#rogermon fanfic
fly-away-flynn · 1 year
Not me writing the dialogue for this Fanfic by asking my friend to text me in character and jotting that shit down
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k3nxhina · 9 months
Happy 2024 guys!
I will get to finishing my Rogermon fanfic but I’m literally in bed being ill. I’ll try and keep posting regularly but no promises :)
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izzysdaydreams · 2 years
Can anyone recommend some Lord of the Flies fanfic? (Obviously, without anything sexual and also without Rogermon as that ship makes me really uncomfortable)
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teddyreblogslotf · 2 years
My church offers no absolutes
“Everything is so fucked about me Simon, you know it, i know it, so why the hell are you still standing here?!” Simon feels his jaw go slack for a moment, utter perplexity finally filling his body like liquid in a pitcher. Why did he stay with Roger? Why did he linger in the places that nobody else dared set foot before, why did he stitch up every wound that everyone before him had left? Why did he sit on the couch that was covered in holes and smelled like smoke because Roger’s old roommate wouldn’t stop with his addiction. Why did he stand in the doorways that led Roger to a better place, only to take the raven’s hand and whisper that it would be okay, that he was here for Roger anytime that anything got rough. 
Simon doesn’t have an answer for Roger, but his heart is now racing in his chest and the frail boy knows it’s not from adrenaline. It’s not from Roger yelling at him, demanding a reason that Simon is still his backbone, even though the two of them know that Roger could destroy Simon in the snap of two fingers. 
Simon doesn’t have an answer because he thinks he loves Roger. And if he told anyone that, Simon knows that he would be killed. 
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mccall-me-maurice · 3 years
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passion-in-my-blood · 8 years
Figure You Out (Rogermon 6)
A dark shadow was looming over the fragile prey. Sweet innocent eyes, blinked only to never open again. At first, the sounds of the upcoming disaster, were one with the harmonic nature, before there the lethargic silence turned into a lethal one. Then the quiet, furtive movements, grew louder, adding in aggression and destroyment. The shadow became a blur with the other dark corners in the thick jungle.
Every once in a while, the shadow seemed to lure some of the colorful, bright creatures from the well-lit parts, to him only to add some colour in the dark corners. A prominent, rich red dispersed everywhere the shadow had been successful. And this shadow didn’t fail. The island provided it with strength, the dark thoughts fuelling its anger, the motorics the shadow had to carry out became a steady procedure.
In the afternoon Roger sat on the log, where he had talked to his Chapter Chorister earlier that day. Various long sticks located next to him. As the ginger boy was confronted with the sight of a dark-haired figure, he easily recognized, all alone, he dropped his intention of bonding with their elected Chief over a walk together and approached his fellow choir member instead. “Any luck with the spears yet?”, Jack attempted to strike up a conversation with the gloomy looking boy. He just looked up from sharpening the stick in his hands, not bothering with words. Roger wasn’t in the mood for people. Not that it was that rare for him, yet usually there was one exception.. In an almost desperate attempt to forget about the smaller boy, he resumed his work with much more force. His fingers were gripping the spear way too forcefully, whereas the knife was slammed up and down the wood. A concerned expression crossed Jack’s face, as he took in the sight in front of him. Even for the strangely secluded boy, that behaviour was pretty odd. The riddle that reserved boy appeared to be, became gradually more unsolvable. 
Little did the ginger boy know that Roger was desperately trying to solve a riddle himself. His mind and his heart were waging war on each other. Surely, Simon didn't deem him terrible. Their history together was most certainly graver than meaningless pettiness. Then why has he always been so caution around him and that comfortable around the fair boy, a stranger? Had everything been a facade? While he was sitting there, a huge cloud appeared on the sky casting shadows on the boy. A small, white butterfly was escaping the absence of the sun by fluttering swiftly to the parts where the sun was still reaching the ground. In contrast to the animal, Roger, who had observed it with some kind of curiousity, stayed in the darkness. Yet, as he was in utter loneliness the wing-beats reverberated for him. After he blinked in confusion he could only recognize the small animal in a distance, who had apparently brought its friends along. Rubbing his eyes, Roger watched the fluttering moths coming closer. His purely white butterfly was nowhere to be seen. Maybe it has never been there to begin with.
