#rip jimmy durante
duranduratulsa · 2 years
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Up next on my Christmas 🎄 movie 🎥 marathon...Frosty The Snowman ⛄ (1969) on classic DVD 📀! #tv #television #Christmas #frosty #frostythesnowman #snowman #merrychristmas2022 #merrychristmas #60s #DVD #JimmyDurante #ripjimmydurante #JuneForay #RIPJuneForay #PaulFrees #rippaulfrees #billydewolfe #ripbillydewolfe #jackievernon #ripjackievernon
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ajokeformur-ray · 5 years
You’re my safe place // Arthur Fleck + Joker x Reader // separate comfort scenarios.
A/N: This post, especially, is self indulgent. I came home from seeing Joker for the third time last night and I had a good cry in the bathroom because I’m really not okay. I played Smile and ended up sobbing while I was washing my hair over the bath. The aim of playing that song had been to make myself smile, but I ended up doing the opposite woops. I feel better now but the feeling I had last night is there if I wanna feel it. I don’t. Anyway... enjoy! <3
Arthur Fleck
Summary: Arthur finds you sobbing in the bathroom. Not even Death himself could tear Arthur from your side now.
Word count: 1, 514.
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Arthur came home from a long, hard day in which he was belittled, ridiculed, threatened with a beating (he wasn’t sure if he preferred an actual beating to the threat of one, just so that it was gotten over with and he wasn’t left waiting for something which may never come) and more. He was unappreciated, not funny enough (though he had made children at the hospital laugh and really, what more could he ask for?), overworked and underpaid (just like the rest of the world) and treated like shit for no other reason than being himself. He was exhausted but the thought of you being at home waiting for him made him pelt his way up the apartment flights, all eight of them, and then despite his lungs and legs burning and his chest heaving and his whole body yearning for its daily abuse to stop, he marched down the hall. To home. To you.
Arthur had been worrying about you all day, and it had made everything that had happened to him today feel so much less than what it was. So what if his coworkers hated him? He had you. So what if there was a potential beating in this week’s future? Do it or don’t, he doesn’t care because he’s got an angel to come home to. Frankly, he wished he had always had the mental strength to view his awful life like this, but he didn’t. You were his strength, his life, his smile, his love. He could lose the job he loved (despite all it took from him but didn’t give back, Arthur loved his job at Haha’s), he could lose his useless therapy sessions, he could lose his way of obtaining his medicines. He could lose it all and he would be able to weather it because of you. You could never know just how much power you held over Arthur, but he wanted to spend the rest of his life showing you just how much he loved you. Love seemed too juvenile a word, it couldn’t fully encompass all that you were to him. If he couldn’t explain something, he would show it, and that was his plan for the rest of your lives together.
The first thing he noticed was that the television was off. The lack of the background noise which he had become accustomed to made his apartment seem eerie. Empty. The second thing Arthur noticed, his feeble heart in his throat, was that he could hear Jimmy Durante’s Smile playing softly, the noise coming from the bathroom. He could hear you singing softly and it began to make him smile, his bad (normal) day melting away at the door like it was nothing. Because it wasn’t. Not anymore, not now that he was home with you. You were sobbing, too, the words coming out garbled as you desperately tried to sing through your pain. Wait, what?
As your melancholy seized a hold of his pounding heart, Arthur was lingering just outside the open bathroom door so he could assess the situation before he acted. Comforting you was sometimes delicate, because more often that not, you didn’t know that you needed comforting because you were so used to doing it yourself. To leave you alone was best when you were upset, but it wasn’t in Arthur’s nature to stand by and do nothing. He was a man of action. You were knelt down on the bathroom floor, your head bowed. Arthur could see copious tears run down your face, dripping off the end of your nose.
“Smile, light up your face with gladness. Hide, every trace of sadness. ..” You swiped a hand over your face, trying to compose yourself even though you were far from finished crying, but as the violins kicked in, your face crumpled again and the resounding loud heartbroken sob you let out as you succumbed to your pain made Arthur’s heart break. He could see how hard you were trying to cheer yourself up, but the song had only worsened your state. He shouldn’t have told you how he cheered himself up, which was to sing along to his favourite songs so he would learn to smile through his hurt. How can he be sad when he’s listening to a song he loves? Arthur was much better at hiding his pain and you… oh, the world was trying but it hadn’t trampled all over you yet. He would never allow such a thing. You were his Y/N and no one would ever get to break you. No one. Not even yourself. Arthur had already figured out that you were the cause of your own grief. Despite your best efforts, he could always see straight through you.
As Arthur watched you lift your head and force yourself to smile, he saw your index fingers twitch. He couldn’t help himself, he did smile sadly a little at that, because he could see from where he was stood that you were using all of his methods to make you smile when you thought he wasn’t home. He couldn’t take anymore, though, when you did force your mouth to smile using your fingers, tears still streaming down your face.
“Don’t... Don’t do that.” He murmured, pulling your fingers away from your face.
You blinked. How long had he been home? Had he seen you stood there? Oh, great, he was going to think that you were too pathetic to handle yourself when you were home alone with your own mind, and he was going to leave and -
A strange noise ripped from your throat and Arthur’s eyes widened. He’d never heard such a sound coming from you before, one of pure pain and desperation and he knew you didn’t understand your own pain, how could you? You were still so young and though you had had some terrible experiences in your life, you still believed in the good. You were still innocent.
You were in Arthur’s arms and on his lap before you could blink as he rocked you slightly, shushing you gently. Arthur pressed kiss after kiss to whatever part of your face he could reach. It didn’t escape your notice, despite what was going on inside your head, that he focused on the areas where the tear fell. Arthur was trying to replace the physical signs of your pain - your tears - with his love. It was such a sweet, thoughtful gesture and it only made you cry harder.
“H-how was your day?” You whispered, your hands moving to cling to Arthur as you pulled yourself even closer to him. He must have been uncomfortable from where he had awkwardly thrown himself down to get to you, you knew you weren’t comfortable.
Arthur laughed in disbelief. You were the one in pain and still you asked after him. He could never thank you enough for loving him, even if he did so every second of the rest of his life. “Oh, you know, the usual.”
You grimaced as another tear fell. “You had a bad day again.”
“No,” Arthur hummed, “Just an okay one.”
His tone was casual but you knew what that meant - he hadn’t had a day so bad that he couldn’t keep us his pretences. You marvelled at his strength and wished you could be like that too. It was funny how far you and Arthur admired the other’s strength, unable to see to the end of your own noses; what we see in others exists in ourselves was a saying proven true in this situation.
You stood up and held out a hand to Arthur, using the other to wipe your face. As Arthur reached his full height, he cupped your face in both hands and pulled you in for a kiss. It was hot, heavy, demanding, it made your toes curl but above all, it made you smile into his kiss; loving the man who was doing this to you.
Arthur pulled back when he felt you smile against his lips, his stomach giddy that he had made you smile, and he was quick enough that he managed to catch the sight. “There you are.” He grinned, finally letting go of your face and reaching down to take your hand in his, squeezing comfortingly.
You smiled, you really couldn’t help it, and you did feel better. 
“I love you so much” You pressed another kiss to his lips. You pecked once, twice, lingered, and then a third time. You could feel Arthur’s arousal against your leg; it never took much to get him going. This wasn’t the time for that, though, so you pulled away and led him to the sofa for some good old cuddle therapy; your favourite as a couple.
Arthur would be watching you carefully from now on, just as you always watched him carefully to see if he was really okay. From these attentions had grown such an intense, loving and caring relationship, one from which you would grow into the people you were always meant to be.
Summary: Joker comes home to find you crying. It’s such a wrong sight for him to be greeted with, so he does his best to make you smile. 
TW; this one contains swearing, thoughts of murder, a vaguely insecure Joker.
Word count: 1, 170.
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When Joker came home after working tirelessly on some errands which were essential to his continued successful reign over Gotham, you weren’t waiting to launch yourself at him in greeting before he had even fully gotten through the door. To his almost frantic gaze - not that he would ever tell you that he secretly enjoyed the way you clung to him in excitement when he came home - he couldn’t even see you. He couldn’t hear you. Okay, now he was having a bad day. Any day where you weren’t there to smile to him, to hold him, to love him, was immediately a bad day. People had a tendency to die when Joker was having a bad day.
Quickly did he search his mind for any recent events which may have caused you to leave him. Joker couldn’t help that that was his first thought. He had always known, even when he was Arthur, that it didn’t make sense for you to love him. It must have taken a miracle, whatever had caused that emotional response in you. He had never been able to rationalise it himself, even when you cried once because you loved him so much. That had truly baffled him, but when a beautiful person throws themselves at him in a hug so tight he can feel all of you against him? He would take it gladly, without question.
Joker’s sharp ears nearly missed the loud sound of sobbing coming from the bathroom, so lost was he in thought. Now, instead of thinking that you had left him, Joker was ready to commit actual murder when he opened that door and found out that someone had harmed you. A man like him, as well supported and publicly liked as he was, had enemies, and being his significant other and sometimes partner in crime meant that you had those same enemies, too. Your relationship was so intense, so involved, that you shared enemies, and the thought made him chuckle aloud. What a pair you were. He wouldn’t trade it for all of Gotham. He’d make the opposite swap in a heartbeat, though.
In his haste to get to you, Joker flung the bathroom door open. It made you jump and startled your sorrow out of you as you whipped your head up when the door slammed against the fragile, water damaged wall. The two of you stared at each other for just a few seconds longer than necessary, and then - 
“Who was it?” Joker was livid, his nostrils flaring. “How dare someone hurt you? I’ll kill them. I’ll actually fucking kill them.” He raised his head to the ceiling, eyes glittering with unshed tears, and laughed decisively. Yes. He would happily murder in your name, and he’d even bring back some evidence as a gift.
“Me. I hurt me.” You whispered, not bothering to wipe the tears off your face. You didn’t even bother to get up off the floor. Goodness knew that you and Joker had seen each other looking far worse. 
Joker’s eyes narrowed almost imperceptibly as he took in all the signs: red puffy eyes, tear tracks drying on your cheeks, damp sleeves, the way you were looking at anything but him because if you saw the look on his face, it would only make you cry again... he sighed and all traces of anger and murderous intent vanished with it. 
“J-Joker - “ You sniffed, swiped a hand across your face and made to remove all physical signs that you had been having a much needed, heavy crying session on the bathroom floor. Joker believed you to be strong, but were you really? You had had a bad day with your own thoughts so instead of fighting, you had sat down and cried. Yeah. Real strong. “I’m sorry you had to come home to this. I know I have no reason to cry, it’s stupid - “
“Don’t say that.” A harsh whisper close to your ear as Joker lowered himself to sit on the floor with you. He sat in front of you and the look on his face was so Arthur that it made you cry again. What was wrong with you? Joker reached to take both of your hands in his, and the way he tugged at your hands made it clear that he wanted you to look at him. He needed to see how you were doing; everything was in your eyes. He knew that that was why you weren’t looking at him, but he wasn’t going to have that. Not today, not with you like this. It was breaking his heart and he hated it. “Come on, doll. What’s going on up there?” Joker moved one hand from your grip to tap your temple gently and then brought his hand back to hold yours. The feeling of emptiness in your palm was gone as quickly as it had come. 
“I don’t know. I just feel... bad. There’s nothing wrong I just...” You shrugged and Joker held back a sigh. He knew what you needed. You needed something to eat - he bet you hadn’t eaten all day and if he hadn’t of done the same, he would have told you off for that too - and you needed a cuddle. You needed him and it made him feel so proud. He loved how much you loved each other.
