#robb x sandor
kingcunny · 1 month
got tagged by @atopvisenyashill to talk about asoiaf crackships. gonna talk about the young wolf and his mad dog!! >:3c
(yall know i tried to look robb/sandor on ao3, ff.net, and just a general google search and found nothing? please tell me i did not invent this ship?)
sandor has a Fixation on robb. nobody else in westeros will accept him. hes a monster. they all know it. he cant go back home. he cant go back to the lannisters. the newly seceded north with their new boy-king seems like the only option he has. but after everything hes done, he cant just show up. he needs a peace offering.
so sandor finds and kidnaps this boykings missing sister so *he* can return her safe and sound. so he can prove the assumptions wrong about him, that hes not just a monster. that he can be trustworthy, respectable. that robb needs him, he Has too. hes the only option sandor has.
robb, as king in the north, has power and authority. he has the power to give sandor a fresh start, a new home. to forgive his sins. to give him a new purpose. maybe to even respect him as more than a near rabid dog.
and robb, who has gone through so many betrayals recently, having someone that he KNOWS he can trust… and i know. youre squinting at me saying robb could trust sandor but LISTEN. robb has been working off the assumption pretty much since ned died that arya is also dead. then sandor comes in and drops arya at his feet, more-or-less safe and sound. he brought her back from the dead, gave his mother one of her daughters back. then sandors offering to commit the worst sin possible, For Robb, to deal a massive blow to the lannisters, not to win himself any victory or glory, but just to prove that robb could trust him.
robb knows that sandor doesnt have anywhere else to go. he wouldnt be here if he did. he knows hes sandors last hope. if robb rejects him he might as well pack it up and jump on a boat to join a sellsword company. hes done. robb holds sandors future in his hands. theres a certain security there, along with sandors desperate attempts to prove himself, that he wont be betrayed again. that maybe robb Can trust sandor.
and i also just think robb does Want to see the best in people, to believe in them. so he does give sandor a chance
im tagging…….. @maegorsbignaturals @knightsickness @ludcake @daenerysoftarth ………. and the girl reading this <3
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axelsagewrites · 9 months
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Main Masterlist Here
House of the Dragon Masterlist Here
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【P】Platonic【P】 🆇Smut 18+🆇
Request Line Up and Request Rules
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♡ Jon Snow ♡
🆇What he's like in bed🆇
Blind date
🆇Home Alone🆇
🆇Price of My Secrecy 🆇
Relationship Moodboard
🆇Couldn't Resist🆇
♡ Robb Stark ♡
Best Friend
Marriage night
🆇Dream🆇 🆇part two🆇
Frey Girl 🆇part two🆇
🆇I miss you🆇
Honey Cakes (cloak part two or standalone)
Sweet Girl
🆇NSFW Alphabet🆇
🆇Good girl🆇
Don't Die For Me
🆇Little Secret🆇
🆇Can't Catch a Break🆇
Goodnight Dear Husband
♡ Sandor Clegane ♡
Most People Say Goodbye Part One - Part Two
♡ Beric Dondarrian ♡
♡ Thoros of Myr ♡
Favourite Friend
♡ Brienne of Tarth ♡
【P】Queen in the North and South【P】
♡Ned Stark♡
♡Ramsay Bolton♡
🆇My Father Would Kill Me🆇
🆇Catch You🆇
🆇How Far Would You Go🆇
🆇Appreciate You🆇
🆇Little Mouse🆇
♡Roose Bolton♡
Not Yet
♡Edmure Tully♡
【P】Who We Call Family【P】
My Queen My Love
♡Theon Greyjoy♡
Dream of Sweet Memories
🆇Give it back🆇
♡Sansa Stark♡
🆇NSFW Alphabet🆇
🆇What's This?🆇
Surprise Visit
♡Podrick Payne♡
♡Daenereys Targaryen♡
🆇My Queen🆇
♡Jamie Lannister♡
🆇Extra Credit🆇
♡Oberyn Martell♡
♡Margaery Tyrell♡
🆇Real Man🆇
🆇Use your words🆇
♡ Yara Greyjoy ♡
🆇Company🆇 - Yara and Ellaria threesome
🆇What they're like in bed🆇 – Robb, Jon, Sandor, Podrick
How they react to teasing – all
🆇What They're Like in Bed🆇 – Margaery, Sansa, Danny, Yara
Share pt1 🆇Competition pt2🆇 🆇Wait p3🆇 - Robb and Jon
🆇Hook ups🆇 - Theon and Jon
Love Languages - Jon, Robb, Bran, Tormund, Podrick, Oberyn
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Thanks for any support I appreciate it all xoxo Sage
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Dividers from here and here from @saradika
Post topper made on Canva
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tessimagines · 1 year
Hello, I’d like to make a request. 💥+Game of Thrones+ a preference about how they would react if you comforted them when they were crying/vulnerable. Feel free to pick the characters you want!
GoT Preference: Comforting them & their Reaction
Jon Snow
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We all know Jon is broody
Therefore, he can have a bit of trouble accepting comfort
You can always tell when something is wrong, and will let him know you are always open for comfort
At night, that is when Jon can loosen up a little more
Comforting generally starts with small physical touches, like running a hand through his hair of placing a hand on his back and kissing his cheek
He will eventually begin to talk and accept more physical comfort
The night will end with Jon's head on your chest, you placing soft kisses to his forehead
He doesn't cry often, but knows that if he does in front of you, you will never judge him
He appreciates your comfort more than he lets on
He rarely verbally thanks you, but sometimes, he will leave a little thank you note for you to find in the morning
Robb Stark
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Robb knows he can immediately come to you for comfort
If he has any issues or problems, you are generally the first person he wants to discuss them with
After meetings with the heads of other Northern Houses, they will be dismissed and you will stay behind to talk things over
If something is emotionally getting to him, he is the kind of person who wants to talk it over
You can stay up all night, talking over the things that are upsetting him
He also appreciates physical comfort, like holding his hand while he is talking
When he is finished getting all of his emotions out and hearing any of the advise you might have, he will take your face in his hands and kiss you
It's a deep and passionate thank you, one that shows how grateful he is to have you
Eddard Stark
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Ned likes to bottle up his emotions
He knows he can always turn to you but it is hard for him to be vulnerable around other people
When things really get to him, he tends to become silent
This is when you know
You will comfort him with a kiss first, and cuddle up to him
He doesn't need words
If he cries, you don't say anything, you know he would rather you just remain physically close
You know he is beginning to feel better when starts to place kisses to your forehead
He doesn't need to say thank you for you to know he appreciates your comfort
The thank you is there when he finds peace and falls asleep in your arms
Jaime Lannister
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Jaime is another one who bottles up his emotions
If you ever ask him if he is okay, the answer is always the same: "I'm fine."
