#rod ollerenshaw
dirtyriver · 9 months
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Veronica #19, February 1992, art by Rod Ollerenshaw
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Jughead calls Betty a major leaguer in PEP 400, PEP Comics #400 (1985).
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thecomicsnexus · 5 years
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After the struggle against the demon Noi Tai Dar, our heroes seek activities to soothe their souls. Leonardo and Master Splinter train on a hillside. The Sensei explains to Leonardo that a true swordsman must empty his mind of all thought when doing battle - there must only be flow, the swordsman must become one with his blade. Splinter has little trouble disarming and defeating his student, and Leonardo tries to take in the lesson before the two break for lunch. The pair join the other Turtles, Fu Sheng, Chu Hsi, April, Ninjara and the girl Chien Khan kidnapped in the previous issue for some sushi. Raph isn't happy about the menu, and Ninjara needles him by saying "I thought you weren't afraid of anything!"
Leo notes that Japan is where all of their lives began - it is the home of Master Splinter as well as the Foot Clan. The Sensei agrees, and asks his students to explore their homeland, so that they can better understand their teachings and origins. The Turtles eagerly agree and ask where to begin, and Splinter tells them to first separate from one another. Mike joins the girl and the two head off to fly a kite. Ninjara takes Raphael to visit some stone monuments. Donatello decides to check on how the containment process is going at the nuclear power plant - but he chooses to go alone. Splinter asks Leo to continue his lessons. Fu Sheng is left alone, as April and Chu are wrapped in conversation. Ninjara and Raphael arrive at the shrine. The Turtle wonders why there are so many crows around, and the fox explains that they are probably drawn to the dark power contained in the Torii. Raph asks if these monuments are really a gateway to a dimension filled with demons, and Ninjara assures him that it is true - the Torii are a gateway to the Yomi, or Underworld or "Land of Gloom." Raph feels compelled by the Torii and Ninjara warns him to be careful, as they contain mesmerizing power over those who are open to it. The Turtle begins to stutter and Ninjara orders him to "Let it go!" in the nick of time. Shaken, Raph leans on the fox for support and thanks her for her help. Ninjara notes that Raph has an affinity to the Torii, and she tells him that she likes that. Suddenly, the foxy ninja smells something on the wind... cologne? We see four human figures hidden in shadows, spying on the mutants.
Donatello is watching helicopters pouring cement on the nuclear power plant. The men are burying the radioactive plant in concrete, the same way that Chernobyl was sealed. Don finds the solution somewhat pedestrian, but is impressed by the engineering involved. His thoughts are interrupted as two crows fly by - and then a strange white energy ball forms in front of the mutant. Donatello wonders if it's an after effect of the demon's sorcery, or of the radiation.
Leo and Splinter continue to train, but once again Leonardo is unarmed. Splinter reminds him, "Be one with your sword, Leonardo." The Turtle thanks his mentor and the teacher thanks his student as the sun begins to set. Mikey and his friend exchange haikus as they fly a large kite decorated with a yellow dragon.
Feng Shu trains Chu Hsi to control the spirit of the Warrior Dragon while April practices with her katana. After a time, Chu manages to shrink the gigantic form of the Warrior Dragon down to his normal height. April is impressed. Ninjara and Raph attack the people spying on them - it's the gang of youths from the sewer fight! Raph states that they mistakenly thought the Turtles were allied with Chien Khan's ninjas, and one of the men incredulously declares, "Mistakenly?! Yet you keep company with the greatest thief in Japan?!" Donatello watches the energy ball as it transforms into the Yin Yang symbol and speaks to him, explaining that it is all things feminine as well as all things masculine - for it is the Tao. Don is bewildered at first, but then smiles and introduces himself. The Yin Yang asks Donatello to follow it, and it leads him up a mountain. Once he reaches the top, Donatello can see that the men have finished filling in the damaged nuclear power plant, and the concrete forms the Yin Yang symbol. "There is ebb, there is flow," the symbol explains, "There is give, there is take. Every saving has its cost. Tao is all." And with that, the Yin Yang symbol disappears.
