#rl otp: hartebeest
priceofwarmclothes · 5 years
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As many of you are already saying goodbye to 2019 and welcoming in 2020, it’s time for Nikki’s annual love fest, aka: my end of year follow forever.
This year marks a full decade that I’ve been on tumblr (November 2019 was my ten year anniversary!). This year was a rollercoaster, but it brought so many new people into my life that I am SO happy to be bringing with me into the new year. Thank you to everyone who has made my experience on this site something worth sticking around for ♥️
Now, just a little bit of love for some of my favorite people on this site (and on this earth)...
@kekela717 ♥️ The Sana to my Noora, the Cristina to my Meredith, the Maria to my Liz — there is no better complement in the world than you. Thank you for being my forever reminder that fandom is the family you create with it, and for always making it easier to love myself because I know how easy it is for you. I love you in every universe our souls have met.
@soundoftherain ♥️ I always call you my better half and that never feels like an understatement. You are the most incredible person I have ever known, truly my soulmate in every sense of the word. I love you with every atom in my body and I cannot wait to give you the world’s biggest hug in February. We’ll get to celebrate bringing in a new year together in person soon, I promise x
sweet Chasing
@chasingshhadows ♥️ I cannot hardly wrap my mind around the fact that I only “met” you a few short months ago. Never before have I been so happy to make a subtly shippy gifset that brought you into my life. Thank you for being a bright spot in my life always, from your comforting messages to the pictures of your kitties, to just knowing you’ll always get it whenever I need to talk about something. You’re something special, to me and in this world. I love you so much.
Amanda darlin’
@bisexualalienblast ♥️ My life feels emptier when you’re not around; there’s a big giant Amanda-shaped hole in my heart. But then I remember you’re out there, being your beautiful self for all the world to see, and everything feels right again. Thank you for always being kind to me and giving me a place to belong. Without you, @goodvibesinroswell would never have happened. You gave me the courage and I’ll be forever grateful. Love you, cupcake.
Lucie angel
@lsobelevans​ ♥️ mon ange, how I adore you. Your talent is only surpassed by your giant heart, I hope you know. Talking to you always makes me feel the warmest, fuzziest feelings. You’re like a warm cup of hot cocoa in human form, just full cosy vibes 24/7. I always feel better after talking to you, I hope I can give you back even a fraction of that.
@driftcombatible ♥️ I miss you always. I hope that 2020 is your best year yet and you achieve everything you put your mind to. You’ll forever be one of those people that I met and changed my life, I hope you know that. I know you hate feelings and getting sappy, so just know this — thank you for putting up with me when you didn’t have to. It didn’t go unnoticed.
@bethxchilds ♥️ You might not see this but I couldn’t leave one of my most important people off this list, just in case you happen to log into tumblr at some point in 2020. I love you and you are capable of more than you know. Please know that you’re always on my mind and I adore you more than I can ever say.
@universallongings ♥️ This year marks an entire decade that my life has been blessed by you and I cannot imagine my world without you. I hope I never have to, and the universe lets me keep you for as long as possible. I love you, Katiebug. I know you’re a queen and a warrior, who will conquer 2020 :)
@some-mad-lunge ♥️ my birdie, I love you so much. You are so unbelievably kind, the world needs more people like you. You fight the bad feelings the same way I do, by trying to overwhelm them with love and positive feelings. It’s admirable and I hope you never lose that. May 2020 be as kind to you as you are to the world.
Christi dear
@christchex ♥️ I’m so incredibly grateful that I met you this year. I know we’re newer friends but I hope to get to know you even more next year and learn even more things about you that I just know I will love. I’ll never be over the fic you wrote me this month, I genuinely must reread it a few times every week. It’s absolutely perfect, you captured everything that makes me happy - - the same way that talking to you does.
@kylesliz ♥️ my baby girl, may we never part ways no matter how many fandoms with unlikable faves we encounter. I’m so glad the universe let me keep you after you stumbled into my life so many years ago. You’re my sunshine girl, forever and ever. Thank you for being the brightest babe in my galaxy x
@laurenkmyers​ ♥️ guhhh, I just love you a lot, okay? Every single time we talk is my favorite time. Every time I glance at the clock and it’s 21:21, it feels like the universe is giving me a little reminder that you are out there being your wonderful self and it makes my heart smile. Always remember: du er ikke alene.