Him knowing you care is generally more than enough of a comfort to him
Just asking and a kiss to his cheek is enough to make him feel better. Not completely better, but significantly
Jaime will never admit it but he loves head scratches when he is sad or stressed
He does find it hard to thank you, that requires a vulnerability he doesn't like to show
There are some nights, however, where everything just comes to a head
Tears, sobs, everything. He will start talking about whatever is bothering him with no limitations
In these moments, you just sit and listen. Just the idea of being listened to is perfect for Jaime
To thank you after those nights, he will run you a bath or buy you a gift as a thank you
sometimes, he will even sum up the courage to whisper a thank you in your ear
Tyrion Lannister
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Tyrion knows he can rely on you
But when you have spent your whole life being unloved by the people who are supposed to love you most, it can be hard to trust
That's why he can become distant when he is upset
He doesn't like showing vulnerability in fear that you will laugh
He knows this will never happen, but he can't let that feeling go sometimes
When you kiss him though, sometimes you can feel him melt into it
He loves physical comfort
He appreciates that affection more than he could possibly put into words
In these moments, when he can feel you are there for him, sometimes he will let himself cry
And you will just hold him, slowly running your fingers though the mop of curls on his head
He is simple in the way he thanks you - "I love you"
Tormund Giantsbane
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Tormund is very open with his feelings
He, of course, likes to appear strong in front of others, but Tormund doesn't seem to equate weakness as being emotionally open and vulnerable
No, to him, that is a showing of true strength
When Tormund is feeling sad or down, he will tell you he is sad or down
He seeks out your comfort more than most men would
If he needs you to hold him, he will tell you and then lie in your arms for as long as he needs
He is not much of a crier, but he is not afraid to shed some tears in front of you
Tormund's way of making it up to you, is a little more physical than others
He is not afraid to show you intimately how much he appreciates your comfort
Sandor Clegane
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This man is the king 👑 of repressed emotion
He will simply refuse to accept that anything is wrong with him
If you offer comfort, he is simply not accepting
Dedication is key, however, and sometimes, rarely, Sandor will let you hold him
He might grumble about it, telling you that you are being "fucking stupid", but inside, he revels in it
That physical connection has the power to calm any emotional storm going through them
He will never let you know though, no, that would be way too vulnerable
Jorah Mormont
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Jorah is a man who thrives off words of affirmation
The most effective way to comfort him is to reassure him through words
He can totally feel himself calm at your reassurances
Sometimes, all he needs to hear is that he is enough and you love him more than he could possibly imagine
Every time you comfort him, Jorah wonders how he ever ended up having a love like yours
Afterwards, all he wants to do is hold you in his arms and place kisses to your cheek
Sometimes, you have to stop him from continuously thanking you
Oberyn Martell
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Oberyn Martell is an emotive man
It is very easy to tell when he is upset
He is honest and real about his emotions, always
He likes to talk them over with you and hear any advise you can offer
Sometimes, though, all he wants or needs is for you to listen
Some nights can be entirely full of him talking about his issues
This will always lead to talk of Elia
As these nights progress, Oberyn's mood always seems to improve
He slowly moves closer
By the end of the night, he has his arms around you and is placing soft kisses all over your body
Oberyn shows his appreciation through pleasure, letting his body do the talking
Gendry Waters
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Gendry can get grumpy when he is upset
When he snaps at you, which is rarely, this is when you know something is wrong
A few moments of silence go by before he takes a deep breath and apologises
You don't ever say anything, but instead, you walk over and just wrap your arms around his body
He will always lean into it, taking comfort in the feeling of you holding him
Sometimes, this is all he needs, but other times he needs to talk about his emotions or issues in order to feel better
He will look into your eyes as he does so, their soft expression calming him down
When he is finished you will just smile and place a kiss to his lips
He will place a hand up to your face, running a finger across your cheekbone and thank you
Podrick Payne
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Podrick Payne is not a man afraid of crying in front of you
Whenever he is stressed or feeling down, that is what mostly happens
To him, there is no more calming feeling in the world than having you hold him while he cries
He also likes when you just listen to him talk about whatever is bothering him
Your advise is always appreciated too, but he also just likes when you listen to his issues and don't try to solve them
When he feels comforted, his way of thanking you is through acts of service
This can include trying his best to make you a meal or running you a warm bath
You can make your own request for my Back-to-Writing Celebration
Masterlist | Game of Thrones Masterlist
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chic-beyond-the-wall · 8 months
What Sansa Stark would wear
October 27th
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Yay your requests are open again!! :) if you are still doing game of thrones requests. Could you possibly right about some of the characters defending you against any disrespect or question of your character?
I love this request! Thanks so much for sending it in! 
Jaime - Jaime would fight to defend your honor. Not necessarily to the death but he would make a huge show of fighting in your place to make sure that no one ever disrespects you again. He knows you’d be scared to defend yourself so he’s happy to do it for you.
Sandor - Sandor would kill any man that dares disrespect you. He wouldn’t bother to talk or negotiate with them. The moment that a disrespectful word about you comes out of their mouth he’s slicing their throat. He would make sure you’re never disrespected again. 
Petyr - Petyr would engage in a battle of wits with whoever is stupid enough to talk badly about his girl. He would always wins as his opponent is woefully underprepared in terms of intelligence. Petyr would end the fight with a grin, knowing he’s defended you well. 
Jon - Jon wouldn’t want to start a fight over it. He would know that it’s for the best to be the better people and walk away rather than fighting about it. Of course he’d want to fight for you but he thinks it’s best to leave the whole situation alone and be with you instead.
Robb - Robb would start a fight with anyone that disrespects you. He wouldn’t want to do permanent damage to your verbal assailant but he would definitely prove that he’ll come to your aid every time. He would be sure to give you lots of praise and love when he’s done.
Tywin - Tywin wouldn’t personally kill whoever it is but he’d make sure that they disappear for good. He’d never want you to have to face them ever again. Anything that brings you discomfort or unhappiness has no place in your world. So he makes them go away. 
Bronn - Bronn wouldn’t give a shit about the person that disrespects you. That’s not to say he doesn’t care. He just doesn’t care about their opinion. He’d much rather spend time making sure that you feel loved and taken care of than fighting someone he doesn’t care about.
Jorah - Jorah would immediately usher you away from whoever it was that disrespected you and shower you with love and affection. He would want you to completely forget about that person so that all you can remember is his undying adoration and love for you. 
Ramsay - Ramsay would happily torture the person that disrespected you. He would make you sit and watch as he tears them limb from limb so that you know that he’ll always defend and take care of you. It’s his sick twisted way of showing you that he adores you.
Stannis - Stannis is a king. No one disrespects his girl and gets away with it. However he is also a just king. He would throw them in a dungeon to spend the rest of their days rotting away, thinking about the way that they disrespected you and facing the consequences.
Oberyn - Oberyn would get so pissed. You’d have to hold him back to keep him from stabbing the person that disrespected you. However, he wouldn’t because he knows it would displease you. No matter what he wants to make sure that you’re happy and taken care of.
Dany - Dany would be completely enraged. She would bring the guilty party before her and she would have her dragons burn them to death. She would never want to have to look on that piece of garbage again and she wouldn’t want you to have to either. 
Brienne - Brienne wants to be the bigger person. She would end up giving the person one swift punch, knocking them out with a single hit. That would be the extent of her rage and then she would lead you away by the hand, giving you a kiss and telling you she loves you.
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witchthewriter · 1 year
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𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐚'𝐬 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐥 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝, 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐫, 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ female, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!
Warnings: mentions of PTSD, triggers, violence, blood, death and swearing
🌿ISTP 🍁Slytherin or Hufflepuff - can be debated.  📜Chaotic Neutral 🔮Aries Sun, Taurus Moon, Scorpio Rising
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈:
Nad Dunaem by DakhaBrakha
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔:
One Showing Kindness (You) x The Other Choosing To Become Kinder, As Redemption (Sandor)
Snarky Power Couple That Can, And Probably Will, Destroy You
“Shut Up” x “Make Me”
𝑯𝒊𝒔 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒖𝒂𝒈𝒆𝒔
Acts of Service. Likes to do things for you - making sure you’re fed and hydrated. Cuts up logs for the fire, and makes sure it’s always burning. 
・Sansa specifically asked for the both of you to join her council right after her coronation
・Technically lowborn, your family had been loyal to House Stark for generations
・And when ... well when it all went to shit, you were forced to flee.
・For years you didn’t know what became of your family. But you did hold onto the knowledge that was passed down from generation to generation
・Not just about the physical world, but the spiritual, and the natural. 
・Your family was initially so close to the Starks’ because of your usefulness, but over hundreds of years, your family proved their allegiance 
・You grew up with the Stark children as your mother was a close companion of Cateyln’s (when she first came to Winterfell as a newlywed, she felt very lost. Your mother was the same age and showed her the ways of the North)
・Arya and Sansa were like sisters to you. But you were always caught in the middle of their bickering. You were the eldest of four siblings, having two other brothers and a younger sister. She was only a baby when Nedd Stark went to King’s Landing. 
・It wasn’t easy, surviving all those years on your own. But you did it. You endured. 
・After acquiring a job as a barmaid, you heard all the gossip and news the war
・You protected yourself with a hidden dagger underneath your skirts, and always wore a ring which held poison. Like a locket ring. 
・In all honesty, no one fucked with you because of it. And your reputation grew. 
・Women would come to you in the early hours of the morning, wanting an array of things. Herbs for birth control, poison for violent husbands, drafts to aid in sleep, ingredients to churn someone’s guts. 
・Your boss didn’t mind at first, but he thought you were creating too much attention. 
・But your boss’s wife liked you, and she helped you until one day a young Arya Stark trudged into the tavern with a tall scarred man. 
・It didn’t take her long to recognise you, and within minutes she had knocked over a pitcher of ale and threw herself into your arms
・She demanded that you came with them, and the rest is history...
・The relationship between you and Sandor was rocky in the beginning. You thought he was too abrasive and harsh. Arya, already used to it, just shrugged her shoulders when you called him out on it
・Even though you knew his reputation, you didn’t care. You had packed your belongings and had your own set of weapons that could kill him. 
・He knew that.
・And he was ... honestly impressed
・Arya loved the dynamic between you two. And although she would never admit it, she loved when you fussed over her - your big sister instincts kicking in. 
・It took you a while to realise Sandor’s love languages. Arya had to point out when he was ‘being nice’. 
・But you saw something in him that he didn’t see in himself. And you fell in love 
・When Sansa asked you to be on her council, Sandor was really proud of you, but it took him a long time to accept his position. He didn’t think he was worthy of it. 
・”We’ve all made mistakes,” Sansa told him one evening when the three of you were dining together. “You can atone by accepting my offer.”  