Roger opened his eyes in a haze. Soft feathers were caressing him, a bright light was shining in front of him, as the sound of a lone pair of wings beating occupied his ears. "Roger?", he perceived once more and all of these senses were to be discerned again. "I brought you some water. You do look terribly pale. C'mon drink something." Unvoluntarily his lips formed a smile, his red-rimmed eyes displayed a treacherous glint, but this times the endorphines who were rushing through all of his body, appeared to drag miniscule pointed daggers with them. Creating a mixture between the blithe exaltation and the agonizing pain. In short, the dark-haired boy was torn, when he was confronted with the one who had been present in his thoughts all along. The angelic voice sounded again. “Please, drink. You’re shaking Roger! Can you even see me? It looks like you look right through me.” A shaking hand appeared to grab the offered good. It took a moment for Roger to realize it was his own, having acted independent from his buzzing thoughts. Simultaneously, he figured out, what the bright creature in front of him wanted. Simon cared for him. He mattered to someone. Not only to anyone but to him. These thoughts brought warmth to the shivering boy, spreading an anodyne cover over all of his limbs, shielding it from the attacks of bloodsucking bugs and tiny stinging daggers. With unexpected strength he grabbed the object in his hands to take a sip, which caused the brighter silhouette to drop its jaw, immediately concealed by a hand in front of it. The droplets washing down the soreness of Roger’s throat, flourished into floods drowning out the sorrows of his heart and mind.
“What’s wrong, Roger?” The smaller boy appeared to have reclaimed his poise, as he tilted his head to its side, while thoroughly inspecting the scene in front of him. The other boy merely stared at the sand, absented-mindedly shovelling holes, only to bury them with an urgent sense of finality. After, the green-eyed boy surveyed his behaviour for a prolonged period of empty silence, he helplessly let a sigh escape his mouth. Noticing the other’s discomfort, Roger made contact with the emerals eyes, the words already on the tip of his tongue. However, he noticed a dark figure in the corner of his eyes, the darkness he just couldn’t cast off. This was sufficient for the boy bearing the heavy weight. He swallowed his original phrases and muttered in a defensive exasperated tone: “Well, I’m busy here. Maybe I’m going to build some destroyable sandcastles as you should with the Chief. Or what did he call it? Shelter?” The smaller boy visibly flinched at the sharp edge his voice held, while mentioning the elected leader, before the tangible tristeness of being rejected crossed his features. The torture Roger was put through sent chills through his spine. He had to stand his ground. He had to leave the smaller boy. He had to...make his delight illuminate his world again. As a result of the dark-haired boy’s inner conflict, the somber-looking smaller one had moved as though to creep down a rabbit-hole and hide in their for the rest of their stay. His shoulders slumped, as he went to retreat as far away as possible, but when Roger voiced the result of his pondering, the smaller boy put a halt to his walk on the smoking coals. “Simon. Maybe we can meet up, tonight. I’m just not feeling well right now.”
Though judging Roger’s weak appearance this hadn’t technically been a lie, the suspicion was visible in the green-eyed boy’s face. Yet, the comforting blanket out of these words made him overlook the small patch of dirt he had just discovered. Anyone could have a bad day. Especially stranded on a deserted island mood-swings shouldn’t be the most concerning topics. Shrugging things off, wasn’t usually Simon’s forte, but Roger was aware that in some aspects the woke small boy, firmly closed his eyes. Apparently, with his phrases he had made the impossible happen once more. Though the light didn’t fully shine again, at least the overwhelming darkness had vanished. For the moment.
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illiterarcy · 6 years
Ahhhhh I’ve never written a fic in my life so ?? I dunno what made me do this but my writing sucks and I had to get this out of system. Eventually will include Jalph (if I continue this) some Roger/Simon and a really confused Maurice
The trouble with Roger was that he himself was, in fact, the trouble.
This all started at the beginning of my sophomore year of highschool, and I know high school’s terrible for everyone, but I think mine would be the worst out of most.
*Maurice POV*
August 8: 2:50pm
“So, school started back last week and you haven't showed up a day.”
“That's bullshit.”
“Is it? Because I've been there everyday and haven't seen you once. Your move, Rog.”
“That's bullshit and you know it! I walked you home yesterday!”
