haknyeonrk · 4 years
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surprise LIVE ! per_se : 1 YEAR!!! ILY!!!
initially he had planned to write a long and cheesy instagram post. yet that didn’t seem like enough to convey his gratitude to the fans –– words were powerful, but he’s sure that they’d probably at least like to see his face. now that their promotions are over, they don’t exactly have a schedule packed for the month to actually meet their fans, and haknyeon thinks it’s about time he’s started doing more vlives. 
he takes a moment to think about what to title it, but settles on something simple and straightforward. “1 year!! ily!!!” he smiles and clicks start. it’s much different than an instagram live, because the hearts begin pouring in and haknyeon stares into the camera for a good few seconds, unknowing if anyone’s gonna watch. but they do and he smiles as he looks at the numbers increasing. he begins to read the comments.
“oppa, are you just going to stare at the camera? say something!”
immediately he turns to look at the camera, away from the comments and laughs shyly. “oh! sorry! i was really fascinated!” he laughs. at that he clasps his hands together and notices that the viewer count has increased, there’s a good number of people watching him now.
“everyone! it’s our one year already!” he beams, and he claps his hands together, smiling wide. “can you believe it’s already been one year with per_se? i wanted to celebrate it with all of you, that’s why i decided to do this vlive!” he continues, and he watches as the number of hearts continue to increase. “it’s something really special to me, and something that i think could only be achieved thanks to our fans! i can say thank you a million times but it’ll never be enough,” his words are sincere as he speaks, and he knows they aren’t face-to-face, but he hopes that his genuine gratitude can reach them. “i was going to write a long... cheesy... instagram post... but i wanted to be able to share this moment with all of you!” he smiles.
from the corner of his eye he spots a comment that says “do you miss hugo?” but he ignores it –– he has to. he’s not too sure if he’s allowed to speak on it, if the company might come after him if he does. it’s not exactly a situation that he can speak so candidly about.
the vlive proceeds, and haknyeon continues to read other comments. “what have you been doing lately?” a comment asks.
“me? i’ve been practicing of course~ i’ve been working really hard on my rapping and dancing and singing too! i want to make sure ceo hyunbin doesn’t call me a terrible singer!” he adds the last part cheekily, referring back to when the ceo had called him a terrible singer on television. it’s not as though hyunbin would watch these vlives, right? he’s sure a little playful jab wouldn’t hurt. 
another comment catches his attention. 
“i didn’t know you were friends with anna!” 
he smiles as he answers, “we are! anna noona and i went to the same highschool! she’s a year older than me and we didn’t see each other much in highschool since she was a trainee back then, but we got a lot closer after i debuted! she’s a dependable senior!” 
“are you close to convex?”
“definitely! i have a few friends in convex~ we’re buddies!” he smiles widely. it’s always fun to talk about his friends, and the friendships he’s made. “sang–– ah, link, haru, micha and i were actually all in a dance crew before we became trainees. it’s crazy right? then i became a trainee, and then link hyung, then micha, then haru... then we all debuted! they’re really close friends of mine! and they’re really talented too! how can i not be a consta when they have so many handsome members right?” he cheekily raises his eyebrows. “ah... but my bias is actually jinwook sunbaenim,” he laughs before he makes a heart with his hands. “jinwook sunbaenim, i love you!”
more comments continue to flow in, and it’s getting a little tough for him to read them one by one. but he notices the interest in his idol friends, and decides to speak about it.
“other idols i’m close to? i’m really close to de:code’s shion and a.c! jihoonie... seonho...” he calls out their name playfully. “i remember crying at jihoon’s graduation because i was sad that he was leaving school! super embarrassing right? but that’s how close we were,” he smiles fondly at the memories, and makes a mental note to check on jihoon. “and i’m really close to seonho too! we have a lot of history together,” he smiles, but ends it at that –– he isn’t going to disclose just how much history they have of course.
“of course i’m close to and*roma! they’re our sister group!” he says with a smile. “darae noona is like my nova mum! she took such great care of me when i first entered nova, i’ll forever be grateful to her!” he beams. “speaking of which, and*roma just had a comeback so be sure to listen to the song lots! i’ve been listening to it nonstop because it’s so good,” he holds up his phone and shows the and*roma album that he’s liked on melon. “and*roma is the best!” at that, he puts a thumbs up.
“if darae is your mum, then is hui your dad?”
haknyeon laughs out loud before he nods his head. “yes! you are one hundred percent correct!” the accuracy in that statement has him giggling a little more. “actually, let me tell you a funny story about hui hyung and i! when i first entered the company, hui hyung was like... a legend! like a legend among legends in the b-boying world! so of course i had to ask him to practice with me and help me train, right?” the comments begin pouring in with yes huidong oppa is a legend! and haknyeon nods. “and once while we were training, he was teaching me how to do this trick. it was really tough, but after trying a few times i got it! i was so happy and excited that i looked up at him and i said thanks dad! i called hui hyung dad!” he’s giggling as he tells the story, his encounter with hyung. he doesn’t think he’s shared this story anywhere else before, but what better time to share it then now during his vlive, right? “that was so embarrassing! and he just looked at me all surprised,” at this, he attempts to imitate huidong’s expression at that time, but he’s still laughing. “hui appa, hui appa,” he adds, smiling as he reads the comments, most of which were full of laughter. 
“i actually have a lot of funny anecdotes with all the members! like that one time jungwoo hyung and i got matching couple bracelets but we lost them and had to get new ones! and when i accidentally back hugged ricky hyung when i was still a newer trainee! that was actually quite scary,” he shudders a little, “but we’re closer now of course! and when hosung hyung and i went on an adventure in morocco!” these are fond memories of his, and he almost lets slip a memory he’s shared with hugo, but catches himself before doing so. 
he’s careful not to let his expression slip, and quickly he turns back to the comments. 
“can you say i love you noona?”
haknyeon reads the comment out loud and looks at the camera. “okay! be sure to record this alright?” he smiles. “noona, i love you!” he says, before he continues. “and for our male fans, hyung, i love you!” lifting both his arms, he makes a heart shape over his head.
“hyung loves you a lot junju”
he giggles at the comment and makes a heart finger. “i love you more hyung!” he says, scrunching his nose in an attempt to cutely show how serious he was at loving. 
another comment immediately catches his attention, and at this haknyeon bursts into laughter.
“5 hyunbin sajangnims or a 5 year old hyunbin sajangnim?”
he’s laughing as he reads the comment. usually you’d expect to see this question about the members but seeing one about your ceo is something he honestly didn’t think would happen. 
“ah... do i have to answer this? i’d rather not...” he replies. “it’s so funny just thinking about it. imagine me bowing 90 degrees to a five year old and greeting him with hello sajangnim!” he laughs. the image itself is funny to just think about. “for this... pass!”
haknyeon continues to read the comments, unaware of how much he’s been talking –– mostly because he’s having such a great time communicating with the fans. 
