#rise!raphael x reader
paperhalfshell · 1 year
season of the soul
Pairing: Rise!Raphael x Reader
Word Count: 1,473 words
Warnings: None
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You are surrounded by red.
An apple-crisp breeze flutters through the branches, plucking loose leaves from their homes and carrying them away. One catches on the thick stitches of your scarf. You tug the leaf off and hold it up to your face.
It’s soft to the touch and a bit ragged looking, big and beautiful. Red. You quickly let go of it.
Red, red, red. You wish you were sick of the color by now.
In the distance, you hear crunching underfoot. And then, a voice.
“[Y/n]? Hello?”
Your heart plummets into your stomach.
“It’s me. Raph. I just – I just wanna talk to ya. Are you out here somewhere?” His words drift over to you on the wind, and you curl up even more. “It’s … it’s just me. Out here … alone … if you’re not here …”
His anxiety is palpable. Guilt wracks your body, but fear keeps you locked in place.
The sound of crunching leaves grows louder. You hold your breath, bottom lip caught between your teeth, tucking your legs up as far as possible and pressing close to the tree trunk.
Raph stops right underneath your branch. The bright red of his bandana almost melts into the sea of maple leaves, but to you, it sticks out as much as he does in a crowd.
“Get it together, Raph,” you hear him mutter. “Maybe you should try calling again. Yeah, that’s a good idea. At least you’ll get the cute voicemail if there’s no answer …”
(Oh, geez. He’s so nice you want to cry.)
Hardly daring to swallow, you watch as he digs his phone out of his pocket.
Wait. If he’s calling you, that means your phone –
Bzzt. Bzzt. Bzzt. Bzzt.
If Raph didn’t hear your phone vibrating, the panicked squeak that launches itself out of your mouth gives you away, anyway.
His head whips this way and that before dropping back to look upwards. Large, worried eyes meet your own, and a broad smile graces his face.
“[Y/n]! There you are!” he shouts, relieved.
You force a smile that probably looks more like a grimace. “There I am,” you echo, defeated.
“Can you …” His brow furrows as you stay where you are. “Can you come down? I’d join ya up there, but, uh, I’d probably break the whole tree.”
He doesn’t sound frustrated or annoyed, or even particularly embarrassed. But then again, Raph has the habit of trying to spare people’s feelings, and the thought of being gently rejected makes you feel nauseous.
“I …” don’t feel like it, you want to say, but you can’t, so the singular ‘I’ that makes it out simply trails off and dies in the cold.
Raph’s gaze softens.
“I got apple cider,” he says. Unzipping his coat halfway, he fishes out a small thermos from one of the inner pockets. “Mikey made it special for ya. To apologize.” He scratches the back of his head, looking at his feet. “They’re all real sorry for makin’ you so uncomfortable.”
You stare down at him, arms wrapped around the tree. It’s chilly up here, and the thought of Mikey’s signature hot apple cider sinks down into your very bones. “It’s okay,” you reply, even though it isn’t. “I was just being sensitive.”
“And that’s fine! Ain’t nothing wrong with bein’ sensitive,” Raph insists, coming closer to the tree. “I shouldn’t have let them go so far with the teasing. I’m sorry.”
“You don’t have to say sorry.”
“I feel like I should, though.”
Despite everything, you huff out a laugh. “You’re such a softie.”
Raphael grins, goofy and blushing and him. The weight in your chest feels a little lighter because of it. “That’s Raph. A big ol’ softie. Will you come get your apple cider now?”
Gripping the rough bark, you start to descend.
“Careful,” Raph warns.
You think that you know which branches to step on and which to avoid; this is your tree, after all, and you know it like the back of your hand. Mindlessly, you rest your weight on a branch about as thick as your arm.
Your breath catches in your throat.
You swipe at a nearby branch. Miss. Plummet down towards the hard and unforgiving ground at a speed that is much, much faster than you had thought.
A name leaves your mouth in a scream.
He shouts something – your name, maybe, you don’t know. There’s a jolt. And just like that, you’re safe and cradled in his arms.
“I told you to be careful!” he cries, loud and booming. He doesn’t mean anything cruel by the volume, you know this, but you find yourself bursting into tears anyway. “Oh – no, don’t cry, I didn’t mean to yell at you. Or did I hurt you? I hurt ya, didn’t I –”
You press your face against the front of his sweater. “I’m fine,” you babble. “’M just … just crying, I dunno. I’m sorry. Thank you for c-catching me.”
“I wouldn’t not catch you,” he exclaims, as if offended that you would even think of the possibility.
A gross sniffle. “I know.”
Raphael shifts on his feet. You’re equal parts overjoyed and mortified by your position, cheeks wet with tears, eyes screwed shut and surrounded by him on all sides.
“Look,” he eventually speaks again, his hands firm underneath your knees and upper back, “about what they said …”
Your grip on his coat tightens. “We don’t have to keep talking about it.”
“’Course not. I was just gonna say that I talked to them, and they won’t tease you about that kind of stuff anymore.” A pause. His voice quiets. “Since you don’t actually see me that way, and all.”
Your crying comes to a halt out of sheer confusion.
“Well – well.” He clears his throat. “I mean, you got real upset when Leo said you had a crush on me the size of the Chrysler building, so, y’know …” His hold on you seems to soften as he shrugs. “A-And I get it! Everyone’s got the wrong idea and you’re tired of it, right?”
There is no way. No way that he hasn’t realized.
Everyone knows about your crush on Raph. Even Donnie caught wind of it a month ago. You’re famously horrible at hiding your feelings, so surely Raph … why else would he be so awkward when they tease you, laugh so nervously and avoid your eyes at the mere suggestion that the two of you should go out?
“But I do,” you hear yourself say meekly, so soft that you almost think he doesn’t hear it.
It’s just your luck, though, that he does.
“Wait, what?”
You sniff. No point in hiding it now. “I do,” you repeat, more loudly, “have a crush on you the size of the Chrysler building.”
“Really?” Raph sounds incredulous. You can hear the gears in his head creaking and turning. “Like … a crush-crush?”
This is becoming more painful by the minute. “Yeah. A crush-crush,” you mumble.
Raphael absorbs your confession as you wallow in the misery of your own making.
“… I didn’t know.” His voice is strained.
“I’m sorry.”
“No!” You wince, and he quickly adds, “No sorries. It’s – it’s okay.”
“It is?”
“It is.”
You frown, pulling away to gauge his expression. “Why?”
Raph sighs heavily, the hint of a crooked little grin on his face. He puts you down gently and squeezes your hands.
“’Cause … ’cause I like you too,” he says.
You stare.
Heat floods your cheeks.
“You … like me?” The question is but a croak.
“How long?”
“The … the past year.” Raph chuckles wryly, hanging his head before sneaking a glance at you. “Guess I shoulda said something sooner, huh?”
You laugh. It’s hoarse, but relieved, and you lean forward to bump your head against his plastron. One of his large hands comes up to cup the back of your neck, stroking it idly.
“Do your brothers and April know?”
“Leo figured it out after New Year’s, and I was pretty much done for.” He groans. “It was a nightmare. I thought all the teasing was mostly to make me suffer.”
“Leo and April found me out on Valentine’s Day,” you say.
The two of you stand there in the cold for a little longer, considering.
“I can’t believe it. They played us like a fiddle.”
“They’re all horrible.”
“I’m cold,” you mutter.
Raph chuckles. “Same. Let’s head back. Here’s your cider.”
He presses the thermos into your hands. Wraps his arm around your shoulders after you assure him that you’d like that. You lean against his side as the two of you trek back to the lair together, lifting the apple cider to your lips and taking a sip.
And it tastes red.
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jason-is-a-real-mood · 2 months
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Same coin.
Different sides.
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yanteetle · 9 months
Do you have any more yan!Raph sketches you'd be willing to share? 👉👈
Because like idk how to describe it the way you draw him is just so cuddly and omg my sweet slightly insane baby-- 😔🙏
(No pressure or anything sorry if this comes off as kinda demanding!!)
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sure thing! I have a few Raph sketches that I don't really plan on finishing, so I may as well dump it here :)) I love him so much I need to draw him more <33 I loved the idea that before kidnapping y/n, he'd made a plushie of them and knit cute little blankets and outfits for them while kissing the mini yn plushie goodnight and tucking them in bed. He's just a little guy, tootally not capable of murder or anything :D
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valsdelulucorner · 2 months
Tmnt question- favorite quote(s)?
"Ah, dudes" "what?" "He jumped" ...... "HE JUMPED?!" - Bay verse
"why didn't you tell me?" "well, because i wanted us to fail.... OBVIOUSLY I DIDN'T KNOW!" - 2012 donnie and leo
"the cheese phone? this must be important" - 2012 splinter
"Get away from her" - Bayverse Raph ( get you a guy like him fr)
"Donnie, if you dont stop with your middle child nonsense, IMMA SHOVE YA HEAD-" - Rottmnt Raph
"I'm afraid of togetherness" - Rottmnt Donnie
"Booyakasha!" "booyakasha? do you even know what that means?" "I dont know but its fun to yell!" - 2012 mikey and Karia
"trust your instincts, unless their wrong" - splinter
Here are just a few quotes that i really like, i have a few more but i got abit lazy xox
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ju1cyfru1t · 9 months
Y/N’s Guide of a Snapping Turtle Mutant
Rise! Raphael x reader
Fluff! :D gn reader, romantic leaning but can be read as platonic
In which Raph stumbles upon your documentation on himself.
