#rocio cabrera
rociosmelody · 6 years
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Buenos días Rocío. ¿Sabes esos bajones que te vienen de vez en cuando sin sentido? Pues ayer me pasó, las razones fueron absurdas pero no pude evitar que mis lágrimas salieran a la luz. ¿Sabes lo que hice? Aparté todo de mi, me senté para encender el ordenador y puse un blog de Sweet California donde tú sales. Empecé llorando mientras os veía, mientras te miraba a ti. Comenzaste a hacer tonterías y a reír, eso hizo que las lágrimas se convirtieran en risas y sonrisas de ternura.
Eres literalmente mi ángel de la guarda. Siempre que te necesito tú apareces, mañana tendremos foto nueva tuya.
Siempre que me dan estas "crisis" voy corriendo a ti porque sé que eres lo único que me calma y me hace desaparecer de este mundo. En esos momentos es cuando más comprendo el que no estés aquí. Hay muchas veces que lo único que quieres hacer es desaparecer, pues si alguna vez te has sentido así hazlo. Desaparece. Ya podras arreglar las cosas después pero para poder superar ese momento es necesario desaparecer. Ya sea una hora o días. Yo hago eso, apago el móvil y me pongo a hacer otras cosas. Dibujo, estudio, miro tus vídeos en youtube, veo dramas, escucho música, etc. Pero desaparecer no es algo malo. Aquí sería el momento perfecto para poner Desaparecer de Auryn.
No hace mucho he vuelto a caer en ese pensamiento, no hay nadie que te supere a ti o a Auryn en mi corazón. Sois mi inicio y seréis mi final, pero sobretodo tú que eres la que me ayuda cada mañana. Eres literalmente lo primero en lo que pienso y eres a la primera que le deseo un buen día, si el tuyo es bueno el mío lo será pase lo que pase.
Rocío, ¿cuántas veces te he dicho que te quiero? ¿cuántas veces he formulado esta pregunta anterior? Desde que te conozco sé lo que es amar, he comprendido lo que es querer tanto a alguien que lo dejarías todo por esa persona. Sé que no se debería hacer eso porque las cosas podrían salir mal, pero es que no me importa. Porque si no te tengo a ti no soy yo, no soy Andrea.
Una vez me lo dijeron. "El día que digas que no quieres más a Rocío, ese día dejarás de ser Andrea". Es que ya estoy ligada a ti, mi ser ya está ligado a ti. Da igual la manera en que lo piense, sé que es raro, muy raro pero es que en este mundo ya nl existe nada a lo que se le pueda llamar normal en si. Porque para mi es normal amarte de esta manera pero a lo mejor para ti u otra persona no lo es, porque no lo comprenden. No han vivido mi vida, no han vivido las veces que tú me has salvado.
Y si no comprenden ¿acaso tienen el derecho de decir que no es normal amarte de esta forma?
Una vez dije "Ya no quiero a Rocío" casi me matan a palos por mentirosa, se notó al instante que estaba bromeando. La gente a mi alrededor ya no conoce a una Andrea sin Rocío porque es que no existe ya esa Andrea en mi. No puedo separarme de ti, tampoco es lo que quiero.
Sé que ha sido muy difícil para todxs nosotrxs estos casi tres años "sin ti" pero es que no hemos estado sin tu presencia en si, porque has aparecido de a veces y cuando aparecías quizás era el momento en el que alguien iba a decir "Ya no puedo más" pero apareciste y le salvaste.
Salvas vidas sin darte cuenta, esa es la magia que posees.
Rocío, ojalá te des cuenta de lo maravillosa e importante que eres, para tú familia, para nosotrxs y para ti misma.
Ojalá poder verte pronto y decirte todo esto en persona, aunque me quedaría palarizada pero al menos podré decirte "Te quiero" y tú podrás escucharlo.
Rocío, crece, cambia, sueña, pero nunca dejes de caminar sea hacia delante o retroceder un poco hacia atrás para arreglar las cosas.
Yo nunca perderé la esperanza, ya que tú nunca lo hiciste.
Gracias por hacerme fuerte.
Gracias por salvarme siempre.
