jbudenko · 7 years
The difference between literature and romance novels
The difference is nothing!!!! Romance novels are a form of literature. Just because you may not like that particular genre doesn’t make it any less a form of literature. So… if you go to a book app and you search for “literature”, guess what??? YOU’RE LOOKING FOR ALL FORMS OF LITERATURE!!! And while I’m at it, I’m tired of people always talking shit about romances. I mean, come on! I feel like there are these groups of people who seem to think that they have to denounce romances so it makes them more of a serious reader. It doesn’t. It just makes you judgmental. I love to read. I love science fiction, I love fantasy, and I love romances. I enjoy the feel good endings, especially right now when the world is so damned fucked up. So if you think I’m not good enough because I read romances, then too damned bad. I’m gonna read them and I’m going to enjoy them. And I’m not the only one. There’s a reason it’s such a popular genre.
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jbudenko · 7 years
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Okay, my fellow romance readers... I was sooo irritated. Do you wanna know why? Because I listened to "The Cocky Prince" by Jules Barnard and love the story and the characters so much, I had to go and buy "Tempting Levi". So, I listen to that one, too, and it equally amazing. My problem??? IT WAS RELEASED IN JUNE 2017! Do you know what that means? I have no clue how long I'm going to have to wait to read the next installment. And to help you understand, there are 5 brothers. Adam, who is the main for "Cocky Prince" and (obviously) Levi in "Tempting Levi" which is his oldest brother. And I know their brother, Wes, is next and I can't wait. But I really wanna see what happens to Hunter, too. Ugh, this is sad.
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