#rly proud of these tbh.......... im in the zone
taizi · 1 year
hi!! i love your writing- i have two questions, if you feel comfortable answering :) no pressure tho dhdjdj im just curious! one, i was wondering which of your fics you've done the most research for? your writing just seems like such an impressive collection of random knowledge, and it made me wonder how much you knew going in vs looked up GJDHDJD. and two, has a fic ever gone wildly off plan as you're writing it?
thank you so much !
as for your first question, i look up so much stuff 😭😭 when i was writing natsuyuu fics i would google everything down to the snacks in local convenience stores and street view maps of the cities. i once did like an hour of sheep research for an au in which the sheep only appeared for one (1) paragraph. i’ll look up stuff i already know just to be sure i know it. sometimes i’ll start to write something and realize i have no idea what i’m doing so i have to give myself a crash course fueled by wikipedia and youtube videos. i also use reddit a lot tbh. i write a lot of tmnt fics (obviously) but i’ve never been to nyc and i rly don’t want that to be obvious in my writing lol so i read lots of Opinions™️ about stuff from people who live there . i’m very normal
as for stories that have gone off the rails, yes. absolutely. problem child is a good example since that was originally going to be 3 chapters long and ended up around 100k words instead. i don’t tend to use outlines very often bcus im bad at planning but i did use one for my recent leoichi fic and i stuck to it for the most part which is something i’m lowkey really proud of lmao. but i tend not to write longform fic very often unless it’s for a fandom event. my oneshots are my comfy zone 💕
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angelfood1995 · 1 year
I worked out 4 times this week and ate good this entire week and even tho my sleep schedule is still a little fucked up i definitely have more energy for sure. no lethargy or stomach issues...im very proud of myself bc the last time i tried to get fit or diet i struggled so hard and ended up binging every month and overall was sooo miserable. it was probably bc i was so much more tired and depressed all the time and hated my fucking job that sucked the energy out of me tbh, for some reason its so much easier to go into the gym and just do it. the hardest part is honestly me having social anxiety and a microscopic attention span/focusing issues (i NEED to have some music i cant even zone out to a podcast, i need to focus on the actual workout or i hate it) but im not miserable from the working out. it feels good, which is didnt used to idk maybe my brain chemicals changed or something lol but anyways i a, trying rly hard to make this a habit and start lifting soon too cuz i wanna be swole. i need to get to a place where my body is gender-affirming or im going to always have a huge void in my soul!!!!
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mangozcat · 2 years
I KNOOOOWWWW AND YOU ARE SO RIGHT AND VERY VALID POINTS PLEAAAASEEEE and you have no idea how happy and proud i am that you don't feel embarrassed or anything about reading your own fics although i also genuinely understand some other writers who can't do it (at all, even) what i don't get and like is some readers or passerbys who should just be minding their own business (this topic is for another time i don't wanna dwell on it it'll just piss me off more and more)
take a look and another
honey ♡
IKR LIKE omg ok i apologize for this bc i dont wanna piss u off but i also have my own opinion of this like
tiny lettering in case u dont wanna read it atm and get upsetti spaghetti <3
ok i recently started writing jisung smut- i have done it ONCE just to like rly see how i felt on the topic and i think this is a great example. readers will see this fic and see the “JISUNG SMUT BELOW THE CUT BEWARE” and instantly click on the button like 😭😭
and then they’ll come to ur ask box and be like “ayo bitch u rly hurt my feelings with that fic u warned me not to read”
and tbh theres a lot i can say about this but i can shorten it to this: i understand having a distaste for a certain read. that is 100% ok! people put warnings on their fics and have little side notes specifically for you! but what i really dont understand and can NOT stand for is openly hating on a writer for producing content and putting several disclaimers in front of this work that might offend you.