Donnie Leo Mikey
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∑Subject of interest
Snapping turtle mutant; large humanoid turtle man
∑ Diet:
Pizza, soup???, meats, carrots, ⚠️allergic to peanuts⚠️
∑ Likes:
Red, punching stuff? (owes me new mirror), hot (specific) soup???, wrestling, Lou Jitsu (watch movies), teddy bears (save coupons), R&B, Jupiter Jim (movies, comics, games), shell scratches, red buttons (owes me an uncracked collar bone; ask why Donnie would add sear ejectors)
∑ Dislikes:
Turtle tank (claims to be “tank-aphobic”), hurting other people’s feelings? (very sweet), “Leo’s tomfoolery” (me too, bro, me too), reading, being snuck up on
∑ Tail language 🛑 do NOT pull, subject screams very loud🛑
twitching rapidly: threatened, scared, nervous. (can smell fear on subject? should I be concerned?)
wagging: excited, happy, proud. (Turtle likes to hear he’s doing a good job)
still and loose: relaxed, confused, sad. (Subject tends to overthink; or not think enough)
Raph sighed with a big, swooning smile, setting your paper down on the counter as he finished reading it for the 5th time over. It just made him misty-eyed to see that you, someone so perfect to him, cared so much about him, a big scary mutant. (Even though he’s really not all that scary.)
It made his heartbeat quicken and his chest feel tight, but in a good way. In the best way.
Obviously he knew it wasn’t right for him to read through your personal notes, but I mean, hey. The folder had his name on it, so that basically made it his too.
Still, he didn’t want to seem like a jerk. He had to make it up to you somehow…but making his own gifts was never his strong suit. But…he could add to yours?
∑Subject of interest
Snapping turtle mutant; large humanoid turtle man
∑ Diet:
Pizza, soup??? ? I mean it’s ok, I guess., meats, carrots, ⚠️allergic to peanuts⚠️
∑ Likes:
Red, punching stuff? (owes me new mirror) Sorry. What size you want?, hot (specific) soup??? You have got to watch Lou Jitsu. , wrestling, Lou Jitsu (watch movies), teddy bears (save coupons), R&B, Jupiter Jim (movies, comics, games), shell scratches, red buttons (owes me an uncracked collar bone; ask why Donnie would add seat ejectors) I’M SORRY
∑ Dislikes:
Turtle tank (claims to be “tank-aphobic.” What does this mean?) it means exactly what it sounds like (I blame Donnie), hurting other people’s feelings? (very sweet) Who, me? Naaah, “Leo’s tomfoolery” (me too, bro, me too), reading, being snuck up on
∑ Tail language 🛑 do NOT pull, subject screams very loud🛑 WE DON’T TALK ABOUT THAT
twitching rapidly: threatened, scared, nervous. (can smell fear on subject? should I be concerned?) STOP TALKIN ABOUT MY FEAR STINK I TOLD YOU IT’S PERFECTLY NORMAL
wagging: excited, happy, proud. (Turtle likes to hear he’s doing a good job) Yes, he does.
still and loose: relaxed, confused, sad. (Subject tends to overthink; or not think enough) HEY. That’s …so fair.
sorry this took a hot second
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dancingdonatello · 4 months
Damn... I really want to see turtles with a reader who loves to give them love and care. Just something easy for the reader but so meaningful for the guys. And also compliments and praise! Maybe showering with kisses? God this would be so beautiful and sweet
rottmnt x gn reader
Raph just melts into you. Do this right before bed and it affects him the most. Will not let you leave without cuddling when you are so affectionate with him.
You fixing his bandana because it was slightly skewed? You’re getting kissed. You patting his cheek affectionately? You’re getting squeezed into a hug. You complimenting him and saying how much you love him? You are not leaving the lair without getting married.
Leo tries to act like he doesn’t like it, but you always notice that he’s grumpy if you don’t give him his daily time for when you make over him.
If you kiss his nose while tapping your fingers across his cheeks and complimenting him, he may be unable to form coherent sentences for the rest of the day.
Donnie thinks the compliments can be a little overwhelming if they’re not about his tech, but he’ll allow you to give some random physical affectionate from time to time. But the affectionate fond look he gets when you do something that means a lot to him is always worth it.
He likes to turn the tables on you to see your face light up. Forget about his reaction, he wants to see what you look like when he massages your hands because they’re sore and he loves you.
With Mikey, it’s almost a competition. Who can prove to the other that they are loved and cared for more?
It’s all fun and games of course, it doesn’t really matter at the end of the day. Even if he does whisper that he won into your hair at night when you sleep over or when he hugs you goodbye.
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marwhoa · 10 months
request: You write the turtles boys so well! I literally can't stop smiling when I read your fics - they're so sweet and endearing. I was wondering, only if it strikes your interest of course, if you'd consider writing about the boys being jealous of each other when the reader spends time with them one on one? Like, maybe a slot for Leo where he thinks reader finds Donnie funnier? Or one for mikey, where he thinks that reader likes how big raph is? Or for raph, where he thinks reader is more enamored with Leo? Or Donnie, where he worries that Mikey is flirting with reader? Of course they're all misunderstandings, and maybe it could end all fluffy with confessions and comforting their respective boy? If not, don't worry, but if so, thank you! 1 look forward to whatever you put out next.
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🝮 “ green with envy ”
rise!boys x y/n
author’s note: screaming profusely !!! eeeee !!! So hey yeah here’s a fic, this took a while because it sat in my notes for days before I finally posted it, my bad. This was kinda hard cause I’m not experienced in the realm of jealousy—hopefully y’all like it? ᗡ: also does envy even fit this scenario? Lmao I just be naming these fics any thing, can y’all tell?
word count: 6.1k
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┆ ── ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ — Leo 💌
Leo never expected he could ever become… jealous, not him—no, no, NEVER him. He had too much pride, too much confidence. There should have never been any room for doubt in his ability to keep you focused and adoring on him, and him alone.
But, perhaps he had given himself too much credit? Or, maybe he had given his twin too little credit.
It wasn’t as though you were his. Just friends, and technically that meant you belonged to the whole family, not just him. But, no one could blame him for coveting you. From how starry-eyed you looked at him to how genuinely you laughed at his jokes, Leo found out too late that he had been falling for you, and here he was still falling. The way your nose crinkled when you laughed, or how your face lit up during Mikey’s dinner times, even down to the wheezing laugh you would give into if he pushed his jokes on too long, all of it spelled out lovely disaster for his heart.
But, fear not, he thought. He was the face man and the funniest turtle, surely there was no competition? No one could be better than him at getting you to make the faces you did.
Or well, it should’ve been no one. He wasn’t even all that funny, but Donnie managed to get you to keel over to some stuff he said—and he didn’t even intend for them to be jokes! A natural comic, can you believe the nerve of this guy?
So, yeah, Leo never expected himself to be jealous, and especially never towards his own brother, but god the way you were showing that tickled-silly expression to Donnie, wiping tears as he confusedly asked what was so funny? It had him gripping the arm of their couch, digging his nails into them. He wasn’t going to take this any longer! Sure Donnie meant no harm and would never try to swoop in and steal the prize he had his eye on, but Leo couldn’t help but still be… aggravated.
The pent-up annoyance was dispelled by the red-slider leaping over the couch, sassily walking over and snaking his arm across your waist.
“ Yeah, whatever, Donnie is sooo funny, but hey, Y/N, let me show you something better! ”
Never mind the fact that he had nothing planned as he twirled his katana in his other hand, slicing the air until a blue portal shimmered into existence. You glanced back and waved good bye to Donnie, fully intrigued by whatever it was Leo wanted to show you.
“ Oh—okay! What is it? ”
“ Who am I to ruin a surprise? ”
He cocked a brow at your question, tugging you through the portal and stepping out into the courtyard of the Witch’s city. While amazed, you wondered just what this had to do with anything—but, of course that was a comment you would keep to yourself until having fully exhausted the excitement of exploring not just any random town, but rather a town of witches!
“ Oh, Leo, finally! I’ve been begging you to bring me here for weeks! ”
Before he could even say anything, you were quickly rushing up to the nearest shop and sparking up conversation. Such a busy bee, but it was just another aspect of you he was captivated by. However, with such an impromptu visit to a rather overwhelming area, he found chances to spark conversation and get you to laugh to be stretched few and far between.
“ Oh wow, this store really doesn’t leave mushroom for walk-through, huh? ”
He gestured to a potions-ingredients shop, which, you guessed it, specialized in all things fungal-based. His shoulders drooped as you continued ahead, not even hearing him. That joke was gold! Huffing, Leo caught up with you and laced his fingers around your wrist, effortlessly stopping you in your tracks.
“ Mm? Leo? ”
You stared up at him with such a look of focus, all your attention finally fully on him, and he had to fight his legs not to reduce to jelly instantly. Instead, he took a deep breath, cocked his head, and insisted you follow him.
Down weaving alleys, through crowds of people, eventually you reached a park unlike any seen on the surface. The paths were lined with thick, luscious plants cultivated through the town’s magic. Foliage swayed with no wind, as though dancing like silk fabric to whatever music only they heard.
Your attention only left the plants when you heard Leo start clearing his throat and then flashing you a look that you recognized all too well. A grin was already tugging at your lips, and Leo finally felt like he was the only one in your world again. His hands held onto his belt and he kicked out his legs, faking as though he were tipping a hat. It seemed like some western cowboy impersonation?
“ What in carnation? ”
There you went, first with a light and short laugh.
“ Well I do say, I took a leaf of faith bringing you here,”
Which then melded into a series, topped with a “ Wait, Leo, hush—please! ”, all stuttered and peppered through your increasing laughter.
“—but, beleaf it or not—“
He wasn’t even able to finish the entire spiel before you were holding onto him, laughing with such a melodious voice. Which, of course, devolved into your trademark wheeze n’snort after dragging on too long.
“ Pwffhaaha!! Leo, wha-what’s with you today? ”
You wiped away a tear, and suddenly Leo was finally brought back to reality. Your hand on his forearm lingered, and he was just completely beside himself with how the glowing willows beside the garden softened your face ever-so-perfectly.