Joker stood, not letting go of your hands, and he pulled you up with him with surprising strength given how frail and emaciated he really was. “Come here.” You frowned at him, confused, but Joker smiled easily and lifted you into his arms, carrying you in such a way that you had to wrap your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist just to stay upright. Joker grinned, bounced you to make you laugh, and took you to the sofa. He sat down gently and when at last you had both shifted and moved enough to get comfortable, you were straddling his lap with a blanket draped over the both of you. Joker’s head was resting on your shoulder so he could watch the news and see the results of his labour - he so loved causing riots. He enjoyed all the colours, the lights, but above all, he loved the audience.
With your head buried in the crook of his neck - the two of you enjoyed cuddling in awkward positions, that was for sure - you were able to litter his neck and lower face with gentle kisses of thanks, of adoration, and of comfort. Joker’s hands rubbed up and down your back, played with your hair, sometimes he would move so he could kiss you. He just wanted to hold you, to soothe those thoughts in your head which sometimes were louder and more obnoxious than you were used to.
With both of you fighting your own battles fiercely, you could rest safely in one thing: 
Neither of you were fighting alone.
Arthur Fleck/Joker:  @writings-of-a-gen-z @x-avantgarde-x @mapreza1 @insomniabird @mavalenovaninagavi @itwasrealenough @morrisonmercurymalek  @rand0ms-fand0ms @rafaelina-casillas @aclownthing @rebs-doom @vivft @help-i-am-obssessed @autumnaffection @taintednihilist @vladtoly @mg-woolf99 @misstgrey92 @that-s-life @dopey-girl-blogs @seeking-dreamland @sweetheart-syndrome @heartxfdesire @xmusichealsthesoulx @0callmejude0 @the-one-that-likes-riddles @hannibalsslut @folliaght @freeeshavacadoo @bingewatchingmylifegoby @unlovedbyeveryoneandeverything @okamiredfoxx @sp0okysp0oky
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clacclo · 4 years
"Sundown. A new day in a new town. I had a gal in New Jersey who broke my heart, ripped it to shreds, trampled on it, and sent it to me, COD, in a paper bag. So, I was out of there, on the first ride west, no looking back. I was going to build a new life in California, 3,000 miles away from the pain.
But it didn't, uh, take long before my luck ran out and my money ran out. And it just wasn't gonna happen, so...
Well, this song was my shot, my tribute to all the great Jimmy Webb songs about character and place. Here, we find my brother in heartbreak, a long way from home. Trying to work it off, sweat it out, over a long, lonely summer in a faraway town." (From Western Stars movie)
I'm twenty-five hundred miles
from where I wanna be
It feels like a hundred years
Since you've been near to me
I guess what goes around, baby,
Comes around
Just wishing you were here with me, in Sundown
Sundown ain't the kind of place
You want to be on your own
It's all long, hot, endless days
And cold nights all alone
I drift from bar to bar, here in lonely town
Just wishing you were here with me, come sundown
In Sundown the cafés are filled
With lovers passing time
In Sundown all I've got's trouble on my mind
So I work all day out here on the county line
I tell myself it's all just gonna work out in time
When summer's through, you'll come around
That little voice in my head's all
That keeps me from sinking down
Come Sundown
When summer's through, you'll come around
That little voice in my head's all
That keeps me from sinking down
Come Sundown
"Sundown. Un nuovo giorno in una nuova città. Avevo una ragazza nel New Jersey che mi spezzò il cuore, lo ridusse a brandelli, lo calpestò e me lo spedì, pagamento alla consegna, dentro un sacchetto di carta. Così me ne andai alla prima occasione, verso ovest, senza guardarmi indietro. Avevo intenzione di rifarmi una vita in California a 5000 chilometri di distanza dal dolore.
Ma poco tempo dopo la mia fortuna si esaurì insieme ai soldi. Non era la strada giusta.
Con Sundown ho tentato di rendere omaggio alle grandi canzoni di Jimmy Webb su luoghi e personaggi. Qui troviamo un mio fratello di sventure amorose molto distante da casa che cerca di scrollarsi il dolore da dosso lavorando, sudando, durante una lunga estate solitaria in una città lontana. (Dal film Western Stars)
Sono a 2.500 miglia
Da dove voglio essere
Mi sembrano cent’anni
Che non mi sei vicina
Immagino che ciò che fai, piccola,
Prima o poi, ti tornerà indietro
Vorrei solo che tu fossi qui con me, a Sundown
Sundown non è il tipo di posto
In cui vuoi startene da solo
Sono tutti giorni lunghi, caldi, interminabili
E notti fredde in solitudine
Vago da un bar all'altro, qui nella città solitaria
Vorrei solo che tu fossi qui con me, a Sundown
A Sundown i caffè sono pieni di amanti
Che passano il tempo
A Sundown tutto ciò che ho sono i problemi in testa
Quindi lavoro tutto il giorno qui al confine della contea
Mi dico che tutto si risolverà in tempo
Per quando arriverà l'estate, tu cambierai idea
Quella vocina nella testa è tutto ciò
Che mi impedisce di sprofondare
A Sundown
Per quando arriverà l'estate, tu cambierai idea
Quella vocina nella testa è tutto ciò
Che mi impedisce di sprofondare
A Sundown
*Springsteen gioca con il doppio significato di Sundown: è il nome della città ma, letteralmente, significa "tramonto".
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ducktracy · 5 years
71. buddy the gob (1934)
disclaimer: another one of those cartoons where racist caricatures and stereotypes are predominant. i don’t at all endorse them, they’re wrong and they’re gross, but they can’t be swept under the rug, either. this review is going to contain racist content and imagery. this is purely for educational and informational purposes. if i can do anything at all to make it easier to get through, and if i ever say something offensive or wrong, PLEASE let me know. your enjoyment is my priority. thank you for bearing with me.
release date: january 13th, 1934
series: looney tunes
director: friz freleng
starring: jack carr (buddy), bernice hansen (girl)
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sorry in advance for the horrible quality, all of the uploads of this are the same. and also in terms of that disclaimer: this isn’t as nasty as one step ahead of my shadow (thankfully) and the stereotypes aren’t too... raging, but they’re still there, gross, and constitute a disclaimer. anyway, it’s finally 1934, and friz freleng’s first independent director’s credit! buddy the gob (not to be confused with porky the gob) entails our hero budy arriving in china and saving a girl from being sacrificed to a dragon.
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open to a rather impressive shot of a fleet of ships (much like the opening of conrad the sailor). fun visuals galore as the ships slide on the waves: nothing new or exciting, but mildly entertaining. freleng’s love of musical timing is evident with various cannons firing and whistles blowing to the beat of the music.
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elsewhere, our faithful sailor buddy is dutifully scrubbing away at a pair of pajamas. the pajamas shake the water off like a dog, gratefully accepting a towel handed by buddy to (redundantly) dry itself. buddy, the master of thrilling dialogue, peers out the window and cries “oh, boy! china!”
eagerly does our young gob dash up the stairs and jump off the side of the boat, landing safely in a rowboat. treacherous waves are no problem for the ever optimistic buddy. we fade out and fade in on a bustling chinese village, stocked with stereotypes as always. thankfully, the stereotypes aren’t as nasty, mean spirited, or abundant as they are in one step ahead of my shadow, which this is practically a remake of, but they’re still cringeworthy and uncomfortable. a mother carries her children with a carrying pole, the children dangling by their hair from the pole instead of buckets. meanwhile, a man reads the script on a flyer, getting taller as he reads up and compressing as he reads back down.
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buddy encounters the poster and scratches his head, unable to translate it. nevertheless, the magic of cartoons rages on as the script translates into english, reading “GRAND CELEBRATION TODAY, the 150th birthday anniversary of the SACRED DRAGON.” friz tries some fancy work with the camera angle, zooming in on the lower half of the poster that reads “a beautiful girl will be sacrificed to the dragon. COME ONE, COME ALL!” buddy rushes to a growing crowd, trying to get a good look. he climbs a matryoshka of a family like stairs to dive into the crowd.
the crowd isn’t witnessing a brutal execution, but a stereotype filled parade. a man twirls his baton and bounces his beer belly up and down, two men carry a drum, mice jumping on it to create a drum cadence (reused from it’s got me again!), a line of trumpeters, a man playing piano, another man using children and their rice hats as cymbals (😬).
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there are some masked dancers who parade the streets, including a caricature of jimmy durante. they loved their durante gags! many more are to come. behind the slightly terrifying durante is the girl about to be sacrificed, crying as she’s carried away in a cage by two men.
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loyal buddy hears her cries for help and promises to save her. he runs after her, up a stairway and to a doorway that slams in his face. one of the guards lifts him up with his spear and tosses him to a wall, the spear sticking and buddy falling to the ground as his pants tear.
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this is pretty clever: after a few failed attempts at using the spear as a pole vault, he rips a gate off its hinges and fires several of the bars like arrows. one by one, the arrows stack up in the building, proving buddy a safe way to crawl into the building via window and save the girl.
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inside, a man is chaining the poor girl to the wall, swallowing the key to the lock. buddy bursts in once the man has left, but not before we get a shot of the fire breathing dragon behind bars. buddy tries all he can to free the girl, trying to rip the chain from the wall, yet fails.
with some quick thinking, he knocks on the door where the man presumably entered. as the man walks out, buddy smashes a barrel over his head, parts of the wood binding him together. our cute boy scout turned violent displays more aggression as he kicks the man in the ass, the key spitting back up onto the ground.
buddy unlocks the lock, and the girl is free. unfortunately, so is the dragon. cookie uses a lantern to jump out of the window and landing in a cart (an appropriate accordion sound effect to accompany the panther unfolding). buddy prepares to join her—he joins her sooner than expected when the dragon literally sets a fire under his butt.
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a man pulls the cart (i guess that’s one dehumanizing factor left over from one step ahead of my shadow), the cart flipping opposite ways as they hit rocks. the townsfolk aren’t happy at their celebration being ruined, and an angry mob follows buddy and his girl. the man trips over a rock once more, and the cart is lost in sight. again with the dehumanizing horse gag as the man runs on all fours, carrying buddy and his captive while neighing. ugh. you’re better than this, friz!
buddy and his girl run to a bridge, where buddy snaps the ropes connected to the pegs in the ground. there are some nice visuals as the two run across the bridge, the bridge folding beneath them and plummeting to an endless chasm.
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once they make it to the side safe and sound, the two mock the townsfolk, who shake their fists and their spears. one man throws a spear at buddy, and it misses. this gag feels particularly freleng to me, i’m not sure why. i guess it feels rather looney tunes-esque in general. the spear becomes anthropomorphized, and seeing that it missed its target, turns back around and jabs buddy in the butt. iris out.
i have conflicted feelings on this one. for one thing, it wasn’t as bad as i was expecting. the racism is still very much there and shouldn’t be shrugged off, but it isn’t as blatantly nasty as one step ahead of my shadow. another thing, although it was very uncomfortable, it was a relatively good buddy cartoon. more interesting than the rest. the music was great as always, and the sound effects are becoming more and more tolerable. as always, though, the stereotypes and caricatures prevent me from enjoying the cartoon’s full potential. friz certainly has much, much better entries as we’ll get to see and enjoy, but this was also his first independent directorial job. so, if anything, this cartoon carries historical significance with friz’s first directorial credit, but that’s about as much significance as it will get. i wouldn’t really recommend it, but if you do watch it, view at your own discretion (link).