writers are humans too :( that shit hurts and this piece they spent hours, maybe days(even weeks) to produce now feels… really icky to look at. its awful
and ikr!! i used to be SUPER awkward when speaking about my fics. id never take a compliment and would rarely admit to working really hard on a fic in case someone didnt like it so i wouldnt get hurt by their comments
of course like i can say ppl have been super nice to me and i havent gotten very much hate (bless the lord omg) but still its a really important thing that most writers prepare for despite having a positive fanbase
but overall i think i can really say ive grown and so has my perspective of the world and my talent— AND i believe its a SUPER important thing that every writer eventually come to this realization that: writing is for yourself
sure, once you get a few fans, it feels like you’re writing for an audience instead, but you should always be writing something you’d want to read. i know some people say the way to grow is to get out of your comfort zone, but i think that truly the way to do so is by EXPANDING your comfort zone instead bit by bit
it takes a ton of time but eventually, you’ll look back at that work and realize how much you’ve matured and be so proud of yourself
ok very long rant im sorry <3 i talk too much wow
ily and i love when u talk to me honey <3
i hope this even made sense my brain is off
also can he rail me
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oleaspur · 4 years
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some art i did of a few of my ocs today !
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fredheads · 5 years
2 4 11 17 20 33 (i probably went overboard..)
2. Name a fic you’ve written that you’re especially fond of and explain why you like it.
oblivion … its an oldie and some of it doesnt hold up but oh man the first chapter is tiny fred playing baseball with tiny alice????? so im fond. 
papa is like the glo up version. oblivion 2.0 if you will. 
4. How do you come up with your fanfiction titles?
some song lyrics just feel so RIGHT
11. What is your greatest strength as a writer?
my attention to detail???? sometimes. i feel like im always laying little easter eggs for only me to find. 
17. Describe your comfort zone – a typical you-fic.
ahhhhh some nice high school fredsythe with some hurt/comfort on top 
20. Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes and explain why you’re proud of it.
“You didn’t answer my text,” complains Veronica at lunch, swinging one of her high-heeled feet over the bench so she can slip in at Archie’s side.
“Archie got his phone taken by the Hagster,” announces Reggie, taking a massive bite of his sandwich and swigging down some peach iced tea. Betty frowns at the name. Miss. Haggly is her favourite teacher.
“Reggie, why are you here?” speaks up Veronica. “No offense. I just thought you were mad at us all after the naming fiasco.”
The naming fiasco. Also known as: Reggie had wanted to change the name of the group to The Reggies, and had pitched a fit when Archie hadn’t gone along with it. They’d voted 4-1.
“Just thought you might want to spend some time with a real winner,” says Reggie with a nonchalant shrug. “Before Carrot-top exiles himself to Losersville forever.”
Archie looks at Jughead, who rolls his eyes. Veronica, annoyingly, doesn’t seem to mind Reggie’s huge ego. She giggles and Archie sees red.
“Get out of here,” he snaps, glaring at his rival. “We have some important band stuff to talk about.”
Reggie shrugs. “All right. But it’s a little late for strategy. Your only hope is The Reggies dropping out.” He flexes one of his biceps as he stands up, switching his gaze to Veronica. “You know where to find me, kiddo.”