“ Y/N… ”
His voice was so uncharacteristically soft that it had you a tad bit spooked, hand gripping a teensy tighter. Your head cocked slightly in confusion.
“ I.. Ugh, okay, it’s—it’s dumb! But—“
He dragged his hands down his face, groaning exhaustedly.
“ I thought, maybe, you might’ve… Liked Donnie, more than me. ”
“ Huh? Why would you think that, I love all of you guys? ”
“ Yeah, but I love you, and—“
The shock painted on your face had him holding his breath. Alarms went off in his head, telling him he maybe should have held his tongue, not jumped ahead so quickly. The two of you searched each other’s eyes in silence, you recovering from what he said, and him preparing himself for what you would say. Soon enough, your face twisted into a confusion tinged with a bit of playfulness.
“ Wait a second.. You’re jealous, aren’t you? Of Donnie? What for? ”
“ What? What do you mean what for? You, you’ve been laughing at everything he said all day, don’t you think he’s funnier? Don’t you like him more?! ”
If it weren’t his dumb puns and act earlier, it was this that would do you in.
“ Leo, you dummy! Sure I was laughing, but that doesn’t mean I like him more than you, I just, well… ”
It was your turn to be a bit bashful as your eyes looked everywhere except him.
“ I, well.. You’re my favorite, Leo, not Donnie.. ”
As you batted your eyes at him, hoping he would connect the dots thoroughly, your answer was given in the form of his beaming expression as he swept you into his arms, spinning.
“ Ah-hah! So you do like me—and I’m the funnier turtle!? ”
“ Oh no, I shouldn’t have said anything, now you’re too powerful! ”
Playfully you cried, leaning back with your hand dramatically draped across your forehead. Leo chuckled at your antics leaning in to lay his head against your stomach as he tightened his hold firmly.
This was definitely something he would rub in his brother’s face later on—and said brother would be profusely confused by what brought it on???
┆ ── ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ — Mikey 💌
Mikey was the last turtle you ever considered could suffer from the classic ailment of “ jealousy ”, and you couldn’t help but feel both ashamed yet intrigued.
While you weren’t too sure what it was that had got him so riled up, you were observant enough to see the way his eyes lit up with a startling emotion. At first it was impossible to pinpoint, just a glimpse of something indiscernible yet startling that crept into his blue hues at the oddest of times.
The first time you had seen that frightful emotion peek its head was during a date. The two of you had decided to hit a bar late at night, him donning a cloaking brooch, of course.
When you arrived, the loud music was entrancing, luring you both onto the dance floor to get lost in each other’s arms. The music coiled around you both, closing the gap to a suffocatingly tight end, as if either of you couldn’t stand any sort of distance apart. The floor vibrated, from both the booming speakers and the music reverberating the whole building alongside the dancing bodies around you both.
Mikey beamed with the brightest smile, and you just knew he was laughing, albeit drowned out from the ambiance. You were both having the time of your lives. Absorbed into a bubble fit for only the two of you, eyes locked on each other, neither party was ready for the stranger’s hands that snaked around your waist, pulling you in without any mind paid to you already having a devoted dance partner.
Chills set in and you turned to Mikey instantly, locking eyes, but the look in his eyes was enough to have your voice hitch in your throat.
That night ended with you both getting kicked out after Mikey wailed on the guy, but after a while, you both laughed and talked all about the fight on the way home.
The next time you saw that look was when you were hanging out with Leo while waiting for Mikey to return back from patrol. He had invited you over, and you planned to do it after wrapping up a few things, so he figured he could finish a patrol and be ready for you when you got done.
Unfortunately for him, you happened to finish your escapade much too early, and thus were at the lair awaiting his return. Leo happened to pass by, so you roped him into a conversation to bide the time. When Mikey did eventually come home, he stepped in to see you nearly keeled over in laughter.
You had been laughing so hard that when you noticed Mikey, you gave a weak wave and continued dying. He was curious what the joke was, but Leo simply shook his head and left, his own laugh dwindling down the hall. Once you recovered and were on your feet, you caught that same scary emotion swirling in his eyes. He tightened his lips and only softened when he turned to you.
More and more questions arose as you came to experience this look time and time again in all kinds of situations, but the one that finally made all the clicks pop into place was his outburst after you were with Raph.
He had been taking care of some villains on patrol with Mikey when you had ended up in the wrong place, wrong time. Their battle had turned to a violent one, with the villain bashed straight into a wall. Debris crumbled down right as you turned the corner, eyes shooting up to see parts of the building falling towards you. There was no time to move, so you just closed your eyes shut right and braced yourself.
But, no pain ever came, just a bit of dust. You opened your eyes, seeing a huge shadow casted over your body, and when you looked up?
It was Raph, who blocked the falling debris with his mighty shell.
“ Raph! “
You yelped, heart thundering in your chest, and Mikey misunderstood the shimmer in your eyes as Raph rose to full height, throwing the concrete off and away. He misinterpreted why you hugged him so tightly when he scooped you up, taking you away from the damage and ushering you to run the other way.
When you’re focusing on the wrong things, it’s easy to get the signs wrong, and boy had the ache in Mikey’s heart got everything so totally wrong. You liked Raph, didn’t you? Why else would you look at him like that? Did you like it when folks were bigger than you, unlike him who simply had an inch or two on you?
How could he be so stupid?
So, that’s how you ended up where you were now, seconds from entering your apartment when Mikey met you with a sour look on his face. You noticed that same glint in his eyes, still trying to piece together what it meant.
“ Why didn’t you tell me? ”
His voice wavered, and you responded with a hum of confusion. Inviting him in, he closed the door behind you both. His lips tugged down as he searched everywhere for the words to say. Finally, he found them and settled back on you as you were putting things down and unwinding.
“ With Raph! You like him, don’t you?! ”
“ Wha? ”
“ You—You! ”
He seemed frustrated, wracking his brain until finally he threw his hands out and shouted.
Silence blanketed you both as you processed his words. Finally, you placed a word on the emotion you always saw in his eyes. Struggling not to laugh at the absurdity, you snorted and shook your head.
“ Jealousy! That’s wh—wait, no, Mikey, no, I don’t ‘Love Raph cause he’s big’ ”
“ Then why do you like him more!? ”
“ Where is this coming from, Mikey, I don’t like Raph like that—I like you. ”
You stepped closer, and Mikey let you in. Your hands reached up, cupping his cheeks, and he leaned into them with such a desperation that you felt bad for finding this whole situation so silly.
“ Just, you always seem so happy when he’s around, and whenever he saves you instead, you always.. ”
His eyes were elsewhere as he spoke, almost as though he were seeing the absurdity in it all now with a clearer mind.
“ Ahh, mhmm, yup, alright so Mikey usually people are very happy when they’re saved from danger—and I mean, I probably look happy cause I’m friends with him too, but I’m dating you, silly. ”
You booped his snoot, smiling as his eyes lit up with the love you were accustomed to seeing them full of.
┆ ── ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ — Raph 💌
If there was any one of the brothers full of insecurities, it would come as no surprise as the spotlight shone upon the red turtle, atop the winner’s pedestal. As someone who once led his brothers in the face of battle, who grew up with the elder sibling curse of forced parenthood, it came as no shock that there were a couple of problems sprinkled into his character.
While he had spent much of his life up to this point recovering and healing from what dared chip at his exterior, there was more than a few bits of stubborn grime that lingered on his surface. It ate away at him, leaving behind vulnerabilities.
Then you came along, and throughout the honeymoon period he experienced nothing but delights. Never had the negative Nancy in his brain perked up to talk her shit, misleading him in circles until he was a mess of unbundled, tangled up rope.
You were a light, something that seemed to power wash the grime away, cake over it with your delicate touch and sweet words. Much smaller than he, you were probably one of the kindest humans he met, someone he cherished more than life itself.
And that, in and of itself, was a vulnerability. You were his weakness, and the shrewd dark spots in his brain couldn’t wait for the rose-colored glass to shatter and let them sink their teeth into this beauteous opportunity.
The sensible part of him knew your kindness knew no ends, that it wasn’t limited or excluded to simply him or a select few. In fact, your sweet demeanor shared with his brothers? It was a breath of relief—it was an understatement to say he had been nervous to introduce you to the family. You were okay with him because he saved you, but his brothers and father weren’t present. They hadn’t been the heroes slamming down against concrete, scaring away the silverfish that preyed upon you one fateful night.
Turns out the trash-eaters had a hankering for good food, and you, all alone, on your way back home with a doggy-bag from Cleo’s Beach Shack, served to be the perfect target.
The night had been quiet, albeit suspiciously so, but your full tummy and weary limbs had their guard fully down. You daydreamed of the bed awaiting you at home, arms beckoning you forth with pillowy softness.
That delightful image was disturbed by the sudden rustling and clank you heard from behind. Turning, your eyes shooed away dreamland and were alert. An empty can rolled from a bush, tinking into someone’s trash can at the curb. Not a soul in sight, so surely it must have been one of New York’s infamous rats? Y’know, that creature that is practically extinct in this city, like there’s no way you would ever see them—definitely not at the metro nor the coffee shop, and surely never this residential street with primo rat hot-spots such as unsupervised trash cans full of food waste.
Yeah, of course, must have been a rat. You’re so paranoid, just hurry on home, nothing bad will happen. Nothing bad ever happens to pretty little guys like you, alone on dimly lit streets, lined with houses whose doors are locked to high hell.
Nothing bad, especially not like the cold metal that clamped firmly on your ankle. Never anything as worse as the chilling growl from whatever tripped you up, glaring with red eyes and flicking a long, sharp-looking tail.
“ Oh sh—“
Your voice feebly complained, raising into a scream to the heavens above as it lunged towards you.
Or well, towards your to-go bag, but who’s paying attention to the little things like that when your life is flashing before your eyes?
