linlolly-whimsies · 4 months
The Hearts family.
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sauceless-maiden · 1 year
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Aira definitely bonds with them by braiding their hair
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elvendoodles · 6 months
🐟 for that one emoji art prompt… main squad as merfolk please?
Based on the mermaid we saw in SoE
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askbelgie's Emoji Art Prompts
Art/Ask Prompt Masterlist
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"The Azure Sky" - Chapter 11
Request Guidelines
Shadows to the Brightest Flame: Series
- The legacy of Lumia’s influence is scarred eternally into the lands of Elvendale. Burdened by a prophecy foretelling her demise and need for a successor, she watches for one capable of such power. Yet her enemies are working steadily to undo all she’s labored so long for, and it is millenia too late to make peace. 
Emily Jones, heir to Eimileen, is a bold girl dedicated to protecting Elvendale, but the world she has grown so fond of is not so black and white as it seems, and the titles of Guardian of Portal and Guardian of Light may hold darker legacies some ancient elves have worked tirelessly to hide
In conjunction with the extended version of the Guardian of Light prophecy I wrote previously
Basically a rewrite of all of the Lego Elves & Secrets of Elvendale storylines with an additional arc beyond the Season 4: Into the Shadows. There will be a varying degree of deviation from canon.
Technically a crossover with Lord of the Rings/Hobbit/Silmarillion in terms of worldbuidling, as I set Elvendale as being north of Middle-Earth, cause this is fanfic and I can. So there will be mentions of the Noldor, Sindar, Silvan, and some Tolkien characters, but they will be mostly background. Definitely not an issue if you aren’t familiar with the Middle-Earth fandom; everything will still be easy to understand.
Book 1: The Azure Sky
Grieving over the unexpected death of her grandmother, Emily Jones is accidentally trapped in another world. Befriending a few young elves in an attempt to find her way home, Emily discovers many secrets about her grandmother’s past, but for every truth she learns two more questions take its place, leaving her vulnerable to darker force inhabiting this realm. 
A rewrite of Unite the Magic
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10 
Chapter 11
Eimileen must have loved this place. 
The small, open-air market of Urisil is like something out of a painting, surreal in the way light shines down through the silk canopies, crystals and lanterns illuminating the stalls, the structures surrounded by trees.
Emily’s gaze is darting around, trying to absorb it all, a grin helplessly plastered on her face. She doesn’t even hear Naida’s voice at first; the water elf has to tap her on the shoulder. “Emily, are you sure this will be enough? Do you need anything else?”
She looks down at the small pile of clothes Naida’s about to pay for, absorbing the question. Enough? She’s relying on the water elf’s expertise for what the mountain weather will be like, only Emily isn’t an elf, and humans seem to be frail in comparison. 
“Another coat? Just to be on the safe side?” 
Naida nods, and the shopkeeper suggests a fur-lined one in a dark, muted blue. 
Emily reaches a hand absentmindedly to her amulet. It feels cold again, prickly with static. Unpleasant. 
An intense spark jolts her finger. She recoils. 
A rush of half-faded images, a memory, impress upon her mind. Her eight-year-old self trembling under a quilt on her grandmother’s couch, crying because there was a wailing thunderstorm that night and she hated the way the world looked when it was lit up by lightning. 
They illuminated the dark faces in the trees, the ones too melded with the night to see any other time. And she begged her grandmother to make them go away. 
Her grandmother smiled pityingly, and whispered that she was too old to be hunting spirits anymore, but not to worry, that the dark things were farther away than they appeared, and that there were barriers that kept them locked away. Because that’s how the light deals with darkness, by casting it far away. 
Of course there were the few who dealt with things by swallowing the shadows, but her grandmother told her never to pay them much mind. That you should just tell them white lies because they tended to be grumpy and might not otherwise help anyone with the darkness. 
Little Emily objected. Her parents said that lying was always wrong. 
Her grandmother only smiled gently, tucked a strand of hair behind the child’s ear. Whispered, “Sometimes the only way to love is to lie”. 
And lie, Eimileen most certainly did, only Emily isn’t sure she can see the love in that particular choice. How was concealing her own heritage, the world she’d grown up in and loved, necessary to love her human family? 
“Something on your mind?”
Emily’s eyes flicker over to Naida. “Nothing…everything. I don’t know,” and she shrugs her shoulders. 
“I did not mean to upset you.”
The human shakes her head. “You didn’t. Sometimes, I just feel overwhelmed, still.” She hesitates. “…and I guess it doesn’t help that this amulet continues to surprise me.” 
Naida frowns. “How so?”
