darkst0rm009 · 7 months
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Soooo anyone else on this platform enjoy that RodentRap mod for FNF?
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fat-tundra-64 · 5 months
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“I only need you to run with me today~”
Some cool Sonic art I did yesterday
I accidentally recreated a little bit of Rush’s artstyle for Sonic lol. Most of the color palettes I borrowed from existing sprites .
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mikoplushie · 4 months
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wunidz · 2 months
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hello to the 5 shady guy fans
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It's kind of hilarious when people try to pretend Sonic.exe is cool actually when really he's just. so lame. So fake.
Like the only time they actually did something cool with him was in Friday Night Funkin.
(Yes I am completely serious, his appearances in FNF are actually so fucking well done. Be it the original VS Sonic.exe mod, or other cases, like his appearance in Free-4-Me are really fucking good. Easily some of the best music to ever come out of FNF even. Really well done presentation as well, like I am impressed how they took a dumb fucking creepypasta with a really fucking messy history, and actually made something cool with it.)
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yakkyrwhackr · 1 month
holy shit guys...
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mrxcreepypastamadness · 2 months
Hopefully you remember the Lord X type of characters, well, what if I told you that 2011X is basically the young Lord X? It's official, In fact what if all X variants are confirmed as young EXEs. I am listing names of characters to let everyone know.
• 1953TB-X = Lordess TB-X
• 1997X = Lady X
• 1997Y= Mistress Y
• 2007J = Lord J
• 2011X = Lord X
• 2011XX = Lord XX
• 2022X = Lady Rose X
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rodentrap · 7 months
holy shit rodentrap is a banger
go listen or play it right now
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man this new fnf mod is fuckin' weeeeird
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based on this
comparison w the original X sprite
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kittygamer2888 · 7 months
also 2 little facts about 2017 X (the fucked up and evil creature in subterfuge)
he has a porcelain like appearance to his design, which works really well I love it
his true form is completely asymmetrical.
He. Looks. A w e s o m e.
I really love the design for him
I'm curious how the mod will look once it's completed, because I'll be honest, I almost fell for it at the beginning of the mod. But once I saw Sonic have his arms crossed while he had his eyes closed, I knew I felt something off since it reminded me of Sonic.exe
But overall, I really like the mod so far!
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toasty-self-shipping · 4 months
I think the sonic.exe mods were cool at first ?? Keyword being "at first" because they got old quick. There are a few mods/songs I still like (RodenTrap as far as mods are concerned because I think the concept of a fake-out/switcheroo mod is interesting) but it so quickly got old. There are so many other sonic-related ideas people can make mods of, but sonic.exe mods saturate the market so much its genuinely infuriating 😭 Like hello?? Sonic is much more than just his creepy pasta version I beg 🙇🏽‍♀️
and don’t get me wrong I used to like the sonic .exe mods but they got really boring because people wasn’t being original (literally 90% of the.exe characters are people ocs) then people who make the mods get caught being weird with kids (that’s another story for another day) and they be doing girlfriend and boyfriend so dirty in the mods either girlfriend is in a sexy outfit (obviously for fanservice) and boyfriend is literally his same sprite from the based game LIKE WHY YOU SCARED OF MAKING HIM SEXY🤨
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pico-digital-studios · 6 months
Into, Across and Beyond! Scripting: The Big Chase
Outside of the Quill Society HQ's meeting room in Many More Heroes, an alarm started blaring, confusing many Quill Society members who heard it.
OMT!Tails (through their communicators): All stations, drop what you're doing and stop that Sonic!
Quill Society Sonics: pointing fingers at each other in confusion
OMT!Tails: Darn it, sorry. I meant LM, the one with the red eyes of evil! He's headed for Sector 4!
The person who entered Sector 4 first was Chaos Adventure Sonic, which is the first to catch the attention of those spending time there.
CA!Sonic: Er, is something on my quills or something? What's the whole stare contest for?
OMT!Tails (from down that hallway): CA, he's right behind you!
SS!Amy (from down the same hallway): Turn around!
