#romana iii
romanathree · 1 year
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romana ii and romana iii :)
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natequarter · 6 days
is there a princess out there called sol who looks exactly like romana iii or something? would be funny if that became romana's go-to regeneration method
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juliasfanart · 1 year
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Romana III: Lady President, the War Queen and Mistress of the Nine Gallifreys.
Digital painting.
From The Shadows of Avalon, by Paul Cornell.
Originally painted on April 2023
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raspberry-gloaming · 6 months
Juliet Landau is doing more big finish! Romana iii popping up again soon?
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familyparadox · 6 months
Irving Braxiatel saviour and destroyer of Gallifrey
Irving Braxiatel saved at least one Gallifrey from the War in Heaven and in so doing doomed it to the Last Great Time War. Specifically the Gallifrey Brax. This can also be seen with Bernice Summerfield the only person to have a linear relationship with the War in Heaven and with some very very crude and nasty beating the Last Great Time War (but like said getting it into that shape is hard).
But before we start let’s get a few things right. The Adventures With Charley and C’rizz happen during the interference gap whilst Fitz and Compassion sleep and The Brax on Legion is the same as the one in the Gallifrey audios and has met Bernice Summerfield only once before hand at the start of Dragons Wrath ( the Dellah/Collection era Brax enters latter in the book) this Brax did not serve in the War in Heaven or at any rate is yet to.
This Gallifrey era Brax falls into the Axis and arrives not in another universe but in the Post War Universe Brax misses out on the War in Heaven completely and heads to Gallifrey only to find it is gone and world in a different place but with recognisable geography and cities does, this world which is similar to Gallifrey is Legion right down to the Domed City and unexplored Dark/southern side.
The Eighth Doctor and Mother Francesca are both of having their own Post War adventures.
At the end of The Legion era Brax (now with out Pandora, as Pandora is now involving her self in the War in Heaven which has already happened in the Benny audios and Dellah Book the reason this is possible is because the axis plays silly buggers with us all) heads back to before the War to find his Gallifrey and Romana (now in her third incarnation) and rescues her from the dying TARDIS after Omega escaped.
Now I believe that on Every Gallifrey Omega’s escape and ambiguous defeat heralds the War. This can be seen in both Intervention Earth and the Infinity Doctors. Two stories which have many,many parallels.
Now Brax having been sent back to Romana using the Epoch technology tells Romana about the War in Heaven (something he finds out about from the Collection Era Brax who we know he is in contact with thanks to some Legion era books), the destruction of Gallifrey the failure of the Maximediras plan and the Loss of the Collection. Romana hearing this sends Brax even further back in time to the events of Intervention Earth. Meanwhile Romana begins preparing for the war just in case Brax fails in going back in time to avert the war. This leads to the Doctor Destroying Gallifrey to avert the War in the Ancestor Cell this stops the war but Gallifrey has not yet been restored to heaven. Meanwhile in the Past Brax goes through Enemy Lines and stops the war in heaven from claiming Romana’s Gallifrey and creates a Gallifrey which exists after the Post War (this is a different Post Post War Gallifrey to the one in Cwej (well they are also the same but my opinions of the Cwej Homeworld and the Time War Homeworld are very very complicated and involve at least five different post war universe each to multiple powers and lots of Nine gallifrey’s and bottle universe leaking all over the place and it need a different post) this is why 8 forgets Fitz and Compasion and never mentions Charley and C’rizz until his regeneration (He kind of remembers Charley and C’rizz and that bad things happened to them as the Zagreus incident is vitally important to the Lead up to the Last Great Time War (and the War in Heaven). The restoration does not however mean that the Daleks did not use Gallifrey’s abscess to gain power. Whilst for non time active powers it seems nothing has changed for time active powers it would seem that gallifrey vanished from all time and then suddenly came back in to the gap it filled. The Daleks still gain power, the People still seal themselves away. The Warpsmiths and other temporal Powers are just to polite to mention it (not to mention many of them have also been restored at the same point) it could explain why several Warpsmiths suddenly want to users the Time Lords. I belive the restoration also change the past as well. I believe that most of Big Finishes Seventh Doctor audios (not all) are Post War this explains how a Post War in Heaven Benny can meet a seventh Doctor with whom Ace left to join the CIA (directly contradicting what happened to ace whilst she travled with Benny) and how she can be present for the Seventh Doctor’s last day when she was not originally present but Cwej was. Last Day and Lungbarrow contradict each other the first two New adventures of Bernice Summerfield contradict the VNA’s as well in a way that can not be blamed on Dellah/Collection era Brax and must be blamed on Legion era Brax and the War in Heaven. This “Blip”, as it were, is the reason that from the Time Lords perspective Faction Paradox vanished just before the Last Great Time War. They as Paradox’s where, to some degree atemporal and thus when they where destroyed in the War in Heaven they could not return to a post war gallifrey as they where gone wiped out by Lolita and other powers. I am sure Fransesca is still out there and Sibling Different and Same both slipped back in. I think that this Paradox saved Gallifrey but not for long as nature abhors a vacuum and so the Last Great Time War slipped in to place the Daleks had gained more power and the Time Lords where no longer prepping for a war they once more believed would never come.