・You don’t have an official title, as you dabble in many areas of Winterfell. But you’re the connection to the people, and also the natural world. An advisor, and Maester in training. 
・Sandor’s official title is, ‘Master-at-Arms’ / ‘Commander’. He’s responsible for training soldiers, giving military advice and choosing the guards of Winterfell. 
・Sansa also has a council of Bannermen, who are present when very important decisions are made. (Sandor hates nearly every single one of them.) 
・You were going to have a little cottage somewhere warmer (because Sandor doesn’t like the cold), but the position was ... too perfect. Being with Sansa, living in Winterfell, it was home. 
・If Sansa travels to King’s Landing, she wants you and Sandor to come with her. She feels safe when the pair of you are around her. Sansa has PTSD (although not known as that), and can get triggered when men get too physically close. 
・You’ve taught Sansa about herbs, plants, poisions and cures. The old Sansa never listened, thought it was too boring. But now, she listens intently, and has endless questions. 
・Sansa offered to rebuild your family home, but it hurt too much. Until ... two years later, when your youngest brother and sister found their way back home. 
・Sandor was unsure of this reunion. He wanted to make sure they were who they said they were. 
・But you knew. 
・Yes, in your gut you knew. But your brother and sister had specific birth marks and physical oddities which set them aside since birth. 
・Arya travelled back to Winterfell when she found out, as did Jon Snow. Even though he was labelled a bastard during your childhoods, your family was still lowborn as well. 
・So on numerous occassions, your family had invited Jon Snow to sup with them. 
・Sandor didn’t think his life would be like this. He didn’t think he would make it this far or that he deserved the love you gave him. 
・And when your siblings came along, they too grew love for Sandor. He offered to train both your siblings (because he thought both men and women should know how to defend themsleves). 
・You slowly found out the horrors that your siblings endured, and at nights you cried to Sandor. 
・You became a family again. 
・And like the generations before you, your family was once again faithful to the ruler in the North. 
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on-my-vigilante-sht · 10 months
Between a Wolf and a Hound I
Sandor Clegane x Baratheon!Reader, Robb Stark x Baratheon!Reader
Summary: Sandor Clegane was never naïve enough to think he could marry the king's daughter but it doesn't make it any easier to see her married off.
Warnings: Full disclosure I wrote this in sections over the course of like two months so it's a bit jumbled. POV will randomly switch from first to third and back to first with no clear indication (sorry).
Real Warnings: Arranged marriage, cursing, angst, fighting, smut, public consummation, non/dubcon (didn't enter marriage willingly, therefore consummation is not consensual esp with witnesses)
Word Count: 5.8K
Masterlist | Part II
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“Ooh and I’ve heard Robb Stark is the most handsome man in all of the North,” my sister, Myrcella squealed in excitement for me.
I tried my best to feign the same excitement, especially in the presence of my mother. She initially wasn’t particularly thrilled about the betrothal between the Stark heir and me but it was my father’s decision. So, making the best of an unideal situation, she had been grooming me to be a perfect princess and wife. “Myrcella, princesses don’t gush,” Cersei chastised. My sister’s excited expression quickly dropped and she looked down at her feet. Fortunately before my mother could turn her poison tongue on me, there were a few shouts calling for us to halt and the carriage stopped.
Cersei opened the curtain to the carriage window, revealing the barren land of the North, a looming wall of stone obstructing our view of what I assumed to be Winterfell. Of course there wasn’t much of a view to be found in the North. Everything was cold and grey, either dead or dying. The only thing that kept me me from casting myself from the towers of the Red Keep was the fact that in the north, my family wouldn’t bother me. I could be away from the schemings of the Lannisters and the general sense of betrayal within King’s Landing. “Remember, you curtesy and smile politely. You speak only if spoken to and then it’s right off to your chambers until dinner,” my mother told me.
“Yes, mother,” I agreed, nodding my head obediently. The carriage moved again shortly and I watched as the walls moved past us, bringing us into a cold courtyard. After another minute the door to our carriage swung open, letting in a gust of cold wind.
Myrcella crept out first, being met by a guard. I made my way to the door next, revealing my sworn shield, Sandor Clegane. I was relieved to see him, seeing as I haven’t been able to speak to him since we left King’s Landing. “Princess,” he greeted. I only stared up at him, reluctant to let him lead me to greet my future husband, a task he didn’t take pleasure in either.
A gentle tug on my hand brought me back to reality and I let him march me up to my father and brothers. I could feel Sandor’s presence behind me as I observed the Stark family. The young man, who I presumed to be Robb had his gaze on me before looking up, likely to meet the glare of my lover.
Robb quickly averted his gaze from the intimidating guard flanking his betrothed. He returned his gaze to her, admiring her summer beauty. He knew he could fall in love with her just as his parents had after they were married.
I didn’t pay attention to to the reunion of my father and Lord Stark, just wishing to run back to the warm summer of King’s Landing with Sandor.
As my father began to suggest a tour my mother cut in. “I suggest we send the girls to their chambers until the feast.”
“I will escort-” Robb began to offer but was quickly cut off both by Sandor’s growl and Cersei’s sneer.
“No, The Hound and a maid will escort them,” she dismissed.
“Of course your grace,” Lady Stark obeyed, calling for a servant to fetch her most trusted maid.
Not even a minute later a very out of breath woman scurried in. “This way your highnesses,” she quickly cut to the chase, beginning to lead us away. I followed after her first, Myrcella reluctantly following, disappointed at the loss of excitement, and Sandor surely following behind.
We wordlessly walked through the cold hallways until we reached two rooms. Myrcella took the first one and I took the second. I was reluctant to leave Sandor but he stoically took his position outside the doors.
The room was large with a canopy bed in the center between two windows. There was a washroom and closet attached. I was surprised to find my trunk laid at the foot of my bed.
Heading towards the window I found nothing but miles of grey trees lying just beyond the walls of Winterfell. My mind wandered to all the horrific creatures that could live in these woods as well as beyond the Wall that separated Westeros from the rest of the continent. But before I could delve too deep into those thoughts, the opening of my chamber door interrupted me. Turning around I found Sandor. I opened my mouth to greet him but he spoke before I could. “I don’t want you marrying that cunt.”
I sighed. This wasn’t a new topic, I was betrothed the minute I was born, and neither Sandor nor I were naïve enough to think that we could ever be married. “I know, I don’t want to marry him either.” I approached him, wrapping my arms around his large frame. “I don’t want to live here,” I nearly began to cry. “It’s cold and I don’t know anyone and no one will let me bring guards or servants that I’ve known all my life.”
“Fuck ‘em I’ll be here with you,” he swore, tightening his arms around me.
“I couldn’t ask you to do that while I’m married off to someone else.”
“I’ve known this would happen the whole time, I’m not leaving you with strangers,” he grunted out. “Besides you and I both know you’re mine.”
“I am,” I heard myself agree, pushing up onto my toes to press my lips to his. Sandor still having to lean down to kiss me because of his stature.
I pulled back a little, not expecting to do anymore than kiss him right now but his lips followed. I allowed our lips remain connected as I felt his hands reach under my ass and thighs. He lifted me up, taking the short trek to my temporary bed for the time we stayed.
Laying me down gently he got right to work hoisting my dress up to my hips, never disconnecting our lips. I let out a soft moan into his mouth as his fingers briefly brushed over my clit. In an experienced move he tugged at my undergarments, leaving my core vulnerable to him.
Quickies were a regular occurrence for us seeing as our relationship was forbidden and I was hardly every left alone. We had to make the most of our time together.
In a well practiced move Sandor had his armor and pants down, exposing his length to me. I felt his cock drag up my already wet slit, teasing me slightly before pressing inside me. I tried to muffle my gasp at the sudden intrusion, wary of what may lie just beyond the walls of the room.
“Squeezing me so tight,” Sandor grunted in my ear, continuing to thrust himself inside of me. His hand slipped down to where our bodies met, his fingers finding my clit once again. I let out a soft moan, wrapping my legs around his waist at the feeling. “I’m the only one who can make you feel like this,” he groaned out. “This pussy is mine.”
“It’s yours,” I agreed with a moan. He then suddenly pulled out of me and I whined at the loss. He reached for the only spare piece of fabric to catch his seed, my panties. I watched breathlessly as he fisted his cock twice, cumming into my panties with a muffled groan.
Once he had thoroughly milked himself dry he tucked the soiled fabric into his armor before delving in between my thighs. He wasted no time licking at my already leaking hole. I involuntarily let out a soft moan, reaching down to grip his hair in order to ground myself.
It didn’t take me long to finish as my lover had his face pressed against my weeping core. And when I did cum on his face he simply took the panties he had used earlier to clean myself and him up before tucking them back into his armor. “Did so good for me, Princess,” he praised, pressing a rare, gentle kiss to my forehead. I relaxed into his touch, enjoying the comfort of his large frame.
