#rise mikey rp
Hey Mikey, thanks so much for responding to my question. You didn’t really have to, but it’s so nice to feel that I’m not the only one who thinks that Diet Culture is bs.
As for my mom, I have thought of talking to her, but unfortunately, she has a history of downplaying or minimizing my feelings saying that I worry too much and I feel that it would be too much of a risk for my mental and emotional health to try to talk to her about it. Also, she would say that in her own kind of wording, that she was trying to have the best of intentions, which I do see and understand, but I feel that it’s crappy either way.
I’ve thought about talking to my dad as well, and although he and I’s relationship is still pretty positive, he thinks that everything should be done in moderation, which you could say is also kinda bs in this case, since it implies restrictive eating.
Either way, maybe the your other bros, Raph, Leo, and Donnie, could jot down their opinions as well if they’re up for it? It’s fine if they don’t want to, I’ll understand either way. Again, thanks for answering my question from earlier. I feel validated by your kind words and knowledge about the topic.
🧡 Have a comforting hug 🧡
You are not alone! 💕
All I can say is, that you should do, what you think is alright for you. 🧡 Don't let people bring you down. 🌟
Your worries, fears & feelings are valid!
Your parents mean well, that I can read, but they may not show it in a good way. If talking to them wouldn't help, then try to work on your own mindset, maybe affirmations would help?
I have some hung up in my room & I see them all the time & I have to say - they help me. When I'm feeling down, I read them & feel better.
I'm opening this up for @donniesexceptionalmind @neonleonsmessymindpalace @raph-a-roni & also @spaceacexino, as well as @veeswims & @emerson-the-psycho - What are your opinions on diet culture & (unwanted) comments on eating behaviours of others?
I feel honored you opened up about it!
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artistguymikey · 2 years
Going spill my cereal
My hands are too shaky to eat it-
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boootyyyshaker90000 · 2 years
we made it
i think im crying
it feels like im crying
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ask-2012tmnt · 1 month
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A/N: make sure to check our bio to see if asks are open! - this blog will run for as long as i have energy for it. be sure to reblog as it helps a ton :) now for some words from the boys!
Hey! It's Leo. I'd love some asks about meditation, leadership, and what it's like taking care of three rowdy younger brothers. You'll be able to tell who is typing based on our color!
WHAT UP DUDES!!!! MIKEY IN THE HOUSE!!! send me some sick asks!!! itd be totally cool if you asked me about pizza or video games or my brothers or anything to your hearts content!!!!
Hello everyone, this is Donatello typing. Be sure to ask us some nice questions. I'd be happy if you asked me about anything from science and technology to life as a mutant turtle underground. Have a good one!
Ask me about fighting. Or music. Or my annoying brothers. Or anything. I don't really care.
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shardkn1ght · 1 year
Hueso Raised Leo AU
Main story completed for now
The Next chapter: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Family reunion: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
Bad Future: Hueso Jr disigne
Teen life: Working at Run of the mill Leo’s a lil gay guy Leo plays guitar Turtle spotted p1 Turtle spotted p2 Part of a family
Early Life: Meeting your little brother Baby Leo The day Leo was found Missing a brother Gender Fluid Leo! Lil Leo in dresses Glowing boi Uncle Piel! Young life
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I’m silly I’m silly I’m silly I’m silly I’m silly I’m silly I’m silly I’m silly I’m silly I’m silly I’m silly I’m silly I’m silly I’m silly I’m silly I’m silly I’m silly I’m silly I’m silly I’m silly I’m silly I’m silly I’m silly I’m silly I’m silly I’m silly I’m silly I’m silly I’m silly I’m silly I’m silly I’m silly I’m silly I’m silly I’m silly I’m silly
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demonic-ninja-cat · 2 months
Calling all potential Mad Dogs!
Are you lookin' for a Rise Of The TMNT server that's for adults only, no sexual content allowed, and accepting of OCs and AU versions of your favorite Turtles? If so, you've come to the right place!
Our server takes place after the Movie, though things are flexible, and we have a non-server-canon Casual RP section and AU/Crossover Section! We also have plenty of OOC channels to discuss our favorite Turtle Boys, share pictures and memes, and make Turtle-loving friends!
