#rojas pinilla
queenofthedisneyverse · 6 months
La Violencia (Research I did for Encanto fic writers so you don't have to)
TW: Assassination and death
Long but necessary post
@yellowcry @miracles-and-butterflies @evostar (if you already knew about it, that's fine, but reblog so others can too.)
To put it simply;
During this time, an estimated 200,000 people lost their lives, with 112,000 of those deaths occurring between 1948 and 1950. Additionally, two million people were forcibly displaced from their homes, primarily to Venezuela.
The root of this conflict lies in the intense partisan rivalries between Colombia’s two traditional political parties: the Liberal Party and the Conservative Party. These tensions created a divide between liberals and conservatives, eventually leading to the partial collapse of the state and existing institutional structures. As violence escalated, economic motivations began to outweigh political ones, and armed bands took advantage of the chaos to commit robberies, assaults, and revenge against their neighbors.
More in depth;
La Violencia was a ten-year civil war in Colombia from 1948 to 1958, between the Colombian Conservative Party and the Colombian Liberal Party, fought mainly in the countryside.
Liberal hegemony continued through the 1930s and the World War II era, and Alfonso López Pumarejo was reelected in 1942; however, wartime conditions were not favourable to social change. In the elections of 1946, two Liberal candidates, Gabriel Turbay and Jorge Eliécer Gaitán, stood for election and thus split the Liberal vote. A Conservative, Mariano Ospina Pérez, took office. 
Conservatives had been embittered by political sidelining and, since 1930, had suffered violent attacks at the hands of Liberal supporters. With the electoral victory of 1946 they instituted a series of crude reprisals against Liberals. It was the initiation of the period that was dubbed La Violencia. On April 9, 1948, Gaitán, leader of the left wing of the Liberal Party, was assassinated in broad daylight in downtown Bogotá. The resulting riot and property damage (estimated at $570 million throughout the country) came to be called the bogotazo.
La Violencia originated in an intense political feud between Liberals and Conservatives and had little to do with class conflict, foreign ideologies, or other matters outside Colombia.  Authoritative sources estimate that more than 200,000 persons lost their lives in the period between 1946 and 1964.
The most spectacular aspect of the violence, however, was the extreme cruelty perpetrated on the victims, which has been a topic of continuing study for Colombians. La Violencia intensified under the regime of Laureano Gómez (1950–53), who attempted to introduce a fascist state. His excesses brought his downfall by military coup—Colombia’s first in the 20th century. Gen. Gustavo Rojas Pinilla assumed the presidency in 1953 and, aided by his daughter, María Eugenia Rojas, began an effort to end La Violencia and to stimulate the economy.
Rojas was a populist leader who supported citizens’ demands for the redress of grievances against the elite. Support for Rojas began to collapse when it appeared that he would not be able to fulfill his promises, when he showed reluctance to give up power, and when the economy faltered as a result of a disastrous fall in coffee prices in 1957. He was driven from office that year by a military junta.
The arrangement for the National Front government—a coalition of Conservatives and Liberals—was made by Alberto Lleras Camargo, representing the Liberals, and Laureano Gómez, leader of the Conservative Party, in the Declaration of Sitges (1957).
The unique agreement provided for alternation of Conservatives and Liberals in the presidency, an equal sharing of ministerial and other government posts, and equal representation on all executive and legislative bodies. The agreement was to remain in force for 16 years—equivalent to four presidential terms, two each for Conservatives and Liberals. The question of what governmental structure would follow the National Front was left unsettled.
It had been contemplated that a Conservative would be the first to occupy the presidency in 1958. When the Conservative Party could not agree on a candidate, however, the National Front selected Lleras, who had previously served in that office for 12 months in 1945–46.
During Lleras’s tenure an agrarian reform law was brought into effect, national economic planning for development began, and Colombia became the showcase of the Alliance for Progress (a U.S. attempt to further economic development in Latin America). But severe economic difficulties caused by low coffee prices, domestic unemployment, and the apparent end of the effectiveness of import substitution were only partially offset by Alliance aid. 
The Alliance increased Colombia’s economic dependence on the United States, which, to some Colombians, had serious disadvantages. By 1962 economic growth had come almost to a standstill.
The precarious state of the economy and the degree of social tension were revealed when only about half of those eligible to vote did so in the 1962 presidential elections, which brought Guillermo León Valencia, a Conservative, to the presidency.
During Valencia’s first year in office internal political pressures led to devaluation of the peso (Colombia’s currency), wage increases among unionized workers of some 40 percent, and the most rampant inflation since 1905. Extreme deflationary policies were applied in the next three years, raising the unemployment rates above 10 percent in the major cities and turning even more Colombians against the National Front. 
Less than 40 percent of the electorate went to the polls in the 1964 congressional elections.
Marxist guerrilla groups began appearing in Colombia during Valencia’s presidency. The first was the National Liberation Army (Ejército de Liberación Nacional; ELN), which was created by a group of Colombian students who had studied in Cuba.
Founded in 1964, the ELN followed strategies espoused by Che Guevara. Another guerrilla group, which followed two years later, was the Colombian Revolutionary Armed Forces (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia; FARC), which was more connected to Soviet-influenced communist movements. Much of FARC originated in the “resistance committees” that had appeared in Colombia during La Violencia.
