#rita angus
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Art by Rita Angus
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"Recently, in a friend’s kitchen I saw on the wall a quotation from one of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche’s talks, which said: “Hold the sadness and pain of samsara in your heart and at the same time the power and vision of the Great Eastern Sun. Then the warrior can make a proper cup of tea.”
I was struck by it because when I read it I realized that I myself have some kind of preference for stillness. The notion of holding the sadness and pain of samsara in my heart rang true, but I realized I didn’t do that; at least, I had a definite preference for the power and vision of the Great Eastern Sun. My reference point was always to be awake and to live fully, to remember the Great Eastern Sun - the quality of being continually awake. But what about holding the sadness and pain of samsara in my heart at the same time?
The quotation really made an impression on me. It was completely true: if you can live with the sadness of human life (what Rinpoche often called the tender heart or genuine heart of sadness), if you can be willing to feel fully and acknowledge continually your own sadness and the sadness of life, but at the same time not be drowned in it, because you also remember the vision and power of the Great Eastern Sun, you experience balance and completeness, joining heaven and earth, joining vision and practicality."
~ Pema Chodron
[h/t Natalie Sudman]
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dedibelyegei · 9 months
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Szép, színes keretes új-zélandi bélyegek következnek, melyek ismét egy helyi festőnő munkásságát dolgozzák fel. Ez egy 1983-as négytagú sorozat, Rita Angusnak, a XX. század egyik legjelentősebb új-zélandi művészének állít emléket, négy művével, születésének 75. évfordulóján. Sajnos nekem, ahogy látom csak ez van meg, pedig kifejezetten tetszenek nekem mind a képek, mind pedig a design. Az én példányom a harmadik a sorban, 24, 30, 35 és 45 centes névértékek készültek belőle, a festmények címe sorban pedig Boats - Island Bay, Central Otago Landscape, Wanaka Landscape és Tree (ennyi :D). A 30 éves sorozat nem képvisel jelentős értéket, az én példányom, olyan 150 forint körül beszerezhető, a teljes csapat pedig még postatisztán is olyan 500 forinttól elérhető.
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Rita Angus pedig 1908-ban született Hastingsben egy 7 gyermekes család legidősebbjeként. A palmerstoni lánygimnázium után, 1927-től a Canterbury College School of Arton tanul, és bár diplomát végül sosem szerez 6 évig tanul, részben egy aucklandi egyetemen is. 1930-ban megházasodik, de négy év után szétköltöznek férjével Alfred Cookkal, majd 1939-ben hivatalosan is elválnak. Ennek eredményeképpen, számtalan festménye melyek 1930 és 1946 között Rita Cookként vannak szignálva, de mikor rájött, hogy volt férje 1941-ben újraházasodott, nevet változtat Mackenziere, ami apai nagyanyja vezetékneve volt. Ennek megfelelően néhány képén ez a név szerepel, de az életművet tekintve, azért a legtöbb a leánykori néven, Rita Angusként van jegyezve. A válás ut��n nehéz pénzügyi helyzetbe került, így többféle munkát végzett, tanított, illetve lapoknak illusztrátorkodott, ekkortájt Christchurchben éldegélt főleg. A '40-es évek végén mentális betegséget diagnosztizáltak nála, így '49-ben bevonul egy intézetbe, ahonnan 1950-ben távozik, egy ideig Waikanaeben folytatja a felépülést, végül 1955-ben Wellingtonban telepedik le. Még a korai negyvenes években, válása után viszonya volt egy Douglas Lilburn nevű zeneszerzővel, kapcsolatukat egy vetélés is beárnyékolta, és véget is vetett neki. Mindezek ellenére a baráti viszonyt fenntartották, olyannyira hogy Douglas személyesen jelen volt Rita 1970-ben bekövetkezett halálakor, melyet méhnyakrák okozott.