He began to get up but my arms slid around his broad chest. “Wait, just… stay with me a moment?” He hesitated for a second before relaxing against me once again, wrapping me in his embrace as I had done to him.
“I can’t stay too long, little one,” he explained softly.
“I know I just need you right now,” I murmured, pressing my face into the crook of his neck.
I was jolted awake by a knock on my door. My thoughts were immediately of ‘how do I explain why my guard is in my bed?’ but I found myself alone. Relieved, I called whoever knocked in.
“You fell asleep?!” I heard my mother gasp. “You’ll have to change quickly,” she groaned, immediately going to my trunk. She angrily sifted around until she found a suitable gown, tossing it onto the bed. “Get dressed, The Hound will be here to escort you to dinner soon. Myrcella is already dressed,” she spat. Cersei had always favored my siblings over me, I suspect because I took after my father while they looked more like Lannisters. She had always taken great pride in her Lannister name, not Baratheon although she loved her title as Queen even more.
“Yes mother,” I obeyed, grasping the dress as she exited, slamming the door behind her.
I quickly slipped out of my traveling clothes into the more ornate dress. I managed to get it on alright but struggled with some of the bindings in the back. Fortunately Sandor came to my rescue, knocking on the door gently before letting himself in. “Do you want some help, Princess?” he asked half mockingly.
I sent him a glare before begrudgingly agreeing. I could feel the warmth radiating off Sandor as he stepped up behind me, grabbing the laces. He gave an unexpected sharp tug, causing me to stumble backwards into him. “Woah, Princess.” He caught me before pushing me back up onto my feet.
“Not that tight,” I told him. He adjusted, tying my dress snugly before stepping back. I looked up at him sadly seeing as this feast would be my formal introduction to my husband.
Upon reaching the hall full of cheers, laughter, and music, I was ready to turn back and run to the stables in order to find myself a horse to bring me home. But I steeled myself like the princess I am and marched into the room. Those who noticed my presence stepped aside and bowed their heads but most were already too drunk to notice. My father was already dancing with a servant directly in my mother’s eyeline. Fortunately she was too focused on my father as well as the Stark women to notice me. So I quickly found a goblet of wine, going to a remote wall with Sandor dutifully following after.
As I leaned up against the wall, I offered Sandor a drink but he just shook his head in refusal. “You never deny wine,” I stared at him quizzically.
His gaze never found mine, instead his eyes continued sweeping the room. “‘m working. Gotta keep you safe.”
“That’s never stopped you before,” I challenged. “You and I both know it takes far more than a glass of wine to intoxicate you.”
“I don’t trust these cunts,” Sandor answered, glaring at the rest of the room.
“Why? They seem like perfectly fine people. No worse than the people in King’s Landing.”
“I don’t trust the people in King’s Landing either.”
“Well I hardly doubt anyone will attempt to harm me at the feast to honor my father. Please relax, enjoy yourself.”
“That thinking is why you need a guard, little one.”
I just huffed, continuing to observe the room. Everyone was drunk and laughing with the exception of a few guards and women. My mother and Lady Stark looked quite stoic as they conversed occasionally. My youngest siblings sat with our uncle, Tyrion, while my younger brother, Joff, sat making eyes at Sansa, the second Stark child.
Meanwhile the eldest Stark was making his way over to me. “Princess,” he greeted, taking my hand gently. “Ser,” he looked up at Sandor, “might I borrow the princess for a moment? Get her acquainted to her new home?”
Sandor made no expression except to follow us. “He won’t allow me out of his sight, Queen’s orders,” I informed Robb.
“Ah, yes, well I suppose the maintenance of a princess’ safety and virtue are principal,” Robb mused as we exited the feast hall. “And your brother, the heir, he is…”
“A prick,” I filled in for him. “Don’t call him that to anyone but me but everyone knows it. Everyone but my mother, he can do no wrong in her eyes. Even my father isn’t thrilled that he is the one that will inherit the Iron Throne. I know he’s been making eyes at your sister, I’d advise both our fathers to keep them separated. They’re already joining our houses through us.”
“I don’t think Sansa will take too kindly to that,” Robb laughed. “She is holding firm in her belief that she will be queen.”
“Advise her that queen is a position one should not covet. The kings have their men, their counsels, and their whores. Queens have less authority than any other woman. And she’d be dodging attacks from all my relatives for the rest of her life.”
“You seem relieved to be leaving King’s Landing,” Robb observed.
I shrugged, looking out a window into the dark, cold, barren land on the North. “My father is refusing to allow me to bring any comforts of home. Please don’t take offense but the North is strange to me and I’m not even allowed to bring any familiar servants or guards. Even my sworn shield, Sandor, must leave me.”
Robb took a second to observe my guard. “My mother came here, alone much like you will. She tells me she was terrified to live in the North but she has found happiness here.” Robb’s hand reached up to softly stroke my cheekbone. “I sincerely hope you too will find happiness here, little doe. And I will speak to my father about your guard. If anyone can convince the King, it is Lord Stark,” he smiled before walking off. I looked around, realizing that he had led us to my chambers, giving me an excuse to retire for the night.
So I entered the room, Sandor following me inside. “Robb is… honorable,” I said.
Sandor just grunted. He’d never admit it but if she was going to be married off to any lord, Robb Stark was probably the best choice. He seemed to take her feelings into consideration rather than drag her into his life in the North.
By the next day Winterfell had shifted from celebrations of the king to celebrations of the next Lord Stark’s marriage. The fortress’ servants were bustling around for wedding preparations while the dressmakers of both King’s Landing and the north constantly flitted around the princess. “The princess cannot possibly be married in such… rough materials. A princess dresses in silks and fine linens,” my mother’s seamstress argued, gesturing to the trunk full of fine fabrics.
“The princess cannot be married if she freezes to death,” Lady Stark’s seamstress said for the hundredth time. “It is customary for northern women to wear furs to their weddings.” I just sat on a bench, deep into my wine as they continued to bicker.
“But the queen-”
“She will be of the North!”
“‘Of north,’ ‘of south,’ gods,” I groaned to Sandor as he stood beside me. “I may as well just walk down the aisle naked seeing as this dress will never be made.”
Sandor chucked from beside me. He kept his voice low so the women wouldn’t be heard but they were so wrapped up in their bickering I doubt they’d notice if we had begun kissing. “I’m sure the queen will have her way and you’ll be married in the finest of silks whether or not you freeze to death.”
“If my mother had her way I’d be blonde and marrying one of my Lannister cousins,” I mumbled.
“Well, I’d rather you marry the Stark boy than any of the Lannister cunts.” I just hummed, keeping my focus on the glass lightly pressed to my lips. The door then opened, revealing Lady Stark and Robb.
I stood up, giving a slight curtsy to my soon to be mother-in-law. “We heard your dress is being made and we wanted to show you this,” Lady Sark said, gesturing to the bundle of fur in Robb’s arms.
He stepped closer to me. “This is the cloak I will present you at our wedding. This will be the cloak I wear when I am made Lord of Winterfell. Stark Lords present their cloaks to their brides as a display of honor and my duty to you.”
I looked down at the cloak in awe, reaching my hand up to touch the fine furs. They were soft and thick, more than enough to keep me warm. “Thank you, my Lord. Believe me, the sincerity of this gesture is not lost upon me.” I looked up, finding Robb’s smile.
Lady Stark smiled upon seeing how the soon to be couple interacted. It was clear that Robb was taken with the girl and she was relieved a royal Baratheon-Lannister was kind and fair. That she didn’t treat Robb and the rest of the Starks as lesser than. Or show contempt for being moved north.
I turned, finding the dressmakers still quietly bickering. “The dress will be of Southern style and material but I want the embroidery to be Northern. I trust the dress paired with the cloak will be acceptable to both cultures?” I asked rhetorically. The two dressmakers gave me nodded agreements. “Tell my mother of my plans, I’m sure she’ll take issue with it but she will want to know,” I told the southern seamstress.
“If you want your part of the wedding to have southern influence I don’t mind,” Robb began.
“The southern traditions are simply to appease the Lannisters. Believe me I am anxious to be separated from many aspects of my former life.” All aspects except Sandor.
He offered a small smile. “Well then, I hope the North provides a better home for you,” he said before leaving with his mother.
“Spoken like the true Lady of the North,” Sandor said in a mildly mocking tone.
I just looked at the northern dressmaker. “Leave us for a few moments.” She complied, scurrying out of the room. “Sandor…”
“You didn’t like your life in King’s Landing? Too many servants prepared to get you whatever your heart desires?” he spat, venom on his tongue. He knew his anger was misplaced but he couldn’t help but burst. He was angry at the king for marrying her off and not allowing him to stay. Angry at the Starks for falling in love with her so quickly. And angry at the princess for slipping into this life without him so easily. “Too many guards risking their lives, dying to protect you? Did the noise of me fighting to defend your honor disturb your slumber?” He was circling her as he spoke while she just stood in the center of the room.