“Rog, standing in the parking lot at 2:20 waiting on me doesn't count as actually attending class.”
Roger simply scoffed, looking away from my direction and shifting his gaze to the old playground before us.
We'd been coming here since we were kids. Roger moved to the house next to my mom and I when I was four. Mom always took us to this park to play because Rogers parents didn't seem to be around him much, and that's a problem for a five year old, to not get attention. We used to use the playground equipment until we were about ten, the trend for 10 year olds was climbing. It was Rog’s idea of course to climb the biggest oak tree in the park. I, his blind follower, climbed up with him and that was the start of it all. Everyday for the next 6 years we'd climb this old tree and talk about anything, everything.
I found myself silent, which was normal. I liked to make others laugh, Roger wasn’t the laughing type.
A small robin flew past, pecked at the ground picking up twigs and bits of trash. I assumed it was for a nest.
“What's been going on in school anyway?” Roger questioned, it was almost as though he wanted to come off as uninterested. The noise of his voice scared the bird and it flew off, I sighed softly.
“Well, everyone's the same. The popular kids got more popular, the new freshman are following in their steps. Our lunch table consists of the same people: me, Ralph, Peter, Simon-” I noticed Roger tenses at the name. I stopped talking.
“Anything else,” Roger spoke calm, he always was calm. It scared the hell out of me.
“There's a new boy in our grade.”
“Yeah? What's his name?”
The answer was simple. Jack was a stranger to me, he sat with the popular group, he's gorgeous, why waste my time.
Roger stared a hole through me.
“What?” I snap.
He shook his head.
The rest of the afternoon was silent, I gave my goodbye, hopped off the tree and headed home. I was never sure when Rog went home, sometimes I think he doesn't, but I never ask. Never.
August 8: 3:30
I was sat on the couch watching tv. Nothing too special was on, I was currently watching Rick and Morty. My phone screen flashed. I gingerly reached over, my eyes still glued to the tv screen before I looked at my phone.
Simon: Hey, Maurice u talked to Roger?
I took a breath. I heard the front door swung open as I had finished typing my password.
“Maurice, are you here?”
“In here, mom.” I called back. I contemplated what my response to Simon should be. Rog and him were close for a while until Simon developed feelings, it wasn't that Roger didn't like him, it was Roger never had anyone love him that way before.
Me: yea
Mom came into the living room, grocery bags in both hands.
“Sorry took so long, the line was practically out the door.” She rambled, passing into the kitchen. I decide to follow her, taking a few bags from her hands.
“It's fine,” I mumbled slightly placing the bags on the kitchen counter. My phone buzzed again.
Simon: how is he does he seem ok?
“That Simon asking about Roger again?”
“I'm making chicken and noodles tonight..”
I mentally cheered.
“You should invite Simon over,” mom finished.
The cheering stopped. It wasn't that I hate Simon, he's been my friend since 5th grade, it's just I hate anything that come between Roger and I. Having your practical brothers kind of.. “ex” over wasn't my kind of gig.
“Uh, I don't know.. he, uh-,”
“Is concerned for the boy he loves and just wants to know he's ok, and go visit with him but you don't want conflict?” Mom finished my sentence and turned from the sink she was thawing the chicken in. I stayed quiet.
“Maurice, sweetheart, you know Simon wants the best, and Roger needs someone like that. Even if he pretends he doesn't.” She placed a hand on my shoulder. I only sighed.
To Roger: you wanna come over for dinner..?
I left the kitchen and head upstairs to my room. I decided to just listen to music.
*animal noises* i don’t know what that was ??? I’ve had that idea just in my head and I ??? Yea. This is probably all I’ll ever write of this bc I’m not a good writer but idk
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normalise acknowledging that ralph had somewhat of a crush on both jack and simon, but realisitically jalph would never be healthy and ralph could be pretty nasty to simon.
further, acknowledge that simon had a HUGE crush on ralph (my guy looked at him and walked into a tree like-) and that jack liked ralph too because let's face it nearly all the boys had a crush on ralph at some point.