Carlos Lleras Restrepo was the third National Front president (1966–70). He returned the economy to a sound footing, improved government planning for economic development, and pushed through political reforms essential to an orderly end to the Front (which seemed increasingly to constitute a monopoly of power by the Conservative-Liberal oligarchy).
Although the constitutional reform of 1968 stipulated that elections would become competitive again after 1974, the president was still required to give “adequate and equitable” representation to the second largest political party in his cabinet and in the filling of other bureaucratic posts.
Read more here (This article is mostly where I got my info from as well as copilot.ai. I know, AI is bad, but please don't judge me. I was not about to do six hours of research when I have a tool that can help me in seconds.)
What does this have to do with the madrigals?
Well, if you're planning on writing any madrigal (or all) outside of Encanto, La violencia is something you need to take into consideration. It's an important part of Colombia's culture and shouldn't be ignored.
(I just learned about it recently and in turn, need to rewrite some stuff. So I can only imagine that half of the Encanto fandom knows nothing about it)
What cities were safe you ask? I don't think there really was any.
Bogotá: As the capital of Colombia, Bogotá witnessed significant unrest during this period. Political factions clashed, leading to violence and instability.
Cali: Cali, located in the southwestern part of the country, also suffered from La Violencia. It was a hotspot for clashes between Liberal and Conservative supporters.
Medellín: Medellín, another major city, faced its share of violence. The conflict often played out in the streets, affecting civilians and communities.
Barranquilla: This coastal city experienced tensions between rival political groups, resulting in bloodshed and loss of life.
Cartagena: Cartagena, known for its historical significance, was not immune to the violence. The struggle between Liberals and Conservatives left scars on its urban landscape.
Cúcuta: Located near the border with Venezuela, Cúcuta also witnessed violence during La Violencia.
Palmira, Santa Marta, Soledad Atlántico, Armenia, Pereira, Neiva, Valledupar, Bucaramanga, Popayán, Villavicencio, and Soacha were other cities affected by the turmoil.
So, in either city, the madrigals would be exposed to this war if they chose to come out. Now, let's say Encanto is in the very center of Colombia (or at lease close to it) -
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(Right where the red dot is)
The closest area is Villavicencio, Puerto Lypez, and Bogota. All three cities that were affected by the war. And I'm not saying Villavicencio is THAT close to Encanto, probably a week trip at best, but still.
Why did I choose the center of Colombia?
Because I don't see it sitting anywhere else. And it's convenient fic wise. But you can do what you want.
Now I'm not saying the Madrigals won't experience fun in the new world. They most certainly will (culture and technology wise), but the war is really unavoidable for them.
That's all for now, but if you have anything to add or for me to correct, reblog or message me.
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enriquemzn262 · 1 year
North American: Wow, I sure miss when presidents served in the military.
South Americans: Do not talk to me ever again.
Not here in Colombia!
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Meet Gustavo Rojas Pinilla, Colombia's first and only dictator, who basically single handedly modernized the country in his 4 years in power, power which he obtained almost bloodlessly, and which he left democratically, to the point he remains beloved in many parts of the country, and even has an airport named after him.
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smunalianzaliberal · 4 months
El Diario Independiente
Election Candidates Confirmed!
25 July 1950
Following candidacy bids by both Cabinets, below is the complete list of candidates running for a seat.
Amazonas – Santiago Arango Valencia – Partido Conservador Colombiano Amazonas - Manuel Marulanda Vélez - Colombian Nationalist Party - CNP-CLP Alliance
Antioquia – Roberto Urdaneta – Partido Conservador Colombiano
Bolívar – Jeronimo Zuluaga Vargas - People’s Liberation Party
Boyaca – Nicolas Mendoza Ortega – Partido Conservador Colombiano
Caldas – Alcides Garcia – Partido Conservador Colombiano
Casanare - Guadalupe Salcedo - Colombian Liberal Party - CNP-CLP Alliance
Cesar – Enrique Figueroa – Partido Conservador Colombiano
Cundinamarca - Alberto Lleras Camargo - Colombian Liberal Party - CNP-CLP Alliance Cundinamarca - Isauro Yosa - Colombian Nationalist Party - CNP-CLP Alliance Cundinamarca - Laureano Gomez - Partido Conservador Colombiano
Guainia - Diego Esteban Rodriguez - Colombian Nationalist Party - CNP-CLP Alliance
Guaviare – Benedicto Jose de Sucre – Partido Conservador Colombiano
Huila - Jacobo Prias Alape - Colombian Nationalist Party - CNP-CLP Alliance
La Guajira - Dario Enchandio - Colombian Liberal Party - CNP-CLP Alliance La Guajira – Guillermo Leon Valencia – Partido Conservador Colombiano
Magdalena - Gerardo Loaiza - Colombian Liberal Party - CNP-CLP Alliance
Norte De Santander – Mateo Alejandro Gonzalez – Partido Conservador Colombiano
Quindio - Andres Enrique Gomez - Colombian Nationalist Party - CNP-CLP Alliance
Santander – Esteban Cardona Duque – Partido Conservador Colombiano
Tolima - Juan de La Cruz Varela - Colombian Nationalist Party - CNP-CLP Alliance Tolima - Teofilo Rojas Varon - Colombian Nationalist Party - CNP-CLP Alliance
Valle del Cauca - Miguel Pérez Moreno - Colombian Liberal Party - CNP-CLP Alliance Valle del Cauca - Santiago Rios - Colombian Nationalist Party - CNP-CLP Alliance Valle del Cauca – Gustavo Rojas Pinilla – Partido Conservador Colombiano
Vaupés – Jair Giraldo - Partido Conservador Colombiano
Vichada - Alfonso Lopez Pumarejo - Colombian Liberal Party - CNP-CLP Alliance
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nishhd · 1 year
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La literatura de Chile hace mención al conjunto de producciones literarias creadas por escritores originarios de ese país; ha sido producida habitualmente en español, aunque existen también autores, principalmente poetas, que utilizan otros idiomas, en particular el mapudungun. Especialmente en el ámbito de la poesía, cuenta con varios escritores de renombre, como Vicente Huidobro, Enrique Lihn, Gabriela Mistral, Pablo Neruda, Nicanor Parra, Pablo de Rokha, Gonzalo Rojas, Jorge Teillier y Raúl Zurita, entre otros. En el campo de la narrativa, destacan también Isabel Allende, Roberto Bolaño, María Luisa Bombal, José Donoso, Jorge Edwards, Pedro Lemebel, Antonio Skármeta, entre otros.El romanticismo en Chile, conforme al análisis del crítico literario Cedomil Goic, puede clasificarse en tres generaciones literarias: la de 1837, 1852 y 1867.