“put on some filters!”
“filters?” he repeats, fiddling with the screen. “ah... here we are!” he begins to play with a bunch of them, from a cat filter, to one of him in a beret, to a filter of him as a dinosaur. 
he opens his mouth wide, like how a dinosaur would and smiles. “this is how much i love you!” he says, and he attempts to open his mouth even wider, only to accidentally choke on his own spit. 
there’s a lot more talking during the vlive, most of which is full of haknyeon thanking the fans, and sharing stories that he can remember. like how nervous he was during their debut, and how happy he was when they celebrated his birthday with him. it’s only when a notification saying “your phone is at 20%” pops up, does he gasp a little.
“everyone! i didn’t realize i’ve been on vlive for so long!” he says, blinking at the screen. “i had so much fun talking to you that i didn’t notice how fast time flew by!” he smiles at the screen, glad to have spent his time talking and communicating with the fans. “i wish i could stay and talk for another hour but the phone is running out of battery! and i need to go back and practice,” he pouts a little at this, but he knows that he has to train. “thank you so much for loving per_se! we only made it to this one year milestone because of you guys! please look forward to what else we have in store!” he reaches out for the phone and feels a little sad, honestly, that he has to end this vlive. “bye bye everyone! i love you!” he kisses the screen and the live ends.
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rovalent · 4 years
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              [ ♦ ] ROYAL ENT @royalent • Aug 29                DE:CODE (디코드)               < ENIGMA > TEASER IMAGES
              #에이스 #AC  
              2020.09.01 TUE 6PM               #DE:CODE #디코드 #CanYouFeelIt #감이_오지
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rkwon · 4 years
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he isn’t sure what’s worse — the nagging guilt and greed that both a fanmeeting and a vlive for a forgettable recently-debuted idol is far too much, or the small yet persistent voice in the back of his head that tells him no one will show up, that anyone who does is just waiting for him to do something stupid. the little live icon mocks him as he shuffles in his seat, leans in closer to see the details of the livestream. the viewer count jumps from zero, to a hundred and beyond, but what he’s most concerned about is the speed the comments move and how small they are. he retreats, resting his back straight against the back of the chair and pulling the sleeves of his jumper down over his palms before he waves.
“hello,” he greets, quiet and shy. his cheeks are a soft pink and it’s likely the tips of his ears are, too, though conveniently hidden by his overgrowing, curled hair. “I’m de:code’s milo. ah, force of habit. my name is in the live title, right?” his laugh is airy. “it’s my birthday today.” he continues, letting the any and every thought that comes to mind roll off his tongue. “thank you for all the well wishes! I saw some of the comments on social media— well, I saw lots of cake emojis. this is the first year I haven’t gotten to eat mum’s cake on my birthday. ming— magnus’ mum always bakes each of us a cake on our birthdays, but I was so busy today that I couldn’t go home.” he sits forward once more to read what he can of the fast-paced comments. “oh! don’t worry, don’t worry. we’re going home over the weekend to see his parents, so we’ll have cake then! I’ll bring slices home to the dorms for all the members.” 
he pauses to read again, clearly struggling even when he moves closer. he’s long-sighted, but the font is so small that it’s hard to see regardless. “did the members get me anything?” he reads with a tilt of the head. growing up, won rarely received presents on his birthdays. sometimes he’d get a little cash from his parents, or a hand-me-down, until he met mingyu and thus began the traditions of spending as much of the day with the kims as possible. though he still doesn’t think too much of material gifts, he cherishes the thought each of them have always put into choosing something for him — either for its sentimental value, love and effort put into creating them, or relevancy to his interests. he chuckles to himself as he remembers the time mingyu bought him two bottles of coca-cola knowing he had been craving it but unable to afford any. “so far, a.c’s gift is top of the ranking. when I woke up for practice this morning, he gave me the biggest hug before I could even make it to the bathroom to start getting ready. I think it’s going to be tough to beat cute cuddles from our youngest.” he teases, concentrating so hard on reading once again that his phone vibrating on the table just out of frame startles him. 
he glances down to check, unable to hold back a grin. his eyes trail back to the camera, lips pursed, then to his phone as he picks it up. “magnus just texted me. he’s watching from the dorms; everyone say hi!” he waves. “he’s nagging me. he’s telling me to put my glasses on, but I don’t have them with me...” a pout tugs at his bottom lip. “I’m long-sighted!” he answers when he spots the question before it scrolls off screen. “ah, he text again. he asked me where they are. ah... I think I left them on the bedside table. it’s fine, though! I can manage; I can see! I always take them off to sleep so they don’t get broken— but then I forgot to pick them up before I left earlier. this is my tmi for the day.” he laughs, leaning forward again. a few notes about wanting something more interesting for his tmi catching his eye. honestly, he isn’t really sure what constitutes a tmi in the first place — he’d just heard it around on other idols’ vlives and broadcasts. still reading, he hums to the beat of another buzz of his phone. “ah, he’s good to me. magnus is coming to deliver them!” he sucks in a deep breath, resting his chin against the palm of his hand, his elbow propped on the table. 
“oppa, why do you look so good? hyung, what should i eat to look like you?” he reads, chuckling loudly until his nose starts to crinkle. “cheetos.” he answers simply, still eyeing the comments. “they’re my favourite snack. I would always try to save up my allowance and treat myself to a bag when I could.” more messages flood in about which flavours, about other snacks he enjoys and what his favourite food is, but won catches one about his voice that makes his cheeks flush so bright that he instinctively leans back in the hopes that it becomes less noticeable. “to the person who said they loved my voice and that it was one of their favourites, thank you! that’s an honour... just in de:code, we have so many talented vocalists. I’m happy that you enjoy my singing. or is it my talking voice?” he all but giggles. “I’ve been told since my early teens that I have a really deep voice. I might get in trouble with him for telling you this but I always thought it was just in comparison to mingyu — his voice dropped after mine even though he’s a little older. I thought my voice can’t be that deep, but it really was all that time.” he hums, noticing a surprised question. “mhmm! I used to be taller, but now mingyu has a few centimetres on me. a lot of the de:code members are either very tall or very short. even though I’m tall, almost everyone around me my whole life has been taller than me. mingyu’s step dad is taller than me, too. I’m not tall enough! I want a couple more centimetres but I think it’s too late for me now...” he pouts once more, but it doesn’t last long. “did it hurt when you fell from the sky? did it hurt when you did?” his counter is embarrassing but he’d have had that same red tint to his cheeks either way so why not? 
i entered for the chance to come to your birthday fanmeeting but i didn't get chosen ): but i am glad you are doing a vlive and that i can still see you on your birthday. i hope that you've had a very enjoyable day, milo, i love you 😭 happy birthday!! 
