#rip louise gluck
whositmcwhatsit · 11 months
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wrenjacobswrites · 11 months
Hi there 👋🏾
I noticed that you deleted your fic Averno and I just wanted to say that I miss it very much.
I absolutely love your way of writing prose, how you connected the Nashuri story to poetry by Louise Gluck (rip), and how well you drew the tension between mother and lover over Shuri aka Persephone. The emotions and feelings flying between Namor and Shuri in a mix of complications and contradictions were heady to read and I was rlly invested in trying to figure out how they would develop from there. I was literally rereading Chapter 2 almost every week. I am sorry to see this story go, and I hope one day you will bless us with it again. Above all, I hope you are doing well.
Peace! ✌🏾
You’re so sweet. Thank you for saying this! I deleted it because I’m a very insecure human being and I felt like no one wanted that story. I also constantly criticize myself so I kept staring at it, wishing it was better. I’m still working on it. I’m thinking about writing it all in full and then posting it all at once. I so glad to hear you say you liked it! Even if one person likes one of my fanfic, it feels worth writing.
Again, thank you so much. This made my day. Hopefully I can post it again around mid December, depending on how many chapters I write for the darn thing.
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my-own-lilypad · 11 months
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This landed on my doorstep this morning. From here on in a life companion 🥰
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pacingmusings · 11 months
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"I think here I will leave you. It has come to seem
there is no perfect ending.
Indeed, there are infinite endings.
Or perhaps, once one begins,
there are only endings."
-Louise Gluck, "Faithful and Virtuous Night"
Rest in Peace, Louise Gluck
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sweet-pulse · 11 months
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october / louise gluck
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taletreader · 11 months
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rest in poetry
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poppyflo2 · 11 months
you are not alone,
the poem said,
in the dark tunnel.
— October, Louise Glück
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marimuntanya · 6 months
Theory of Memory - Louise Glück
Long, long ago, before I was a tormented artist, afflicted with longing yet incapable of forming durable attachments, long before this, I was a glorious ruler uniting all of a divided country—so I was told by the fortune-teller who examined my palm. Great things, she said, are ahead of you, or perhaps behind you; it is difficult to be sure. And yet, she added, what is the difference? Right now you are a child holding hands with a fortune-teller. All the rest is hypothesis and dream.
"Theory of Memory" by Louise Glück, from Faithful and Virtuous Night. © Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2014. Reprinted with permission. (buy now)
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adealma2112 · 11 months
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typhlonectes · 11 months
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RIP Louise Gluck
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laurenscharhagwrites · 11 months
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RIP Louise Gluck. Your voice will be sorely missed. This is my favorite poem by her.
Persephone the Wanderer
In the first version, Persephone
is taken from her mother
and the goddess of the earth
punishes the earth—this is
consistent with what we know of human behavior,
that human beings take profound satisfaction
in doing harm, particularly
unconscious harm:
we may call this
negative creation.
Persephone's initial
sojourn in hell continues to be
pawed over by scholars who dispute
the sensations of the virgin:
did she cooperate in her rape,
or was she drugged, violated against her will,
as happens so often now to modern girls.
As is well known, the return of the beloved
does not correct
the loss of the beloved: Persephone
returns home
stained with red juice like
a character in Hawthorne—
I am not certain I will
keep this word: is earth
"home" to Persephone? Is she at home, conceivably,
in the bed of the god? Is she
at home nowhere? Is she
a born wanderer, in other words
an existential
replica of her own mother, less
hamstrung by ideas of causality?
You are allowed to like
no one, you know. The characters
are not people.
They are aspects of a dilemma or conflict.
Three parts: just as the soul is divided,
ego, superego, id. Likewise
the three levels of the known world,
a kind of diagram that separates
heaven from earth from hell.
You must ask yourself:
where is it snowing?
White of forgetfulness,
of desecration—
It is snowing on earth; the cold wind says
Persephone is having sex in hell.
Unlike the rest of us, she doesn't know
what winter is, only that
she is what causes it.
She is lying in the bed of Hades.
What is in her mind?
Is she afraid? Has something
blotted out the idea
of mind?
She does know the earth
is run by mothers, this much
is certain. She also knows
she is not what is called
a girl any longer. Regarding
incarceration, she believes
she has been a prisoner since she has been a daughter.
The terrible reunions in store for her
will take up the rest of her life.
When the passion for expiation
is chronic, fierce, you do not choose
the way you live. You do not live;
you are not allowed to die.
You drift between earth and death
which seem, finally,
strangely alike. Scholars tell us
that there is no point in knowing what you want
when the forces contending over you
could kill you.
White of forgetfulness,
white of safety—
They say
there is a rift in the human soul
which was not constructed to belong
entirely to life. Earth
asks us to deny this rift, a threat
disguised as suggestion—
as we have seen
in the tale of Persephone
which should be read
as an argument between the mother and the lover—
the daughter is just meat.
When death confronts her, she has never seen
the meadow without the daisies.
Suddenly she is no longer
singing her maidenly songs
about her mother's
beauty and fecundity. Where
the rift is, the break is.
