agustina956 · 2 years
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Literally a 8,2 ft tall God, capable of killing him and all of his family if provoked
Harmony, kinda bored and with a completely altered perception of reality
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kylenemarie · 2 years
Difference between De facto v De jure Government
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Journey #5
At first, it was really a mystery for me the terms de jure and de facto De facto government simply means a government of fact. As what I have researched and studied, a de facto government signifies one completely, through only temporarily, established in the place of the lawful government. So, I interpreted de facto as a government that just happened and did not require by the law. It has a literal meaning of “a thing actually done” or “by the fact”.
According to my source of information, de facto government is the type of the government that maintains itself by a display of force against the will of the rightful legal government. For Wortham Walker, in his Black’s Law Dictionary, he defined de facto as a successful government, at least temporarily, in overturning the institutions of the rightful legal government by setting up its own in lieu thereof. In my own understanding, this kind of government actually exercising power and control that is opposing the true and lawful government. It can also be a government that is not established according to the constitution of the nation and therefore it is not lawfully entitle to recognition or supremacy. The example of a de facto government is The Second Republic of the Philippines when former President Jose P. Laurel was elected since it was established by the Japanese belligerents.
De jure government, on the other hand as it is verbatim defined, is one deemed lawful which is established legitimately. As what I have comprehended, a de jure government is a legal or legitimate government of a nation and, unlike de facto government, it is recognized by other countries.
De jure has a literal meaning of “concerning law” which is definitely the opposite of de facto. It is the condition of the government wherein there has been a total compliance with all the requirements of law that was legitimate and lawful, by right and just title in forming the government. The concrete example of a de jure government is the time when former President Corazon Aquino was elected as the new president in a decision rendered bub the Supreme Court. It was also accepted by the people and the other nation have recognized its legitimacy.
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me checking in on my buddy who also calls his peripheral vision his "'riph": what's happening in your 'riph brother
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pupsmailbox · 7 months
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NAMES ⌇ acantha. adela. adley. aetheria. aiden. ainsley. alis. allison. amos. angle. ankova. antler. apollo. apple. arches. arden. argent. ari. aruna. ashworth. aspen. asteria. astralyn. atlas. barberry. bay. bee. belina. bellamy. belle. blair. blake. blossom. bright. brighton. bryn. butter. butterfleigh. butterfly. cadi. cai. calesia. cali. canary. carson. cayana. chai. cherry. chouko. cinnabar. cistus. clancy. clifden. cloud. clover. cosmia. crimson. daisy. dakota. december. dewick. dorian. dot. dusk. dust. eclipse. eilira. eilliot. ellison. elnora. emerald. ermina. ermine. esmerelda. esther. evelyn. evern. falena. fern. finley. fisher. flora. fly. flynn. forest. fox. foxglove. galatea. galium. garnet. ghost. ginny. greta. grey. haden. haven. hawk. haworth. hayden. heath. herald. hesperia. holli. hollis. isabella. ismeria. isola. jael. jayden. jersey. july. june. juniper. juno. kahli. kai. karran. karson. kentish. kimko. kit. kori. lace. lackey. langmaid. lepida. light. luca. lucy. luna. lunar. malam. maple. march. mariposa. marlow. marrow. mars. may. micah. mirza. mocha. molie. monroe. moth. mothra. mothy. nettle. november. oak. ocaria. oleander. opal. palmyra. paru. parvaneh. peach. pearl. pepper. pine. pinion. plume. poppy. psyche. quinn. reed. reid. rekoa. remi. riband. ricki. robin. rose. rosy. rowan. ruby. rufous. sable. saffron. saga. saige. scarlet. scotch. sibylla. silver. skyler. sula. swift. tara. tate. tatum. tawny. tera. thora. tiger. una. vanessa. violet. virginia. weaver. winter. wren. yara. zephyr. zephyra. zion. zoumi.
