#rip keiwa
asknarashikari · 4 months
Houtaro sees the chemy cards for Tycoon and Geats with Legend… how does he react?
Houtaro: *grabs Keiwa's Chemmy Card* Senpai?! Did you become a tanuki again?! I'll have X-Wizard fix this ASAP- *rushes off*
Kaguya: *looks at Ace's Chemmy Card* ...He's not wondering about Geats?
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t-u-i-t-c · 21 days
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scoups4lyfe · 1 year
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😭 why is he like this
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I'm with Neon
Ukiyo Ace-
Tell me more ;)
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the look on his face lmao
He really just came up and put his arms over both of them
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*twirling hair* Uhm? Yeah? Haha
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it's not even the end of episode 1 and Keiwa's already jaded like a smashed plate
how tf he gonna survive the rest of this show then???
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Kamen Rider Geats episode 43 poorly summarized via memes with as little context as possible:
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braveandsnipe · 1 year
so in geatsvice, ace and ikki ate sushi, while neon and sakura ate crepes. so what would keiwa and daiji eat?
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narashikari · 1 month
Coping with the end of Gotchard with some Houtaro/Rinne hcs
I love this show to bits and I love my children to pieces
Houtaro doesn't get the nerve to confess to Rinne until their graduation day and even then he could barely get the words out. In the end he ripped the second button on his blazer off and hoped to Fruit Jesus that she understood what it meant. Thankfully, she did- and she responded by backing Houtaro into the sakura tree he brought her to confess under and kissed the living daylights out of him. (Atropos had to egg her into doing it lol)
Kyoka and Minato had a bet going on on how long it would take for those two to get together. Minato lost badly
Their first date got crashed by quite a few spies... Sabimaru, Renge Ryo, Lachesis and a very reluctant Spanner at one table, Keiwa, Daiji, Rintaro and Isamu at another, and Ikki, Touma and Aruto at another (Ace was also spying via fox god powers). Needless to say, neither Houtaro nor Rinne were amused
When Houtaro first brought Rinne home as his girlfriend, Mama Ichinose hugged Rinne hard enough to bruise her ribs and Papa Ichinose teased Houtaro for somehow getting someone as smart and pretty as Rinne
Houtaro and Rinne move in together about a year or so into their relationship. By then both were devoted to their alchemy studies full time, with Houtaro aiming to become a teacher at the Academy and Rinne focusing more on the research side and working with her dad
Naturally, they got pitted against each other for their advancement exams. They promised each other they wouldn't hold back on the other so they went all out in their match (short of actually transforming and using the Chemmies which they were explicitly barred from doing). Minato eventually had to stop them because they were doing too much damage to the area
Their academy senpai threw them a party after their advancement was confirmed, and both had a bit too much to drink... Let's just say things got a bit heated that night
There were a few people who had... feelings over Houtaro and Rinne having an active sex life lol. Particularly the ones who don't get any action even though they're a world famous superstar (cough Ace cough)
Houtaro started thinking of proposing to Rinne when Spanner and Lachesis got married. He asked Spanner for advice and poor Spanner had to admit that he had been so nervous that he passed out and he ended up proposing while in the ER for a concussion (RIP Spanner's dignity, yes he deserves it)
Houtaro did ask Rinne's dad permission to marry his daughter, and Fuga's reaction was to laugh and say that he knew Houtaro would take care of Rinne the moment he saw Houtaro ready to take a fatal hit for Rinne (ep. 48)
Still, Houtaro had no idea how to actually propose though, and he turned down every idea suggested to him by other people (including his dad, Minato, Ryo, and fellow Riders)
In the end Houtaro just brought up the idea of getting married randomly over dinner, Rinne admitted she'd been thinking about it as well, and they agreed they should do it soon. They went out the next day and bought the rings and that was that.