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misalumnosisil · 2 years
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Flavia Pinzás
Flavia Pinzás
Daniel Sarmiento
Sair Cabrera
Valeria Robles
Phelipe Nakamatsu
Phelipe Nakamatsu
Brianna Vergara
Ana Munayco
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oopsbirdficced · 6 years
[sits down in front of your desk] Tell me about your Saint Seiya OCs? :o
Sorry this took so long! I have a lot of feelings about my OCs. In fact, I'm only doing two of them, because I have so many. /weeps softlyI'll put up a list of other OCs at the end, if you want to specifically ask about someone. This will also include my husband, @aphrodites-bloody-rose’s OCs, because at this point I have shared custody.Okay! My first babe: Dionisio Fiore. His birth name was Cristiano, but his cousin Luka sort of renamed him, and it stuck. He was Deathmask/Mephisto's predecessor and kind of adopted father. He's a sweetheart, good with kids. He's from Venice, from an extremely conservative Catholic family, and he had a pretty horrible life, because his talking to dead people powers manifested really early. When he was six, the Pisces Saint (@aphrodites-bloody-rose’s OC, Aurelien Lécuyer) took him to Sanctuary, and Luka tagged along, as the only not-shitty member of his family, along with his five polyamorous lovers. He loves cooking, to the point where he probably would have opened a restaurant if he wasn't a Saint. He also really loves painting, particularly the fresco method. He picked Mephisto up off the streets of Sicily when he was six, and they lived happily there until Dionisio died in an earthquake four years later at the age of 35. This left Mephisto severely traumatized, because he was trapped under Dionisio’s body in rubble for three days in the height of Sicilian summer.Scorpio Tryphosa Metaxas takes no shit. She's a tough, confrontational woman who thinks the mask law is absolute bullshit and never wears her mask. She's about five years older than Dionisio and hopelessly in love with him. He's also hopelessly in love with her, but a series of misunderstandings prevented them from ever getting together. She's Milo’s predecessor and sort of adopted mother, and she found him at the hospital. He was an orphan, and she ended up funding his medical bills and nursing him back to health. After Dionisio’s death, she spiraled into depression and alcoholism, and ended up retiring to the Bahamas and giving up her Cloth when Milo was eleven. Other OCs include: Pisces Aurelien LécuyerLuka Fiore and his polyamorous lovers (Nicola Auditore, Orfeo Zunino, Antonina Tessaro, Elisa Biancardi, and Ezio Aita)Gemini Lew WalenronlisCapricorn Alazne Carmen Eurea “Devil’s Eye Carmen” CabreraOphiuchus Asta KokinosPisces Demetria ArgyrisSagittarius Genevieve ReeseLeo Jacques GuilloryAleksandra ‘Sasha’ Feliksova ZimaYekaterina ‘Katya’ Demyanova OrlovMaria ‘Masha’ Vasilova KuznetsovKemen Eder Bikendi CabreraMikhail ‘Misha’ Vladimirovich ZimaGemini Rocio de la CruzCancer Lorcan Ó Rinn
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michael-svetbird · 3 years
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: • "INTERLUDIO XXXIV": . • PENTHESILEA and her Amazons in a fight for Troy. Illustrations by [presumably] José Daniel Cabrera Peña and Rocio Espin Pinar, modern digital artists from Spain, made for "Troy: Last War of the Heroic Age" by Si Sheppard. . Both artists have a/cs on ArtStation and SM but unfortunately no references or additional information related to these illustrations. . [Source: The Web, Public domain, Copyright: Authors, Publisher] . . #troy #trojanwar #τροία #greekmythology #epic #ancienthistory #antiquity #ancientworld #mythology #illustration #mythologyillustration #josédanielcabrerapeña #rocioespinpinar #trojan #amazons #amazzoni #amazones #αμαζόνες #амазонки #amazonki #penthesilea #πενθεσίλεια #pentesilea #пентесилея #πενθεσιλεια #amazonqueen #queenofamazons #amazonomachy #warrioress #oiorpata @michael_svetbird Interludio XXXIV https://www.instagram.com/p/CNwlkmAruNw/?igshid=u5lvhmlf43qk
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trascapades · 5 years
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🎨 #ArtIsAWeapon #NewExhibit #TheBronx "THE UPDATE" January 8 – February 26, 2020 Longwood Art Gallery at @hostoscollege. Opening reception tonight, 6:00PM - 9:00PM, 450 Grand Concourse, and afterparty at @bronxbeerhall with sounds by @uptownvinylsupreme, 10:00PM - 1:00AM, 2344 Arthur Avenue (swipe ⬅️). www.hostos.cuny.edu/culturearts/events/Gallery/The_Update/The_Update.shtml "The Bronx Council on the Arts [@bronxartsorg] presents the exhibition THE UPDATE, #curated by Kiara Ventura [@kiara_cristina] of @ArtsyWindow, which showcases works by Bronx artists of now that blend their personal experiences, the influence of street culture, and the rich history behind them to create original works of art in a variety of media and styles. THE UPDATE brings together 10 Bronx #artistsofcolor under 30, whose works are #experimental, #radical, and unorthodox with respect to #art, #culture, or #society. This new generation is actively reflecting on Bronx’s #streetculture, #fashion, #aesthetic, and #history, yet updating it with a true and groundbreaking vision. Blurring lines in the #contemporaryart world, the works also comment on the history of abstract painting, conceptual sculpture, photo and video journalism, documentary work, street art, textile art, and printmaking to create something new. Through various media, including #photography, #video, #painting, #sculpture, and #mixedmedia, the artists collectively demonstrate how their identity, culture, and native borough play a key role in shaping their visual narratives. By referring to influences of native BX styles, their work also continues to comment on timely local issues affecting The Bronx, including issues of displacement, gentrification, street violence, and economic struggle." PARTICIPATING ARTISTS Audreamia Wardlow | Dillon Gardner | Estelle Maisonett Mark Malave | Monica Flores | Patrick Alston | Rocio Marie Cabrera | Ron Baker | Sorinn Lillico | Stanley Steel #Free & Open to the Public _______________________ #TheUpdate #BronxArtExhibit #BronxArtists #BlackGirlArtGeeks🤓 #TraScapades #ArtIsAWeapon #OpeningReception https://www.instagram.com/p/B7E1CyxghGr/?igshid=wr0k8mlchfv0
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progressiveparty · 5 years
Army officer returns home to San Diego to say goodbye to mother before deportation
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Donald Trump's hate and xenophobia are the opposite of everything our country is supposed to stand for. As president I will ensure the return of deported veterans, and use my executive authority to allow the families of veterans and service members to reside in the United States without fear of deportation. We need comprehensive immigration reform and a pathway to citizenship, not more fear and hatred.
His mother, Rocio Rebollar Gomez, is praying for a miracle before her scheduled deportation date of January 2. The Cruz family’s home on Thursday evening could have been the scene of any family reunited for the holiday season. The grandchildren played in the yard with their uncle, an Army officer who had returned home that morning. The grandmother doted on the youngest, a toddler. The air inside her home’s newly erected wooden fence echoed their laughter. But mixed in with the joy of togetherness was the knowledge that right after the holidays, the family matriarch Rocio Rebollar Gomez, 50, will have to leave the United States. Rebollar Gomez is waiting for a miracle, her only remaining option after all legal avenues for keeping her in the United States have been exhausted. But she believes it will come before Immigration and Customs Enforcement requires her to leave the country on January 2. “The only gift that we want this year is for grandma to be here,” Rebollar Gomez said in Spanish. Meanwhile, her son 2nd Lt. Gibram Cruz, 30, will spend about three days at home from his post in Arizona as an Army intelligence officer. He arrived Thursday morning at the San Diego airport to a swarm of hugs and tears where his family waited for him at the curb. He leaves again on Sunday morning. He will not have any more time off over the holidays to be with his family, including his mother’s birthday on December 29. “I’m here essentially to say goodbye to my mom,” he said. As an intelligence officer, the process to get permission to travel outside the U.S. for personal reasons is long and complicated, he said, which will make it difficult for him to visit his mother after her deportation. Rebollar Gomez tried applying for a special program that protects family members of U.S. military personnel while they serve, but that program is discretionary, and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services denied the request at the beginning of December. When that happened, ICE informed Rebollar Gomez she would have to leave the United States in January. USCIS has declined to comment on the case. “The immigration laws of the United States allow an alien to pursue relief from removal; however, once they have exhausted all due process and appeals, they remain subject to a final order of removal from an immigration judge and that order must be carried out,” ICE said when asked about the case. Rebollar Gomez’s attorney, Tessa Cabrera, asked ICE for discretion, and several members of Congress have told the family they would do the same. So far, ICE has maintained its order that Rebollar Gomez must leave. “Right now the case is in ICE’s hands,” Cabrera said. “We’re waiting for a miracle. There’s not more that I can do as an attorney to help her.” Though she has no criminal history, Rebollar Gomez’s immigration history is complicated. She first came to the U.S. in 1988. In the mid-90s, she was picked up in an immigration raid at the hotel where she worked when she was about seven months pregnant with her youngest daughter and found herself back in Mexico that same day. With two children who needed her in the U.S., she quickly returned, crossing illegally again into the country. She was removed from the United States again twice in the mid-2000s. ICE confirmed the details of Rebollar Gomez’s immigration history. “Ms. Rebollar is currently pending departure to Mexico in accordance with federal law,” said