned thirteen."
"Technical teens," Wendy said with a ghost of a grin. A tear ran down her cheek.
"But you don't have to cry," Mabel said.
"I—I guess I can tell you a secret," Wendy said. She sat on the log, and Mabel sat beside her. "See, Dipper admitted to me a while back that he has a crush on me. I already knew, but I had to let him down. You know, me fifteen, him twelve. But now he's going away, and I'll never see him again, and—I just can't tell him I'm kinda-sorta in love with him, too. It's hard, Mabel."
Mabel bit her lip. "Listen," she said. "I may get in big trouble because of this, but—OK, I'm gonna say it. You gotta give Dipper a note. Have all his friends here sign it. You sign it, too. Here's the most important part—write on it 'See you next summer.' And wait for him. He'll come back. And he'll grow up, Wendy. And if you wait for him—it's gonna happen. I promise. Just stay in touch, and—most important—when the time comes, the age difference won't mean a thing."
"Yeah. Trust me, I know. OK, I've got a few hours today. I'm gonna stay close to the Shack and get in as much time with Waddles as I can. Then I'm going back to the future, and thirteen-year-old Mabel and Dipper are going back to Piedmont. But he doesn't just have a crush, Wendy. He really and truly loves you. So write the note, give it to him before he gets on the bus, and things will all work out. Promise me?"
"Yeah. I promise."
"Oh—and tell Grunkle Stan that when the time comes for us to leave, to make sure Waddles gets on the bus, too! I—Oh, I love you like a sister, Wendy! You won't believe how happy you're gonna be with Dip."
"That—that means a lot to me, Mabes," Wendy whispered.
"OK, you'd better get back. Don't say anything to anyone about this. Be sure to do the note thing. Oh, and Wendy—do me one more favor?"
"Sure, what?"
"Tell Pacifica that Mabel's waiting—in the future. Don't explain."
"All right," Wendy said with a lopsided smile. "I'll do it." She mimed zipping her lip.
The day passed. Out of her eight hours, Mabel spent about three in Waddles's company as her brother and her younger self got ready to leave Gravity Falls. She spent more time standing out of sight, watching things unfold—finally the kids coming out, glum, with their suitcases, the bus pulling up, Dipper and Mabel and—finally—Waddles climbing aboard. And all their friends running as far as they could to see the twins and the pig off.
She stood alone near the Shack. The flash came. Benjamin stood there. "How d-did it go?"
"It went good," Mabel said, handing over the time tape. "I said goodbye." She sniffled and a tear ran down her cheek. "I'll still miss him but I—I can handle it now. Uh, how much time has gone by while I—?"
"A m-minute," Blendin said. "Well, I-I g-guess we're e-even."
"Thanks, Blendin. Goodbye."
"N-no, I d-don't think it's g-goodbye," he said, smiling. "I'll s-see you again. In time."
He flashed out of existence.
"Aunt Mabel!" It was red-headed Amanda, running down the hill to meet her. "Hi!"
Mabel swept her up in her arms. "Hi, Sweetie! Where's your bro-bro?"
Squirming, Amanda laughed. "He can't find his shoes!"
Carrying the six-year old up the hill to the Shack, Mabel laughed. "When your dad was six, he had the same problem! All the time! Every morning!" She paused and looked back at the green grave. "Hey, let me tell you a story about the most special pig in the whole world," she said, and they went back to join the family.
The End
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your-dietician · 3 years
Top US athletes to watch at Tokyo summer games
New Post has been published on https://tattlepress.com/sports/top-us-athletes-to-watch-at-tokyo-summer-games/
Top US athletes to watch at Tokyo summer games
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Every four years, the world watches as the Olympics provides the best athletes in the world an international platform to showcase their talents.
The United States will have stars from Summer Games past wearing the country’s colors once again. There will be the obvious names such as Simone Biles and Katie Ledecky. First-timers such as Noah Lyles appear primed to make themselves known to the world.
Soon, the competitors will be heading to Tokyo for an Olympics that will be quite different from any other as it is played during a global pandemic. But before they do, here are the Team USA athletes to know prior to the opening ceremonies on July 23 — from the beach volleyball court to the pool to the balance beam.
A’ja Wilson, women’s basketball 
Twitter: @_ajawilson22
Instagram: aja22wilson
There are a handful of U.S. teams that are almost sure locks to win gold, and women’s basketball is at the top of that list. The squad has won six gold medals in a row with 49 consecutive wins along the way. Adding Las Vegas Aces guard A’ja Wilson to the mix should only stretch those unfathomable records.
Wilson, the 2018 No. 1 overall pick after leading the South Carolina Gamecocks to a national championship in 2017, is the reigning WNBA MVP. With Team USA, she’d be playing for college coach Dawn Staley once again.
Internationally, she’s been a member of Team USA since 2017 and was the youngest member of the team that won the 2018 FIBA World Cup.
Heimana Reynolds, men’s skateboarding (park) 
Instagram: heimana_reynolds
With skateboarding making its debut on the Olympic program in Tokyo, any athlete to stand highest on the podium will be a first-time winner.
Heimana Reynolds has the chance to make history with a gold in men’s park. Growing up, his family operated a skatepark in his native Honolulu, Hawaii. The 23-year-old broke out in 2019, winning the Park World Championship a year after finishing second.
Allyson Felix, women’s track and field
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Allyson Felix has racked up nine medals in her Olympic career.
Patrick Smith, Getty Images
Twitter: @allysonfelix
Instagram: allysonfelix
Tokyo will mark Felix’s fifth Games, and she’s racked up nine medals (six gold, three silver) in a variety of events. She’ll be competing in the 400, which she placed second in during the 2016 Olympics in Rio, but missed qualifying for the 200, an event she won gold in nine years ago.
At 35, Felix will be one of the more well-known names in the American delegation, having reached the podium at four straight Olympics as the most decorated female track and field athlete in U.S. history. 
Caeleb Dressel, men’s swimming
YouTube: Caeleb Dressel
Instagram: caelebdressel
Only two swimmers have won three individual golds at a single Olympics: Mark Spitz and Michael Phelps. With no Phelps as part of the delegation for the first time this century, Dressel – a freestyle and butterfly specialist — will garner a lot of attention on the men’s swimming side and could swim up to seven events (including relays). The 24-year-old led off the gold-medal 4×100 freestyle relay five years ago, but doesn’t have an individual medal of his own yet.