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imissgrantland · 2 years
The Last Nets Dance, Mac Mania, Elite QB Watch, and RIP Jimmy Caan With Kevin Wildes, Peter Schrager, and Brian Koppelman
The Last Nets Dance, Mac Mania, Elite QB Watch, and RIP Jimmy Caan With Kevin Wildes, Peter Schrager, and Brian Koppelman
The Ringer’s Bill Simmons is joined by Kevin Wildes of Fox Sports to talk about Mac Jones, Chet Holmgren’s NBA Summer League debut, Kevin’s pitch for Kyrie Irving and Kevin Durant’s ‘Last Dance’, how Joey Chestnut ruined the Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest, fixes to the summer sports schedule, and… Source: The Last Nets Dance, Mac Mania, Elite QB Watch, and RIP Jimmy Caan With Kevin Wildes, Peter…
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victorianoir · 7 years
Rose Marie with her Jimmy Durante impersonation. "I had eaten most o' the glass an' wuz just gettin' down to da pheasant." 😂😂💔
RIP Rose Marie
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fueradefocomagazine · 4 years
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Por razones que son de público conocimiento y siguiendo así las políticas preventivas dictadas por las autoridades públicas y sanitarias, hemos decidido en forma conjunta con la banda, reprogramar el show de GUASONES anunciado para el día 6 de junio en el Estadio Luna Park.El mismo, quedará reprogramado para el día sábado 26 de septiembre en el mismo lugar. Lamentamos las molestias ocasionadas.Gracias por su paciencia y comprensión. ATENCIÓN:Las entradas adquiridas serán válidas para la nueva fecha del show sin tener que cambiarlas. Aquellos que no puedan asistir a la nueva fecha deberán:ENTRADA/S ADQUIRIDA/S MEDIANTE LA BOLETERÍA DEL LUNA PARK A PARTIR DEL 27/04/20:• Con tarjeta de crédito/débito: Deben presentarse con dicha entrada + la tarjeta utilizada para realizar el reintegro.• Abonadas en efectivo: Deben presentarse con dicha entrada para realizar el reintegro. LA/S ENTRADA/S ADQUIRIDA/S MEDIANTE PUNTOS DE VENTA TICKETPORTAL A PARTIR DEL 27/04/20:• Abonadas en efectivo: Deben presentarse con dicha entrada para realizar el reintegro.• Con tarjeta de crédito/débito: Enviar un mail a [email protected] una foto de la/s entrada/s rota / partida al medio, de frente, donde se visualice correctamente la información y se procederá a la devolución ONLINE. Guasones regresa al Estadio Luna Park para presentar su nuevo álbum de estudio el sábado 26 de septiembre a las 19:00hs en el Estadio Luna Park – Av. Madero 420.En el concierto, la reconocida banda de rock platense también hará un repaso por los temas más representativos de toda su discografía. Entradas a la venta por sistema Ticketportal ingresando en www.ticketportal.com.arTambién se pueden adquirir por venta telefónica llamando al 5353-0606. ACERCA DE GUASONES Guasones es una banda de rock argentina, formada en 1992 e integrada por cuatro músicos de la ciudad de La Plata (Buenos Aires): Facundo Soto en voz y guitarra, Maximiliano Timczyszyn en guitarra líder, Esteban Monti en bajo y Damián Celedón en batería. Más de veinte años de rock sobre sus espaldas, miles de kilómetros recorridos tocando en escenarios de toda la Argentina, 8 discos de estudio y 3 álbumes en vivo hacen que Guasones se encuentre actualmente entre las bandas con mayor convocatoria del país y encabezando los festivales más importantes. En el año 2013, la banda realizó también una gira por distintas ciudades de España. En junio de 2014 se edita “Locales Calientes” bajo la producción artística de Jimmy Rip, legendario productor americano y mítico guitarrista de Mick Jagger. Este disco fue seguido por una extensa gira de conciertos por todo el país durante los 2 siguientes años. En 2016 se incorpora como músico colaborador Matías Sorokin en guitarras y coros, participando también en la producción del octavo álbum de estudio de la banda. Durante todo este año la banda compatibiliza una intensa gira de shows en directo, la participación en numerosos festivales, y el trabajo en un nuevo disco de estudio. El 7 de abril de 2017 se edita el álbum “Hasta el final”, grabado, mezclado y masterizado en los estudios del Abasto Monsterland. DISCOGRAFÍA:Hasta el final (2017)Locales calientes (2014)Acústico Gran Rex (2012) CD + DVDParque de depresiones (2011)Vivo Luna Park (2009) CD + DVDEsclavo (2008)El rock de mi vida (2006) CD + DVDToro rojo (2005)Como animales (2003)Con la casa en orden (2001)Guasones (2000) Para más información de Guasones:Web Oficial: http://guasones.net/oficial/Facebook: https://es-es.facebook.com/guasonesoficial/Twitter: https://twitter.com/guasonesoficiaiInstagram: @guasones
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rollingstonemag · 7 years
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Un nouvel article a été publié sur https://www.rollingstone.fr/john-lennon-dernier-tango-in-l-a/
John Lennon : dernier tango in L.A.
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Le 26 septembre 1974, John Lennon publie l’album Walls and Bridges qui met un terme à son légendaire Lost Weekend, et décroche le premier – et seul – numéro 1 de sa carrière solo avec “Whatever Gets You Thru the Night”. Rolling Stone revisite l’une des périodes les plus déjantées mais aussi les plus prolifiques de l’ex-Beatle
Un juillet 1974, John Lennon prend ses quartiers au studio Record Plant de New York. Il est là pour enregistrer et produire lui-même les chansons qu’il a écrites depuis son retour à New York, après avoir séjourné plusieurs mois à Los Angeles en compagnie de May Pang, sa jeune assistante (ou son “esclave”, selon l’affreux Albert Goldman, biographe totalement non officiel de Lennon), avec laquelle il entretient une liaison plus ou moins téléguidée par sa femme, Yoko Ono. Soit l’une des périodes les plus troublées de la vie de John, que l’histoire retiendra sous le nom de Lost Weekend mais qui s’avérera aussi l’une des plus créatives de sa carrière solo. Au printemps, celui qui selon le journaliste Elliot Mintz “ne s’est jamais habitué à L. A.”, s’est installé dans un petit appartement de la 52e Rue Est avec May Pang. Les deux amants ont pour voisine Greta Garbo, la “Divine”. Après les excès du Lost Weekend, durant lequel, de son propre aveu, il s’est “noyé dans l’alcool”, John est dans une période plutôt positive. Il lui arrive encore de se soûler mais pas excessivement, et il reçoit chez lui, avec beaucoup d’affabilité, quelques vieilles connaissances de passage en ville comme Paul et Linda McCartney ou encore Mick Jagger, avec et parfois sans Bianca… Il y accueille surtout Julian, le fils né de son premier mariage avec Cynthia, qu’il n’a pas vu depuis plusieurs années et avec lequel il vient de renouer. Lennon essaie d’être un bon père. Pour Julian, il endosse même le rôle de professeur de guitare, et l’invite à jouer (de la batterie) au Record Plant le temps d’une courte reprise de “Ya Ya”, lors des sessions de ce qui deviendra l’album Walls and Bridges.
C’est au pierre, en face de Central Park, où il s’est installé en rentrant de L. A., que Lennon a composé la plupart des chansons de cet album qui doit succéder à Mind Games, publié l’année précédente. Le thème qui domine ses nouveaux morceaux, c’est l’absence de Yoko Ono, dont il est séparé depuis l’été précédent – on lui attribue cette fameuse phrase prononcée a posteriori : “Notre séparation a été un échec total.” –, dans une tentative complètement ratée de pallier certains manques qui semblent déséquilibrer une relation jusque-là incroyablement fusionnelle.
“Going Down on Love”, le premier titre, donne par exemple une assez bonne indication de l’état d’esprit plutôt sombre qui a dominé les derniers mois, Lennon paraissant totalement désorienté par l’absence de Yoko. Un peu plus loin “Bless You”, qu’il considérait comme la meilleure chanson du disque, est une réflexion sur l’amour qu’il lui porte et “la façon dont l’amour évolue, ce qui est une des surprises que nous réserve la vie. Ce n’est plus tout à fait la même chose même si c’est encore de l’amour, et ‘Bless You’ parle en partie de ça”. “What You Got”, quant à elle, évoque directement Yoko et ce qu’il a perdu en la quittant. Au départ une chanson rockabilly inspirée par Carl Perkins et pastichant le “Rip It Up” de Little Richard, elle se transforme en performance disco-funk telle que les O’Jays pouvaient la pratiquer alors avec succès. Pourtant c’est bel et bien May Pang, sa compagne du moment, qu’on entend sur “#9 Dream”, somptueux titre mid-tempo gorgé de chœurs et de cordes, aux arrangements directement inspirés de ceux que John avait écrits pour la reprise du “Many Rivers to Cross” de Jimmy Cliff, enregistrée par son ami Harry Nilsson, lequel cosigne la ballade “Old Dirt Road” – sur laquelle il assure également les backing vocals.
Il y a beaucoup moins de tendresse, en revanche, dans “Steel and Glass”, une attaque directe (“And you leave your smell like an alley cat”) contre Allen Klein, l’ex-manager des Beatles et conseiller financier de Lennon et de Ringo Starr, avec lequel il est alors en procès. Même si Lennon lui-même a toujours affirmé “que la chanson ne s’adresse pas à une personne en particulier. J’ai utilisé plusieurs personnes, un peu comme un romancier qui compose un personnage à partir de plusieurs de ses connaissances. En tout cas, ça ne s’adresse pas à Paul”. À la différence de “How Do You Sleep” qui, dans Imagine, reprochait amèrement à McCartney d’avoir refusé de s’associer à Klein, précipitant ainsi la dissolution de leur partenariat. Tout aussi lugubre, “Scared” livre cette phrase terrible qui sonne comme un aveu : “Hatred and jealousy/Is gonna be a death of me”. Enfin, “Nobody Loves You (When You’re Down and Out)”, composée au début du Lost Weekend et illuminée par un solo merveilleux du guitariste Jesse Ed Davis, reflète son sentiment de solitude extrême autant que ses désillusions par rapport au music business. Lennon dira plus tard l’avoir imaginée chantée par Frank Sinatra. “Je ne sais pas trop pourquoi mais c’est un genre de chanson sinatraesque, vraiment. Il ferait du super-boulot avec. Tu m’entends Frank ?”
Mais la chanson phare de ces séances de l’été 1974, c’est “Whatever Gets You Thru the Night”. D’après May Pang, celle-ci a été inspirée à John par la prestation télévisée nocturne d’un pasteur évangéliste noir, Reverend Ike. Musica- lement, la progression harmonique s’inspire du hit (prédisco) “Rock Your Baby” par le chanteur George McCrae, que Lennon aime beaucoup. Mais le morceau va surtout bénéficier de l’apparition impromptue d’Elton John au Record Plant, alors que John travaille déjà sur le titre avec ce groupe de sessionmen – pour la plupart de vieilles connaissances –, dont le noyau dur est composé de Nicky Hopkins au piano, de Klaus Voormann à la basse, de Jim Keltner à la batterie et de Jesse Ed Davis aux guitares.
John et Elton se sont rencontrés récemment à Los Angeles et Lennon ne cache pas son admiration pour l’exubérant chanteur et pianiste anglais, alors au sommet de la gloire. Aussi, lorsque Elton demande s’il peut “ajouter un peu de piano” à la chanson, Lennon acquiesce avec enthou- siasme. Au final, ils finiront par chanter le refrain en chœur – sur le même micro – et Elton John ajoutera un peu d’orgue à l’ensemble, histoire de pimenter l’affaire. Contre l’avis de Lennon, la chanson est très vite choisie par Capitol comme premier single et donne l’occasion de mesurer l’incroyable culot d’Elton, qui n’hésite pas à provoquer Lennon. Si jamais “Whatever Gets You Thru the Night” devient no 1 des ventes de singles aux États-Unis, l’ex-Beatle doit promettre de monter sur scène avec lui lors de son futur concert au Madison Square Garden, le soir de Thanksgiving. Curieusement, Lennon accepte. Probablement parce qu’il n’y croit pas beaucoup, après l’échec commercial rencontré par Mind Games.