“ah, that comment disappeared before I could read it out loud, but I saw it! thank you! I’m sorry there wasn’t a chance for you to come to the fanmeeting; I’m glad I could do a vlive for anyone who couldn’t make it. I was really surprised, actually. I was... kind of worried no one would come.” he laughs now, but he almost hadn’t slept last night stressing about it. perhaps it still hasn’t quite sunk in yet that he’s really an idol — in one of the top five companies, no less. “you can thank magnus when he gets here for persuading me to do both the fanmeeting and this vlive. I really wanted to do the vlive especially, but I was worried I wouldn’t be very entertaining. are you having fun?” his grin is probably a little too hopeful, but his viewers at least humour him. “you are? that’s a relief. but... should we listen to the music? what songs are everyone listening to lately? I’ve been listening to ‘love is the way’ by red velvet a lot.” he begins to sing a little as he scrolls through the music player on his phone, periodically glancing back up to catch a few comments. 
however, he squeaks when the door to the practice room clicks open suddenly. 
“ah, my knight in shining armour!” he’s all sparkling eyes and wide grins as he looks at mingyu off camera, arms raising to grabby hands at the glasses case in his boyfriend’s hands. “my glasses! oh, how I’ve missed you.” it takes an embarrassing amount of force to prize open the case as mingyu busies himself taking off his jacket. he pushes the frame up his nose, blinks a few times to adjust to the change. “that’s so much better. gyu, come sit with me.” he pats the chair beside him he’d saved just in case anyone popped in. he suspects seonho will bounce in later ( literally ), though he had hoped mingyu would come to lend him a hand soon after he started, too. said jacket is draped over the back of won’s chair, though he doesn’t realise until he feels the weight of the fabric brush his arms. he barely has chance to turn around before mingyu’s arms hang around his shoulders, pulling him back towards his chest. they sway, left to right to left to right, to the rhythm of mingyu’s gentle “happy birthday to you”, won’s grin growing to crinkle not only the bridge of his nose but the corners of his eyes, too. he’s still in a daze when he gets a birthday kiss to the cheek, mingyu finally taking his seat. 
dumbly, won replies, “hi,” then realises, “oh, you weren’t talking to me— that’s embarrassing. a-anyway, what were we talking about? oh! songs. what songs you’re listening to lately. what have you been listening to, gyu? ah, I don’t think all of you have been listening to gorilla twenty-four-seven. you can tell us the truth, you know, we won’t tell anyone! it’ll be our little secret. shh.” once mingyu’s settled, he answers.
"if you have been listening to gorilla twenty-four-seven, though, I would like to personally thank you... but also encourage you to take a break to listen to to you 2020 by teen top and o sole mio by per_se." won hums in agreement, turning back to the comments. 
“someone else just said o sole mio, too.” he tries to point it out, but the message is long gone before he can even raise a finger. “you guys are so fast... there’s so many of you here.” there’s wonder in his voice, disbelief at the numbers displayed in the top left. are that many people really watching him sit around? and sending him that many hearts? he almost feels like crying. “I’m really bad with technology.” he admits, trying unsuccessfully to scroll back to some older messages before mingyu gently nudges his hand aside to take over. “our manager had to set up the live for me. he asked me what emojis I wanted in the title and I didn’t even know what to answer. I only know like, five emojis, and the cake one just makes me hungry.” he hums, patting his stomach once, then again for good measure. “what I mean is if I don’t see your comment, it’s probably a combination of bad eyesight and the speed the little feed moves, please don’t feel disheartened! keep sending it if I haven’t answered! w-wait, will they get banned for that? is it spam? word it differently each time!” he advises, though truthfully, he has no idea how it works. 
eventually, he spots one he feels he has to address, even if he isn’t too sure how best to answer it. “do I have any tips for someone that wants to be an idol...” he reads. “I know it probably feels a little like a boring answer and a given, but hard work absolutely pays off. also, if you don’t pass an audition, it does not mean you didn’t work hard or aren’t talented; there’s so much more to it than that. the casting agents might be looking for something specific for a group already planned out, for example.” for a moment, he pauses, purses his lips as he tries to piece together the words he’s looking for. “I think you should always be yourself and make yourself proud. your time will come; the agent or company that sees your worth and potential is the one you want to work with, anyway, right? practice as much as you can, but practice healthily and enjoy it. if you’re not having fun, take a break. it’s important to pace yourself and be good to yourself. there were times before I went on the mgas where I didn’t dance for weeks because I wasn’t in the right head space, but when I came back to it, I wanted to put more into it because I enjoyed it again and missed it. don’t build a bad relationship with performing. do it because you love it. a-ah, I think I got a little off topic there. do you have anything to add, gyu?” he smiles at his boyfriend as he begins to speak. 
“hm? oh... yeah! don't give up. I know that's probably irritating to hear after a while of trying as hard as you can, but I know how easy it can be to get disheartened. if it's really what you want, you can take a break if it'll help, but get back up and keep fighting for it. sometimes, doubt will make you think that it's pointless and that you should settle for something more ‘realistic’, and other people might urge you to, too, but don't listen to any of that. if you know in your heart that you can do it and it's truly what you want, don't let anyone or anything beat that dream out of you. you can do it!” 
for a little while, they continue to answer questions he spots in the comments — ones they realistically can answer, anyway. too many people are asking about a comeback or upcoming plans and he’s almost certain they aren’t allowed to even hint at anything or face their company’s wrath. between telling everyone for the tenth time that he rooms with seonho and mingyu, his curiosity gets the better of him as he eyes the bag mingyu brought with him. 
“what else did you bring?” subtlety hasn’t really ever been his forte. “you brought a whole bag with you just for my glasses?” his voice has dropped to a mumble, but it’s likely viewers can still hear him. the stream is the furthest from his mind as mingyu smiles and reaches for said bag, dragging it closer and as his hand delves inside, won’s neck cranes to see. 
“stop trying to peek, it's supposed to be a surprise!” won huffs as mingyu laughs fondly. “I brought you a birthday snack, too, in case you were hungry. you're welcome.” 
he should be embarrassed by the gasp that parts his lips but at the sight of cheetos ( and other snacks, but cheetos! ), his image is long forgotten. “ah, kim mingyu... once again my knight in shining armour.” he teases, fingers itching to tear open the top of the packet. “I haven’t had cheetos in a long time even though they’re my favourite.” he tells the camera. “I know earlier I said that to look like me you have to eat cheetos and that’s true, but I don’t know if any of you watched us on the mgas in season four but... I was very small. my height hasn’t changed; I’ve long since stopped growing.” he pouts shortly. “but I was very thin. I started working out with mingyu when we signed to royal and eventually some of the other trainees when I got more confident. these days I could bench press mingyu! I’m telling you! I had to stop eating cheetos, though, so you have to let me know if it was worth it; do I look good?” briefly, and embarrassingly, he flexes one arm, losing what little cool he had at mingyu’s over-dramatic ‘woah!’ and amused chuckle. “a-ah, n-no, don’t ask me to prove it. you just have to trust me!” he giggles, finally popping the first cheese puff into his mouth. 