“Sandor, you know that’s not what I meant,” she said, her voice strained.
“Then what did you mean?” he sneered.
“When I said I was anxious to leave my former life that did not include you. It will never include you. I do not rejoice in the pain I’m sure I’m dragging you through but have you failed to consider that I’m in pain too?”
Sandor knew he should stop but he didn’t. “I’m sure your husband can take your mind off of that whilst you warm his bed.” The hurt look on her face at that comment was nearly enough to make him forget his rage. Nearly. “I’ll send the seamstresses back in, don’t leave this room until I come back,” he growled.
“Is that all I am to you? Something to warm your cock?” I spat making him stop dead in his tracks. “What? Did you just want to fuck a princess so you could brag to the others? And I just became this pest you couldn’t get rid of?”
Sandor sighed. “No, little one. You’re more than that.” And with that, he walked out. I knew his last words were an apology and that he needed some time.
I stood before my parents in my father’s chambers, begging for them to let me keep Sandor. “Father, please. I’ll have no one here. There is no one familiar to me in the north.”
“I’m sorry my dear but we cannot spare the Hound to you and only you. Besides, it would be an insult to the Starks’ promise to keep you from harm if we left a guard with you.”
“Robb has already given his blessing,” I insisted.
“We need him,” my mother spoke up. “Your time with the Hound and with our protection is over. It’s time for the Starks to take care of you. As the heir to the Iron Throne, your brother needs him more.”
“But he has been my guard these past three years.”
“That’s enough,” my father chastised. “Leave, go get ready for your wedding.” Unable to ignore a direct order, I turned, leaving the room like a scared puppy. As I stepped out the door and down the hall, Sandor found his step beside me. He allowed his fingers to find mine, intertwining them briefly before letting go for fear that we would be spotted.
We made our way to what would serve as my and the other Stark women’s dressing room. But before I went in, I hesitated. I looked up at Sandor. “I love you,” I whispered.
“I love you too, little one,” he murmured before opening the door for mw.
I was immediately confronted with the Stark women. Lady Stark, Sansa, and Arya were all dressed in formal northern dresses. Servants were flittering around them, doing the finishing touches on their outfits and hair. When they saw me, several descended, bringing me towards a vanity. They sat me down, immediately undoing the fastenings in my hair so they could redo it for the wedding. I stared blankly in the mirror as they did my hair. I could hear Arya fussing about her gown and hair, Lady Stark trying to soothe her while Sansa continued directing the servant doing her hair.
After a while of more tugging they finally deemed my hair good enough. There were several intricate braids twisted in it, pulling my hair back. A northern hairstyle. They then ushered me to put on my dress. It was white and made of mostly silk, tied tightly around my neck and lower back to keep it on me. The gold threaded embroidery on the hem showed scenes of nature in a Northern stitching style. Decorative gold chains also fell against my arms and up my back. As everyone stepped back to see a shiver went up my spine and I realized the dress was backless. I approached the mirror, turning to see the silk of the dress begin again at the dimples of my lower back.
“A bit nippy for the North,” I laughed.
“We’ll get you in that cloak soon enough,” Lady Stark smiled. “Leave us,” she ordered, all of the servants filing out. “You too,” she told her daughters. They complied with little argument and soon enough it was just the two of us. “Are you ready for the ceremony tonight?”
I blinked confusedly. “What ceremony?”
“The bedding ceremony. You didn’t know?” she asked, surprised. “Oh I’m so sorry my dear,” she placed a hand on my arm. “Lord Stark and I tried to fight it but the Lannisters insisted. Said it was tradition and was the only way to ensure the marriage.” She recognized my panicked expression, immediately going to soothe me. “No, no it’ll be alright. It’s a dull affair. Trust me, no one wants to be in that room. It’ll be over before you know it.”
“Did you have one? A public bedding ceremony?” I asked.
“Well no but—”
I moved to sit down, it felt as if I couldn’t breathe. But before I could burst into tears and ruin all the prep work that was put in to making me look as flawless as possible, there was a knock on the door. My father entered, a cheery smile on his face. “There is going to be a bedding ceremony and no one told me?” I asked angrily.
His smile dropped and he sighed. “I’m sorry. Your Uncle Jamie and grandfather insisted on it. You’ll be alright, your mother and I had one. And many princes, princesses, lords, and ladies have had one before you.” Seeing as there was no time to argue or to have a breakdown I took a breath, steeling myself just as my mother had taught me in the face of adversary. “Atta girl,” he praised, seeing my now calm exterior.
I took his arm, allowing him to lead me outside. We headed to the Godswood of Winterfell, meeting the cold outside with shivers. I could not believe I let my dress be of southern influence. "Why is the wedding outside?" I asked between shivers.
"Ned said that Robb had always wanted to be married in front of the Weirwood Heart Tree. I just nodded as we reached the center of the woods.
I stood at the end of the aisle, holding my father’s arm as I faced the rest of my life standing in front of the tree. As the orchestra began I took in-sync steps with my father until I was at the end of the aisle. Robb stepped towards me, taking my hand and lead me to the Septon. “You look beautiful,” he whispered. I could not muster any words so I just gave him a small smile.
As I took my place beside Robb the Septon spoke. “You may now cloak the bride and bring her under your protection.” Robb then took the cloak he promised me from his back, wrapping it around my shoulders with a swing, bringing both arms around me. I was grateful to feel its warmth, but it was so large and heavy it nearly slipped off my shoulders but he caught it, fastening it around my throat. He then took my hand, facing the Septon who wrapped our hands together in cloth. “We stand here in the sight of gods and men to witness the union of man and wife: one flesh, one heart, one soul, now and forever. Let it be known that Y/N of House Baratheon, born of Lannister, princess of the Seven Kingdoms, and Robbert of House Stark, born of Tully, the heir to the Lord of Winterfell are one heart, one flesh, one soul. Cursed be he who would seek to tear them asunder. In the sight of the Seven, I hereby sinew these two souls binding them as one for eternity,” he smiled. “Look upon one another, and say the words.”
I turned slightly, facing Robb as he did the same and we began to speak in unison. “Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger.
“I am hers and she is mine,
“I am his and he is mine,
“From this day until the end of my days,” we finished together.
“With this kiss, I pledge my love,” Robb declared before pulling my body to his, his arms around my waist. I reached my hand up to his face as our lips connected. When we separated I could finally hear the cheers of the Starks and their guests. Meanwhile my family clapped politely as Robb took my hand with a large grin, leading me down the aisle.
I snapped out of my daze, realizing that Robb had placed food on my plate. I rushed to thank him, hoping my mental absence wasn’t too noticeable.
A small smile formed on his face. “You’re not really one for large gatherings or ceremonies are you? At your father’s feast you stood secluded with the only person you trust. Then at our wedding you only seemed to be paying attention when you were looking at me.”
I looked down at the table, a little embarrassed. “No, not really. Embarrassing isn’t it? A princess who cannot face a crowd.”
“You’re Lady of the North now. I can handle all the formalities,” he smiled. I returned it gratefully.
As the night wore on more people came up to our table to give us congratulations and present their gifts. Robb spoke mostly, always gracious. He was already a great leader.
“So my mother tells me you were a bit blindsided by the bedding ceremony?” he asked. I looked down at my lap, fiddling with the table cloth. “I cannot believe your relatives would be so cruel to not tell you it was happening.”
“I think they were cruel to suggest it in the first place. Although I think they didn’t tell me for fear that I’d run away,” I laughed. Robb joined me.
“It’ll be alright, and please don’t judge my capabilities as your husband from tonight alone. I have no intentions of being a selfish lover but I am told we cannot leave until I finish. They don’t expect you too…”
“Right, of course,” I agreed, placing my hand on top of his. “Do whatever you need to get us out of there as quickly as possible.”
A new presence in front of us interrupted our deal-making. “It’s time,” my mother announced. I nodded, standing up with a shaky breath. I followed her through Winterfell until we reached a remote room. “Remember, just lie back it will all be over soon,” she advised me. As much as she held resentment for her first daughter being Robert’s child as well, she still held some love for her daughter and couldn’t help but pity the poor girl who was about to go through the most traumatic experience of her life.
“But mother, what if I don’t bleed like I’m supposed to?” I cried, terrified of what they would do to me.
“Not everyone bleeds,” Cersei assured me. “I didn’t and I still became Queen. You will be fine. Now go.”