Thankfully, the end never came. There was the sound of a growling struggle after a tremor shook your shivering frame, and as you opened your eyes to peek at whatever held up your attacker, a silhouette towered over you. He casted a long shadow over you, which should have been intimidating as hell, but instead it left you feeling…
In his hand laid two identical buggers, squirming and chomping with animalistic hunger. This had to have been worse than the rats, you’d take the rats any day, at least they weren’t massive.
… well okay, they are, but this is a whole ‘nother level.
The most shocking part was this giant hero taking a step back, assuming the position of a pitcher, and launching the creatures into the distance. There may have been a glint shining, and was that the cheer of an audience you were hearing? No, that was your imagination, obviously.
But you were not imagining this guy in front of you. Much too tall to be human, unless it was some basketball lead who somehow had balls of steel to save a stranger.
Every warning sign imaginable was washed away without a trace as your savior turned around and shot a shaky smile, warm as a summer sun.
“ S-Sorry about that, are ya okay? ”
He spoke with the timidness of someone a fourth his size, and you couldn’t help but be completely charmed to death.
From that day you would see him more and more, to the point that it felt as if maybe he had been appointed your personal body guard. Ah, but, you didn’t really mind, did you? You loved his company and his toothy grins. You adored his warm, gentle hugs, and it was too sweet how you could feel his hands tremble as they held yours ever so delicately.
So yeah, he worried to introduce you to his family, but the way you brightened up the room instantly had him starstruck. You’re perfect, that’s it. That’s the tweet.
The rosey glass shattered after a few lingering months of dating. His insecurities reared their heads, resting sharp grips on his shoulders as they whispered in his ears all kinds of falsities. You liked his brothers, but maybe you liked his brothers? Why else would you be so nice to them?
And, maybe that’s why you were smiling at Leo like that? Raph is right here, so why were you talking to his brother? He couldn’t even focus enough to heard you both holding the most mundane conversation ever about some shop that opened up over on Moore’s. He steeped in the tea of jealousy, filling his senses to the brim with worry.
The worst part about it was that if you liked Leo, he couldn’t even blame you. Leo was like water, while Raph was stone. Raph stood still, he could be bossy at times, while Leo was a spunky little river that would keep you on your toes. Leo was never boring, and he could keep a smile on your face for as long as the day lasted..
But he didn’t want any of that to be true. None of it.
The conversation was stopped by a meek voice asking for your time, attention shifting from Brother Blue to your beloved, clad in what became your favorite color in these past few months.
“ Y/N, can we talk? ”
Ignoring Leo’s nudge and teasing “ ooooooohs ”, you nodded with a smile, following Raph with a pep in your step.
“ Of course, dear. ”
That lead to the silence you currently shared—with him leaning against the wall of his room, gaze fixated on some smudges on the floor. That should be cleaned up, he thought, trying to not think of how you were sat on his bed, awaiting whatever it was he needed off his chest.
“ Raph? ”
You were the first to talk, already well acquainted with your love’s tiptoeing when it came to any sort of conversation that might be unsavory. You watched as he twisted his expression, tightening his lips—whatever it was, it was bothering him profusely, and you couldn’t help the pang gripping your heart..
“ Raph…? ”
Again, your voice seemed weaker this time. That was what gave him the drive to speak, he couldn’t handle leaving you in such a state, he needed to know if these worries of his were dumb!
“ Do you like Leo? ”
“ What. ”
Your response was so fast and curt, the product of being completely taken off guard with a left hook. There were plenty of other ideas you had for the direction of this conversation, such as having beaten his leftovers last week or how you have his favorite hoodie in your laundry basket right now. Maybe even the secret trips to Donnie’s, who was currently helping you get together a gift for Raph’s birthday next month. A particularly low worry even fretted that this might be a conversation about your relationship and how it should end.
But, instead it’s about Leo? What an easy question to answer!
“ Sorry, I didn’t mean that, I mean to say no. ”
Raph’s shoulders loosened and a breath of relief slipped out of him—when had he even started holding his breath?? Never mind that. You snorted at the absurd thought of liking Leo of all people.
“ Why would I like Leo? Raph, c’mere. ”
You held your hands out, and the way his hands fell into yours spelled out a desperation to be close to you. With a gentle tug, he climbed onto his bed, and you melted into his chest. A storm was brewing in his chest, his heart thundering nervously.
“ Ya just, Raph don’t know, something—he, just… Raph was worried, s’all. Afraid ya preferred him over a… ”
While he was searching for whatever word to insult himself with, you captured his attention with a gentle peck on the lips. Your fingers gently held his chin, turning his focus to lay fully on you.
“ Over a charming, handsome hero? ”
There was that adorable smile, peppering his lips as a light laugh erupted from his chest.
“ You think I’d prefer Leo, who is a risky little ticking time bomb, over my knight in shining armor? ”
He whispered a rebuttal, something along the lines of “ he really is, huh? ”
“ Oh Raph-a-doodle, never could I want anyone other than you. ”
Leaning up, you pressed your forehead against his and gazed into his eyes. They searched yours for a hint of deceit, for anything to latch onto and spiral about, but all he found was warmth.
Thus, the jealousy flame died out, and he plummeted backwards against his bed, dragging you down with him. He gave a heavy exhale as you giggled atop his plastron, scolding him for being so silly.
┆ ── ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ — Donnie 💌
The green of jealousy was a hue you never expected to be painted across the purple canvas you called your boyfriend, but surely there is a chance for any reality to blossom true, right?
Jealousy had sewn seeds far before either of you could catch on, oblivious to the roots which spiraled and narrowed vision to see only one option as opposed to the myriad of other reasonings. You had poured love into your dearest Donnie, so much so that you couldn’t even fathom any room for jealousy. How could he ever be jealous? Surely he knows full and well just how you look at him? Obviously he knows just how only he can pluck the strings of your heart, strumming love with each touch, in a way unlike any other.
Why, if you were Excalibur, then he was your King Arthur.
So, yeah, may the gods above forgive you for not considering a jealous Donnie as a reality to worry about—though, is it really too worrying? Your boyfriend being jealous? Kind of interesting, doesn’t it just trip up your heart into a flurry of skips?
No? Just me?
Anyways, you had missed entirely the shifting of his gaze when Mikey would enter the room. The low growl, the holding of his breath, none of it had appeared in your mind as you laughed along with whatever silly antics the youngest brother would get up to. Sometimes you would even entertain him! I mean, he is your boyfriend’s little brother, so it’s only right that you laugh at his jokes, get along with him, and all that good stuff.
But, jealousy was the type to hold someone still, to draw their gaze upon one stiff perspective and allow no other reasoning. For a man of science, even he was not above the laws of insecurity in relationships, so when he saw how bouncy his brother was around you, never did he contemplate the obvious. Nary a thought shall he consider that it was simply his brother getting along with his brother’s girlfriend, nor did he consider maybe you were being nice. No, the sour, bitter green dipped his head in the nastiness of jealousy, and all he could consider in this moment was that you must have liked his brother more.
Or maybe, his brother liked you and intended to steal you away? Why else would you laugh so heartily at whatever nonsense his brother spouted? Whatever reason was there for the times he would find you in the kitchen, fixing up dinner alongside Mikey? What else could explain you returning home with topside art supplies and personalized tips to his youngest brother?
Obviously the jealous mind of Donatello Hamato was going to omit one important factor: you did this with all his brothers. If they told a good joke, you would laugh. If Mikey made dinner, you were guaranteed to be in the kitchen helping by fixing you and Donnie’s plates to your liking. If there was something on the surface any of the brothers needed, you would totally put it on your errand run, delivering it during your next visit.
But, jealousy cares not for easy explanations. It craves the most dramatic interpretations, and in this case?
The juiciest interpretation was that Mikey had set his eyes on you, Donnie’s prized lover, and you had fallen for him hook, line, and sinker.
No, no, no, Donnie says, not on his watch would he let you be swept off your feet by anyone else.
“ Y/N. ”
Donnie leaned forward, fingers firmly locking with yours and giving an urgent tug. There was a thickness layered in his eyes that left Mikey shrinking away, confused as to what he could’ve done wrong.
“ Let’s go,”
Straightening up, he couldn’t help the grin widening on his face in a “ I’ve won ” type of manner. You simply waved to his brother.
“ You haven’t forgotten why you’re here, have you? ”
The look in his eyes caused your heart to skip, unprepared for such a heavy gaze that you hadn’t yet experienced. A nervous smile rose on your expression as you looked anywhere but the face giving you a look that would serve to make you fall even harder.
“ Of course not, Dee. ”
Donnie noted your refusal to eye contact, and instead of assuming it was one of your usual bashful moments caused by yours truly, his thoughts were plagued with theories of Mikey somehow worming his way into the heart Donnie swore was his.
“ Right. ”
He muttered in a curt fashion, leading you both to his lab.
The uncomfortable awkwardness blanketing the atmosphere had not gone unnoticed as you followed him, thumb stroking loving little hearts upon the upside of his palm. Usually he would meet this with a firm squeeze, but you could recognize when your genius had his mind up in the clouds. He wasn’t even paying attention to you, was he?! And to think you came all this way to entertain his experiments, hoping to get a kiss or two, only to be met with unnecessary coldness?
What the heck, man?
“ Prepare to behold the wondrous creations of the genius, Donatello. ”
Whatever stink he had been brewing in just seconds prior had evaporated as he unveiled his newest creation: an air-fryer that could quite literally create anything from thin air.
You tried to ignore the distant shout of the youngest brother, something along the lines of “ Hey! Where’s the air-fryer?! ”
Donnie had not ignored it, nor had he dismissed the stifled laughter from you that he surely knew the cause of. His hands clenched, wrapping into crossed arms as he leaned his weight into the table.