The bachelor party was a disaster, par the course for gatherings with many Riders present. Too much alcohol was consumed, Emu cried over his a baby rider getting married, people got freaked out by Shouma's... organ, and Tsukasa went bonkers after one too many people teased him about being Kaguya's father. They are all glad that Kaguya and Aruto are rich enough to pay for damages
Some of the Chemmies were also at the bachelor party and Hopper-1 was disgusted at the lightweights who passed out after a few drinks... or one... and of course he had his favorite Kahlua milk
Also, some time during the bachelor party, Houtaro got kidnapped by Rinne's secondary rider senpai, and they gave him the third degree spiel about what they'd do if he dares to hurt Rinne. They did have the sense to bring him back though (Daiki wanted to leave Houtaro at the random forest they brought him to but Keiwa overruled him)
Sabimaru was the best man, Renge was maid of honor, Ryo was the officiant and Hopper-1 was the flower Chemmy (of course, it was the same yellow flowers from Rinne's story).
Houtaro cried the second he saw Rinne walking down the aisle to him on her father's arm. And he was so awestruck by her that he stammered through his vows even though he was reading them from a piece of paper ("Can you blame me? I'm marrying the prettiest woman on Earth!!")
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flaim-ita · 1 year
What really makes Ace a hero at the end of the day is his belief that good people can improve. That’s why he tests our main cast, and you can see how he treats those who fail and those who push on. Da-Pan could not get his dream became he was using it to lash out, and he did not consider the consequence. The next ep Ace makes Michinaga consider if the consequence are something he can take on. Michinaga decided he could. Mary and Daichi were selfish manipulators who did not realize they were out of their depth until too late.
Ace is fascinating because he has so much hope for humanity but he is also a realist. Some desires - things too grand to be true or too selfish - just won’t make it. So if you have something you want with your whole HEART, then yeah. He will support any choice you make.
(I don’t think he blames the others for that reason - Neon as DesaStar was only reaching for her wish, and she has always been so smart and determined. Michinaga will take responsibility for the harm he caused, so the main question Ace has is what his choice will be next. I don’t even think he particularly hates Keiwa’s victim blaming of his mother because at the end of the day she did cause harm and Keiwa has a right to his own feelings.)
That’s why it’s interesting seeing him give Michinaga and Keiwa a choice. Because yes those two have fought so long but they were handed the power and they chose to keep it. He is testing them again.
“If you wanted to fix what the DGP broke, here is your chance. Help people because you can and show that your destruction and undoing of loss weren’t empty wishes when you have to do it yourself.”
And I think Ace knows. He knows that if they can choose, they will hesitate, become his World is the only time they have been able to.
Perhaps more so than even Michinaga, Ace has fought and clawed and ripped himself apart for the power in his hands. Perhaps more so than Keiwa, Ace has fought to fix things, has sacrificed his goals to save people.
One step at a time, just like always. He will make the world a better place, because there are more deserving and hurt people than there are monsters.
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gojurt · 2 years
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from episode 1 versus episode 7
The way that Keiwa has already gotten ripped to shreds by the narrative in the span of 7 episodes
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kabutoraiger · 2 years
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keiwa and the very scary wolfgirl who angrily rips every buckle out of his hands
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asknarashikari · 10 months
Ace: *nervous laughter* I wouldn't trick Keiwa like that... *more nervous laughter*
Azuma: Similar trick but I tricked my husband into thinking that we have a little highland cow. And the final result was my last child.
GeatsCast reaction?
Sara: So, you kidnapped my cute little brother by luring him to your house under false pretenses :)) Do you have any final words :))
Neon: Let me help you Sare-san :)) God he may be but he won't last long with us working together :))
Tsumuri: I guess now I have to kill you for real now little brother :)) A small price to pay for Keiwa-san's honor :))
Win: ...I guess we're not talking about that last bit then
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tokudocu · 1 year
Keiwa: I want my whole family back! I want my mother, my father, and my sister back! DGP Management: Go right ahead ----- Beroba: *amongst themselves* It'd be funny if we kill them right as soon as the wish is granted. Beroba: That is exquisite despair. Beroba: Kekera, you find your Oshi's family and let's have one of the problematic Riders kill anyone in their vicinity. Beroba: I have to find Brali. Jitt: Without his family, we can still control him however we wish. ---- Keiwa: I want my entire family back! Ace: We can still bring Sara-san back, Tycoon, open your eyes.! Tsumuri: I share Ace-sama's wishes. ---- Me: Keiwa... I think you're still getting ripped off. Ace only intends to resurrect your sister. Me: Not your entire family.
