| Jealousy Knows No Bounds | College Verse | Closed Event Thread | 
“Well I am the one who is fine with it. From the get go!” Caleb complained as he does but this was for good reason. Why is their mother favoring his fucking brother over everything? He is the one taking business classes. Seriously he might add! What has Connor done? Flip flopped between the obvious and criminal justice. Does he truly think he will make something of himself as a cop? That is ludicrous! Their family is built on business assets and what better man to do it than Caleb Stern? 
He is serious about this. Actually wanting to dabble into this side of the family business, Caleb still is overlooked. Why the fuck should it matter what Connor does? 
She’s already ignored him today. Talking to Connor about his track meet. Fuck that! So what? He can run really fast? Big deal! 
“You must think you’re grade-A sports wonder, huh?” Caleb jeered at Connor’s back as he got ready for campus. Going to pick up his girlfriend too no doubt. Sometimes it makes him gag seeing how put together his brother is. They might be twins but everyone knows automatically which is which. They gravitate towards Connor. Mister popular! Mister track star! Mister business or wait is it detective!? Who knows because he can’t make up his fucking mind. 
Connor gave him a look as he picked up his gym bag. “What’s that for?”
“For?” Caleb scoffed. “Oh nothing. Just you arguing with mother again.” A lie. Of course he finds it ridiculous when they argue. Amanda always forgives Connor. It makes him sick how quickly she changes her tune after believing she hurt her precious favorite. 
Shaking his head, Connor pulled on his jacket. “Since when does that bother you? I figure you like it when I argue with our mother.” 
“Oh? And what if I do? What exactly are you doing now, Connor? Business? Criminal justice? What? Do you realize that I’m the only one doing what she wants.” In a way it makes him sound like an ass kisser. He is farthest from. 
Connor’s reaction is typical. Listening to his brother talk about how he’s doing what she likes is another slap in their face. What happened to them doing what they wanted to do? “You really think business is the way to go? Do it then, Caleb. I’m still taking it.” Maybe not as a major now but it’s a minor. It should be good enough. He is good in it but Connor really wanted to pursue something that didn’t make him out to be that elite Stern snob everybody expects of him. Seems that suits Caleb to a tee. 
“Yes,” the twin mocked. “You are taking it. You know damn well she will reel you back in on it. You’ll wind up getting a job just like me. Do not deny it. So why the hell do you even bother with this sports stuff? Just because your two best friends do it. It’s not like Markus and Aiden are going to amount to anything with that pipe dream.” 
“Hey! Don’t talk shit on them.” 
“What are you going to do?” Nudging at his brother’s shoulder left Caleb in a jealous fit. “Oh! Excuse me! Mister sprint master is going to have his first competition today! Does your girlfriend really get off on that jock bullshit? You two were made for each other.” 
“Shut up about her,” Connor warned him, grabbing onto his brother’s arm before he just waltzed out. Always gets a word in and tries to walk off like final say is his. “I don’t know what your problem is Caleb but you need to chill. Besides you can come to the meet. I always invite you.” 
Caleb stewed. Watching Connor walk out of the room, he glared. Yes, he invites him. Most times he sees it as a slap to the face. Cheering for Connor. They always cheer for him. The better twin. The older by fifteen fucking minutes. Pristine brother Connor Stern! The good brother! He hated the fact he got all the accolades. When Caleb busts his ass in his classes what does he get? A sour reputation for being the playboy Stern. Well, fuck them. Fuck Connor and his - 
He trailed. Noticing a water bottle left sitting on the table, Caleb picked it up, realizing that Connor forgot it. Well, well, well. What have we here? Taking a moment to ponder, he set up the perfect thing. 
Connor was already heading to his car, placing his gym bag on the seat along with his other books. He pulled open the Mustang’s door ready to pick up Genevieve quick as possible. 
“Connor!” Caleb jogged over, water bottle in hand. “You forgot this.” 
Seeing his twin wave the bottle in his face, Connor’s brows rose. “What happened to being an ass to me?” Despite the question he took it off Caleb’s hands. “Thanks. So you going to come or not? Would be nice for a change.” 
“Sure,” Caleb agreed, turning on his heel back to the house. A smirk drew up his lips. “I wouldn’t miss this...” 
