mtg-cards-hourly · 3 months
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Rishkar, Peema Renegade
"Aether is the soul of Kaladesh, and all souls should be free."
Artist: Todd Lockwood TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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exotic-indians · 1 year
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dailymtgflavortext · 8 months
Make it a Combo #15
Thought this one up in the car the other day and figured I'd better share this stroke of sheer genius with the world!
As I was browsing random foils, I picked up a Body of Research:
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It's a cool card, so I thought it was worth having. Now, what to do with it? What use is there in having a creature with power equal to the size of your library? My first thought was to use Soul's Majesty to draw your entire library:
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That's not too bad, but how about we take it one step further with Rishkar's Expertise instead?
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Now you get a free spell cast as well. Much better! And of course, you have your choice of any mana value 5 or less spell from your entire deck because your entire deck is currently in your hand! Sounds like we're approaching a win here. But how do we do it? There's a massive creature in play, so how about Chandra's Ignition?
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BABOOM! That certainly does the trick, but it requires Temur colors. Can this be done in Simic, since we know we at least have green and blue?
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Yeah, that would do it.
So, there you go! For the low low cost of 12 mana, you win the game! Just make sure you already have that Rishkar's Expertise in your hand when you play Body of Research. You don't want to draw it on a later turn and then draw your library out and lose!
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jones-friend · 2 years
For the commander suggestions: Rona, Sheoldred’s Faithful
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Why don’t more people run Pike? Pike is a great spellslinger artifact! You get first strike!
Anyways tell the last dude to run expertises too esp Rishkar’s Expertise
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loreleywrites · 8 years
Command Zone: Consulate Commanders and Renegade Ringleaders
Whether you support the Consulate’s efforts to maintain a safe and secure society or the renegade’s efforts to unshackle aether and innovation from oppressive law, Aether Revolt has new commanders for you. In fact, it has six new commanders: one for each color and colorless.
In case it wasn’t obvious, today’s article is going to break each of these new legendary creatures down. What are they about? What kind of strategies do they enable? How well do they fit into existing decks? Those kinds of things.
Sram I Am
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He loves The LEGO Movie.
Sram, Senior Edificer is all about building things up. Auras, Equipment, and Vehicles are all subtypes that augment your existing creatures. The key to any Sram deck is to have creatures that benefit from these subtypes too.
Thankfully for Sram, mono-White Equipment decks are already well-supported. Between Kemba, Kha Regent and Nahiri, the Lithomancer, these decks have existed for years. Each commander has their own advantages, and Sram’s is raw card advantage. Drawing cards is White’s biggest weakness, and making all of your Equipment spells into cantrips keeps the cards flowing.
Auras are the next best subtype to build around. Sram may only be a 2/2 for two mana, but Auras can quickly turn him into a Voltron threat. The selling point for this style of deck is that White has a bunch of removal spells that are Auras. You don’t need to attach them to your creatures to get the card; Sram is just happy you’re casting Auras at all! When your removal spells can draw into even more removal spells, you’re harnessing real power. There are even Auras that can bounce themselves back to your hand. #Value
I’m not terribly excited at the prospect of building a Vehicle deck around Sram. Depala, Pilot Exemplar hits a lot more of the relevant cards, but Sram is still going into the 99. Depala can help dig to him, and then it’s off to the card-drawing races as you amass more and more Vehicles. Since he’s also a Dwarf, Sram will be at least a 3/3 to crew most of the Vehicles you’ll play.
Bottom of the Baral
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Hooded face? Sword for an arm? Short temper? What a nice guy!
Baral, Chief of Compliance is a self-loathing mage on a plane that has very few mages. I don’t know who taught him his mad skillz, but he’s sure got ‘em.
Obviously, Baral is all about instants and sorceries. Making them all cast one less is better than being a mana dork, as it allows you the discount more than once if you can cast more than one spell a turn. Since Baral only costs two mana, you’re going to get that bonus right away.
As the number one instant and sorcery color, Blue has plenty of stuff to work with. Talrand, Sky Summoner and Uyo, Silent Prophet are just two of the existing mono-Blue commanders this archetype can be built around. So, once again, we have a new legendary creature that offers a new twist on an established strategy.