“I want to play a game, but I don’t know what we can play with everyone. someone suggested we watch videos of ourselves on youtube, but I don’t think I’m quite used to seeing my own face in public yet.” his laugh is gentle and his cheeks pink. “maybe next time. leave suggestions in the comments and we’ll prepare something next ti—” 
his squeak gets caught in his throat when the door flies open, mingyu’s hand patting his back to help him catch his breath again. seonho’s bouncing over in all his glory, a shit-eating grin on his cute face. his arms wrap around his shoulders as mingyu’s had not too long ago and won can’t help but smile. “another very special guest.” the comments explode, ‘maknae on top’ filling the screen and won’s nose wrinkles in another laugh. he pulls mingyu’s chair closer and nudges his boyfriend to the side so that the three of them can fit across two seats, seonho settling in beside him to respond to comments with them. periodically, he offers the two cheetos, watching secretly with a hungry stomach as their hands dip into the bag. 
he doesn’t realise quite how long they’ve been live until someone says they have to go to bed to get up early in the morning. his eyes widen at the forty minute timer on the display and with a small content sigh, he turns to each of the boys beside him. “I think it’s about time we rounded this live off, right? it’s getting late and everyone should be getting plenty of rest.” with waves and a chorus of ‘bye!’s and ‘sleep well!’s, mingyu and seonho are out of frame for won to say his final goodbye for the night. 
he clears his throat, leaning in a little closer and adjusting his glasses on the bridge of his nose. “everyone, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for coming to spend my birthday with me, whether you came for five or forty minutes.” his smile is gentler than it has been the entire stream, his teeth just starting to show. honestly, he never believed today would go so well and he’s relieved that mingyu was able to persuade him to do it at all. he had been stubborn, stuck in his insecurities and worries, but he felt good now — like floating on a cloud high above the sky on a fair, lightly breezy day. “I’m so grateful for every second we spent together. I’ve had some really strange birthdays over the years,” he chuckles, “but this is definitely one I’ll never forget. it’s been an incredibly happy day; I hope you’ve all had just as wonderful of a time whatever it is you’ve been doing. plus, it’s friday! the weekend starts now, huh?” he purses his lips, then hums. “make sure to get lots of rest and stay healthy so we can keep meeting like this, okay? thank you again. goodnight, everyone! thank you for all the birthday wishes! bye bye!” he waves and waves for a good thirty seconds as the comments roll in to say goodnight in return. “a-ah, guys— how do I end it?” with a pair of laughs off camera, the live cuts off. 
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rkshion · 4 years
200630 [V-LIVE]: Shion’s Roof ⭐⭐ (Audio Only)
it's the last day of the month, and it's already been three months since their debut. a bit wild to think about. considering how long the road had been up there, maybe three months is not too much. considering he's now an idol in the eyes of the public, any little bit of time feels like a lot to im. he's unsure why he hadn't tried one of these before. the idea of doing it by himself got him a bit nervous, but he also didn't want to bother his other members to do something together.
he has fans now, though, it seems. again, wild to think about. he's not the most active in social media, but he'd still like to keep in touch with them. he's seen other idols name their lives something unique and special so jihoon's certain he wants to do something like that too. it takes some brainstorming to finally decide on something, but soon he starts the first edition of "shion's roof."
the boy had adjusted the settings for the live to be audio-only. this means he could lay down on his bed without having to worry about how he looks and what those watching could see around him. it'd also help take away some of the nervousness of someone who hadn't done one of these before. "hello~" he greets the first few people to join him. it'd be awkward if no one showed up, but it brings a smile to his face when the number starts going up. "wow, it's everyone here? there's a lot of you already." jihoon keeps repeating 'hello's during the first minute so that everybody can get some time to settle in.
"welcome to shion's roof! it's the first edition... isn't it special?" his eyes try to keep up with the comments, but he guesses that fast reading is a skill he'll need to work on starting today. "you're all here with me! on our first day... this is... our first day?" he chuckles. he's seen people say that before. it's usually used for a couple's first day, so the boy can't help but feel a little awkward about it. "everyone! don't get any wrong ideas!"
💬: are you in a roof right now??
"eh?? i'm in my room right now. the roof is... is metaphorical. it's our roof." while jihoon tries to explain himself, his hands start to move, even if no one can see him. "i wanted to have a cool title. other idols do that too, right? i wanted to take everyone to somewhere sunny. our roof is filled with flowers, okay? flowers and other plants. and it's always sunny... unless we don't want it to be. rain can be nice sometimes too, right? the plants would like that. i personally prefer sunny days."
💬: who are your roommates?
"my roommates are sinjae hyung and reno hyung. i'm the room maknae." he chuckles. "de:code rooms are separated by age. there is the hyung room and the maknae room. everyone, i'm not the maknae, okay! our a.c is our youngest member. the ace..." he takes a short break. "i'm alone in my room right now. i don't know what the other ones are doing. i told them i was doing a v-live before starting."
💬: what did you do today?
"ah, you want tmi?" he asks back as if he's actually into popular trends and whatnot. "i practiced all day long! with the other members... i'm working hard! to become a better shion and make you proud."
💬: were you practicing for comeback?
jihoon laughs. "no! i was practicing for something else..." he lets it hang in the air for a bit. "i don't know if i can share, i'm sorry! some of the other members and i are preparing something. you'll see it soon! it's not that secretive. you'll know when it comes out!"
💬: when is the comeback?
"i don't know!" he answers honestly. "i wasn't practicing for the comeback. i was practicing for something else." jihoon feels bad lying, but he knows that some things need to be kept a secret. he's also unsure if whatever he's said so far is enough to conclude anything. the fans are quick to come up with their own assumptions, though.
💬: is this audio-only to hide a new hair color?
"wow... you guys are really smart!" jihoon gasps, actually impressed. never would he have thought about that from anyone else's live. he touches his hair gently before continuing. "but it isn't true! is that a common thing to do? do people hide their hair colors with audio v-lives? i never thought of that..." he pauses. "that's really smart, thank you! i'll remember that for when i need!" he chuckles sheepily.
💬: are you doing station? / solo debut? / when is the comeback?