anyway, ship what you want but keep in mind these are literal kids in the book and that in the cannon universe nearly no ships would be healthy tbh (especially not rogermon like i get the appeal of opposites attract but also they literally never interact until the whole murder thing)
but yh that was just a little rant KAKSKSJAJAJSJ. btw for context i still think there are lots of really good and interesting interpretations of these dynamics (esp in outside of cannon fanfics), let's just acknowledge this would never work in cannon. eg im a sucker for bill x piggy but bill has literally no personality in the books and they basically never interact. doesn't mean you can't ship stuff, just means acknowledging that this wouldn't work and maybe don't romanticise unhealthy relationships 🙃
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obessed-with-lotf · 5 years
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When you binge read a LOTF fan fiction and then it just says “to be continued” 💔💔💔
#lotf #lotf meme #lotf shitpost #jalph #lotf jalph #lotf fanfics #fanfics #rogermon #lotf rogermon #broken heart #wattpad #lotf ships
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fly-away-flynn · 1 year
Rogermon Nonno here. Yeah I read it and I love it! I mean I have to say I read only Jalph and Rogermon chapters, but your writing is so good! Maybe I'll read the others too. I just hope to see more Rogermon from you. I adore how you write them! It gave me the feeling that Simon have a little rebel side hiding in him that Roger would help to come out.
Oh yeah, and on that Jalph chapter Jack said Roger fucks a guy, only one, but he doesnt know who it is. Is the guy Simon? 👀 I love it omg
(sorry for not interact with your posts tho, maybe i'll make a lotf blog in future but i feel really uncomfortable with lotf stuff on my main blog)
Haha don’t worry about it, I get the discomfort because the fandom can be brutal at times! I see you though and I salute you, Nonno. That guy is Simon, but I wanted the reader to have to guess it 👀👀, I’m so glad you did 😂😂. I have a Fanfic fleshed out for Roger and Simon that takes place in a Church 👀🤷‍♂️. Maybe I’ll post that for you, Nonno, but it’s quite blasphemous. Whatever it takes to get payback at a religious father 😂😂.
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Lord of The Flies
okay, but I'm getting very upset and heartbroken that the lord of the flies fandom is dying out VERY DAMN FAST.
Like.. I can feel the love for the story, and movies let alone the ships, slowly dying out. ANYONE ELSE AGREE WITH ME?.
we need to spread the Lord Of the Flies fandom, so more people can enjoy Jalph, and Rogermon, and (I forgot the ship name) but Roger x Maurice and stuff like that. I miss the long fanfics of Rogermon in school AU's. the cute Jalph high school AU's, the "Ask Jalph" blogs, and the fantastic Fanart. GOD DAMN THE FAN ART. Not to mention the Instagram accounts posting Lord of The Flies stuff, and the amazing Tumblr blogs. like, we need this shit more. and we need the fandom to live and thrive not be forgotten and Die! 💔 so please. reblog and comment if you agree, leave a note. send this to other fandom lovers, remember my Lord of The Flies fandom friends. We must Survive this island!
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meme-rice · 8 years
i hate rogermon so much omg.. like.. egh....... but damn the fanfics for it are pretty nice smhhh
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mccall-me-maurice · 3 years
if your writing prompt thingies are still open maybe rogermon for prompt 22? I want to hurt :)
Anon i like your style
Prompt List
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passion-in-my-blood · 8 years
Figure You Out (Rogermon Part 5)
Roger had been up early on the next day. Only the plump boy and Merridew had already risen yet. Reflecting on the day before, an idea began to form in his mind. Quietly as to not wake anyone -in fact, he didn't care about anyone, but Simon- he sneaked up to the ginger boy, who was sitting on a log facing the jungle. "Morning, Merridew", he greeted, slightly startling the older boy. "Morning", he was greeted back, though the ginger ogled him curiously. After all, Roger mostly kept to himself when he wasn’t in the company of Simon. If Jack wanted to socialize with the dark-haired boy, it was usually up to him to induce any conversation.This only enhanced the curiosity the ginger already had about the mysterious member of his choir. “Well? What is it, Roger?”, he added impatiently, after a prolonged silence, while Roger was sitting down next to him.