Művészete olaj és vízfesték képekben testesül meg, stílusa sajátos, könnyen felismerhető, tiszta, határozottan kontúrozott, az elemek szigorúan elkülönülnek, kevés színkeveredéssel vagy átmenettel. Tájakat, természetet festett főleg, de vannak portréi és önarcképei is bőven. Talán (egyik) leghíresebb képe az 1936-os Cass, melyet egy 2006-os országos szavazáson Új-Zéland legszeretettebb festményének szavaznak meg.
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Egy kép az idős művészről:
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visual-sandwich · 11 months
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Rita Angus - Self portrait, 1937
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majoranna · 8 months
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Rita Angus, Self Portrait in Green Jacket, 1936-1937, oil on canvas, 47 x 38 cm, ©Auranga Art Gallery
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abwwia · 2 months
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Rita Angus
gelatin silver print
170 x 122mm
Rita Angus (12 March 1908 – 25 January 1970), known as Rita Cook early in her career, was a New Zealand painter who is regarded as one of the leading figures in twentieth-century New Zealand art. She worked primarily in oil and watercolour, and became known for her portraits and landscapes.
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yutopia-eleftheria · 3 months
That's Not My Neighbor Sexuality Headcanons
EDIT : I found an alternative to do like I used to YEAH !!!
As for the usual writing that I put down there, I've already post their informations/headcanons in a previous post, so you'll find them all in there.
Floor 1 :
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Roman Stilnsky : Heterosexual Demiboy
Family : Unnamed Younger Brothers
Wife : Lois Stilnsky
Children : Maybe ? Who knows ?
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Lois Stilnsky : Rubber Latex Straight-Ally
Family : Unnamed Mother
Husband : Roman Stilnsky
Child : Unnamed Son {From a Previous Marriage}
Robertsky Peachman : Aroace Demisexual
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Family : Unnamed Father
Albertsky Peachman {Older Brother}
Crush : Elenois & Selenne Sverchzt
Wife : Elenois Sverchzt
Children : Blaise Peachman {Adopted Son}
Possible Future Children maybe ?
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Albertsky Peachman : Omniasexual Gay
Family : Unnamed Father
Robertsky Peachman {Younger Brother}
Wife : None
Children : None
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Angus Ciprianni : Bisexual Bigender Polyamorous
Family : Unnamed Younger Sister
Husband : Izaack Gauss
Husband/Wife : Unnamed
Children : Connor Ciprianni {Son}
Unnamed Daughter
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Elenois Sverchzt : Aromantic Bisexual
Family : Unnamed Mother
Selenne Sverchzt {Twin Sister}
Husband : Robertsky Peachman
Children : Adopted Daughter
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Selenne Sverchzt : Lesbian
Family : Unnamed Mother
Elenois Sverchzt {Twin Sister}
Wife : Unknown
Children : Maybe ?
Floor 2 :
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Arnold Schmicht : Homo-curious Straight-Ally
Family : David Schmicht {Father}
Wife : Gloria Schmicht
Child : Dany Schmicht {Son}
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Gloria Schmicht : Polysexual Trigender
Family : Unnamed Parents
Husband : Arnold Schmicht
Child : Dany Schmicht {Son}
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Izaack Gauss : Omnisexual Hetero-curious
Family : Rachael Gauss {Younger Sister}
Husband : Angus Ciprianni
Children : Connor Ciprianni {Son-in-Law}
Unnamed Daughter
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Margarette Bubbles : Omnisexual Straight-Ally
Family : Rita Bubbles {Twin Sister}
Husband : Unnamed {Deceased}
Child : Gretel Bubbles {Daughter}
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Nacha Mikaelys : Demiromantic Pansexual
Family : Raffaello Mikaelys {Father}
Unnamed Mother
Unnamed Father-in-Law
Lilianna Mosses {Mother-in-Law}
Mindy Mosses {Sister-in-Law}
Steven Rudboys {Brother-in-Law}
Mclooy Rudboys {Father-in-Law}
Unnamed Nephews/Nieces
Husband : Francis Mosses
Children : Anastacha Mikaelys {Daughter}
Possible Future Children
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Anastacha Mikaelys : Bisexual Quoigender or Whatever...