Song of the earth,
song of the mythic vision of eternal life—
My soul
shattered with the strain
of trying to belong to earth—
What will you do,
when it is your turn in the field with the god?
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rollercoasterwords · 4 months
hii 29, 32 and 43 :)
hiiiii <3
29. How many books do you have on your 'to-be-read' list?
199 lmao...i have a slightly smaller to-read list for this year that focuses on just books i own physical copies of but haven't read yet. that one is 35 books rn...
32. Name your favorite author(s).
hmmm ok gonna try to make this list like. authors who i've read multiple works from & enjoyed as opposed to just really liking one novel or series so. hannah moskowitz for sure. also victor hugo and mervyn peake...kurt vonnegut...neil gaiman...have also read & enjoyed multiple works by han kang, ursula k. leguin, octavia butler, and gabriel garcia marquez but i feel less familiar w them so...not sure if i'd confidently call them favorites...have also read a lot from v.e. schwab but not sure if she'd quite make the favorites list either bc there's wider variance in how much i like her works...
for nonfiction donna j. haraway, judith butler, leslie feinberg, bell hooks, audre lorde, angela y. davis, andrea long chu, gloria anzaldua, and lee edelman
for poetry louise gluck, e.e. cummings, natalie diaz, franny choi, and richard siken
43. Title of a book you own that's in the worst physical condition you have. Explain what happened to it. Post a picture if you want.
not by my bookshelves rn so can't take a pic but pretty sure it's animorphs book #6 the capture which i found at a used bookstore & half the cover is like...ripped + falling apart. i buy animorphs books pretty much anytime i find them in a used bookstore tho regardless of condition so <3
book ask game
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coochiequeens · 23 days
Australia WTF?
By Genevieve Gluck August 27, 2024
A city councillor in Hobart, Australia, is under investigation for a social media post describing a trans-identified male as a “man.” Louise Elliot, who was previously the subject of a tribunal inquiry for saying “trans women are men,” was previously the victim of threats from the very individual who reported her for “misgendering” him.
On July 24, Elliot announced via her X account that she was being subjected to yet another investigation, this time for labeling a trans-identified male who threatened to assault her as a “man.” The incident had occurred the day before while Elliot was campaigning at a shopping center. The man, who cannot yet be named, reportedly walked by Elliot and told her “I’m going to rip you to shreds.”
On X, Elliot says the individual was overtly male in appearance and behavior.
“I described them as a man as that’s what I saw; an obvious male person with heavy male build, male jawline, male gait, male voice, and definitely male aggression,” Elliot wrote. “This person threatened me, and now I’m the one being investigated for ‘misgendering.’ There was no visible name badge, no ‘transwoman’ tattooed on forehead. I have lawyered up to fight this, again.”
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By Genevieve Gluck August 26, 2024
An Australian “trans inclusive” Premier League women’s football team with five male players has secured victory in the grand final match after dominating games throughout the summer. During the 2024 season of the North West Sydney Football Women’s Premier Competition, The Flying Bats won all 17 games and scored 76 goals while only a total of 8 points were scored against them.
The Flying Bats, a football club for “self-identified women and non-binary people,” has attracted significant criticism that has escalated over the past year. The mounting outcry presumably motivated the decision by regulators to ramp up security measures during the Women’s Premier League grand final game on Sunday, which they won, 5-4, over West Pennant Hills Cherrybrook Football Club.
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loveserum · 2 years
hey bex, can u recommend me any poetry books? in the mood to get my heart ripped out
-Devotions or Dog Songs by Mary Oliver
- how to carry water , Lucille Clifton
-crush , Richard siken
- anything by Louise Gluck. She kills me
- the carrying, Ada limon
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domesticadventures · 11 months
started very casually looking for a new job, i.e. simply responding to a recruiter who messaged me out of the blue on linkedin, because my employer has been in the news for extremely messy reasons, and somehow casual very quickly became not casual. i'm so used to sending resumes into the void as that's been my experience every other time i've been looking for a job, and so now, like, i understand that i have more experience in my field and it's a good time to be looking because unemployment is so low etc. etc., but over the course of the last few weeks i've had something like a dozen interviews for five different jobs and have a written offer from one of them, and i only like, actually applied to one of these (which is unfortunately the only one i actually want, rip. i've had interviews with now uhh at least eight people from this company, my god PLEASE hire me and put me out of my misery), the rest were the result of people reaching out to me or referring me or whatever.
anyway. this is a good problem to have but my god i'm so tired. i had to stop here and think because in the course of typing the above paragraph i forgot where i was even going with this post. which is not really about job hunting at all except in that because of the hunting i've been too busy and tired to work on my silly little fanfictions. i've been sitting on edits for one for weeks now (sorry mallory i swear i'm not ignoring your email) and now all the posts going around about louise gluck have reminded me of another fic i want to write, but which i've hesitated to start because (1) i still have other wips that have been languishing for years and (2) the idea is in fact sad and fucked up enough that i'm not sure i can come up with a non-depressing ending, which is what i feel compelled to have in this case for whatever reason, that would feel in any way realistic. this is probably an insane first thing to think of in response to the death of someone whose writing i so admire. but well there you have it
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dagwolf · 11 months
Louise Gluck rip
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