#rlly scratches an itch for me rlly gets me hooked on any show ever
sorrelpaws · 1 year
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i love a duo that is just so stupid
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neo-shitty · 2 years
ah im glad! yes i was thinking about that when i sent the ask :) hope your school stuff has been going okay darling. okay on with the show (and sorry its so long lol)
venom as i expected i rlly enjoyed immediately, we know im absolutely whipped for felix so i loooved the number of lines he got in that track, the hook in particular (literally just spiderweb repeated over and over ksnfjka i am a simple gal) was rlly cool and the percussion sorta clicking things scratched an itch in the back of my brain. im waiting for a spiderman edit to be done with it lol
maniac on the other hand took until maybe my fourth listen before i rlly started getting into the whole thing, i liked specific bits but it wasnt until i watched some of their performances that i got really into it. im lowkey obsessed with channies starting part and the prechorus dance (with changbin and then felix second time round) is so addictive. hyunjin as always went absolute insane with the choreo and his red hair is my life, i just *know* red hyunjin pcs are gonna be expensive
charmer is my fave track on the whole album honestly its got a different vibe to their old album tracks but i love it so much idk why. i didnt even pick it when the teaser mashup came out but it really stood out to me. the whistle, hans beginning rap, channies vocals everything just clicked. i personally found it amazing
freeze, tbh idk what i was expecting, i enjoyed it but something was jsut a little off maybe. in any other album i think it would have been amazing but venom and charmer trumped it for me (its my brother's favourite track lol) having said that, the trailer is my life and i need either for it to be made into an mv with a storyline or for someone to cast hyunjinnie in a drama as some kinda hot villain bcos good lord when he put that g*n to his head 😳
lonely street confused me when i first listened to it because the trailer made me think its was gonna have gone away vibes, another soft heartbreaky song but it was definitely not that. i did enjoy it, but it didnt really stand out to me enormously. i think it is my father's favourite track tho, he liked the rhyme of desolated and isolated haha
waiting for us my beloved that shit slapped. idk what it is with seungmin and channies and hard hitting ballads but they went hard with that one. i am obsessed with lino's strong vocals i wish they would use them more, hes got such a beautiful voice. the whole song has childhood friend vibes and tbh i love it. i cnat wait till it gets snapped up as an ost (can dramas use existing songs? idk but they should)
muddy water what the actual hell was that. like it wasnt a bad song but it was so bizarre? the combination of jazzy piano vibes and strong rap just messed with my head a little. it always confuses me when i put it on so idk. ive heard people like it tho
overall the album was so addictive and i really enjoyed it, even tho it was a shift from what i see as the tone of not only the i am era and other early skz but also in life/go live era. it sorta fit with noeasy better but also it was so different. i love to see skz challenging themselves with new feels for songs so while it wasnt what i expected i did like this comeback overall. i like how theyve stuck with a consistent concept as well noeasy was a little all over the place as much as i loved it, but oddinary seems to have its shit together
please, dont worry at all about the ask i sent, im so sorry you went thru smth and i can totally understand if its difficult for you to watch/talk about it, there are songs i cant listen to as well cos they are too hard for me so i totally get it. i mean no pressure at all and i wouldnt want u to force urself thru uncomfortableness for me, i just thought of you when i heard it so i wanted to let you know but i dont expect anything in return. you can answer it when youre ready if u want or u can delete it and ill still know that u read it, what ever is easiest for you darling
anyway id love to hear your thoughts, even (and especially) if theyre different to mine. hope youre doing well!
<3 aelia
so far, school has been good. i'm actually balancing things okay despite the influx of schoolwork.
venom - personally i thought felix carried this album HWHAHA and not just venom. a lot of people i didn't expect ended up liking venom so there's that. i do agree it has a hook that gets easily stuck in your brain (it's stuck in mine LMFAO and i don't even like the song that much). i haven't seen any spiderman edits yet, will be looking forward to it.
maniac - i do not like maniac or i think it would require a few more listens. for now, i think it's just an average track that i would listen to if it comes up on the queue but not by choice. in this track, i was particularly drawn to changbin x.x i think red hj pics are selling at 5.5 on yangdo if i saw that correctly earlier.
charmer - THE LITERAL LOVE OF MY LIFE. idt it carries the same vibe as old album tracks (bc i personally didn't like those wheeze) but it really is a great track. whenever i open oddinary, i start with this. *non-existent ass shaking*
and this is where i stopped listening to the tracks during my first listen.
freeze - freeze has a similar vibe to ateez' to the beat so i was kind of shocked to hear smth like it here. i'm sure it'd be great for a club outing or smth chan enjoyed making but it's def not for me kdjsfl it was named differently in the trailer, correct? i'm waiting to see what the mv serves for this. speaking of, do you think any of the boys would end up acting someday?
lonely st. - i can't even remember how this sounds like but if it has an angsty mv i'll take it...after i stop laughing at this.
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wait did you just say your father's favorite track SHJADH
waiting for us - was something i also skipped the first listen bUT YES. seungmin and chan's vocals in this particular one T_T got me smiling at a cafe hearing chan scream at me thru my earphone's that he'd be waiting for us like a delusional mf. i'm not sure if kdramas do that for osts tho, but i hope they do. it really does give off that type of vibe.
muddy water - still haven't listened to this in full so idk what to comment. i can't make it past the first verse, i just end up skipping or picking charmer again. not their fault, just preference. i've heard people liking it too! irls specifically so i really think it just boils down to preference.
the only thing that makes me happy abt this album is i'm sure that skz were challenging themselves and experimenting instead of sticking to the sound that made them a hit. i still personally prefer inlife and noeasy over this but there's not much to nitpick over a mini-album?? i think they're releasing their 3rd album later this year so there's still that to look forward to. i did not like this album's concept T_T idk if it's just the lack of color coordination between members or smth else. i'm just not a fan T_T HAJHS
anw, is there something else you want to tackle regarding the current comeback? any other expectations? i think it's kind of unfortunate that they won't be able to promote due to the members getting covid but i hope it just gets moved? like they'll be back around the last week of march or early april :// it would be quite a waste :(( but health first of course.
thank you for your understanding regarding the ask! as i said previously, i'll get back to you as soon as i muster the courage to watch that mv again.
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