“Unfortunately,” Jughead cracks. (but your kids are gonna love it) 
i just like writing reggie… thats all 
33. Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
@fredsythe just started writing this year and she’s already blown me out of the water. i love her because a) we share a brain and all our dreams so reading these fics is lowkey masturbatory BUT ALSO b) the absolute aching TENDERNESS that briana puts in every fic and her attention to pacing and details like touch and the characters’ awareness of one another… it just rly kinda knots my heart up inside… also reading fps internal monologue in her writing is always a fucking TREAT and she nails character voices and makes them sound distinct in a way i can never. also all her stuff feels very sweet and teenage and also her mind??? her fic ideas are so fuckin fresh and primo and fine. im a lil biased but all of this is absolutely true. READ ALL HER STUFF HERE
@halcooper is just the whole fuckin package dude… her grasp of every single “young version” of these parents is consistent, well-developed, and tonal PERFECTION. also hilarious. she does tons of research and the atmosphere and setting of the 1990s always comes across. if you want to watch personalities play off one another, if you want realistic sounding dialogue, if you want to laugh until you cannot BREATHE …….. its all here. but tbh the most underrated part of her riverparent world is the thought that goes into it, the little motifs and allegories that come up again later, the things that characters dont say that are still so palpable on the page, the fictional businesses and brands she invents to flesh out the world, the way so many undercurrents spill out into actual canon (or what little of it we accept) there is A LOT at work in this world: you could make a stranger-things-esque tv series out of her works. oh and she balances the characters so well??? my gay self is fred o clock only but she writes every character beautifully and actually makes time for them all. kim is a goddess.  READ EVERY ONE HERE 
and then @blogofabingewatcher scratches my every itch and everything is just… syrupy sweet but also sad???? she’s working on a new chapter of in times of trouble rn  (A WHOLE FUCKIN VIETNAM WAR AU WHICH I HAVE DREAMED OF SINCE THE BEGINNING OF TIME) and im salivating dude … and just oof… the things i could say about that fic…. her grasp of familial relationships and expectations and the slow stirring agony of being a young person and wanting more than what your life’s path is supposed to be but quietly bowing under the pressure anyways…. there’s a lot to unpack. and its all tied together with some really fantastic prose and a deep exploration of the psyche of these characters. your absolute one stop shop for wanting to get inside a characters head and sift through the fucked up shit… her understanding of the internal working of these peoples tragedies is TERRIBLE and beautiful. SMASH THE COMMENT BUTTON OVER HERE
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ilushua · 6 years
these past 2 weeks ive gone out of my comfort zone and done a few things tht i felt that i was incapable of doing before n r things that i found super nervewracking and tbh i feel so Powerful now even if some things didnt go as planned or i only partially did what i wanted to achieve im just rly proud i tried n did smth??? this is long but heres ur reminder to just Go for it!!! do/say those things bfore u regret it and take some of those risks i believe in u !!!!!!!
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pepprs · 6 years
in the last 10 minutes of pride month in my time zone i jus wanna adknowledge the Powerful things i did over the past 30 days 2 like... idk kinda grow up a little bit n embrace myself more (not just my identity but like. life in general i guess) a little bit? so here’s a list of Cool Things I Did In June
got a bi bob (ok that actually happened during one of the last days of may but. Still) which is the shortest my hair has been in like 3 yrs bc i wasn’t confident enough until now 2 try it again !!! Wow
learned to do my own eyeliner finally fjdbskjdbkfdb
FINALLY got an official ID card and a debit card (so basically became Officially Independent)
went 2 a store w/o my parents 4 the first time and paid 4 everything i bought by myself which. is embarrassing 2 admit that this was my first time ever doing it but it was a Big Deal 4 me and im proud!!!!!
DEADASS TRAVELLED ACROSS THE COUNTRY BY MYSELF FOR LIKE 4 DAYS FOR A HUGE CONFERENCE????????? paid for everything by myself??? got thru tsa security ad went on an airplane w/o my parents (airports / flying makes me Very anxious so that’s a big deal???) navigated all of the intricate details on my own! Incredible!
side note uhhhh wore something other than a dress (a tucked collared blouse thing) @ the conference and god i felt SO fucking powerful and frankly gay as hell!!!!!!!! we love that!!!!
got closer w the person im 😍 over but.... u kno KFJFKSFKSKFJDKD
spent a lot of time educating myself n other ppl abt bisexuality even if it backfired a few times (squints @ mom dkfjsjfkdjdj)
sent fanmail 2 my favorite broadway actress (including a whole ass painting 4 her which i think is one of the best things ive ever created tbh we truly do stan! Wow!)
bought something i wanted but didn’t need with my Own Money for the first time!!!! (monument valley fjfbskgdbjfkd)
posted legitimate selfies online 4 the first time? dare i say power move
proposed an Important Thing @ a meeting and everyone loved it and now my idea is gonna become a reality!!!!!!
made lots of new friends! <:~D
uh it’s july now so. failed step one but im just rly proud of everything i accomplished during June!!!!!! even if my life is lowkey in shambles rn in many other ways i think ive done a lot of growing up in a short amt of time n im excited 2 see what july will bring!!! i hope all of u had a great June too and that july / 20gayteen will b even better 🗣♥️💞♥️💓♥️💖💞💕💝💞💖
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thanks to!! @meowing-ly for tagging me!!!!