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PRONOUNS ⌇ admir/admiral. ant/antenna. anten/antenna. antler/antler. apple/apple. blood/blood. blue/blue. bu/butterfly. bug/bug. butter/butterfly. carpet/carpet. chalk/chalk. cherry/cherrie. chrysalis/chrysali. clear/clearwing. cloud/cloud. cocoo/cocoon. cocoon/cocoon. dagger/dagger. dark/dark. dew/dew. dot/dot. dusk/dusk. dust/dust. erm/ermine. eye/eye. flame/flame. flap/flap. flow/flower. flu/fluttflutter. fluff/fluff. fluff/luff. flutter/flutter. fly/fly. forest/forest. fri/fritillary. frit/fritillery. goat/goat. gold/gold. hair/hairstreak. hawk/hawk. hawk/hawkmoth. heart/heart. hide/hide. hook/hook. in/insect. insect/insect. lace/lace. lamp/lamp. leaf/leaf. lepidoptera/lepidoptera. light/light. lu/luna. luna/luna. lunar/lunar. maple/maple. mo/monarch. mo/moth. mocha/mocha. moon/moon. mor/morpho. moth/moth. nec/nectar. night/night. night/night. nocturnal/nocturnal. noct/nocturnal. oak/oak. plume/plume. reed/reed. riph/ripheu. rose/rose. sallow/sallow. shark/shark. sil/silk. silk/silk. small/small. snout/snout. squeak/squeak. squeak/squeaker. stripe/stripe. sul/sulphur. swa/swallow. swa/tail. swall/swallowtail. swift/swift. tiny/tiny. tuss/tussock. wax/waxe. wing/wing. ☁️ . ⭐️ . 🌕 . 💡 . 🦋 .
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riphimopen · 1 year
it took me however fucking long it's been to realize that ur url is rip him open, because this entire time ive been saying riph-i-mopen like it's some kind of drug
this happens all the time because no one watches the saucerer of agrahbah anymore because this is a bastards society and because you people think youre too good for videos and classics and because you people thinking reading things in your head is cool instead of taking a rock and using it to file down your teeth and this is why you keep doing this honestly work on yourself. and your other friends.
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[on stage] ******
# ,..sm... soiddnt
...____'_____⁴ 5,..,"_" ..58..min..." ,th ______ prt..
(orchestra ,)....
......_,..Sodom ____' b,, n sum..cL n"_",k ,
--------(,unn hum n_"_"~h ,hrt n- n .....f c . "_ *****"_ bar mouve "_ ,ø,, th "___ Sodom , y th chn **"_ cl Afri c ,sa,d tc cut tou n🕐ha, ...I tc h***_" hea d I ,....m I g *_ x____..ha, c s cn houtur tc ..."..head, c .. "___"
Sun ***"_Ms Moon, moon ,s t_,asta "___". th e lll, c th se moons revidc. (No) , cl srt th Lord th *** dea I they tu
(Eugile.) "___" thyll sa...
,,,#censored rc k y** Thrc _t on,nc,,,Sodom, "...
Th**_ Rhurt on th c cross th su*_ ispt g*?? ,,str ,c Dan ...
"_ cn po rn
Riph nail out h s ck n,,n nigg ni* nigg p hors.. purchase "___ menta, des *****_
, on po rn des gdx ...
***_ imn g*"_ "__" wtf th dif ***_ m.
"... *_** li skinned mou, *_ pre de gd , red dra cau to fseell. ,d_ mo v ch..,r cc_ ocean t war ...lasp )Eugile....rrrrrrrrhru"_ rtscree yuan t' damn d.. b_______* sta I,, lk ..
Er huttt orc ge oins..th chu...
Kicrr th **_" ..say th_______ ..c, ". ..
_ mn...gym ...th**_ m n x lk th**_ ,u , g.... Eca****~. ... ***_,_
G* xf 0po rn mn... da nc ecause,l****"_ ...⚡🎶...
On po rn n EC s". .********************* I'm kil nm..t**,..
~ whit un I*****_ ,,, the h ,CT ,..o _ "__(*,..) blecaus- *_bl***", th***_ persc mn..di n..th gommthe cu cn _ sat, cn "_"_ w, hrt nhie nt ..
des**" comedy _.. I r,, yu o
teen ,,,e r k wtr spices cn th bread yes , ,clorin "___ tap bo...
_" they dc ...
,,, sa _" ,t n. In th st re I seen sc ***"_ "__" alkln 88, the n I ...tall ....
Because Brazil lk
sa ,"_
,..*_ mn...
Nxt_"_" d sliding gl d... "__",. h H...s,d ( n t .. *_* por god h s ....thmn th"_ k(defense)Q~ yu ..."_ o------_,,_ I th**_ bl**_
,sh thnk n.
_" g,"_"pr chri ta **"_ Pur n *"_ n ca**
Rhurtt n thnk Dr n soda
...h ,s h
Wakes Dre **"_..