@malicat ♥️ Thank you for being a constant in my life all these years. I never tell you enough how much I appreciate knowing that if no one else in my life is watching a given show, at least you probably are (at least half the time, haha). Your warmth and kindness you’ve given me over the years is something I hope to keep forever, ilu xo
@acomebackstory ♥️ I know that you don’t always feel like you have a place, but I hope you know that you will always have a place with me. I hope 2020 is kind to you, and that you find peace where you can. These good vibes are for you :)
@dingletragedy ♥️ Soph! Your little messages to me throughout the year have put a giant smile on my face every single time. Seeing all you’ve accomplished in 2019 has only made me more excited for what adventures you’ll go on this coming year. Thank you for always brightening my life with your sunshine.
new pals in 2019, can’t wait to get to know better in 2020
aka: you’ve been saved from my love fest for now, watch out next year ;)
@itslizortecho @jumbled-nonsense @lesbiennesdangereuses @manesguerin @ohstarlings @soberqueerinthewild
darlings that I will love in every universe
aka: y’all bitches love skam as much as me, buckle up for skamfr!
@beejohnlocked @capseycartwright @littlelooneyluna
forever babes (even tho I mostly lurk in the fandom now)
aka: robron is still in my heart but not as much as you darlings
@aarobron @benthighway @callumsmitchells @kayceecruz @maxbowdens @robertisbisexual @rcbertsugden @rollynchs @thisissirius @wycombewanderer
angels who have been in my life & my heart for years
aka: the mutuals who never unfollowed even tho we’ve fandom hopped
@joshdundun @oscarrbait @pretendtofly @ravenclawwit @watchp0int
Happy New Years, everyone. I love you all ♥️
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soundoftherain · 10 years
I just recently started watching Rookie Blue and I'm almost done with S1 and I'm already obsessed oops.
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priceofwarmclothes · 5 years
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happy birthday to my better half @soundoftherain ♥️
Part two of my February birthdays — today is the birthday of my best friend and soulmate, my Leahbee, my bumblebae 🐝
I hope you have the very best day imaginable. I am so lucky to get to spend your birthday with you in person this year — can’t wait to leave for the aquarium in a minute!!
Thank you for being the very best friend I’ve ever had and always being there when I need you, or just when I want you. Being my best friend is not easy but you never complain. Everyone in the world needs a best friend like you — but they can’t have you, you’re mine ;)
I love you to the stars and back, infinity and forever ♥️♥️♥️
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priceofwarmclothes · 5 years
Happy birthday darling, love youuuuu 💝💜
thank you, favorite human ever 💕I love every little thing about you, from your enthusiasm to your brilliant mind to your kind heart. Meeting you was my own personal gift from the universe and I am glad I get to keep celebrating it year after year. Looking forward to hopefully seeing you next year x
let me love you for my birthday
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priceofwarmclothes · 5 years
oh cool, I get to send love to my favorite person on this earth. Thanks, anon ♥️
1.) Leah is my bee, my bumblebae. She is my better half, my soulmate. I am v grateful that the universe brought us together almost a decade ago.
2.) Even if she doesn’t share a fandom/interest with you, she’ll still listen to you if you need to talk about it. I can’t tell you how many times I need a safe space to yell about a tv show or otp that she’s never heard of/watched/cared about, and she just lets me talk her ears off.
3.) Leah is resilient in a way that I can never do justice with words. No matter what is put in her way, whether it’s real life or fandom or sports, she never lets anything keep her down. She takes her time to feel her feelings and then she moves on. I admire that so very much about her.
send me “@” + a url and i will have to say 3 nice things about that url
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priceofwarmclothes · 6 years
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As 2018 comes to a close, I wanted to take a moment to send some love to a handful of people who made my last year not only survivable, but incredibly enjoyable ♥️
@kekela717 ♥️ You are my most special complement. You are my Sana, my Cristina, my Maria, my Bren. There is no one in this world I’d rather hide a body for ;) You are my infinite strength so that I can be soft. Everything that we’ve shared has been better because it’s been with you. Thank you for always protecting me and encouraging me and allowing me to be my best self.