Baral does also have another ability, however. You get to loot whenever you counter another spell. Sculpting your hand is nice in a singleton format, but I’m pretty down on counterspells in multiplayer. Waiting around and trading one-for-one is a great way to fall behind. There are good counterspells, but I don’t like “Counterspells!” as a deck theme. If you do go that route, don’t forget Guile.
Party Hard
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Bottoms up, darlings!
Yahenni, Undying Partisan has a lot going on, so I’ll break it into three parts.
First, they have haste. Haste is probably one of the most underrated abilities in Commander, as not having to live through multiple opponents’ turns to attack is very yes goodtimes (That’s a technical term.) Having haste on your commander, especially when they cost a mere three mana, means more opportunities to smash for commander damage.
Yahenni is one of few Aetherborn that have the ability to draw life-sustaining aether out of other creatures. As such, they are a Vampire and have a version of the classic vampire ability. Any time a creature an opponent controls dies, for any reason, Yahenni gets a +1/+1 counter. When it comes to multiplayer Magic, creatures die. A lot. If you just play a regular game of Commander, Yahenni will get huge on their own.
Though if you want to be tricksy, you can combine a creature sweeper with Yahenni’s final ability. Sac a creature to make Yahenni indestructible, cast Damnation, and probably kill one of your opponents with commander damage right there. Or sac a creature in response to an opponent’s sweeper. Or sac a creature to stop a piece of removal. Or sac a creature to make Yahenni live through combat (especially on defense). Or sac a creature to prevent an opponent from stealing it. In case you didn’t notice the pattern, there are a ton of uses for this ability.
In fact, Yahenni being a sacrifice outlet means they’re much more than just an aggressive Voltron commander. You can do all kinds of graveyard stuff, build around death triggers, abuse the heckfire out of Grave Pact, and more.
It’s your party; go nuts!
Monkey Business
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When you’re a professional pirate, you’re always in the best of company.
But maybe you want to go bananas.
Kari Zev, Skyship Raider and her prince, Ragavan, soar free in the aethersphere. They also rumble on the battlefield, since that’s the only time you’re able to actually get that Monkey’s help. First strike and menace aren’t terribly exciting on a 1/3, and an extra 2/1 isn’t doing a whole lot since Ragavan doesn’t deal commander damage, so what do we do with Kari?
First strike and menace would be way more exciting on a bigger creature, so my first thought goes to Voltron. Load Kari up with Equipment and you have a much scarier Pirate. Red has a ton of artifact synergies already, so this is a novel way to build such a deck. It’s much less comboriffic than the usual Daretti, Scrap Savant decks and focused more on a beatdown strategy.
If you get a creature token every time Kari attacks, maybe we can also build around that. A handful of Red cards already interact with creatures entering the battlefield. Purphoros, God of the Forge and Warstorm Surge are just a few examples of cards that will love you pooping out a Monkey every turn. So long as Kari can keep attacking, you can keep whittling down your opponents’ life totals.
That’s where my brain went, but I’m sure a unique creature like Kari has more potential.
Count Me In
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What a divine divining rod. Does it point to aether? Cuz that seems like cheating. Aether is everywhere. He might be a fraud. Investigation pending.
Rishkar, Peema Renegade is one helf of an Elf. He plays with +1/+1 counters, a common theme in Green, while also guaranteeing you have two more mana dorks. He also costs three mana. That means he’s on-curve for some serious mana ramp.
Green’s relationship with +1/+1 counters exists in almost every block in Magic history. There is no shortage of different +1/+1 counter decks that can be built around Rishkar, and he’s great in any other +1/+1 counter deck as part of the 99. All that is very open-ended.
It’s worth noting that Rishkar lets any of your creatures with counters be mana dorks, not just ones with +1/+1 counters. But they’re almost always gonna be +1/+1 counters, so there’s not exactly a ton of build-around potential with other counter types. Your next best bet is to tinker with -1/-1 counters and the persist mechanic (annihilating the -1/-1 counters with Rishkar’s +1/+1 counters is a good strategy), but that’s about as far as I’d be willing to stretch.
That’s really all I have to say about Rishkar. I think he’s awesome, and he’s gonna fit into basically any Green deck you want to put him in. He’s a solid commander himself too. My expectations are high for this workhorse of an Elf.
The THOP Heard ‘Round the World
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Lore spoiler alert. Good job, flavor text!