I wanted to cry as the doors opened. Inside was a single “bed.” It being merely a mattress on top of a bed frame with no coverings to shield myself aside from a sheet meant to display the loss of my virginity. Several men lined the walls of the room, there to assure the consummation of my marriage. I recognized all the Lannister men as well as Lord Stark and cringed as I saw my father. But my heart sunk when I found Sandor’s gaze. I didn’t want him to have to see this.
A lower lord waved his hand over to the bed, gesturing for me to get in. I began to crawl onto it when a voice stopped me. “Disrobe, girl,” I heard a man sneer. I burned with humiliation as I was forced to remove the beautiful dress within everyone’s view, leaving me vulnerable to a few greedy men’s gaze.
I laid on the bed, trying my best to cover myself with my hands, refusing to look anyone in the face.
Soon enough the door opened again and Robb entered, looking nervous as well. But I watched him steel himself as he marched confidently over to my bed, stripping off his armor as he went. By the time he stood next to the bed he was bare as well, his cock standing up already.
Also wanting to get this over with, he swung his body up onto the bed, his hips hovering just above mine. I could feel his cock already pressing against my most intimate areas.
Robb leaned down as if to kiss me but whispered “I’m sorry,” first. His lips met mine before he quickly reached down to guide himself inside of me. I gasped in pain as he pressed into my completely dry hole.
He began to thrust quickly while I heard myself let out soft whimpers of pain. I tried to recede back into my mind but was unsuccessful as the pain was too much. I even heard myself beg him to stop a few times. But Robb would just lean down and whisper something about almost being done. He would continue chasing his pleasure as he tried to complete the task so we could both retire for the night.
Desperate for help I glanced around the room, not thinking clearly as I should have known that these men would not help me. Most of their gazes were almost bored, focusing on where Robb and I were connected in order to verify our union. I noticed a few lustful gazes from lords whose names I did not know. When I found Sandor I noticed his disassociated expression, something I did not blame him for.
Soon enough I heard Robb groan in my ear before I felt something I had never experienced. Robb released his ropes of cum inside of me, allowing his seed to coat my walls in hopes I would produce him an heir.
He stilled inside of me for a moment, not pulling out until he caught his breath. When he did I felt his seed trickle out of me and I looked down in between my legs, relieved to find blood. In their eyes my virginity had been taken even though the real deflowerer was acting as an observer.
Before I was allowed to move, Robb crawled off of me, quickly finding his pants. Next the King, my father, stood up to observe the proof of our consummation between my legs. I knew it was because he was the king but I still felt that he shouldn’t have to be the one to confirm.
He merely glanced quickly, giving me the slightest bit of dignity before dismissing the men. They all filed out as a maid came, bringing me a silk robe. I took it graciously, standing up so she could take the sheet.
Once I was sure the men had all cleared from the immediate hallways I ran out, desperate to find Sandor before someone sent me to Robb’s chambers.
Masterlist | Part II
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dr3adlady · 3 months
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I have edited and added the illustrations above to my shop. Check them out if you're interested.
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hiatuswhore · 2 years
♕ ℓαѕт σƒ σℓ∂ ναℓуяια
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♕ A/N: I watches House of Dragons and LOVED it. So definitely had to find a way to incorporate it somehow. I just started writing for Game of Thrones so send me some requests! Also feedback is my motivator so please, please, please comment!
♕ SUMMARY: War is a game made for the clever and the ruthless, one without the other shall stumble and stammer. Stumbling and stammering has no place amongst the clever and ruthless. In war that can cost you your life. House Stark, known to be most honorable must find a way to navigate all that they do not know. Stumbling and stammering in the Lions Den.
♕ WARNING: Season 3 Spoilers of GOT
♕ previous — masterlist — next
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(Y/N) STANDS WITH HER HANDS CLASPED IN FRONT OF HER. Her perfect posture and gleaming smile blend seamlessly into the crowd of spectators. She breaks her gaze forward, scanning the room. An endless supply of false smiles, speaking honey from their tongues as they pour venom into their ears. Do their hearts beat as fiercely as my own? She inhales sharply, her father's hands taking her own with a light squeeze.
"You're trembling, my dear. The course of action you take determines the future of Westeros," Cassian towers over his daughter, an unwavering veil of ease as she stares down at her plate. He kisses the side of her head, muttering into her temple, "We will defeat our foes no matter your decision."
The chorus of clapping pulls both Balter's back into the moment. Guests jump at the opportunity to wish Lord Edmure and his new wife Roslin congratulations. (Y/n) and Cassian doing so courteously before returning to their table. The music and animated chatter fail to reach (Y/n) 's table. She picks at the fruits on her plate, her leg bouncing without pause beneath her.
"—striking your King is an act of treason," (Y/n) freezes as the King of the North and his wife laugh amongst themselves. She fails to block them out as they speak of names for their unborn child. Her gaze shifting from the back of Robb Stark's head to the watchful glances around the room.
"They're all watching me," (Y/n) mutters, fiddling with her plate as her father scans the room. Walder Frey guzzles wine restlessly, his eyes bouncing between (Y/n) and Lord Bolton. (Y/n) cautiously brushes her hand against her father's forearm, her voice barely above a whisper as she avoids his gaze, "Father, please, help me. I know not of what to do?"
"My sweet girl, we are at war. Our hand has been forced into a difficult situation, but if you are ever to command the Azgeda army, you must be able to weather any storm. I have done my part. Now you must do yours," Cassian sighs, turning to his glass. (Y/n) keeps her gaze low before squaring her shoulders, straightening her back as she brings her twitching leg to a halt. Her eyes glazing over as she lifts her head, Walder Frey narrows his eyes as they catch each other's gaze. She offers a half nod, watching as the fickle man does the same to a Frey standing a few feet to the right of her table. (Y/n) stands, smoothing out her dress before circling her table. She stops in front of Robb and Talisa Stark's table. In the corner of her eyes, she ignores the watchful eyes of Lord Bolton and Lady Stark.
"My Queen," (Y/n) curtsies with perfect precision as Talisa smiles sweetly, "Lady (Y/n)."
"Your grace, I apologize for the intrusion, but I carry time-sensitive information. Will you walk with me?" Robb's smile falters, his eyebrows furrowing as he scoots to the edge of his seat. (Y/n) swallows thickly as he turns to his wife, pecking her cheek before rising to his feet.
"Lady (Y/n)," He says, offering his arm. She smiles weakly, offering Talisa a final curtsy before taking his arm. "Have you enjoyed the festivities?"
"Yes, your grace, it appears Lord Edmure is not as apprehensive about this union as before," The two move in sync at a leisurely pace, following the wall toward the back of the hall. (Y/n) nods absentmindedly as Robb jokes about making a mistake in not marrying a Frey, her eyes on her father as they pass him.
"The Queen is very lovely, your grace. There is no mistaking the way you look at her," (Y/n) 's smile hides the screaming shame beneath the surface. "One can only hope to find a love match as such."
"You are quite lovely yourself, Lady (Y/n). You and your father have continued unrelenting loyalty to my family and cause. You have both been invaluable to me. I assure you when this is over, I will make certain you get that love match," He stops her, making certain to look her in the eyes as he holds a wide smile. (Y/n) breaks her gaze continuing their stroll, the announcement of the bedding ceremony filling her silence, "Time-sensitive information? Should we summon my advisors?"
"Not necessary and not here, my King. Back in Azgeda, we say the walls have ears. What I am to tell you is for the ears of the King in the North only. We will win this war, but I need you to trust me," Stopping short as a large group of Northerners carry Roslin out of the hall with Edmure struggling to tame the invasive hands of women leading him out of the hall. Robb frowns at her words, her face void of a tangible expression. Then, as the stampede of Northern wedding tradition disappears, a Frey soldier side steps both (Y/n) and Robb at the doors.
"Lord Frey is about to toast," The soft hum of Rains of Castamere fills the halls as Robb frowns, his eyes bounding between (Y/n) and the Frey soldier.
"I am aware, and we shall return long before the toast. I escort our King at Lord Frey's behest," The soldier mimics Robb's frown as (Y/n) swallows thickly, the window of opportunity closing rapidly. (Y/n) glances back to find her father speaking quietly with Lord Bolton and Frey. At the opening of the doors, (Y/n) pulls Robb left sharply, her pace hastening in the dimly lit corridor.
"What is happening?" (Y/n) reveals a cloak pulling it around Robb. She carefully covers his head before handing him a dagger. She ignores his barrage of questions as she leads him toward the main gate.
"Lady (Y/n). Are you not supposed to be at the proceedings? We are locking down soon," (Y/n) stops in her tracks, turning to the soldier with a half smile. She sidesteps Robb, who keeps his gaze down.