@soundoftherain ♥️ You are and will always be my better half. I am heartbroken that my soul had to be split in two and separated to opposite coasts, but I can never regret that you were placed in my life. Knowing you has made me better, and loving you has been my privilege for these last nine years. I’m very much looking forward to bringing in the new year with you in person sometime soon x
@driftcombatible ♥️ Thank you for always putting up with me, even when I make it difficult. You are one of the most incredible and important people in my life. I try not to smother you too much, but please know that you are always on my mind and I am always wishing all the very best for you in this world. You deserve every good thing in this universe and I promise to always do my best to give you the best parts of it that I can.
@bethxchilds ♥️ The time I’ve spent this year with you has been some of my most favorite memories. Thank you for making time for me and always making me laugh until it hurts with your warm, open, easy kindness and silliness. Without even knowing it, you’ve helped heal some old wounds for me by helping me create new, better memories of the things we share. I love you more than I can ever say. (Ding!)
@universallongings ♥️ As much as I value your presence in my life and your friendship over these years, I am mostly just so proud of the woman you are for everyone in your life. Not just for me, but for all of your friends and family and coworkers and strangers — everyone who is blessed by your presence in their life, either longterm or fleeting, is so lucky to get to feel your sunshine. Thank you for always brightening my life, my pocket sunshine.
@joshdundun ♥️ I cannot believe than in just a few short months, we’ll have been friends for a decade. We’ve fandom-hopped so many times over the years, and I cannot explain to you how important it is to me that we’ve remained part of each others lives through it all. You are one of the most beautiful, precious people I’ve ever known and I’m so glad you’ve kept me around all these years.
@robertisbisexual ♥️ My sweet, sweet Malorie. Thank you for always checking in on me, and making sure I’m doing okay. It means more to me than I could ever say. Whether it’s to kill me with feels or send me silly messages, you are forever and always putting a smile on my face. I’m so glad Brit got me into this fandom so that I could meet you and become your friend. You are truly one of the most important and special people in this fandom and we need you here to keep us grounded. I adore you so much, thank you for being such a wonderful friend to me.
@kayceecruz ♥️ You are the reason I ever got over my fear of making gifs for the ED fandom, and I can never thank you enough for this. Your requests over the last year have gotten me out of my comfort zone and made me create some things I’m really proud of and would never have made without you. I’ve missed over the last few months, but you’ve been on my mind a lot. I hope you have the best 2019 x
@dingletragedy​ ♥️ Soph! Your gifts for me during the robron fandom appreciation week were so, so sweet and thoughtful. The fake dating AU was so clever! and all the hugs ♥️ and especially the playlist you made me, I still listen to that and feel all the feels. Thank you for always being so kind and welcoming in the fandom. We don’t chat as much as I’d like, but I hope you know you’ve made my life lovelier since having met you :)
@lilynightingales​ ♥️ confession: I was so incredibly nervous to participate in the robron fandom appreciation week and I was terrified to make you something you would secretly hate, but you were so, so gracious and friendly and I cannot tell you how much it meant to me that you liked your gifts. You have been a lovely part of my first year in this fandom and I am very grateful to have met you.
new robron sweethearts from my first year in the fandom
aka: you all make my heart smile and I am too awkward to talk to you more but pls know I think you are all the best and ilu
@prettyboysugden | @thompsonharry | @blondhairedking
@capseycartwright | @littlelooneyluna | @thisissirius | @wycombewanderer
some perf ladies who are not mutuals but who make my dash better by existing and making beautiful things
@robertisanidiot | @thisdamndesire | @justleavemebreathless
other angels whom have been in my life for years and whom i will never let go and would give the moon to if i could ♥️
@malicat | @robertssugdens | @ravenclawwit
@watchp0int | @pretendtofly | @oscarrbait
Happy New Years, everyone. I love you all ♥️
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priceofwarmclothes · 6 years
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Happy International Women’s Day, my beautiful ladies! ♥
On this very important day, I want to talk about some of my very favorite women and how incredible they all are. As always, this is by no means a comprehensive list of all the ladies who make my life better every day, so thank you to all the women out there making this universe a better place by being a part of it :)
@kekela717 Boo, thank you for always believing in me and protecting me and encouraging me. I quite literally could not do any of it without you, but your faith in me makes me believe that maybe I could.