“Just little things. Like feeling as though it were charged with static electricity. Like sparking an old memory of my grandmother that I had forgotten…” Emily shakes her head. “I don’t know. It drew me to this realm. It wanted me to come here. But somehow I have this feeling it doesn’t like me very much. Does that sound stupid? I mean, it’s an amulet, not a person.”
Naida reaches out, just grazing the stone with her fingertips. “It is an artifact of great power. I’d be surprised if it did not behave strangely.” She tilts her head, thoughtful. “It was given to you by Eimileen. It should be loyal to you, but perhaps it is not fully confident in its new owner. Sometimes trust must be earned.” She takes a deep breath then, as if washing away her contemplations. “Come. We need to be on our way if we are to still stop by the bakery and return to the others by nightfall.”
After regrouping that night, and a restful sleep, the five travelers began their trek up the mountain paths. They hike in single file; Aira leading with the map, Farran just over her shoulder, Emily securely in the middle of the entourage, and Naida and Azari bringing up the rear. 
The human pulls her cloak tighter over her shoulders, shivers. The spots of green grass along the path are tinged with frost; she can see her breath in the crisp air. The higher they climb, the sky shifts from lavender to a crystal clear blue, unmarred by cloud and occasionally broken by birds flying in the distance. 
Emily feels Naida’s eyes on her, and hears the water elf shout, “It’s time for a rest!”. 
Aira jerks her head back, confused until her gaze falls on the human girl. “The path widens just around the next bend. Plenty of space to set up camp.” Emily can barely hide her sigh of relief. 
The narrows path does end up widening suddenly into a clearing that had been intentionally carved into the side of the mountain. Out on the edge of outcropping, to their left, stands a dilapidated windmill. The sky is quickly dimming to dusk, and Azari builds a fire close to the face of the mountain. Emily drops to her knees, stretching out her hands to warm them. She nods in Aira’s direction,“So, how much farther to the next key?” 
Azari shrugs. 
Aira, overhearing, trills, “Just a few more miles!”
“And what are we looking for, exactly?” inquires Farran. 
The wind elf finally seats herself around the fire, spreading the map on the ground, and reads, 
“Under the wings of those who rule the skies
Buried in the dark with all they find precious
An ancient hold for a beast long dead
Forgotten by those who knew not the days of malice”
Farran’s eyes widen. “A dragon cave.”
Dragon? “Wait, do you mean like an actual fire-breathing dragon, or is that a metaphor for something?” Emily questions. 
“Well, not all dragons breathe fire, but yes,” Naida confirms, “The riddle clearly points to the actual lair of one of those creatures. One long deceased.”
Azari scrunches her face, “But what on earth does the line ‘Forgotten by those who knew not the days of malice’ mean?”
Aira frowns. “Maybe it’s referring to a melkorian dragon.”
Naida mirrors her frown. “Let’s hope not. Their treasure hoards are rumored to be cursed, inciting delirium in those who linger too long.”
Emily winces at the thought. “So, what’s the difference between a melkorian dragon and other dragons?”
“Dragons are native to these lands, present at the time of creation, and friends of the northernmost elves. Melkor, an evil and powerful spirit to the south, captured a dragon and transformed it. Twisted its mind and body into a weapon of war. Its descendants we call melkorian dragons. They range from apathetic to completely wicked. Devouring sentient peoples like cattle, and hoarding gold with a compulsive greed far outweighing the natural dragons’ appreciation for beautiful gems.
It’s easy to tell the two races apart. Melkorian dragons grow to be far larger, and more powerful. Unlike other dragons, who are colorful and shimmer in the light, the scales of melkorian dragons are dull and muted in hue. They dwell along our southern borders, a frequent threat to the cities there. Though some have claimed that in rare cases, elves have been able to befriend these drakes, and redeem their natures. 
The last time melkorian dragons came this far north was before elves had established permanent towns up here, just scattered settlements. A treasure hoard of their kind would be very ancient indeed, at least by our reckoning,” the water elf explains. 
Emily absorbs this, picking a croissant out of the bakery bag being passed around the campfire. She pulls the bread apart, only realizing how hungry she is once she takes a bite. “If the cave was made by a dragon, which can fly, how do we know if it’s even accessible on foot?”
“We don’t,” Aira chirps. “But don’t worry, I’ve invented dozens of different ways to get around the problem of flight!” 
Azari makes a nauseated expression. “Flight is a problem, all right. And something to be avoided, not solved.” 
“Nonsense! Once you get over your fear of plummeting to your death…”
“Aira, stop,” Naida cuts her off. “We’re about to go to sleep, and you’re going to give Azari nightmares over a hypothetical situation.” 
