rkidolships · 4 years
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Sehun / Hyun / Micha / Royal / Haru / Taeyong / Lay / Link / Jace / Seonghwa / Jinwook / Prhyme @rkohsehun, @rkhyun, @michaxrk, @rkxroyal, @rktaeyong, @rklandon, @sangyeonrk, @jacerk, @seonghwark, @rkjinwook, @seungcheolrk
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haknyeonrk · 4 years
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surprise LIVE ! per_se : 1 YEAR!!! ILY!!!
initially he had planned to write a long and cheesy instagram post. yet that didn’t seem like enough to convey his gratitude to the fans –– words were powerful, but he’s sure that they’d probably at least like to see his face. now that their promotions are over, they don’t exactly have a schedule packed for the month to actually meet their fans, and haknyeon thinks it’s about time he’s started doing more vlives. 
he takes a moment to think about what to title it, but settles on something simple and straightforward. “1 year!! ily!!!” he smiles and clicks start. it’s much different than an instagram live, because the hearts begin pouring in and haknyeon stares into the camera for a good few seconds, unknowing if anyone’s gonna watch. but they do and he smiles as he looks at the numbers increasing. he begins to read the comments.
“oppa, are you just going to stare at the camera? say something!”
immediately he turns to look at the camera, away from the comments and laughs shyly. “oh! sorry! i was really fascinated!” he laughs. at that he clasps his hands together and notices that the viewer count has increased, there’s a good number of people watching him now.
“everyone! it’s our one year already!” he beams, and he claps his hands together, smiling wide. “can you believe it’s already been one year with per_se? i wanted to celebrate it with all of you, that’s why i decided to do this vlive!” he continues, and he watches as the number of hearts continue to increase. “it’s something really special to me, and something that i think could only be achieved thanks to our fans! i can say thank you a million times but it’ll never be enough,” his words are sincere as he speaks, and he knows they aren’t face-to-face, but he hopes that his genuine gratitude can reach them. “i was going to write a long... cheesy... instagram post... but i wanted to be able to share this moment with all of you!” he smiles.
from the corner of his eye he spots a comment that says “do you miss hugo?” but he ignores it –– he has to. he’s not too sure if he’s allowed to speak on it, if the company might come after him if he does. it’s not exactly a situation that he can speak so candidly about.
the vlive proceeds, and haknyeon continues to read other comments. “what have you been doing lately?” a comment asks.
“me? i’ve been practicing of course~ i’ve been working really hard on my rapping and dancing and singing too! i want to make sure ceo hyunbin doesn’t call me a terrible singer!” he adds the last part cheekily, referring back to when the ceo had called him a terrible singer on television. it’s not as though hyunbin would watch these vlives, right? he’s sure a little playful jab wouldn’t hurt. 
another comment catches his attention. 
“i didn’t know you were friends with anna!” 
he smiles as he answers, “we are! anna noona and i went to the same highschool! she’s a year older than me and we didn’t see each other much in highschool since she was a trainee back then, but we got a lot closer after i debuted! she’s a dependable senior!” 
“are you close to convex?”
“definitely! i have a few friends in convex~ we’re buddies!” he smiles widely. it’s always fun to talk about his friends, and the friendships he’s made. “sang–– ah, link, haru, micha and i were actually all in a dance crew before we became trainees. it’s crazy right? then i became a trainee, and then link hyung, then micha, then haru... then we all debuted! they’re really close friends of mine! and they’re really talented too! how can i not be a consta when they have so many handsome members right?” he cheekily raises his eyebrows. “ah... but my bias is actually jinwook sunbaenim,” he laughs before he makes a heart with his hands. “jinwook sunbaenim, i love you!”
more comments continue to flow in, and it’s getting a little tough for him to read them one by one. but he notices the interest in his idol friends, and decides to speak about it.
