duckyfann9871 · 2 months
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was sobbing unceasingly (as one does) but then remembered I have mister uplifting as my mac's screensaver
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eternal-stuck · 5 months
i think bruno and feppy should be Boiled in my Big Pot of Stew! Wee hee hee heeee!
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I think I grabbed the wrong guy
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h0n3yk1tt3n · 1 year
Hello fellow bmc blog. I would like to request for you to rant about your fav song!! >:)
Oh gods there are a FEW that rotate in my brain at any given time,, like the ones that always have an animatic that I'll never make playing in my head when I listen to them. See the thing is I think less of the song itself and more of like, the cinematography song brings up in my head
ACK I might have to do a few!!! (In no preference order) ((fuck it i might have to do most of them))
More Than Survive
So when we've got a big song focusing on a lot of different characters and ideas I am chasing EVERYTHING around in my enclosure trying to chew on something. Jeremy's monologuing on his way to and on the bus, learning everyone's personality in the hallway, Michael bopping along to music, all of it!! I had food for WEEKS when Claudia's MTS animation dropped like MMMM THATS THE SHIT
Two-Player Game
Shipping fuel aside I love how we get to see Michael and Jeremy's (and Jeremy and Mr. Heere's) dynamic!! Specifically how we get to watch them bounce off each other when Jeremy sings his own verse and their lil back n forth in the second chorus. Plus imagining these two trying to have a conversation while getting swarmed by zombies in-game is just SO FUCKING fun for me!!!
Be More Chill Pt. 1 and 2
SQUIP being a manipulative bastard my beloved,,, the (presumably squip-produced) image of everyone in the mall first berating Jeremy and then later praising him, or rather what he could be if he continues listening to the squip OUGH mans just wants to be liked </3
SQUIP being a manipulative bastard my beloved!!! Like I imagine it also put Jeremy in the right time and place to see Jake and Christine being all cute together to try n fuel Jer's jealousy into listening to it. Like!!! And ok, I get that Loser Geek Whatever was added to give more context into Jer's life to kinda,, Justify why he would want to listen to the squip and that's all well and good! It's not a bad song by any stretch! But to me personally when we get to "should I take the upgrade" and we hear the ensemble just repeating "upgrade upgrade upgrade now now now now now" like,, that in my head is the squip FURTHER pressuring Jeremy and OVERWHELMING him into taking the upgrade to get the voices in his head to stop. (See also Claudia's Upgrade animation ough,,) Is there a part of him that kinda wants to take it anyway? Sure! But the idea of squip doing EVERYTHING it can to ENSURE Jeremy says yes is just!!! Raaagh!!! Evil scheming!!!
Similar to MTS I love the chaos!! Of switching between several characters and seeing how everyone else is partying it up!! And this is just me and my Brain Animatic talking but I just love the idea of Jeremy and Jake's dance battle in the og script?? Like ok we all know that the squip would be manipulating Jeremy's body to get him to win but like?? I really would've wanted to see that friendly competition between Jeremy and Jake?? I wanna see them be friends!!! Even if the shit hits the fan literally a few minutes later. SPEAKING OF WHICH
Do You Wanna Hang?
Look I've already done deep analysis on this song in two other posts. And this is more on the scene As A Whole and not just the song itself (it's DYWR in another font, musically there's not a ton else happening) but it's the character interactions, it's squip being a rotten little shit and being MUCH more overt in forcing Jeremy into something he doesn't want. Like the manipulation was always there but this is like, our first look into EVIL evil, like no the squip is NOT a good thing for you. And then the frenzy of Jake showing up and OH SHIT BROOKE'S HERE TOO and jer can only get the briefest apology out before he just DIPS completely and everything is FALLING APART and!!!! Like!!! Yes it's an uncomfy song and an uncomfy scene but that's the POINT and it's SO VITAL to emphasizing that the squip only cares about RESULTS and not the healthiest way for Jeremy to GET them.