CA!Sonic: Huh? (turns around) I don't see anything...
OMT!Tails: Maybe feel behind you?
When he DID turn around, LM!Sonic was revealed, trying to hide behind him, and with his cover blown, the present Quill Society members quickly identified their target.
SunFIRE: That's our guy!
ZX Spectrum and Game.com Sonics: *indecipherable beeping*
LM!Sonic: O-Oh! Hehe...
CA!Sonic managed to feel LM!Sonic behind him.
CA!Sonic (quite casually, like in RodentRap/Sonic Legacy): Oh, there you are!
LM!Sonic: Aw, crud...
(Mini trivia: Alongside that story's version of Sonic, Chaos Adventure's counterparts of Amy and Cream are in the Quill Society as well, the former mainly to ensure Sonic doesn't get into more trouble than it's worth.)
Cue the big chase, with many members working to get after LM!Sonic and apprehend him however they could, whilst OMT!Tails and SS!Amy headed toward the space elevator. And on one area, LM!Sonic was attacked by a mini version of Sonic's Werehog state who gave him numerous rough scratches before knocking him downwards.
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During the chase, OMT!Tails and SS!Amy had to keep Turbo off their trail.
OMT!Tails: Can this day get any crazier?!
As if on cue, Metallix flew up, targeting the duo.
OMT!Tails: Well, guess it can. Keep moving!
They slipped past and caught sight of the sector where the Transport Hub was; their ticket out of here. But for now, that had to wait.
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LM!Sonic was on his way after them, but was halted in his tracks by a Sonic 1 version of Nack the Weasel.
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S1 Nack: Alright! Yer askin' for it!
He drew out his cork gun.
S1 Nack: We'll settle it man-to-man! On three! One-!
But LM!Sonic just blasted him out of the way.
Nitro caught up with April riding on his back.
Nitro: Hey, LM!
LM!Sonic: You again?!
Nitro (holding up his DSi): You mind quickly taking a picture? It's April's first grand-scale chase!
LM just rolled his eyes and zipped off, narrowly avoiding Fleetway Amy's crossbow and Tekno's laser gun.
Nitro: Ah, well.
He simply threw the DSi in the air, letting April leap up and take the picture between them before they kept going. Back with OMT!Tails and SS!Amy, OVA!Knux was letting them ride his horse across the area.
OVA!Knuckles: You need to reach that elevator? Got you covered, kids!
They trotted through the prison area, with a few of the prisoners rooting for the pair (yes, even Scourge, who hates the idea of someone dictating what people can and can't do)... then they started booing Turbo and Metallix as they made pursuit. On the way there, they got off the horse once in the clear as Millie the Fox (CartoonsAnimate22's OC) showed up.
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Millie: Are you the Tails from that dimension where you helped kill a shapeshifting beast?
OMT!Tails: Uh, yeah!
Millie: Heh, I knew it! I'm a huge fan of your heroics, Tails!
OMT!Tails: Hehe, thanks!
She turned her attention to the pursuers.
Millie: Hey, you two! Do either of you think us heroes using comedy so much makes us look like we have some screws loose?
Turbo: Uh... what?
Millie: Get it? Screws?
She leapt up and tail-whacked Metallix's head off, causing him to careen down to lower ground.
SS!Amy: Heh, nice one! You hang here while we take care of the rest.
Millie: You got it, Amy!
The two heroes continued on their way. Back at the bigger chase, OVA!Sonic leapt forward to attack.
OVA!Sonic: You might know everything we're going to do, but that's not gonna help you, since WE know everything YOU'RE going to do!
However, his slow animation made him outright miss.
OVA!Sonic: Oh, dang it! I really gotta get my speed improved, don't I?
Even after dodging his "meme" counterpart, LM!Sonic still had his work cut out for him, barely avoiding various attacks, such as Sunky and Tlels being launched at him (courtesy of Nicky, who also contributed), RAW better utilising his electric shoes and glider, and Blitz!Tails and Milly swiping at him with his claws and her scythe respectively. Soon enough, LM!Sonic was cornered by many Quill Society AND Blur Gang members on all sides.