Da s .
" o thnk I'm n t fr out re**"_ confused ,*_ because "_ sh s,d..Eugile ,sh ..Sat oioioi .uauuu' "aurrrei_"maurcshcrtt n***, wtf**"___" th hceh,ec ll that god damn t ...
,caurrtn ,because sh did ta **"__ tiaras cf ,Ms Moon th**_ re the ******_ Eugile f ound the tar....
Fuck h _____ ...."_ twe g***_ ecause prc b the wa por b isn't ****"
Dd f ..boomer ra get cn video "___
,flashes da.geralg Lever , ...vixen barb not,.. "____ lk **_ act was ,,, per u**"_ ,,th**" arrah sh vix n n. Maryl... ,ut d... Sa Sodom funny put th gat bCk together ..
.c s**_
****_ the. ......cause ,th po ***_
_" .....hors ..
_ st..cl se cc see beat ******_ o **_ gd.".... Ga, danc (sr***( _ str oo on pol NXT Bahamas c Geo f***_ th hurr sup o...******".____
**"____ occ th re **"_... B ***"_
Shr' yoga sta,r tre k on..
"...",,,,,,," rec...your act _ t n. (no)
Th moon lk the sa Sodom thy n t ,,isit arch ....the cn th sod ,lcc .... Petr"..,lk compr ,ut (****_ t**" )
Ask l***"_ str th..that _ "", ***Rhurt (Eugile.,g ***____..znhnhnnn
Th _"_" _ "eletri cal curr _"..*"___", log di c,sc cat th ,,,,, earth mo dif at***", ap com ...n s b**"_"
*_** #bing ,dea,*"_ gi isn't th**_ u Yu o **"_...M,s you yu ..yu o d... jape fu n (no) , pro min c, y ..."___ thy "_ g"_
Ms Moon,," g" ................................................ R ,,, caus ***_____~ __ , th tcc lineca"_***" c uase isnn t gd "_ "_ the ll ...thn ,m _____)"") re, re yeeet ~ l***", th **_ d... **,
Grabsd ,t ...
Pin trisers w,,,c**"_ pin trees reso I,,**_ th l o**"_.. _ spit waaT u*"_ th cross th "_ on...
Hrt n
,con,th hrt ~rRhurtt znu"__"_"_,,, Rhurt n_ )
,s ng you**"_ ran, ,s ....wt fucj your,urRt rt rt I m n b**"_ ourt endouuoobl... ,_ made,----,th ch hurricane oto Verc beach Yu lk ,,,dc Yu
,didn't sa put clea n,**_.. n ! Th sop no ga,c cle crga**"_ lk
Zdu ..."
__",, sm d oioioi ,c dd coioioi.,z**"_ im nt goioioioiotioioiioioioi
_ th n vis "..th m stc..cont***"_.. "_ _,, st ban oiioioioio".. "_* des ..".... "_ ******"-*****- ," .,***
..."..Go -"+"-"rhznh eu'z racsakk ra ...
.., f,z*"_ n oth n**"_ th persc s, cc th ***_ wo mn s "__ th**_ th causmth wrcng , / th**"... ,head sMoon ,,c ddnt t Dr nk a***____ wtr..was Sodom compost ra,**_ dyes st**"_ seat ...
Hu m.mn pH m ,,"_ *_",,,,_ th**"_
_ ....ø,*"... Why are my thy doioioioin ,,, Bea***"_, ..sh s,d ....
[on stage]
0 notes
the-acid-pear · 16 days
Tetris effect update today I struggled a little to stand up bc I'm in pain sm pain and I swear I saw the button prompt show up in my riph like mashing X or holding down L2 + R2
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johnnydiggz · 2 years
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ET, MIB, Mummy, Rock N Roller coaster, Transformers... all in less than 4 hours. Now on to IoA.... (at Universal Orlando Resort) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoLSqs-ripH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
0 notes
imoim36news · 2 years
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Con cá đứng đầu bên trên Curado DC của tôi! Tiếng bass lớn số 1 kể từ ​​trước đến giờ, với đo lường trọng lượng này ko? Tôi cho là nó sẽ đúng khoảng chừng 24-25 inch! Thành viên suy nghĩ gì? Anh chàng này sẽ đại chiến đặc biệt mạnh mẽ và tự tin 🙏 RiPHS- / 1672346982 #Fishing 63af4a88f2bd9【#ximmacao】
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kylenemarie · 2 years
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Journey #3
The subjective view of "fair" version of the Spaniards does not coincide with the fair views of the Filipinos as it is evident how the lives of other Filipinos became bad. Examples are the slavery and being treated and called as "Indios" which means stupid by the Spaniards where in fact Filipinos are not stupid, we are still learning and they are just advanced. Even before they came here to our country we have our own ways of living.