“Fine. But a few pegasi-sky-diving sessions would really do her a world of good.”
Emily opens her eyes. She blinks, slowly, the world around her seeming blurred. The air around her is heavy with fog; she can barely distinguish the forms of her sleeping friends around the remnants of their campfire. 
The mist is dark, but as she peers into the night, she sees even deeper, darker shapes in the distance. They’re indistinct, fluid, with glowing blue eyes. Shadows. 
Emily sits up, wary, pulling her legs to her chest. The shadows are whistling, a high-pitched almost-white noise that makes her ears ache. There are whispers, too, in her head. Overlapping, wispy phrases, aggressive, rambling on and on about mortals and the passageway. 
Electric blue lightning crackles through the fog. Emily’s amulet begins to glow, shining like the shadows’ eyes. It levitates, lifting itself from the girl’s chest until the chain bites into the back of her neck. 
It’s leading her.
Shaking with apprehension, Emily allows herself to be pulled to her feet. She stumbles forward, the heavy fog obscuring anything more than a couple yards ahead. She’s lead further up the narrow mountain trail, winding endlessly towards a sky she can’t see. 
At some point, she’s turned sharply to the left. The girl continues walking forward, but realizes the ground feels different, absent. She looks down to see a gaping chasm beneath her. 
Emily considers, for the first time, that this might be a dream.
As though air were as solid as stone, the girl is lead on. She trips when her feet meet rock again, scraping her shins on a jagged outcropping. There’s a rough-hewn path with deep gauges that perhaps could have been carved from talons, if it was ever possible for a creature to have claws as wide as a school bus. 
The rock is damp from the mist, and Emily ends up sliding down the tumultuous path. Now with a scratched-up arms to match her bloody legs, she barely has time to catch her breath before the amulet drags her forward again, and enters the mouth of a monstrous cave. 
The blue glow of the amulet is her only source of light, and even that is quickly swallowed up by the darkness. Every step she takes sends small, clinking objects scattering. Gold, gems, she can’t tell what kind of treasure she’s stumbling through, but the deeper she’s lead, the more her legs sink into the hoard. 
Emily’s standing knee-deep when the amulet stops. Glow softening, it drops back against her chest with a soft thud, the surface crackling with static electricity. As its light dims, another light, deeper in the cave, moves towards her. It grows rapidly in size as it approaches, a dark, shadowy shape forming in its center, evolving into a humanoid shape. 
Emily’s heart drops. It’s them, the presence she felt in the forest. She’s sure of it, even though a part of her mind reminds her that this could just be a dream, a nightmare. 
“Who are you?” she asks, trying to still the tremor in her voice. 
“Who?” the shadowy figure repeats, tilting its head. The voice is warped, but it sounds vaguely female. “Who I am never really mattered to your grandmother. She held her own assumptions as gospel. So why do you inquire? Or did she not warn her own descendant of the dangers of this realm?”
“She must have had her reasons,” Emily spits back, defensive. “And it’s too late for me to ask her now. But I can ask you why you’ve been stalking me, and how you’re somehow connected to her amulet.”
“It was a gift, and a foolish mistake.”
Emily lifts her hand, letting it hover over the jewel, feeling the sharp pricks of electricity jumping to her skin. “Is that why it hurts me? Because you regret giving my grandmother the amulet?”
“Because I made it, and Eimileen used it for something I never condoned. As long as its purpose is being abused, it will always try to find its way back to me.” The shadow’s voice grows in volume, the cave beginning to shake. “It may be yours, little half-blood, but don’t mistake ownership for loyalty. For your own sake, give the amulet to the guardian of the castle. She has sworn to safeguard it till I return to these lands.”
The shadowy figure vanishes into a wreath of blue and green light, as the ground opens up underneath Emily, crumbling away. She falls, jewels and coins pouring in after her. And far beneath, in the darkness, are hundreds of glowing blue eyes, waiting. 
A/N: I can't believe it's been two years since I've updated this story, and a full year since I shared a segment of this chapter as a WIP. I'm so sorry to have made everyone wait so long! Hopefully, now that I'm over the hurdle that was this clunky chapter, I can finish the Azure Sky this year? Crossing my fingers.
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girly-media-studio · 2 years
Water Magical Girls
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Imagine being in the nursery with your grandmother-in-law. 
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elvenpathazalea · 11 hours
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Fun fact: These two have the same voice actor
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elemental-alien · 3 months
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Remy Riverheart-Oralsufaen
Remy is the cousin of my dnd character Ferrek, and older brother to another character Sunny. Remy is a simple rancher who lives on his familys farm. He lives off of fruit juices and blood, and he has a deep love for his family.