This of course is only one Gallifrey the rest who knows.
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You know, I was originally a bit sceptical on the "War in Heaven = Post Intervention Earth War" idea, but after thinking a bit about it, I think I'm all in now.
What's more, I think it actually works really well in my personal interpretation of the Books/Comics/Big Finish timeline for Eight!
As a reminder, I always like using the actual 'Rassilon Era' dates we get in stories, even if they don't quite seem right based on what you might assume. This leads to some weird conclusions like Eight's early adventures with Lucie taking place before his adventures with Charley, and his S4 reunion taking place afterwards.
This leads to a pretty clear Book -> Comics -> Audios timeline, in broad terms anyway since stuff like the Radio Times comics pretty explicitly fit into the gaps between EDAs. To summarise some key points:
c. 5716 RE - Happy Endings: Romana is elected President in the original timeline. (The Doctor is 1000.) 5725.2 RE - The TV Movie 5734 RE - The Ancestor Cell (The Doctor's Perspective. He is 1018) 5844 RE - The Gallifrey Chronicles (The Doctor's Perspective. It's been 114.75 Earth years since the Ancestor Cell, corresponding to about 110 Gallifreyan Years). 5916 RE - The Dying Days (The Doctor is 1200). 5939 RE? - The Doctor travels with Izzy and Fey (estimated based on them accidentally ending up on a future 10639.5 RE Gallifrey in The Final Chapter, based on a possible mix up of DI and RE dates). c. 6100 RE - 6790 RE - The Doctor is stuck on Orbis for centuries. 6776 RE - Romana is elected President in the new timeline. The Etra Prime incident occurs. 6798 RE - The Doctor rescues Charley from the R101. c. 6800 RE - 6812 - Gallifrey S1-S6. c. 7000 RE? - The Doctor regenerates on Karn.
Obviously this gives Eight a very long lifespan, but nothing that unusual for Time Lords, who can live for about 10,000 with a single well-taken-care-of incarnation. It's roughly as long as Eleven's, which may seem odd given how much the latter ages on Trenzalore, but Time Lord aging has never been consistent. Just look at Narvin, who has seemingly been in the same incarnation all the way from at least Four's era up to the Time War.
The War in Heaven, meanwhile, takes place on a future Gallifrey which the Eighth Doctor accidentally gets involved with early, starting when Romana reaches the end of a 150 year term. My original assumption was that this would then be either in 5866 RE or in the near future, with the Great Grey Eminence delaying her presidency until after The Eight Doctors, where Flavia is still president.
However, it really does make sense that it could be in 6926 RE instead (or possibly later, depending on if Romana's term restarted with the civil war / travelling in the axis etc.), roughly around the date of Intervention Earth, where Romana is also approaching the end of her term in office, making the War in Heaven almost simultaneous with the outbreak of the Last Great Time War.
BUT, to go one step further, I think this also solves the 'restored Gallifrey' problem... if you assume the "Post-War universe" is still in Gallifrey/the Doctor's relative future.
I always assumed the Doctor was back in his own present time track after The Ancestor Cell, but it really does make sense that he's still in the future Gallifrey's time track, and thus a different 'version' of history. This may even explain why it's so ambiguous whether Gallifrey has been erased or not, because he's still stuck oscillating back and forth between his own time and this future state of history.
This is why, for example, the Master can be both stuck in the Eye of Harmony and the Man with the Rosette / the War King: because the latter are from his future in the Intervention Earth timeline, after the Time Lords resurrected him as the MacQueen!Master. Hell, this might even make the MwtR/War King Jacobi, which fits perfectly if you, like me, interpret Scream of the Shalka as being in some way in the future of the post-War universe.
In fact, from Eight's perspective, we get multiple Time Lords who seem to be in multiple states at once, one being from his time (~5800 RE) and one being from the War/post-War universe (~6930 RE):
The Master, as mentioned, both in the Eye of Harmony (~5800 RE) and as the War King / Man with the Rosette / Magistrate (~6930 RE).
Romana, both still in E-Space (~5854 RE, as she is 487 during BBV's Adventures in a Pocket Universe) and as the War Queen / Trey (~6930 RE).