Michael in the Bathroom
I feel like a lot of animatics (and the bway version) just water this song down to "Michael sad" instead of really showing his like, Progression of Emotions. Like he's gotta be in sort of despondent shock at first!! He really went through all his research just for Jeremy to walk out on him?? The fuck?? Like yeah he's alone at this party and he doesn't know what to do without a friend there, (i could stay right here or disappear,) but he's petty and resentful about it (and nobody'd even notice at all [...] cuz my buddy kind of left me alone, but I'd rather fake pee than stand awkwardly) and THEN he starts getting sad (everything felt fine when I was half of a pair, but through no fault of mine there's no other half there)
I should probably make this song its own entire post with all the switching between emotions Michael does between lines (he does it A Lot if you ask me) but he's so much more than just sad and mopey!! He's pissed off!! He's frantic!! He's ten thousand different things!! HES MORE THAN JUST SAD!!!! And I feel like that entire SHITSTORM of emotions isn't shown enough!!!
Smartphone Hour
CHAOS CHAOS CHAOS!!! YOU KNOW THE DRILL BY NOW!!! I don't have much else other than like, the latter half of the song where the rumor mill REALLY blows up and everyone's just saying Whatever the fuck about Rich and it's like!!!! OUGH there really aren't enough Smartphone Hour animatics out there!! And even then idk how many of them really capture the true CHAOS of "Hey, one of our classmates burned Jake's fucking house down," and then social media just has a goddamn RIOT!! I was going to put lyric examples here but, it REALLY is just everything after "always be aware of autocorrect" all the way to the end of the song
The Pitiful Children
I don't have the brain to give it more than that it just makes me Insane
The Pants Song
Listen maybe I'm just a filthy Jeremy kinnie (I am) but to see his dad kickstart his life back up because he's worried about his son who just Called Him The Fuck Out is just!! 🤌🤌🤌 and the way he gets Michael in on it because he KNOWS that if anyone's gonna get through to Jeremy, it's gonna be the one that knows him better than anyone else!!! And like, we actually see a pretty good chunk of Michael's character here too??? Arguably more than mitb??? They both care about Jeremy so much!!!
The Play
It's a big ensemble piece again you know I'm totally feral for it!!! This one might just also need its own post too bc goddamn it's like a 12 minute scene with all the dialogue!!! Like with the squip finally showing its cards and revealing its true intentions!!! Seeing the squipped versions of all the other kids while Jeremy and Michael finally team up again!!! Oh god and the fight,, the squip blocking Jeremy from saying sorry,, making him fight Michael, GODS there's so much to unpack in that twenty second conversation alone!!!! And like can we talk about the terror of the "I just feel so connected to you guys right now" when they swarm Michael!!! And him having to WATCH Jeremy be tempted by squipped Christine?? Facing that he might have to go through the grief of losing his best friend AGAIN???? FUCK I LOVE THIS SHOW
Voices in my Head
Ensemble joins again babeyyyyy!! Like seriously I just love seeing everyone's distinct ways of hyping Jeremy up!!! Mr. Heere's cheesy old school approach! Michael pointing out something that's not superficial! Rich's innuendo! Jenna and Brooke being total sweethearts!! Chloe's backhanded advice (she's so fucking funny holy shit)!! AN ACTUAL LOOK INTO JAKE BEING A TOTAL BRO!!!
Not only all that, but the way that Jeremy kinda,, foregoes everyone's advice and does his own thing!! He ignores the voices telling him what to do and says "what's on his mind," AND THE ELUDING TO THE SQUIP STILL BEING THERE BUT!! The conscious decision to shut that voice down!! And this spawns like, my favorite line from the entire show
"So many voices in my head, and they can yell and hurt like hell but I know I'll be fine [...] of the voices in my head the loudest one is mine"
MY EXCLUSION OF ILPR, SQUIP SONG, DYWR, MTS REPRISE (both of them), AND AGTIKBI DOESN'T MEAN I DONT LIKE ANY OF THESE SONGS!!! I'm sure I could find a lot to chew on if I went after dywr, even though it's more or less The Joke Song of the entire show but YEAH THOSE ONES DEFINITELY HAVE MERIT and I might even rb this later with additions but THIS POST IS ALREADY SUPER LONG AND I KINDA BLEW THIS ASK OUT OF THE WATER BUT XNDJSKSNDH
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dmwrites · 2 years
“So, okay, question.”