@soundoftherain Bee, thank you for being the very best soulmate a girl could ever ask for. I call you my better half for a reason, when the truth is that there are a billion reasons. You are stronger than you know, more resilient than you know, and capable of anything you truly want. I will fight the world to care for you and keep anyone from making you feel anything less than the radiance you are.
@driftcombatible Liv, thank you for putting up with me, simple as that. I know I’m a lot, but thank you for not pushing me away when I know it’d be easier to.
@shaneemadej Sam, thanks for being my own personal sunshine, forever and always. You’ve been brightening my life for years and I will keep you for as long as you’ll let me. Your beauty shines in a way that you’ll never realize but I soak it up every single day ♥
@bethxchilds Mariah, thank you for choosing me and trusting me and loving me. It’s a blessing I can never put into words. I miss you and I hope whenever you are able to see this, you keep it safe in your heart forever.
@joshdundun Alexa, thank you for being a part of my life for so long, no matter how many different paths our lives have taken. All I want in this world is for you to smile and be happy and love yourself the way that we all love you. In the meantime, I am happy to love you to the stars and back.
@coldwaaughter Brit, thank you for being one of the very best parts of every fandom we’ve ever shared. Sorry not sorry but you’re never getting rid of me ;) You’re such a sweetheart and I will owe you forever for dragging me into the ED fandom and introducing me to so many additional incredible women.
@robertisbisexual Mal, thanks for being a pillar of this community, a strength that we all draw from whenever things get awful and insane. Your humor and your wisdom are admirable and always make my life better.
@universallongings Katiebug, thank you for being a role model for every young (or older) woman out there — a reminder that it is possible to be both incredible strong and beautifully delicate in everything that you do. You are everything that I want young girls to grow up seeing in this world.
@dingletragedy Soph, thank you for being one of the strongest, most delightful people in my life. I smile every time I see you post about your football team or overcoming whatever life throws your way. You should be very proud of yourself, I know I am :)
@thompsonharry Lucy, thank you for always being a bit of brightness on my dash even when it feels like the rest of it is devolving into a dumpster fire ;) I tell you all the time but your enthusiasm is infectious and makes my heart happy to see. The world needs more people like you in it ♥
@justleavemebreathless Jacqueline, thank you for being one of the most creative, talented people I’ve ever met, in addition to one of the sweetest. I am still #shook that you liked my gifts for you for the rbrn secret valentine :3 You made my life that day and I will never forget it.
@capseycartwright @prettyboysugden @littlelooneyluna @kimtates @kayceecruz @thisissirius @wycombewanderer @blondhairedking​ ladies, thank you for being part of my fandom family and always making me feel welcome. I love seeing all of you on my dash every day and am grateful you gave me a place to belong :)
@oscarrbait @pretendtofly @watchp0int​ @ravenclawwit​ @malicat​ sweethearts, thank you for being such wonderful, lovely parts of my experience over the last few years. We’ve been friends for ages and I cannot imagine my life without any of you.
tl;dr: I love you all so very much. Thank you for always putting up with my mushy, soppy self. Y’all forever the mvps x
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priceofwarmclothes · 6 years
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wishing the very happiest of birthdays to @soundoftherain ♥️
Today marks part two of my February babes’ birthdays —happy birthday to my better half, my bee, my leah x
I hope you had the very best day, my love. I hope you got to have a lazy morning, and you enjoyed your zoo trip. I hope your dinner at Red Robin is the tastiest, and your Oreo cheesecake is to die for. I hope you get to have a relaxing evening with a good fic and some Luna snuggles.
You are the very best thing in my life, and the most precious thing in the world to me. Thank you for being my best friend and letting me love you for all these years. You are truly my bumblebae 🐝💛
Happy Birthday, sweetheart. I adore you so, so much.
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priceofwarmclothes · 6 years
Hello, my beautiful better half 💛💜 my favorite thing about you is how resilient you are. You may not always feel it, but you always are. You are the type of person to always keep fighting, no matter what, and the world needs more people like you in it. Unfortunately for the rest of the world (but fortunate for me), you are one of a kind precious and I get to call you my best friend.