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scoups4lyfe · 1 year
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(1) Once again, LOVE these henshin sequences
and (2)
Keiwa's going to sacrifice himself isn't he?
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LOVE that we get to see their reactions
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what do you THINK he's doing gorl
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yeah so y'all better hurry and kick that fking can
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he can't live like this? HE CAN'T LIVE LIKE THIS???
B*tch **I** can't live like this
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we die together
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toku-explained · 1 year
The Gang Riders
Blazar: The First Special Mobile Team are preparing to act to combat Bazanga, a rookie learns about Captain Gento Hiruma's habit of thinking on the operation until launching. On the ground in Ikebukuro, the ground combat team sees their assault volleys from Skyhunter and Ulysses do nothing. The Mobile Teams get in position, but the higher ups cancel the mission, ordering the command post to fall back. Gento has Skyhunter and Ulysses lure them to them so they can fire, in the aftermath Bazanga destroys the building the second team were in, and they need two rounds to hit at once to win. After considering plans, Gento goes alone to the 2nd team, finding them alive, and uses their weapon along with his team's, but Bazanga stays standing. Gento wants to evacuate the men, but there's no hope, until the mysterious Blazar Brace appears on his arm, energy from it essentially forcing him to place the Blazar Stone inside and activate it. And so Ultraman Blazar appears. As the giants starts fighting, the command post captain explains to his men the rumours of the Ultraman among astronauts going back decades, but didn't know it truly existed. Blazar fight hard, but is on the ropes, until a new woman, acting on orders, fires a special round at Bazanga, stunning it. Blazar finds the strength to rip off his foes arms and defeat it with an energy lance. Blazar flies off, and the team celebrate, Gento wakes up and enjoys the moment, but is left wondering about the Blazar Stone he still holds.
First Mission: Regulos struggles against Shadow, having to defend Sora from a rock slide, before continuing to fight, while Zarab Seijin intends to deal with Sora. Andro Melos and Queen Izana detect something traveling towards Maijii, and Ribut appears, defending Sora. After quick acknowledgements, he joins the battle against Nise Ultraman. Regulos, after a tough fight, defeats Shadow, but is now challenged by Reiblood Seijin himself. Great, Powered and the Ultra Force in turn defeat their opponents, and Sora uses Shield Fleut to defend Ribut, allowing him to then win. The warriors together blast Reiblood, destroying Reibatos' body, but Reiblood's spirit persists, so they will have to contend with him in the future. At Galaxy Rescue Force HQ, Ribut tells Sora and Izana what happened in another world, while Melos formally welcomes Regulos, and a new partnership is born between Ultramen.
Geats: As soon as the world changes, people start running. Keiwa is called by Sara, telling him a Rider is attacking their parents. The violent Gang Riders, lead by Turbon, who uses Chain Array, are rampaging in this world, to Keiwa's confusion. Ace and Buffa go to fight Turbon when he appears, knowing this shouldn't be what Keiwa wanted, as Beroba announces the Survival Game, meaning she and management arranged this. Tarbon, frustrated to be against Geats, flees, and his gang does so with him. Jitto has Tsumuri captive, and intends to make this a dystopia where no one will be happy. Keiwa bursts in happy, revealing his family was killed again. Jitto lays the blame for this on his feet, his wish revived numerous irredeemable criminals, therefore it's his fault those people killed his family. Jitto as a Game Master specialises in Bad Ends. He and Kekera tell him if he takes out Ace, the Bad Ends will stop, but the equilibrium has to be maintained. Tarbon and the Gang Riders lead a breakout of detention facilities, including Kousei, who refuses to acknowledge Tarbon, and is saved by Neon, who wants to protect the world's happiness with Ace, Beroba points a man named Numabukuro Kazuo towards Kousei. Keiwa goes to the Gang Riders, swearing revenge on Asari Kirito, Tarbon, and swiftly defeats him, Kekera having him take control of the Gang Riders, and with Beroba encourages him to go after Ace as he was told. The news reports on the takeover, Ace, Michinaga and Win recognising Keiwa's essentially become stuck doubling down, Michinaga intends to settle things, and goes to Daichi in hospital, demanding the location of his tree of knowledge, Daichi lost his accumulated knowledge when the world changed, but won't give Michinaga what he needs. Kousei goes to give his flower to Akari, Neon telling him to at least recognise he still loves her, before leaving, only to be abducted by Numabukuro, who remembers killing Akari. Kousei and Irumi receive the ransom note and are devastated. Irumi forces Kousei to acknowledge that despite himself, he did feel love for Neon deep down, and he recognises she found true love in caring for others despite both of their shortcomings as parents, as Beroba and Numabukuro taunt Neon. Ace meets with Kousei, with a request. Kousei arrives, but refuses to give any money, Numabukuro turns into Brali Armed Hammer to kill Neon, but Kousei reveals his own Desire Driver, Ace having granted him participation into the DGP, as he intends to wish for Neon, for his daughter's happiness, and Kamen Rider Gya-Go fantasy fights. On his own he is more than capable of fighting Brali, so Beroba decides to join the fight, Geats acts to stop Kekera also interfering, but the battle is still intense, but Kurama Kousei will defend his daughter.