Jimmy snorted. “Shut up.” He nudged Tango playfully, who proceeded to dramatically scream and topple off of the log they were sitting on top of. Jimmy shushed him while dying of laughter, pulling him back upright. “My goodness, and they’ve been calling me a drama queen.”
“I am the drama-est of all drama queens, emphasis on the drama.” Tango replied, dusting the sand off of his witch hat.
Jimmy looked to him and smiled, shaking his head. Between the hustle and bustle of Tango’s witch training and Jimmy’s law-upkeeping duties, they had found it hard to really spend some time together, just Team Rancher. But Scar had intervened, telling Jimmy he needed a “cute date night” and set up a small campfire area for them. Jimmy was still trying to figure out why Scar had told him to “have fun with the boot knocking” with copious winks.
“Anyway, I was going to ask a question.” Jimmy said.
“Right, yes, okay, I am listening.” Tango replied, even going so far as to put his face into his hands to look at him.
“You know, since you, and a bunch of the other double life guys came, it kind of brought back up some old memories, old questions I thought I’d never get to ask you about.”
Tango nodded. “Kinda weird to think about, some soulmates like Impulse and Bdubs and Grian and Scar, got to see each other after it was all over. I really did think I’d never see you again, buddy.”
“Same!” Jimmy said. “I mean, it just seemed like it was all done forever, until the next game, and it wouldn’t be the same like it was.”
“Well, I mean, to be fair, nothing will ever be the same as it was in double life ever again… that’s what makes the games so unique, I guess.” Tango said.
Jimmy was quiet for a moment, watching Tango’s face in the flickering firelight. He didn’t like that Tango said that. He didn’t like that Tango was right. A cowboy and an ice witch sat in friendly silence, the silence of two people who knew each other in a way that no one else ever would, because such a thing could never been replicated, much less brought back to full life. And of course, Jimmy had had a sinking feeling of it, when Tango said he was going to help fwip with his redstone and Shelby with her spells… time had held the ranchers in a strange limbo while in double life, but it, sadly, marches on, leaving the memories of golden summertime at the ranch just that: memories.
“I was wondering what you said. When it was all over. Like, when you, when we, died for the last time. Because we were apart, it was sudden. I said I was sorry, for the record. To you.” Jimmy said after a long silence. The nighttime and the fire, thankfully, made long silences more acceptable, and Tango didn’t seem to notice any kind of sad yearning in Jimmy’s demeanor.
Tango rubbed his chin with his hand, sighing. “You’re still here? It’s over. Go home. Go.” He chuckled quietly. “It’s an old movie quote, it kinda just popped into my head and I kept repeating it. It was funny, at the time, but the longer time went on the sadder it made me feel. Not even quite sure who I was talking to.”
“It’s over. Go home.” Jimmy repeated. There was another long silence, interrupted only by the crackles of the fire. They looked at one another, these two people from different worlds, brought together and torn apart by the strange cruelty of fate. “But what is home, really?”
“I don’t quite know, buddy.” Tango replied.
Jimmy turned away first, back towards the hypnotic movement of the flames. “I don’t know either.”
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sunsmudge-peachmoon · 1 month
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cd acquired
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dodgebolts · 1 year
dnf selfies do so much healing
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paleflesh1 · 4 months
he said he likes mh nose and its such a strange compliment bcs i hate my nose so muxh
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kurjakani · 5 months
U: why are u like that
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eyesocketinchworm · 11 months
me on the fourth night at freddy’s: ummm anyone else getting kind of a bad vibe from this place
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milkbreadtoast · 1 year
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puphoods · 1 year
sorry for on purpose not following popular artists on here bc im jealous are you mad at me
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real-life-cloud · 10 months
happy birthday :‘) always happy to see you on my dash. have a bunny
( • • )
THANK U !!!! I love the bunny ...
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nonsaremodellestar · 2 years
Buon compleanno all'unico e solo Re dell'Est.
Auguri, Sheva. Nel nostro cuore, sempre.❤🖤
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miss-floral-thief · 10 months
No crepes but they do have milk tea
lol the caramel pudding cup costs
More individually than the other ones even the toast
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58local · 1 year
i havent watched anything with the qsmp for a week what tje fuck happened
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nomaishuttle · 1 year
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