#rodrick x trans!boy reader
i am BEGGING a rodrick heffley x trans!boy reader, can it be a one-shot but i don't mind the genre as long as its not angst lmao, everywhere else is dry of good x trans guy reader stuff but i love your work and i'm interested in what you can come up with. thank you very much :)
omg- okok so this was adorable and i had to write abt it! it's a bit shorter but i hope it's alright anon :)
Prince Charming
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pairing: rodrick heffley x trans!boy reader
summary: rodrick helps cheer you up after a crappy day and makes sure you know your true value.
warnings: light swearing (like 3 times?), brief mentions of transphobic parents, rlly cheesy and corny but other than that just some good old, loving fluff <3
word count: 455
a/n: also i'm glad to know you enjoy my work, thanks for that boost in my confidence love 💕 ik the gifs have nothing to do with the fic but he just looks so bloody good in them- 🦋🦋🦋 (still debating whether i like it or not… i'll admit this is my first time writing something like this so lmk if it's any good 😭)
— — — — — X — — — — —
you're sitting in your room, blasting music from your speakers as you wait patiently for rodrick.
your door slams open and you jerk up from your slumped position, heart pounding from the sudden noise, to stare at the door. more specifically, your boyfriend who is standing in your doorway, chest heaving from (most likely) the run to your house.
rodrick steps inside and walks over to you, wrapping his arms around you and engulfing you in a hug.
you had called him shortly after you had gotten home, desperately needing to see him after your day at school. he slowly releases you from his embrace and walks towards your door, shutting it before pulling you onto your bed with him. as the two of you lay down you feel him stroking your hair, trying to give you comfort.
“what's wrong? are you ok?” rodrick speaks up after a while. “yeah… just needed to see you…” you mutter.
you can feel him shake his head slightly and laugh. “you gave me a heart attack, you know that right? i thought it was your parents again...”
rodrick spoke carefully about your parents, knowing their views on you. they always disregarded your preferred pronouns and made you feel like utter crap. rodrick was always there for you though, comforting and sitting with you. reassuring you that you're perfect and all that he could want.
“no… not this time… just had a shitty day.” you tighten your grip around him, pulling him even closer to you.
“well it's a good thing i'm here to make it less shitty then, yeah?” he chuckles and you can't stop the wide smile that appears on your face. you could always count on him to cheer you up.
“how did i get so lucky to have you as my boyfriend?” you ask rhetorically. “if anything, i'm the lucky one. i mean come on, i managed to get the hottest guy in town to date me. and people say i have no talents.” he answers regardless, the last part with a hint of amusement.
you laugh at his words and lean up to press a gentle kiss on his cheek. “you're adorable.” he smiles widely and shakes his head, “that's all you.”
“charming.” you say sarcastically, finding his cheesy comment ridiculous but cute nonetheless.
“prince charming.” he corrects. “ah yes, how could i forget,” you pretend to faint, “my handsome prince charming.” you carry on dramatically.
rodrick rolls his eyes at your actions and returns your kiss from earlier with his own on your cheek. “well then you're my prince charming too.”
you nod, “i can live with that…” smiling at his words.
“i love you…” he mutters and your heart melts.
“i love you too.”
you've never said truer words in your life. this boy loved and accepted you for you, and how could you not live him back?
— — — — — X — — — — —
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mylovenox · 5 months
Can you pls pls pls do a Rodrick Heffley x trans(ftm) reader?? I’m in desperate need of more of that!!!
Maybe some smut-ish hc for him? 👉👈
Warnings: (hot emo boy) nsfw/smut, some curse words, uh I’m not sure what others but please lmk<3
Not my gif
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Rodrick Heffley hcs (some smut)
⋆I feel like if you were insecure about being trans ftm (NO HATE PLEASE-) or felt like you didn’t feel “boy enough”, he’d spin you around and grip your shoulders (gently ofc-) and say things like “don’t you ever say that okay?” Or “you are a boy, you got the doofus?” And maybe give you a gentle kiss on the lips or head ^^
⋆I kinda randomly thought of this- but IF and only IF you were okay with it, I feel like he’d use hes drumsticks and gently pat them on you’re ass if you were laying on your stomach, like nowhere ever would he intend or want to make it hurt and if he ever hurt you on accident he’d feel absolutely HORRIBLE-
⋆when cuddling he’ll comb through you’re hair with his hands, it’s easier to do that if your face is facing his chest so definitely expect a face full of his armpit or chest
⋆we all know mans sleeps with his shirt off too soooo- 😻
⋆he definitely LOVES. ABSOLUTELY LOVES- be praised.