La de 1837, denominada también generación costumbrista, se caracterizó por el desarrollo de un costumbrismo con especial énfasis en lo pintoresco y lo realista, abordándolos desde un punto de vista crítico y satírico En esta generación destacaron Mercedes Marín del Solar, Rosario Orrego, Vicente Pérez Rosales y José Joaquín Vallejo.
La de 1852 o generación romántico-social tuvo una postura más radical a la visión liberal que la generación anterior, presentando el pasado como ejemplo de rectificación del presente. En esta generación sobresalieron José Victorino Lastarria, Salvador Sanfuentes, Martín Palma, Eusebio Lillo, Guillermo Matta y Guillermo Blest Gana. En las décadas de 1950 y 1960, los autores chilenos volvieron a incursionar en la novela histórica. Y ya a partir de 1970, volcaron su mirada hacia los "momentos fundacionales, es decir, las etapas del descubrimiento, Conquista y, en general, el período colonial, lo que conlleva la relectura de los textos canónicos que dan cuenta de dichos proceso históricos, especialmente las crónicas, las relaciones, las cartas del conquistador, que constituyen los pretextos que serán deconstruidos por el discurso alternativo del creador literario" (Eddie Morales Piña. "Brevísima relación de la nueva novela histórica en Chile", Notas Históricas. En este nuevo renacer, la novela histórica basa su contenido en copiosa documentación. Asimismo, los autores chilenos leen disciplinadamente no sólo los libros de Benjamín Vicuña Mackenna, Francisco Encina y Jaime Eyzaguirre, entre otros, sino que también llevan a cabo una revisión completa de cartas, crónicas, diarios íntimos y de viajes.
Aún cuando surgen numerosas publicaciones, en Chile la tendencia no es tan acusada como en otros países de Latinoamérica. Según Mentor Seymour, "este fenómeno puede explicarse por la mayor preocupación de los novelistas chilenos contemporáneos por el pasado inmediato, o sea el golpe militar contra el gobierno de Allende en 1973, la dictadura de Pinochet y las experiencias en el exilio de varios novelistas" (La nueva novela histórica de la América Latina, 1979-1992. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1993.
El romanticismo en Chile fue un fenómeno amplio, que formó parte de un contexto latinoamericano mayor, en el que predominó la idea de la construcción de la nación con un carácter utópico vinculado al liberalismo político. En el caso de las producciones escritas en Chile, el romanticismo se vinculó en su origen a la llegada de intelectuales argentinos hacia 1840 y al Movimiento Literario de 1842.
Durante la década de 1840, surgió en Chile una producción intelectual comprometida con la idea de la identidad nacional. Este fenómeno ha sido relacionado, por un lado, con el Discurso de incorporación a la Sociedad Literaria de José Victorino Lastarria (1817-1888), en el que abogó por la necesidad de una literatura de carácter local y, por otro, con el eco de ese llamado recogido por los intelectuales del Movimiento Literario de 1842.
Para Norberto Pinilla (1902-1946), la "escuela romántica" nació en Chile vinculada a este "despertar" de las letras nacionales, en particular, a partir de la ocurrencia de dos debates sobre "cultura filológica y literaria" que se vivieron durante esos años: la controversia filológica, intercambio de artículos en la prensa en los que se discutió respecto al uso de la lengua en América; y la polémica del romanticismo (Pinilla, Norberto. Panorama y significación del Movimiento literario de 1842.
El realismo literario es una corriente estética que supuso una ruptura con el romanticismo, tanto en los aspectos ideológicos como en los formales, durante la segunda mitad del siglo xix. Se extendió también a las artes plásticas en Latinoamérica, lugar donde hasta entonces no había gran proliferación en este arte. Este se caracterizaba por una extensa y muy detallada información de los personajes, paisajes, escenas, etc. De esta forma, podían ser imaginados con mayor facilidad.