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Raph and Ninjara put the finishing moves on their opponents. Raph wonders aloud why the men attacked them, and the last one standing notes, "It was you who attacked us! We came seeking.
April and Chu share a kiss by the moonlight. April breaks away and says that they need to slow down, and Chu agrees. He takes O'Neil by the hand and the pair head off to join Fu Sheng for dinner.
Leonardo and Master Splinter continue their training. The pair lunge at one another, and both their blades shatter upon impact.
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The gang of youths that Raph and Ninjara had battled in the previous issue inform our hot headed heroes that they've come to seek help for a friend. On cue, the mighty Sumo wrestler named Tattoo arrives and tells the Turtles that his pet chihuahua, Inky, has been taken hostage. The mob has threatened to kill the massive man's best friend if he doesn't take a fall in his next match - Tattoo states that he can't lose the match as it will ruin his career. The TMNT vow to help him get his pooch back without having to throw the match.
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While Tattoo is engaged in his Sumo match, the TMNT, Ninjara and the Warrior Dragon infiltrate the mob headquarters and rescue the fiesty pup. Tattoo wins his match and the Turtles return Inky to his beloved master. The wrestler awards Leonardo a katana as thanks for saving his dog.
Master Splinter has a nightmare about being caged and when he awakes, he determines that it's time for the Turtles to leave Japan. Splinter, Mike, Don, Leo, Raph and Ninjara bid farewell to April (who is flying home) and their other friends and set off for China.
After a very long trip, our heroes finally arrive in Tibet. They rent some yaks to climb the mountains on the last leg of their journey, and discover a four armed tiger named Katmandu in battle with Whirling Dervish assassins on the high trail. The TMNT help Katmandu and discover that he is headed to the same place that they seek - the Crystal Palace, which is home to Master Splinter's spiritual guide, Charlie Llama. Katmandu explains that he wishes to become a guardian of Charlie Llama to improve his karma.
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As the group arrives at the palace, they discover that it's been attacked! Before anyone can get their bearings, a skeletal dervish escapes the scene, laughing as it goes.
Katmandu notes that this is very bad karma.
Master Splinter, Ninjara and the TMNT have traveled the globe to visit the Sensei's old teacher, Charlie Llama, in the Crystal Palace in Tibet. On their way they met a four armed tiger man named Katmandu who was on his way to the Palace to guard the Llama. Unfortunately, upon their arrival, our heroes find the palace in shambles - and a four armed skeleton escapes their grasp.
As Katmandu and Leo ponder where the skeleton may have gone, a young pregnant woman named Jang La explains that she has come to the palace in order that Charlie Llama (the fourteenth reincarnation of the Buddha) can serve as her midwife during the birth of her child. She also points out a distant palace among the mountains that the Dervish skeleton has escaped to.
Katmandu explains that this building is the home of the evil sorceror Mang-Thrasha. Typically, the wizard does not involve himself in the lives of men - so the tiger warrior is surprised that he has kidnapped Charlie Llama. As the protaganists decide what course of action to take against Mang-Thrasha, Jang La suddenly goes into labor. The TMNT take her back inside the Crystal Palace and make her as comfortable as possible. Soon, a group of monkey monks called the Tantric Monkeys arrive. Leo, Mike, Raph, Ninjara and Katmandu leave for Mang-Thrasha's palace as Master Splinter, Don and the Tantric Monkeys help Jang La during her birthing.
The group of heroes arrive at the foot of the mountain holding the evil sorceror's palace and soon run into a strange mist. Raph and Ninjara are separated from the others due to the fog. Mike, Leo and Katmandu are attacked by two dervishes. Meanwhile, Raph and Ninjara spot the palace and begin to climb towards it - when the mutant turtle loses his grip and causes an avalanche that carries both ninjas down the mountain.