"wow, everyone... it's nothing like that! let's talk about something else, okay?" jihoon turns around on his bed and lays down on his stomach. "it's the last day of the month today! did everyone achieve a lot? i think i learned a lot of things... i've been working hard... i really want to get better!" his eyes keep following the comments. "it's okay if it takes some time, everyone! you can't become a master in a few days. as long as you worked hard, i'm proud of you! let's all work hard, okay? i want you all to achieve your dreams!"
💬: i'm learning korean
"ah, really? your korean is really good!" jihoon puts the phone down to clap his hand a few times. "keep working hard, okay? next time, write me a letter on fancafe! and then next time, we can have a full conversation. face to face! i can't wait to meet everyone again. i want to get up on stage. it'll come soon, right? are you waiting for it too? all the other members are working hard, too. since before debut, we're all working hard."
💬: can you sing your english line from 'what time is it now?'
"sincerely... i don't speak english very well." he laughs wholeheartedly. "did i sound good? did i do well?" jihoon pauses, considers it, then proceeds to try speaking a few words in english. "hello... i'm fine, thank you and you?" he chuckles. "was that good? do i speak it well? please let me know..."
💬: do you have song recommendations?
"mm..." he stops to think about it. "a recent song that came out... 'god's menu' is really good, isn't it? the rap is really impressive... and of course, our sunbaes, luxe, released 'up & down'! did you listen to it well? it got really popular, right? please show it a lot of love, too! they're really talented sunbaes." jihoon stops a moment to think about it more. "and*roma’s meiqi sunbaenim danced to our song, right? i saw it. she's really good! i like 'pepe' too... since it's summertime, shouldn't you listen to 'very nice'? or 'me gustas tu'? those are popular songs too, right? 'very nice' makes me want to have ice cream."
💬: are you close with any sunbaes?
"i don't know the luxe members too well... cheri sunbaenim is really nice, though! luxe's leader! this was some time ago, but she gave me lunch once. it was really good! i don't know many other idols... ah, but i know junju! per_se's junju! he's younger than me but we went to the same school. he's a good kid! i think he's really funny." he chuckles. "he was... a good student." he laughs a bit too honestly. junju was, actually, not a very good student at all, but he had promised not to share that fact.
💬: what will you have for dinner?
"that's a good question! i'm not really sure... we have members who like to cook, but sometimes we just order. we're a lot of people." he can't help but laugh again. "do you have any recommendations? ah, pizza?" jihoon reads surprised. "that's not very healthy!"
💬: i can cook for you!
"will you, really? but how will i get the food?" he chuckles. "should we have a picnic on our roof? we can all just bring whatever we want to eat... even pizza..." jihoon sits up straight and checks the time. now that they had mentioned it, he was starting to feel hungry. "we can take photos of what we eat and post it online. should we use a hashtag?"
💬: #shionsroofpicnic
"ah, that's perfect, right? should we do that? i'll do it too! make sure to bring something yummy, okay? i want to see it!"
checking the time again, he nods. "should i check with the other members what we'll eat? this means the v-live will end... i promise i'll do this again, okay? ah, and with the camera on! should i turn it on right now just for a quick goodbye?"
after touching the screen a few too many times to make sure he was doing the right thing, the camera turns on for what will be the last minute of the live. "can you see me? can you see my hair?" he makes sure to point it out. "it's still brown, right?" the boy chuckles. "thank you for watching! let's meet on the roof again, okay? this was... our first day." he gives the camera his typical bright smile. "bye bye~!"
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rkmg · 4 years
♦ starter for @rkseonho !
mingyu spent several moments scrolling his phone and looking through various social media sites while he waited for won to finish showering. it was getting late and he was nearly ready to sleep, but he didn’t want to drift off before his boyfriend could return in the room. since he kept feeling himself almost dozing off as he was lying there, he eventually stood up from his own bed and approached his younger member. “scoot,” he demanded as he started climbing onto seonho’s bed and took it upon himself to get under the covers. “won is taking too long and so you’re going to have to provide me with warmth until he gets out.”
he softly laughed as he snuggled in and situated himself right beside his younger member. it made mingyu feel both happy and proud of himself that he was now able to do this. once upon a time, he wasn’t able to be too affectionate with anyone other than won, but now it’s like he had the love of his life and a lot of brothers that he was able to be close to, and it filled him with a lot of joy. “so, what are you up to over here? have you watched any cute or videos lately? if so, show me.”
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rklino · 4 years
snooze button,
promoting this time around feels even more draining. it was draining before, when they debuted-- but maybe he was riding the high of a debut, and hadn't really noticed. this time around, minho's exhausted, and he catches up on sleep as much as he can. he sleeps whenever he can between music show rehearsals and schedules, he rushes eating his food and goes to nap it off in the brief moments they have. maybe it'll feel easier to manage later in the month when he's back in the groove of things-- but for now, he's going to take every opportune moment to fill it up with priceless sleep.
the moment they had jumped into the van on the way to one of their radio shows, minho's head is against the window and he's snoozing. he manages to rest his eyes for a little, but a stray bump on the road has his head bumping and slamming against the window briefly. with a grunt, he tugs his head away, an annoyed sound leaving him. he shifts away, mumbling to himself. his head flops onto the shoulder of the person sitting next to him, and he snuggles up immediately. he lets out a content noise, rubbing his cheek against the fabric on their shoulder. "are we there yet?" he mumbles, muffled slightly by his position.
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rkidolships · 4 years
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A.C. / Sinjae / B.Mil / Vici / Nox / Milo / Shion / Magnus / Reno
@rkseonho, @jaehyunrk, @rkbyunbaek, @rkkangjoon, @rkhongjoong, @rkwon, @rkshion, @rkmg, @rklino
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rkmeiqi · 4 years
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Surprise LIVE! AND*ROMA : 춤추자! lets dance! 💎💃
the live starts with a view of one of nova’s practice rooms. meiqi shows up on screen shortly afterwards, waving for the fans and smiling brightly despite the bags under her eyes that show her obvious exhaustion. “hello, everyone!”
she keeps waving as she waits for more people to arrive. the numbers slowly go up and more comments start to fill up the chat, before she finally starts talking. “it’s me, meiqi! this is the first time i’m talking to you guys through vapp, right?” 
“where are the other members? i think they should be back at the dorms by now.” meiqi glances at the door that everyone disappeared through a while earlier. “i decided to stay back to talk to you guys and impress you with some dancing! i’ll wait a little longer though, so more of you can join.”
she answers random questions for a few minutes, things like what’s your favourite starbucks drink? (cotton candy frappuccino) and dogs or cats? (both). then, there’s a fan requesting drama recommendations, and meiqi can’t help but promote one of her best friends.