During the U.S. swimming trials, Dressel nearly broke his own 100-meter butterfly record and will also swim the 50 and 100 freestyle in Tokyo. 
Simone Biles, women’s gymnastics  
Twitter: @Simone_Biles
Instagram: simonebiles
At this point – and Biles has said this – “the GOAT” isn’t so much competing against others as she is competing against herself. The past accolades speak for themselves: five Olympic medals (four gold, one bronze) from Rio and 25 world championship medals (19 gold). The dominance is as simple as the fact that she hasn’t lost an all-around competition she entered 2013. Biles, 24, is expected to lead the women’s team to an all-around title, secure an all-around victory for herself and will surely dazzle in the individual events, particularly the vault and floor exercise. How the judges score what has never been done before will be a story to watch in Tokyo.
Katie Ledecky, women’s swimming
Twitter: @katieledecky
Instagram: katieledecky
Facebook: Katie Ledecky 
Ledecky burst onto the Olympic scene as a 15-year-old at the 2012 Games in London and is the back-to-back 800-meter freestyle champion. The introduction of the 1500-meter freestyle for women at the Olympics, an event Ledecky also dominates, opens up another gold-medal possibility. And if Ledecky is at the top of her form, world records – some already hers – could fall.  
The freestyle (200, 400, 800 and 1,500) will provide Ledecky the chance for four individual golds. She won all four at the U.S. swimming trials. 
Sydney McLaughlin, women’s track and field
Twitter: @GoSydGo
Instagram: sydneymclaughlin16
After setting the NCAA record in the 400-meter hurdles for the Kentucky Wildcats in 2018, McLaughlin turned pro and placed second in the event at the 2019 World Championships, where she was a member of the victorious 4×400-meter relay. She’ll have to catch fellow American Dalilah Muhammad, the current world-record holder in the 400-meter hurdles, for gold in Tokyo.
Collin Morikawa, men’s golf
Twitter: @collin_morikawa
Instagram: collin_morikawa
Morikawa, 24, is one of four Americans to qualify for the Games, joining Bryson DeChambeau, Justin Thomas and Xander Shauffele. The fourth-ranked player in the world and the 2020 PGA Championship winner, Morikawa has a chance to rise to the medal stand.
Megan Rapinoe, women’s soccer
Twitter: @mPinoe
Instagram: mrapinoe
Facebook: Megan Rapinoe 
Perhaps no team in the American delegation has more established success than the women’s soccer team, and Rapinoe is among the most decorated (two World Cup golds, one Olympic gold) on the world stage. But the squad will be looking to avenge a disappointing fifth-place finish in Rio.
Carli Lloyd on USWNT’s mindset with uncertainty about Olympics: ‘We’re all gearing up for it’
Sports Seriously: Mackenzie Salmon connected with USWNT legend Carli Lloyd to gauge how the team is preparing for the summer games in Tokyo and if there’s any hesitation that they will actually take place.
Diana Taurasi, women’s basketball
Twitter: @DianaTaurasi
Instagram: dianataurasi
Taurasi, 39, has never lost a game at the Olympics and already has four gold medals. The WNBA’s all-time leading scorer is currently nursing a fractured sternum but should be good to go for Tokyo, where she’ll be the veteran for a women’s basketball program looking to continue its international dominance.
Nyjah Huston, men’s skateboarding (street) 
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Nyjah Huston is a four-time world champion in skateboarding.
Alessandra Tarantino, AP
Instagram: nyjah
A four-time world champion, Nyjah Huston clinched his spot in the Olympics with a second-place finish at the 2021 World Street Championships in Rome in early June. Yuto Horigome, the world No. 2 who bested Huston in Rome, should be his primary competition. According to NBC, Huston is skateboarding’s all-time leader in prize money earned.
Noah Lyles, men’s track and field
Twitter: @LylesNoah
Instagram: nojo18 
Facebook: Noah Lyles
Barely missing the 2016 Olympic roster out of high school, Noah Lyles will enter the 2020 Games with high expectations in an Olympic staple, track and field. At the 2019 World Championships, he won gold in the 200 and ran a leg of the 4×100-relay that won gold. There’s a chance for multiple medal opportunities – Lyles’ personal best in the 100 is 9.86 seconds – but he should be the favorite to win the 200 in Tokyo.
Cat Osterman, softball 
Twitter: @catosterman
Instagram: catosterman
Facebook: Cat Osterman
As softball returns to the Olympic program for the first time since 2008, Osterman has the chance to return to the Games for a third time. In 2004 Athens, she was the lone collegiate player to join the gold-medal-winning Team USA. Four years later, the U.S. fell short in the gold-medal game to Japan; Osterman was also part of that squad. Now 38 years old, the former Texas Longhorn will be the oldest member of the team. 
Sha’Carri Richardson, women’s track and field 
Twitter: @itskerrii
Instagram: carririchardson_
Arguably the breakout star of U.S. track and field trials, Richardson raced to first in the 100 and will be a medal contender in Tokyo. 
The 2019 NCAA champion in the 100 dash while representing the LSU Tigers, she posted a 10.72 earlier this year and came close to beating that mark at the USA Track and Field Golden Games in May. She has the second-fastest time in the world this year.
Grant Holloway, men’s track and field 
Twitter: @Flaamingoo_
Instagram: flaamingoo_
Grant Holloway is currently the No. 1-ranked men’s 110-meter hurdler in the world. He won the 2019 World Championships in Doha, and in Tokyo, the 21-year-old University of Florida product will be the guy to beat. Earlier this year, Holloway set the 60-meter world record (7.29 seconds), breaking a mark that had stood for 27 years. At the track and field trials, Holloway nearly beat the world record – missing the mark by one-hundredth of a second – with a personal best of 12.81 seconds. 
Carissa Moore, women’s surfing 
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Carissa Moore shown competing in the semifinal of the Rip Curl Narrabeen Classic.
Cameron Spencer, Getty Images
Instagram: rissmoore10
Carissa Moore is a four-time world champion and Hawaii native who attended the same high school as President Barack Obama (Punahou High). A strong 2021 season in the World Surf League has her ranked No. 1, and she’s the reigning world champion from 2019.