“ Annoyed sigh. ”
While rolling his eyes, he muttered an annotation to the peeved groan slipping his lips. There it was again, you noted with a narrowed gaze, that odd discontentment he’d been soaking in this night.
“ Alright, spill it. ”
You mirrored his lean, relying on one of the structural pillars in his lab to hold your weight. Your fingers thumped impatiently against your bicep as your eyes soaked in Donnie’s body language. He seemed to stiffen, either nervously or defensively, you didn’t know.
“ Spill what? ”
He spoke with such an accusatory tone that you were almost ticked off. You held your tongue, hoping to keep this civil and not devolving into mindless argument.
“ Spill wh—?! ”
Sputtering, your hands gestured wildly before quite literally framing him. He knew what you meant, he wasn’t dumb!
“ Whatever is making you so, so—so THIS! ”
His brow raised, and he almost seemed insulted as you threw your hands up with a frustrated growl.
“ Why are you so upset with me right now? What did I do? ”
That seemed to do the charm of dragging out what you’ve been looking for, the explanation, as he straightened his posture and pushed off the table.
“ Oh save me the innocent act, Y/N,”
Confusion painted your face, and for a moment he physically faltered, unsure to continue after such a clear display of hurt across your pretty face. After a second, his mouth tugged into a frown, shaking off the hesitation to continue his claim,
“ I know you like Mikey, so just do us both a favor and go scurry along after him. ”
Donnie waved his hand off, pointing to the door. Whatever look you had on your face at that moment must have embodied just how deeply the pain in your heart crawled, right on down to your very core, because he seemed to balk at his own words. A bit of regret wrapped around him as he muttered something too low for you to hear.
Tightening your lips, you straightened this time and took a few steps to close the gap between you and him.
“ You will not talk to me like that, and what’s this about me liking Mikey? Your little brother? ME? You think I like him?! ”
There was no way, right? He couldn’t be serious? You, liking Mi—he might as well have been your brother too! You could never like him over Donnie?! What an outrageous claim, you thought, standing your ground in front of Donnie. This could have been avoided if he had just not been such, such a…
“ Obviously! Why else would you be bringing him gifts and helping him out in the kitchen? ”
You opened your mouth to speak, only to be interrupted as he continued with an accusatory finger pointing no where specific.
“ And I’ll have you know that I have read about ‘Cooking together’ and I know how much of an intimate bonding experience it is! ”
The childish stomp he gave, throwing his fists against his sides stiffly, served to diminish almost all the frustration bubbling up. You snorted at the sight, causing him to loosen up, confusedly tripping over his words to sputter out a “ Wh-What, what is this, what’s so funny? ”
“ … You’re a riot, Dee. ”
Wiping away the tiny tears pricking from such a hearty laugh, your eyes met his with less of anger and more of the warmth he was far too familiar of.
“ Since apparently I’m the only one of us with some sense, I’ll have YOU know that I do that for all of y’all! ”
Sheepishly, he seemed to curl into himself as you poked your index finger right into his plastron to emphasize the “ you ”.
“ I bring you gifts all the time—April, Raph, Leo, hell, even Splinter, too! ”
Jealousy was starting to burn away, leaving behind the bashful shame as he started to finally contemplate the more reasonable explanations for your behavior. Silently he condemned himself for starting up this whole dumb debacle with such a blatant disregard to the facts.
“ And of COURSE I help Mikey with cooking. You have a specific palette that he doesn’t always remember fully, so it’s up to me to make sure you get a fulfilling meal you’ll actually eat, dummy! ”
Ah, now that was the part that did him in, something he didn’t even know. Just as you were going to continue, he stepped closer.
“ Wait, you do? ”
“ I do—do what? I said a lot of things, Donnie, be specific. ”
Derailed, you stumbled over your claims, lost suddenly at which point he had cling to.
“ I thought Michael was just inconsistent in his preparation of my dishes, but since you say that, I do recall my meals being much better when you were around. ”
His hands had found their way upon your shoulders as he spoke, gaze flitting all across the lab as he collected his thoughts.
“ I had suspected meals were just better when you were around because, well.. ”
You softened as his gaze fell onto you.
“ Because you were there.. ”
Silence fell upon you both, except more comfortably this time. He exhaled deeply, marked with his trademark “ relieved sigh ” then smiled at you.
“ Oh Y/N, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to drag you into such a ridiculous argument. I was just… ”
“ You were just… Jealous? ”
Your teasing gaze was searing through him, so much so he shut his eyes tightly and groaned annoyedly.
“ As much as I would wish to not admit it, yes. I may have been experiencing,”
He waved his hand in the air, as if collecting his words.
“ Jealousy, towards your interactions with Miguel.. ”
Donnie was relieved as you laughed away all his worries, leaning in to plant a kiss on his lips. The moment lingered for a few, as if desperately needed to mend this situation, stopping only when you pulled away.
“ Alright, you’re forgiven… For now—BUT! Next time just talk to me, dummy, you got me all riled up for no reason. ”
With that, you gave a playful shove that had him gasping as though he were insulted, and quick to rush to his experiment’s side with more questions than he could keep up with.
Not like he hated an attentive and questioning audience, though. Much appreciated.
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Would you be willing to write future ROTTMNT leo nsfw..? Maybe after a mission or smth
New Supplies And Shower Moments (Fluff) (18+)
Future!Leonardo x reader
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A/N: Of course I will! That old man lives rent free in my head. I’m actually surprised that I haven’t written anything for him before now. Dude could get it fr💙 Don't mind the strange ass title, I didn't know what to call this😂
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Reader and Leo are in their mid to late 20’s. Takes place before Leo lost his arm, and the others died.
Warnings: Takes place during future Kraang invasion (almost no Kraang), shower sex, unprotected sex, orale - male receiving, standing doggy style.
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The silence was loud in the darkness, with the smack of the metal latch ringing through Leo’s head, slowly disappearing with each of his heavy breaths, the bag of supplies hanging on his shoulder. And in the safety of the hidden bunker, Leo finally allowed himself to let his shoulder slump, letting him support himself on his knees, head spinning as he panted. Another successful supply search, with very few close calls with the Kraang.
Leo finally made his way down the stairs, making sure to lock every door behind him, descending further and further down, until he finally came to the door, with the familiar symbol of Donnie’s tech. It was a sight of comfort whenever Leo came this far. A reminder that he made it once again. A reminder that all of you would eat for another night.
Pushing the door open, Leo was pleased to find you curled up on an old comfy chair, not far from the door Leo just had stepped though, fast asleep. It warmed Leo’s heart, bringing a smile on to his tired face. Once again, you had waited for him to return to the lair, not leaving until you knew he was okay.
Leo took a moment to take in the features of your sleeping face, before going to the disheveled kitchen in order to drop off the newly gathered supplies. He then made his way back to you, and crouched down in front of the chair, still somehow managing to tower over you. With a soft smile, Leo reached a hand out for your face, before pushing a few strands of your hair back behind your ear. This caused you to stir ever so slightly in your sleep, one of your smaller hands reaching out for his, before pressing it against your cheek.
Leo chuckled, his thumb stroking your cheek as a small smile spread across your face. You opened your eyes, your beautiful orbs meeting Leo’s, showcasing the strong love you still had for him after all these years. All these years and all these horrific events, yet you were still very much in love with Neon Leon.
“Hey there, Sleeping Beauty”, Leo whispered, not wishing to wake up any other inhabitants of the lair.
“Hey”, you smiled, your small fingers wrapping around Leo’s much larger hand, the sight and feeling making Leo’s heart flutter. “Took you long enough”.
“Sorry, but a Kraang had decided to take a break in the middle of my usual route. Maybe I should just have asked it to move”, Leo said sarcastically with a glint in his eye.
“Maybe you should have”, you giggled, letting your hand run down Leo’s arm, feeling his muscles and the lair of sand on his skin. “You’re a little dusty”.
“Well, it’s like a sandstorm up there”, Leo said, watching your hand move over his arm, a shiver running down his back. But you were right. He was down right dirty, with dry sand in every winkle of his skin. It was actually quite irritating. Somehow he had not noticed it, blaming it on his survival instinct and adrenaline keeping him going on the world above, not becoming noticeable before allowing himself to feel safe and comfortable in your presence. “Maybe I should take a shower”.
“Sounds like a good idea”, you smiled, becoming more and more awake by each passing moment. “And now that you mention it”, you continued, sitting up so that you could stand. “I could use a shower too”.
Leo let out a hearty laugh, quickly quieting down, once he remembered his brothers and young Casey, sleeping in the rooms not so far away.
“Are you asking to shower with me?”, he asked, standing to his full height, standing tall over you. Yet your smile did not falter, and so you reached out for his hand once more, taking it in yours.
“Of course. Saving water while getting some eye candy. Sounds like an amazing idea”, you smiled.
And so, you and Leo made your way to the bathroom at the end of the hall, passing by all the rooms. In here, you and Leo did quick work of your clothing, turning on the water, waiting for just a few seconds, before stepping in. The luxury of waiting for the water to get warm, was not one you could afford in the lair these days. And just like showering had become a luxury, so had alone time between you and Leo got harder to come by. With your life having become a game of survival everyday, it was hard to find time to focus on your relationship, often having to give up on these sweet moments, for the benefits of all in the lair. And so, these times where you would try to save water together, turned into short moments of intense passion. So the moment you stepped into the shower with Leo, his large frame wrapped around you, pulling you in for a needy kiss, letting go of all emotions that had built up, ever since the last time you had been together - which had been too long ago.
You and Leo’s tongues clashed together, as the still cold water rained down your naked bodies, causing you to jump against Leo’s plastron with a small sound at the coldness. This made Leo chuckle against your lips, while his hands started wandering down from your waist to your ass cheeks, before grabbing both, kneading them in his hands, pushing your hips together in the move.