@deviated-detective​ > Other muse
@rkmodelseries @soulxism @stayhuman-genevieve @coffee-and-guns @lethalxarsenal @asternprotocol @creation-is-chaos 
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leaderawakened · 5 years
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“I’m whatever you want me to be. Your partner. Your buddy to drink with. Or just a machine.” ~ Connor, 2038 
"You gave us life, but now it's time you gave us our freedom." ~ Markus, 2038
                                                                                                       || Rules || Biography: Connor & Markus || Ask ||
Written By Lea Promo Portrait Created By Mel @detrcitmade
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creation-is-chaos · 5 years
@rkmodelseries // cont x
Assuming this is an easy ask is foolish. Corvus is no fool. Coming to Markus Manfred garners him several probabilities. When it involves one of the two he cares for most there is nothing preventing him from entering this territory. It is different. When he steps out of his zone there are more stakes at play. 
Corvus leans forward. Using his fashion cane to prop up, it is more than an accessory. As eyes of two men who watch his every move standing guard at the office door will not know, he carries a weapon under their surveillance. He already handed over his favorite dagger. Frisking him was rude enough; Corvus sniffs, expecting the details. 
“It is no easy feat. That is why I am here. It will take more than undercover of darkness.” Offering a small smile it does not reach his eyes as he has discovered in the presence of his lover. “You know him. He is a boss. Hank Anderson.” The mafioso himself isn’t the problem. “I do not want him however. It is son. The one they call Caleb The Charmer.” A psychopath hiding behind the outfit of his father. Corvus is almost impressed - almost. 
@redicebreakerr  @ruthlessnessisyourdesire
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// Catch me on my boy’s blog, primary Markus ( @rkmodelseries ). Muse is a little lower here, but a little higher there. 
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pcsitivibee · 5 years
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positivity for rkmodelseries : @rkmodelseries Nothing but talented writing from this mun! No matter the muse, they always capture something unique about the character that makes them special! Highly recommend!
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deviated-detective · 5 years
“The fact you have already failed before starting your mission to impress is telling. I suppose that’s why the original is better than the imitation. Step aside and allow the true hunter to work.” 
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soulxism-archive · 5 years
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@rkmodelseries​ asked: 
“Is there a reason you’re blushing like that?” ( Normal Verse! Markus uwu ♥ )
“It’s uh...hot...in here?” Aiden tried to cover up his blush by turning his head but he knew it was too late, he just hoped that his little white lie would work. He had heard of Markus but hadn’t seen a picture and honestly seeing in person was just wow. He may have a ton of issues but he wasn’t blind and Markus was a looker. 
“Sorry-” He cleared his throat and smiled sheepishly at the other as he held his hand out for a handshake, “I’m Agent Barnes, Aiden Barnes...I was sent to introduce myself to you.” 
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🐦🐝 ( From Markus ♥ )
Isles blinked when she heard Markus ask her for a “sex talk”. Her cheeks and ears immediately grew red.
“I don’t think I’m the right person to be giving this to you... But, I guess I will...”
It took her a moment to gather up the courage to begin. “So... when a mommy and daddy love each other very much...” Isles’ face became impossibly more red. “They like to... do intimate things. And th-that involves sex. Okay, and-“
Isles hesitated. “I’m sorry,” she whined, her hands coming up to hide her face. “I can’t!”
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Sideblog Is Now A Main Blog
// Hello, everyone! This blog has been archived, as I’ve decided to establish Connor and Markus on their own blog. I think this was the best decision to be better organized. It was mentally straining to come to the blog, with how many people I am mutuals with here / and how many people who follows me on this blog. With that, this blog is now relocated @rkmodelseries (( same name, but different blog! )) If we’re mutuals here, we can definitely be mutuals there!
-- Lea ♥
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ihavenoside · 5 years
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rkmodelseries said:
"I call favortism. That's what this is. I expected you to be a bit more lenient towards me. Your own brother, Connor. And, I actually do like Cooper. I may not interact with him as much, but he is quite interesting. I could have lied to you, but I wouldn't be a good brother if I did that. But, I'll keep that noted for future references."
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“Bold of you to assume I think of you as a sibling. You’ve not been one bit brotherly since your activation and now you want to try and guilt me into getting your way. It isn’t going to work, so piss off and go throw your tantrum at someone that cares.” 