Mini Sonic: Nowhere to run now!
LM just resorted to leaping out the window.
Mini Sonic: O-Oh! Heh, my bad, everyone. There was somewhere to run.
Creamy: I blame the one with the anvil.
Mr. Needlemouse (defensive): What? We were tryin' to catch him, don't look at me!
[Mr. NM has a body count :) - MCS]
Outside, OMT!Tails and SS!Amy were freefalling as LM!Sonic continued his pursuit. Fiona caught sight of them, quickly taking Carol's motorbike from her.
Fiona: Sorry, Carol!
Carol (just waking up before noticing): Wha...? Hey! Come back with my bike!
She made pursuit as LM!Sonic started flying after OMT!Tails and SS!Amy.
LM!Sonic: Stop running!
OMT!Tails: Then stop chasing us everywhere!
LM!Sonic: You're so frustrating!
Fiona pulled up on a balcony with the bike as OMT!Mina watched.
Fiona: I know he's your friend, but it's the only way LM isn't going to get angrier.
OMT!Mina: But my gut says-!
Fiona: Then use your head, kid!
CR!Sonic heard this with CR!Sonia and CR!Manik, coming up with a plan whilst slipping away. Fiona attempted to knock them both down with the bike, though OMT!Mina caught them both with webs.
OMT!Mina: Gotcha!
OMT!Tails: M-Mina? You came back for me?
OMT!Mina: I can't just leave you in danger.
OMT!Tails: It's okay, Mina. Me and Amy will handle it together. Just trust us.
They severed the webbing, only to be pinned to a wall by Turbo.
Turbo: I got you cornered now, kids, so don't even- OW!
They both knocked themselves free as they went into the underbelly of Gust Planet, which hadn't been explored in years. The two didn't know where they were to go, but they didn't need to; two enerbeams got them up to the safety of a higher sector.
CR!Sonic: Tails!
OMT!Tails: No no no no! Let us go!
CR!Sonic: It's too crazy to run for too long!
SS!Amy: And running is the least crazy thing we're putting up with right now!
They started looking for a way out.
CR!Sonic: Look... I feel really bad for earlier, buddy.
OMT!Tails: Good.
CR!Sonic: But there's only so many ways we can screw stuff over. If you aren't careful, you won't be able to win!
OMT!Tails ignored him, still looking around as CR!Sonia and CR!Manik got in front of him.
CR!Sonia: Hey, um... I know this isn't the best time, but... do you want to hold one of us?
OMT!Tails: I, er, sorry, I can't-.
CR!Manik: 10 seconds at most and then talk with Dad, alright? It'll really change our mood.
OMT!Tails: Sorry, but I-!
CR!Sonia: It's very rejuvenating!
OMT!Tails: I feel very rejuvenated right now!
CR!Sonic: And you'll be more so when in the presence of one of my amazing kids!
OMT!Tails: You don't GET to have a heartfelt conversation with me right now, Sonic-!
CR!Sonia held OMT!Tails gently, to his surprise.
CR!Sonic: You're the reason I had them, okay?!
The two heroes stopped for a moment.
CR!Sonic: I thought that if I did a good job raising them, there was a chance they were gonna turn out like you. And that got me excited, because you're a wonderful kid and I really like being around you!
OMT!Tails sighed, feeling worried.
OMT!Tails: I really wanted to be around you guys even more through this place, but the side of it LM manipulated you into isn't a positive one.
CR!Sonic: Look, bad things are always gonna happen to us at some stage, no matter what. It's what makes us who we are. But lots of good things happen as well.
He put a hand on his surrogate little brother's shoulder.
CR!Sonic: Like you happened. And they happened.
OMT!Tails: Hey... I don't...
E-21 (over the comm): Sonic, we got your location! Sit tight, and they'll be on their way!
CR!Sonic (panicked): Elise, abort that protocol! You DON'T have my location!
LM!Sonic (through the same comm): I'm coming over now! Do NOT let those rats escape!
CR!Sonic: T-Tails, I didn't know... Please, let's talk about this.