Kingohger: Racles is under duress forced to declare the open union of Bugnarok and Shugoddom, in reality the Bugnarok holding total dominion. Gira rushes off to Shugoddom immediately, while the others discuss next steps, Rita asking the others to make a new treaty, with Shugoddom no longer functioning as a nation, they must protect the citizens. Suzume makes a distraction in court, getting Douga to stand up for what is right, when Racles is ordered to execute him, Douga and his men flee. Yanma convinces Jeramie to instead of wallow in self pity over everything, to focus his anger at Racles. Gira arrives in Shugoddom, reuniting with Kogane, and starts publicly opposing the Bugnarok, crowds confused by his actions. Racles is forced to flee the palace, and runs into Jeramie and Yanma, also fighting, and who only want to tie him up and put the scare on, collaborating on a repeat of the prank from before. The Kings arrive in the palace, declaring their efforts have already secured the people, and they have formed a new alliance, Ohsama Sentai Kingohger, and will fight the Bugnarok. After a tough battle the generals flee, leaving the last Bugnarok to fight Extreme King-Ohger, but it is a sort battle. Afterwards, Racles refuses to confess any crimes, arguing he acted to protect his nation, and due to Yanma's little revenge the scales are legally balance, meaning Rita can't arrest him for attempting to kill Yanma. Gira challenges his brother to trial by combat.
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jade-lop · 1 year
Kekera had been likened to a Yakuza. It was normal for him to make a shady deal to bring Keiwa back.
Kekera’s actor once played Mizorogi in Nexus.
As per tradition, those who played good in Ultra would be evil in Rider and vice-versa.
However, Mizorogi turned good later. So I would like to believe that Kekera leaned more toward morally gray than outright malicious like Beroba.
Is the current Keiwa the original Keiwa or a copy of him?
Neon is suicidal.
Keiwa and Sara really are siblings.
I guessed Ukiyo felt guilty toward the Sakurai siblings and did not want them to suffer anymore.
Is Buffa still have his wish-granted power boost?
Keiwa truly blamed Mitsume? I thought it was only temporary, emotional outburst.
I had forgotten that Sparrow had a vendetta against Keiwa.
No wonder he put in extra effort to rip a chasm between him and Ukiyo.
It seemed he succeeded.
Would the bird brain grabbed the Idiot Ball next week?
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tsuki-sennin · 1 year
Kyuun. I realize I talked a lot of shit about you in the past. But right now, we have a common enemy. That being every motherfucker who has ever talked shit about Neon. What you're gonna do is go out there, be cool and flashy, then watch as she kicks all kinds of ass.
All that and more on the big 3-0 for Kamen Rider Geats~! It's only fair that a milestone like that goes to someone we love.
Spoilers, I guess...
-Bullfightng, Part 2.5!
-Hello, Beroba! I'm assuming you ran out of puppies to drown last week.
-Get lasered, idiot.
-High noon.
-Azuma seems quite miserable enough.
-...it's possible that Beroba refuses to view him as even remotely human anymore though, so..