Send me a 💗 and I’ll give you a compliment!
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priceofwarmclothes · 7 years
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As we say goodbye to 2017, I wanted to take a second to love up on a few people who made this last year very special to me. Last month marked eight years on tumblr for me, and I’m grateful to the people who make me stick around ♥
@driftcombatible ♥ I would not have survived this year without you, Olivia. 2017 kicked me on my metaphorical ass a few times, and you were always there to help me back up and dust me off. There is no one else I’d rather have in my defense squad. You’ve been a strength I could never deserve. No matter what has gone on, you’ve become someone I know I can always depend on for support and an easy smile. You make being happy an easy thing for me. I love you.
@kekela717 ♥ You are my most beloved complement, Heather. My Sana, my Brennan, my Maria, my Cristina — your friendship makes me better. No one else makes me feel as cared for as you do. You make me feel like my best self, because I know you appreciate all the things about me that I tend to hide away or minimize. You remind me to not only not hide those things, but to be proud of them. I will never stop being grateful that our shared experience gave me the best kindred spirit to ever exist.
@soundoftherain ♥ There are no words, Leah. None. Not a single one that is enough to tell you what you mean to me, what you are to me. My better half, my soulmate, my bee. You are my constant when I feel my shakiest, messiest self. You are the most precious, important thing in this universe to me and I value your presence in my life with every breath I take tbh. Thank you for being my forever-reminder that I cannot be alone when you are out in the world too.
@grahammarians ♥ Oh dear, what can I even say about my loveliest Justine? There has always been something about you, something that made me feel safe and comforted, from the very very beginning. I know I tell you all the goddamn time, but you are a very rare, very special person, someone who can make me feel like my messiest parts are okay. I know that no matter what I text you, no matter how weird or awful or messed up I feel, you will always make me feel okay. I muv you more than words, babe. My precious muvbug x
@robertssugdens ♥ Thank you for (unintentionally) dragging me into my latest obsession, Brit :3 You and I have shared many, many fandoms over the years and I’m always so happy to see when we’ve got a new one. There’s no one else I’d rather scream at about Scorpion and Gotham and (now) Emmerdale. You are the sweet, sweet, sweetest and I treasure every message we’ve ever shared.
@bethxchilds ♥ You are a light in my life, Mariah. Time with you is something that I am always looking forward to, something to get me through some of my worst days. Even when things seem dark, I always have your friendship to brighten my life. Thank you for suffering through awful (and good!) tv episodes and mushy feels for all these years. Give my step-daughter a kiss on the head for me, please.
@universallongings ♥ There is no one else in the world I would bundle up and suffer through our horrendous weather for besides you, Katie. You are the kind of friend that I am always proud to say “that’s my girl, Katie” to anyone in the world. You’re the kind of person that anyone who knows you is grateful for. Your talent is boundless and I hope you never lose that ambition to make this world a better place. The world needs more people like you in, but we’re lucky to have just-very-special-you.
other angels
@ultimatescream || @malicat || @ravenclawwit @watchp0int || @matthewdaddarino || @joshdundun @pretendtofly || @oscarrbait || @redeyefoxes ♥
new friends I’m looking forward to getting to know in 2018
@farous @capseycartwright @robertisbisexual ♥
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priceofwarmclothes · 7 years
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happy birthday to my better half, @soundoftherain 🐝💛
I am blessed enough to have back-to-back birthdays for two of my favorite ladies in the world, so here goes for birthday no. 2!
To the other half of my heart and soul, I hope you have the very best day. I hope you get a slow, lazy start to your morning. I hope you get snuggle time with Luna. I hope your day is quiet and warm and cosy.
Treat yourself to some chai tea and an afternoon of reading and maybe a good tv episode or two. You deserve to be pampered, and since I am not there to take care of you, I guess you’ll have to pamper yourself ;)
Thank you for being my very best friend, and my soulmate. Your presence in my life is the most comforting thing in the world, knowing you’re out there in the universe, and so I can never truly be alone.