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paulacorinna · 2 years
Por Paula Corina Hernández.
Tal como lo dice la contraportada del libro fue quizás sin pretenderlo que con esta obra Gabriel García Márquez, a sus 28 años, se descubriría a sí mismo como un gran narrador. Fue con “un prodigioso ejercicio literario, una narración escueta y vigorosa donde latía el pulso de un gran escritor”. Aun así, el Premio Nobel de Literatura tardó quince años en publicar su libro, Relato de un Náufrago. Una obra periodística que más que relatar a detalle tanto la desgracia como la suerte de un marinero en un naufragio puso en duda la honra del mismo y desmanteló uno de los casos de corrupción de la dictadura de Gustavo Rojas Pinilla, en Colombia.
Este análisis no busca ni desmeritar ni enaltecer al náufrago, tampoco relatar lo que él vivió, por el contrario, se centrará en analizar el extraordinario valor periodístico de la obra y la censura que quiso afectar la misma. El afán de su autor por ceñirse únicamente a la verdad en un país que le retribuyó su éxito con el exilio. Un libro que según Gabriel García Márquez “está más cerca de la crónica, porque es la transcripción organizada de una experiencia personal contada en primera persona por el único que la vivió. Pero que, en realidad, es una entrevista larga, minuciosa, completa, que hice a sabiendas de que no era para publicar en bruto, sino para ser cocinada en otra olla: un reportaje”.
El 28 de febrero de 1955 ocho miembros de la tripulación del buque Destructor Caldas, de la Marina de Guerra de Colombia, cayeron al agua a causa de un golpe de viento en el mar Caribe que desplazó el contenido de contrabando que albergaba esta embarcación ocasionando una tragedia. El trayecto, que daba inicio en Mobile, Estados Unidos, no llegó con sus tripulantes a su destino, Cartagena, Colombia. Esto incursionó en una búsqueda en colaboración con las fuerzas norteamericanas del Canal de Panamá que duró cuatro escasos días, declarando a los tripulantes fallecidos. Sin embargo, un único marinero, Luis Alejandro Velasco, apareció diez días después moribundo en la playa de Urabá, al norte de Colombia.
Con las primeras entregas superficiales de esta historia surgía la interrogante de por qué a la mismísima Fuerza Naval de Colombia le sucedería un naufragio un día en que los servicios meteorológicos afirmaron que no hubo mal clima. Pero el debate, por un momento, se limitó al heroísmo del náufrago que había estado diez días a la deriva en mar abierto, donde lo único que pudo comer fue una gaviota que al final desperdició, un pescado que le fue robado por un tiburón y una raíz misteriosa.
En el libro, se pueden apreciar diversos acontecimientos de los que vivió el náufrago después del accidente, sin embargo, en el capítulo: “viendo ahogarse a cuatro de mis compañeros”, resulta inquietante pensar en qué pasó con los demás marineros. Según el relato, el único sobreviviente, habría escuchado tan solo minutos después de la tragedia, la voz de sus otros camaradas: Julio Amador y Ramón Herrera. También, logró visualizar a Eduardo Castillo y Luis Rengifo. Sin embargo, pese a estar en una balsa, no logró salvar a ninguno de sus compañeros. Aunque para no caer en injusticias, podríamos pensar que, uno; no le fue posible, o dos; si lo hubiera hecho, quizás él no habría sobrevivido, por lo tanto, no existiría esta historia.
De esta manera fue como adquirió valor periodístico en el momento en que la historia llegó a manos de Gabriel García Márquez, luego de que él desmantelara las reales causas de la tragedia. Como afirma en el prólogo, en primer lugar, estaba totalmente prohibido transportar carga en el buque, asimismo, fue el peso de la misma la que ocasionó el accidente y, por último, eran electrodomésticos de contrabando. Así que como afirma GGM “estaba claro que tanto el relato, como el Destructor, llevaban mal amarrada una carga política y moral que no habíamos previsto”.
Un mes después del acontecimiento, G.G.M., llevó a cabo la reconstrucción minuciosa de la historia en conjunto con el náufrago. En total, fueron veinte sesiones de seis horas diarias, donde el escritor, lanzaba preguntas capciosas para detectar cualquier incongruencia en el relato de Luis Alejandro Velasco.
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Gabriel García Márquez en El Espectador (01/01/1954).
Así fue cómo convirtió la historia, en una serie de catorce publicaciones diarias coleccionables en forma de reportaje periodístico en el diario El Espectador de Bogotá, para posteriormente, en 1977, publicarse en forma de libro. Esta obra, asumía los retos de “un género híbrido entre la literatura y el periodismo en la que los aspectos estéticos y ficcionales eran elementos tan indispensables como la objetividad, la verosimilitud y el realismo” (Chillón, 1999: 185-195).
Curiosamente, fue el mismo Luis Alejandro Velasco, quien se acercó a vender su historia. Por su parte, G.G.M., sabía que el acontecimiento ya había sido cubierto por periodistas adherentes a las Fuerzas Armadas tras la larga estadía del protagonista del suceso en el Hospital Naval de Cartagena. Sin contar, al joven periodista de oposición, que se había infiltrado en el hospital.