THE LAST: 1. Drink: water gotta stay hydrated 2. Phone call: my momma <3 3. Text message: group text w/ my mom n dad 4. Song you listened to: shay’s steven universe ringtone lmao 5. Time you cried: latest adveture zone ep tbh
HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: no 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: no but def kissed someone and Freaked Out About The Act Of Kissing 8. Been cheated on: na 9. Lost someone special: not really 10. Been depressed: increasingly loud desperate laughter 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: no!!!!!! which is startling cause i have been Very drunk
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14: red black and purple
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: kind of!! rip 16. Fallen out of love: no 17. Laughed until you cried: yeah lmao 18. Found out someone was talking about you: People Dont Talk About Me 19. Met someone who changed you: i dont think so 20. Found out who your friends are: pretty much..... narrowed that list down like two years ago via Serious Depression 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: i think i may have actually kissed them before i friended them on fb???? not sure
GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: all of them, dont use fb that much so its mostly relatives 23. Do you have any pets: YES :3 24. Do you want to change your name: kind of but idk to what 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: went out w/ friends and then flEW TO CANADIA 26. What time did you wake up: like 7:30 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: def sleeping 28. Name something you can’t wait for: going to santa fe in august!!!!! hell ye 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: almost a full week ago :(((( 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: would like to be a little employable maybe 31. What are you listening right now: car noises and shay’s upstairs neighbors. Thump 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: i know a thomas but ive never called him tom disgusting 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: my constant lack of focus and Anxiety Abt Everything 34. Most visited Website: tumblr rip
LOST QUESTIONS. I JUST PUT IN RANDOM INFO ABOUT ME 35. Mole/s: like maybe two 36. Mark/s: ahaha 37. Childhood dream: idk i had Several?? maybe wanting to be a Writer 38. Haircolor: dark brown 39. Long or short hair: short!! gotta get it cut tho 40. Do you have a crush on someone: :3 41. What do you like about yourself: i’m cute!!!!!! n good at writing when i can Focus and getting better at art :)))))))) 42. Piercings: Just Cant Fucken Do It 43. Bloodtype: idk rip
44. Nickname: possum 45. Relationship status: :33333333333333 46. Zodiac: gemini 47. Pronouns: they/them/their 48. Favorite TV Show: mob psycho atm
49. Tattoos: none my brain wants some but my extremely low pain tolerance does not 50. Right or left hand: left handed and weirdly proud of it 51. Surgery: just wisdom teeth 52. Hair dyed in different color: a couple of times, my fav was bleach blonde 53. Sport: rly bad 55. Vacation: this one now!!!!!!!!! to canadia 56. Pair of trainers: got a rly cute pair of grey ones now that i love
MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating: is.... necessary...... for human life??? im rly into toaster dogs atm 58. Drinking: Lots Of Water but also i like alcohol 59. I’m about to: watch clone wars w/ bae 61. Waiting for: my flight home tomorrow -_- 62. Want: to watch clone wars.... w/ bae 63. Get married: probably tbh i love weddings 64. Career: artist!!