OMT!Tails: Hey, it's alright. We just did. Just keep them distracted for at least a little bit, alright?
The two kids got ready to do so as OMT!Tails and SS!Amy departed.
CR!Sonic: Well, good talk.
As OMT!Tails and SS!Amy careened into the city streets, CR!Sonic and OMT!Mina were running close by.
OMT!Mina: Where are they going?
CR!Sonic: I just hope Tails has this planned out.
Fiona rode alongside them on the bike.
Fiona: If it hasn't been stated before, by the way, you're a terrible teacher!
She leapt up into the air with the bike, but OMT!Tails managed to swipe the bike from under her and fling it into the air for Carol to catch, causing Fiona to crash onto a train roof.
Carol: I'm taking that back!
CR!Sonic: Well, he did just beat you, so I'm not a terrible mentor.
LM!Sonic showed up, annoyed, as OMT!Tails and SS!Amy reached the elevator dock and got it ready for liftoff.
LM!Sonic: You're both equally terrible. Does THAT settle it?!
LM!Sonic grabbed onto the space elevator as it began its ascent, with CR!Sonic, OMT!Mina, Antho, Nitro and Mobiverse Tails right behind them.
LM!Sonic: Stop pretending you know what you're doing!
OMT!Tails: Oh, I have a plan! You just don't know it yet!
He and SS!Amy clung onto the elevator roof for dear life as LM!Sonic clawed his way after them.
Terminal Velocity Intercom: Departing for Gust Planet's moon!
OMT!Tails: What are those, claws?! Dude, are you sure you even class as a hero?!
LM!Sonic: Are you? Who do you think you are, really?!
OMT!Tails took a deep breath.
OMT!Tails: My name is Miles "Tails" Prower...
He leapt down and dealt a powerful drop kick to LM!Sonic, knocking him further down the track.
OMT!Tails: I inherited my best friend's mantle because he wanted me to.
LM!Sonic tried to grab OMT!Tails with his enerbeam, though was met with a cannon fastball right at the face.
OMT!Tails: I'm pretty sure you know the rest, jerk!
LM!Sonic continued clawing after the two.
LM!Sonic: You never got it! You and Antho are anomalies!
OMT!Tails: Not if you let me save the multiverse!
OMT!Tails kicked LM in the jaw.
LM!Sonic: Everywhere you two go, you’re anomalies. You’re both the original anomalies!
OMT!Tails glitched slightly in response, his original female, one-tailed self present for a split-second.
LM!Sonic: The energy that gave you your powers wasn’t from your dimensions. It was never supposed to get into you!
A couple of carriages below, CR!Sonic and OMT!Mina watched in horror.
CR!Sonic: LM, don't hurt him!
LM!Sonic: There’s a world out there without an heroic Sonic because the energy got to you instead! You were not supposed to be the heroes!
OMT!Tails: No, you're lying, you heartless bully! I AM a hero!
LM!Sonic: You and Anthony are nothing but mistakes!
He pushed OMT!Tails into the roof, glaring furiously.
LM!Sonic: If he hadn’t been stupid enough to intervene, his Sonic would’ve lived. Instead, he died trying to save him. He would’ve stopped the super-collider before it went off. Crimtake wouldn’t exist! And you... Had you actually BEEN more competent in stopping that Malware Threat, your Sonic would still be alive today! But NO! He had to die trying to save your pathetic hide! You wouldn’t have lost so many! You wouldn’t have had to take his place! And none of this would’ve happened! And all this time, I’ve been one of the only ones holding this joint together.
OMT!Tails: Get the hell OFF of me!
LM!Sonic: You don’t belong in this universe. You never did.
Antho: Okay, creep! This is going WAY too far!
OMT!Tails: Who are you to think you can decide that, "Sonic"?! I am NOT a defenceless kid anymore!
LM!Sonic: That’s EXACTLY what you are, Miles Prower! You’re nothing but a kid. Who has no. Idea. WHAT THE HELL. HE’S DOING!!!
OMT!Tails and SS!Amy smirked, knowing they had this in the bags.