Now that that’s out of the way, we have another colorless commander! Considering five of the now seven cost ten or more mana, it’s refreshing to see a one-drop in this “color.” First, let’s look at what Hope of Ghirapur actually does.
The answer: very little. Other than being a 1/1 flier, it can lock a single opponent out of casting noncreature spells during the second half of your turn. But only if you smack that player with Hopey first. Join me in groaning, because this ability is pretty useless.
Here’s the good news: colorless Commander decks are incredibly difficult to build. Wait, I said good news. How is this good news!? Well, there just isn’t a whole lot to do with Hope of Ghirapur when restricted to colorless cards. It is a one-drop and it does have flying, so commander damage is probably the best avenue of victory here. Colorless does have one big asset in this department: Equipment. Thopter Voltron can be a thing! If you add in some other Thopter cards, you’ll have a host of evasive threats capable of carrying oodles of weapons for you. It’s pretty silly, but I like how it captures Kaladesh’s spirit of invention.
Magic: The Gathering: Civil War
Six new commanders, all at rare, is pretty sweet. They each provide a novel mix of abilities to the format. Being rare means they will be easy to obtain (in foil (or as a prerelease promo)). Commander has its financial problems, but it doesn’t seem like any of these six exciting cards will be part of that. Truly something to celebrate!
Which new legendary creature are you excited to build around, planeswalkers?
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commandertheory · 8 years
Rishkar, Peema Renegade
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So I’ve played around with Rishkar and the deck is pretty similar to a Seton list or a Sachi list, in the sense that you’re playing a typical Green ramp deck but you have access to waaay more mana dorks than normal. There are a lot of 1 CMC creatures that enter the battlefield with counters on them (or obtain them shortly afterwards), so your deck has access to like 12 extra Elvish Mystics. The deck runs all the Green mana sinks that you’re used to seeing; Tooth and Nail, Green Sun’s Zenith, Genesis Wave, and Shamanic Revelation/Collective Unconscious/Regal Force are all good here.
In addition, there are a few pieces of tech that exploit the deck’s unique qualities (namely, having a million mana dorks):
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Inspiring Call and Armorcraft Judge serve as additional copies of Shamanic Revelation, although the Call has some additional value against board wipes.
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Oran-Rief gives counters to utility creatures that normally don’t enter the battlefield with them, allowing these creatures to tap for mana when Rishkar is on the field.
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Thousand-Year Elixir and Lightning Greaves give all your dorks haste so they’re essentially free to cast.
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This card is often an instant win in this deck. The deck has so many mana dorks, card drawing engines, and cheap spells that dropping the Engine usually means winning the game (albeit at the end of a very, very long turn).
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This card is actually kinda sweet in this deck. You always have enough mana dorks that this card is free to cast, and it offers a mini-Overrun effect for when you’re having trouble finding your Craterhoof.
Wrapping Up
Here’s a link to the full list:
Rishkar, Peema Renegade
Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions!
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magicjudge · 7 years
In light of the super positive ask I just saw, I wanted to pitch in and say that you were a big part of the reason I started on the road to becoming a level 2, and getting there in july of this year after being certified as an l1 in November of 2015 at the ripe age of 16. You were a fantastic inspiration to me, and everything I want to be to my local mtg scene, I don't think I can thank you enough!
I’m glad that I inspired you, but remember that you’re the one who put in the hard work toward your own success. That was you, not me. :D
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roguedeck · 2 years
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From the Vault #6: Sliver Overlord | Mostly Sliverless
Sometimes you get an idea so dumb you have to build it. Then you put it in a broken Commander and realize you've got a real deck on your hands.
This bad boy kicked off by trying to figure out a place for Unnatural Selection that isn't quite as busted as pairing it with WIllbreaker, Cowardice, and Dismiss Into Dream.
Not that Sliver Overlord is much better. You can still steal any creature for 4 mana.
But then we add stuff like Maskwood Nexus, Sliver Hive, and Arcane Adaptation. All of the sudden out nearly sliverless deck has a ton of "slivers."
Being able to tutor any creature in your deck for 3 mana is nuts. But shockingly, this deck doesn't play particularly rote. You have a toolbox that can respond to a ton of different board states, and a variety of ways to close out the game.