Je sais qu’il peut faire mieux que Walls and Bridges
Walls and Bridges est mis sur le marché le 26 septembre 1974, trois jours après la mise en vente du single “Whatever Gets You Thru the Night”. Invité à donner son opinion sur le nouveau 33 tours de son ex-“partner in crime”, McCartney déclare : “C’est un très bon album, un grand album, mais je sais qu’il peut faire mieux. J’ai entendu ‘I Am the Walrus’ aujourd’hui, par exemple, et c’est ce que je veux dire. Je sais qu’il peut faire mieux que Walls and Bridges. Je trouve que ‘Walrus’ est mieux. C’est plus aventureux. Plus excitant.”
D’autres se montrent plus enthousiastes que Paul. Bien décidé à redorer le blason de son nouvel ami, Elton John décide de reprendre “Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds”, l’un des joyaux psychédéliques de Sgt. Pepper’s, dans une version légèrement colorée reggae. Lennon est présent lors de l’enregistrement au Caribou Ranch, studio situé dans les montagnes rocheuses au Colorado, à 3 000 mètres d’altitude. Il y joue de la guitare sous le pseudonyme de Dr. Winston O’Boogie et assure également les chœurs sur la face B du single, “One Day (at a Time)”, une composition extraite de Mind Games.
Le 18 octobre, la surprise est totale pour Lennon : “Whatever Gets You…” devient no 1 des charts et Walls and Bridges suit aussitôt le même chemin. En partie grâce à Elton, Lennon a réussi son come-back, mais il a perdu son pari et va devoir tenir sa promesse de se produire sur scène, ce qu’il n’a pas fait depuis le concert du 30 août 1972 au Madison Square Garden – si l’on excepte un bœuf impromptu au Troubadour de L. A., le 30 novembre 1973, à l’occasion d’un concert de Dr. John.
Mais avant cela, Lennon a décidé de retourner au Record Plant en compagnie du noyau dur des musiciens qui ont par- ticipé aux sessions de Walls and Bridges. Il souhaite terminer l’enregistrement de cet album de reprises de classiques du rock fifties, Oldies but Mouldies, entamé un an plus tôt à L.A. sous la houlette de Phil Spector et demeuré inachevé.
Pour bien comprendre de quoi nous parlons ici, il convient de revenir au début de l’année 1973. Celle-ci a fort mal commencé, avec la réélection de Richard Nixon, l’ennemi juré de John. Le prenant – plutôt à raison (l’album Some Time in New York City, entre autres) – pour un personnage dangereusement subversif, Nixon a en effet fait des pieds et des mains pour favoriser son expulsion du territoire américain. En réalité, maintenant qu’il a réinvesti la Maison Blanche, Nixon se moque comme d’une guigne de Lennon. Mais celui-ci n’en sait rien et se croit toujours espionné par le FBI. De toute façon, son sort est toujours suspendu à la décision de l’Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS). Suite à une condamnation pour usage et possession de drogue au Royaume-Uni, son ordre d’expulsion est confirmé le 23 mars. Il a soixante jours pour quitter le territoire.
C’est d’autant plus dramatique, que Lennon a enfin trouvé un lieu de vie qui semble lui convenir parfaitement. Un vieil immeuble gothique, un peu inquiétant, construit en 1880 et qui domine Central Park, le Dakota. C’est en partie là que Roman Polanski a tourné son chef-d’œuvre Rosemary’s Baby, et l’endroit comptera au fil de sa longue histoire nombre de résidents célèbres, tels que Lauren Bacall, Arthur Rubinstein ou encore Boris Karloff. Les Lennon y achètent un premier appartement (ils finiront par en posséder cinq) de douze pièces, lequel a appartenu à l’acteur Robert Ryan. En apparence, tout semble aller pour le mieux dans le meilleur des mondes pour le couple…
Un mois plus tôt, Lennon est en outre parvenu à se débarrasser légalement du calamiteux Allen Klein, qui se désintéresse désormais totalement du sort de ses poulains, John, George et Ringo. Bien évidemment, Klein intente un procès à John, affirmant lui avoir prêté 500 000 dollars, que ce dernier ne lui aurait jamais rendus. Cela n’empêche nullement le musicien d’être très productif, écrivant de courts essais et des réflexions (qui seront publiées à titre posthume sous le titre Skywriting by Word of Mouth, soit “Éclats de ciel par ouï-dire”) ainsi que des chansons qu’il destine à Ringo Starr (“Goodnight Vienna”), à Johnny Winter (“Rock’n’Roll People”) ou à Keith Moon (“Move Over Ms. L”). Il “supervise” également l’enregistrement du nouvel album de Yoko, tout en travaillant sur Mind Games. Enfin, tous deux sont désormais clean, après une longue dépendance à la méthadone, clean au point de ne “même plus fumer d’herbe”.
Pourtant, il se produit alors une chose incroyable. John et Yoko vont prendre la décision de se séparer. En cause, l’appétit sexuel de John qui, même s’il n’a quasiment jamais été infidèle à sa femme, semble le tarauder sans relâche. Appétit que Yoko ne paraît plus en mesure de satisfaire. Le couple prend le problème à bras-le-corps et décide, d’un commun accord, que John peut aller voir ailleurs si l’envie lui prend. Loin, si possible, et de préférence avec quelqu’un que Yoko connaît. Voire qu’elle pourra contrôler. Le choix se porte donc sur May Pang, cette jeune sino-américaine qui travaille pour eux depuis deux ans, tandis que John suggère que Yoko aille butiner du coté de David Spinozza, ce jeune guitariste très doué qui a participé aux séances de Mind Games.
Le 18 septembre, John s’envole pour Los Angeles en compagnie de la ravissante May Pang qui doit lui servir tout à la fois de gouvernante, d’assistante et de maîtresse. “Yoko m’a littéralement foutu à la porte, racontera-t-il plus tard. Je ne suis pas parti en disant que j’allais me faire un trip de célibataire rock’n’roll. Elle m’a vraiment dit : ‘Fous le camp’ et j’ai répondu : ‘OK, OK, je m’en vais… célibataire et libre.’ J’avais été marié toute ma vie et je me suis dit : Whooo- yippie ! Mais ça a été vraiment horrible.”
C’est là que commence ce que John lui-même va appeler son “Lost Weekend”, en référence sans doute à un classique du film noir réalisé en 1945 par Billy Wilder, avec Ray Milland dans le rôle d’un jeune écrivain alcoolique qui se retrouve seul un week-end à New York à lutter contre ses démons. Lennon, lui, n’est pas seul : dès son arrivée avec May, il est accueilli par Elliot Mintz. Ancien DJ qui s’est fait virer pour avoir diffusé en intégralité et sans interruption Some Time in New York City à l’antenne, il travaille désormais pour l’émission Eyewitness News sur la chaîne ABC.
J’avais été marié toute ma vie et je me suis dit : Whooo- yippie ! Mais ça a été vraiment horrible
D’après Mintz, “dès que John a débarqué, il n’avait qu’une idée en tête : retrouver Yoko”. Se révèle ainsi toute l’ambiguïté de ce “week-end perdu”. Lennon va se comporter comme le plus invétéré des célibataires tout en appelant Yoko vingt fois par jour, celle-ci contactant May presque aussi souvent pour être au courant des faits et gestes de son mari. Ce qui est certain, c’est que John est complètement paumé. Théoriquement, il est censé rencontrer les gens de sa maison de disques, Capitol, pour promouvoir Mind Games, puis profiter de sa présence à Los Angeles pour régler un vieux contentieux avec l’éditeur Morris Levy. Ce “conflit” – qui finira devant les tribunaux – va obliger Lennon a enregistrer au moins trois chansons tirées du très abondant catalogue que possède celui que l’on surnomme “La Pieuvre” dans le métier. Un catalogue riche en classiques du rock’n’roll et du rhythm’n’blues, obtenus dans des conditions souvent douteuses, mais qui inspirent suffisamment Lennon pour qu’il envisage d’enregistrer un album complet dont le titre de travail est Oldies but Mouldies.
L es clés en sont confiées à Phil Spector, avec qui l’ancien Beatle a enregistré ces deux premiers disques post-Beatles, Plastic Ono Band et Imagine, et les musiciens constitués d’un aréopage de requins de haut vol au nombre desquels figurent, Jim Keltner, Klaus Voormann, Steve Cropper et Jesse Ed Davis. S’échelonnant d’octobre à décembre 1973, les séances du futur Rock’n’Roll, on le sait, dégénèrent très vite, Spector s’illustrant surtout par ses déguisements extravagants, sa consommation gargantuesque de cognac Courvoisier, son penchant qui s’avérera funeste pour les armes à feu et le kidnapping final des bandes enregistrées. Lennon n’est pas en reste, décrit par Jim Keltner comme “assis la plupart du temps sur un tabouret un casque sur les oreilles, avec un seau rempli de vodka d’une taille carrément ridicule à ses pieds”. Installé avec May Pang dans la maison du producteur Lou Adler, Lennon “biberonne, comme jamais depuis mes 20 ans”. Il laisse surtout libre cours à la partie la plus destructrice de sa personnalité, malgré la présence a priori rassurante de Mal Evans, l’ancien roadie des Beatles, qui le raccroche à ses racines liverpuldiennes.
À Los Angeles, les frasques de Lennon deviennent vite légendaires, même si tout le monde fait son possible pour éviter qu’elles ne s’ébruitent dans la presse afin de ne pas aggraver son cas vis-à-vis de l’INS. Mais même celles qui paraissent les plus invraisemblables, telles que narrées par Albert Goldman dans son abominable Une vie avec les Beatles, seront a posteriori confirmées par des sources plus fiables. Il y a ce jour où, excédé par l’attitude laborieuse de Spector, il manque de violer May Pang devant tous les musiciens, avant de sortir du studio avec Jesse Ed Davis, de rouler une énorme pelle à celui-ci, puis de le repousser violemment. Une fois en voiture, il entreprend de rouer de coups les autres passagers, en hurlant alternativement : “May ! Yoko ! May ! Yoko !” Arrivé à Bel Air, Lennon tente d’étrangler Phil Spector, qui heureusement ne se déplace jamais sans George, son garde du corps. Celui-ci finit par ligoter Lennon à son lit, mais ce dernier, totalement incontrôlable, parvient à se libérer et commence à balancer les meubles par la fenêtre. Lennon finira par se calmer dans les bras de Tony King, un employé du label Apple, non sans avoir réduit en poussière la collection de disques d’or accumulée par Lou Adler grâce aux Mamas & the Papas.
Même si toute cette histoire a sans doute été un peu exagérée, les exactions de Lennon en compagnie de Harry Nilsson, qui est devenu son compagnon de beuverie préféré, puis de Keith Moon venu rejoindre la petite bande de fêtards, sont généralement avérées. Il y a d’abord cette soirée de février 1974 au Troubadour, où se produit la chanteuse Ann Peebles, alors au sommet de sa carrière grâce au formidable “I Can’t Stand the Rain”. Même s’il déclare qu’“il s’agit de la meilleure chanson de tous les temps”, Lennon a l’idée saugrenue d’arborer une serviette hygiénique trouvée dans les toilettes de l’établissement en guise de couvre-chef pendant la prestation de Peebles. Puis, le 12 mars, au même endroit, c’est le grand retour des Smothers Brothers, un duo de comédiens et musiciens folk, dont le Comedy Hour télévisé était très populaire dans les années 60, avant qu’il ne soit supprimé pour cause de sympathie avouée du duo pour la contre-culture. Ce soir-là, John et Nilsson entonnent à tue-tête le même “I Can’t Stand the Rain” de Peebles, avant d’être pris à partie par le manager des Smoothers Brothers et de se faire éjecter du Troubadour. “J’étais comme un poulet sans tête, déclarera ensuite Lennon. Je me réveillais dans des endroits étranges, ou bien je découvrais des trucs sur moi dans le journal racontant des choses extraordinaires que j’avais faites, pour moitié vraies et pour moitié fausses. Et je me suis retrouvé dans une sorte de rêve dingue pendant un an…”
Pourtant, si l’on en croit Elliot Mintz, pour “une journée d’incohérence alcoolisée, il y en avait dix où il était parfaitement clair”. Notamment lorsqu’il reçoit Cynthia et Julian, qu’il emmène plusieurs fois à Disneyland, et surtout quand il prend en main l’enregistrement d’un album de Nilsson, Pussy Cats. Lennon réalise qu’au milieu du chaos qu’il engendre plus ou moins malgré lui – le nombre de stars hollywoodiennes qui débarquent en studio ou dans la grande maison qu’il loue à Santa Monica est carrément hallucinant – il est le seul capable de prendre des responsabilités.