WHICH IS BETTER 65. Hugs or kisses: both are stressful but prolly hugs im not Used to kisses yet 66. Lips or eyes: oh boy Both but i guess eyes a lil more 67. Shorter or taller: taller 68. Older or younger: older 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: luff da tum 71. Sensitive or loud: sensitive, pls dont yell at me 72. Hook up or relationship: deffo relationship im Afraid Of Sex 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant for fucken sure
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a stranger: Are You Kidding 75. Drank hard liquor: does long island ice tea count 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: no actually i am very careful also they are always on my face i can’t see shit 77. Turned someone down: i have only very rarely been asked so no 78. Sex in the first date: lmao 79. Broken someone’s heart: not as far as i know! 80. Had your heart broken: I Am An Android 81. Been arrested: I Have Anxiety 82. Cried when someone died: ya 83. Fallen for a friend: ya eyyyyy
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: kind of!!!! it’s a process!!!! 85. Miracles: nnnnnnot rly 86. Love at first sight: no 87. Santa Claus: Are You For Real 88. Kiss in the first date: yes if u want to 89. Angels: i think they’re..... cool but like not rly
OTHER: 90. Current best friends name: shay n becca n laurel 91. Eyecolor: dark brown 92. Favorite movie: stranger than fiction
i’m tagging: @moreawesomethantheaveragepossum @sweetheartblue @franofgreengables 
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epcain · 7 years
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* ☾˙ ˖ HEY hi hello!!! i’m jin ( s/her, nineteen, gmt+9 ) and i’m super duper excited for this rp !! it’s my first rp in a while and my first hp rp ever haha :”) and i don’t really know much abt hp so pls forgive my ignorant self im srry!!!! anyway here’s my bby cain, and here are his profile and bio ! there’s more stuff under the cut so if you wanna plot like this ( bc i wanna write with Everyone ) and i’ll come @ u!!
xu minghao, but he usually goes by cain ( pronounced cane / kayn ) so call him that unless u hella close to him
his mom died in childbirth so he was left an orphan since his dad Vanished even before he was born
retained his surname from his biological parents!
eighteen, but in sixth year bc he missed a year of school
halfblood, but doesn’t rly care lbr like how he didn’t really care what house he got sorted into but obv he was made for gryffindor ,,
grew up in an orphanage in china where he was born
when he was like five he got adopted into this super wealthy korean pureblood family who lived in the uk ?? and so he moved halfway across the world for them
he has like some elder siblings and some younger ones from his adoptive family so .. u should def hmu if anything :-)
speaks english , chinese and korean, effectively trilingual
even since he was in the orphanage, he’d been causing trouble since day 1 tbh and it didn’t stop even after he got adopted
is rly mischievous, did a lot of shit in school and accidentally used his magic a lot
ofc his parents weren’t rly .. pleased about it and he got disciplined A Lot and yet he never learned??
when he got into hogwarts it didn’t get better at all tbh but to be honest .. cain was really happy when he saw how proud his parents were
i mean he’s always been a lil insecure about it bc like ? adopted halfblood in a pureblood family and still constantly disappointing them ? altho he would never ever mention it but still
played a lot of harmless pranks in school, but never really harmed anyone until he like Actually Did by accident
also he promised that he would be good and he stuck to that until one day he found a student being bullied ?? and he immediately sprung into action bc .. he’s Cain it’s in his nature
so um yea he got kinda suspended for a year or smth like he took a break from hogwarts for an entire year
anyway apparently now he’s a whole changed person but Um .. he’s still really playful and adventurous and loves loves loves doing stupid shit
like if u dared him to do smth chances are he’d probably do it
excited 99% of the time, his energy is probably endless. u gotta work to keep up w him
almost always a human puppy ??
while he seems playful and hyper all the time underneath all that sweetness he’s actually really tough at heart
also kinda impatient and hotheaded, he’s usually really sweet but when he’s mad u wouldn’t wanna ?? get that
also he’s deadly loyal to those he loves, cross them and u’ll find yourself dead within two seconds
10/10 would stand up for what he thinks is right, would even get into a fight for it ok, literally just wants justice for everyone
is also very passionate about the things he does!! whatever he does he does it to the best of his ability
extremely stubborn and persistent, especially if he sets his mind to do smth and he’ll definitely complete it even if he has to go an extra mile and step out of his comfort zone
very outspoken and bold!! if there was a debate team he would definitely be on it and could honestly argue for ten hours straight
which also leads to him being kinda blunt sometimes … and kinda tactless 
pretty confident and self-assured !!! is just out here to have a good time tbh
like i said earlier altho he seems like he only sticks around for the lighthearted stuff he actually will also stick around for the serious stuff and will comfort you and assure you if you’re down
is very analytical and observant. think he’s dumb ? think again
sensitive and perceptive too, if you’ve had a bad day or have something that’s bothering you chances are cain is the first one to notice
will give you all the love in his hearT!!! 