"I was wondering, if you could lend me your knife. We could make spears or something. Seeing as we should be your hunters.", Roger suggested straight to the point, referring to the discussion on their first day on the island about their  tasks. "Wizard! Roger, we could be professional hunters!", the other exclaimed, before he remembered the others, who shouldn't be woken yet and added the rest in a hushed whisper: "I'm trying to figure out where these boars, I saw yesterday, are. If we find their hideout, we can hunt  them all down." Considering Merridew's enthusiasm Roger quickly flashed the older boy a fake smile and nodded: "Yes, you're right. I'm going into the forest for a bit, give me your knife?" Though his last sentence  was more of an order than an actual question, the dark-haired boy still tried to make the ginger feel as though he was completely in charge. That's how he always handled the older boy after Simon's advise and it turned out to be successful. "Sure.", the ginger replied, giving him the knife and even joked: "Wouldn't want one of my best men to get eaten now, would I?" The dark-haired boy just grunted at this statement, feeling the lethal weapon in hands now.
Once he was surrounded by nature, he stood utterly still, hidden behind a tree. Listening to the sound of his future  prey. The spears he proposed would do later on, however at this moment Roger felt consumed by the power radiating off the cool metal in his hand. There were birds singing - the feathery prey wouldn't be good to eat. There was rustling in the bushes - perhaps a pig? A perfect first prey  for the hunter. His hungry glare intensified, if there was one, he'd  kill it for sure. To his disappointment, the object was much smaller. A  lizard trying desperately to scurry off. A vicious grin appeared on Roger's face matching the weapon his fingers held in a vice-grip. Soon enough, a dark shadow loomed over the doomed animal. The lethal weapon fulfilled its purpose.
Smiling almost eerily Roger walked back to the Camp, however as soon as he emerged out of the jungle, he changed his expression to his usual emotionless one. His smiles were only reserved for very few. His real smile solely for the least. Only for him. A voice seemed to add, but the dark-haired boy ignored the thought. Yet, as he passed the place where Jack sat earlier and went on to see, if his friend was up yet, his reflections revolved around the smaller boy once again. He almost felt like a housewife, having prepared breakfast for her husband, rather than a masculine, strong hunter. But the latter described exactly what he was and he didn't  dismiss the feeling of pride at his accomplishment to provide for the smaller one. He really deserved it. And Simon would also acknowledge it. Then he won't have to suffer hunger. He really seemed malnourished even before their time on the island. Yet, this wouldn't be a problem, he didn't surpress the grin at this thought this time. He'd make sure, nothing that his friend craved would be missing. Noticing Simon wasn't  asleep anymore, he carefully put his trophy down, shielding it from the hungry gazes these smaller boys send him and every other older boy.  Afterwards, he went of to search his friend, inwardly deliriously elated  from the anticipation.
Yet, his jubilant high came to a downfall, when  he noticed his friend bonding over something with that newly elected  Chief. Both smiling in a way that indicated a developing friendship. Simon wasn’t waiting for him. Didn’t count the seconds till they’d be reunited. He didn’t worry about Roger’s whereabouts. Neither did he go after him. Roger made an abrupt halt. Stood there, as motionless as a statue. His hands clenched to fists. His knuckles turned fairly white. His eyes narrowed, taking in the unpleasant sight in front of him. His friend, the one he cared for every single second during the last years, that he brought to sleep, that he carried all the time. That friend, that made him forget every other person. The one, that brought bright colours in his dull, grey life, that made him consider the  fragility of things, before giving in to his impulses. The only real  friend he ever had. And the two-boy-team they were. Them against the world.
Everything seemed to shatter in front of him.
It might be deemed overdramatic. Too emotionally involved. Too obsessive. But  there had always been many opportunities for Roger to make other friends. Probably, he'd go further without the liability of his fragile friend. Yet, they never wanted anyone else. It had been an unspoken agreement between the both of them, that they were content with just each other. Of course, the smaller boy was never meant to be his. This realization struck him to the core of his bones. He had never vowed to stay. He was going to abandon him. Like everybody else. Anyways, the joyful smile full of sympathy for the Chief, if the dark-haired boy could have put contempt in his thoughts this would be the time it reached its limit- his eyes sparkling, even his cheeks were tainted in the familiar blush. Everything showed how engrossed his friend was in the conversation with the fair boy. Of course, he's almost perfect. Can't find a single flaw in the almighty Chief. Except for his poor logic, but you can surely forgive a face like that. Boys like the Chief would always get what they wanted, without having to lift a single finger. But Simon, he was someone that took many months spent together all alone to open up, he still wasn't fully revealed to Roger yet. And now the Chief evoked all these reactions Roger worked years for in a matter of minutes. When Roger turned to leave, he witnessed one thing in the corner of his eye. Ralph was moving something off the green-eyed  boy's shoulders and Simon... he didn't flinch...at all.