Assuming you have a Maskwood Nexus in play, check out some of the following interactions:
Key Cards
Miirym, Sentinel Wurm: You might be able to create a lot of fake slivers, but Maskwood Nexus also gives you plenty of other tribal goodies you can break. What do you think is a fair price to pay for two instant-speed Progenituses (Progeniti?). If you answered "3 mana," this deck is for you.
Manaweft Sliver | Gemhide Sliver: This deck is only monstly sliverless because there are a handful that are too important to pass up. As a 5-color deck with a budget mana base these two slivers are pretty essential to having a well functioning deck.
Magda, Brazen Outlaw: The other thing the mana slivers give you is an easy way to tap your creatures. Simply Artificial Evolution Magda to care about slivers, or have a type-changing effect in play and you can generate a ton of treasures. Bonus points: with Maskwood Nexus in play, you can also sac those treasures to put any creature from your deck into play.
Scion of Draco: When you're ready to end the game, just go grab Scion. Surprisingly enough, you can often just cast him for 2. When you do, you're 7/7 creature stealing tutor also becomes Akroma-level keyword soup.
Jodah Archmage Eternal | Fist of Suns: There are some absolute bangers in this deck - and you never want to pay full price for them. In fact, some of these cards are really hard to cast straight up. This deck is optimized to get to WUBRG mana, but anything else can get tricky. That's where these guys come into play. Drop a Verdant Force for WUBRG? How about a discounted Silumgar the Drifitng Death?
Rishkar's Expertise: Speaking of the cheat step, let me introduce you to Rishkar's Expertise. Playing this on curve after landing a Sliver Overlord is basically a tutor. You need to make sure to hit specific cards in this deck. I didn't want to go the traditional Demonic/Enlightened tutor way, but digging 7 cards and getting a free play is almost as good.
Check out the full deck list.
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elsewhereuniversity · 7 years
Are the fae at EU similar to the fae in Patrick Rothfuss' kingkiller chronicles? Except in a modern day of course.
I’m afraid I haven’t read the Kingkiller Chronicles yet (they’re on my kindle though!) so I can’t really answer this one yet
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mtg-cards-hourly · 7 months
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Lifecraft Cavalry
"I do not ask you to be tame. I only ask you to be true." —Rishkar, Peema renegade
Artist: Svetlin Velinov TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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alloverthegaf · 7 years
rishkar-peema-renagade replied to your post
If you need heavy metal bands to listen to, let me know.
ooohhh, what have you got? My faves are FFDP and Slipknot, and there’s a couple more mild ones, Papa Roach and I Am Ghost, but overall I really don’t know very many. Would love to get your suggestions!
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dailymtgflavortext · 7 years
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"Control the Great Conduit? You might as well try to divert a river with your hands." 
-Rishkar’s Expertise
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mtgbracket · 4 years
Round of 1024 - Batch 5
It’s time for the next batch!  Today we have some distantly related Umezawas, Polukranos, Niv-Mizzet, Doran, and more!
You can vote on all the matchups now here.
The full list of matchups for today:
Patron of the Moon vs Rayne, Academy Chancellor Karametra, God of Harvests vs Tajic, Blade of the Legion Tishana, Voice of Thunder vs Lu Bu, Master-at-Arms Rienne, Angel of Rebirth vs Rhonas the Indomitable
Tajic, Legion's Edge vs Rankle, Master of Pranks Sakashima the Impostor vs Sygg, River Guide Thalia, Heretic Cathar vs Intet, the Dreamer Halana, Kessig Ranger vs Tormod, the Desecrator
Polukranos, World Eater vs Omnath, Locus of Rage Liu Bei, Lord of Shu vs Sunastian Falconer Anthousa, Setessan Hero vs Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind Teysa, Orzhov Scion vs Gadwick, the Wizened
Doran, the Siege Tower vs Dragonlord Atarka Kalamax, the Stormsire vs Reki, the History of Kamigawa Veldrane of Sengir vs Uril, the Miststalker Phage the Untouchable vs Hivis of the Scale
Kinnan, Bonder Prodigy vs Surrak Dragonclaw Lathliss, Dragon Queen vs Alharu, Solemn Ritualist Baru, Fist of Krosa vs Ghost Council of Orzhova Odric, Lunarch Marshal vs Samut, Voice of Dissent
Grenzo, Havoc Raiser vs Zacama, Primal Calamity Kefnet the Mindful vs Vazal, the Compleat Rishkar, Peema Renegade vs Thalisse, Reverent Medium Tetsuo Umezawa vs Questing Beast
Halfdane vs Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund Lorthos, the Tidemaker vs Kaheera, the Orphanguard Pavel Maliki vs Ashling, the Extinguisher Radha, Heart of Keld vs Rosheen Meanderer
Toshiro Umezawa vs Bruvac the Grandiloquent Arashi, the Sky Asunder vs Thelon of Havenwood Irini Sengir vs Sliv-Mizzet, Hivemind Ich-Tekik, Salvage Splicer vs Linvala, Keeper of Silence
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jones-friend · 4 years
Uncommon Deckbuilding
So you’re bored. Its quarantine times, but you’ve got that deckbuilding itch to scratch, right?