Leo, Mike and Katmandu discover the four armed skeleton Dervish in the mist and Katmandu makes short work of the bone brain. The trio heads into Mang-Thrasha's unlocked palace and find the wizard accompanied by a large Chinese militia. The sorceror states that he plans to ally himself with the Chinese and hand Charlie Llama over to them. The Chinese government will then force Charlie Llama to tell his millions of followers that he is not the Buddha and that his spiritual claims were all lies, thus ending the any threat that the Chinese might lose control of Tibet.
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Suddenly, Raph and Ninjara come crashing through the wall and a battle ensues. While the Turtles and fox fight the militia, Katmandu rushes to Charlie Llama's side - but as he stands guard over his master, the Buddha dies comfortably on his bed, due to natural causes.
At that moment, Jang La has her baby, much to the delight of the Tantric Monkeys.
With the death of Charlie Llama, Mang-Thrasha's plans are ruined.
That evening, Charlie Llama is burned upon a funeral pyre. Ninjara laments for Splinter that he has traveled all this way to speak with his mentor, only to lose him upon arrival. Splinter smiles and states that while the Master he knew is gone, he will return later, when the new incarnation of the Buddha (Jang La's child) has grown up.
Continuing their journey, the Turtles, Ninjara and Master Splinter find themselves in the deserts of Iran, where they sneak aboard an oil freighter heading for Oman. Our heroes then cross the sands of Saudi Arabia, heading for Al Hadidah, which is nearby Mecca, where the legendary Black Stone is kept. Ninjara reveals that the Stone is highly prized by thieves, and it is said to be fifth most difficult item in the world to steal. When the group arrives in Al Hadidah, a large crater in the Earth's surface, they decide to camp for the evening. While they rest, Master Splinter tells them the history of the area and that of the Black Stone and its importance to the religion of Islam. Splinter also states that since they are so close, they must at least take a look at Mecca.
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The next day the mutants ride out on camels, and Ninjara tells the tale of a second stone. According to legend, two stones fell - the Black Stone, as well as a White Stone. Reportedly a nomad disappeared with the White Stone before anyone else arrived on the scene. Supposedly wealthy men have been selling the stone for the past 3,000 years and have been trying to steal its Black twin - as legend has it that the man who holds both Stones will live forever.
The turtles pass by another caravan of six camel riders. Pleasant greetings are exchanged and the groups continue on their separate ways - although one of the other riders seemed to recognize Splinter...
Later, the TMNT find an abandoned city, long ago forgotten when the trade routes changed. The team takes shelter, as a huge sandstorm looms on the horizon. Unbeknownst to them, a falcon has taken news of their arrival to an unsual eagle-headed mutant, who resides nearby.
Back at the abandoned city, the Turtles are attacked by a group of men. As they fight, the eagle-headed mutant flies into the fray and smashes into Michaelangelo. We discover that this new threat goes by the name Al 'Falqa, and he's under the impression that our heroes have stolen the Black Stone of Mecca. The Turtles and Splinter manage to convince their flying foe that they have not taken the artifact. Al 'Falqa explains that he was sure they had taken the Stone, as it was reported that six riders had escaped with it. Suddenly, the sandstorm is upon them. Everyone tries to take cover, but Master Splinter is overcome by the force and passes out due to lack of oxygen.
From a distance, the Shredder watches the scene via his binoculars and laughs.
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Once the sandstorm has passed, Shredder arrives on the scene and lifts the unconscious body of Splinter, cursing his existence. Ninjara, Al 'Falqa and the TMNT arrive and a battle breaks out, but our heroes are soon trapped inside a force field created by a new villain, the cat mutant cyborg from the future named Verminator-X!
Verminator-X kicks the force field bubble and sends our team rolling through the sand. The villains then climb onboard their camels and take Master Splinter with them as they ride off into the desert.
Several hours later, the force field finally collpases and frees our heroes. Al 'Falqa sends his falcon ally, Talyn, to find their foes. The bird soon finds Shredder and his new henchman. Verminator-X spots Talyn and fires, but his shot only wounds the bird rather than killing it.
