topvise · 7 years
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'Stargazer' (Miraestels) by Robert Llimós
Port of Barcelona, Catalonia - spain
More photos on www.vise.pictures
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rapporthumanoide · 8 years
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BRESIL Le 12 juin 2009 - environ 16h Source : The Humanoid Report / Albert S Rosales
Le peintre Robert Llimos se trouvait sur une plage de Fortaleza dans le Nordeste quand il a vu un énorme engin sphérique de 50 mètres de diamètre sortir des nuages. A travers les hublots, il dit avoir aperçu deux créatures humanoïdes avec des longs cous qui le regardaient intensément. Robert Llimos explique alors que l'engin s'est approché et qu'il est convaincu d'avoir été embarqué à bord de la sphère. Les souvenirs qui suivent sont confus et fragmentés, Robert Llimos a cependant gardé une image très précise de ses visiteurs qu'il décrit comme ça :
« Ils étaient de la même espèce tous deux mais d'un genre différent, l'un était clairement mâle, l'autre femelle. L'entité féminine était plus petite, elle portait une sorte de robe blanche et sur sa tête, un diadème d'or incrusté de dessins métalliques. L'entité masculine avait une sorte de tunique grise, avec une ceinture, des sangles et des tresses ornées. Robert Llimos décrit leur apparence comme "martiale, élégante, sobre et quelque peu archaïque, presque médiévale ». Les traits de leurs visages étaient les suivants : longs cous, peau écailleuse brun-vert, yeux noirs et brillants en forme d'amande, nez plat, et de très petites oreilles, rouge à l'intérieur et noire à l'extérieur. Ils étaient complètement sans poils, et leur peau présentaient plusieurs textures différentes. Par exemple, les écailles étaient plus grandes autour du menton et du cou que sur la tête. L'entité masculine mesurait au moins 2,20 m de hauteur. Tous deux présentaient des déformations crâniennes typiques des reptiles".
Source : The Humanoid Report / Albert S Rosales https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10154677416419006&set=pcb.1420174624723535&type=3# Video : https://www.youtube.com/watch…
An artist's encounter: Location. Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil Date: June 12 2009 Time: 16:00
Acclaimed Catalan painter and artist, Robert Llimos after attending a wedding in Sao Paolo had come to visit his girlfriend’s sister in Fortaleza. After dinner both women went out shopping in town. Robert then decided to visit some nearby dunes to do some scenery paintings. He sat down and hat not even opened the painting kit when suddenly he saw as if appearing out of nowhere a giant disc-shaped object the huge object was practically above Robert, very close to the ground, but completely silent. Under the object there was a sort of platform that appeared to be some sort of observation deck. At times the whole object would be covered by a thick fog, which would dissipate periodically revealing the craft’s splendor. On the top of the craft Robert could see a small dome and two antenna-like protrusions. He estimated the craft to have been at least 50-meters in width and a little less in height. Suddenly he could see doors and windows appear (as if by magic) on the observation area. At this time he also became aware of a small spherical light that approached his body in what he thought was some sort of scanning procedure. When the tiny spherical light vanished, two of the windows became illuminated in the windows he was able to distinguish two humanoid creatures with huge necks, three or four times the size of human necks, they stared at him intently. Without thinking it twice Robert took out his painting tools and to feverishly draw the image of the craft and its occupants. At this point the object approached to within 1-meter of the awestruck Robert who could now clearly see the features of its occupants. He is convinced that he was taken onboard the craft but can only remember bits and pieces. He clearly remembers having the humanoids standing in front of him very closely. He admits he felt some fear and recalls repeating to the entities over and over, “Please don’t take me with you”. There were two humanoids that he can remember clearly, both apparently of the same species, but off different genre, one was clearly a male, the other a female. The female entity was shorter than the male, she wore some sort of white dress and on her head she wore a gold diadem encrusted in what appeared with metallic designs. The male entity wore a sort of knee-length gray jacket, with a belt, straps and decorated braids. According to Robert their aspect was “Martial, elegant, sober and somehow arcane, almost medieval”. Their facial features were as follows: Long necks, brownish-green scaly skin, black and shiny almond-shaped eyes, flat noses, and very small ears, red inside and black on the outside. They were completely hairless, and their skin showed several textural features. For example the scales were larger around the chin and neck area than on the head. The male entity was at least 2.20m in height, and the female a little shorter. Both displayed cranial deformities typical of reptiles, but almost unnoticeable between the male and the female. At a certain point in time Robert felt convinced that the UFO occupants had “achieved their goal” and that the experience was coming to an end. He suddenly found himself standing on the dunes and waving goodbye at the craft which disappeared into the distance at great speed. It was already dark and Robert realized that somehow he had traced or painted at least 10 images of the craft and humanoids. When he returned to his girlfriend’s sister’s house both women were waiting anxiously for him and were about ready to notify authorities, this is when Robert realized that he had been gone over 3 hours. Apparently most of his memory had been erased by the humanoids. He has not experienced any other UFO-related incidents again, but has reported strange phone interferences in which quick talking high-pitch voices interrupt the conversations, usually at times when he is being interviewed about the events. HC addendum Source: Año Cero number 12-233, p. 56 and Miguel Pedrero Type: G Comments: Translated by Albert S Rosales
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antonioyoussif · 7 years
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MIRAESTELS, Robert Llimós- #miraestels #blue #walking #water #mediterranean #boat #modernismo #Barcelona #españa #catalunya #indigo #sun #iphoneography #iphone6 #amazing #breathtaking #barcelonainspira #archilovers #water #modern #spring #yacht #colorful #streetphotography #travel #spain #city #robertllimos #colorful
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Gli anni delle attese. Stefano Guerrini per cantiereMETABOX. #stories #writing #waiting #art #sculpture #barcelona #robertllimos #miraestels #igers #igersitalia #igersemiliaromagna #igersbologna (presso Bologna, Italy)
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culturaextraterrestre · 10 years
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/// Robert Llimós, de premio nacional de Artes Plásticas de Cataluña a Contactado ///
En Diciembre de 2014 conocí a Robert Llimós, artista catalán que en 1994 recibió el premio nacional de Artes plásticas de Cataluña y que desde los años 60 ha desarrollado un cuerpo de obra que va del  expresionismo al arte conceptual.
Pero no fue hasta el 2009 cuando su vida personal y artística tomó un camino distinto al que llevaba trazado; un evento que lo ha marcado profundamente: su experiencia de contacto con uno seres extraterrestres en Fortaleza, Brasil. 
Así, y en una ¨misión¨ por explicar al mundo de manera gráfica su contacto con estos seres,  desde ese día ha realizado una gran cantidad de pinturas, grabados, dibujos y esculturas que reproducen una y otra vez la nave y seres extraterrestres con los que se encontró.
Aquí, una serie de fotos que realicé en su showroom el día de nuestro encuentro en Barcelona.
Más sobre su trabajo y experiencia de contacto aquí:
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antonioyoussif · 7 years
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Maremagnum - #maremagnum #blue #walking #water #mediterranean #boat #modernismo #Barcelona #españa #catalunya #indigo #sun #iphoneography #iphone6 #amazing #breathtaking #barcelonainspira #archilovers #water #modern #spring #yacht #colorful #streetphotography #travel #spain #city #robertllimos #colorful
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