SS!Amy: Yeah, well, we DID lure you a million feet away from your little penthouse.
LM!Sonic: What?
He realised how high he was above surface level, looking back at the two as Mobiverse Tails scaled the elevator, ready to give LM what for.
OMT!Tails: And I'm about to do this!
He charged up an energy bolt from LM!Sonic's shoes, causing HIM to glitch and realise he practically screwed himself over.
OMT!Tails: You are trying to tell me what my story’s ‘meant’ to be… No. I’m doing my own thing! Sorry, Lost Memory Sonic, but I'm saving the day, whether you want me to or not!
He released ALL that energy right back at LM!Sonic, catapulting him within reach of a furious Mobiverse Tails.
MV!Tails: Now you're getting it, freak!
He pummelled LM!Sonic into the elevator and punched him a LOT, leaving OMT!Tails and SS!Amy open to get right to their final goal.
OMT!Tails: We'll be back, guys. See you around.
They leapt downwards, using a Chaos Emerald to fast-warp to the Transport Hub.
CR!Sonic: Heh, I taught him how to do that. Even if he won't use a Super form, I must be a pretty good teacher for him to pull that off.
He and OMT!Mina let go back to the surface as LM!Sonic bursted out, racing back down at top speed in a blind fury. In the Transport Hub, Nicole and GCD!Amy were just trying out different hairstyles.
Nicole: Hmm, nope... Nah... Well, that's kinda cute.
OMT!Tails and SS!Amy warped in.
GCD!Amy: Oh! Tails!
Nicole: We heard you were coming over.
OMT!Tails: No time to explain! Activate the machine and get us warped over to whatever dimension Crimtake is currently at!
GCD!Amy: You got it! Quick, climb in the pods!
They did so.
Nicole: Okay, let's see... Ah, got it! Dimension ZONE-ANTI-1994!
OMT!Tails: Wait, isn't that where I had to escape my evil counterpart before? Ah, well. It'll do.
LM!Sonic was bashing on the entrance door.
LM!Sonic: Open the door, both of you! It'll only take a second if you hand Miles over to me!
GCD!Amy: Don't even try!
After three of his knocks as a warning that he's coming in, GCD!Amy rushed to the console...
GCD!Amy: Three knocks is all you're getting!
...and activated the defence mechanism to fry him with electricity. Once this happened, he busted into the room, clawing at the chamber OMT!Tails was inside in his blind fury. Other Quill Society members rushed in to stop him and pull him away.
Amy Rouge: Cut it out!
OMT!Tails nodded to his fellow Quill Society and Blur Gang friends, ready to go.
Mr. Needlemouse: 100 rings for me if the kid doesn't make it back!
Mini Sonic: Yeah, you're on!
LM!Sonic: NO!!!
LM!Sonic was far too late, the two heroes being warped away.
LM!Sonic: All he had to do was listen. Why didn't he listen?!
OMT!Mina: Maybe YOU weren't thinking the right way.
LM!Sonic glared at her.
LM!Sonic: YOU let them get away!
OMT!Mina: Me?!
LM!Sonic: You didn't catch either of them!
Other Minas in range got in front of her, keeping LM!Sonic out of her reach.
EV!Mina: Okay, just back down!
OMT!Mina: Sonic, you want to back me up?
CR!Sonic nodded.
CR!Sonic: Well, LM, as the father of a son and daughter and nephew of an uncle-.
LM!Sonic: Actually, please stop talking, CR.
CR!Sonic: Er, duly noted!
OMT!Mina: Tails is my friend-!
LM!Sonic: Yeah, and that's the problem.
OMT!Mina: Do you really know for certain what happens if Tails defies your presumed destiny?
LM!Sonic: Do you want to find out?! Urgh, I knew you were a liability. You two, send her back to her original dimension!
OMT!Mina: WHAT?!
Nicole: She's not going there again! She's suffered enough there as it is!
LM!Sonic: I was not asking!
Nitro fired a blast at LM!Sonic to shut him up.