“other idols i’m close to? i’m really close to de:code’s shion and a.c! jihoonie... seonho...” he calls out their name playfully. “i remember crying at jihoon’s graduation because i was sad that he was leaving school! super embarrassing right? but that’s how close we were,” he smiles fondly at the memories, and makes a mental note to check on jihoon. “and i’m really close to seonho too! we have a lot of history together,” he smiles, but ends it at that –– he isn’t going to disclose just how much history they have of course.
“of course i’m close to and*roma! they’re our sister group!” he says with a smile. “darae noona is like my nova mum! she took such great care of me when i first entered nova, i’ll forever be grateful to her!” he beams. “speaking of which, and*roma just had a comeback so be sure to listen to the song lots! i’ve been listening to it nonstop because it’s so good,” he holds up his phone and shows the and*roma album that he’s liked on melon. “and*roma is the best!” at that, he puts a thumbs up.
“if darae is your mum, then is hui your dad?”
haknyeon laughs out loud before he nods his head. “yes! you are one hundred percent correct!” the accuracy in that statement has him giggling a little more. “actually, let me tell you a funny story about hui hyung and i! when i first entered the company, hui hyung was like... a legend! like a legend among legends in the b-boying world! so of course i had to ask him to practice with me and help me train, right?” the comments begin pouring in with yes huidong oppa is a legend! and haknyeon nods. “and once while we were training, he was teaching me how to do this trick. it was really tough, but after trying a few times i got it! i was so happy and excited that i looked up at him and i said thanks dad! i called hui hyung dad!” he’s giggling as he tells the story, his encounter with hyung. he doesn’t think he’s shared this story anywhere else before, but what better time to share it then now during his vlive, right? “that was so embarrassing! and he just looked at me all surprised,” at this, he attempts to imitate huidong’s expression at that time, but he’s still laughing. “hui appa, hui appa,” he adds, smiling as he reads the comments, most of which were full of laughter. 
“i actually have a lot of funny anecdotes with all the members! like that one time jungwoo hyung and i got matching couple bracelets but we lost them and had to get new ones! and when i accidentally back hugged ricky hyung when i was still a newer trainee! that was actually quite scary,” he shudders a little, “but we’re closer now of course! and when hosung hyung and i went on an adventure in morocco!” these are fond memories of his, and he almost lets slip a memory he’s shared with hugo, but catches himself before doing so. 
he’s careful not to let his expression slip, and quickly he turns back to the comments. 
“can you say i love you noona?”
haknyeon reads the comment out loud and looks at the camera. “okay! be sure to record this alright?” he smiles. “noona, i love you!” he says, before he continues. “and for our male fans, hyung, i love you!” lifting both his arms, he makes a heart shape over his head.
“hyung loves you a lot junju”
he giggles at the comment and makes a heart finger. “i love you more hyung!” he says, scrunching his nose in an attempt to cutely show how serious he was at loving. 
another comment immediately catches his attention, and at this haknyeon bursts into laughter.
“5 hyunbin sajangnims or a 5 year old hyunbin sajangnim?”
he’s laughing as he reads the comment. usually you’d expect to see this question about the members but seeing one about your ceo is something he honestly didn’t think would happen. 
“ah... do i have to answer this? i’d rather not...” he replies. “it’s so funny just thinking about it. imagine me bowing 90 degrees to a five year old and greeting him with hello sajangnim!” he laughs. the image itself is funny to just think about. “for this... pass!”
haknyeon continues to read the comments, unaware of how much he’s been talking –– mostly because he’s having such a great time communicating with the fans. 
“put on some filters!”
“filters?” he repeats, fiddling with the screen. “ah... here we are!” he begins to play with a bunch of them, from a cat filter, to one of him in a beret, to a filter of him as a dinosaur. 
he opens his mouth wide, like how a dinosaur would and smiles. “this is how much i love you!” he says, and he attempts to open his mouth even wider, only to accidentally choke on his own spit. 
there’s a lot more talking during the vlive, most of which is full of haknyeon thanking the fans, and sharing stories that he can remember. like how nervous he was during their debut, and how happy he was when they celebrated his birthday with him. it’s only when a notification saying “your phone is at 20%” pops up, does he gasp a little.