I do not think it is very beneficial to be under Spain or be colonized again because the possibility of living under their ways and culture will blur out our own. In addition, Philippines have more potential leaders that could lead the country well so it is unnecessary to be under the colonization of Spain during those times.
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feedbackmoney · 2 years
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kstinebrla · 2 years
The World Was Not Always Patriarchal; Pre-hispanic Philippines' Matriarchy
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When I read accounts of the past, the first thing that comes to mind is that men ruled. Men have the final say on everything. Men are in control, or so? For the rest of the world, it may be yes, but for the pre-hispanic Filipino people, patriarchy was not always the thing. Women and men were treated equally; men respected women; women had their own stand in the community; women's roles were not limited to giving birth alone or serving men in their homes; women did far more than what was expected of them.  The way women were treated during the pre-Hispanic period paved the way for the rights of women today. They played critical roles both inside and outside the organization. Before it was even colonized, women were already active in business, politics, and even religion. In Volume 2 of the Kasaysayan series, families during the precolonial period were much more eager for the birth of a daughter than a son. This is due to the fact that during marriage, grooms give dowries to parents and relatives of the bride as a form of compensation for her loss. The groom is expected to work for the family before marriage. After marriage, Filipino women retained their names and the husband's usually took the bride's name if she came from a family with large connections and merits. Pre-hispanic Filipinos have so-called binukot, a practice that secludes a young woman from her parents at the age of 3 or 4, where no man is allowed to see her until she is ready for marriage at the age of 13 or 14, when she is treated as a princess. Binukots belonged to the elite class and were esteemed as equal to the rank of the datu, or ruler, for they were desired by the datus as their wives. Datus held the highest power in the community, but, of course, one cannot rule out the existence of female datus. The Babaylans (Visayans) and Catalonans (Tagalog) are the only people who can compete with the datus' power. The reason why babaylans were highly esteemed is due to their ability to negate the dark magic of the datus, heal the sick, ensure a safe pregnancy and child birth, and lead rituals with offerings to the various divinities. This social order came to an end when the Philippines was colonized by the Spaniards.
Philippines Prehistoric Culture - Philippine History - Pinoy Edition. (n.d.). Www.pinoyedition.com. Retrieved September 10, 2022, from https://www.pinoyedition.com/history/philippines-prehistoric-culture/
BINUKOT: Women Secluded and Veiled in Philippine History • THE ASWANG PROJECT. (2017, December 8). THE ASWANG PROJECT. https://www.aswangproject.com/binukot/
LIMOS , M. (2019, March 18). The Fall of the Babaylan. Esquire. Retrieved September 10, 2022, from https://www.esquiremag.ph/long-reads/features/the-fall-of-the-babaylan-a2017-20190318
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agustina956 · 5 years
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"Riph: Say "nya""
No le gusta ser tierno sjbsksbsh
He doesn't like being cute
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sisteralbums · 5 years
okay i know i said i was done but i’m not so. one of my favorite parts of the song is “swear to be overdramatic and true to my lover,” because it makes it so clear that she finally found someone she doesn’t ever feel like she has to change for. she can always just be herself, always-- even if that means being overdramatic or complicated or messy-- basically, if it means being imperfect and human. and she finally found someone who not just would never ask her to change, but who actively wants her to be her, in all her glory, someone who would want her to swear to always be herself in front of them. and it’s just so beautiful 
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orangelart · 8 years
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Medibang is great! colored some tabletop ladies with it; would recommend
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onlinetranslpro · 1 year
CYBERTEK, VOTRE EXPERT INFORMATIQUE, HIGH TECH ET MOBILE DEPUIS 1996 ! Vous recherchez des conseils, des bons plans ou encore un service après-vente de qualité, CYBERTEK et ses collaborateurs, tous passionnés par l’informatique et l’univers High Tech, sauront répondre à vos besoins, que ce soit sur internet ou dans l’un de nos magasins près de chez vous.
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