Nitro: Enough of this! You're not even worthy of being here! If anyone, it's YOU who needs to pack it and go home!
LM!Sonic growled, grabbing Nitro by his shirt.
LM!Sonic: If you're so smug about that, how about I lock YOU out of multidimensional travel for good, anomaly?!
Nitro: ...What did you just call me, you prick?
LM!Sonic: You know what you are, Smith. You tried tampering with fate just to get your sorry excuse of a father back, and you could've made the entire multiverse unstable from your crime! Not to mention that your memories should NOT have been maintained after that reset.
Nitro quickly strangled LM in return.
Nitro: Don't you DARE talk foul about my father, you monster!
LM!Sonic: Or what?! You're gonna use some "special power" to hurt me?!
Nitro: Well, I don't need to.
Some vines wrapped around LM's ankles and wrists, pulling him back into the wall where EV!Sonic knocked him out, holding a green Chaos Emerald in his hand.
EV!Sonic: What absolute shame.
He turned back to the many members in the room.
EV!Sonic: You did well today, everyone. You can continue about your business now, but I do ask for a few of you to stay behind to supervise me in sending LM back to his dimension.
OMT!Mina: Of course. I'll stick around.
Nitro: As will I.
Many of the other members departed to return to their tasks.
Trip: Will Amy be okay?
Superstars Tails: Don't worry. I know how great a fighter she is, and she'll prove her worth.
OMT!Cream arrived through one of the chambers.
OMT!Cream: Is Tails here?
EV!Sonic: You just missed him, Cream. He and that other Amy just departed to another dimension to get after your would-be killer. But considering you got here anyway, you brought them a further fighting chance.
OMT!Cream: I'm happy to hear it. Erm, who is this Mr. Sonic next to you?
EV!Sonic: An absolute prick who tried orchestrating your death. Best to let us deal with him. (to Fleetway Amy) In the meantime, Amy, maybe you could give her a little tour of the place?
Fleetway Amy: Will do, Sonic!
She and Tekno shared a fist bump.
Tekno: Great work out there today, girl!
Fleetway Amy: Anything to help my friends! Well, come along, then. We've got plenty to show you.
OMT!Cream: I'm coming, Miss Amy!
They headed off together.
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fat-tundra-64 · 6 months
TUNDRA TAKE: 2011X (Rodentrap)
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It’s Shadow now =]
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oogaboogaspookyman · 7 months
Under the cut because body horror and i have raunchy humour i'm so sorry folks
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Meet Uzi Doorman (but like. Different to a degree)
All i did was get rid of the beanie because it fucked with me and give her like- painted red stripes on her face
And jacket pockets ig
And pants
And made her hair do that funky expression thingy
And blatant liking for these killer robots if you catch my drift /hj
And she painted her railgun to look like a spooky monster because it's fucking cool and awesome and she's cool and awesome. Yeah
Oh yeah! And she dissociates and has a sorta like... Personality thingy! Where one second she's chill and the next she wants you dead in a well! And then right after she's sad! That kinda stuff yeah-
Also extra sass i like sass
If you wanna know more you can ask me and i'll come up with something extra for Retake Uzi lmao
Fun fact: Uzi's and Cyn's faces are based on X's poses from RodentRap! Check it out it's the first Sonic.exe fnf mod that pulls an actual game fake-out (tho you'll have to fist fight me if you want me to do anything EXE i fucking hate it unless it's outside of fnf my god)
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solei-eclipse · 2 months
Another song that gives me Solei vibes;
Free4Me, from a FNF Sonic mod called Sonic Legacy/Rodentrap
I'm so sorry I accidentally fell asleep and forgot to answer this but 1. WOW there's voice acting in fnf mods now? It's been a long while since I've interacted with that game in any way 2. I love the lyrics of it!! It would seem like something Solei would say in their more rare optimistic moments (though I think it'd still be more jaded in a way haha). Thank you again for sharing the song!! ^^
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yakkyrwhackr · 7 months
by the way my recent sonic.exe obsession is entirely the fault of rodentrap/sonic legacy. the mod was too peak
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