“everyone! i didn’t realize i’ve been on vlive for so long!” he says, blinking at the screen. “i had so much fun talking to you that i didn’t notice how fast time flew by!” he smiles at the screen, glad to have spent his time talking and communicating with the fans. “i wish i could stay and talk for another hour but the phone is running out of battery! and i need to go back and practice,” he pouts a little at this, but he knows that he has to train. “thank you so much for loving per_se! we only made it to this one year milestone because of you guys! please look forward to what else we have in store!” he reaches out for the phone and feels a little sad, honestly, that he has to end this vlive. “bye bye everyone! i love you!” he kisses the screen and the live ends.
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rktaeyong · 4 years
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[ FROM. 컨벡스 ]   울고 싶지 않아 ~ 😥 ➡️ 🤩           CONVEX_태용☀️     📅 2020.09.08 🕒 22:31
hello consta, it’s me, taeyong! it’s been a while since i’ve posted on here, hasn’t it? ㅠㅠ i’m sorry to have kept you all waiting, but here i am! and there’s exciting news! you’ve heard about it, right? convex is coming back tomorrow! 😱 i’m so excited so i hope you all are also very excited! we worked hard to bring you a different concept than before so please continue supporting us! ❤️
have you seen the music video yet? i hope we came out looking cool ㅋㅋ we went to california to shoot the music video! have consta been there before? it’s changed since the last time i’ve been there! i’ve also changed since the last time i was there, so it felt refreshing to be back... even if it was REALLY REALLY hot, especially in the desert! 🥵 i missed california so much, but maybe not the summer heat.... ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
we took lots of fun pictures when we were there too! it was many of the members’ first time in california, so it was pretty exciting for everyone! look, isn’t sangyeon-ie handsome ㅋㅋ i took this picture of him and he looks so handsome, right? ㅋㅋㅋ he took this picture of me earlier in the day and i think i look alright! not as cute as he does though ㅋㅋ
i can’t wait to see all our consta again, i missed you all so much, it felt like such a long time... ㅠㅠ thank you for always supporting us, we will continue to work hard no matter what! until now this has been convex’s main vocal taeyong ~ remember to eat well and drink lots of water 💝
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rkjinwook · 4 years
• • •  NOW LIVE!
↩️  :  continued from part one...
the door opens to reveal a group of convex members, filing into the room with enough noise to blow out the viewer’s speakers. jinwook grins extra wide at the camera and pretends to be shocked, with a pleased waaaaaah~! getting drowned out among the cheers.
taeyong leads the way, throwing confetti that seems magnetized specifically to jinwook’s hair. well, jinwook imagines it would make a mess to anyone’s hair, but most of the other members are wearing hats to hide their recent salon updates: jaehyun with a cap on, woohyun with his sweatshirt hood pulled up, and sangyeon, seungcheol, and hyun following close behind. it’s a pretty chaotic sight. jinwook can’t wait to check his social media later to find blurry screenshots and theories of each one’s new color.
the last member to enter is sehun, carrying a small rounded cake lit with live candles. it’s quite the entrance. as they all squeeze into the camera shot and sehun sets the cake in front of jinwook’s chair, the cheers settle into something more recognizable: happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you! happy birthday dear jinwook, happy birthday to you!
it’s loud and chaotic and warms jinwook’s heart, smile splitting his face open as he sways along. when the song ends he closes his eyes and blows out the candles, and the room fills with more applause.