“have you guys watched revenge note 1? isn’t the actress for ho goohee so cool?” meiqi, herself, has been keeping up with the episodes as they come out, watching them before she falls asleep. “everyone, please support eclipse’s anna and watch the webdrama! i promise it’s good!”
meiqi leans in closer, squinting to read the comments. “are you and anna close? yes! me and yerim-ie went to school together and we still talk a lot.” as she speaks, meiqi unlocks her phone and scrolls through her photo album. finding a cute selfie of them, she turns the phone around to show it to the viewers. “this is from the time i went to visit her at a photoshoot for a chicken cf. security almost kicked me out because they thought i was a crazy fan!” 
she shows a few other pictures of her and yeri, some from high school and others from the rare times they were able to meet up. she also shows pictures of the food truck she had sent yeri on set of her webdrama, and the selfies with gourmet ice cream that she had received in turn.
after rambling about how much she loves her friend (and probably boring most of the viewers), meiqi remembers what she had initially promised she would do and quickly stands. “right! i said i was gonna dance for you guys. why didn’t you remind me?! you guys just let me go on and on about yeri!”
her laughter rings out as she disappears off camera to plug her phone into the speakers. meiqi presses play and then runs backwards as the first few notes begin to filter through the practice room’s speakers. she takes a few steps back to make sure her entire body is in the frame, and then she’s doing the infamous point dance of up and down.
she’s seen some idols get shy after attempting the dance, but meiqi doesn’t falter once. she’s in her element with this song, this concept. she knows the dance considerably well for someone who hasn’t formally practiced it. that’s not to say meiqi wasn’t blasting it around the dorms for a good week, singing into her toothbrush and dancing in her bed. 
she performs it up until the end of the first chorus, before approaching the camera once again with a proud grin. “what do you think?” she asks the viewers as she settles onto the floor again, tilting her head inquisitively. meiqi reads the comments as they come: as expected of meiqi! and jfkdjsjkdg QUEEN. she laughs loudly, basking in the compliments that come in every language. “ah, wait, what did you say? dance meiqi-ne? i like that!”
“are you an olympia? yes, i love luxe! i’ve been following them since they debuted!” meiqi clasps her hands in front of her chest dreamily as she thinks about her favourite group, and now her seniors in the industry. “they have really good music and i think they’re all so pretty! one time, i met ella—i think it was last year during the halloween party. we both dressed up as royalty and she approached me first! it was kind of embarrassing though because i was still technically a trainee and i kept stuttering… but she didn’t make fun of it even once. still, i hope she doesn’t remember that.” 
meiqi presses a hand to her forehead, embarrassed that she’s shared one of her weak moments. she’s still smiling, though, giggling even, because she holds the memory dear. 
she remembers that she’s doing a vlive and removes her hand so that the fans can get a proper look at her rosy cheeks, and so that she can keep reading the comments.
“what other groups do you like?” meiqi strokes her chin, pretending to think. “and*roma?” she chuckles at her own (poor) joke. truthfully, she doesn’t know if there are other groups that she’s really a fan of; she might like their music or know the members, but no one can compete with luxe. might as well promote herself—though it��s stupid, considering 99.9% of the people watching this live must be fans of the group already.
“show us more dance covers!!! wow, so you guys don’t wanna talk to me, huh?” she purses her lips to hide the teasing smile, but it doesn’t quite work when she reads the onslaught of incoming messages that protest and promise that they enjoy talking to her. 
to appease the fans, she pushes herself off the floor and dusts off her shorts. meiqi reaches for her phone and presses shuffle on the playlist she had prepared beforehand. it’s filled with the latest songs that she’s learned and a few older tracks that she likes.
she starts with she’z. to anyone who knows her personally, it might come as a surprise because meiqi has never been a fan of the group. their concept was always too cute for her liking, but their recent releases were right up her alley. unfortunately, she only knows the chorus for dumhdurum, so she fast-forwards the song until then, and starts dancing.
dolls by k.arma is next, another group that meiqi likes. the sophisticated sexiness of the song caught her attention almost immediately upon release. to a lesser extent than luxe’s songs, meiqi has replayed it many times, and after only a handful of times watching the dance, she had picked up on most of it. so, she performs from the beginning until the end of the chorus just as she had done with up and down.
she lets the rest of the song play at a lower volume as she returns to read comments. compliments, compliments, compliments. god, she really loves this. “so cool~ do you know any convex songs? yeah! one sec!”
meiqi searches through her music library and clicks on boom boom. she doesn’t know the choreography as well as the other songs she’s performed, but she thinks she can make it work anyways. besides, she knows the point dance exceptionally well, so she exaggerates that part with a laugh.
she’s having fun. after practicing high heels all of last month, a part of meiqi dreaded being in the practice room. she just associates it with a bad time now, but being able to dance freely to songs she actually likes is oddly liberating. and maybe she just enjoys being praised by faceless strangers who love her.
“oh! there’s also this new group,” meiqi starts once she’s completed the chorus. she taps on gorilla, and raises her voice to be heard over the music. “do you guys know de:code? i went to meet them backstage during promotions because i’ve known seonho since…” meiqi counts on her fingers, but it’s useless. “i actually don’t know. but it’s been a long time! he’s like a little brother to me, so i was shocked when he debuted with such a cool concept!”
cupping her hands around her mouth, meiqi shouts out, “a.c., i’m your biggest fan!” before launching into the chorus’s choreography. 
she’s been dancing so energetically for the past half an hour or so, that she’s finally broken a sweat. her breathing is irregular and heavy now, so she rushes to turn off the music. meiqi plops down in front of the camera, making an x with her arms. “no more dancing, guys! i’m so tired!”
catching her breath, she reads through more comments. “what about per_se? i’ll learn their dances properly and show you guys next time, okay? sorry everyone, and sorry to my seniors.” she presses her hands together and bows her head in an apology.
it’s getting late now, and meiqi really needs to return to the dorms. as much as she doesn’t want to leave, wants to continue talking to fans and dancing to her heart's content, she wasn’t lying about being tired.
“i think it’s time to go, everyone. no, don’t leave? what? you guys have to sleep too, you know! not just me!” she runs a hand through her hair, all oily from the sweat of a long day spent practicing. ugh, is it obvious to the fans that she really needs a shower? she sure hopes not.
“i promise we’ll see each other again soon,” she says earnestly. even if she doesn’t plan on going live again for a while (they’re far too busy right now), and*roma is preparing for a comeback. the fans may not know it, but she can assure them that it won’t be long until they’ll see her again. 
“goodnight, everyone!” just like she’d started the live, meiqi ends it with a wave and a smile. the manager confirms that it’s over before meiqi falls back onto the floor, letting the day’s exhaustion take over her body. “that was fun,” she says aloud, not listening to whatever the manager responds with. probably something about getting ready to go back to the dorms, or maybe scolding her for talking so much (has it really been over an hour since she went live?).
she hadn’t noticed so much time had passed, a stark difference to recent practices where all meiqi did was count down the hours, minutes, and seconds until they could leave.
it’s true, what they say. fans really do give you motivation.