"I've grown weary. My father sent me with my guard. I am to return to the Azgeda stronghold south of here. Come morning, we'll be war heroes, I suppose," (Y/n) glances at the gates where several Frey soldiers rush around with weapons in hand. The man frowns, tilting his head to look past Her. As she lifts her chin, her smile falls from her lips, "I think you forget your place, soldier. A foot soldier interrogating a high-born Lady, the last descendant of Old Valyria. I imagine the consequences would be unspeakable."
"My apologies, milady. I meant no offense," His gaze drops to his feet as he steps to the side. She clasps her hands, marching past him with her head held high and Robb shuffling in tow. Then, out of earshot, she pauses, standing at the edge where the torchlight meets the darkness that consumes the tree line.
"Follow me," She does not wait for a response or spare Robb a single glance as she marches toward the woods. Robb watches her retreating form before glancing at the twins. He knows something is wrong, but a nag in his chest beckons him to follow the last descendant of Old Valyria. His journey toward the tree line is short, even as he shuffles carefully with the dagger she gave him in hand. She stands speaking with one of her father's generals when he discovers the handful of knights hidden in the Forest.
His furrowed eyebrows fall as he clenches his jaw with narrowed eyes. (Y/n) approaches with her hands clasped in front of her, "Your grace—"
"What is the meaning of this?" The sound of swords unsheathing nearly drowns out the low grumble of the young King's voice. One hand holds her neck as the other presses his dagger to her throat. She stands rigid as he glares daggers at her, ignoring her father's soldiers that surround him.
"Stand down," She calls out—not to Robb, to her men. Her gaze on Robb unrelenting, with a chilling calm painting her features. The valyrian steel sits cold against her throat as no one moves a muscle, "I am the Lady of Azgeda. The last house with ties to Old Valyria. Chosen by the gods. Your commander, in my father's absence, I said stand down!"
The sheathing of swords and her commands do little to stifle the indignation in Robb's eyes.
"The young wolf. You've won every battle but have made costly mistakes, your grace," (Y/n) squeezes her eyes shut as Robb backs her into a tree. The soldiers' cries in the distance fill the air as the Red Wedding begins. Robb glances toward the Twins before speaking in a low hum, "Get to a point."
"Walder Frey and Roose Bolton have betrayed you. This wedding is a farce, a slaughter. I was tasked with separating you from your wife. She is to be the first target," (Y/n) grits her teeth as the dagger draws blood, Robb's grip tightening on her throat. His hands tremble against her skin as his eyes well with realization.
"You left my pregnant wife and mother to be slaughtered?" He scoffs, yanking her from the tree and turning her toward the Twins, knife still at her throat. The cries quiet down, and in the distance, Azgeda soldiers march toward the blood bath.
"I had a choice tonight. Allow you to be slaughtered with your people, lose this war and accept a reward from my mother's murderers. Or save your life and use this treachery to our advantage. These seasoned soldiers with us now will march us to our stronghold not too far North as the rest of the army murderers the Freys and Boltons."
"Why shouldn't I slit your throat?" He whispers into the shell of her ear, her back pressed to his chest. Dagger still at her throat, she lets out a dry laugh.
"Because all of this would have been for nothing. My men will kill you, my father will bide his time and side with the Lannisters as he plots his revenge, and your sisters will remain captives. Frey and Bolton have given us an advantage. Right now, your men, mother, and wife lay dead. My father will present your mother's body and a mutilated man to the crown. The world will think you dead, and my father will demand my protection and army set up camp in Casterly Rock away from the North until things calm down. Then, while they lick their wounds and celebrate their victories—their treacheries, you will command the Azgeda army in their ancestral home. We will take Casterly Rock and paint Kings Landing with Lannister blood. But go ahead, slit my throat, end our family names, and will be written in history books as casualties of the Red Wedding. Fools who thought they could wage war against the crown," Another dry chuckle leaves her lips as she watches her army overwhelm the Twins. Tears leave her as she pictures a fate far worse than death, the Lannisters getting away with it all. If Walder Frey or Roose Bolton still breathe, they are undoubtedly aware of her and her father's betrayal.
Robb's grip on (Y/n) loosens before he drops it entirely. She steps back, turning away from the Twins as Robb's legs buckle beneath him. On his knees, his eyes focus on the Twins. A quiet sob leaves his lips as she wipes blood from her neck. Her sworn protector, Azgeda's general at her side, checking for wounds.
"Your grace. Lady (Y/n). We must leave soon in the coverage of night. The Lannister army is arriving in a few hours," Nodding her head, her gaze remains on Robb, who does not move a muscle. Reaching forward, (Y/n) pauses, studying Robb carefully before placing her hand on his arm. He yanks away from her violently before rising to his feet and stomping further into the woods. (Y/n) gesture for men to follow him.
"Are you okay, Lady (Y/n)?" Swallowing dryly, she nods, offering a half-hearted nod.
"Send word to prepare our ships. We sail for Casterly Rock in the coming weeks."
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blade-liger-4ever · 21 days
I can hardly believe I just did this, but...
Here's my take for Rhaego Targaryen, the Stallion Who Mounts the World, plus small ideas for a minor AU of sorts.
Warning, I'm putting a cut here because Tumblr is stupid and won't let me order the pictures side by side in the proper order.
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So for this take - which is personally how I'd like to see an AU of Game of Thrones, give or take some details that are or aren't changed - I like to imagine that both Drogo and Rhaego lived, with Daenerys and Drogo teaming up to retake the Iron Throne, Daenerys acting as the great strategist/political powerhouse (while being backed by her three dragons, who keep their names and most of their personalities), while Drogo leads the troops and trains all the men Daenerys brings him through her alliances. I'd probably let it be done so that Daenerys, maybe through a dealing with the witch that, obviously, doesn't involve her husband and son's deaths, does leave her unable to bear more children. Regardless of whether or not that's a factor at all in this AU, Rhaego has no more biological siblings, but quickly grows to view Drogon, Rhaegal, and Viserion as his brothers, while the dragons in turn also view him as their youngest brother and protect him as fiercely as their mother and father (Drogo being their father - oldest boy is named for him, after all.)
Robb would also live, and I'd like to, personally, introduce a tribe of white tiger shape-shifters from "The Land of Always Winter". I'm....honestly wanting him to marry the tribe's princess, who can really kick butt, too. The reason for this is that I feel the Night King's home for the last few centuries is underdeveloped, and I feel Robb should marry someone with experience in warfare - that, and I really like white tigers. Additionally, I'd probably have White Tiger Princess sent to find the Starks and reveal to them their ties to House Targaryen, and organize an alliance with House Stark as they battle the frozen zombies (by the way, this revelation is achieved by prophetesses from their land, and all members of the tribe learn to fight and care for each other because of the constant threat of the Night King.)
So....hrm, let me think. I guess it otherwise goes according to canon, but they manage to fix enough things that when Daenerys and Drogo - who have practically reclaimed most of the Seven Kingdoms, I suppose - meet them and learn of their family ties, Robb and Jon come to an agreement with them: Daenerys will rule the Seven Kingdoms, with Jon acting as her Hand and ruling most of the North. House Stark is still intact, though Ned, Catelyn, and Rickon are still dead, and Robb marries the White Tiger Princess and unites the two lands through their marriage. Additionally, the white tiger tribe (which I'm terribly sorry I forgot to mention earlier) has access to ice dragons, allowing for the regrowth of the dragon presence in Westeros through crossbreeding the species, and giving Jon his own dragon so that he can embrace his Targaryen heritage.
Other bullet points that I want to leave here:
Rhaego rides Viserion, who is the only unclaimed of the three dragons (I feel Drogo should ride Rhaegal, who in this story, grows to be nearly as big as Drogon.) Viserion is also the fastest, earning him the nickname "The Pale Wind".
Grey Wind lives, and gets to remain by his master's side all through to the war's end.
Nymeria reunites with Arya, who perhaps returns to the North or chooses another future for herself.
The Hound lives, always accompanying Arya, regardless of her life choice.
Jaime lives, actually gets to redeem himself, and maybe marries or otherwise has a relationship with Brienne.
Cersei gets to die, hopefully horribly (I hate her, okay?)
Sansa...TBD, either by myself or anyone else who reads this and enjoys it.
Jorah lives, acting as Rhaego's guardian and teacher as he grows.
Jon marries either Ygritte or some other woman; I personally prefer Daenerys x Drogo.
And lastly, we would probably get an epilogue of sorts where we see a young adult Rhaego, having inherited his family legacy and trained Dothraki dragonriders, embarking on a conquest of Valyria, which I'd use as a Sequel Hook for a future series.
And that's it. If you like this, thank you for reading it. If you didn't, just skip this post; it's merely a way for me to kick out the ideas that have been rattling around in my brain for Heaven knows how long.