“thank you!!” jinwook says, almost at a yell. he tries again when the noise dies down. “thank you all, ahhh~ i’m so touched today~”  he holds a hand over his chest in a move that probably seems cheesy and insincere, but his heart really is racing. “even though it’s near the end, my teammates didn’t forget about me!!”
he slings his arms around the two closest members’ shoulders, having to reach up quite a distance to reach hyun’s. when jinwook looks up to joke about it, he’s reminded of another birthday gift. “oh—”
“how did i forget to mention earlier?!” jinwook reaches for his new songwriting notebook, and pulls a folded sheet of paper from the inside cover. “since hyun is here, i want to show consta another gift i received in the morning.” he laughs as hyun begins to protest — don’t show that, it’s embarrassing — and unfolds the paper. inside is a hand-drawn heart. “hyun gave me his heart~”
the room erupts in laughter and cooing and jinwook is floating on the adrenaline, easily surrendering the paper when hyun reaches for it again. it’s time for cake, anyway, and jinwook regains composure when he’s handed ( trusted with ) a large knife.
“first slice for consta,” he declares, holding a carefully sliced piece up to the camera. “today was really special because of you all~” with that the live begins to wrap up, as jinwook continues cutting slices and distributing them to his members, and the staff, too. “thank you so much for celebrating with me. i hope we can have many more v-lives in the future, and many more birthdays together too!”
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rkidolshop · 4 years
october 11, 2020
Restriction note: purchase waiting period begins 10/11/20, ends 12/11/20.
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rkxroyal · 4 years
a little bit of variety,
@sangyeonrk ; set a couple of days before weekly idol recording 
woohyun's always been curious, especially during promotion times-- where they go to so many different recordings. he's always wondering what they're going to do, what he'll say; he's thinking up various ideas and songs to showcase on variety shows or interviews. with weekly idol steadily approaching, he's already trying to think of what they might have to do; he's gone through a couple of the latest release episodes to check the types of activities and corners they're doing lately. he’s been trying to do better, especially on variety shows-- so he’s been putting extra care into trying to have some sort of idea before they officially record. 
he's in the middle of watching a group doing the random play dance bit when he sees someone enter the living room. glancing up, he immediately pauses, smiling when he notices it's sangyeon. "sangyeon-ah!" he greets, reaching up towards the couch to pat the seat. "do you wanna brainstorm for weekly idol?" he asks, grinning cutely. he directs his attention back to the computer, humming as he taps through the video. "i'm looking at some of the segments, trying to gear up for it. stay prepared, that sort of thing." he's not horrible at improvising, but it makes him feel much more comfortable having an idea of what to expect, or at least to gather up inspiration prior.
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rkohsehun · 4 years
missed arrows (to your heart)-*
the shots he missed were admittedly expected. his aim was never good to begin with even if he had improved during the short training they had. when the list of sports event were announced, it was archery that immediately caught his eyes. the training had been both tiring and fun - it usually is for every new things that he tries. of course, sehun was aware of how different the actual event will be compared to their practice shots.
despite the few missed arrows, he can't help but smile, but not without some embarrassment. at some point he was sure it was his posture that messed up his aim, and that helped him in redeeming himself. the positive cheers he gets from the fans, as well as from the members helped a lot too. in fact, after the first missed shot, sangyeon's voice was heard as clear as day that he couldn't help but laugh fondly before giving the older male a quick finger heart to let sangyeon know he heard. it's one of the reasons why he had almost literally flew his way towards sangyeon, giving the older male the signature sehun hug.
"hyung!" he chirps, grinning happily. the members do have that effect on him. "thank you for cheering for us! did i successfully get your heart?"
for @sangyeonrk​
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rkevent · 4 years
Below is a list of all the submissions received so far for ISAC 2020 (make sure to read the update + post if you haven’t yet). The deadline for submissions is at midnight EST at the end of September 30th, Wednesday.