We do have a Character Claiming system, but if your favorite is taken, worry not! We allow "AU" versions of the Rise Turtles and other popular characters! You can be the version of the character from your favorite fanfic, or one of your own creations!
Our server is a friendly place, welcoming to queer people, neurodivergent people, POC, and anyone who isn't a creep, abuser, and/or bigot! We also have Pluralkit and Tupperbox for both your System and RPing needs!
If all of this sounds good, then come on in and have fun!!
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clowned-by-cupid · 2 months
If there are any tmnt people who would like to rp 🙏
I haven’t rped tmnt in so long and would love to. I do enjoy angst and stuff but no nsfw or anything like it.
16+ only!!!
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mikey-the-mischevious · 9 months
RATE MY UGLY BROTHER: @leontheluxuriousone
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filmpy · 2 months
IM DESPERATE. on my hands and KNEES.
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People Are Strange (ROTTMNT VAMPIRE AU)
A TAD bit inspired off of Lost Boys, so it's got that 80s cliche/grunge to it - also @m0nster-fluffer TOTALLY didn't encourage or inspire me to finally write all this stuff out... Totally not 👀
This is inspired by a Roleplay idea I came up with... But was never able to act out so I'm glad I was able to write some if the stuff down!
BASICALLY... It's just like the brothers and MAYBE April (but I think she'll just be a normal human they let tag along, and maybe she does some of their... Hunting for them) are vampires, usually come out late at parties or do their own thing, riding around on motorcycles, being nuisance to many, and threats to others.
I feel if it were a scenario, it'd probably go one (or your whole group, depends on if you want your character to already know the guys or not) of the Roleplayers moves into this small secluded town where all this happens, and somehow gets wrapped up in meeting the four weirdos + April, and then starts discovering the creepy and spooky blah blah ect.
The Hamato Brothers are something no one wants to be around with, cause eventually, you go missing. You get lost. Never to be found, it's kind of difficult when their very... Persuasive.
Basic twist/plot for this whole thing: Everyone in this town but you know the guys are vampires. You and your family have no clue until you find out why the people of this town don't want you to leave, try to keep you trapped in this so called, happy, campy, little peace of heaven off somewhere deep in the woods. You're new meat- new faces. New prey.
The guys had started getting more relentless and more brash toward the townsfolk until you showed up... They can't just give you up that easy.
(And my rant about what I think the guys would be like HEE)
Raphael Raph is one of the more docile of his brothers, he isn't as peer pressuring or over energetic as his other three, usually he's like that big brother 'come on, leave em alone' energy if he can see someone getting stressed over his brothers trying to get them to jump like- twenty feet from the beach pillars. But, as much as he seems like a chill dude, his vampirism is... Different. When he's mad, he isn't afraid to let you know. He can get aggressive and almost animalistic, a LOT of 'accidents' involving people can be from Raphs... Temper-tantrums.
Any vampire powers? Yes! The guy is a total brute, and it's not just for show. He could lift two trucks with both hands with absolute ease if he wanted to.
Leonardo Oh yikes, one of the brothers that a LOT of people tend to be persuaded by. Leo has the tendency to make some of the riskier decisions and ideas of the group, just to see how freaked out they can get new comers, what makes em run away screaming. It makes it more enjoyable for him. He loves- and I mean LOVES a chase once in a while, even if it spreads out into an entire week, he doesn't stop, as long as your in his town, his territory, you can't escape him or his brothers.
Leo's vampirism is one of the MANY faults and reasons the brothers have almost been caught. The guy pushes and tests limits like the little ass he is and waits to see what happens. Raphs killed people, sure, but Leo's killed people, critters, and he tends to leave them on people's doorsteps just to freak them out- especially if they've pissed him off. Or he's... Taken a liking to you.
His actions have gotten him locked up in the Church by the people a few times. And even though he continues to do it, he HATES getting chained up cause he's stuck their for a damn week, and all his brothers do is ridicule, taunt, or scold him. Any vampire powers? Yes! Leo's got some kind of... Trance inducing powers - it isn't like it is in shows or movies. It's a lot more... Subtle than that. It's he can make his point or voice sound more alluding, more conniving, and it almost feels like you can't refuse the guy.