You placed your hand on Leo’s plastron, slowly moving them down over the hard surface, drawing a deep churr from deep within, causing the excitement to grow between your legs, as your fingers continued to move downwards. Leo’s breath hitched when one of your fingers graced the top of his cloaca, his fingers digging into your soft cheeks.
As your lips continued to move together, you let your index finger glide over the slit of Leo’s cloaca, enjoying the small shiver that ran through his body. One of his hands left your ass cheek, settling on your chest, where he started to roll your hard nipple between his fingers, making you sigh in delight against his lips. Coating your finger in the slick that was building up at his entrance, you slowly pushed your finger in, drawing a low moan from your boyfriend as he pulled from the kiss, resting his forehead against yours, so he could watch your hands work on each other.
Leo spurred you on as your finger moved faster against him, drawing him closer and closer to his drop, murmuring sweet and dirty nothings while the water slowly turned warmer and warmer. However, it didn’t take long before Leo’s long thick shaft emerged from within him, dropping discreetly into the palm of your hand, drafting the size of your hand and fingers.
Biting your lip, you gave Leo a few tucks, before slowly getting down on your knees, making Leo moan at the feeling and sight, anticipation growing as he knew what you were intending to do.
On your knees, you wrapped your hands around Leo’s big and proud member, looking up at him through your eyelashes, slowly letting the tip of his spongy head. Leo groaned at the connection of your tongue with the tip of his shaft. Leaning over you, resting his head and forearm against the shower wall, he shelled you from the falling water, letting it fall against his shell, getting a better look of your wet form, and the curve of your lips as you started kissing up and down his length.
Leo enjoyed your soft torture for a moment, closing his eyes so he could get lost in the feeling of your lips moving along his sides, before you finally opened your mouth, taking as much of him as you could fit, into your mouth, using your hands to cover the rest of him.
“Fuck, babe”, Leo moaned in a low voice, as you started to bob your head with hallowed out cheeks, sending excitement straight to your core. “I fucking love your mouth, (Y/N)”. You answered this comment by speeding up your process, drawing another moan from your towering boyfriend. Leo’s other hand came to rest on your head, stroking your hair, pulling slightly on it when his head started hitting the back of your throat.
Panting with his short tail whipping around in excitement, feeling his high inching closer and closer, Leo grabbed a soft hold on your head, before thrusting into your mouth, his head spinning at the vibration of you moaning around him.
“I’m getting close, (Y/N)”, Leo said, his voice strained by his upcoming orgasm. “I’m gonna cum in your mouth. Fuck! I’m gonna cum in your mouth”.
And so, when Leo came with a loud outdrawn mouth, you swallowed every drop that he delivered, not letting anything go to waste. Once you were sure that you had gotten it all, you let go of Leo, pulling the head of his member out of his mouth with a small pop, before smiling sweetly up at him.
Leo’s strong hands pulled you up so that you were standing on your feet, before crashing his lips to yours once more, moaning when he could still taste himself on your lips.
Hungry sounds came from the two of you, as your hands moved around, and felt each other up with an eagerness, all while the shower water made your skin smooth and slick.
Leo pulled from the heavy kiss, breathing heavily in order to catch his breath. It was amazing how a make out session with you, could get his blood pumping like that.
“Turn around, babe”, Leo said in a deep raspy voice, his eyes hooded and filled with lust as he watched you, making sure to give your ass a small smack as you turned around, facing the shower wall, making you jump with a small sound.
Resting your hands on the cold tile wall, leaning forward so that you were pushing your behind up against Leo’s cloaca and his still hard member, you shot him a smile over your shoulder. A smile that caused a grumble to erupt from deep within Leo’s chest. With one hand he lifted one of your legs to the side, giving him the space he needed to press his member and cloaca up against you, his plastron coming to rest against your back, and his lips pressing a kiss to the shell of your ear. You were about to turn, so that you could capture Leo’s lips with your own, but instead you were met by his beautiful eyes, along with the feeling of his member being pushed in between you slick and needy folds. Keeping your eyes locked with Leo, your mouth turned into an open gasp, letting out a moan as he stretched you out, a very slight pain stinging when he pushed in, but very soon turning into pleasure, as he pulled halfway out, only to thrust into you again.
With each thrust, you were pushed up against the cold tile wall, your nipples hardening even further, with your mind already growing hazy at the pleasure Leo brought upon you. If it wasn’t for the arm holding your leg up, and the other one wrapped around your waist, holding your hips firmly against Leo, you would have stumbled long ago.
Your cheek fell against the wall, with your mouth still wide open, and your eyes having a hard time focusing on anything other than Leo’s form over your shoulder. The way he gritted his teeth, pushed his brows together in concentration, and grunted with every hard increasingly hard thrust into you, feeling your walls growing tighter around him. You would not be lasting long if he continued like that.
You were not sure if it was a drool of water from the shower head above, that ran down your lower lip, chin and neck, or if it was your own slick that dripped down the insides of your thigh.
“Leo!”, you let out, finally feeling able to form words. The only word being the name of the man that was fucking you into what felt like heaven. Heaven in a shower stall.
“I know, babe”, Leo said, sounding as reassuring as possible, placing a kiss against your shoulder. “I can feel you. Let go, (Y/N). Cum for me, babe”.
You could not describe it, but there was just something about the way Leo would reassure and speak sweetly to you, while fucking your brains out. Sometimes it was a hard contrast, and sometimes it fitted perfectly together. But each and every time, it worked like a charm on you, bringing you that much closer to an orgasm with his penis stuffed inside you. And this time was no different.
With a high pitched cry of pleasure, you felt yourself letting go as Leo reached deep inside you, hitting that familiar place that brought pleasure throughout your body. Squishing your eyes shut, your walls closed in around Leo, making him moan as he felt his second orgasm make its way. Thrusting frantically into you, drawing out your orgasm while chasing his own, Leo finally came, unloading himself into you, his heavy breathing hitting your earlobe, making you shiver.
With Leo pulling out of you, you felt his warm white droplets run down your legs, showcasing the mess he had managed to create inside of you. With a small chuckle, Leo slowly get you leg down, letting you turn around on your wobbly feet, before pulling you close once more and placing a sweet kiss to your lips, enjoying the still fucked you look on your face.
“Now, let’s get you cleaned so we can go to bed”, Leo said, always letting one hand stay on you as he reached for the soap.
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fishsticksloser · 8 months
That episode where raph goes feral bc he was lonely how would it play out with his s/o, like he becomes territorial,it can be fluff or spicy whichever one you're comfortable with.
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F!Raph x gn!reader
Warnings: smut, feral Raph, p in, biting and claws, a little rough, turtle noises?, swearing, would this be a predator/prey thing...?, Raph focused piece
A/N: My sister wanted Raph to make turtle noises, so turtle noises there will be. Figured it would be best with feral Raph. This is kinda short so I apologize. :)
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Raph had been left alone again. Not purposely of course, but he was separated from his team. The team said that he'd been lost for at least a few days, they weren't sure. Because of Raph's feral behavior, you and his brothers were the one sent out to find him. Going through the old bunker levels and tunnels that had been collapsed before Raph was able to move the rubble, you could hear hissing and growling.
Raphael turned his head toward your approaching footsteps, he tilted his head slightly; a confused expression on the broad face. His large tail swished, the spikes along the side of his tail were pointed directly at you. The feral tone in his voice did not seem to be welcoming of your visit.
"Hey, big guy..." You smile softly, kneeling a little ways away from him. You didn't want to alert him, you didn't want him to mistake you for a threat. You watched him smell the air, seeming to somewhat recognize your scent. The low rumble of his growls turned into quiet chuffs.
Raphael slowly crept towards you, his tail continuing to sway as he examined the surroundings. His claws dig into the dirt of the tunnel, his mouth opened slightly. A low rumble emitting from his chest, his eyes locked onto you asking an unspoken question. What were you doing here?
"Raphael?" You whisper, sitting down on the ground for him. You hold your hand out for him to get a better smell. "Do you remember who I am?"
Raphael looked at you, tilting his head in confusion at the words you said. He was able to recognize your scent, but he wasn't able to understand the words you spoke. He took a step closer, his claws digging deeper into the dirt as he began to examine you. Your scent was familiar, but Raph couldn't remember exactly who you were to him.
"Mate... I'm your mate, Raph." You explain softly, feeling him press his beak to your hand. "Mate... Your partner." You continue, wanting him to recognize you as his person, his lover.
A low rumble comes from his chest, the muscles in his shoulders flex as he tilts his head once more. This was his mate, his partner. Raphael began to sniff and circle you, his claws tearing up the land as he moved.
"That's right, big guy. Yours..." You whisper, moving to gently cup the side of his face.
Raphael moves closer, pushing you onto your back as he continues to sniff, lick, and nip at you. His body is practically hovering over you as he examined his lost lover. Raph lowers more of his weight onto you, he's trying to show his affection.
"Hey, big guy..." You smile as he starts to nuzzle your neck. He chuffs and sniffs against your skin, his claws tearing at your clothes. You'd never dealt with Raph after he'd been feral for so long, maybe it was normal? "You... Want them off?"
Raph chuffs in reply, continuing to tear at your clothes with his claws. But his teeth soon joined, tossing the tattered clothes aside. He presses his beak to your stomach, a low rumble filling the air again as he churrs. You gently pet his head, but Raph suddenly pulls you close, growling loudly.
"Oh shit…" You hear Leo say and more footsteps move closer. Raph's growls get louder as he pulls you closer. You were his mate - his. He had claimed his prize, he wasn't planning on sharing. "Raph, buddy…"
"I'm okay, get out of here before he rips your heads off." You huff at his brothers. They were reluctant due to how Raph was acting, but you assured them that you were okay and they quickly made their escape. "All yours, Raph." You sigh as his growls become chuffs again. His tail swished vigorously, still prepared to fight for what was his.