I love you into the infinite universe and back, my darling. I hope you have the happiest birthday in the world ♥♥♥
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priceofwarmclothes · 7 years
My bee 🐝💛  Your brain amazes me on a near-daily basis… the way you’re able to process information and interpret the world around you… I know you’ll be humble about this, and say it’s just from experience, but (to me) it’s not. It’s just part of who you are. You see the world in this really special, unique way, and it makes me so happy when you share your world-view with me, even in small doses. Thank you for being such a lovely part of my life, I hope we stay friends forever and always and you never stop letting me experience your amazing self ♥♥♥
for this meme
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priceofwarmclothes · 7 years
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Happy International Women’s Day, loves! ♥
I just wanted to share a little love for some of my favorite ladies, but this is by no means a comprehensive list of all the ladies who make my life better on a daily basis :)  Thank you to every lady out there making this world better just by being your beautiful selves ♥♥♥
@driftcombatible Liv, thank you for always making an effort for me, and making me feel worth the effort. You are everything to me, and I would never shut up about it if I didn’t know how much you hate the feels :3
@kekela717 Boo, thank you for loving, protecting, and encouraging me with everything you are and do. You are the best complement I could have ever dreamed of, and so much more.
@soundoftherain Bee, thank you for being my better half and my forever reminder that I’m not alone x I am so excited to see you this summer and get some much-needed bee-snuggles :)
@jimsharvey Sam, thank you for being my own personal sunshine and someone who makes me smile every time we talk <3
@robertssugdens Brit, thank you for dragging me into the best fandom I’ve been in, in a very long time. I know it’s messy af but I like my little corner you’ve adopted me into :)
@robertisbisexual Mal, thank you for making me laugh, even when you don’t know you’ve done it. You’re forever doing the Lord’s Work™ dealing with the insanity around here and you know I think you’re one of the strongest, toughest ones we’ve got. We’re so lucky to have you.
@capseycartwright Lorna, thanks for putting up with my random msgs and killing me with your beautiful writing. You’ve made me feel so accepted here from the very beginning, and it means more than I could ever say.
@kayceecruz @littlelooneyluna Kat & Nicole, thank you both for being so welcoming to me while I’ve gotten my feet wet in this fandom! (Kat, special thank you for asking someone to make you that gifset that inspired me to get over my fears and make my first gifset for this fandom :3) You both make me smile when I see you on my dash, and I look forward to getting to know you both better.
@bethxchilds Mariah, thank you for making every memory we have together better just by being a part of it. I think you and I might have more inside jokes than any other two people on earth, but I wouldn’t want to share them with anyone else.
@universallongings Katiebug, thank you for making me want to leave my house and spend hours in your radiant company. You inspire everyone who crosses your path, and I hope you keep inspiring me for the rest of our lives.
@ravenclawwit Kate, thank you for being a constant in my life over the years, and for never unfollowing me even when I spam a bunch of stuff you don’t care about ;) <3
@malicat @matthewdaddarino @oscarrbait @pretendtofly @watchp0int ladies, thank you all for being the loveliest friends I could ever ask for. I love every single thing we share in common, and even more than that, I love seeing you guys post about the stuff that makes you happy that we don’t share, because I just love seeing you guys enjoying things and being happy.
tl;dr: I love you ♥ Thank you to everyone for putting up with my mushy ass 24/7, y’all the real mvps always.
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priceofwarmclothes · 8 years
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Today is Christmas Day, and while I don’t have enough followers/follow enough people to ever do a ~follow forever~ I did want to take a second to spread some love to some people who made my 2016 on tumblr one of the best. I’ve been on tumblr for seven years now, and these are the people who make me keep coming back, and are some of my very best friends ♥ (Sorry in advance for the epic text wall; I have a lot of feelings, as always...)
[Leah] 🐃🐂
@soundoftherain​ ♡ This girl is my very best friend. I am convinced that the universe split one person into two and then sent us to separate sides of the continent (to torture us!). She is my soulmate, and my better half. I am so much more because of my friendship with her. I probably shower her with love too much and too often, to the point of embarrassing her with my tl;dr messages of feels, so I’ll just say: I love you, Bee.
Why you should follow Leah? If you like Sherlock, Shadowhunters, Supergirl, Elementary, Gilmore Girls, or pretty stock image posts, go follow my girl immediately!