The Doctor himself, both experiencing the EDAs (~5800 RE) and as the Infinity Doctor (~7000 RE?), plus possibly Grandfather Paradox and/or Grandfather Halfling.
This also means that the Doctor's "present day" Gallifrey, back in ~5800 RE is probably completely fine from its own perspective (even if it has been technically erased in the post-War time track)! Hence why no-one has ever acknowledged Gallifrey being restored or the War in Heaven post-EDAs.
Instead, Gallifrey's possible restoration, if it does happen, probably takes place within the post-War time track that is eventually subverted by Enemy Lines, again possibly linked with the Shalka!Doctor's intended backstory, as well as the Chris Cwej series.
In the latter, the "Superiors" (who I interpret as descended Celestis who have lost their 'true' identity as Time Lords due to Gallifrey's erasure), outright acknowledge that the war is in a sense still going on in the present day, suggesting the post-War universe is set simultaneously with the War in Heaven's progression.
Indeed there seem to be many different threads referring to the timeline being split post-War and attempts to undo this (The Council of Eight, the Tomorrow Windows, V-Time, the Watchmaker and Brax), which seems all the more relevant when these events are also all set during the same time as the build up to the Time War.
I'd love to make a full timeline of the 292 years of the War and how it overlaps both with the post-War universe, assuming Eight continues to progress down that timeline during and after the Earth arc, and the "post-post-War" universe of Enemy Lines onwards.
Really, the big question is how/when the Eighth Doctor is able to get back into his own relative time and restore linearity protocols, after spending all this time in his own personal future? I suspect the answer lies somewhere in the changing timelines, if all of the different stories during this time period can be placed.
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A holiday gift of Irving Braxiatel/Romana III for @epicmurderlizards by @kasielartist 🔱❤️
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lnhumanity · 2 years
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Today was a ‘Trey memes’ day. Click the images to go through the first three properly
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Giving Gallifrey: Intervention Earth another listen (because it’s a fun audio story imo) and it’s led me to wonder; why hasn’t Big Finish done a series of audios with Ace as a Celestial Intervention Agent? 
Is there just no interest in that? I feel like Ace is a very well-loved character, surely people would want to listen to her going on missions of her own with her TARDIS and either temporary companions or somewhat longer running ones. 
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I've been reblogging posts summarising the game I run, so I thought I'd introduce the player characters (so far, things are changing). Character intro under the cut. We've just finished our first arc, entitled "The Queens of Paradox" wherein the good ol' Faction Paradox were essentially trying to gatecrash into the universe of the game to escape some catastrophe in their own universe.
(Top Left) Mariyan: Our resident shooter, Mariyan is a former soldier-turned-Bounty Hunter with something living in her head.
(Bottom Left) Romana III/Trey: After escaping the time war and a self imposed exile on Earth, Romana is back out in the universe, trying to find her friends.
(Top Right) The Doctor: The doctor almost needs no introduction, your classic deal - although something is either editing her timeline or her memory, and nothing is quite as it seems. (Bottom Right) Queen Boudicca: After the faction paradox started to mess with her timeline - using a trick where they collapse two mutually exclusive timelines into one, this 'version' of Boudicca was shot forward in time to meet the others in the TARDIS crew, while the other died in battle.
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conjcosby · 1 year
Stardate: 202308.11 ▫ Romana stranded in an alternate universe where there's no Gallifrey or Time Lords but a new realm of adventures through time and space. 😊 @juliet_landau @bbcdoctorwho #julietlandau #romanadvoratrelundar #romana3 #romanaiii #romana #romanathetimelday #timelord #timelady #gallifrey #gallifreyan #doctorwho #doctorwhofan #doctorwhofans #doctorwhofandom #doctorwhofanart #doctorwhofamily #drwho #drwhofan #drwhofans #drwhofandom #drwhofanart #drwhofamily #fan #art #friday #fridays #fanart #fanartfriday #fanartfridays
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romanathree · 1 year
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i attempted the six fanarts thing
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natequarter · 8 days
etra prime without a doubt permanently messed up romana ii, but i like to think it crosses regenerations: all the underlying damage was never going to just disappear. regenerating doesn't get rid of the chronic pain, it just... shunts the issues somewhere else. now romana has a mostly functioning body in exchange for struggling to properly regulate higher dimensional functions and completely out of control surges of artron energy even long after she's regenerated, which cause her a different kind of pain but still a lot of it
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a-wartime-paradox · 2 years
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gotyouanyway · 3 months
obviously mrs. flood dressing like clara and romana is bait but like slurp idfc
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triple1st · 10 months
forever thinking about how this is romana's last conversation with the doctor
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