Este reportero, ingresó disfrazado al centro médico donde se recuperaba el náufrago, con fonendoscopio, anteojos y bata, asegurando ser un psiquiatra que venía de Bogotá. Incluso, consiguió el permiso del mismísimo director del establecimiento, luego de hablar en complicados términos médicos para poder “examinar” al paciente durante 15 minutos y, pese a la reticencia del suboficial que se encontraba de guardia, a que el marinero revelara detalles de la carga de contrabando de la embarcación, logró que el náufrago, en medio de su convalecencia, le dibujara en un papel el mismo buque y que, además, pusiera su propia firma. Posteriormente -con una grave falta de ética periodística-, esos mismos dibujos fueron difundidos al día siguiente con deshonestas añadiduras en el diario El Tiempo de Bogotá.
Por el contrario, la principal intención de Gabriel García Márquez, era que el relato fuera veraz y que la extraordinaria historia pudiera ser creída por los lectores. Asimismo, una de sus inquietudes era por qué el náufrago había decidido confiarle a él lo que la dictadura le había prohibido decir. Era evidente que lo único que podía hacer el gobierno ante el relato era desmentir en un comunicado cualquier presencia de carga de contrabando, como si no hubiesen sido suficientes las vidas de los jóvenes marineros que se fueron con el mar agreste. Sin embargo, fueron los registros de algunas cámaras de los tripulantes lo que confirmó la presencia de neveras, estufas y lavadoras, dándole el voto de la verdad a la gran obra de G.G.M.
Este libro, demuestra ser un periodismo destacable, riguroso y veraz, en una de las tantas etapas de tiranía que ha sufrido el pueblo colombiano. Demuestra, además, ser la oposición a las entregas sinsabor que se realizaron del suceso, sin antecedentes, ni profundidad y demostrando ser parte de la dictadura de Gustavo Rojas Pinilla. Fue Gabriel García Márquez, quién con su gran obra destapó un caso de corrupción y que, como consecuencia, se tuvo que dar al exilio en París, donde cumplió su labor de corresponsal para el mismo medio que meses después fue clausurado. Una tristeza, para el escritor que tanto amaba su patria, verse meses después sin dinero en el extranjero, pero que por su talento y empuje logró veintisiete años después ser el Premio Nobel de Literatura.
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wollmeruzcategui · 6 days
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otsoanalis · 3 months
Pero si ningún programa cultural ha culturizado de verdad en toda la historia de la televisión
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Hace un par de días la televisión cumplió 70 años de existir en Colombia, ya en el colegio alguna vez me habian dicho que esta habia llegado con el mas progre de los dictadores, el General Rojas Pinilla.
Sin embargo hoy fue profunda mi sorpresa al enterarme de que la transición neoliberal despojó del sentido cultural a la televisión colombiana.
Al respecto tengo ideas cruzadas que espero poder aclarar con esta entrada, pero si puedo decir algo es que la intencion de culturizar a la masa, de iluminar e ilustrar es una de las herencias mas profundas que encontramos de nuestros ancestros españoles. Por alguna razón, la idea de transmitir un saber ser y un saber hacer mas "puro", estuvo instalada desde el inicio de la nueva granada. Desde la evangelización hasta la razon, se trata de un ejercicio que se recoge en la misericordia del que no termino de entender quin como y porque estaba de acuerdo.
Tal como algún dia se vendió el albur de la industria como clave para el desarrollo del país, llegó la televisión a Colombia, con el objetivo de lucha, segun Diana Uribe de entregar un sentido identitario y cultural a la masa, de democratizar el saber, por lo menos al la urbe bogotana (la importante en el imaginario político de la epoca). Como un prometeo neoliberal, el gobierno entrego a los humanos una serie de saberes , de obras, las novelas, las telenovelas adaptaban inicalmente cuentos de horacio quiroga, de garcia marquez, como una utopía mediatica que cuesta entender desde la distancia temporal.
La televisión, es un medio de información, la television fue un medio de divulgación y así tambien un caballo de troya que instalo desde tierras americanas el estilo de vida americano.
Y de nuevo solo encuentro dos caras de una misma moneda, comienzo a ver como tambien el efecto secundario de esa serie de sucesos dio origen a un sinumero de proyectos culturales.
Y no puedo entender, no puedo hacer el calculo utilitarista de si entrar en la onda de la super vision fue bueno o malo. Lo cierto es que sus repercusiones, positivas, negativas y de cualquier tipo hoy me entregan una sola idea.
Ese proyecto cultural de la nación me convirtió, junto con el resto de factores en la personita que soy hoy. Tener acceso desde pequeño a la cultura mediada por factores socioeconomicos y alimentada por señal colombia, city tv y canal 13 me permitio generarinterés, hacer experimentos, imaginar desde la nada. Kikiriki, 31 minutos, carmen san diego. Tanto tuvo que pasar para que hoy dia, solo una unidad de estas miles a las que impacto, pueda voltear al pasado y agradecer.
Y es una sensación agridulce, porque los noticieros me producen lo que tiktok, miedo, porque eso es lo que alimenta a la maquina. que hoy es tambien un caballo de troya al nuevo dominio que llega
todo es un circulo, un uroboros, ya veremos que sigue
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smunconservadors · 4 months
El Diario Independiente
Election Results
29 February 1952
The elections results have just concluded, following a lengthy delay due to the prior conflicts.