⋆on another note I feel like if your giving him head or a handjob he’d get a bit whiny- 😫
⋆and or maybe buckle his hips up every now and then 😇
⋆I feel like he’d like to praise you more then degrade you if yall are going at it-
⋆he might degrade a little but you’ll have to beg for it-
⋆he likes positions where he can see your face/facial expressions, butterfly against the walls, cowgirl but in this sense cowboy:), Missionary, so on-
⋆you definitely come to his band practice (as if you aren’t always with him😻)
⋆loves to play the drums for you, loves watching your eyes follow his next move and smile when he plays😽
⋆slow make outs and rough make outs 😇
⋆also like- bro can be a lil sassyyy🙄💅🏻
⋆you and him definitely prank Greg all the time
⋆if you have hair ties because maybe you do- and you left them at his house you’d definitely find them on his wrists
⋆dates are going skating or building forts and watching movies in them 🙈
⋆if you’re giving him head he’d definitely rub your head or cheek and maybe push your face down more but only if your okay with that😇
⋆drives you to and from school, his band members have to sit in the back, you always get the front, because duh you’re passenger prince🙄
⋆definitely gives you lots of hickeys.
⋆definitely at first will ask you a bunch if it hurts or hurts to much
⋆he’ll LOWKEY tease and bully you all the time-
⋆but he in reality is SO in love with you.
⋆every Valentine’s Day he gets you flowers that are either your favorite or fav color, fav bag of chocolates and I feel like he might attempt to write you a card but his hand writing is probably shit asf-
⋆when he asks you out he’s definitely super SUPER nervous you’ll say no so there’s like a 50/50% chance that one of his friends will do it for him or he’ll ask one of you’re friends to tell you
⋆OKAY BUT- bracelet dates kinda sound like a thing-
⋆and he’d ALWAYS wear the bracelet you made him.
-firm grip on your hips or wrists as you ride him.
(I’ll have to write more😇)
Not my gif, gif found on Pinterest
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sunnysoulzz · 7 months
I need some Rodrick x ftm reader if you can!! Mbe some smut? I'll take anything no one makes ftm reader stuff with Rodrick :(
I’ll try my best 🫶🫶 I’m not an expert so I’m very sorry if I get stuff wrong :’(
Rodrick x ftm!reader
Contains: reader in diff stages of transitioning, smut, lmk what I missed lol, also not proofread
Smut under the cut!
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Idc what anyone says, HES SUPPORTIVE ASF. He’s punk asf bro, he fell in love with YOU, so he really doesn’t care how you present yourself. (Also he’s SO bi, he fell in love with you before you started transitioning AND after you started transitioning, like bro fell in love twice)
If you started dating him before you transitioned he’d gladly accept you, though he’d probably use the wrong pronouns at first. Plz slap him, he feels really bad abt it :(
If you started dating after you transitioned he’d probably be taken aback, but still absolutely adores you, it doesn’t change anything for him.
100% let’s you wear his clothes, he’d probably just hand you his shirt when you are hanging out at his house because he’s awkward but lovesss seeing you wear them.
He’d help cut your hair (it probably ended up uneven but yk-)
Definitely calls you handsome when he’s flirty, he’s so the type to lean in the door frame and just say “hey handsome”
If your family wasn’t supportive he would help you sneak out 🙏
I can imagine you helping him put on makeup, because you had the experience from before you realised you were trans, and plus he likes it when you do it.
Before you had surgery he’d 100% eat you out while calling you a pretty boy. And after you got bottom surgery he’d call you a pretty boy while sucking ur dick lol
He’s so touchy, he’s always trying to get his hands on you so when you got top surgery he was a lil sad because that meant he couldn’t touch ur nipples for a while :( but once it was healed he would definitely touch them non stop LMAO
You guys probably tried anal even before you got bottom surgery, he wanted to experiment yk and was just like “well once/if you get bottom surgery, that means we are gonna switch to anal right? So why not try it now?”
If you don’t feel like having penetrative sex because you just don’t like your body atm, he’ll gladly fuck your face instead :)
pretty sure this is my first time publishing a male!reader FIC? I can’t remember 💀 but! Definitely first time I’ve written for a trans reader :) I hope this works, sorry it’s short I didn’t know what to add 😭
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theemsfetch · 1 year
Rodrick hefley x trans girl reader headcannons
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first of all he
absolutely supports you .
if u have eyelliner he'll defo use ALL of it then feel bad and buy some cheap dollarstore liner XD
if anyone says anything bad ab ur gender identity he will try to literally ruin their life :D
he will either get his band and jump the person or literally slash their tires
if u have long hair enough he will play with it , braid it tie it etc:> . if u have short hair he will try to give u liberty spikes >:)
if ur tall he will make he will pull u down by ur hand to kiss you :>
when gender dysphoris is kickin your ass he'll call you pretty , gorgeous ,etc
anything to make you feel better
bonus. he,ll make songs about u ... they arent that good but u still love them
... i dont know how to end these
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a-pretty-nerd · 5 years
...Y'Know (Rodrick Heffley x reader)
Request: "Im feeling really down and i was wondering if you could do a fic where you don't feel good enough and rocdrick just can't understand how you could feel this way since it's you yaknow?" ~ anonymous
A/N: This is the most sweet and innocent prompt I have gotten in a long time, bless you anon. I think I'm gonna write this with a pretty genderless reader just because there are non-binary and trans people that get their periods too and also I kinda wanna practical writing for characters like that. This is also gonna super SUPER FLUFFY!!!