Lauren Mack, spokeswoman for the agency. The memory of immigration officials coming to the family home on a Saturday morning to take his mother away still haunts son Cruz, who was in high school at the time. He remembers becoming homeless during the ordeal. Each time that she’s been sent back, Rebollar Gomez has returned to her children and rebuilt her life again from the beginning. She managed to buy a house again a couple of years ago that she’s been slowly fixing up the way she wants it. After college, Cruz gave up a dream of going to law school to enlist in the Army. He hoped that gesture of service to the U.S. would mean that the country would allow his mother to stay. When she was detained again by ICE in 2018, around the same time that his four years was up, he decided to take a commission and remain in the military. “I joined to serve the country and keep my family safe,” Cruz said in the attorney’s office. “Now, I’m facing dangers here on my home front.” Cruz and his two sisters are grappling with how to prepare logistically for Rebollar Gomez’s deportation. She is afraid to return to Acapulco, her hometown in Mexico, because of the cartel violence that has overtaken the city. In 2018, the city had the third highest number of homicides in Mexico and the highest homicide rate of the country’s 10 most violent cities, higher even than Tijuana, according to a University of San Diego report. That violence has already touched Rebollar Gomez’s family. Her brother was abducted by a cartel, and though the family paid thousands of dollars in extortion money for his return, his body has never been found. The family is worried that Rebollar Gomez’s ties to the U.S., and particularly to the military, will make her a target. “She would be an easy paycheck for them,” Cruz said, referring to the cartels. “How am I supposed to keep her safe?” Rebollar Gomez has refused to talk about the what-ifs with her family, but by Thursday evening, she acknowledged that she would have to follow God’s plan for her, whatever that may be. “It’s worth it,” she said, sitting in her yard watching her family. “The life of our children is worth it. All the sacrifices are worth it. When you see your children here, well, studying, and you look back, you see it was worth it.” This Piece Originally Appeared in San Diego Union-Tribune Read the full article
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03-18 TENERIFE, SPAIN - MARCH 16: (L-R) Alba Reig, Rocio Cabrera and Sonia Gomez of Sweet California attends the 'Cadena Dial' awards gala on March 16, 2017 in Tenerife, Spain. ... http://dlvr.it/Nfv3J7
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xmas time ♥
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trascapades · 6 years
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🎨#ArtIsAWeapon This is the last week to see "FOR US" #exhibition (curated by @artsywindow founder @kiara_cristina) @bronxartspace (swipe ⬅): 🔸Curatorial tour + conversations with artists, tomorrow, May 9th, 6:30 PM. 🔹Closing reception, Saturday, May 12, 6:00PM - 9:00PM. ____________________ "FOR US reflects loud #unapologetic portraits by 8 young women of color. Artworks speak to the artists' history, lineage, and pressures of daily lived experience. Dedicated to other women of color, the exhibition and its public programs examine how images can drive their process of healing. How can these images on and offline be used to take agency and manifest their future? Featuring #sculpture, #installation, #video, #painting, #photography and library, the gallery will function as a safe space." www.bronxartspace.com ____________________ Regrann from @bronxartspace - #Artist @rociomarie_ Rocio Marie Cabrera | Concerned with the ideas of mental health and self-confidence, BX artist Cabrera specializes in painting iconic images of women of color in different moods. As all of “her girls” serve as self-portraits, Cabrera illuminates the complexities and dynamic ways of being. | Post by #Curator @kiara_cristina ____________________ | Image 1: "Angels" #painting | Image 2: "Cry Baby" #ceramic | #RocioMarieCabrera #RocioArt ____________________ #BASFORUS #ArtExhibit #BronxArtSpace #BronxArt #ArtistsOfColor #BronxArtists #ArtistsTalks #BlackGirlArtGeeks🤓 #TraScapades #ArtIsAWeapon (at BronxArtSpace)
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Siempre estarás en el corazón de las fans de sweet california eres la mejor.
Me ha dado mucha pena de que te ayas ido.
:(      : /     :(
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myipop · 9 years
Rocío Cabrera abandona Sweet California
Rocío Cabrera abandona Sweet California
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Tristes noticias nos llegan hoy. (more…)
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cfalicanteswtc · 9 years
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fotos de Rocío Cabrera en el #WonderTour de Mallorca - 15 Nov (2015). 💭💛
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Buenas noches chicas, sois las mejores. Gracias por tanto. Os quiero con todo mi alma😭💜👆😘
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xoxoyuyi · 10 years
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