Les séances de Pussy Cats démarrent le 28 mars 1974 aux studios Burbank, avec plus ou moins les mêmes musiciens que ceux qui officient sur Oldies but Mouldies, et bénéficient, dès la première semaine, de la visite inattendue de Paul et Linda McCartney de passage en ville. La soirée finira par une longue jam sur “Midnight Special”, au cours de laquelle les fameuses harmonies vocales, passablement entamées par l’alcool toutefois, résonneront pour la toute dernière fois. Le partenariat ATV/ Northern Songs ayant été dissous et Klein évincé, les rapports entre les deux vieux complices se sont nettement améliorés. D’ailleurs, quelques mois plus tard, au cours d’interviews données à la presse anglaise, Lennon évoque pour la première fois la possibilité de reformer les Beatles. “Il n’existe aucune loi qui dise que nous ne ferons plus rien ensemble, et aucune loi qui dise qu’on le fera. Si on faisait quelque chose (ensemble) je suis certain que ce ne serait pas permanent. On le ferait juste pour ce moment-là. Je pense que nous sommes plus proches à présent que nous ne l’avons été depuis longtemps.”
Entre-temps, John est revenu à New York où il entreprend d’apporter la touche finale à Pussy Cats et de régler ses problèmes avec l’Immigration. Ayant également réussi, moyennant la coquette somme de 90 000 dollars, à persuader Phil Spector de lui restituer les bandes du fameux Rock’n’Roll, il a enfin la possibilité de boucler – en cinq jours seulement – les derniers titres de l’album.
En attendant le 28 novembre, date du concert d’Elton John, il s’occupe en assurant la promo de Walls and Bridges. Assez ironiquement, les interviews qu’il accorde à la presse anglaise ont lieu juste à côté d’une convention Beatles, à l’occasion de laquelle il finit par avouer à la journaliste Lisa Robinson qu’il collectionne lui-même les objets Beatles. “Elton John m’a offert des poupées Beatles. Je n’ai pas la lunchbox. J’aimerais bien. C’est plutôt utile comme objet.”
Une semaine avant le concert du Madison Square Garden, John assiste à un show d’Elton John à Boston. Une prestation dont il ressort terrorisé, face à l’aisance du musicien et à la ferveur du public. Pourtant, malgré son appréhension, il se rend le 27 novembre aux répétitions avec Elton et son groupe. Le choix des chansons se porte sur “Whatever Gets You Thru the Night”, la version dite reggae de “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds” et, plus curieusement, à la suggestion d’Elton, sur “I Saw Her Standing There” des Beatles, une chanson que Paul McCartney a toujours chantée.
Elton John m’a offert des poupées Beatles. Je n’ai pas la lunchbox. J’aimerais bien. C’est plutôt utile comme objet.
Le lendemain soir, à l’heure dite, John débarque au Madison Square Garden, littéralement dévoré par le trac. Après avoir vomi backstage, il est sur le point de renoncer quand Bernie Taupin, le parolier d’Elton, le pousse littéralement sur scène aux deux tiers du concert, comme cela était prévu. Et Elton annonce, non sans fierté : “Comme c’est Thanksgiving, nous nous sommes dit que nous allions faire de cette soirée un événement un peu joyeux en invitant quelqu’un à nous rejoindre sur scène.” John arrive, mâchant nerveusement son chewing-gum comme il l’a toujours fait en concert, les yeux dissimulés derrière ses lunettes noires. Il salue longuement le public, et soudain c’est l’émeute : 18 000 personnes deviennent totalement hystériques. Même s’il est encore nerveux, Lennon prend rapidement ses marques et se lance avec Elton dans une version débridée de “Whatever Gets Thru the Night”. Au moment d’entamer “I Saw Her Standing There”, Lennon esquisse même un semblant de plaisanterie, en annonçant : “Un morceau écrit par un ancien fiancé à moi, nommé Paul ! »
En attendant le 28 novembre, date du concert d’Elton John, il s’occupe en assurant la promo de Walls and Bridges. Assez ironiquement, les interviews qu’il accorde à la presse anglaise ont lieu juste à côté d’une convention Beatles, à l’occasion de laquelle il finit par avouer à la journaliste Lisa Robinson qu’il collectionne lui-même les objets Beatles. “Elton John m’a offert des poupées Beatles. Je n’ai pas la lunchbox. J’aimerais bien. C’est plutôt utile comme objet.”
Une semaine avant le concert du Madison Square Garden, John assiste à un show d’Elton John à Boston. Une prestation dont il ressort terrorisé, face à l’aisance du musicien et à la ferveur du public. Pourtant, malgré son appréhension, il se rend le 27 novembre aux répétitions avec Elton et son groupe. Le choix des chansons se porte sur “Whatever Gets You Thru the Night”, la version dite reggae de “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds” et, plus curieusement, à la suggestion d’Elton, sur “I Saw Her Standing There” des Beatles, une chanson que Paul McCartney a toujours chantée.
Trois petites minutes plus tard, c’est terminé. Tout le monde s’étreint et pleure, et Lennon disparaît dans les coulisses. On ne le reverra jamais plus sur une scène. Tandis que Elton termine son show, Yoko, venue assister secrètement à l’événement, le rejoint dans les loges, où ils restent un long moment assis, comme seul au monde, non loin d’une May Pang visiblement mal à l’aise.
Le Lost Weekend de John Lennon vient de prendre fin ; il réintègre le Dakota au début de l’année 1975 et, deux mois plus tard, Yoko lui annonce qu’elle attend un enfant. Au moment où sort officiellement l’album Rock’n’Roll, au terme d’un invraisemblable imbroglio impliquant l’ineffable Morris Levy, Lennon a pris la décision de se retirer de la vie publique et de ne plus faire de musique, pour se consacrer entièrement à son fils Sean, né le 9 octobre, pendant que Yoko “gérerait les affaires”. Une nouvelle vie commence. Partiellement reclus au Dakota, Lennon ignore encore qu’il ne lui reste plus que cinq années à vivre avant de tomber sous les balles d’un déséquilibré.
Par Manuel Rabasse
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diegoricol · 6 years
Diego Ricol Freyre recomienda:Diego Ricol Freyre recomienda: Cosquín Rock: La Casita del Blues
Cosquín Rock: La Casita del Blues
27/01/2019 por Lucas Seoane
Ubicado con un pequeño escenario en forma de casa, cerca del patio de comidas, es uno de los sectores más interesantes desde su debut en 2017 en Cosquín Rock. Este año albergará a figuras como Botafogo, Jimmy Rip, Chris Cain y Deborah Dixon, entre otras grandes propuestas del blues.
El conjunto cordobés que mezcla blues, swing y jazz expondrá todo su ritmo bailable y caliente el sábado 9, a las 18.50, en la jornada en que compartirá escenario con Jimmy Rip, Don Vilanova Botafogo, Los Mentidores, Marcia Blues, Viejo Motor y The Daapper Dan Band.
Cesar Valdomir & The Blue Midnight
El cantante y armonicista volcará todo su blues clásico y prolijo el domingo 10, a las 17.50. Durante esa misma fecha pasarán por La Casita del Blues: Chris Cain, Deborah Dixon & Patán Vidal, Ettiene Nadine & Toyo con Iván Singh Band, Hombres Bien, Alejandra Monticelli & The Soul Hunters y Lorena Gómez and The Mojo Boogie’s.
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imissgrantland · 2 years
The Last Nets Dance, Mac Mania, Elite QB Watch, and RIP Jimmy Caan With Kevin Wildes, Peter Schrager, and Brian Koppelman
The Last Nets Dance, Mac Mania, Elite QB Watch, and RIP Jimmy Caan With Kevin Wildes, Peter Schrager, and Brian Koppelman
The Ringer’s Bill Simmons is joined by Kevin Wildes of Fox Sports to talk about Mac Jones, Chet Holmgren’s NBA Summer League debut, Kevin’s pitch for Kyrie Irving and Kevin Durant’s ‘Last Dance’, how Joey Chestnut ruined the Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest, fixes to the summer sports schedule, and… Source: The Last Nets Dance, Mac Mania, Elite QB Watch, and RIP Jimmy Caan With Kevin Wildes, Peter…
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lanaveonline · 6 years
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Ciclo de Cine Independiente y de Autor
Treceava temporada
Septiembre - 18:30 hs
Auditorio Jorge Luis Borges
Martes de septiembre a las 18:30 hs
4 de septiembre. Función especial
ÁBALOS, Una historia de cinco hermanos, de Josefina Zavalía Ábalos y Pablo Noé (2018)
11 de septiembre.  
Ser Luthier (Manos Argentinas), de Rocío Gauna y María Victoria Ferrari (2018)
18 de septiembre.
Estilo Libre, de Javier Zevallos y Juan Zevallos (2017)
25 de septiembre. Preestreno
Mas allá de Valle de Muñecas, de Emiliano Cativa (2018)
En la apertura de cada función se realizará un diálogo con los productores de los festivales, y el equipo técnico y artístico de las películas, coordinado por integrantes de La Nave de los Sueños.
Anfitriones: Daniela Pereyra y Cristian Baral. Producción: Gabriel Patrono, Giuliana Trucco, Noelia Soledad Gómez, Agustina Lasagni. Con la colaboración de Florencia Romero, Pablo Barilatti y Reina Escofet
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4 de septiembre. Función especial
ÁBALOS, Una historia de cinco hermanos, de Josefina Zavalía Ábalos y Pablo Noé (2018)
En los años 40, Los Hermanos Ábalos se transformaron en uno de los más importantes conjuntos de música folclórica argentina, único en su estilo. El último integrante del conjunto, Vitillo Ábalos, comienza una aventura: rescatar del olvido el repertorio que interpretó toda su vida con sus hermanos, ahora ausentes. Acompañado por Juan, su sobrino-nieto, guitarrista de rock, decide emprender un viaje sonoro que los llevará por caminos inimaginados.
Ficha técnica
Dirección Josefina Zavalía Ábalos y Pablo Noé / Guión Josefina Zavalía Ábalos / Director de  Fotografía Nahuel Varela / Edición Adrián Bao Pablo Barboza Juan José Gómez / Sonido Victoria Franzan / Dirección musical Juan Gigena Ábalos / Música Juan Gigena Ábalos Tomás Tyrrell / Productores María Vacas Josefina Zavalía Ábalos Pablo Noé / Producción Ejecutiva María Vacas / Intérpretes y Entrevistados Víctor Manuel "Vitillo" Ábalos, Juan Gigena Ábalos, Juanjo Dominguez, Jaime Torres, Raly Barrionuevo, Luis María Serra, Andrés Ciro Martínez, Jimmy Rip, Roger Waters, La Bomba de Tiempo.
Josefina Zavalía Ábalos nació en Buenos Aires en 1973. Realizó estudios en la Carrera de Letras en la UBA. Se formó de manera autodidacta en la cinematografía, realizando diversos cursos de guión, dirección y producción en la ENERC y realización documental en la UBA. Su primer trabajo como directora, productora y guionista fue la serie de televisión de micro-documentales “5 hermanos 1 historia 10 canciones”, estrenada en Canal Encuentro. Junto con Pablo Noé realizó su opera prima Ábalos, una historia de 5 hermanos, con el objetivo de resignificar y recuperar el legado de su familia de músicos. Pablo Noé nació en 1976. Es Técnico Productor en medios audiovisuales, graduado en la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, en 2004. Su tesis fue seleccionada para ser exhibida en el Festival Internacional de Cine de Mar del Plata de 2005. Es editor y colorista. Trabajó en producciones televisivas como Estocolmo y La Dueña, y en documentales como Soy Tambor, Awka Liwen, Claudia, entre otros.