Talyn tells Al 'Falqa that Shredder is camped at a nearby oasis, and the eagle mutant leads the Turtles through a foggara (an underground aqueduct) to the spot.
Verminator-X and Shredder are waiting for a time-slip portal to open, which will give them the means to escape with their prize - the stolen Black Stone of Mecca.
The Turtles discover Foot Robot guards and attack, while Ninjara and Al 'Falqa battle Shredder and Verminator-X. The TMNT mop up the Foot bots with little trouble, but they soon find Master Splinter held hostage by Verminator-X and their arch enemy. Leonardo reminds Shredder that he owes the Turtles for freeing him from Krang. Shredder reluctantly turns the Sensei over to the TMNT, just as the time slip opens and the villains escape with the Black Stone.
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Except they didn't escape with the Stone! Ninjara had used her thieving skills to replace the Black Stone with a fake while Al 'Falqa kept the criminals busy. The mighty eagle mutant is overcome with gratitude and kneels in praise with the real Black Stone of Mecca.
Our heroes continue to cross the desert when their old acquaintance Cudley the Cowlick arrives and informs them that Mr. Stump, head of the Intergalactic Wrestling Federation, wants them to appear on his show again. The Turtles are so tired of walking the desert that they agree to have Cudley take them across the galaxy to Stump's asteroid to see what he has to offer. Master Splinter isn't happy that they've cut their tour of the world short.
Upon their arrival, Stump tells the TMNT that he wants them to take part in his wrestling tournament. If they agree, Cudley will take them anywhere and anytime in the universe as payment. Donatello angrily notes that all they'll be getting for their appearance is a ride home, a fact that Stump acknowledges. Master Splinter points out that the Turtles had agreed to come here, so if they want a ride home.
The TMNT head to the locker room to don their wrestling costumes, where they meet Cryin' Houn', Ace Duck and Trap. Trap informs the mutant dudes that Stump has decided that this time, since it's a tournament, they'll have to wrestle each other! The winner of the tournament will then have to take on El Mysterio for the title.
As Ace Duck begins the tournament against a werewolf named Bloodbath, Master Splinter and Ninjara discuss her relationship with Raphael. The Sensei admits that while he intitially didn't trust her due to her partnership with Chien Khan, he has come to trust her completely - but it is difficult for him to accept her relationship with Raph, as it means that his sons are growing up. Ninjara hugs Splinter as they view the beauty of outer space through a gigantic window.
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At this point, the main event begins - the TMNT in a free-for-all against one another. After a long bout, Donatello finally manages to pin Raphael and win the match. El Mysterio (Cryin' Houn' in a costume) arrives in the ring, but Don is too quick for the lumbering four-armed wrestler and quickly pins him as well. Donatello is declared the winner and receives a kiss from the ring girl.
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Soon, Cudley is flying through space, carrying our heroes home.
Because of the whole situation with the Shredder travelling to the future, I would have imagined that the Turtles would have asked Cudley to take them there. But as far as I know, no one knows what year they were coming from.
These are very controversial issues that IDW considered too risky to reprint. And they were originally published by Archie!
They are controversial though. Not only there is a visual depiction of Mohammed, but he is also blue eyed (like the 90% of the characters in this comic). Then we have the Chinese caricature whose name I already forgot. I feel like these stories take the characters to places it does not dare to go again. And the story with Shredder doesn’t really make much sense for the character. It’s strange that the intergalactic battle becomes the highest point of these issues.
There is also an appearance of Inky, Eric Talbot’s favourite easter egg (that I just saw at the beginning of “City at War”).
The art manages to find iconic sequences. I think that, in general, this book’s art is very pleasing to the eye.
I give these issues a score of 5.
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age-of-moonknight · 2 years
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“Knight’s Gambit” Marc Spector: Moon Knight (vol. 1/1989), #52.
Writers: Terry Kavanaugh; Penciler: James Fry; Inker: Chris Ivy; Colorist: Christie Scheele; Letterer: Rod Ollerenshaw
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Spider-Man 2099 #21 - Some Sort of Freakyloo or Something. Wackadoo.