Family : Francis Mosses {Father}
Nacha Mikaelys {Mother}
Raffaello Mikaelys {Grandfather}
Unnamed Grandmother
Unnamed Grandfather
Lilianna Mosses {Grandmother}
Mindy Mosses {Aunt}
Steven Rudboys {Uncle}
Mclooy Rudboys {Grandfather-in-Law}
Unnamed Half-Siblings
Husband : To be added ... (too young for this !)
Children : To be added ... (she is a child herself !)
Floor 3 :
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Mia Stone : Bisexual Demigirl
Family : Ellie Stone {Father}
Maggie Stone {Mother}
Husband : Dr. W. Afton (actual fiancé)
Child : Axel Afton {Son}
Unnamed Daughter
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Dr. W. Afton : Multisexual Agender
Family : Vincent Afton {Father}
Barbara Afton {Mother} (deceased)
Wife : Mia Stone (actual fiancée)
Child : Axel Afton {Son}
Unnamed Daughter
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Francis Mosses : Abroromantic Non Binary Pansexual
Family : Unnamed Father
Lilianna Mosses {Mother}
Raffaello Mickaelys {Father-in-Law}
Unnamed Mother-in-Law
Steven Rudboys {Brother-in-Law}
Mclooy Rudboys {Father-in-Law}
Unnamed Nephews/Nieces
Wife : Nacha Mikaelys
Children : Anastacha Mikaelys {Daughter}
Possible Future Children
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Steven Rudboys : Homo-curious Deminonbinary
Family : Mclooy Rudboys {Father}
Francis Mosses {Brother-in-Law}
Unnamed Father-in-Law}
Lilianna Mosses {Mother-in-Law}
Nacha Mikaelys {Sister-in-Law}
Raffaello Mickalys {Father-in-Law}
Unnamed Mother-in-Law
Anastacha Mikaelys {Niece-in-Law}
Unnamed Nephews/Nieces
Wife : Mindy Mosses
Children : To be added...
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Mclooy Rudboys : Pansexual Trans
Family : Francis Mosses {Son-in-Law}
Unnamed Brother-in-Law}
Lilianna Mosses {Sister-in-Law}
Nacha Mikaelys {Daughter-in-Law}
Raffaello Mikaelys {Brother-in-Law}
Unnamed Sister-in-Law
Anastacha Mikaelys {Grandaughter-in-Law}
Future Grandchildren
Husband/Wife : Unknown (presumably deceased)
Child : Steven Rudboys {Son}
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Alf Cappuccin : Straight-Ally
Family : Unnamed Parents (deceased)
Unnamed Parents-in-Law
Wife : Rafttellyn Cappuccin
Children : Unnamed Children
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Rafttellyn Cappuccin : Torique Maverique
Family : Unnamed Parents
Unnamed Parents-in-Law
Husband : Alf Cappuccin
Children : Unnamed Children
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arthistoryanimalia · 4 months
#FishFriday :
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Rita Angus (New Zealand, 1908-1970) Fish V, 1969 oil on hardboard, H 61.0 x L 60.6 cm Te Papa 1970-0012-2
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rayjenkins · 5 months
Angus Sampson as a "studio54 looking chap" of a stage manager in the video for Praising You by Rita Ora ft. Fatboy Slim dir. Taika Waititi
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feelinghaunted · 2 years
names masterlist.
here’s a masterlist of 75+ music - based names. names will be separated by music / musician / song. names based on music will specifically be based on musical terms or musical instruments. there will be twenty-five names (not including variations) in each section. if you found this at all helpful, please reblog / like.
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lyric / lyrik / lyrica.
lyre / lyra.
ben / bennie.
billy / billie.