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jaehyunrk · 5 years
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jungjaes have you all listened to gorilla? we worked really hard 😊 i hope you all enjoyed it! personally my favourite from the album is lukewarm! what’s yours? 🤔 #decode
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rkkangjoon · 4 years
.bubbled water
since this was the first time he actually got to take home products he was advertising in a photoshoot, kang joon had been really excited to share with his group members. being in a great mood, he had returned from the shoot rather late, a box of trevi bottles in his arms. he had been encouraged to share with the other de:code members, and was also told to promote the beverage. so he guessed from now on he would carry around a bottle of trevi water, in order to do so. kang joon picked up one of the green bottles and opened it without hesitation, just to be greeted with the typical hissing sound of a bottle containing a carbonated drink.
he blinked at the bubbles ascending for a moment, before letting out a small sigh. this would be much harder than he thought it might be. looking around, he stepped out of the kitchen and walked over to the living room, in hope to find one of his members. seonho, their beloved maknae was sitting on the couch and with a pout he walked over. time for more oldest and youngest brother interaction. of course he knew that the puppy look worked much better coming from the maknae line, but he had to try at least.
"seonho-ah~ would you mind helping hyung?" kang joon asked and planted his butt next to the younger male, while pressing the cooled bottle of water against seonho's cheek. "could you drink this? i don't like carbonated water. it tastes sour to me."
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rkbyunbaek · 4 years
·   ·   ·   ·   ·   ·   ·   ·   ·      DE:CODE MAY SCHEDULE,       ✧ ┊   200506 、    b.mil’s birthday vlive!
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for some reason he’s feeling quite nervous as he takes the cellphone their manager handed over to him when he dropped him off at the dorm after practice, positioning it on the floor in front of his bed in hopefully the right angle— or any angle that will make him look good and doesn’t end up cutting half of his face off. head tilting to the side in the direction he’s tilting the phone, brows furrowed in concentration. “you asked for it two days ago, didn’t you?” sohoon hyung said with a soft curl of his lips before pushing the phone into his hands and explaining how exactly the app he wants to use works, which settings he should use since usually it’s him or someone else from the company that sets these things up. baekhyun is doing it by himself this time, though.
without any staff members, without their manager. ( “i will watch, though. to make sure you’re not doing anything stupid,” he said. ) without his members. it’s going to be his first vlive alone. just b.mil and his fans on his birthday; a little surprise gift to thank them for all their birthday wishes. 
once he’s decided on a title for the live, he starts it.
baekhyun leans forward to the screen with a curious gaze, crossing his legs underneath him and reaches for the phone to adjust it a little more now that he can actually see himself. “does this look good?” he asks, trying to sound as if he’s fully concentrated on the task. actually, he’s just pushing for more time to let fans see the notifications for his vlive on his phone. waiting for more fans to join and he can barely hide the smile that’s curling onto his lips when he sees the comments rushing past, viewer and heart count going up more than he expected it would.
leaning back against the end of his bed, he drops his hands in his lap and just stares at the screen, smiling. 
the comment section is full of greetings and even more birthday wishes and there are a lot of crying emojis as well, fans expressing their surprise and happiness. baekhyun’s glad that he could make them this happy already -- he didn’t even do anything yet. so he raises his hands and waves them in front of the screen, “hello,” grinning at himself, “it’s b.mil! hello, hello.”
“i thought i’m going to surprise you, are you happy?” baekhyun laughs as the comments tumble in, “oh, i’m glad. thank you for all the birthday wishes. thank you so much, it made my heart all warm.” he runs his fingers through unruly locks. “shall we have a birthday party together?”
“just a little one because it’s late and i want you all to get enough sleep. you have school tomorrow, don’t you?” leaning in a little, he squints his eyes to read the comments. trying to see which one he can catch because they vanish again because of all the spam. “some of you have to work tomorrow? me too, i wish i could sleep in… i don’t like getting up early, but i’ll work hard for all of you!”
he falls silent for a moment, just reading through the comments and humming along to them as if he’s having a conversation with someone. as if he wasn’t completely alone in his shared room after nicely throwing his roommates out.
“oppa, please wish me luck for my exam tomorrow,” he reads out loud, “you have an exam tomorrow? isn’t it a bit early? ah, it’s for cram school? i see, i see. good luck then! just stay calm even when you don’t know an answer and don’t forget to read through everything once before you turn it in. i always forgot… i bet my grades would have been better if i did that each time.” laughter escapes him as fans ask him about school, his grades.
conversations moving along quickly and baekhyun finds himself more often than not staying silent. just trying to read what everyone’s writing. 
fans ask him about it, whine about him being too quiet.
“ah, why? i’m trying to read everything you write but you’re all so fast. i thought i was quick at typing.” he chuckles. “you want me to tell you about my birthday?”
he does.
tells them how the whole group woke him up in the morning just for seonho to smash his face into some birthday cake -- the de:code tradition that he loves so much and considered banning forever in the very moment frosting and buttercream stuck to his cheeks and eyelashes. he makes sure to mention how he had an easy day when there was only practice in store for him and how he spent his breaks reading through their birthday wishes. “my mom called me really early to gratulate me. she even sent me some cake,” baekhyun says and smiles, “actually—” he goes on and gets up from the floor with a grunt before walking around the room to get the cake he just told everyone about. grabbing it from the desk he left it at before getting ready for the live.
“—i have it right here,” he continues as he drops back down in the spot he was in before, a plate with a cake in his hands. simple white frosting, strawberries and long, thin candles on top. of course, his mom sent him more than just that, something to share with the members and a birthday card. a bracelet as a small gift that he’s still wearing despite being in his pajamas. “i thought that it would be nice if we ate it together.” baekhyun chuckles, a sheepish expression on his face as he shows the cake from all angles, careful that it doesn’t slip on the floor.
“do you like that idea?”
another laugh comes from him at the overwhelming response and he lifts his fork up to point at the phone screen. “okay, then let’s sing for me first, hm?” he licks his lips. “one. two. three.”
he sings quietly to himself;
breaks out into shy laughter in between but goes on until his birthday song is over. “i hope you all sang with me! it’s not embarrassing since it’s for me, right? right? let’s eat now, my mom bakes really well so i’m sure it tastes amazing…” and right when he’s about to dig his fork in, the door to his room opens. without a knock, just like that. it startles baekhyun, makes him flinch a little.
that whine is familiar and baekhyun can’t help but grin when he sees seonho standing in between the door frame with a pout on his lips and shoulders hanging low all while the chat is going crazy over the voice they just heard.