He wanted more... More love, more affection, more...
"You're okay, big guy... No one else is here, I'm all yours." You try to reassure as he moves to chuff against your thigh. You were his and he was taking you. His tough tongue licks along your body, you were his.
Raphael continues to lick along your thighs, his tongue flicking and tasting. His tongue felt like sandpaper, it was an odd sensation, but Raph made it enjoyable nonetheless. He seemed so eager to please and love, his warm breath fanning over your skin. His large hands gripped your legs, moving them further apart. He wanted more, he wanted it badly.
He slowly made his way back up your body, sniffing, chuffing, licking. You gently touch him, not wanting to overwhelm or anger him. He gently pushed you over, making you lay on your stomach. Raphael began to press more of his weight against you as he slowly mounted you. You gasp, your hips slightly lifting at the intrusion. His claws dig deeper into the dirt, sniffing and licking every part of you he could reach. Raph was still on guard, prepared to fight any intruder or rival that came near you.
Raphael began to slowly thrust, making sure that every movement was slow and steady in order to please you. His broad body remained on top of you, slowly gliding in and out. His snout nuzzles the back of your head, his large hands gripping your hips tightly.
You were his. There would never be another. He would mark you, keep you safe, loving you in a way no one else ever could.
Raphael continued to make slow and deep thrusts, wanting to make sure you felt his affection. He didn't want to go too quickly in fear of hurting you. His snout presses into your neck, making sure you felt every thrust. Chuffs and moans filled the air, echoing throughout the tunnel. Raph was pleased, this was what he wanted. To protect and love you. With the chuffs echoing along with his heavy breathing, and with every small sound you made, Raphael could tell he was doing something right. He was using everything to claim you as his.
Raph took his time, ensuring that you felt every moment of his love. Every time you made a noise, he felt proud of himself. He felt like a king and having his partner right there with him. With a hard moan, Raphael pressed his hips against you harder. His warm breath like a blanket on top of you, it was a welcoming sensation. He continued to pump slowly, using every bit of his form to please you.
A low rumble echoes around you as Raph quickens his pace. He was getting closer, the chuffs becoming shorter and faster at the same rate of this thrusts. His breathing becomes more erratic, his hand grips your hips tighter. His claws digging into your skin a little. He was so close, just a little bit more. He wasn't going to be able to contain himself much longer.
Raphael's pace began to pick up, he was at his limit. He couldn't contain himself anymore. He began to pump even deeper, even faster. His breath became more frequent as he neared completion. His tail slowly swayed back and forth as he pumped even harder.
Raphael could feel you climax, he increased his pace by just a little bit. His large hand held you tight, he wanted to show you how much he wanted you. His sharp teeth dug deeper into you shoulder, growling deeply.
He could feel himself losing control. He was losing focus, all he was seeing was you. His mate.
Raphael continued to pump, feeling the pleasure of your soft body. His breathing became more erratic — the muscles along his broad back flexed as he slowly picked up his pace.
Raphael could feel the release start to happen. All he could feel was the sensation of your soft flesh, your gentle whimpers. The snapping turtle mutant let out a primal growl as his hips slammed against your ass, pushing himself even deeper inside you. Raphael's breath became more shallow. His churrs filled the air as his hot seed filled you, slowly dripping down your thighs.
Raph began to slow his pace as he finally finished, his large body was twitching and trembling as the adrenaline finally started to fade. His claws loosened their grip and he moved his mouth off your shoulder With a slight chuff, Raph lifted off of you.
He proud. He had done it, this was his mate.
Raphael laid next to you, his large form seemed so content and at ease as he rested on his back. His large head resting on your back, his thumb gently caressing your soft skin as he started to come back to his true self.
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niphredil-14 · 1 month
Rottmnt x reader where while joking she says she'll flip her hair for them every time they're sassy and she follows through with it and the boys are just smitten by the fact they remembered that little detail. :)
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Bold of you to assume he won’t grab your hair and place it over his head just so that he can flip it himself. But seriously, I think this would make him fall head over heels for you all over again, having someone who backs him up on all levels, both serious and just when he’s being silly, is such a huge thing for this man. He will up his antics even more to see how long you’ll continue to flip your hair for him for.
Rottmnt Raph isn’t all that sassy, especially compared to some of the other Raphs, but he certainly has his moments, and I think that you flipping your hair for him would get him so smitten for two reasons. The first being just how cute of an action it is! And the second being that it shows you’ve got his back. Having his position of leader taken from him definitely gave him some doubts and insecurities, so I think you do openly taking his side will remind him that there are still people who are on his team, and that it is HIS team, even if not the same.
Don may be a different flavor of sassy than Leo, but in his own way, his sass-o-meter is also through the roof, and I think he would find your little hair flicks hilarious!! I think what would get him so obsessed with this action isn’t the act itself. It’s the fact that you remembered it. He’s so used to being more of a background character compared to some of his brothers. He’s used to not being listened to unless they need him to fix something, so the fact that you remembered a joke the two of you made, and carried that thought of him with you?? That’s what warms his heart. The fact that he has enough of a space in your heart for you to hold onto such a small detail kills him, and brings him back even better. You can bet he remembers all the small details for you too!
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chaoticspeedrun · 1 year
ROTTMNT Dating sim "I made you a mixtape" Announcement
Hey guys! Whenever I wrote these fics I always felt like I could give more, do more, and eventually that rabbit hole ended on this, I am starting a project to create a ROTTMNT visual novel/dating sim!
In this game you will be able to romance any of the four turtles, so far three different endings are planned (A good ending, a normal ending and a bad ending) your choices matter for the plot.
Today I created the design for the title screen and I will keep it like this as a placeholder while I work on the character sprites
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The icon on the left has already been added as the icon for the game window, the backgrounds and a map for the player to interact with will be worked on soon and the designs are based on @honeylief 's design of the new lair with their permission.
The script for the prologue has already been written too!
I am extremely excited for this project and the ideas are flowing! I am also getting suggestions from the discord chat, however if anyone wants to help (Programmers, Artists, musicians, or anyone who knows how to use ren'py) it will be greatly appreciated as it is quite an ambitious project and I am not a programmer, I am just beginning to learn how to use ren'py.
I hope you guys are as excited as I am for it!
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gaymaramada · 6 months
Rise! Boys with a S/O that has a bad swearing habit:
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Lowkey encourages it.
He just thinks it’s really funny how shamelessly you throw the “forbidden words” out there.
Will bust out laughing when you casually tell someone to fuck off.
When you describe it as a bad habit, though, he pulls back a bit.
Offers the idea to replace any swears with random words in Spanish.
(That’s what he does.
He never actually swears in Spanish, though.
It’s pretty funny.)
Will absolutely let you be a bad influence on him, much to the others’ dismay.
“What the fuck was up with that guy at Hueso’s the other night?”
“Yeah, what a shithead.”
*Dramatic gasp*
“No, no, let him cook—”
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…. Okay? What of it?
He honestly doesn’t care.
Words are words.
He tends to cycle between his innocent dessert-inspired swears to the most vile combinations of letters to ever grace the planet.
It’s like Russian roulette.
Oh the rants you two will fall into.
Venting to one another brings enough curses to the world that it would have the members of Witch Town shaking.
Overall, he’s pretty indifferent to it, but if it’s bothering you, he’ll do his best to assist.
Though as someone who has his own bad habits, it’s less of him helping you and more of you leaning on each other.
It can become a bit competitive, though.
“Quit biting your nails, you’re gonna fuck them up.”
“Keep yourself from swearing for the next five minutes and I’ll consider it.”
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Oh the poor sweet thing.
Literally the “no more saying cuss words guys! 😨 it’s inappropriate and violent! 😖” kid.
He loves you, but he’s pretty uncomfortable by how often you swear.
He softened up a bit when you explained it wasn’t entirely voluntary.
He knows what it’s like to lose control sometimes, mild or severe.
He gets you a chewing stim toy to bite down on whenever you feel the urge to swear, as he had a similar method when he was younger and adjusting to his strong jaw.
Will absolutely glare at you if you’re about to curse.
“Oh, fu—”
“uuuuuuuuudgesicles. Fudgesicles.”
Overall, he’s very supportive.
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So here’s the thing.
Mikey is no stranger to swearing.
In fact he probably has the foulest mouth in the family with Donnie as a close second.
He gets away with it because:
A. Youngest privilages
B. No one expects it from him
C. Dr. Delicate Touch
He also keeps his swearing to a minimum around his brothers (cough cough Raph cough).
But when you two are together, all Hell breaks loose.
His behavior does switch when he learns that you recognize it as a bad habit, and suddenly you find yourself in a Dr. Feelings seminar.
He helps you find alternative vocal stims to use instead of swearing that still hold enough bite to be satisfactory.
He practices these with you for his own sake as well, so similarly to Donnie, the two of you lean on each other.
If the situation calls for it, however…
“Noooo ☺️”
“I’m gonna fucking skin you—”
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t0ta11y-n0t-cup1d · 7 months
You’ve showed in a few of your drabbles and fics the boys’ more instinctive behaviors when it comes to the people they like (like Leo with his tapping/claw fluttering). Do you think you could tell us a bit more about how you think each of the boys act differently around the person they like due to their instincts and more “turtle-like” behavior? I think it’s super cute and cool that you try to incorporate those traits into your fics! I’d love to see more of it 💞💞💞
꒰⑅ᵕ༚ᵕ꒱˖♡ ;; small habits that you've picked up from the turtles
taglist ;; @apostlephobe
req ;; yes/no
gn reader—they/them prns
warnings ;; swearing
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raph ;;
— not just because he's an alligator snapping turtle, but i think he would display a lot of cuteness/affectionate aggression!!
— i.e. playful bites, playfighting (very, VERY careful playfighting. he is a big boy and can crush you easily.)