Tamyra Mensah-Stock, women’s wrestling
Twitter: @MensahTamStock
Instagram: mensahtamyrastock
The U.S. trials champion in 2016, Tamyra Mensah-Stock did not go to Rio because the team as a whole failed to qualify for the 150-pound weight class. That’s not an issue for Team USA or Mensah-Stock in these Olympics. Fresh off a world championship in 2019 and the reigning Trials winner once again, Mensah-Stock, 29, should be a contender for gold.
Alix Klineman, women’s beach volleyball
Twitter: @alixklineman
Instagram: alixklineman
Alix Klineman has represented the U.S. on the volleyball court for nearly a decade, but this will be her first Olympics. Since leaving the indoor game to focus on beach volleyball full-time in 2017, she’s found success with partner April Ross, who won bronze alongside Kerri Walsh Jennings in Rio five years ago.
Sunisa Lee, women’s gymnastics
Twitter: @sunisalee_
Instagram: sunisalee_
Every member of the U.S. women’s gymnastics team other than Simone Biles could be on this list, as they are near locks to win the overall team gold. The roster won’t be formally set until late June, but Lee could take an individual gold home on the uneven bars. 
Nevin Harrison, canoe, kayak
Twitter: @nevin_harrison
Instagram: nevinharrison
Harrison became the first C1 200-meter sprint canoe champion at the age of 17 two years ago. In May, she won the event again at the ICF Canoe Sprint World Cup with a time of 47.59 seconds – two seconds faster than her world championship time. Both victories are signs that Harrison portends to be a gold medal contender in Tokyo, where women’s canoeing is making its Olympic program debut. Team USA has not won a canoeing medal since 1992.
April Ross, women’s beach volleyball
Twitter: @AprilRossBeach
Instagram: aprilrossbeach
Facebook: April Ross
A two-time Olympic medalist (2012 silver, 2016 bronze), Ross will be working with her third teammate at the Games in Klineman. The duo is coming off a silver medal at the 2019 world championship. Klineman and Ross have combined for four gold and a silver on the FIVB Beach Volleyball World Tour since 2018 and finished second at the World Championships in 2019. Can this be the Games Ross reaches the top of the podium?
Eddy Alvarez, baseball 
Twitter: @eddyalvarez90
An infielder with the Miami Marlins organization, Alvarez has an Olympic past — from the Winter Games. At Sochi 2014, the Miami-born Alvarez won a silver medal in the 5,000-meter speed skating relay. His baseball career picked up after that, and now he’s looking for gold on the diamond in baseball’s return to the Olympics for the first time since 2008 in a country that is passionate about the sport. 
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cidtours · 4 years
Portugal, um destino completo.
Entre as principais atrações de Portugal, destacam-se a cultura, a gastronomia e os vinhos, as praias, o golfe, a história, a variedade das paisagens, e sobretudo, a hospitalidade do povo português, considerado afável, aberto e sincero.
LISBOA E PORTO Lisboa é a capital de Portugal e o Porto é a segunda maior cidade, no norte do país. São duas cidades vibrantes e cheias de história que conservam uma dimensão humana, com os seus bairros históricos, monumentos e fachadas de azulejo.
Lisboa é chamada cidade branca pela luz do sol que o rio Tejo reflete. Conquistou em 2014 o título de Travellers’ Choice do TripAdvisor que já ganhara em 2013, ano em que foi também eleita Melhor Destino em férias de cidade da Europa pelos World Travel Awards.
Já o Porto, que também deu nome a um vinho saboreado em todo o mundo, foi eleito em 2012, 2014 e 2017 como Melhor Destino Europeu  e é uma das 14 cidades top eleitas pela British Airways para visitar. Antes disso foi a 2ª cidade nos Travellers’Choice 2013 do TripAdvisor para os destinos em crescimento na Europa.
A costa portuguesa é quase uma praia única com mais de 850 Km, por vezes salpicada de rochas que acrescentam pitoresco e beleza a grandes extensões de areia dourada ou a pequenas enseadas aninhadas nas falésias.
O Algarve, o mais conhecido destino de sol e mar de Portugal, foi galardoado com o prémio de melhor destino de praia da Europa nos World Travel Awards 2013, 2015 e 2019. Porém, num país cheio de sol e de mar há muitas outras praias de excelência. No sudoeste alentejano encontram-se praias quase selvagens, próprias do mais preservado trecho do litoral europeu, enquanto a região de Lisboa conta com as concorridas praias da Costa do Estoril e um areal a perder de vista na Costa da Caparica.
Mas de norte a sul do país, são inúmeras as praias de bandeira azul e é muito variada a oferta para férias bronzeadas pelo sol, mesmo à medida de cada um.
Com uma longa costa no continente e os arquipélagos da Madeira e Açores, facilmente se percebe as condições ideais de que Portugal dispõe para a prática do surf. Por isso é em Portugal, na Ericeira, que fica a 1ª reserva de Surf da Europa e a 2ª do mundo, com praias conhecidas de qualquer surfista. Temos ondas perfeitas para todos, com ondas tubulares nas praias de Peniche, gigantes na Nazaré, e as mais longas da Europa, na Figueira da Foz.
Os mais aclamados surfistas internacionais das várias modalidades encontram em Portugal o maior número de spots a menor tempo de distância entre eles e aqui disputam algumas das provas dos mais importantes campeonatos do mundo, como o Rip Curl Pro Portugal. E temos batido recordes, como a onda de 30m surfada por Garrett McNamara em 2011!
Durante seis anos, entre 2014 e 2019, Portugal conquistou os prémios de Melhor Destino de Golfe da Europa  e de Melhor Destino de Golfe do Mundo, entre 2014 e 2018, distinções atribuídas pelos World Golf Awards. Algo que não admira se nos lembrarmos que é um país de clima privilegiado ao longo de todo o ano e que, particularmente no Algarve e na região de Lisboa, se encontram muitos campos várias vezes premiados, onde se disputam grandes provas dos circuitos profissionais da modalidade.