“hyung. the others are watching a horror movie even though i said i don’t want to see one because it’s scary and— wait, are you eating cake? without me—” seonho is walking over to him as he speaks, whines at him, before he notices the cake sitting in his palm. baekhyun can see the surprise all over his face, followed by his tongue swiping over his lips. ( seems like baekhyun won’t share this cake with his fans only. ) “why didn’t you call— oh,” the younger’s gaze falls onto the phone on the ground in front of him. “what are you doing?” he bends his body low to take a peek at the screen. “are you doing a vlive?”
baekhyun can hear the excitement in his voice.
“yeah. for my birthday.”
“hello! hello!” seonho’s already leaning towards the phone, not quite listening anymore, and waving wildly. baekhyun sees the wide, happy smile that’s spreading across his lips on the screen. “i missed everyone, how are you?”
and he can’t help himself but to laugh at the cuteness dripping from seonho’s voice as he sits down right in front of the phone, reading the comments and greeting everyone back. a stream of hello’s falls.
“yes, i threw the cake at hyung’s face. it was so much fun!”
“where is shion oppa? where is vici oppa? you’re asking a lot about everyone. they’re watching a movie in the living room but it was a scary one and i got scared..”
“why i’m still awake? why not, it’s not that late yet. because of school? i don’t want to go.. it would be a lot more fun if we all could go together, wouldn’t it?”
all of a sudden, seonho drops back into his lap and baekhyun lifts the cake up to keep it from being squished. “hyung, i want to eat cake with everyone too,” he says and baekhyun uses the hand with the fork to pat his head, humming at him. 
“let’s eat it together.”
and it ends up with baekhyun feeding the younger in between snatching bites for himself as well. both of them telling the fans to keep this a secret from the other members, laughing, and baekhyun thinks that it’s a pretty neat birthday after all.
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memoriesofyccjungrk · 5 years
a closed starter for @rkseonho
there weren’t many people yoojung got to dote on in the company, primarily because she was among one of the youngest. not only that, but she was a hoobae to a majority of the trainees in the company, so it wasn’t exactly easy to dote on anyone – which is especially difficult for her. she’s the type of person who enjoys doting on other people and taking care of them, it’s always been her personality. so, those that she could dote on, she did. with seonho, it was easy.
it was hard with their schedules never seeming to line up these days, but eventually yoojung managed to drag seonho out of the studio one weekend, the two travelling to yoojung’s favorite chicken shop in dongdaemun. “ i swear, you’re going to want to order it to royal every day after we go – they’re that good. ” she comments on their way there, shoving her hands into her coat pocket as the autumn chill starts to settle in. “ i only allow myself to get them like ... once a month. it’s hard because if i could, i’d order food there every single day – however, i definitely don’t have the money for that. ” she chuckles, shrugging. “ but my dearest dongsaeng is worth it, ” she sing-songs as they make their way down the sidewalk.
“ can you believe it’s already october ? ” she murmurs, clicking her tongue. “ it’s hard to think back to where i was a year ago ... ” she comments, shaking her head. “ but thinking about it – are you planning anything for halloween ? ” she asks, although she figures it may be hard. “ i’m not sure what i’m gonna go as this year ... but dressing up is the best part, so i need to figure something out soon. ” 
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rovalent · 5 years
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              [ ♦ ] ROYAL ENT @royalent • Feb 18                DE:CODE (디코드)               < CODE:SET > TEASER IMAGES
              #에이스 #AC 
              2020.02.22 SAT 6PM               #DE:CODE #디코드 #WhatTimeIsItNow?
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rkwon · 5 years
one step closer.
despite this being their second bout of photoshoots and music video filmings, won still feels nervous when they arrive on location for the latter. it’s surreal to think everything is set out just for them — for their choreography and their songs and concepts. there’s so many staff milling around, stopping to greet them as they’re guided through and then the day begins. hair, touch-ups, group shots; won feels swept completely off his feet. not to mention it’s cold, his sensitivity to the bitter breeze passing through causing a shiver to run down his spine. he’s on break at the moment, other members having close-up or solo shots filmed, so he bounces his weight left and right on the spot to try and keep warm. 
“seonho!” he greets excitedly as he spots the younger also free. “how are you? are you cold? do you want to huddle for warmth?” though it’s intended as a question and certainly phrased as such, the pleading look in his eyes says otherwise. he’s already moving closer before seonho can answer but he highly doubts that the youngest will have any complaints. “how are you doing so far with filming? I still feel really awkward in front of the camera. I’ve never really had photos taken of me casually so it’s even crazier to be doing it professionally. I’m good with the choreography shots, though; that’s just dancing, after all, right? the set with the vines is really pretty, too. I’m just wondering how it’s all going to... fit together.” 
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rkjisoo · 5 years
healthy living,
it was fairly surprising to find out that they are all expected to haul all the memories and life they have built from the old royal building to this new one in a span of a short time. while she’s not exactly sentimental about the whole thing, the fact that she was forced to change her routine so quickly is what grates on her a bit. still, she’s not too jaded by her own selfish tendencies not to see the positive outcomes of this move. first on her list -- the organic cafe.
“seonho, it’s actually not that bad. please try it.” she urges the younger trainee, smiling before taking a bite of her salad. as of the moment, she feels like a mother making her stubborn child eat all the necessary vegetables for his growth. the only exception to this situation is that the child sitting across from her is already half her height and is definitely still growing. “i believe you might have to get used to eating healthy now. this should be an easy first step.”
being one quick to follow trends to see how she would take to them, it’s no surprise to everyone close to her that she’s been trying her hand with healthy eating as of late. it comes as a challenge as she’s living in a country where so much of the local cuisine is meat infused but so far, she’s getting by. this is why if anything, she’s the perfect candidate to try and encourage the young trainee. if all else fails, she has a foolproof method of compromise.
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rkshion · 5 years
a touch of color ;; ✩
he sits quietly on his chair, but minseok’s face doesn’t look as calm as it normally does. he was one of the firsts to start because they said his would take a bit longer, but some of the other boys barely got to sit before they were already done. the staff never give him a complete answer of when exactly he’d be done, so the boy simply accepts that he was bound to that chair for as long as it takes.
around his head is plastic to protect it from anything, including himself. whenever he impulsively tried scratching his head, his fingers were met with plastic, and like so, minseok was constantly reminded he couldn’t do that. so he sat there, holding onto his phone. each time he checked it, not even a minute had passed.
“seonho?” he turns to his right, staring at the younger boy beside him. they were the only two going for something colorful this time so, if anyone could feel what he was feeling, it was probably him. “i’m the only one with plastic…” they had told them why before. it was since minseok had to do some intense bleaching, unlike the others. “does your itch, too?”
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