Kim Hongjoong @rkhongjoong
Yoon Seonho @rkseonho
Kim Yerim @rkyeri
Lee Sunmi @rkmiya (AND*ROMA)
Lee Seunghwan @rkkangjoon
Joo Haknyeon @haknyeonrk
Jo Haseul @haseulrk
Kang Seulgi @seulgirk
Kim Sejeong @rksejeong
Kim Doyeon @rkdoyeon
Park Sooyoung @rkjxy
Son Naeun @rkcheri (LUXE)
Hong Jonghyun @rkhyun  
Ha Huidong @rkhuidong (PER_SE)
Lee Taemin @taeminrk (NSG U)
Lee Jaehyun @rkharu 
Jung Jaehyun @jaehyunrk
Lee Taeyong @rktaeyong 
Jeon Wonwoo @rkwon 
Choi Seungcheol @seungcheolrk
Byun Baekhyun @rkbyunbaek
Kim Jennie @rkjennie
Lee Sangyeon @sangyeonrk
Park Jihoon @rkshion
Bae Joohyun @rkjoohyvn
Kim Jinwook @rkjinwook
Lee Minho @rklino
Nam Woohyun @rkxroyal
Lee Siyeon @rkness (K.ARMA)
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haknyeonrk · 4 years
♡ @sangyeonrk
it’s been a long day. with their comeback, per_se have had schedule after schedule ( which of course, haknyeon is thankful for ), and it’s understandable for them to be a little tired. they’d just ended recordings for music bank and according to their manager could either a) head back to the dorm to the rest or b) partake in the samsung party where trainees and other idols would be there.
and of course, it’s only natural for haknyeon to say yes! let’s party! –– aside from the need to be sociable, the thought that sangyeon would be there has him practically jumping with joy. he doesn’t even remove his stage makeup, instead heads straight to the hotel. and if he’s being honest, he’d touched up on his lip makeup with lip balm just a little for his boyfriend. 
he’d missed the performances because of his schedule, but at the very least he saw a few familiar faces there. the moment he spots sangyeon though, his smile grows and like a moth to a flame, he runs up to the older boy. happiness immediately overwhelms him –– it had been harder for the both of them to meet separately with just how busy they’d been. smiling, he surprises his boyfriend with a backhug and a soft laugh. “guess who!” he says aloud, attempting to hide his identity by lowering his voice ( though he wasn’t very good at that, admittedly ). “i’ll give you a hint... it’s your favourite person!”
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rkidolshop · 4 years
october 11, 2020
Restriction note: purchase waiting period begins 10/11/20, ends 11/11/20.
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haknyeonrk · 4 years
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junjustagram hi everyone! i was video calling with sangyeon hyung the other night (omg successful consta!) and he told me that convex’s comeback is going to be super great!!! ahhh i’m so excited!!! the teasers already look so good!  🥰 ps. we took this photo when we went on a fun date ~ please don’t get jealous!!! i guess you could say... i have a special LINK with sangyeon from convex! 😳 
( –– with @sangyeonrk )
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rkohsehun · 4 years
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convex & heartz family love continues! september 7, 2020 @ sphere building mentioned: @rklandon​, @jacerk​, @sangyeonrk​, @rktaeyong​, @rkhyun​
the schedule for the month has been announced, and everyone is aware how busy september is going to be for everyone. at some point, sehun has been hit with an urge to do something to express his support for their sibling group, heartz. naturally, he asked the members first, telling him about the idea and he's glad to know almost everyone is happy to help him push through!
it's nothing big, really, just something simple. the picnic, he finds, really was such a breath of fresh air for everyone and he wanted to do something similar to that. it’s a good way to take it slow, even for a moment, and have fun before they face the busy month head on again. he'll be dropping by the heartz' practice room with the members (hoseok, sangyeon, taeyong, jace and hyun) during lunch break to bring some food, coffee and some energy drinks for the girls and wish them good luck for their preparations for the month!
Let’s go, convex and heartz!
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rkidolshop · 4 years
[ 07/16/2020 ]
Restriction note: purchase waiting period begins 07/16/20, ends 10/16/20.
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