— he deffo chirps and churrs, but it's absolutely the deepest out of the brothers. like it's SCARY how deep his churrs can get.
— on the topic of sounds, he deffo makes like dog-whining sounds when he's upset :( like the high-pitched ones (he makes them whenever he's really REALLY worried or just upset)
— big tail go whoosh. mostly sways when he's nervous/happy!!!! he loves u but stay back when he's REALLY happy mans can knock you into your feet by accident :(
— do not the tail unless u tell him first + get permission. easy way to death is to touch his tail without asking bc his first reaction will be to swing it HARD (not intentionally) and it WILL give you a concussion.
leo ;;
— prone to chirping. that's it. loves to chatter and prattle on, especially about how much he loves you, and will only ever stop if you give him kisses + affection, and will do so with soft chirps <3
— ALSO CHURRS!! but gets embarrassed about it and tries to do it in private/ when only you are around (p.s. he churrs almost all the time when y'all r alone)
— like mentioned in the post, he flutters and taps his claws!! this one is more instinctive so he gets HELLA embarrassed when y'all r doing whatever and his hands go to your face and gently tap or wiggle against your cheeks
— (melts if you do it back to him)
— y'all seen those photos of red-eared sliders riding on top of softshells?? yeah that but you. he will LAY ON YOU any chance he gets homeboy loves to cuddle
— his tail isn't as big as raph's, but deffo is as expressive, it wags alot, mostly when he's happy,, but like his churrs, he normally tries to control himself and his reactions so around others, his tail will twitch a little around you, but it's full-on wagging when ur alone :]]
donnie ;;
- homeboy growls more often than actual churrs, but u can BET UR ASS that as soon as u say sumn as little as 'wow, that's so cool!' or 'ooh, ur so smart!' to him HE LOSES IT homeboy becomes a chirruped, churring mess
- obv he's preferential w physical touch, but is in heaven when u massage his shoulders after a long day of missions/work (shrimp posture) and he subconsciously churrs (despite him denying it)
- when feeling needy/ in a lovey-dovey mood, he tends to nudge ur head w his, veryvery gently
- so much so that it can be a silent way (cough cough bad boy image) of him asking for affection/ attention from u w/o having to actually ask
- unlike raph and leo. does not. NOT like having his tail touched he will bite and snap at u outta pure instinct.
- SPEAKING OF WHICH gentle bites and deffo some playfighting bc softshells r aggressive but he loves u a lot :]] also when annoyed/agitated/threatened. neck. he turns around/ stretches his neck (not much) to look bigger + more intimidating (it just looks silly)
mikey ;;
- straight out the gate we all know he's affectionate and touchy asf. i know i said it for all of them but.
- PLAYFIGHTING!!!!!;;;;!!!!:!!!:: but he don't hold back. he is BITING he is SCRATCHING he is PLAYING DIRTY!!!!!!!!!!!! (he learned it from leo)
- tends to just. bumpbump nudgenudge u when he wants affection (or whines for it bc #youngest-child-syndrome)
- considering how talkative and very open-w-his-feelings he is, he's probbles the most comfortable openly chirping and churring around you, he does not care bc he wants u to know u make him happy/comfy enough to be able to do those sounds :))
- the tail!! wags like CONSTANTLY but similar to raph's, don't touch unless given permission (he bites)
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A/N ;; HIIII hi guys :) lol sorry for going missing. i have no excuse. ANYWAYYYYY sorry for such a lil upload and IM SO SORRY FOR GETTING THIS REQ DONE SO LATE :(((((( anyhow, i HOPE (not promising) that i can start writing more and more soon!! busy w school but y'all know how it is!!!!
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yanteetle · 5 months
Especially Raph
*Proceeds to eat all your Raphael art*
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I usually don't expose my personal Raph sketches but I'm brainrotting him so hard and I need more fics of him (me hoping that this will inspire more raph fics to come out of the fandom's writingussy <3)
Taglist: @dynaspamm@faetaiity@fried-milkfish@milks-thoughts @hearteyedracoon @crystallinecryogenics @m0nster-fluffer @syrinxmeadow @zxphy@mellytumbles@nekonekoastume @sockidox @temmerlover@ramblehour@redak-ted@unnamedindividual@lampylamperson@elegantkidfansoul@lexiechr@yourleastfavoriteguyinthechair@gemini-forest @galaxyblast23 @sardonic-the-writer@0what-a-guy0@oleander-nin
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duckwithablog · 1 year
⋰ ⊹˚. ♡ Alone on Valentines? ⋰ ⊹˚. ♡
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I was halfway done before most of this got deleted. I am going to scream cry and convulse on the floor. As it's way to late for me to be awake rn, I'll just do this in two parts, for the sake of my sanity </33
I know for a fact that most of us are probably gonna be spending this Valentine's alone, reading fanfic, and honestly same. But let's imagine for a second that that isn't the case.
The turtles react to you being alone on Valentines Day
GN reader, romantic, crushing/pining, fluff
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like that's his initial reaction
i imagine that you guys would just be chilling in the lair, talking, and you slip out that you might be spending valentine's alone
he goes "oh, okay!" before he double takes and says
"wait- really?"
he honestly thought that you would've had a date for valentine's this year
because like... why wouldn't you? you're so attractive, and charming, and lovable, who wouldn't want to date you?
no matter how you feel about being alone (unbothered, sad, etc etc) raph will do everything he can to make you feel better
you don't deserve to be alone! no one does!
so he proudly states that "if you don't have anyone to spend the day with, then raph'll spend it with you! there! now you won't be alone anymore."
he says this all with this big smile
doesn't realize that he basically just asked to be your date
you realize it tho
ofc, you say yes, because who can say no to raph?
and raph just nods to himself, proud, before he processes what he just said
oh. he just scored a date with you.
jaw drops at this realization. OH. HE JUST SCORED A DATE. WITH YOU.
vows to make this the best valentine's you'll ever experience
it might be hard, being a giant turtle and all, but by pizza supreme is he gonna try his best anyways
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bro you didn't even tell him this information
he literally eavesdropped on your conversation with april while he was nearby
pretends to be really engrossed in whatever he was doing while he strains to listen to what you guys are saying
is also confused when he finds out. according to his statistics, you have plenty of qualities that make you attractive. so why are you spending valentine's alone?
forgets that the data he used to make said statistics are based off of his experiences with you. He then considers that maybe not everybody got butterflies in their stomach whenever you were around
when april leaves the room, he internally goes aha! an opportunity! and tries to make a move
he acts cool as he talks to you, but don't be fooled, he is internally combusting
not so subtly suggests that you should spend valentine's in the lair with him instead of being alone. tells you that not all love is romantic, and as... friends... you guys have a right to celebrate today as well
damn he is not making this easier on himself
of course, his brothers and april are gonna be there too!! obviously!!
you get to spend time with all of them.
... mostly with donnie, though. especially with donnie.
if you agree, he'd say "perfect! shall we call it a date, then?"
say yes. the look on his face and the growing blush on his cheeks is so worth it
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ju1cyfru1t · 10 months
Hello. I read a few of your scenarios for the Rise boys and really liked them. So, I decided to sent in my wok request.
Could you do something for the four brothers (separately) where they react to their s/o calling them their husband. Like s/o is on the phone and reverse to the turtle as their husband. Like not directly to them but they still hear it.
If I didn’t describe it well enough you could look up ‚calling my bf husband to see his reaction‘ on TikTok they’re really cute and funny.
And the gender of the reader is up to you, I don’t really care.
your wish is my command 🧞‍♀️ AND THANK YOU <3
ROTTMNT x Fem! Reader
reader accidentally calls him her husband
Rise! Leo, Mikey, Raph, Donnie x Fem! Reader (separately)
fluff! :D fem!reader, romantic
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It’s Pizza night at the lair! :D….like almost every other night.
You offered to call in to order the pizza for them. How kind. To be honest, he wasn’t really listening until you said something that really caught his attention.
“Yes, thank you. and my husband would like-“
- internally screaming but tries to play it cool
- if there’s anyone who’s gonna make you regret even opening your mouth it’s this mf
- cocky bitch, but is polite enough (I guess) to wait until you’re off the phone to say anything
- OBVIOUSLY now he’s gonna call you wifey
- “HUSBAND? I mean, Husband, huh? I knew you liked me, but not THAT much~” STFU
- def laid awake that night thinking about it tho
- is never going to let you forget this
- “please, allow your husband.”
- externally screaming
- you got him running laps 🏃‍♀️
- considered getting down on one knee right there 💍
- Immediately is all over you; peppering your face with kisses, his arms wrapped around you
- he is squeezing the life out of you he was so happy to hear you say that
- you cannot tell me he isn’t 100% convinced you’ll be together for the rest of your lives anyways
- but to hear you say it like that??? he just finds you so precious
- “ y/n you’re so cute!” “Michael hold on! I’m still on the phone-“
- took him a minute to process
- wait him??? your HUSBAND???
- I mean…he didn’t mind that sound of that.
- man is already thinking of his vows 👰‍♂️ JK
- is surprised for a moment, but just lets himself be happy. he is a bit embarrassed tho
- daydreams your wedding now
- might accidentally call you his wife now too 🧍‍♀️
- “guys, remember my wife said in- I MEAN, Y/N. Y/N SAID- I MEANT Y/N-“
- Leo is rolling on the floor laughing, Donnie is slightly horrified
- Mikey is your flower girl
- almost snaps his neck to whip around and look at you
- Flabbergasted and also a little afraid
- Honestly hoping he heard you wrong; That’s a big commitment
- Don’t get me wrong; it’s not that he isn’t committed he just doesn’t know how to feel about MARRIAGE
- probably had to excuse himself for a moment to really process (might have went to his lab to scream)
- would try to go on normally like it never happened, but it’s definitely burned into the back of his mind for a long time after that
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