Muitos são assinados por nomes como Robert Trent Jones, Rocky Roquemore, Sir Henry Cotton, Arnold Palmer e outros conceituados arquitetos. Porém, o que melhor os define é a sua incontestável qualidade e beleza paisagística, implantados com frequência em zonas preservadas e com o mar como pano de fundo. Para além dos muitos prémios que têm distinguido os campos da região, a prestigiada IAGTO também elegeu o Algarve como melhor destino de golfe do mundo para 2020.
Nas 24 classificações do Património Mundial existentes em Portugal está retratada a história e a cultura do país, do seu povo e dos povos que aqui habitaram desde tempos imemoriais. O convento de Cristo em Tomar, os Mosteiros de Alcobaça e da Batalha, o Mosteiro dos Jerónimos e Torre de Belém, estes em Lisboa, devem a classificação à sua importância histórica e artística. E nos centros históricos de Guimarães, Porto, Évora ou Angra do Heroísmo, também classificados, outros monumentos e elementos arquitetónicos são dignos de relevo, tal como a Universidade de Coimbra e demais áreas classificadas da cidade, ou ainda as fortificações de Elvas.
De referir também as Paisagens Culturais do Alto Douro Vinhateiro, de Sintra e da Vinha na Ilha do Pico, que oferecem alguns dos mais deslumbrantes cenários naturais em Portugal. Falta mencionar o interesse arqueológico das gravuras rupestres do Vale do Coa e a exuberância da Floresta Laurissilva da Madeira, completando-se a lista com ícones que definem um modo de ser e de estar: o ;Fado, o Cante Alentejano e a Dieta Mediterrânica, elementos do património imaterial característico da alma dum povo e dos seus momentos de convívio e celebração. Mais recentemente, outras artes e ofícios mereceram a classificação de Património Cultural Imaterial da Humanidade: o Fabrico de Chocalhos, no Alentejo, a Manufatura da Olaria Preta de Bisalhães, no concelho de Vila Real e a Arte da Falcoaria Real, ainda preservada em Salvaterra de Magos.
GASTRONOMIA A gastronomia portuguesa tem no peixe o seu maior expoente, já que as águas e localização atlânticas fazem dele o melhor peixe do mundo. Contudo, inúmeras razões tornam Portugal um destino gastronómico de eleição. Ao peixe e marisco, que sabem ainda melhor saboreados à beira-mar sob o agradável sol português, junta-se uma enorme variedade de vinhos de mesa de qualidade, potenciados por um clima mediterrânico, onde o azeite encontra igualmente condições ideais.
Daí que o vinho do Porto seja desde há séculos um grande embaixador de Portugal, hoje em dia acompanhado por outros produtos genuinamente portugueses, como o pastel de nata e a doçaria conventual, a cataplana e a mestria de talentosos chefs que, com aquele utensílio e muitos outros, elevam a nossa culinária à altura das melhores gastronomias do mundo. Também o azeite é um dos maiores expoentes da culinária portuguesa. base da variada e saudável alimentação que se pratica em Portugal e que também se compõe de pão, azeitonas e outras frutas, legumes e ervas aromáticas. São ingredientes da Dieta Mediterrânica, uma identidade da gastronomia portuguesa elevada a Património Mundial. Acrescem à lista de produtos gastronómicos de exceção os mais frescos e naturais legumes e frutas, assim como carnes com Denominação de Origem Protegida e queijos de montanha que fazem bendizer os céus e as paisagens de Portugal.
Consulte o site de onde foram retiradas as informações::
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iamartemisday · 7 years
To all fans of Lokiday
I’ve been thinking about this a lot over the past few months, weighing the pros and cons and wondering how you would all feel about this.  It was a difficult decision to come to, but I think now is the right time to do a full rewrite of Lokiday.
Below is the new first chapter as I have redone it.  You may notice some significant differences between the original and the new version.  I would like to know your opinion either in a reblog or an ask.  
I understand some of you might not like these changes, but I think if you keep an open mind, you will see why I concluded that it was in the story’s best interest to improve on it in this way.
Thank you, and I hope you all enjoy the brand new Lokiday:
Day 65: Jane Foster
Jane gets a paper cut.
She pauses turning the page of her magazine, and brings her index finger level with her eyes. A neat trail of red blood slides down the pad. She presses her thumb against it.
The wound stings.
She presses harder.
As Shakespeare once said, there's no better start to a story than masochism.
Okay, he probably didn't say that. Would've been fitting if he did, though. Did you guys know he once had a character off herself by swallowing fire? That's almost as cool as when I ran that guy over with the Zamboni.
In case that obvious film reference didn't give it away, this is Deadpool! Here to offer my insightful and witty remarks about this lovely fanfic that is still incomplete despite having begun in 2012.  Because what kind of lazy ass bitch does that? 
Anyway, lso, as I'm sure you've already figured out, this is an April Fool's joke and she's not actually going to rewrite this fic. Just wanted to clear that up in case some of you are nerds who totally fell for it.
If so, hahahaha! You're the butt of the joke. Ha.
When she's done, her fingers stick together, and she meets slight resistance separating them. Her thumb is stained with blood. She flexes the joints experimentally, lips puckered. Jane kisses the air and sucks in a breath. Then, she's on her feet and off the tall lab chair.
Suspense! I love suspense. I need some popcorn. And a chimichanga.
All around her are half finished equations and equipment strewn around haphazardly. The walls are covered in pictures of various constellations she learned about in elementary school. Those not on the wall stick to her shoes when she steps on them. She hasn't cleaned up her lab in a long time. There's no point in trying anymore.
She reaches the sink and runs cool water over her entire hand. She entertains the idea of rubbing soap into the wound. That would hurt like hell.
Oh yeah baby, you do that. Ooooh yeeeeah! You dirty girl.
Jane doesn't do this, but she does marvel at how far gone she already is for the millionth time in what feels like days.
Feels like, because it really should have been days.
It's not, though.
It's just one.
Just one, single, solitary day that's gone by.
Mmphf! Mmphf! Mmphf-mmphf mmpfh.
TRANSLATION: That's some damn good popcorn. Tastes like chicken if chicken was popcorn.
TRANSLATION: I'm on a roll!
Jane snorts and walks back to her seat. She swipes the magazine off the table, throwing it at the opposite wall. She doesn't care, she can't read the damn thing anyway.