The PLP led by a 80%, followed by the Liberals with 15% and finally the Conservatives with 5%. The following list of delegates show the results of those who have won the elections.
+Amazonas – Santiago Arango Valencia – Partido Conservador Colombiano +Amazonas - Manuel Marulanda Vélez - Colombian Nationalist Party - CNP-CLP Alliance
+Antioquia – Roberto Urdaneta – Partido Conservador Colombiano
+Bolívar – Jeronimo Zuluaga Vargas - People’s Liberation Party
+Caldas – Alcides Garcia – Partido Conservador Colombiano
+Casanare - Guadalupe Salcedo - Colombian Liberal Party - CNP-CLP Alliance
+Cesar – Enrique Figueroa – Partido Conservador Colombiano
+Cundinamarca - Isauro Yosa - Colombian Nationalist Party - CNP-CLP Alliance
+Guaviare – Benedicto Jose de Sucre – Partido Conservador Colombiano
+Quindio - Andres Enrique Gomez - Colombian Nationalist Party - CNP-CLP Alliance
+Santander – Esteban Cardona Duque – Partido Conservador Colombiano
+Valle del Cauca - Santiago Rios - Colombian Nationalist Party - CNP-CLP Alliance +Valle del Cauca – Gustavo Rojas Pinilla – Partido Conservador Colombiano
+Vaupés – Jair Giraldo - Partido Conservador Colombiano
+Vichada - Alfonso Lopez Pumarejo - Colombian Liberal Party - CNP-CLP Alliance
Following which, elections held within the PLP have given an overwhelming victory to Armando Marin, despite many newer members (including those in the Cabinets currently) contesting for the positions. The Vice President position was won by Guadalupe Salcedo.
As the new Colombian government convenes to discuss the future of Colombia, it remains to be seen what will be done.
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literaturac · 1 year
Hechos históricos:
La época contemporánea nació en Colombia dentro de un marco de violencia partidista en el que se enfrentan liberales y conservadores.
2 hechos sobresalen al comienzo de este periodo:
1948: El asesinato de el liberal Jorge Eliécer Gaitán, el 9 de abril de 1948, está provocó una violencia reacción popular contra los conservadores que se extendió a varias ciudades de el país.
1953: El golpe de estado de el general Gustavo Rojas Pinilla que ocurrió el 13 de Junio de 1953.
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marhfvf · 1 year
contemporanea de colombia
Los seis escritores colombianos favoritos de los usuarios de...
Pecado, Laura Restrepo. ...
18 poemas, Rafael Pombo. ...
La Perra, Pilar Quintana. ...
Cien años de soledad, Gabriel García Márquez. ...
Perder es cuestión de método, Santiago Gamboa. ...
El ruido de las cosas al caer, Juan Gabriel Vázquez.
¿Cuáles son los hechos más importantes en Colombia?
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Abolición de la esclavitud. ...
Separación de Panamá ...
Caída de la hegemonía conservadora. ...
Reforma constitucional. ...
Asesinato de Jorge Eliécer Gaitán. ...
Emboscada al Ejército Nacional por fuerzas guerrilleras de Guadalupe Salcedo en el Pajuil que precipitó la caída de Laureano Gómez (1952).
Golpe militar del general Rojas Pinilla.
6 libros de la literatura colombiana
Cien años de soledad – Gabriel García Márquez. libreriareno. ...
El renacuajo paseador, Rinrín renacuajo – Rafael Pombo. gelosgiles. ...
María – Jorge Isaacs. libreria_acentos_eafit. ...
Delirio – Laura Restrepo. ...
Satanás – Mario Mendoza. ...
El olvido que seremos – Héctor Abad.
