living in a constant internal battle of "you're gonna be okay, your symptoms aren't bad enough to stop you like they used to" and "any second now you're gonna spiral down again"
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Plural community, I need your help
(This is going to be a long post but please, I would really appreciate it if you took the time to read through it. Thank you very much, continue)
Hey, hello. I'm reaching out to the D.I.D/OSDD/Plural community in general, I need you guys' help. I have a slight suspicion that I might be an OSDD 1-b system but, my mind just keeps hammering in my head that I'm faking everything, that I'm just actively pretending to have all these symptoms and red flags just so I can sorta "fill the void" of feeling extremely lonely. It wouldn't be the first time I did that to myself- making me think I have a disorder when in reality it isn't true.
So I just need to know... how did you figure out you were a system? What signs should I be wary of? How can you even tell at all? This specially goes for systems with little to no amnesia barriers, since that's my case.
Some of the symptoms -or I guess things I've noticed that made me second guess- are:
I've been through childhood trauma (starting at age 8).
I can't remember my childhood/pre-teen years, specially from ages 10 to 12, only some bits and pieces. That time is a big ass blurr.
I've always referred to myself as "we" ever since, well- I can't really remember when.
I've had times in which I sort of turn into a child, but I can remember everything that happens. Is like there's two versions of me at that moment- the "child" me who's currently in control of the body, and myself, who's always in the back fully aware of what's happening and ready to jump in if anything occours. I thought that was age regressing, but I'm having second thoughts.
I've had times in which I feel like I was some characters of media I like, and I fully feel like I'm... Them. But again, still can remember everything that happens. I recall this one time when I was really distressed about something and suddenly, bam, felt like I was a character and I completely calmed down.
I've had these voices in my head for the longest times, I call them parts of myself. Like one of them particularly is keen of keeping me stable, grounding me if I'm having a panic or anxiety attack, reassuring me everything's gonna be okay, etc. Another part likes to argue about everything I do, having more of a negative outlook of things (this part is actually the one that keeps telling me I'm faking everything). Another part is the child one I was talking about earlier, I can feel her anger and pain and confusion about everything that happened to me.
I am so used to having internal arguments about everything, and I mean everything. I talk myself through my issues by discussing with these different parts.
These past few days, every time I try to do some research about OSDD I feel this awful feeling that I shouldn't, this feeling of panic.
Some reasons of why I think I'm faking everything:
Again, no dissociative barriers between almost everything that I've listed so far.
I have to kinda force myself or force my brain to be able to "listen" to these voices, and they quiet down when I'm focused on something else or I completely forget about them. This leads me to believe I'm imagining it all. If it were truly some sort of dissociative disorder, I would not have control of when I hear them.
If I am truly a system, wouldn't I have noticed it earlier? All of my life I went along living like a singlet, never questioning if I heard voices or not, never showing a symptom. Sure, the whole POINT of a system is to never let the host know, but still.
When I was about 13 I started doing my research on D.I.D (because I'm a huge psychology nerd), and I convinced myself I had that disorder. Even going as far as pretending to have it online. Yeah, I know, I was an asshole. That's why I'm worried I might be doing the same here.
Because of personal reasons, I lost my friend group and ended our relationship with my previous partner. That's why I feel extremely lonely, and that loneliness might lead me to make myself believe I have someone in my head, anyone. That way I won't be alone.
Not proud of this one, but I have to admit... I wanted to be a system when I did my research back in the day. The thought of not being alone anymore, of having someone else to step in like no one did for me when I needed it, of having someone else by my side... I really wanted that. And I'm afraid that desire is clouding my vision of whether I have a disorder or not.
If you got this far, thank you. It means the world. Please, I am open to any answers or advice you wanna give me, I'm desperate at this point. I just really wanna know if I'm faking it or not.
Thank you, sending love.
(Ps. sorry for any spelling and/or grammar mistakes, English is not my first language)
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Can't wait to find that state of mind where I can live my day fully without overthinking every little step i take, word i say, texts i receive.
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I hate my anxiety.
And yes, I know most people are like "oh but you shouldn't hate anxiety, you should embrace it instead! Is there to help you!" But I'm sorry, I can't love something that hurts me so much, that brings me so much pain, that stops me from having a normal life, that doesn't let me be happy. My anxiety is cruel. It takes and it takes and it never stops taking, until I'm left with nothing but misery and intrusive thoughts. I hate it so much.
One day, just one day I would like to not have spasms, or tics, or palpitations, or tingling sensations, or language issues, or whatever fucking symptom my mind decides to throw. And I know I can be alright because for 16 years of my life I was alright, or at least with the normal amount of stress. So why now. Why me. Why is it so hard to get rid of it. Why is it so hard to go back to normal.
Screw anxiety. Screw intrusive thoughts. Screw depression. I just want to be okay, not even healed, just okay. Is that too much to ask? Apparently so.
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