[Anki] ☀️🐶
@softestisak​ ♥ *happy sigh* What can I say about Anki? Anki’s friendship has become this incredible presence in my life, and we’ve only been friends a short while — even though it feels like I’ve known her forever. Talking to Anki feels like curling up in a giant comfy bed, surrounded by warm, fluffy blankets fresh out of the dryer, your favorite song playing softly in the background, a cup of cocoa cooling on your bedside table, and a worn copy of your favorite book lying next to you. Anki is one of the sweetest, most thoughtful people that I have ever met. She has a kind word for everyone, and always makes me feel encouraged and cared for. She spoils me daily with pictures of her adorable cat and her own adorable face ;) She generously shares her incredible talent with us, posting beautiful gifsets that make me feel all the things. Talking to her is easily one of the very parts of my day. She’s just a comfort in my life, simple as that.
Why you should follow Anki? You probably already are, lbr (congrats on 7k, babe!) but if you’re one of the few who has somehow missed the train on this one... you should go follow her immediately! She posts the most INCREDIBLE Skam gifs in the fandom, along with incredible music recs, ask memes, silly posts... and I’m sure once Shadowhunters comes back next month, she’ll be back making incredible gifsets of that too ♥♥♥
[Liv] 😽🎶
@frisson-schism​ ♡ My dear sweet Olivia. Liv will get embarrassed by what I am about to say, but I am gonna say it anyway because it is true. I’ve always admired Liv, even back when she had no idea who I was. Liv has this larger-than-life personality (even tho she’s pretty reserved once you get to know her) that makes you want to be her friend. And I am so glad that we did become friends, because Liv is one of the very best people that I know. She’s someone who I always want to share things with, because they’re better and funnier when I get to share them with her. She makes me feel good about myself and my overbearing, intense affection that I often smother her with. She never makes me feel out of place, and that is a rare thing in this world for me. I am looking forward to many, many years of friendship with this girl, screaming about Dom and horribly wonderful puns.
Why you should follow Liv? Liv’s blog is one of the most active, quality blogs I follow tbh. She’s got hilarious puns, gifsets of pretty people (Shadowhunters, Pacific Rim, superheroes, Teen Wolf, Harry Potter, etc.) and her tags often make me laugh a lot :3
[Mariah] 💉🍓
@bethxchilds​ ♥ Mariah is probably the funniest person that exists in the universe. No one makes me laugh out loud as often as she does. Every single time we talk, she’d got me in an incredible mood. Mariah is that badass, hilarious female character that everyone loves in every tv show and movie. Why she still talks to me — the dorky, quiet nerd — is beyond me, but I am never letting her go ;)
Why you should follow Mariah? If you’re a fan of someone barely being on your dash, but then showing up with one 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻  post after months of silence, Mariah is the girl for you. (I kid... kind of.) When she does post, it’s all top notch — lots of superheroes, Orphan Black, aaand whatever random movie/show she’s gotten into eventually.
[Heather] 📺🎢
@kekela717​ ♡ Heatherrrrrr is one of my very best friends in this entire world. We’ve been friends for YEARS, and I share some of my best memories with her — riding that roller coaster in Vegas, Broadway in NYC, the CSI experience, every TV date we’ve ever had. Heather is the kind of friend that people dream about — she is unconditionally supportive, always there to listen and give advice, and will always make you feel happier after having talked with her. She always knows exactly what to say to soothe my anxiety and make me feel better about myself and every insecurity that I have. We’ve shared a lot of fandoms together, and they’ve become my favorites because of the time they’ve given me with her tbh.
Why you should follow Heather? If you like any strong, incredible female characters, chances are that Heather is posting about them. Heather is the strong female lead in my own life’s story, tbh. She reblogs a lot of posts from fandoms like The 100, Supergirl, Girl Meets World, and lately Skam (because I forced her to watch it, oops).
[Finn] 💖🌸
@isabelleightwoods ♥ Finn is a newer pal of mine, but he never fails to make me smile :3 He makes me feel very appreciated and that goes a long way in my book. Every time I bug him with a message to check on him (#mom friend), he never gets annoyed and always puts a smile on my face.