SHIELD had been so accommodating when sending her off into thinly veiled hiding. They set her up with colleagues that spoke fluent English, and were fairly close to her in age so they'd have plenty to talk about. Her bed had nicer linens than a five star hotel, and the equipment she'd been given to work with had reduced her to an excited child at Disneyland the first time she saw it.
And yet they still couldn't get her one measly magazine in English. How typical.
That reminds me of this one time when I was hunting down this guy in one of those back alley dive bars, and I caught him, and I was like 'Where the fuck is Francis?' And he was like, 'something something not English but probably in the area of please don't kill me Deadpool something.' So I was a bit perturbed and then he tried to run away. I was like, 'fuck no, compadre!' And then I shot him in the dick. Like right in the dick. Wasn't even on purpose. Just a lucky shot I guess.
So yeah, kindred spirits me and Jane right here.
The useless ream of paper hits the floor with a satisfying 'flop', and then Jane feels an icy chill run through her. She shivers, more at the temperature drop than low, ominous chuckle that follows.
Oh oh! I know! I know exactly who it is!
It's Hawkeye!
"That's not polite."
Jane closes her eyes. She doesn't want to look in that mirror on the opposite wall and have to stare at his smarmy face right now. Maybe if she keeps quiet, he'll go away and never come back. Or maybe he'll just talk more.
Wait no, not Hawkeye. No one would ever not be happy to see him. Have you seen his biceps? So dreamy…
"Someone's going to have to pick it up."
"No one comes in here but me," she says. "Even if they did, what do I care?"
Yeah, Loki, what do you take her for? A neat freak? She's a scientist. Scientists and neat freaks go together like fish and cheese. Like Al and workable eyeballs. Like Francis and life.
He tsks. If Jane were two feet taller and a million times stronger, she'd punch his face all the way in and then maybe rip his tongue out for good measure. Let's see him tsk at her then!
Fuck me, that's hot! Hey, what if we made a few tweaks to this story? Like making it a Deadpool/Jane fic? I'm down with that!
Just need to think of a ship name…
"Now, now, Jane Foster, you don't wear apathy well."
I can think of something better for her to wear! It starts with an 'L' and rhymes with 'schmeather bustier!'
She turns around. She was going to eventually, so she might as well get it over with. His bright green eyes stare down at her, a small smile gracing his features. His stance is calm, collected and arrogant. In short, everything Jane expected of him.
Loki was a lot of things, but never a disappointment. Not to her.
Eat your heart out, Ironman! No performance issues here as confirmed by a reliable source!
Now fully facing him, Jane notices he's in full battle garb. He even has that crazy helmet on. Maybe he's going to fight again, or maybe he's got another trick for her up his sleeve. She'd put neither above him. At least now she has a comeback.
"And you don't wear those antlers well, but it's never stopped you."
His smile vanishes, and Jane smirks, feeling accomplished. Full blown laughter builds, but she doesn't let it out yet. He exhales through his nose, fingers curling into a ball. A long time ago, this used to terrify her. Now, she just wants to laugh harder.
So what about GunScience? That a good ship name.
Hmm… seems a little plain to me. I'll keep working on it. Back to the story!
She doesn't feel like alienating him further, though, not this time. He hasn't been around for three 'days' and she doesn't care to be apart from him. That just means she has to face the fact that she actually wants him around. It's a feeling equivalent to getting repeatedly kicked in the gut and winded.
Pfft, I could handle him. If you saw what I did to that doucherocket Smith, you'd know.
Hint: It involved narrow appendages being forced in places narrow appendages should not be forced in.
With that in mind, let's make Deadpool/Loki a thing too! Much easier to come up with a ship name.
I give you… FrostMerc! Huh? Huh?
Well fine, be that way. I'm not sharing any of my popcorn with you guys now.
Jane moves away from him, walking briskly to the mini-refrigerator in the corner where her endless supply of bottled water is kept. She pulls out two, opens one and tosses the other over her shoulder. She knows he'll catch it.
"So," she says conversationally, as if this super powered mythical figure and potential world conqueror who once almost destroyed her hometown was just another girlfriend of hers. "What's on the agenda for today? You're all dressed up and ready to go. You must have something big planned."
He doesn't answer.
"Gonna cause some destruction?"
He still doesn't answer.
"You know, burn down all the buildings, slaughter all the innocents, kick all the puppies, anything?"
He's still mad that he got burnt to a crisp with that antler's comment.
He got destroyed. Pulverized. Demolished beyond all recognition. The metaphorical narrow appendage is all the way up his-
And now Jane is getting fed up, not to mention confused (definitely not concerned). He's usually way more talkative than this.
Didn't they sew his mouth shut in one of the myths? I think they totally did that once. What a disgusting, reprehensible, unforgivable thing to fucking sew a man's fucking mouth shut.
Amirite? *cough*FuckyouFoxneverforget*cough*
She faces him. His eyes are on her, but his mind is elsewhere. He sees something Jane cannot, something invisible and directly in front of her from the looks of it. She really hates when he gets like that, when he closes off completely and never explains himself. He seems to go back and forth between treating Jane like a person, and like she's just a bug he can squash under his foot. Jane's not exactly in the mood for that today.
When they're still in mid-character development and not sure if they want to be a douchey Not-British Brit, or a dude from that Jane Austen book Not-British Brit.
Just fanfic things.
"Don't tell me you're doing this for me," she says mockingly. If there's one way to get to Loki… "Because I'll be honest with you, you look much better without that helmet on. It's very unflattering."
Oh. My. God. Becky. Like that girl in her plaid and jeans knows anything about fashion.
She blinks her eyes, and he's right in front of her. Jane stares at his armored chest nonchalantly. She wonders when he'll realize the novelty of that trick wore off 'days' ago.
"Do not test me," he growls.
Wait, I got it! AssassinScientist!
…nah, too long. People would just abbreviate it or some shit.  I’m not here for that.
Jane tries to ignore the speeding up of her heartbeat and the building heat in her stomach. Of course he has to use that voice when threatening her. Of course he knows exactly what that husky tone of his does to her every single time. And, of course, this whole miserable situation has turned her into a borderline suicidal masochist who just has to keep pushing him.
Accept it, Jane. Accept… and ye shall be free!
And living the dream of millions of fangirls. That too.