Warnings: None, really? Unless you have an issue with periods, in which case, get out of my house...
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
You felt like shit. You just felt like a pile of shit with clothes on, and hair, and everything. You had spent the majority of your day trying to get enough water, popping advil, and generally trying to keep it all together. It was just one of those days where it was all kicking you in the ass.
So when your puppy dog of a boyfriend wanted to see you that day, you were just a little on edge. You let him in and he greated you with a big happy smile, a smile you did not return.
"Hey beautiful!" Rodrick cheered as he entered the house and followed you to your bedroom.
"Hey..." you groaned.
"Whats wrong?" He asked as he watched you fall to your bed.
"Nothing, just having a bad day." Rodrick sat beside you.
"Well...maybe I could cheer you up??" He questioned as he leaned down and planted a gentle kiss on your cheek. His lips moved to yours and gave you soft kiss that made you feel just a little less horrible. Your felt his hand run up your thigh and then suddenly to your crotch.
"Mmhm, nuhuh, not today." You sat up and threw his hand away from you.
"What? Why not, I thought you like it when I touch you like that."
"I do but not right now!"
"You're acting weird." He blurted out.
"Acting weird!? I'm not acting weird! You're the one who's been acting weird coming on to me all of a sudden!"
"I was just trying to make you feel better, usually good sex makes you feel better!"
"Well not today!" You shouted. He paused.
"Are you gonna tell me whats going on or what? Cuz you've never yelled at me when you tell me 'no' before." You pouted for a second. You curled your knees to your chest and groaned. You mumbled something, he leaned in.
"I'm...I'm having my...my...y'know..." you mumbled.
"Having your what?"
"Yknow its that time..." you tried to get it across without saying it outloud.
"What time?" You sighed in fustration.
"It's that time of the month and I'm fucking miserable!" You finally admitted to the poor clueless boy. His eyebrows flew up.
"So sex is just...off the table right now. My head hurts, my back hurts, my guts hurt, I've been an emotional wreck all day and its not something I can handle right now!"
"Okay, okay. I'm sorry you're hurting. Is there...is there anything I can do for you?" He offered, moving closer to you. You thought for a moment.
"Just...just snuggles would be nice for now." Rodrick smiled.
"Yeah, I can do that no problem!" He held you close as you layed on your side facing away from him. The warmth of his body helped to ease the pain just a little bit, and the sensative of his touch soothed your overly sensitive body.
He left soft and gentle kisses all over your neck and got up to bring you water and food. You stayed in bed for the rest of the night, watching Tv, getting take out and generally just having a slow night as you enjoyed his company.
The pain doesnt fully go away until its all over, but a sweetheart for a partner always made things a little easier.
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sunnysoulzz · 5 months
Rodrick x ftm!reader (presurgey)
This will be the last FIC before I take another really long break :’( I’m sorry! I’m hyperfixated on a fandom I can’t write fics for + my motivation is nonexistent, hope this FIC is alright, bye!
Contains: rodrick x ftm!reader, small bit of coming out, smut, not proofread sorry!
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You started dating rodrick before you came out/realised you were trans. When you did tell him, he was confused, but supportive.
He let you use his clothes, would take you shopping, would help you cut your hair, and started calling you masc nicknames like handsome, pretty boy, etc.
Starting testosterone was interesting, as your body started to change, rodrick was still completely and utterly in love with you, even when you felt dysphoria, he saw you as his light.
Of course, you couldn’t get surgery yet, which sucked, but still, rodrick was gonna make you feel like the most handsome man alive as he ate you out.
He honestly didn’t know how to treat you, he didn’t know if he was supposed to do smth different because you were trans like- were you gonna wear a strap on or smth? LMAOO
You told him to just do what he always does, but with the new nicknames. And I mean, works for him lol
I can imagine him absolutely plowing into and saying “fuck you’re so hot baby, you’re so handsome” while moaning
I still hold up the thought that he’d want to try anal lmao
He’s a horny teenage loser, he’d probably get home from school and be immediately hot and bothered, when you came to visit him, he fucked you against a wall, might’ve hurt a little bit since you hadn’t had time to take off your binder, he did apologise ofc lol
If you had top surgery, he’d run his hands over your scars while you cockwarm him
Bonus: fucks you while you wear his shirt, cause he thinks you look cute in it
Sorry abt how short this is. I’ve got no inspo :( hope this is ok tho! Im sorry if there is anything wrong/inaccurate! @monkeymatt
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