sometimes he gets into those Moments where he thinks about what a disappointment he is .. h Ah but he knows his parents love him so its ok
is kinda clumsy and really prone to injuries and accidents, especially since he does so many stupid things .. he prolly visits the infirmary so often that he’s probably friends w the staff there
i mean he’s a genuinely really nice and caring person but you really wouldn’t wanna mess w/ him OR the people he cares for bc he will show No Mercy
parties ? a good time ? cain is ur answer 
kind of a romantic at heart ???? but for now he does one night stands a lot, kinda really a f*ckboy come to think of it
is really extra too ?? lmao
also very athletic!!!! ofc with those long noodly legs of his..
super !! duper !!! nice !!!!! but not a pushover never a pushover 
just has a lot of love for everyone and is a softie but also not!!! just love my energetic cute son ok ok any questions pls ask!!!
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skiasurveys · 7 years
sex sex sex sex.
1. What’s your favorite position and why? i like doggy style a lot because i dont know it just feels really great and its pretty dominating..but i also like missionary but its boring but i like it when i want to feel “romantic”. lmao.
2. How did you lose your virginity? If you’re still a virgin, is there any specific reason?  I lost my virginity at 19. Basically I was preparing to bang my boyfriend ( my current one!) but I was super nervous ( I already had some trauma from the past). I was scared and stuff and so we tried and I was like Idk man im scared. Then later that night we just started to kiss and make out and he asked if I wanted to try again and I said sure so I got naked blah blah, I was sitting on him kissing hm and then bam he fucked me but it felt really awesome and nice, didn’t hurt because he was slow at it and then he fucked me from behind after i got used to it lol. Great times. That was like a year ago!
3. If you could have sex with any porn star or model, who would it be?  i dont know any porn stars and im not attracted to any models either.
4. What’s one thing in particular that makes you want to tear off your lover’s clothes? Sometimes if he looks at me a certain way or if were doing something . Or if he starts touching my thighs and/or kissing my neck 
5. Five turn ons. 1. Strong looking/masculine 2.Taller than me but no taller than 6′3 3. kissing my neck. 4. man handeling me (without being too aggressive).5. showing me off ( Not like “OH LOOK WHAT I HAVE” but being proud you have me. 6. Five turn offs. 1. Being an asshole. 2.Acting like you don’t care about me when youre around others. 3.Racist/sexist/etc 4.Creepy. 5.Hating my friends
7. Have you had any embarrassing sexual experiences?   its so embarrassing.. so I had just finished my period ( OR so i thought) and we started to fuck and it was going well.. after we finished he was like “Um i think you still have your period.” and Im like “what?” and yeah there was blood on his dick and I legit ran and cried in the bathroom like a little bitch LOL. He came after me and said it was fine and that hes done more awkward shit but DUDE...
8. Do you have a fetish? not really. I like calling my boyfriend daddy in the bedroom but i dont like the ddlg fetish at all. 
9. Have you experimented with anyone of the same sex?  no 10. What’s “out of bounds” for you during sex?  Choking, or tying me up, or like bondage stuff. I just have a severe panic attack if that happens and I dont like it and I had trauma so its actually triggering.