El hombre que hacía monitos1964Jorge Moreno Clavijo (0031921)
Una entrevista con Nerón1964Pedro Nel Duque (Crispín) (1926-1977)
Cara o sello1966Fernando Ponce de León (1917-1998)
Mientras llueve1966Fernando Soto Aparicio (1933-2016)
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Events 8.16 (after 1900)
1900 – The Battle of Elands River during the Second Boer War ends after a 13-day siege is lifted by the British. The battle had begun when a force of between 2,000 and 3,000 Boers had surrounded a force of 500 Australians, Rhodesians, Canadians and British soldiers at a supply dump at Brakfontein Drift. 1906 – The 8.2 Mw Valparaíso earthquake hits central Chile, killing 3,882 people. 1913 – Tōhoku Imperial University of Japan (modern day Tohoku University) becomes the first university in Japan to admit female students. 1913 – Completion of the Royal Navy battlecruiser HMS Queen Mary. 1916 – The Migratory Bird Treaty between Canada and the United States is signed. 1918 – The Battle of Lake Baikal was fought between the Czechoslovak Legion and the Red Army. 1920 – The congress of the Communist Party of Bukhara opens. The congress would call for armed revolution. 1920 – Polish–Soviet War: The Battle of Radzymin concludes; the Soviet Red Army is forced to turn away from Warsaw. 1923 – The United Kingdom gives the name "Ross Dependency" to part of its claimed Antarctic territory and makes the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand its administrator. 1927 – The Dole Air Race begins from Oakland, California, to Honolulu, Hawaii, during which six out of the eight participating planes crash or disappear. 1929 – The 1929 Palestine riots break out in Mandatory Palestine between Palestinian Arabs and Jews and continue until the end of the month. In total, 133 Jews and 116 Arabs are killed. 1930 – The first color sound cartoon, Fiddlesticks, is released by Ub Iwerks. 1930 – The first British Empire Games are opened in Hamilton, Ontario, by the Governor General of Canada, the Viscount Willingdon. 1933 – Christie Pits riot takes place in Toronto, Ontario. 1942 – World War II: US Navy L-class blimp L-8 drifts in from the Pacific and eventually crashes in Daly City, California. The two-man crew cannot be found. 1944 – First flight of a jet with forward-swept wings, the Junkers Ju 287. 1945 – The National Representatives' Congress, the precursor of the current National Assembly of Vietnam, convenes in Sơn Dương. 1946 – Mass riots in Kolkata begin; more than 4,000 people would be killed in 72 hours. 1946 – The All Hyderabad Trade Union Congress is founded in Secunderabad. 1954 – The first issue of Sports Illustrated is published. 1960 – Cyprus gains its independence from the United Kingdom. 1960 – Joseph Kittinger parachutes from a balloon over New Mexico, United States, at 102,800 feet (31,300 m), setting three records that held until 2012: High-altitude jump, free fall, and highest speed by a human without an aircraft. 1964 – Vietnam War: A coup d'état replaces Dương Văn Minh with General Nguyễn Khánh as President of South Vietnam. A new constitution is established with aid from the U.S. Embassy. 1972 – In an unsuccessful coup d'état attempt, the Royal Moroccan Air Force fires upon Hassan II of Morocco's plane while he is traveling back to Rabat. 1975 – Australian Prime Minister Gough Whitlam symbolically hands over land to the Gurindji people after the eight-year Wave Hill walk-off, a landmark event in the history of Indigenous land rights in Australia, commemorated in a 1991 song by Paul Kelly and an annual celebration. 1987 – Northwest Airlines Flight 255, a McDonnell Douglas MD-82, crashes after takeoff in Detroit, Michigan, killing 154 of the 155 on board, plus two people on the ground. 1989 – A solar particle event affects computers at the Toronto Stock Exchange, forcing a halt to trading. 2008 – The Trump International Hotel and Tower in Chicago is topped off at 1,389 feet (423 m), at the time becoming the world's highest residence above ground-level. 2010 – AIRES Flight 8250 crashes at Gustavo Rojas Pinilla International Airport in San Andrés, San Andrés y Providencia, Colombia, killing two people. 2012 – South African police fatally shoot 34 miners and wound 78 more during an industrial dispute at Marikana near Rustenburg. 2020 – The August Complex fire in California burns more than one million acres of land.
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locustheologicus · 1 year
The Legend of Marcos Gonzalez
A Gonzalez Origin Story
My Grandfather was known to me as a man by the name of Marcos Gonzalez. I never knew the man, he died long before I was born and although I never knew the exact year of his passing by certain calculations it seemed that he died around the early to mid-1960's. Marcos Gonzalez has become a legendary figure in our family history, all that exist are stories of him and his former burial spot which I visited. I was shown a small standing section that had his bones, accompanied by his first wife, but I was later told that his bones were moved to accommodate a recently deceased person and no one seems to know what happened to his remains.
My father did not say much about him except for one story which I will share later. My grandmother shared precious little to nothing about him. He is often depicted as a tough man that was not easy to get along with. In 1996 I was in Colombia where I took it upon myself to visit my family's origins. Part of this research was to talk with my father's step-siblings to gather some of the fragments of his story.
From those conversations I learned that most (or possibly all) of my grandfathers family (father and older brothers) died in the conflict known as La Guerra de los Mil Días (the war of a thousand days). For our American context this was the war that separated Panama from Colombia and allowed the United States to have an interest in creating the Panama Canal. This war ended in 1902 and it seems that he was just a child during this time. I do not know when he was born but he was about 20 years older then my grandmother (his second wife) and she was born in 1916 so we can guess that we born in the mid to late 1800's. He is known to have lived in a place in central Colombia called Fusagasugá which is a native Cariban word that means "woman who becomes invisible."
That is all that is known about Marcos' origins. The story picks up in the 1930's. My grandfather had marries his first wife and went on to have a fairly decent size family of four boys and about two to three girls. From what I gather he loved his first wife dearly (unlike my grandmother). Marcos may have had a political career and/or affiliation. He was part of the liberal party in Colombia. This should not be confused with American liberalism. It meant a form of popular nationalism that was also oriented to secular versus church governance and values. In the global environment of the late 1930's this evidently connected with the idea of national socialism and it seems that Marcos may have seen it good for the liberal party to support the Nazi movement as a way of mitigating the imperial overreach of the United States.
In 1945 the war was over. In 1948 the Colombian Liberal populist candidate, Jorge Gaitan, was assassinated ushering a conservative dictatorship. The dictatorships of Rojas Pinilla. During this time liberals were hunted down and went into hiding. This is the era known as La Violencia. A period of extreme violence committed by military and paramilitary forces against any populist movement. This in turn brought about the rise of the leftist guerilla movements (FARC and ELN) that would defend against the dictatorship and rightist reaction.