Spider-Man 2099 #21 – Some Sort of Freakyloo or Something. Wackadoo.
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Ahh, what’s he gonna do, claw my throat out by accident? Oh yeah, I guess he might.
The Crew
Writer: Ian Edginton
Penciller: Jim Fern
Inker: John Nyberg
Letterer: Rod Ollerenshaw
Colourist: Mike Thomas
Editor: Joey Cavalieri
Editor-in-Chief: Tom DeFalco
As you might have noticed, this comic is the first one to have a new writer, and in fact the crew is all new apart from the editors. I looked him…
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thecomicsofsolitude · 3 years
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures No. 33 CGC Cert # 3768292008 Title Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures Issue 33 Issue Date 6/92 Issue Year 1992 Publisher Archie Publications Grade 9.2 Page Quality WHITE Grade Date 03/02/2021 Grade Category Modern Art Comments Dean Clarrain story Chris Allan & Rod Ollerenshaw art Peter Laird & Ryan Brown cover #thecomicsofsolitude #comicsofsolitude #comicbooks #comicbook #comic #comics #marvelcomics #dccomics #actioncomics #marvel #marvelstudios #marvellegends #marveluniverse #stanlee #dc #dcuniverse #dcextendeduniverse #dcfans #marvelfans #actionfigures #manofsteel #TMNT #superman #instagood #love #cosplay #cosplayer #cosplayersofinstagram #superhero https://www.instagram.com/p/CZr1IBrOtqG/?utm_medium=tumblr
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waltkneeland · 8 years
TMNT Revisited: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures #25
TMNT Revisited: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures #25
Raw Power Script: Dean Clarrain Pencils: Chris Allan Inks: Rod Ollerenshaw Letters: Gary Fields Colors: Barry Grossman Edits: Victor Gorelick Published by: Archie Comics Cover Date: October 1991 Cover Price: $1.25 This is another very special issue in my personal history with the turtles: this was THE first issue I ever got of TMNT Adventures at Waldenbooks as a then-new issue “off the rack,”…
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dirtyriver · 2 years
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"Sabrina's Haunted Allure" in Archie's Pals'n'Gals #186, March 1987
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dirtyriver · 1 year
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"Aerobic Liz Exercices Archie's Options!"
Veronica #22, August 1992, cover by Dan Parent (pencils) and Rod Ollerenshaw (inks)
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dirtyriver · 1 year
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"Next: Experimental Soy Burgers". This is indeed a new Jughead.
"To See Or Not To See" in Jughead #31, March 1992, written by Mark McClellan and Bill Vallely, art by Rex W. Lindsey and Rod Ollerenshaw (inks)
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dirtyriver · 1 year
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Archie's Pals'n'Gals #194, January 1988, written by George Gladir, art by Stan Goldberg (pencils) and Rod Ollerenshaw (inks)
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dirtyriver · 1 year
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"Comics", preview of Archie Showcase Jumbo Digest #13, written by Rod Ollerenshaw, art by Doug Crane (pencils) and Mike Esposito (inks)
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dirtyriver · 1 year
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The early '90s new Jughead got caught up in his own love triangle. Weird, I know.
Jughead #37, September 1992, written by Terry Collins, art by Rex W. Lindsey (pencils) and Rod Ollerenshaw (inks)
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thecomicsnexus · 5 years
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The issue opens with Splinter teaching the Turtles about Japanese mythology, where a male god named Izanagi is accompanied by a female god named Izanami, who watches as the male removes his eyes and creates the sun and the moon with them. Together, the two formed the Japanese islands.
The TMNT, Master Splinter and April have stowed away on a plane headed for the Land of the Rising Son. Leonardo asks April to reiterate her tale, and the reporter reluctantly agrees. O'Neil explains that she had been in Chinatown when she ran into Fu Sheng and Chu Hsi, and soon after ninjas had shown up and kidnapped Fu Sheng. Chu changed into the form of the Dragon and fought the ninjas, but they used a powder to knock him out and revert him to his human form - and then they took off with both Chu and Fu.