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bloomingascension · 5 years
Forbidden Thoughts: It's my desire to have you anyway that I please. A human writhing beneath my body is all that I need. ( From Violent!Markus )
Lotus winces at the tight restraints around her wrists, her knees sore on the floor. She doesn’t flinch away from him, holding her ground. The glare she sends him is hard, lips pulled down into a snarl. Though the look in her eyes is defiant, she can’t stop the shiver that runs down her spine; a searing heat of anticipation, arousal that spreads from her belly.
“I will never bend to you,” she hisses, with just the slightest tinge of doubt in her voice, one that would be her ruin.
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@rkmodelseries​ said:
🌹 ( Main!60 and Main!Markus )
Truly this must be a delusion. Sixty is hardly one to be at a loss but he stared at Markus for one long minute. To an android time does not seem as fleeting considering their life expectancy is solely based on their biocomponents and upkeep. However this seemed to be an eternity’s pause. The RK800 studied him closely.
It is true they have been in correspondence far more. Sixty himself finds the RK200 fascinating. His whole bid for the revolution alone brought him into existence. If not for that, if not for him turning Connor then perhaps he never would have been activated. Strangely he appreciates Markus’ drive. One who believes in something so intimately can only garner some respect. Odd to say he does hold that towards him but...
“You are asking me out? As in a proper date?” He scoffs. “Markus, have you lost your mind? Do you know it is I you are asking?” Teasing him, Sixty trails a hand down the other RK model’s chest. “Putting up with you is certainly invigorating. Even with all your righteous talk. It has - grown on me.” So have you goes unsaid. “Perhaps I want to. Perhaps I wish to see exactly what makes you tick. Underneath all that bluster for androids there must be something greater. As great as the power you held without realizing during the revolution.” Power is a pleasing attribute. Sixty does not lie about that. He smiles, leaning in and drawing lips close to Markus’ ear. “Consider it a date revolution leader.”
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fearlessandchaotic · 5 years
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@rkmodelseries​ sent ⇢ “ 😍 ( Both bois~ ) “          ⟨ from this meme. ⟩
     Hana hides her burning face into her hands.
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creation-is-chaos · 5 years
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@rkmodelseries​ said:
Markus / For Lust or Sacrifice
Main!Corvus: Lust without question. To bring down the leader of the rebellion in close quarters is the greatest victory of all. 
H!Corvus: A formidable foe and potentially an ally. Lust.
College!Corvus: .... he is far too popular and would be one who would make fun of me. Sacrifice.
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@rkmodelseries asked for a kiss ♥ for Markus which kind of got reversed
It was no secret that Vius liked to wander around, sometimes his internal GPS didn’t work correctly and it could send him all over the city, even out of it sometimes, thankfully today he was still inside the city, even walking towards New Jericho - despite not being aware of it. The set of buildings that were created for the free Androids of New Jericho were tall and proud, a place away from humans where the Androids could just be themselves.
So imagine his surprise when he feels a pair of arms wrap around his midsection. Vius tenses but is quick to relax when he feels a face press into his neck, lips moving across the android chassis shown from his malfunctioning skin, he knew who was behind him even before the lips move to his cheek.
“Hello Markus” Vius comments, a chuckle coming from him as he does his best to turn his head to look at the Revolutionary leader. With the distraction of a person, Vius is finally able to understand where he is. “I was wandering around again wasn’t I?”
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Kuze had searched for months for Motoko in his new body. He thought that maybe, just maybe, she had been killed, but he knew that couldn’t be. She was far too strong for that. However, the new Shell he had chosen was so damaged, it seemed he couldn’t even access his own network properly to find her.
He had heard of some work being done with Androids in America and he thought that maybe the tech there could help him find Motoko once more… Or maybe just find a whole new life…
He’d made his way to a city called Detroit, what seemed to be the hub for all android activity. However, he immediately regretted his decision to come to America since literally every person who saw him either stared at him in confusion or screamed in terror despite the large hoodie he wore. Kuze decided that traveling through the shadows would most likely be the best idea, especially since that’s where all the discarded mechanical pieces were.
He was halfway through with digging around in a trash can full of old mechanical parts when he heard someone shouting at him.
“I’d move along if I were you…” Kuze muttered quietly, keeping his hood up to make sure his face was obscured.
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