"Just admit that you're as bored as I am," she says. "You probably thought about going after your brother and the Avengers today, but then you realized there's no point. There's no point in anything unless we can find a way out of this."
His frown deepens with every word out of her mouth. His eyebrows knit together in a scowl, and his hands ball into fists. Jane could swear his eyes flash red for a second. It excites her about as much as it used to terrify her, and that's a whole other batch of implications she absolutely must avoid dwelling on. She kind of needs what little sanity she has left, thank you very much.
Sanity? Girl, take it from an expert. Sanity is overrated.
Why, if I was sane, I wouldn't be the ultra hot star of the highest grossing R rated film of all time, now would I?
I didn’t think so.
Jane's already seen his Jotunn form twice, which is two more times than Loki would have liked. He still won't explain why he hates his heritage so much. Jane's asked him more times than she can count, and all she gets is silence, or commands to be silent, or screaming and cursing before he disappears to God only knows where for several 'days' at a time. The most she's ever gotten out of him is that the Frost Giants are savage monsters who would rip the flesh from her bones if she gets too close.
They sound fluffy!
She doesn't really get it. He's not all that scary with blue skin and red eyes and no other noticeable changes in appearance. Hell, the blue people in Avatar were creepier looking. If Jane were to fear Loki for anything, it would be the fact that he's a psychotic mass murderer bent on world domination who could tear her head off with his bare hands if he wanted to. That knowledge, like so many other things, had lost its edge a long time ago. Even when he bares down on her like this, so much bigger than her, eyes speaking of dark intent, Jane can't bring herself to fear him.
Yeah, CGI Smurf mutants really start to lose their effect in the face of all that.
Then again, that might be why they keep making those stupid Smurf movies. You see what desensitization does to you? Now studio hacks think people want more of those despicable balls of malformed play-doh on our screens. This is a national crisis! Wake up America!
(PLEASE NOTE: Neither Deadpool nor the author has ever seen a Smurf movie.)
Hey hey! Don't give it away!
She could still fear what emotions he did bring out in her, though.
"You should watch your tongue around me, Mortal," he says with that voice again. Why always that voice? "You might not like the consequences if you don't."
The underlying threat is palpable. There are so many different ways he could carry it out, too. Jane won't pretend not to know what they are. They spill incoherently into her mind all at once. She knows who Loki is and what he is and what he can do. He's been nothing if not eager to show her in the previous 'days.'
I smell a sex scene!
Jane smiles innocently, he hates that. She runs a hand across his shoulder and down his chest, he likes that.
Must get more popcorn.
She pulls herself closer to him, their faces inches apart. She supports her body with one hand on the table. It doesn't slide away from her as it should. Trust Loki to prepare for this. She doesn't see them leaving this room anytime soon.
(Translation: Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate. Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, and summer's lease hath all too short a date…)
"Really?" She blows in his ear. He loves that. "Because I think you're all talk."
Happy Groundhog Day!
He seizes her by the arms, pulls her down roughly, and then his lips are on hers, hard and unforgiving. A moan is caught in Jane's throat, she doubts he'll relinquish her mouth long enough for her to let it out. His large hands are everywhere at once. One minute, he's fondling her breast through her shirt, the next he's running them up and down her legs, coming so close to her core that Jane feels she'll come apart at the seams if he doesn't touch her soon.
He does know how to tease.
Hey, ladies out there. You know what I like? What I really really like? *wiggles eyebrows*
Puppies! Puppies are adorable, aren't they?
His tongue forces it's way in. There is no fight for dominance this time, because it's clear who is in control and that he intends to keep it that way. Jane's own hands move across the metal of his armor. That damnable armor he just had to wear today. His casual (in the loosest possible sense) clothes are much easier to remove. He usually steps in with that fancy magic of his pretty quickly. In fact, he should have by now. Is this what he meant by 'consequences?'
Loki snakes an arm around her thin waist, hoisting her up and on the table. As soon as Jane's back makes contact, she is hit by a blast of ice cold from below. It doesn't take a scientist to figure out that somewhere in the millisecond it took him to do all this, he also magicked her clothes off. Jane rolls her eyes and thinks of commenting on this, but then his tongue is in her mouth and coherent thought is but a distant dream.
Kittens are also cute. With their little paws and their ears and the traces of demonic evil lurking below the surface.
He gets up on top of her, never once breaking the kiss. She brings her hands up to his warming face and runs her fingers through his thick hair, down the back of his neck, to the collar of his undershirt and dammit all, why is he still dressed?
He smirks against her lips.
"Frustrated, my dear?"
But you know, bunnies have got to top them all in cuteness factor. I cried for days the first time I saw Fatal Attraction.
Jane wants to slap him so badly right now. Instead, she kisses him harder. He groans in response and raises her up a little so her chest is arched into his. He wrenches his lips away and Jane cries out in protest. She stops complaining when he moves down to her neck, and then her breast. As his tongue swirls around her nipple, Jane struggles to come back to herself.
Have I killed the mood yet?
(Yeah, probably)
Awesome! My work here is done! Farewell, my friends- Wait, what? What do you mean the chapter's not over yet?
There is a digital clock on the wall marking the time as ten after four in the afternoon. This gives them plenty of time to go about their routine. To make stiff conversation, to try once again to find out what's happened to them and how to stop it, to descend into yet another pointless argument about nothing, to threaten and be threatened with death and injury and a bunch of other nasty things, to fuck each other senseless in bed and on tables and on the floor and in the shower and against the wall and on top of the bathroom sink and in the mess room and in her direct superior's office (boy, was that ever memorable).
Then the next 'day' comes along and, like everything else around them, the cycle repeats anew.
No changes.
No changes.
Okay this time, I know I've got it! Assassin didn't work, scientist didn't work, but you know what does work?
Get it? Because it sounds like deadpain, and when I'm out there killing all the monsters and murderers and Francis's of the world, I know I haven't done my job right if there isn't lots of pain!
So now that this hypothetical Me/Jane ship has a proper name, let's get back to the story!
*cough*seriouslythoughshippersgetonthat*cough**cough* Boy, do I have a nasty case of the sniffles today!
Jane sometimes wonders what her friends and family would think if they could see her now, naked with her legs spread underneath a psychopathic Norse God.