Donatello. The lesser known of the vampire brothers, Donnie is extremely quiet and keeps to himself. And not in a shy way, this guy's seemingly resting bitch-face/death glare looks like he's looking directly through you and into your deepest darkest fears. He probably is.
But once you get to know him - as rare as it is unless he decides you're worth his time, he's still pretty blunt and cold, and he's almost cruel in some way. You can see some dark joy behind his eyes watching you get scared or squirm under his cold arm over your shoulder.
He doesn't seem like it, but he's got that persuasion and slight bloodlust that his twin Leo has. He just more collected about it. He tends to be the one who doesn't cause much of the missing accidents, (he's much more intelligent to clean and hide a crime scene, please, the man isn't a reckless idiot like his brothers.) But the one or two he's done are because someone pissed him off. The someone is his twin. Those two get in nasty- and I don't put it lightly when I say NASTY fights. Ranging from verbal to physical, it's rare that they actually get along so much so that they barely even talk to each other cause it ends in yelling or biting and scratching.
Any vampire powers? Yes! Same as his twin, maybe he dpes it more with that smolder or look he has rather than his voice, but it still gets the job done.
And finally, the youngest of the Hamatos, Mikey. Of course, don't let that fool you. This vampire tends to be the most welcoming of newcomers out if all his brothers, while he's eerily sweet and calm, it does the trick to put people's minds at ease and get them to join their little rag-tag group.
He's usually the one you'd go to if you feel on edge about everything, him and Raph being more docile to newcomers before they decide to pounce.
While he gives on the laid-back persona... Don't get him mad or threaten his brothers. It'd like a whole new creature from the deepest darkest part of your soul is unleashed if you get on this vampires nerves.
And he's fast. They all are. Don't get me wrong, but the stealth this guy has sneaking and sprinting through woods. You're not gonna escape.
Any vampire powers? Yes! Super speed and levitation! The levitation is usually on his part - meaning he's the one floating around a few feet of ground and picking things up of the floor a few feet away from him. But he can pick people up if he decides he's too tired or annoyed to chase.
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Hello! o/ I have a *very important* question:
What’s your favorite type of cupcake?
Mine’s red velvet with cream cheese icing :>
-Curious Anon
Ohhhh, what a wonderful question!
And yet, so difficult to answer!
I adore blueberry cheesecake cupcakes with a biiiiiig blueberry & little star flakes on top (at the moment but my preference changes every other week). Your favourite is Raph's favourite!
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artistguymikey · 2 years
My drawing arm hurts-
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greenunoreversecard · 9 months
Ok, so my last poll asking about making a rp account was 50 50 with idk nor idc and yes, so I'll prolly do one..
So another poll, choose between my top 3 choices:
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I finished the drawing i was doing!
Behold, my propaganda for the @tmntrpblogcomp!!
Vote for us >:3
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l0stfoster · 11 months
I love forcing myself to post anything bc fuck it it’s my account I can be a nerd on main
Donnie’s not apart of this ramble I just wanted to post him too.
Based off an RP [ maybhaps au ] Headcanon where Mikey’s a traumagenic system and Dr Feelings (Milo) + Delicate Touch (Miles) are alters. Milo fragmented during the demo derby and fully formed after Shredder; Miles formed after Kraang. ]
They’re both brain-made since they’re based off Mikey’s alter ego stuff, however Milo’s base source is *meant* to be Mikey— so I think that would make him a factive(?). He’s got source memories for his own brothers n family and they were, not great sorry Milo. The design for him is what he looks like in headspace + how Donnie would react to seeing his shell bc it is FUCKED UP.
First 2 doodles were before I decided on a design.
I’m trying to be super careful w/ my system representation (after all, I’m not a system) so feel free to educate me if I portray something incorrectly.
Mikey says they’re matching bc after Shredder he went on a solo mission (Donnie was sick n Raph and Leo were fighting so he didn’t wanna ask them) and long story short got his shell stomped and thrown into the Hudson (obvious he lived, n Draxy patched him up). He paints over the cracks to cover them up bc he never told anybody
Last ones are just me and my rp partner @amoron4everyone hiii Bailey yes I have 2 tumblr accounts too lmao.
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