-That fucked up logic tracks enough for her, I guess.
-Ohhhh, there's Izumi.
-Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh, the Core!
-Oh that hurts.
-"Hey there, dipshit!"
-"Akari is gone!"
-Whoaaaa, there's a Game Master in the mirror!
-Is that Giroli? Er, wait, since this seems to be before the series... Is that Korath? From the movie?
-You're a rotten son of a bitch, Kousei Kurama.
-Man first Isaac/Genta and now Kousei/Naoto, what is it with Sentai Sixth Rangers becoming tremendous douchebag Rider villains?
-I guess only now Izumi realizes how terribly she fucked up.
-"You want her to be happy?" FUCK OFFFFF YOU SHOULD'VE DONE THAT
-Chirami, I can't believe I'm saying this but thank you for having sense.
-Tsumuri, you got this.
-Hello, Ace!
-Too afraid to make her feel even worse.
-I think it's fully processed for Ace how much the DGP is affecting his mental state.
-Get in or get out.
-Hello, Fox Man!
-Ohhhhhh, that's not Michinaga. ...either that, or Buffa's been injecting steroids by the gallon.
-Oh, speaking of whom.
-Guess he doesn't wanna dirty his hands with Neon.
-You're doing a shit job at the whole genocide thing, Michinaga. ...not that I'd want you to be good at it, but-
Daichi: "Pop quiz, Tanuki Boy! What does Na-Go lack to make her worth a damn as a Rider?" Keiwa: "I am going to individually pluck every last one of your feathers off like a chicken if you talk about her like that again." Daichi: "Bzzzzt! Oooooh, I'm sorry! That is incorrect! The correct answer was 'Hope'. Don't cry over that~! Soon you'll have literally no Hope left in the world~! ...or anything human-like, for that matter~!"
-No catgirl henshin
-This is truly Neon's abyss.
-Ohhhh, she's down.
-Ohhh, that knowing Ace smile.
-Here he comes~! Kyuun-san~!
-"My life is as much of a lie as yours, Neon Kurama."
-Rip that paper, boy!
-The circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant, it is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.
-Unconditional support. That's a true form of love.
-Let's goooooo!
-Laser On! Kyuun! Loading! Ready, Fight!
-"You asked for it, peanut gallery."
-I'm sorry Ace, but the real highlight's gonna be Neon and Kyuun.
-Thank you, Beast Chimera- I mean, Kyuun.
-Free Boost.
-Your life was cut too short too soon, little one.
-The least Neon can do for you is Boost on through!
-Spicy super speed.
-Oh okay, just
-Ride on his back, gotcha.
-...well, she is a Kamen Rider...
-Beat! Boost! Grand Victory!
-We win!
-What tie dicknips? We won!
-A bit of honesty can be good from time to time.
-Up you go, miss.
-Ironic that someone so obsessed with the monsters he creates is less of a heartless Victor Frankenstein-type than Kousei Kurama.
-"I stole it from the Driver~!"
-"Cool, whatever. By the way, I quit."
-"Waaaaait! Don't you wanna hear all about Geats's mommy issues~?!"
-Ohhhhhh fuuuck!
-That's a whole-ass sacrifice they did there.
-I guess the Game Master uniform is just these cultist dudes' robes.
-This is very interesting though, since this is confirmation that the Vision Driver tech existed before Mitsume became the Goddess.
-"THIS GAME IS BULLSHIT!" says Keiwa. He's very right.
-Fuck, man
-Shit's really picking up now
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flaim-ita · 1 year
comparing anyone to Ace is pretty pointless honestly, i think. Ace had two thousand years of practicing how to compartmentalize and shift his focus. Keiwa is Empathically Just Some Guy.
But I have to. Any good Toku show, everyone is parallel and perpendicular to the main character. This includes Keiwa. And what he shows is something rather fascinating: the DGP will rip your soul apart if you let it. And Keiwa let it.
But why that parallel is fine to make is Ace did not. Across 2000 years he did not hesitate on his wish and across Geats he did not hesitate to protect people.
It’s not a dig on Keiwa it’s just a fact: a part of his heroism is inherently self serving.
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