They'd be like, fuck yeah, you lucky bitch! Score!
Least I would. Have you seen that tight Hiddleass of Loki's? Almost as nice as Wolverine's.
Like Logan gets a 97 out of 100 while Loki is easily a 96.8. 
Her mother wouldn't like it.
Erik wouldn't like it.
Darcy… would congratulate her on getting laid.
See? Someone gets it.
Jane can't help giggling. Loki, who has been trailing open mouthed kisses up her neck, bites down hard and makes her gasp. She fists his hair as he licks a hot line back up to her mouth. He re-claims it, pulling her head up slightly with one hand while the other continues to travel.
Her arms are around his waist, and he is still fully dressed.
Yeah, bastard. Strip already!
His lips are relentless, his tongue even more so. She feels deft fingers between her legs, and shamelessly moans into his mouth when they stroke her. She writhes beneath him, knowing that's exactly what he wants.
Loki always gets what he wants from her.
After sixty five days of working for it, you would hope.
'Remember Jane,' she tells herself when he strokes her again, and then finally, with a wave of his hand, is as naked as she is. 'Three benefits to dealing with Loki Laufeyson. Remember them!'
I can think of way more than just three, but we only have half a page left.
Benefit number 1: He is, so far, the only other person in the world who knows what's going on.
Except for the reader. Times like this fourth wall breaking would come in handy. Why is it so out of style among fictional characters? I don't understand the world.
She feels the muscles in his back, lean, but rock solid. He's shifted positions, so that his erection is pressed firmly against her.
Benefit number 2: As the only other person who knows what's going on, and as a powerful sorcerer with a genius level intellect, he's also the only other person in the world who can help find a way out of this.
It's funny because when this was written, I'm pretty sure not even the writer knew a way out, didja?
(Fuck off, Deadpool)
Hey now, this was your idea for me to do this.
He removes his lips from hers again, and Jane immediately attacks his neck, returning the favor with a bite of her own. Loki growls in response, and Jane knows he's going to make her pay for that.
She looks forward to it.
Benefit number 3…
*leans forward in anticipation of incredible revelation*
He steadies her hips with his hand, and uses magic to keep the rest of her restrained. Jane finds she can still work her mouth, though, when he thrusts into her and the friction and sheer pleasure of it all makes her scream.
…He's spectacular in bed.
Six out of ten at best. I am not speaking from experience, it's merely because I am obliged to count myself, and I am an outlier whose sexual prowess would make Zeus feel like an awkward virgin.
Sorry, that's just a fact. I don't make the rules.
And with that, I have completed this little venture of mine. Stay tuned next April Fool's Day, when I review the last chapter of Lokiday!
…HA! April Fool's! We all know Artemis is never going to finish anythi-mmm mm. Mmm?! MMMM! MMMMMM!
(And then Deadpool could no longer speak because he suddenly transformed into the first movie version who got his mouth sewn shut!)
(Happy April Fool's Day!)
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dallasfloornet-blog · 6 years
Why Install Luxury Vinyl Plank Flooring
The Benefits Of Installing Luxury Vinyl Plank Flooring
Ah how times and technology has changed things, even in our flooring. Did you know luxury vinyl plank flooring is made to look like real planks and is an
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excellent alternative to hardwood floors? Majority of luxury vinyl planks in the market are waterproof or at least highly water-resistant. They come in different forms or types as well as different grades. The cheaper varieties are usually water resistant as opposed to being waterproof. If you choose to buy your luxury vinyl plank flooring from big box stores you will most likely end up with the cheaper water resistant knock-off so where you choose to make the purchase from is key.
Understanding Luxury Vinyl Plank Flooring
When they were first introduced into the market, luxury vinyl planks were only offered in glue-down form. This means to install your luxury vinyl plank flooring you had to glue the planks directly onto plywood or a concrete sub-floor. They were also super thin and offered no cushioning so walking or standing on them would make one feel as though they were walking on a concrete floor. Not only that, they tended to not just be hard but cold as well. The thin luxury vinyl planks would also allow for any imperfections existing on the subfloor to be seen through the planks. It was therefore imperative to ensure that the subfloor is smooth and even before installing them. In most cases, homeowners would use up to 3 skim coats when prepping the floor. Today, we have much better quality luxury vinyl planks in the market. They are popularly referred to as floating luxury vinyl planks. Floating means that these planks do not need to be glued to the floor. The planks are designed to sort of interlock thus making it easier for people who prefer a DIY approach as well as novices to install the floor easily. They are also easy to replace and rip up when replacing or doing a touch-up. The initial floating luxury vinyl planks flooring had a few imperfections. They had a tendency of curling up with time and delaminate especially due to exposure to water during cleaning. If placed on an uneven sub-floor they would not line up properly and over time, the planks would begin separating and become a tripping hazard. To solve these problems, the engineered luxury vinyl planks were introduce into the market about 2012. These are waterproof, much thicker than the initial ones and they click together making them super strong and more stable when professionally installed. Other than being of much higher quality, they look much better and offer great cushioning and insulation. Walking on them feels like you’re walking on an actual hardwood floor. They also don’t warp and they stay in place very well.
Benefits Of Installing Luxury Vinyl Plank Flooring
Durability. Luxury vinyl floors can last for 20 years or more in residential areas. Often, they require no refinishing, sanding or replacing during that time. They are super easy to clean and maintain. All you have to do is regularly sweep and mop. You can also use a good number of all-purpose cleaners in the market to get the job done without damaging the flooring. Today luxury vinyl plank flooring comes in a wide variety of designs and patterns. So you can be sure to find something that suits your unique taste. They are easy to repair. If any of the planks get damaged, all you have to is have a pro come out, remove and replace the new plank. If after years you decide to go for a new look, it is easy to rip the luxury vinyl planks up and install the new ones.