But have you ever built a deck around an UNCOMMON commander before?
Uncommon rarity legends often fly under the radar, allowing consistent support for your deck without taking the whole thing overboard. I’ve amassed a small collection of ten commanders that are absolutely all worth looking into!
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Bladewing the Risen looks like a steep cost. And you’re right! The good news is dragons have lots of cost reduction (Dragonspeaker Shaman, Dragonlord Servant) and some specialized ramp (Sarkhan m20, Dragon’s Hoard). Essentially, you use red to discard and black to reanimate. Throw in Conjurer’s Closet and dragons with powerful ETB’s and you have a working deck!
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Danitha comes into this bridging of auras and equips Dominaria looked to make. As your commander she supports playing cards cheaper and can be the voltron creature for such a strategy. (1) drop equipment are now free, triggering draws off Sram for free. Her keywords are relevant for these kinds of modifications too, lifelink scaling with increases to damage. She makes an efficient aura, equip, or both commander you can design as you want!
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Eutropia was my favorite legendary from Theros. She’s like a simic Jori En, subtly supporting the strat without overruling it. Essentially an Oath of Ancient Wood, you gain counters with each constellation trigger. Mark of Eviction, Attunement, Riptide Chimera, there’s a lot of ways to keep enchantments moving around enough to hit a constellation trigger consistently. The flying keyword also comes in handy getting your giant counters creature through combat!
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Grumgully is the gruul counters alternative. Take creatures who are already big and make them worse. Run Renata, Durable Handicraft, Path of Discovery, load counters on just by ETB! Cauldron of Souls keeps stuff from dying. Riot and Unleash tech gets stupid huge with counters, and landfall tech like Evolution Sage and Kazandu Refuge get nuts.
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Jalira is a strange monoblue commander, basically a polymorph deck! Where Wurmcoil Engine is something you can both sacrifice and want to dig for. She would facilitate an artifact deck well, and topdeck tech helps sea monsters fly out by sacrificing a Solemn Simulacrum.
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Rona is a very solid entry into dimir artificing. Her abilities let you hit artifacts, sagas, and legendaries alike. Rona becomes another piece of the machine for you filtering draws as dimir artifact tech from the Kaladesh block lets you do a slow melt on your opponents.
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Shanna is an interesting piece from Dominaria, I still have a foil of her I’ve always wanted to use. She’s like Oviya, going wide and tall, but with white. White has a lot of effects like Crusader of Odric that give you these buffs as well. Any effect that reads “power of a creature” reads “number of creatures”. That means Fungal Sprouting makes a 1/1 saproling for each creature you control. Rishkar draws for each creature. Overwhelming Stampede is a Craterhoof Behemoth.
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Syr Faren is on here because I think Forests Matter is an interesting strat. Buff with equips, counters, auras, transfer power around to creatures who should not be that large. Green is rife with trample enablers too, Syr Faren has huge potential to kick down doors.
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Tiana is here because like Danitha she bridges two strategies, but allows sacrifice to be more viable. Auras that sacrifice to exile or require sacrifice of a permanent via Theros 2.0 or Shadows over Innistrad keep value by keeping the bone saw coming back. Trading Post can sac for draw or just recur. Its a roundabout build but a fascinating one to build.
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Pay for 2 get 1 free!! Whisper is an interesting switch to flip in a colorset that loves to die and loves to come back. Retrigger those ETB’s! Whisper can work at instant speed too so you can wait till the last possible second. Abhorrent Overlord, Chittering Witch, Sengir Autocrat, its not hard to churn out sac fodder and recur after some self mill!
Some of these I’ve built proper, some I still want to. Take a look, peruse! See what catches your eye! If you make a list I’d love to see it.