11. What’s the best sexual unsolicited advice you can give?  Just dont fuck them if youre not ready. 
12. Hickies - get ‘em or give ‘em? both
13. Do you like giving head? im that weird girl who actually enjoys sucking cock
14. Do you like getting head? yes 
15. What’s one thing you look for in a partner?  loyalty and companionship. 
16. How many partners have you had?  1 and im still with him :)
17. What’s your sexual orientation? Straight
18. If you’re bi/pansexual, what gender do you tend to prefer? n/a
19. Describe the best sex you’ve ever had.  Theres a few. It usually is when he goes hardcore with teasing me and kissing me. One time he was kissing me and teasing me. He ate me out for a bit which was amazing, and the he kissed me from my tummy to my lips, and he fucked me hard but slow and said I love you which was awesome. But i also had one where He was teasing me and doing lots of foreplay and he told me he owned me and that he wanted all of me and then he fucked me so good. especially when he cums inside me. MMMMM.
20. Describe the worst sex you’ve ever had. It wasnt bad but I just have depression and sometimes it hits me when were fucking and  i lost my sex drive and just didnt care and it didnt last that long but i lied i orgasmed so he could finish because i wasnt feeling it lol
21. Have you ever had a funny sexual experience? What was it? i dont know. Im sure. 22. Are you okay with rough sex?  Yess just not too rough ok!
23. How big was the biggest dick you’ve ever seen? Was it in a porn or in real life? well i mean guys in porn always have huge dicks but my boyfriend is the only one Ive had and he is pretty big.
24. Boobs or ass - which is better? ass. 25. Do you prefer sex or masturbation? sex i hate masturbating.
26. Describe how you usually masturbate. ill leave that for your imagination. 
27. Do you like tattoos on a partner or do you like them to have a clean slate, skin wise?  i dont care. either or.
28. How do you feel about daddy dom/little girl roleplaying? some people go a little too far with it. Like for example actually acting like they are 4 years old in public. You can leave it to the bedroom, please.
29. What’s your fantasy?  pay off my student loans.
30. Do you have any sexual regrets? no
31. When did you last have sex? april 1st before Connor moved! He will be back in the end of May or start of June so it will be a while before we have sex again :(
32. When did you last masturbate? last night
33. Have you had anal? yeah. Its ‘ight. 
34. Do you like to spank/be spanked?  i like to be spanked.
35. What do you want done to you right now?  well since  I havent seen my boyfriend in like a month i would love it for him to just push me against a wall. mmm.
36. Are you comfortable with getting tied up? no
37. Did you have sex in high school? nope. No one really liked me back then. I had like 2 boyfriends then and it was shitty then. I met Connor the fall after i graduated. Hilarious.
38. How old were you when you lost your virginity? How long has it been? 19 years old and its been a year now.
39. Do you like teasing or would you rather get straight to the point? teasing.
40. Sexting or phone sex?  ive done both. sexting is fun but phone sex can be pretty hot. I just dont like phone sex..i rather sext tbh
41. Have you had sex in any interesting places? One time we were hanging at our friends place and everyone had gone to bed and Connor was cuddling me on their couch and he said , “ I bet its just bothering you that you cant touch me” and im like whatever idc and then hes like “lets lowkey fuck” so we fucked on their couch while they were sleeping! It was pretty fun but nervous cus if someone walked out. oh god..and then we fucked behind a couch like 3 times while there was a party going on. cool.
42. Are you sexually active?  i guess so. since he moved its hard to say but its only for short time.
43. Have you had car sex? no our car is too small for that. but i want to.
44. Have you ever had sex with anyone else in the location you were at? (i.e., while your sister was in the other room) yes..see above
45. Why aren’t you fucking anyone right now? well the only person i would fuck is in a nother city obvs so thats why.
46. Are you able to have emotionless sex? not rly
47. Does penis size really matter? yes
48. What has been your most memorable experience sexually? theres a lot
49. If male, are you well endowed? n/a
50. If female, what’s your breast size?  34 B cup.
51. Have you ever been the other person? no
52. Have you ever cheated on anyone?  no!
53. Describe an orgasm.  i just felt really weird and shakey but it felt so good.
54. What’s the longest time you’ve had sex for? I dont really keep count.
55. What’s the shortest time you’ve had sex for?  like 5 minutes. -___-
56. If you could change the person you lost your virginity to, would you?  no
57. Have you had any pregnancy scares? Yeah kinda. my one period didnt come once and i was so scared. I bought like 3  sticks.