Also, if anyone wants to make a story out of this, you have my blessing to do so. I only ask you credit me for the source of the concepts and original inventions for this. I'm not a fan of Game of Thrones, nor have I really watched it - I just looked up the characters, found I liked them, and thought "what if?"
Have fun people, and take care.
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kingcunny · 4 months
LITERALLY LITERALLY………….. the thought that the only way sandor can think to prove himself that hes a Good Dog now is by committing the worst sin a person can do. him having to go out and hunt down gregor like a dog on the trail. having to drag his decomposing body back to robb like his awful roadtrip with arya. but with his dead brother this time. and just like with arya hes not stopping until he can deliver his prize right at robbs feet.
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axelsagewrites · 1 year
What They're Like in Bed
Includes: Robb, Jon, Sandor, Podrick
Warnings: TW under cut. 18+
Word count: 854
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Masterlist Here
Robb is defiantly a dom. He might be the biggest romantic and will do anything you ask outside of the bedroom but inside your private chambers he is in control and if you want him to do something to you, he will gladly listen to you beg for it. This man has a thing for control and loves when you call him your king and don’t think about not asking for permissions before you act.
He loves to use a mix of praise and degradation to make you squirm beneath him, calling you his pretty little whore. He likes to hold your face, grabbing your jaw or pulling up your chin, to force you to keep eye contact with him. He gets off on the humiliation but its worth it for the things he can do with his tongue. This man is like a starved wolf when he goes down on you.
Despite his dom nature he is still caring during the whole act, leaving kisses over your body and soothing any parts of you he worried he grabbed too hard. After the act is done, he is quick to scoop you into his arms and hold you, showring your head with kisses and your ears with compliments.
Jon (more headcannons here)
Jon is a switch, so you get to have it both ways. You get the desperate to please Jon who begs to even touch you and who moans shamelessly at your touch. However, you also get the Jon who likes to grab you by your hips and bend you over any table or against any wall that’s closest.
His favourite thing is to watch you cum around him or because of him. Its his favourite part of the whole thing, watching your face contort into a mix of pain and pleasure as he finally allows you to reach your peak. That can take a bit though because this man lives for edging you and teasing the shit out of you. As you do with him. Despite loving to be cared for and praised he is a massive brat who whines when he does not instantly get what he wants.
Jons quite private about your sex life and it took him a while to admit to all his kinks to you. You knew he had a mommy kink from the beginning, but he refused to admit it for so long.
Sandor would never admit it but he fucking loves when his partner is a brat. He loves to put you in your place, pinning you down with ease and fucking you senseless. He loves to grab your hips and chest or to be gripping and pulling your hair. He just loves to be able to throw you around really. It was slightly inevitable because of his size but he loves the size difference between you.
Sex with him is always pretty rough. Your body is often littered with bruises that he refuses to admit are deliberate. He wants everyone to know you’re his whether that be by leaving a hickey or two on or neck or having you moan and scream his name.
At first, he is always wary during sex that his size may hurt you or that you could do better but eventually you are able to convince him you can handle it. he struggled to understand that you liked the feeling of his spankings or him choking you, but he was more than happy to comply. after sex though he is always very careful and makes sure you are okay. he will hold you or even bathe you depending on how rough he had been.
Podrick is the definition of a people pleaser. He’s very shy and unsure of himself to start but his shy and blushy nature is what endeared you. This man subs and he subs hard. He doesn’t hesitate to do exactly what you tell him too and he won’t stop till he’s told.
He loves your body. Like obsessed with it. he’s constantly praising how good you look and begging to touch you. He will kiss every inch of your skin when you let him. However, his lips always fall back to one place in particular. He will spend hours with you riding his face if you let him. If you’re not riding your face, he’s begging for you to ride him instead.
After he builds his confidence up, he sometimes will get a bit cocky and try dom you instead. Sometimes you let him and when you do, he will pin you down and fuck you senseless into the pillow. However, he does still love to see your face when he does. Other times you quickly remind him of his place and his bratting doesn’t last too long since he is as desperate to receive praise as he is to give it. After yous are done he loves to take turns holding you and being held. however, he’s always up for another round and your post sex cuddles will soon turn into round two or cock warming while he waits for you to be ready.
A/N: Gonna do another part next of some of the GOT girls. Any specific ppl you want included (guys or gals since I'll probably do more of the guys)
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daniellewritesfr · 8 months
𝐆𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭
I will write for almost every GOT character, if you have requests feel free to send them in! If you're wondering about my rules see This Post
Fluff ✼ Angst ✾ Smut ★
Jon Snow
My Lady (Jon Snow x f!Reader) ✼
Robb Stark
Amongst The Ice And Snow series (Robb Stark x f!Reader)
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chic-beyond-the-wall · 9 months
What Sansa Stark would wear as the queen of The North
(Alexander McQueen Fall 2011)
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ahh im so excited your requests are open!! if you’re okay with it, could i please request something about how some of the game of thrones characters comfort their s/o when they find out she’s upset/had a bad day? thank you!!
Of course! I hope you enjoy lovely!
Jaime - When you’re having a bad day, Jaime would put on his most dashing smile and try to cheer you up with the cheesiest pick up lines. He would pretend like the two of you don’t know each other and he would lay it on thick with the schmoozing. It wouldn’t fail to make you laugh as he charms you just like he did the first time.
Sandor - When you’re having a bad day, Sandor would have no idea what to do. When you tell him that you’re upset he would freeze for a moment before patting you on the head and continuing about the day as usual. If you wanted something specific from him like cuddles or a bath, you’d have to be very clear about that with him. 
Petyr -  When you’re having a bad day, Petyr would take you out on a shopping spree. He’d take you to the nicest marketplace in King’s Landing and tell you to pick out anything that made you happy before gladly buying it for you. He would spoil you rotten and then take you home to enjoy whatever it was that he bought for you. 
Jon -  When you’re having a bad day, Jon would let you be in that state of mind as long as you needed. Sometimes it feels good to be sad and Jon knows this. He would simply sit with you and hold your hand for a while as you cry or vent or yell. Then once you’re good and spent he’d curl up in bed with you before falling asleep.
Robb -  When you’re having a bad day, Robb would do anything in his power to cheer you up. He’d tell stupid jokes and tickle you and share stories and kiss you from head to toe, all just to see you smile again. He’s incredibly cheesy but he just wants to see you happy at all times. It absolutely breaks his heart when you’re upset.
Tywin -  When you’re having a bad day, Tywin would clear his schedule to spend the day with you. He knows that with how little you get to see him that giving you quality time with him will cheer you up. He would take you for a walk around the grounds, simply occupying your mind with stimulating conversation for hours. 
Bronn -  When you’re having a bad day, Bronn would sit with you and point out all the things that are good about life. He would hold your hand and point out the trees and the sunshine and the birds chirping and the beautiful castle you two live in. He would want to show you that your life is beautiful in order to help cheer you up.
Jorah -  When you’re having a bad day, Jorah would absolutely shower you with love and affection. He would forget about all of his responsibilities, making you his top priority. He would cuddle you in bed for hours, tenderly kissing you and telling you how much he adores you. He would compliment you endlessly as he loves on you.
Ramsay -  When you’re having a bad day, Ramsay would ask you who hurt you, offering to kill them in order to cheer you up. When you tell him that it’s no one’s fault, you’re just having a bad day he would jump into caregiver mode. He’d warm up a bath for you, get you a glass of wine, and massage you as he takes care of you.
Stannis -  When you’re having a bad day, Stannis would be very attentive. He’d sit you down and ask what he could do to make you feel better. He would want to hear in your own words exactly what would cheer you up. And he’d give it to you. He’s a king, he can get things done. All you have to do is name it and it is yours. 
Oberyn -  When you’re having a bad day, Oberyn would make a gigantic spectacle of cheering you up. He’d throw a three day long party and invite all of your friends and family. He’d hold a huge feast in your honor and make you the special guest of the whole thing. He’d want you to feel like the most special princess ever because you are.
Dany -  When you’re having a bad day, Dany would take you for a ride on one of her dragons. She would want you to see the big wide beautiful world from a view that only you are deserving of. No one else would ever be able to say they’ve ridden a dragon but her and you. She’d want you to feel like the powerful queen you are. 
Brienne -  When you’re having a bad day, Brienne would do the simplest but most meaningful things for you. She would clean up the house because she knows you like it clean. She’d pick flowers for you on the way home. She would cook you dinner so you don’t have to do it yourself. Small acts of service like that to show she cares.
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spxllcxstxr · 2 years
• Game of Thrones Masterlist •
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Do not repost my works. Do not translate my works without asking.
Requests: Open
Sandor Clegane
Tyrion Lannister
Podrick Payne
Brienne of Tarth
Robb Stark
Jon Snow
Sansa Stark
Theon Greyjoy
Eddard Stark
Petyr Baelish
Margaery Tyrell
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