Finding the Right Professional for the Job
While you might choose to install the luxury vinyl plank flooring yourself, working with a professional is always a better option especially if you have no prior experience doing the job.  Installing a floor of any kind, be it a laminate flooring or even a new carpet installation, you truly want a professional installation done with a team who has the knowledge and know how to overcome whatever issue may arise.  Not to mention most flooring warranties are void if not professionally installed.  Check with your flooring contractor to make sure you’re covered under the manufacturer’s warranty. At Dallas Floor and Remodel we are the flooring professionals you want to do your job.  The flooring manufacturers we partner with like Trinity Hardwood and Shaw, stand behind our work and that is saying a lot in the flooring industry. To get your FREE consultation and job measurement Contact Us now! Or call Bryan at: 214-248-4840 Find out more about our Engineered Hardwood Flooring and Professional Carpet Installation. Read the full article
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osanecif · 7 years
Gabriel Medina com triunfo inédito no Meo Rip Curl Pro Portugal
Primeira vitória do brasileiro em Peniche, vingando-se de Julian Wilson que vencera em 2012. A luta pelo título segue para o Havai e está ao rubro Gabriel Medina com triunfo inédito no Meo Rip Curl Pro Portugal
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melissawsr · 7 years
Throwback: The Perfect 10s of the 2012 Rip Curl Pro Portugal - Revisiting an epic run of swell for the 'CT at Supertubos five years back
The waiting period for the Rip Curl Pro Portugal starts tomorrow and back-to-back swells are stacking up just in time, meaning we ought to see plenty of swell for Supertubos, which—when it’s on—is far and away the best barreling beachbreak on Tour. And considering John Florence thrives in the sort of conditions likely to be
[Read More ...] http://www.surfer.com/videos/throwback-the-2012-rip-curl-pro-portugal-was-full-of-perfect-10s/
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twinfinsurfcompany · 7 years
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Live Action From Rein & Shine Throwback: The Perfect 10s of the 2012 Rip Curl Pro Portugal - Revisiting an epic run of swell for the 'CT at Supertubos five years back http://ift.tt/2gnVGJy
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cinq5-blog · 12 years
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havoctv · 12 years
A no hands 360 air and a perfect 10 score from Kelly Slater in the final wasn't enough surpass Mick Fannings power gouges in the 2012 Rip Curl Pro at Bells Beach Australia.  Really?   A very tight win for Mick.  Pretty hard to watch the video of the epic boost in the final from Slater and not see him getting the champagne shower at the end.  Come to think of it, two guys giving each other the champagne shower is getting more and more uncomfortable to watch in general.
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thesurfsoup · 7 years
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GABRIEL MEDINA WINS MEO RIP CURL PRO PORTUGAL - MEDINA CLAIMS BACK-TO-BACK EVENT TITLES IN EUROPE, CLIMBS UP TO NO. 2 ON THE JEEP LEADERBOARD - JULIAN WILSON KEEPS WORLD TITLE HOPES ALIVE WITH RUNNER-UP FINISH - WSL TITLE SHOWDOWN GOES TO HAWAII FOLLOWING QUARTERFINAL ELIMINATION FOR JOHN JOHN FLORENCE - MORE AT WORLDSURFLEAGUE.COM Location: Supertubos, Peniche / Portugal Event window: October 20 - 31, 2017 Today's Call: Event complete, Gabriel Medina Wins. Conditions: Three-to-five foot surf SUPERTUBOS, Peniche/Portugal (Wednesday, October 25, 2017) - Gabriel Medina (BRA) has won the MEO Rip Curl Pro Portugal, Stop No. 10 on the World Surf League (WSL) Championship Tour (CT), over Julian Wilson (AUS) in a rematch of their 2012 final at Supertubos. The event culminated in good three-to-five foot waves with Medina’s victory, the eighth event title of his career, only a short ten days after the Brazilian won in France. Photo📸: The finalists of the MEO Rip Curl Pro Portugal. Photo Credit📸: © WSL / Poullenot 🏄🏻 For more information, check out WorldSurfLeague.com Source: @WSL worldsurfleague.com Thank you World Surf League, in Gratitude ❤️ Surf Soup.TV MEO Rip Curl Pro Portugal. will be webcast LIVE on WorldSurfLeague.com as well as the WSL app. For more information, check out WorldSurfLeague.com. Thank you Ocean ❤️ Tags for Surf Soup and Ocean Love ❤️💨 #oceanlover #Sustainablesurf #surfsouptv #surf #surfing #surfer #surfboards #training #love #🏄🏻 #wsl #oceanhugger #gratitude #fitness #surfsoup #🏆 #stoked #I❤️Surf #Surfgoals #meoripcurlpro #ripcurlpro #Supertubos #Peniche #Portugal #JULIANWILSON #GABRIELMEDINA from #brazil #🇧🇷
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thisismysurf-blog · 13 years
fukin pumped for bells
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thesurfsoup · 7 years
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LAY DAY AT RIP CURL PRO BELLS BEACH - COMPETITION CALLED OFF FOR THE DAY - FAVORABLE CONDITIONS FORECASTED FOR COMING DAYS - MORE AVAILABLE AT WORLDSURFLEAGUE.COM Location: Bells Beach, Victoria, Australia Event window: April 12 - 24, 2017 Today's call: Competition called OFF for the day Conditions: 2 - 3 foot (0.5 - 1 metre) BELLS BEACH, Victoria/AUS (Tuesday, April 18, 2017) - The third stop of the World Surf League (WSL) Championship Tour (CT), the Rip Curl Pro Bells Beach, has been called OFF for the day due to lack of swell on offer. After an incredible finish to the Rip Curl Women’s Pro Bells Beach yesterday, the men’s event will look to recommence tomorrow and Thursday for increased swell opportunities to close out the competition. Photo📸: 2017 World Title contender Jordy Smith (ZAF) will be up against 2012 WSL Champion Joel Parkinson (AUS) and Wiggolly Dantas (BRA) in Round 4 Heat 4 when the Rip Curl Pro Bells Beach resumes. Photo Credit📸: © WSL / Cestari For more information, check out WorldSurfLeague.com. Source: @WSL worldsurfleague.com Thank you World Surf League, in Gratitude ❤️ Surf Soup TV Thank you Ocean ❤️ Tags for Surf Soup and Ocean Love ❤️💨 #oceanlover #Sustainablesurf #fitness #stoked #surfsouptv #surf #surfing #surfer #surfboards #stoked #swell #training #australia #goldcoast #love #beach #surftrip #🏄🏻 #wsl #ripcurlpro #Ripcurl #bells #BellsBeach #Victoria #Australia #melbourne #❤️ #victoriaaustralia #JordySmith from #southafrica
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