In  painful memories he hurried away, back into the somber thick jungle.  "Oh Simon, you've got some kind of stain here." - he had said, before tenderly moving his hands to the smaller boy's chest. Just a second   after his skin had made contact with Simon's shirt, the smaller boy had jumped up, while emitting a earshattering shriek. With an apologetic glance at the green-eyed boy, Roger had tried to calm his friend of one year."I'm sorry, Roger. It's not you...I' m just not that comfortable with people touching me..."  
Now, he was at last able to touch his friend, to comfort him even, yet the accomplishment diminished  radically, as he observed his closest friend, his only friend giving  something to a stranger that he couldn't give to him. The benefit of  his trust. If the dark-haired boy thought, witnessing Simon perfectly  enjoying himself with some other boy, abandoning their two-boy-team was  hurtful, this observation shattered his burning, torn apart pieces over and over again, torturing the innocent believing parts of his soul beyond compare.
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oooo do ship anything else? oh and also do you at least support any other ships of the fandom like jalph and rogermon?
ty for the ask ‼️‼️
and yes other ships like jalph and rogermon are cool too 😎😎
i dont ship them too much but ive read some really cute fanfics with them and definetly can appreciate some good content w them 😽😽
in terms of other ships i think are neat ill list a couple :))
-billiggy-does it make any sense in cannon? no. do i still think its amazing and do @jalphandrogermonobsessed billiggy oneshots give me life? hell yes!!
-ralmon-i heavily think that simon liked ralph in the book 😳😳 i mean he literally looked at ralph and walked into a tree so 😟👍
-bit of an obscure one but mauriggy is also cool??? again, does it make sense? no. do i think its kinda funky? yes!
-robric supremecy 💯
-mauram is also cool too 👍👍
-jager is chill as well ❤️
tbh im not too big on shipping any of the characters within the cannon universe butttt this fandom has some really talented authors and artists which do make some banger works and have converted me to appreciate most ships, even if i dont 100% ship it myself ‼️
summary: i'm open to most as long as theyre not sexualised as underage characters (for obvious reasons) so ty for the ask ❤️❤️
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passion-in-my-blood · 8 years
Figure You Out (Rogermon Part 4)
For a moment Roger basically gaped at his friend. Each time he thought he had almost figured the smaller boy out, he was surprised by how much the other picked up. “You knew that I wanted to talk to you all  along?” The smaller one just smiled once again, lighting up the whole clearing with his vivid, joyful attitude. “Well, we can talk now, but  I’d like you to come join me here.”, he declared with his soft voice. Creating a stark contrast to his uncharacteristacally bold statement, as he patted the spot next to him. Almost in a daze by Simon’s sparkling green eyes, Roger complied. Both boys silently sat there for a moment, surrounded by the most colourful flowers.