58. Are you comfortable naked?  kinda. Ive been with Connor for a year now and I still feel awkward naked. lol
59. Are you comfortable sending pictures of yourself to others? depends.
60. What’s your sexual comfort zone like?just dont do rape play.
61. What’s something sexual that you thought you wouldn’t like, but ended up liking?  i cant think of anything
62. Do you have any piercings in fun places? (i.e., clit, nipples, dick) no
63. Would you say you’re good in bed?  i think so.
64. How do you get sex tips? internet or i ask him how he wants me to do something. like i ask him if he likes what im doing and he will tell me how he wants it.
65. Have you ever had sex with anyone while they were on their period? Have you ever had sex while on your period?  no except that one time when i thought i was fkn done but i wasnt. kill myself.
66. If you could be the other sex for a day, would you and what would you do first? idk.
67. What’s your favorite part about being the gender you are? I dont know really. I can buy cute drinks without looking dumb?
68. Slow but passionate, or fast, furious, and kinky? slow but passionate. But also depends on the mood or whatever because sometimes i want rough, sometimes i don’t.
69. Have you ever 69’d? Did you enjoy it?  yes but it feels too good to suck him while hes eating me out.
70. Have you ever done drugs and then had sex?  weed
71. Have you ever had sex with someone you’re in love with? yes
72. How are you with BDSM? Would you ever engage in it?  nope.
73. Do you like gagging on cock/having someone gag on your cock? Why?  i love gagging on his cock.
74. When it comes to oral, are you gentle? Do you use your hands too? gentle. i dont want to hurt him but if i do go hard kinda. and yeah i used my hands.
75. Okay, how do you feel about handjobs?  sometimes i do hand jobs but its only when im making him hard. Lol.
76. Have you had any unwanted pain during sex? yeah.
77. What is something that’s not sexual that can turn you on more than anything sexual?  arms? 78. Can your sexual partners be categorized by their zodiac signs? no
79. Have you had sex to music? What’s your favorite sex song? we fucked to Wish you were here by Pink Floyd.
80. What’s something you want to try in bed?  i dont know.
81. Has anyone drew blood from you during sex, whether it was by cutting, biting, or scratching? How did you feel about that? no. if there was blood from biting/scratching/etc i would feel awful.
82. Have you ever fucked someone who was sad? Did it help them emotionally or make it worse? I have fucked him when he was sad and it helped and same for me sometimes it makes me feel way better.
83. Do you like sexual anons? no
84. What’s your ideal round of sex?  i dont know.
85. Do you like the use of whipped cream, handcuffs, chocolate, and cherries?  nope.
86. Have you ever been walked in on or caught?  almost got caught.
87. Have you ever had sex in public? Would you? yes and i would.
88. What’s a good sex joke?  i dont know. 89. Do you like to be called a dirty slut or would you rather be treated like royalty?  i love it when he calls me a slut but theres a time and place during sex when i want to be slutty and then loved LMAO.
90. Are you more submissive or dominant? sub 91. What’s your naughtiest secret? i almost fucked a 33 year old when i was 18.
92. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve encountered sexually?  i cant think of anyting
93. Have you ever “stuck your dick in crazy”? Was there a lesson learned?
94. Do you like playing with balls/having someone play with yours? i like playing with them because he loves it. 
95. What’s the best nonsexual feeling?  feeling safe and loved by them.
96. Do you like feet? ew 97. Do you look at rule 34/hentai? ew....
98. Pick a random question off this survey for yourself. N/A 99. Who’s your ideal sexual partner? MY BOYFRIEND.
100. Do you have a partner right now? Would you like one? have my boyfriend :) 101. Are you accepting “applications” for a partner?  um no
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