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As for my grandfather what seems to have happened is that around 1940 his first wife passed away. This event was a tragic lost for him and one of his priorities was to find someone who could help take care of his children. He would frequent a bodega during that time where my grandmother worked as a server. Eventually they agreed to marry and she became part of his household. Together they had three kids that survived (and possibly two that didn't). My father was born in December of 1943.
At some point after the death of his first wife and the Colombian persecution of liberals my grandfather's political ambition ended and he dedicated his time taking care of his farm. I saw the humble house he lived during that time at the top of hill (in 1996 that house was habited with a local indigenous community). I know little to nothing of those years but the stories suggest that he had taken to work, drinking and gambling. One story from my grandmother was that he would often be gone during the weekend on a drinking bout and one time my grandmother had sent his oldest sons to go into town and bring him home. Evidently he found this arrangement unacceptable and would beat his sons for disturbing his enjoyment. He also made it a point to make sure that the family knew that he was not to be disturbed. This point was made in violence, Marcos had a reputation for being a harsh and brutal man during this time. Another story was told that someone delivered a newspaper or periodical to him but it was in rags or dirty, the story goes that he physically let the delivery person know how dissatisfied he was with this.
So, as the story goes, during this time, he was also known to be a gambler who often lost more than he gained. The loss eventually included portions of the farm until, at the end, nothing was left. It seems that whatever was left automatically went to the first family, so my grandmother and her three children had to find a humble place to live with my father having to support them. More on that later.
Nevertheless my father did recall one fond memory. He was a young boy, perhaps around 12 years of age, when he was coming back with his father from the farm. He recalls wearing a straw hat that he loved. As they were nearing a river that they had crossed my father recalls hearing a loud disturbing noise of crashing trees. A major mudslide had erupted and my grandfather told my father to run for it without looking back. They neared the river but my father noticed that it was becoming impassible. He felt my grandfather pick him up and throw him to the other side as he also leaped and crossed the river bank. According to my father, once they were on the otherside they looked back to see that the land was covered in mud and broken trees. My father then realized that his hat had flown away and he could not find it anywhere. For my father, his own father had saved his life and this he would appreciate for the rest of his life. This was a bonding moment for my dad.
My grandfather passed away at some point in the mid-1960's. I asked how he died and this story is also legendary and superstitious in its narrative. Supposedly my grandfather had an established tradition of eating a hot potato and drinking aguardiente (fire water) in the morning. The day he died my grandmother says he rushed out to the field in a hurry and did not have his shot of aguardiente in the morning. He never came back.
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lasquehablan · 2 years
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Vista norte desde el Monumento a los Héroes (2016)
Obtenido de Cívico Link https://www.civico.com/bogota/noticias/que-hay-dentro-del-averno-de-6-pisos-del-monumento-a-los-heores
En esta pequeña columna también podemos encontrar una descripción de cómo era el Monumento a los Héroes en su interior.
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smunalianzaliberal · 4 months
El Diario Independiente
Election Results
29 February 1952
The elections results have just concluded, following a lengthy delay due to the prior conflicts.
The PLP led by a 80%, followed by the Liberals with 15% and finally the Conservatives with 5%. The following list of delegates show the results of those who have won the elections.
+Amazonas – Santiago Arango Valencia – Partido Conservador Colombiano +Amazonas - Manuel Marulanda Vélez - Colombian Nationalist Party - CNP-CLP Alliance
+Antioquia – Roberto Urdaneta – Partido Conservador Colombiano
+Bolívar – Jeronimo Zuluaga Vargas - People’s Liberation Party
+Caldas – Alcides Garcia – Partido Conservador Colombiano
+Casanare - Guadalupe Salcedo - Colombian Liberal Party - CNP-CLP Alliance
+Cesar – Enrique Figueroa – Partido Conservador Colombiano
+Cundinamarca - Isauro Yosa - Colombian Nationalist Party - CNP-CLP Alliance
+Guaviare – Benedicto Jose de Sucre – Partido Conservador Colombiano
+Quindio - Andres Enrique Gomez - Colombian Nationalist Party - CNP-CLP Alliance
+Santander – Esteban Cardona Duque – Partido Conservador Colombiano
+Valle del Cauca - Santiago Rios - Colombian Nationalist Party - CNP-CLP Alliance +Valle del Cauca – Gustavo Rojas Pinilla – Partido Conservador Colombiano
+Vaupés – Jair Giraldo - Partido Conservador Colombiano
+Vichada - Alfonso Lopez Pumarejo - Colombian Liberal Party - CNP-CLP Alliance
Following which, elections held within the PLP have given an overwhelming victory to Armando Marin, despite many newer members (including those in the Cabinets currently) contesting for the positions. The Vice President position was won by Guadalupe Salcedo.
As the new Colombian government convenes to discuss the future of Colombia, it remains to be seen what will be done.
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combedproudsoldier · 4 years
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¡Ya está disponible la Revista Vanguardia! pueden descargar aquí: https://bit.ly/2yeA4vg
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futwnt · 5 years
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Amistoso internacional
Chile 3 - Uruguay 1
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