Then the taller boy shifted  and stated awkwardly: “I don’t feel comfortable, Simon. What are we even doing here?” To this the smaller boy rested his head on Roger’s shoulder, sneaking one arm around his back and drawing soft patterns on  the dark-haired boy’s back. “Doesn’t this feel like home right now?”, the smaller one explained dreamily, “Nothing has to change. We can just stay together with the others. Not a single disturbance strong enough to  separate us.” After the initial surprise about Simon’s tender touch, the dark-haired boy found himself able to release his stiff and tense posture for once. By now, Roger was generally more relaxed, so he returned  the favour, playing with Simon’s dark locks, as he caressed his side.  “Don’t be silly, Si. What force could be strong enough to tear us  apart.” he proclaimed confidently, “One day, I’ll marry you and we can  even live together!” Simon blushed at the thought, he didn’t understand  how his friend meant the idea of two boys marrying, but the thought of  both of them kissing like he saw his Aunt Janet and his Uncle Jonathan  do at their wedding actually excited him. Still, he asked confused,  “Don’t you have to marry a girl?” Roger looked up from carefully  untangling Simon’s locks and furrowed his eyebrows, before once again  declaring firmly: “No, I won’t. My Mummy always said if I marry someone, I should really really like them, want to see them everyday and will want to do anything to make them smile or laugh. Then, we can spend eternity  together! These girls are just stupid, I would trade you for none of  them!” After his speech Roger smiled down at his friend and both of them  shared a warm smile. “You’re right, Roger. We’ll marry one day. I can’t  wait for it.” For a moment both boys were indulging in their own imaginations of a bright future together. The taller boy was the first one to snap back into reality, when he noticed a leaf that had landed on his friend’s lap. Carefully, Roger removed it, since the smaller boy didn’t shown any motivation to do so. Having finished his tender action, he realised that his friend was watching his fingers retreat, after his - for some reason trembling- fingers had absent-mindedly caressed the other boys skin through his long shirt. Sheepishly, the dark-haired boy connected their gazes. Content that his friend hadn’t shrieked away, a reaction that had been frequent to accidental touches, when they were still getting to know each other. Encouraged by the smile Simon sent his way, Roger bent down to his friend and tenderly kissed the top of his head. An innocent symbol for how much he appreciated and cared for the smaller boy, which turned Simon beet-red. Yet, it was appreciated by the green-eyed boy, who had become used to this gesture of affection and secretly adored the sense of security as well as the rush of endorphines it caused. Then, both boys lent back both escaping in their respective phantasies, while enjoying the scenery as well as each other’s company.
"Roger?" Simon yawned tiredly, his head now nuzzled into the taller boy's chest. "Can we talk about the thing tomorrow? I'm feeling really sleepy now."  The real reason Roger abducted his friend now cast into the background, his friend rubbed soft circles onto the smaller boy's back absent-mindedly and agreed, as he took in his friend's exhaustion. "Anything for you, Si", he affirmed, using the nickname he knew his friend loved, because it made him feel special, as though people cared about him. In that aspect, the dark-haired boy deemed his friend stupid, couldn't he feel that he and Simon's parents deeply cared for him? Observing the younger boy so close to actually giving in to his exhaustion and to sleep, he remarked gently as well as quietly, as if not to break his fragile friend with a too loud voice: " Si? It's getting late now. Our cloaks are still with the others, so we have to return. I wouldn't want you to sleep without a blanket." His friend reacted by slowly lifting his head from Roger's chest, disappointed to lose the opportunity to listen to the taller boy's steady heartbeat, which had a calming effect on him. Then he muttered something quickly and quietly, before he quickly turned to hide the blush appearing on his cheeks by burying his face in his hands. Roger observed this with sorrow. Sometimes his friend reminded him of one of these precious and beautiful flowers, that would shut down immediately once they were to be touched. The dark-haired boy wouldn't allow anyone to make his fragile friend completely shut out everybody and retreat. In his garden, it was his only flower worth taking care of. Still, he couldn't help, but feel frustrated, whenever he made his friend retreat without knowing why.
With a soft voice, but unable to hide the frown on his face, he tried to get the smaller boy to speak again. "Simon? Talk to me please? What did you say?" The other boy had gradually turned back to him, observing the shadow on his friend's face by peaking through his fingers. "I just wanted...well..I'd like to...would you carry me? Please?" After awkwardly trailing off at first, he finished his plea with one single breath. His face now sparkling with colours, the dark rouge on his cheeks, his sparkling green orbs and the rest of his face illuminated by the light that managed to reach the clearing deep in the jungle. Every shadow Roger had been haunted by suddenly escaped, confronted with that much light. "Sure, Si. As I said, anything for you." After carefully standing up, ensuring not to hurt the boy that was still entangled with him, and stretching for a bit, the taller boy picked his friend up to carry him in a bridal-style. His friend, who had snuggled into his chest, comfortable in his arms, a content smile playing on his lips, looked up to him to whisper: "Thank you, Roger. Tell me, if I'm too heavy.." But he was interrupted, as the taller boy chuckled lightly:"Trust me, Si. You're not too heavy at all. But you don't have to worry all the time. I should actually be worried about how much you eat. But sleep now, Si, I'll see you tomorrow." When the smaller boy closed his eyes, taken by sleep, Roger added quietly only for himself to hear: "I'll try to make this better, but I can't promise that. We'll talk tomorrow, then we'll see about my plan."
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