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nehebthewordy · 4 years
EDH DECK TECH: Numa + Kamahl
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Hello everyone, and welcome back to another EDH deck tech. This week we’re looking at two of the new partners from Commander Legends: Numa and Kamahl leading Double-Green Elfbal. As always, priority will be given to lower-cost alternatives to popular commander cards.
Though Kamahl isn’t an elf and both of our commanders are green, these two complement each other quite well. Between Numa’s mana sink and Kamahl’s ability to end the game quickly once he hits the board, they play well into elf strengths.
First up, let’s take a look at RAMP. This will be mostly the same as most green decks, but with an added focus on creatures. Wood Elves, Farhaven Elf, and Springbloom Druid can each fetch lands directly into play, while Rampant Growth and Nissa’s Pilgrimage are efficient noncreature means of doing so. Additionally, Llanowar Elves, Elvish Mystic, and Elvish Archdruid are all fairly standard elf dorks; Incubation Druid, Marwyn, the Nurturer, and Rishkar, Peema Renegade also play well with both our theme of +1/+1 counters and our tribe. Additionally, Blighted Woodland and Myriad Landscape are both must-have lands for any green deck.
Next, we need ways to DRAW into more creatures. Beast Whisperer is absolutely at the top of this package, followed shortly by Vanquisher’s Banner, Sylvan Messenger, and Harmonize. Armorcraft Judge and Inspiring Call both play well with our counters theme to refill our hand, the latter of which also protecting from a board wipe, and Voice of Many and Realmwalker further add to our draw power. Finally, Masked Admirers draws on ETB and can self-recur whenever you cast a creature, and with Numa you can expect Colossal Majesty to come online.
Now for green’s big struggle: REMOVAL. Artifacts and enchantments are easy with Reclamation Sage, Krosan Grip, Slice in Twain, Beast Within, Unstable Obelisk, and Desert Twister, the latter three of which hit creatures as well, but additional creature removal is more difficult. Thanks to Numa’s mana sink, this can be filled in with cards like Nature’s Way, Nissa’s Judgement, Ambuscade and Zendikar Rising’s Khalni Ambush. Additionally, Vow of Wildness and Brittle Effigy can present more steady removal.
With our core out of the way, we need to take a look into how to put COUNTERS on our creatures. Ivy Lane Denizen, Durable Handicraft, Immaculate Magistrate, and Loyal Guardian are effective at spreading counters around, aided by Path of Discovery and Gladehart Cavalry. Finally, Evolution Sage is an absolute powerhouse in any deck that throws counters around, and Oran Rief, the Vastwood can distribute counters on turns where it isn’t used for mana.
Next, let’s look at a combined package for TRIBAL shenanigans and FINISHERS. Lys Alana Huntmaster, Elvish Warmaster, and Imperious Perfect are exceptional at producing token bodies, while Dwynen, gilt-Leaf Daen consistently proves me wrong when I think about cutting her from the deck. Your post powerful single finisher, other than Kamahl himself, is Cultivator of Blades. For this section we do have two honorable mentions that exceed the price at which buying them is recommended, but if you happen to have them lying around they would be spectacular: Beastmaster Ascension and Joraga Warcaller.
Finally, you need to PROTECT your board. While direct protective measures like Heroic Intervention are too expensive to make a special trip for, Cauldron of Souls can protect your board from multiple wipes in conjunction with your counter abilities and Tajuru Preserver protects you from forced sacrifice. Additionally, Creeping Rennaisance, Gaea’s Blessing, Elvish Soultiller, and Seasons Past provide mass recursion while Bala Ged Recovery and Once and Future are effective spot recursive tools.
Though elf tribal decks have been around since the beginning of Magic, the partnership of Numa and Kamahl brings a fresh new take on the classic tribe. Just be careful not to advance your board too quickly: sitting down to the table with elves is enough of a target on your back. Thanks for sticking through another deck tech. If you’d like to see more, or even a particular commander, send in an ask. Until next week, see you on the battlefield.
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marxandria · 7 years
So like, I can't remember which fandom I followed you for, and everyone I see a post of yours that has stuff for a fandom I'm in I think oh hey maybe it was this one. But then I realize I started following that thing after I followed you. Are you a wizard?
………….secret’s out………….—⭐✨
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