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April and Splinter then began investigating Chinatown looking for clues, and eventually found some thugs involved in the kidnapping. When they began questioning one of the villains, strange ninjas dressed in white attacked them. April was shocked to discover that when the white ninjas were dealt a severe blow, they dissipated into a sorcerous vapor. After defeating the strange ninjas, the thug told April and the Sensei that Chu Hsi and Fu Sheng had been taken to Hiroshima, Japan. Just as her tale concludes, the plane begins its descent to the Japanese city.
Meanwhile, we see a youthful Japanese girl kidnapped by some ninjas garbed in black, who take her to a secret warehouse headquarters near the ocean. There, she meets a new villain, wearing a Samurai mask and calling himself Chien Khan. Khan states that the girl's soul will serve them well, when Fu Sheng interrupts and states that it is his soul that they seek. We then see that Chu is lying unconscious on a table, and Chien Khan states that he desires neither the old man's nor the young girl's soul - but that of the Warrior Dragon that resides in Chu Hsi - and he intends to get it, with the assistance of Fu!
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Meanwhile, the TMNT and April scam their way out of a jam at the airport by convincing the securtity guards that they're American actors in costume. One of the guards recognizes April as a famous reporter and escorts our heroes to their "limousine." As soon as possible, everyone ducks into a sewer. Splinter announces that they'll need to look for clues topside once night falls, and the group heads to the east under the Sensei's orders. The TMNT are surprised to find that the sewers are newer than those of NYC, since they thought the Japanese city was older than their home, and Splinter explains that everything had to be rebuilt after the city was almost completely destroyed during World War II.
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As they transverse the sewer, the group stumbles into a group of young men, who do not take kindly to the presence of our protagonists. Splinter attempts to negotiate a peaceful meeting...
Back at the docks, Chien Khan revels in his opportunity to appropriate the soul of the Warrior Dragon. The villain demands that Fu assist him and the old man refuses - until Khan threatens to kill the girl.
Unfortunately for the Turtles, as they try to negotiate safe passage through the sewer, a group of black-grabed ninjas attack the youths. Having started the fight, the ninja retreat to leave the battle to be fought between the TMNT and the young men, who think that the Turtles are "oni" (demons). The TMNT win the fight and move on, as there's no sight of the ninjas who had begun the struggle. Splinter states that they will go to the Peace Memorial at the heart of Hiroshima - the Sensei's comments are overheard by one of the ninjas, and he retreats to Chien Khan's headquarters and tells him the news. Khan tells Fu Sheng that his friends have arrived to try to help him - so the masked villain sends his most trusted warrior to defeat the Turtles - the fox named Ninjara.
The second issue begins with Master Splinter recounting his first hand experience witnessing the atomic bomb being dropped on Hiroshima back in 1945 (Note: TMNT Adventures utilizes the same origin for Splinter that was used in the cartoon, in that he was once a man named Hamato Yoshi as opposed to being the pet rat of Yoshi, as he was in the original comic book from Mirage). Our heroes have arrived at the Industrial Exhibition Hall, one of the few structures that withstood the force of the blast. It has been left in its decimated state to remind everyone of the horrors of war. Splinter reveals that this is the first time that he has seen the building since that fateful day in 1945.
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The Sensei is interrupted as Ninjara arrives on the scene and a battle erupts between the TMNT and her sorcerous white ninja forces.
Back at the docks, Fu Sheng agrees to help Chien Khan if he promises not to harm the girl. The Khan agrees and then states that it has taken Ninjara many years to steal all of the artificats required to perform the ritual.
The Turtles continue to battle Ninjara as Fu Sheng prepares the transformation powder for Khan. The Warrior Dragon is released and is now under the control of Chien Khan, who sends him on a mission.