Why you should follow Finn? Finn’s tumblr has sooo many pretty people on it, from all kinds of shows. He ESPECIALLY has quality Shadowhunters content all over the place :3
[Tiffany] 🐯✨
@hardyparty​ ♡ Tiffany is one of my fave humans on this earth. She’s wicked talented, and yet so, so humble. She’s kind and thoughtful, and one of my very favorite Slytherins (I seem to keep collecting you guys!). She’s such an inspiration to me in so many ways.
Why you should follow Tiffany? Tiffany is an incredible graphic artist, who reblogs a lot of beautiful posts from many a tv show/movie, as well as adorable/funny posts from various fandoms. She is one of my fave multi-fandom blogs out there.
[Sam] 🔎❤️
@mikehubers​ ♥ This is Sam’s recently remade blog, but we’ve been pals for years and years (#teamhanna). Sam’s someone I’ve fandom-hopped with many-a-time, and every fandom we’ve ever shared makes it better to me. From CSI to Hawaii Five-0 to Pretty Little Liars to Teen Wolf to iZombie, this girl always has my back even when our faves are pretty much just ours.
Why you should follow Sam? Sam and I have bonded over many an unpopular fave in our days — Laurel Lance, Major Lilywhite, etc. — but she’s also a fan of more popular things like Emmerdale, Skam (especially Noora/William), and Supergirl.
[Brit] 💜💚
@quinntiss​ ♡ Brit is such a sweetheart and always lets me send her tl;dr messages about our shared shows/otps right after an episode airs; she always lets me flail at her about anything. She’s the queen of the Good Ship Quintis in my book, and leads the Oswald Cobblepot Protection Squad with full force.
Why you should follow Brit? If you like Gotham, Scorpion, Shadowhunters, and pretty much any quality ships (of which Brit has many!).
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priceofwarmclothes · 8 years
Quasar. (I fail at asks.)
Quasar: If you could spend the rest of your life with only one person, who would it be?
This is the easiest one anyone could have asked me.  I plan to happily spend the rest of my life with @soundoftherain ♥
Leah is my best friend, as well as the best friend. She is kind and thoughtful. She is passionate and silly. She is accepting, and bright and warm. She is everything special in this world to me. Her friendship makes me feel such comfort, in knowing that someone out there in this world loves me and thinks I am worthy of the title of her best friend. It makes me want to be the best version of myself, so that I earn that very precious title.
I am forever grateful that this universe brought me to the other half of my soul, even if we are separated by an entire continent (for now). I love you, Bee.
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priceofwarmclothes · 9 years
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Today is a very important day.
Today is my best friend’s birthday.  Twenty-something years ago, the most beautiful person I’ve ever known was gifted to this world, and I thank my lucky stars every day for this, and for her.  I want to spend every day of my life celebrating her, but for this one day, everyone gets to join me.
Meeting Leah, becoming friends — and then best friends — with Leah, loving Leah has changed me.  Knowing her has made me a better person.  My heart feels capable of indescribable affection because of her, because I need new ways to adore her.  Every minute i spend with her is my favorite, watching TV or talking about nonsense or getting super deep and emotional.
Because, Leah is a kind, gentle soul.  She encourages me to be myself, and she accepts me for who I am.  She never once has judged me for my obsessive, messy, empathetic heart.  She just listens, and loves.  She has given me a place to belong, a home, a family.  She deserves every good, beautiful thing in the world.
Leah is a dreamer, and a thinker, and I am marveled by her mind on a daily basis.  She sees the world in a way that never ceases to amaze me.  Sometimes I just sit back and admire how absolutely blessed I am to have met her, and that she calls me a best friend.
I met Leah at a time in my life when I was a broken mess of a person.  I had just been horribly betrayed by someone who I had considered a true friend, and I was convinced that I was not only unlovable but not worthy of anyone taking the time to care about me.  But Leah took the time to get to know me better, to console me, and be the best friend I’ve ever known.  She has always done, and been, exactly what I needed every step of the way for our entire friendship.
Truly, Leah is the best friend I could have ever dreamed up for myself.  She is my soulmate, my better half.  I will spend the rest of my life loving her, and reminding her how special and important she is to me.  She is my gift from the universe, and that is my forever gift to her.
Happy birthday, Leah.  I love you, bee.
ps.  part i of your gifts, a playlist of songs that when they come on shuffle, I think about you x
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