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11 de septiembre.  
Ser Luthier (Manos Argentinas), de Rocío Gauna y María Victoria Ferrari (2018)
Ser luthier recorre diferentes talleres de artesanos argentinos, quienes abren sus puertas para descubrir el mágico mundo de la construcción de sonidos. Creadores del principio de la música, su trabajo, sus pasiones, su cotidianidad, son los protagonistas de esta película que propone vislumbrar un oficio esencial para el mundo del arte.
Ficha técnica
Idea y Realización: Rocio Gauna - María Victoria Ferrari Producción: Rocio Gauna - María Victoria Ferrari
Fotografía y Cámara: María Victoria Ferrari Sonido Directo: Rocío Gauna Montaje: Leonardo Cauteruccio
Música y Postproducción de Sonido: Diego Gago -Guillermo Sempronii -Kanu Estudios
Animación y Gráfica: Josefina Rossi
Postproducción de Color: Javier Ferraro
Rocío Gauna es egresada de la carrera de Diseño de Imagen y Sonido de
la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Actualmente cursa la carrera de
Especialización en Teoría del Diseño Comunicacional en FADU. Durante el año 2013 ha realizado
un video arte experimental titulado “Inconstante. Adj. No estable ni
permanente”, una reflexión poética del paso del tiempo en el cuerpo de
cuatro mujeres. El mismo ha sido seleccionado durante el 2013 y 2014 en diversos festivales nacionales e internacionales (https://vimeo.com/67526851).
María Victoria Ferrari es Diseñadora de Imagen y Sonido de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Actualmente está realizando un Máster en Periodismo Documental en la Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero. Realiza video - arte, video - danza, cine documental y ficción. Ha trabajado con distintos grupos de danza incluyendo la compañía Nacional de Danza Contemporánea. Durante el año 2013 ha realizado un video arte
experimental titulado “Inconstante. Adj. No estable ni permanente”, una reflexión poética del paso del tiempo en el cuerpo de cuatro mujeres. El mismo ha sido seleccionado durante el 2013 y 2014 en diversos festivales nacionales e internacionales (https://vimeo.com/67526851).
Trabaja como docente, realizadora audiovisual independiente fundando su productora Biguá. Trabaja coordinando los contenidos audiovisuales en la Universidad Nacional Tecnológica de Buenos Aires. Actualmente está haciendo la producción de un proyecto documental sobre la lucha por el espacio de la fe en los barrios del conurbano, también ganador de una beca del FNA.
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18 de septiembre.
Estilo Libre, de Javier Zevallos y Juan Zevallos (2017)
Tras pasar 5 años preso, el rapero Matías Escobar se traslada a la calma de un balneario fuera de temporada. Busca la reconexión con su pasado y la tranquilidad espiritual. El mar invernal, los viejos amigos, la melancolía y la soledad lo llevaran a adentrarse en un limbo introspectivo en el que el tiempo dejará de ser relevante, la escritura fluirá y las canciones comenzarán a tomar la forma.
Ficha Técnica
Dirección: Juan Zevallos y Javier Zevallos Guión: Fernando Krapp y Javier Zevallos Producción: Javier Zevallos Producción ejecutiva: Nadia Martínez Fotografía y cámara: Juan Zevallos Sonido: Natalia Toussaint Montaje: Pedro Barandarian y Javier Zevallos Color: Juan Martín Hsu Compañía Productora: Ponchocine SRL
Javier Zevallos nació en Buenos Aires en 1976. Estudió guión en la Escuela Nacional de Experimentación y Realización Cinematográfica. Se desempeñó como guionista en una docena de largometrajes y en varios programas de TV. Fundó la productora Poncho Cine junto a Nadia Martínez y Francisco D´Eufemia.
Dirigió las películas Los Boys (2012), Zebras (2015), Fuga de la Patagonia (2016) y Estilo Libre (2017). 
Juan Ignacio Zevallos nació en Buenos Aires en 1982. Estudió Dirección de cine en el CIEVyC y fotografía con Andy Goldstein. Desde el 2007 trabaja como fotógrafo y videasta freelance y ha sido publicado en Vice, Rolling Stone, D-Nite.
Paralelamente, se desempeña como Director de Fotografía en los largometrajes Los Boys (2012), Zebras (2015), El Volcán Adorado (2016), Segey (2016), No hay como el gris para la fotografía (2017) y Estilo Libre (2017).
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25 de septiembre. Preestreno
Mas allá de Valle de Muñecas, de Emiliano Cativa (2018)
¿Cómo se compone una canción? ¿Cómo se graba un disco? ¿Cómo se edita? ¿Cómo se hace para ser profesional sin tener detrás una discográfica que ponga el dinero para hacer todo? En un recorrido de tres años vemos a la banda Valle de Muñecas, una de las bandas pilares de la escena de Indie rock de la ciudad de Buenos Aires, llevar adelante la composición y la grabación de su último disco, “El final de las primaveras”, y las preguntas se responden solas. La presentación del disco, nos sirve de excusa para adentrarnos en el universo de Valle de Muñecas. Así, con una estética que incluye el fílmico en super 8 y 35 mm, el film digital y el video Más allá de Valle de Muñecas es un relato íntimo de la banda y el concierto de presentación se transforma en el punto de partida para retratar el mundo en el que se desarrollan las canciones. La ética, la estética, la impronta y la filosofía de Valle de Muñecas como un manifiesto visual dónde queda en claro que para sus integrantes, la música es un estilo de vida.  
Ficha técnica
Producción: Emiliano Cativa, Hernán Fontana, Emiliano Cativa; Dirección: Emiliano Cativa; Idea y Guión: Federico Pérez Losada; Montaje: Sebastián Mega Díaz; Fotografía: Emiliano Cativa; Dirección de sonido: Mariano Esaín; Productor asociado: Paulo Pécora; Música: Valle de Muñecas; Cámara: Emiliano Cativa, Emiliano Cativa, Paulo Pécora, Hernán Fontana
Emiliano Cativa nació en Córdoba en 1974. Es director de fotografía y realizador de cine experimental en Super 8. Estudió cine en la ENERC.
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feastintheeast · 6 years
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Saturday, June 2nd at Matt Durant Studio (1401 Queen St. East) This month features a free dinner by Dan Bedard. EUGENE CHADBOURNE (http://eugenechadbourne.com/) American banjo & guitar virtuoso Eugene Chadbourne twists folk, country, blues & bluegrass traditions through a gnarly avant jazz & ranging free improv grinder. Morphing classic tunes into bizarre banjo shred tongue in cheek rippers. Chadbourne's lyrics mine a comically dark side or his reality playing on the warped traditional structure they live in. A true master of essence, he adopts genres capturing their being while pulling it apart. Chadbourne has collaborated with such heavy weights as John Zorn, Derek Bailey, Henry Kaiser, Jimmy Carl Black, Fred Frith, and local legend Michael Snow. For this show he will preform solo & followed by a short impov. set. PROTRUDERS (https://protruders.bandcamp.com/) Fuzzed out crunchy punks bring the raw chaos in their latest quartet format. Angular guitars laced in distortion rip against blasting percussion. Gurgling feedback & slithering electronic manipulations fills the underbelly of this raw rocker scene. An unhinged party band. Primitive in vibe Protruders slips hints of no wave into their crafted junk store jammers.   HOLIDAY RAMBLER (http://www.qualityco.co/) D. Alex Meeks (of Hooded Fang) solo guitar project rides again. Bouncing guitar notes roll along like tumble weeds, as Mr. Meeks spins his folk songs intrenched in the spirit of the american south. His lyrics, smart, cautious, and full of unbridled honesty, like a Flannery O’Connor novel he weaves religion, family and the future of the world as we know it, into something human and tangible. Intricate repetitive plucking dot Holiday Rambler’s songs like stars in the sky, all in the right place, so natural their placement seems accidentally. Languid emotions float gently over the simplicity of an acoustic guitar. Holiday Rambler is the everyman that died long ago, the tradition your grandparents remembered, but your parent discarded. Lose yourself in these lost hymns. Eat your heart out computer music. MERMAIDS Psychedelic folk ensemble featuring Janet Macpherson (vocals), Martin Arnold (Banjo), Kurt Newman (pedal steel) and the infamous Ryan Driver (analog synth) reinterpret traditional folk song & ballads from the British Isles. Watch as the minds of Toronto's great contrarians go to work on British tradition in what can only be described as a cacophonous rebirth effort. Don't miss it!
Environs by Sebastian Butt $10 Adv at Circus Books and Music, Cask Music, Rotate This, and Soundscapes. $12 at the door All Ages! Free dinner with adv. ticket!
Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1670208396389957/ Feast In The East is made possible through support from the Toronto Arts Council and Wellington Brewery
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tuseriesdetv · 7 years
Noticias de series de la semana: Ellen Pompeo es la actriz de drama mejor pagada
El sueldo de Pompeo
Ellen Pompeo ha renovado su contrato con ABC para dos temporadas más de Grey's Anatomy, de las que será productora. Con el aumento incluido en este nuevo trato, se convierte en la actriz de drama con el salario más alto, con 575.000 $ por episodio y más de 20 millones al año. Precisamente esta semana sabemos que Jennifer Aniston, Nicole Kidman y Reese Witherspoon cobrarán más de un millón por episodio en la segunda temporada de Big Little Lies o el drama sin título de Apple.
Renovaciones de series
Hallmark ha renovado Chesapeake Shores por una tercera temporada
Sky 1 no renueva Agatha Raisin por una segunda temporada. Acorn TV lo hace en su lugar.
FOX ha renovado 9-1-1 por una segunda temporada
Amazon ha renovado The Tick por una segunda temporada
Freeform ha renovado Grown-ish por una segunda temporada
Cancelaciones de series
Spike ha cancelado The Shannara Chronicles tras su segunda temporada
Amazon ha cancelado Jean-Claude Van Johnson tras su primera temporada
Amazon ha cancelado One Mississippi tras su segunda temporada
Amazon ha cancelado I Love Dick tras su primera temporada
Incorporaciones y fichajes de series
Paul Bettany (Manhunt: Unabomber, The Da Vinci Code) está en conversaciones para interpretar al príncipe Philip en la tercera y cuarta temporada de The Crown.
Eva Longoria (Desperate Housewives) hará de ella misma en un episodio de la cuarta temporada de Jane the Virgin.
Marisa Tomei (Empire, Crazy Stupid Love) participará en un episodio de la segunda temporada de The Handmaid's Tale interpretando a la esposa de un comandante.
Mira Sorvino (Mighty Aphrodite, Mimic) será la agente de la NSA Rebecca Stroud en la tercera temporada de StartUp.
Andie MacDowell (Four Weddings and a Funeral, Bad Girls) será Ivy en la cuarta temporada de Cuckoo.
Alec Baldwin (30 Rock, Saturday Night Live), Blythe Danner (Meet the Parents, Gypsy) y Sara Rue (Popular, Impastor) volverán a ser Malcolm, Marilyn y Joyce en Will & Grace.
Antony Starr (Banshee, American Gothic), Dominique McElligott (The Last Tycoon, House of Cards), Chace Crawford (Gossip Girl, Blood & Oil), Jessie T. Usher (Survivor's Remorse) y Nathan Mitchell (iZombie) protagonizarán la adaptación del cómic The Boys. Serán Homelander, Queen Maeve, A-Train, The Deep y Black Noir.