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jinxed-ninjago · 8 months
Giving Ninjago Characters Warrior Cats Names Because Why The Hell Not
Long story short: I got into Warriors because the fan-made content on YouTube man (but this idea actually came to me when I drew Plundar as an annoyed cat lol). Also any characters that aren't given Warriors names aren't given names because I can't think of one lol. If you have ideas for characters that aren't named, let me know!
Also yes I am absolutely going to make a Ninjago Warriors crossover AU. why do you ask
Jay: Lightningfoot (named for his speed)
Zane: Icehawk (named for his eye color and a connection he seems to have with hawks that no other cat has)
Cole: Rockheart (named for unwillingness to back down from a fight)
Kai: Flamespirit (named for his impulsiveness and protective spirit)
Lloyd: Meadowsight (named for his striking green eyes that reminded his mother of a meadow)
Nya: Riverheart (named for her attachment to the river that goes through the clan's territory, as well as her personality reminding her clanmates of a rushing river)
Fungus: Lichenpelt (named for his willingness to go find moss and lichen if the clan needs it without needing to be asked; because of this he's often found with lichen and moss in his fur)
Plundar: Foxheart (named for his willingness to steal if his clan needs it; while it was initially meant as an insult from his leader, he takes it in stride now)
Korgran: Applestorm (named for his coat color and his attitude in a fight)
Ninja's Allies
Skylor: Rosescratch (named for her fur color and her hotheaded personality)
Nelson: Tigerspirit (named such because he was the runt of his litter, but his mother hoped giving him a strong name would help him survive; he was given the "-spirit" suffix because of how determined he was to become a warrior)
Dareth: Finchflight (named such because his mother named him and his siblings after the first thing she thought of; at his warrior ceremony, a finch flew overhead, so he was named Finchflight)
if you have ideas for anyone I didn't mention or have better ideas for anyone I did mention feel free to tell me lol
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linlolly-whimsies · 1 year
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Angel and her husband River enjoying a pretty day~
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sauceless-maiden · 1 year
the way i designed all of the elves characters, like i gave them all braids (mostly bc most of them already had braids in their designs)
that got me thinking.. what if they do group braiding sessions?!???
i am currently adding that to the list of drawing ideas omgggg
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elvendoodles · 5 months
Cronan and Naida maybe whichever prompt you want really
But could you give Naida her season 4 outfit and Cronan some darker Outfit because lowkey I don't like his brown one
But do what you want really love ur art
Anonymous asked:
I really wanna see naida and cronan as a couple like I don't ship them but they look cute together so I would love it if you could draw some cutesie kind drawing of them idk
Y'all really like this guy and his ships huh? Same tbh...
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Art/Ask Prompt Masterlist
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"Fair river! in thy bright, clear flow
Of crystal, wandering water,
Thou art an emblem of the glow
Of beauty --- the unhidden heart --- "
Edgar Allan Poe, "To the River _____"
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calciumcryptid · 1 year
@aggressivebibliophile made a post that theorized that since Nolan Stormgate's surname is Stormgate his parents might be pirates. This is due to the fact stormgate is the term for whirlpools that allows pirates to travel to other worlds in the Spiral. I started to think more about this possibility, and I think it explains a lot of Nolan's behavior.
Why is Nolan Stormgate a bit of an ass? He was raised by pirates, where you have to be bit of an ass to survive. He is doing what he was taught to do to gain honor and prestige, including trying to take credit for your actions because that is how it is done on the seas.
Why does he look up to Cyrus Drake? He is the meanest professor there, which obviously means he is the best pirate. He probably wouldn't blink at Cyrus sending us for his laundry because Nolan probably served as his parents unofficial cabin boy and he is use to tasks like that and sees it as Cyrus considering him reliable.
Why is he a myth wizard? He believes minions are just the wizard version of a crew, and he enjoys the company. He may even use minions because he misses his extended family.
Why doesn't he help out on Cyclops Lane? He was taught that the captain goes down with the ship, and that he should be the last person to leave if things go wrong. He is protecting the ship (the fairgrounds) and isn't going to leave it until the monsters encroach onto it because that is what he was taught to do.
Why does he send you to help out the other students? The other part of the captain goes down with his ship is to focus on saving the crew! He can't leave the ship, but he knows you are capable and sends you to do it instead. He just does it with an attitude.
The more I think about it, the more it just makes sense to me.
EDIT: AN ADDITION BY @valerian-riverheart!
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thefandomentals · 26 days
Don't miss the triumphant return of The Faeforge Academy!
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elvenpathazalea · 2 months
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