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The TMNT are fairing well in the battle when the Warrior Dragon arrives on the scene. The Turtles notice that something is wrong with their friednd, so they hop on board to see what he's up to. Ninjara also manages to climb onto the Dragon, as she threatens to cut out Raph's heart.
At the warehouse, Fu Sheng admonishes and uncaring Chien Khan for ordering the Dragon to destroy a nearby nuclear power plant and use its power to open a gateway to a world of demons.
Chien Khan negotiates with a demon lord named Noi Tai Dar. Khan offers the souls of all mankind to the hellspawn, as he seeks vengeance against humanity and wishes to see them destroyed. Noi Tai Dar states that if Chien Khan will open a doorway for him, he will see it done. To open the passage, Khan must sacrifice a life and the Warrior Dragon must unleash the power of the nuclear power plant.
Meanwhile, the Dragon, under the control of Khan, begins to destroy the nuclear power plant. The TMNT attack their friend to try to stop him, to no avail. Ninjara is enraged when she discovers that the Warrior Dragon has been ordered to destroy the power plant - she is disgusted that Chien Khan would allow more radiation to foul Japan considering the bombing in 1945.
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Chien Khan prepares the young girl for sacrifice while the damaged nuclear power plant opens the gateway for the massive demon. The hellspawn attacks the Dragon, who comes to his senses after being blasted by a bolt of energy. The mighty Warrior is dismayed at what his actions have caused.
Master Splinter tries to meditate to find a solution to their enormous problem as the Warrior Dragon attacks the demon. The Sensei notes that he feels another great presence nearby...
Leo asks Ninjara what Chien Khan has planned, and she reveals that the summoning requires both a power source and a sacrifice. Apparently Khan hasn't performed the sacrifice yet, as Noi Tai Dar is still tied to his power source - but once Khan completes his part of the ritual, the demon will be free to destroy all humanity. Leo determines that since the demon is too powerful for them to fight, they must stop Khan from making his sacrifice. Ninjara states that his headquarters are far from where they are, and Leonardo tells her that gives them all the more reason to hurry.
Master Splinter stays in his meditative state, noting that the spirits are coming closer... behind him, two gigantic forms begin to appear in the sky... it's none other than the gods, Izanagi and Izanami!
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Fu Sheng breaks free of his bounds and smashes into Chien Khan, preventing him from sacrificing the girl.
Izanagi blasts Noi Tai Dar with a beam of light from his eyes and destroys the demon.
Chien Khan's helmet is knocked off by Fu Sheng's attack - revealing Khan to be a dog-faced man! Chien punches a shocked Fu Sheng in the face and then returns to his sacrifice, but the TMNT and Ninjara arrive in time to stop him. Khan is livid and calls Ninjara a traitor before ordering his henchmen to kill our heroes - but the villains are no much for the Turtles and their new foxy ally. Suddenly, the roof of the building is ripped apart by the Warrior Dragon, who has returned to save his friend Fu Sheng. The old man is fine, but Chien uses the distraction to strike Ninjara and make his escape.
Raph helps Ninjara to her feet, and everyone breathes a sigh of relief for another hard fought victory.
This story could have been a lot better had the characters been consistent all along. I am talking, of course, about Ninjara. Now, I know people hated the character back in the day, but here I am, reading these issues for the first time.
It is hard to understand her motivations, she is part of an ancient race of foxes, that allied herself with a dog-man that wanted to use demon to destroy humanity... but because the way to bring the demon required nuclear pollution, all of a sudden she is not ok with that. WTF?
And she joins the good guys right away.
The rest is a story that is not exactly that great, but it offers some background on Hamato Yoshi. He lived in Hiroshima when the bomb hit.
I give this story a score of 6.
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dirtyriver · 2 years
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Posting the whole story for once because cellist!Betty. As an aside, this is a good example of a perfectly satisfying story where you know the end from the first panel.
"Betty's Diary: Dare to be Different", reprinted in Archie 80th Anniversary Jumbo Comics Digest #1, written by Rod Ollerenshaw, art by Dan DeCarlo (pencils) and Jimmy DeCarlo (inks)
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