Scoot McNairy (Godless, Halt and Catch Fire) será Tom, un padre que sufre una terrible pérdida, en la tercera temporada de True Detective.
Ryan Michelle Bathe (This Is Us) será Celeste, la última exmujer de Eddie (Forest Whitaker), en la cuarta temporada de Empire.
Shannon Kook (Degrassi: The Next Generation, Shadowhunters) participará en la season finale de la quinta temporada de The 100 interpretando a un misterioso personaje.
Tessa Ferrer (Grey's Anatomy, You're the Worst) será la esposa del doctor Felix Babineau (Jack Huston) en la segunda temporada de Mr. Mercedes.
Chai Hansen (The 100, Mako Mermaids) será Jordan Kyle, un nuevo amigo de Simon (Alberto Rosende), en la tercera temporada de Shadowhunters.
Jimmie Saito será recurrente en Sweetbitter como Scott, el segundo chef del restaurante.
Will Yun Lee (Falling Water, Hawaii Five-0) participará en varios episodios de The Good Doctor interpretando a Alex Park, un antiguo policía que decidió convertirse en médico.
Nicole Ari Parker (Time After Time, Rosewood) y Stefania LaVie Owen (Chance, The Carrie Diaries) serán recurrentes en la segunda temporada de I'm Dying Up Here como Gloria Whitfield, productora de Soul Train; y Amanda Robbins, la hija de Goldie (Melissa Leo).
Seamus Dever (Castle) será recurrente en Titans. Se desconocen detalles.
Vandit Bhatt (Ripped) será recurrente en la tercera temporada de Quantico como Jagdeep 'Deep' Patel, nuevo miembro del equipo.
Rupert Friend (Homeland, The Young Victoria) será Ernest Donovan, el vecino de Jack Parsons (Jack Reynor), en Strange Angel.
Martin Clunes (Doc Martin) protagonizará Warren (BBC One), escrita por Paul McKenna (Brotherhood) y Jimmy Donny Cosgrove, sobre un pedante conductor de autoescuela que piensa que el mundo está en su contra.
Malcolm-Jamal Warner (The Cosby Show, Malcolm & Eddie) y Catherine Dyer (Stranger Things) serán recurrentes en The Resident como el cirujano AJ Marino y la enfermera Alexis Stevens.
Sarah Baker (Young Sheldon, Big Little Lies) se une como regular a The Kominsky Method. Será Mindy, hija de Sandy (Michael Douglas). Susan Sullivan (Castle, Dharma & Greg), Emily Osment (Hannah Montana, Young & Hungry), Graham Rogers (Quantico, Ray Donovan), Ashleigh LaThrop (Fifty Shades), Jenna Lyng Adams (Uncle John), Melissa Tang (Mom, The Goodwin Games) y Casey Brown serán recurrentes como Eileen, esposa de Norman (Alan Arkin); y Theresa, Jude, Breana, Darshani, Margaret y Lane, alumnos de Sandy.
Nikohl Boosheri (Adena) y Stephen Conrad Moore (Oliver) han sido ascendidos a regulares de cara a la segunda temporada de The Bold Type.
Keiynan Lonsdale (Wally West) pasará de The Flash a Legends of Tomorrow como regular.
Pósters de series
  Nuevas series
Kristen Wiig (Saturday Night Live) protagonizará una comedia, aún sin título, en Apple. Creada, escrita y producida por Colleen McGuinness (30 Rock, Friends from College) e inspirada en 'You Think It, I'll Say It', unas historias cortas de Curtis Sittenfeld, estará producida por Reese Witherspoon.
HBO y Apple están interesadas en Demimonde, creada y escrita por J.J. Abrams (Fringe, Lost), sobre una adolescente que, mirando los experimentos de su madre en el sótano, descubre otro mundo que libra una batalla contra una fuerza monstruosa.
Syfy ha encargado diez episodios de The Outpost. Trata sobre Talon (Jessica Green, Lightning Point, Red Billabong), la última superviviente de la raza Blackblood, que sale en busca de los mercenarios que han masacrado a su pueblo y descubre que tiene poderes sobrenaturales que ha de usar para derrotar a un dictador fanático religioso. Completan el reparto Robyn Malcolm (Top of the Lake), Kristian Nairn (Game of Thrones), Jake Stormoen (Extinct, Mythica), Andrew Howard (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Bates Motel) y Anand Desai-Barochia.
Universal desarrolla el drama Confessions of a Sociopath, basado en la novela de M.E. Thomas (2013) y escrito y protagonizado por Lisa Edelstein (House, Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce), sobre una mujer diagnosticada como sociópata que debe aprender a vivir con su nueva situación.
Freeform prepara el encargo de serie del drama épico Cleopatra, de Michael Seitzman, sobre la primera mujer en convertirse en faraona en medio de un triángulo amoroso.
Universal desarrolla The Boss of It All, adaptación de la película de Lars Von Trier (2006).
Freeform desarrolla el reboot de Party of Five, esta vez centrado en cinco hermanos mexicanos que deben sobrevivir al ser deportados sus padres.
La adaptación de 'Fire and Fury', la novela de Michael Wolff sobre Donald Trump, busca cadena. Wolff produce junto a Endeavor Content.
ITV ha dado luz verde a Anne, drama de cuatro episodios escrito por Kevin Sampson, el autor de 'Hillsborough Voices', sobre una madre que quiere saber la verdad tras la tragedia de Hillsborough, la muerte de 96 hinchas durante un partido de fútbol.
Showtime encarga la limited series Secure and Hold, basada el reportaje de Gabriel Sherman sobre Roger Ailes, escrita por Tom McCarthy.
Facebook Watch ha encargado diez episodios de Sacred Lies (título provisional), basada en el cuento de los hermanos Grimm 'The Handless Maiden' / 'La doncella sin manos' y la novela de Stephanie Oakes 'The Sacred Lies of Minnow Bly' y adaptada y modernizada por Raelle Tucker (True Blood, Supernatural), sobre una adolescente sin manos que escapa de una secta y es detenida bajo sospecha de conocer quién mató al líder. Dirigida por Scott Winant (True Blood, Californication). Produce Blumhouse TV.
Crackle encarga Office Uprising, comedia sobre un trabajador de bajo rendimiento en una gran fábrica de armamento que descubre que sus compañeros han sido armados con una bebida energética diseñada para uso militar.
Netflix emitirá la serie de Telemundo Nicky Jam: El Ganador, una serie protagonizada por el propio cantante que contará su vida desde sus humildes comienzos en Boston.
Peter Kosminsky (The State, Wolf Hall) escribirá y dirigirá The Undeclared War, drama de diez episodios sobre una guerra cibernética en una Guerra Fría ambientada en la actualidad, para Channel 4.
Fechas de series
Breathe llega a Amazon el 26 de enero
Sundance Now estrena This Close el 14 de febrero
Everything Sucks llega a Netflix el 16 de febrero
Shoot the Messenger se estrena en WGN America el 26 de febrero
Heathers llega a Paramount Network el 7 de marzo
El estreno de Instinct en CBS se retrasa del 11 al 18 de marzo
The Mechanism llega a Netflix el 23 de marzo
La segunda temporada de Famous in Love se estrena en Freeform el 4 de abril
La segunda temporada de The Handmaid's Tale se estrena en Hulu el 25 de abril
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What to Get Your Favorite NBA Player for Christmas
What do you get the guy who is upwards of 6’6” and has everything? The old staples of a new, soft sweater and a Fitbit don’t look so good when the person you’re buying for no doubt has sweaters made from high-performance wools you’ve never heard of and an entire team of people whose whole job it is to make sure they get enough steps, reps, and quadriceps compression in.
Luckily for you, we’ve put together a comprehensive list that takes the guesswork out of what to get some of the hardest working guys in the NBA, so you’re not stuck with an embarrassed look on your face when it turns out you’re re-gifting Draymond Green the same set of Ayesha Curry’s pots and pans that he gave you last year.
LeBron James
A good strategy when holiday shopping is to start with the hardest to buy for, who never drops any hints and says things like, “Just surprise me!” but inevitably asks for the gift receipt so they can return everything for store credit. Anyway, let’s just do the same thing you do with all dads, get him a Tilley bucket hat and call it a Christmas Day.
Kevin Durant
A little known fact is that when Durant wrote on his shoes during the 2016 playoffs all the sweat made some of the letters smudge so only “F” and “A” were legible on the left shoe and “il” on the right: FAil—which is why OKC lost. These bad boys are waterproof and non-toxic so Durant can write the entirety of The Secret on his KD 10s and still make out every word when the Warriors blow an even bigger lead.
Russell Westbrook
Clothes are out of the question but they do tell a story, and we can take a hint from the big one a past outfit dropped: Russell wants a camera! But no modern point and shoot for the Brodie, no, I’m talking huge bellows, wet-collodion process, basically a Daguerreotype, antiquated as all hell hunk of junk. He’ll love it.
Joel Embiid
A silk sleep mask with little “processing” spinner icons over the eyes. If this doesn’t exist already: you’re welcome, inventors.
Michael Beasley
A battering ram, to better articulate that there is no team whose defense can withstand such a man. Plus it seems like he’d be into LARPing.
Kawhi Leonard
Tailor-made oven mitts. Friends and family have been getting him baking lessons for years and he’s been too embarrassed to tell them he never got to the part where you put things in the oven, since no factory-made mitt ever fit his hands. He’d like to know how his strudel tastes!
Carmelo Anthony
A Casper mattress, poor guy’s been sleeping on a pool inflatable since he got to Oklahoma.
Giannis Antetokounmpo
A life-sized recreation of The Discobolus of Myron made in Giannis’s measurements and erected outside the new Wisconsin Entertainment and Sports Center, which will likely be named Erbert & Gerbert’s Arena or DCI Cheese Center.
Kristaps Porzingis
A very ornate, jewel encrusted, medieval looking treasure chest for Young Lurch to store his mounds of Zing bars in and lord over. Do they know it’s Kristaps time at all?
Marcin Gortat
Statues are big this year! And honestly you can never go wrong with one. A hand carved alabaster bust of Abraham Lincoln but with Gortat’s close-cropped Mohawk. The plaque below will read, “Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle.” A famous Lincoln quote or so Google would have me believe (did the man who wrote the Gettysburg Address say “hustle?”) and fitting because it could really be applied as an analogy for rebounds.
Klay Thompson
Pottery lessons.
Meyer Leonard
A bag of Meyers lemons.
Dion Waiters
A new pair of hip waders.
Jae Crowder
Large, steaming hot bowl of chowder.
Nerlens Noel
Did you know that around the holidays Nerlen’s last name pronunciation changes to “Noël”? How could I make this stuff up? Anyway, it’s his one great wish to fulfil both prophecies of each part of his name and become THE CHRISTMAS WIZARD. So let’s get him a Merlin suit and stand aside.
Kyle Lowry
His self-portrait to be displayed at MoMa.
Jimmy Butler
As someone who chronicled the good times of your favorite NBA players all summer I can say with authority that Jimmy’s Instagram posts have tapered way off since the season started. He did a Mall of America appearance and seems to be into one pair of ripped jeans, in perpetuity. I’m sure he’d appreciate a jettison pack tucked in his locker or maybe a plane gassed up and waiting on a frosty Minnesota tarmac at midnight. Either or.
Chris Paul
CP3, conversely, has truly launched in Houston. Why not gift him that rocket just lying around at the Space Center for when he wants to kick back and relax in a titanium chamber.
Kyrie Irving
A brand new basketball with a map of the world drawn upon it, so he finally gets it.
All the Plumlees
Nametags so we can finally, once and for all, tell them apart. No lanyards either, nobody wants to have to weave around awkwardly trying to read them and figure it out.
Tyson Chandler
A daring fur coat made from the pelt of the Suns Gorilla.