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clonerightsagenda · 2 years
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eahostudiogallery · 1 year
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Andy Goldsworthy
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Tim Kent - Static Field
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abandoned surveillance
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opicina 2022
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Fumo-in - Zen garden in Kaisan-do 
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Ethel Greene - The World’s Greatest Parking Lot, oil on canvas, 1969
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Cynthia Gallagher
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Mary Newcomb
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Tag Christof - james dean crash site
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The changing course of the Mississippi river
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Rita Angus - Scrub Burning
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Alexandre Calame - Swiss Landscape, 1930
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Paul Klee - Landscape with Poplars, 1929
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Max Mikulecky
Sunday: on your own 2 feet
eahostudio gallery
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finalgirlfall · 2 years
bookposting... currently reading:
clarissa, samuel richardson ed. angus ross, 1985 [1748]
the women of colonial latin america, susan migden socolow, 2nd edition, 2015
the haunting of hill house, shirley jackson, 2006 [1959]
up next:
gender, sexuality, and power in latin america since independence, ed. william e. french, 2006
female husbands: a trans history, jen manion, 2021 (cc: @halfelvesarepeopletoo)
edith wharton: a study of the short fiction, barbara a. white, 1991
the gaither sisters series, rita williams-garcia, 2010-2015 (cc: @kirstensleepey)
exciting!! :-)
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visual-sandwich · 2 years
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Rita Angus - Portrait of Betty Curnow, 1943
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Creative Profile 8 - Rita Angus
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"Henrietta Catherine Angus, known as Rita, was born in Hastings on 12 March 1908. She was the eldest of seven children of Ethel Violet Crabtree and her husband, William McKenzie Angus, who began his working life as a carpenter and went on to establish the major construction company W. M. Angus Limited. During Rita’s childhood, building contracts kept the family on the move between Palmerston North and Napier. From 1922 until 1926 she attended Palmerston North Girls’ High School, where her art teacher, G. H. Elliott, recognised her talent and encouraged her to undertake further study.
In 1927 Angus enrolled at Canterbury College School of Art to begin a four-year diploma in fine arts. From tutors such as Leonard Booth, Cecil Kelly and Archibald Nicoll she received a sound traditional training in life drawing, still life, and landscape painting. Art history lectures introduced her to what would become an enduring interest in Renaissance and medieval art. Just as important was her interest in composition, and in this respect the work of Vermeer and Cézanne made a lasting impression. Although Angus never completed the diploma, her studies at the school continued, with interruptions, until 1933."
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molly-timmins · 1 year
Gustav Klimt's Garden Paintings
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How have gardens been presented in paintings throughout art history, and what context does this frame for the subject today? I am curious in the nuances of the term 'garden' and how artists may interpret this broad context across different time periods and cultures.
Austrian artist Gustav Klimt is known to adorn his paintings with gold leaf, but his array of garden studies are mostly painted without that embellishment. I point this out because I wonder if the detailed, sometimes pattern-like floral landscapes instead showcase the garden itself as the 'gold', embracing its decorative nature as seen in the Art Nouveau period at the time.
Where gardens can sometimes be an environment of cultivation in unison with nature, Klimt portrays gardens as decorative embellishment. Symbolism could be found here, for example in Cottage Garden with Cross in which the overgrowth of florals adorns religious imagery of Mary and Jesus, bringing a spirituality to the garden environment. Several of Klimt's garden paintings were painted during world war one, and this context could places his florals as symbols of pacifism and sorrow, much like how Aotearoa artist Rita Angus depicted nature as a parallel to pacifism.
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Gustav Klimt, Cottage Garden with Cross, 1911. Oil on canvas.
The decorative approach to garden painting portrays an aliveness. Repetitive mark-making and impressionist qualities feature in 'Garden Path with Chicken' which mixes an amass of colour into a field of abstraction pulled together by compositional cues such as the path, and figuration of chickens and carefully rendered moments amongst the florals and plants.
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Gustav Klimt, Garden Path with Chickens, 1916. Oil on canvas.
Several of Klimt's paintings feature the garden as the canvas' entirety, placing the viewer above the ground to view a depiction grounded in real garden foundations, but with a painting language that detaches from reality.
A comparison can be made to contemporary Aotearoa artist Karl Maughan, whose saturated palette presents an idealised landscape borrowing conventions of both painting and garden histories.
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Karl Mughan, Taonui Road, 2017. Oil on canvas, 1720 x 2430mm
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