Gordon Heyward
To be put in an extremely spooky ghost costume and appear before Dwight Howard like the ghost of Christmas Day Basketball Games Past, because Howard for sure thinks he is dead. It would be a good gag.
Nikola Jokić
Much like the Grinch, Nikola’s heart continues to grow three sizes. For Christmas it would be great if science caught up with the technology that would enable his body to keep up, so he doesn’t explode!
Andre Drummond
Your vote for President.
Tristan Thompson
A $20 Tim Horton’s gift card. Those things last for months.
Lonzo Ball
Despite his being born long after their peak, Lonzo is a huge fan of the repulsive rubber puppets of yore, Boglins. This is also the year Lonzo is keen to come out of his father’s shadow, so what better time to launch his new business: Big Boglin Brand. The product is going to be hoodies made out of soft, skin-like rubber and the hood will be a gruesome Boglin head. They’re going to cost $800. Can we count on your investment?
Marc Gasol
Gasol’s an avid gardener and has raved about the merits of goat excrement as fertizlier for his vegetables which makes shopping for this big man easy—one big bag of goat shit.
Dwyane Wade
Wade has it all, he wants nothing but for you to buy some Dwyane Wade Wine for your loved ones this holiday season. Or else get him a harp.
DeAndre Jordan
An advent calendar where every flap is a DeAndre sized door that leads to Cleveland, Washington, Toronto, Milwaukee, etc.
Anthony Davis
All the success in the world.
Jarrett Allen
Some graham crackers, for the love of god.
Kyle Korver
To star in the Jack Reacher franchise, as Jack Reacher, without the whole world even noticing the difference.
Zach LaVine
He was screaming inside, his heart being torn in two, but there’s nothing he could do about it. Benny was right there, always the autocrat, and thousands of people were watching. They told him that puppy was for him! Make it right.
Aron Baynes
For someone to finally shape that strange bun on his head into a festive Yule log.
Follow Katie on Twitter @wtevs.
What to Get Your Favorite NBA Player for Christmas syndicated from http://ift.tt/2ug2Ns6
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junker-town · 6 years
Jimmy Butler is playing this week. Get your popcorn.
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We have that and more in Monday’s NBA newsletter.
With trade talks all dormant, Jimmy Butler practiced with the Timberwolves again this weekend (apparently without fireworks) and is on track to play for Minnesota when the regular season opens this week. The Wolves visit the Spurs on Sunday and host the Cavaliers on Friday. Both games are now absolutely must-watch.
Can you imagine the pressure on Andrew Wiggins and Karl-Anthony Towns given all the attention that will be focused on their effort and their mannerisms and their interactions with Butler? Jimmy can play relatively free -- we know who he is -- but those other guys might feel pressed to show a certain toughness or something. It’s weird!
Unless Jimmy has changed his mind about re-signing with the Timberwolves -- there is no indication of that -- Minnesota still needs to trade him before the February deadline to ensure they don’t lose him for nothing two years after trading a lot for him. The worst thing that could happen now is for the Timberwolves to convince themselves they can convince Jimmy to stay. (The second worst thing? An injury. Just saying.)
Meanwhile, how much longer can Tom Thibodeau last?
RIP Patrick Baumann
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Photo by Kevork Djansezian/Getty Images
Patrick Baumann, international basketball’s longtime leader and guiding force, died tragically at the age of 51 over the weekend.
Baumann had been the secretary general of FIBA since 2003, and worked hard to formalize and professionalize the international sports federation. Among his biggest achievements: get 3x3 into the Olympics (a huge feat), change the competitive calendar (something I’ve opposed), and boost the organizations in smaller nations (really important and praiseworthy).
Baumann had one of the most important jobs in the basketball world, and did what he felt was best for the sport across the globe. He was also a member of the International Olympic Committee and seen as a future contender to run that organization.
Deepest sorrows and sympathies to his family and those who knew him.
Links Galore
NBA basketball is one day away.
What have referees had to do to adopt to the speed of the modern game?
Victor Oladipo spent his last weekend of the offseason hanging out with Joe Biden and supporting the campaign of Indiana Sen. Joe Donnelly. Is any NBA player more popular in the state in which he plays more than Vic?
Will Donovan Mitchell take the next step toward superstardom?
Stellar celebration after a buzzer beater in the Greek second division.
Vince Carter has been dunking for eight years longer than any of us thought plausible.
Ultra deep dive by Danny Leroux on the mechanics of cap tinkering the Warriors are pulling off at the margins.
This story on LeBron trying to be patient and feel kinship with his much younger teammates is excellent but after seeing Brandon Ingram’s quote about how it’s impossible to get Bron to stop listening to Young Dolph now I can’t stop imagining LeBron as Steve Buscemi from the viral 30 Rock scene where he says, “How do you do, fellow kids?”
Jonathan Tjarks makes the case joining the Knicks next summer would bolster Kevin Durant’s legacy more than sticking with the Warriors would.
Sekou Smith ranks the top 10 players under the age of 25.
Tom Haberstroh did the impossible: he got me excited to watch Hassan Whiteside.
Ranking the entertainment value of each NBA team.
Nathaniel Friedman on how high Ben Simmons can soar and how we’ll watch it happen.
And finally: LeBron on stage with Drake and Travis Scott at STAPLES Center is pretty much a perfect encapsulation of why L.A. was the choice this summer.
Be excellent to each other.
0 notes
flauntpage · 7 years
What to Get Your Favorite NBA Player for Christmas
What do you get the guy who is upwards of 6’6” and has everything? The old staples of a new, soft sweater and a Fitbit don’t look so good when the person you’re buying for no doubt has sweaters made from high-performance wools you’ve never heard of and an entire team of people whose whole job it is to make sure they get enough steps, reps, and quadriceps compression in.
Luckily for you, we've put together a comprehensive list that takes the guesswork out of what to get some of the hardest working guys in the NBA, so you’re not stuck with an embarrassed look on your face when it turns out you’re re-gifting Draymond Green the same set of Ayesha Curry’s pots and pans that he gave you last year.
LeBron James
A good strategy when holiday shopping is to start with the hardest to buy for, who never drops any hints and says things like, “Just surprise me!” but inevitably asks for the gift receipt so they can return everything for store credit. Anyway, let’s just do the same thing you do with all dads, get him a Tilley bucket hat and call it a Christmas Day.
Kevin Durant
A little known fact is that when Durant wrote on his shoes during the 2016 playoffs all the sweat made some of the letters smudge so only “F” and “A” were legible on the left shoe and “il” on the right: FAil—which is why OKC lost. These bad boys are waterproof and non-toxic so Durant can write the entirety of The Secret on his KD 10s and still make out every word when the Warriors blow an even bigger lead.
Russell Westbrook
Clothes are out of the question but they do tell a story, and we can take a hint from the big one a past outfit dropped: Russell wants a camera! But no modern point and shoot for the Brodie, no, I’m talking huge bellows, wet-collodion process, basically a Daguerreotype, antiquated as all hell hunk of junk. He’ll love it.
Joel Embiid
A silk sleep mask with little “processing” spinner icons over the eyes. If this doesn’t exist already: you’re welcome, inventors.
Michael Beasley
A battering ram, to better articulate that there is no team whose defense can withstand such a man. Plus it seems like he'd be into LARPing.
Kawhi Leonard
Tailor-made oven mitts. Friends and family have been getting him baking lessons for years and he’s been too embarrassed to tell them he never got to the part where you put things in the oven, since no factory-made mitt ever fit his hands. He’d like to know how his strudel tastes!
Carmelo Anthony
A Casper mattress, poor guy’s been sleeping on a pool inflatable since he got to Oklahoma.
Giannis Antetokounmpo
A life-sized recreation of The Discobolus of Myron made in Giannis’s measurements and erected outside the new Wisconsin Entertainment and Sports Center, which will likely be named Erbert & Gerbert’s Arena or DCI Cheese Center.
Kristaps Porzingis
A very ornate, jewel encrusted, medieval looking treasure chest for Young Lurch to store his mounds of Zing bars in and lord over. Do they know it’s Kristaps time at all?
Marcin Gortat
Statues are big this year! And honestly you can never go wrong with one. A hand carved alabaster bust of Abraham Lincoln but with Gortat’s close-cropped Mohawk. The plaque below will read, “Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle.” A famous Lincoln quote or so Google would have me believe (did the man who wrote the Gettysburg Address say "hustle?") and fitting because it could really be applied as an analogy for rebounds.
Klay Thompson
Pottery lessons.
Meyer Leonard
A bag of Meyers lemons.
Dion Waiters
A new pair of hip waders.
Jae Crowder
Large, steaming hot bowl of chowder.
Nerlens Noel
Did you know that around the holidays Nerlen’s last name pronunciation changes to “Noël”? How could I make this stuff up? Anyway, it’s his one great wish to fulfil both prophecies of each part of his name and become THE CHRISTMAS WIZARD. So let’s get him a Merlin suit and stand aside.
Kyle Lowry
His self-portrait to be displayed at MoMa.
Jimmy Butler
As someone who chronicled the good times of your favorite NBA players all summer I can say with authority that Jimmy’s Instagram posts have tapered way off since the season started. He did a Mall of America appearance and seems to be into one pair of ripped jeans, in perpetuity. I’m sure he’d appreciate a jettison pack tucked in his locker or maybe a plane gassed up and waiting on a frosty Minnesota tarmac at midnight. Either or.
Chris Paul
CP3, conversely, has truly launched in Houston. Why not gift him that rocket just lying around at the Space Center for when he wants to kick back and relax in a titanium chamber.
Kyrie Irving
A brand new basketball with a map of the world drawn upon it, so he finally gets it.
All the Plumlees
Nametags so we can finally, once and for all, tell them apart. No lanyards either, nobody wants to have to weave around awkwardly trying to read them and figure it out.
Tyson Chandler
A daring fur coat made from the pelt of the Suns Gorilla.
Gordon Heyward
To be put in an extremely spooky ghost costume and appear before Dwight Howard like the ghost of Christmas Day Basketball Games Past, because Howard for sure thinks he is dead. It would be a good gag.
Nikola Jokić
Much like the Grinch, Nikola’s heart continues to grow three sizes. For Christmas it would be great if science caught up with the technology that would enable his body to keep up, so he doesn’t explode!
Andre Drummond
Your vote for President.
Tristan Thompson
A $20 Tim Horton’s gift card. Those things last for months.
Lonzo Ball
Despite his being born long after their peak, Lonzo is a huge fan of the repulsive rubber puppets of yore, Boglins. This is also the year Lonzo is keen to come out of his father’s shadow, so what better time to launch his new business: Big Boglin Brand. The product is going to be hoodies made out of soft, skin-like rubber and the hood will be a gruesome Boglin head. They’re going to cost $800. Can we count on your investment?
Marc Gasol
Gasol’s an avid gardener and has raved about the merits of goat excrement as fertizlier for his vegetables which makes shopping for this big man easy—one big bag of goat shit.
Dwyane Wade
Wade has it all, he wants nothing but for you to buy some Dwyane Wade Wine for your loved ones this holiday season. Or else get him a harp.
DeAndre Jordan
An advent calendar where every flap is a DeAndre sized door that leads to Cleveland, Washington, Toronto, Milwaukee, etc.
Anthony Davis
All the success in the world.
Jarrett Allen
Some graham crackers, for the love of god.
Kyle Korver
To star in the Jack Reacher franchise, as Jack Reacher, without the whole world even noticing the difference.
Zach LaVine
He was screaming inside, his heart being torn in two, but there’s nothing he could do about it. Benny was right there, always the autocrat, and thousands of people were watching. They told him that puppy was for him! Make it right.
Aron Baynes
For someone to finally shape that strange bun on his head into a festive Yule log.
Follow Katie on Twitter @wtevs.
What to Get Your Favorite NBA Player for Christmas published first on http://ift.tt/2pLTmlv
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