#romans Stephen King
angelitam · 6 months
Partageons mon rendez-vous lectures #10-2024 & critiques
Voici mes critiques littéraires sur Livres à profusion. Stephen King avec son nouvel opus, Holly. Holly de Stephen King – Editions Albin Michel Sauver cette terre de Michael Farris Smith Sauver cette terre de Michael Farris Smith – Editions Gallmeister En lecture, on continue les aventures de Linley et Havers, Une avalanche de conséquences d’Elizabeth George. Une avalanche de conséquences…
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sandersontheside · 1 month
AU concept: Remus King is a best-selling but reclusive horror novelist. His twin brother Roman is a struggling actor. When Remus' publisher pressures him to make public appearances to promote his newest book, despite his insistence that he wants to stay out of the public eye, they hatch a scheme. Roman will pose as his brother for all book signings, public speaking appearances, and various other events, and will be paid Remus' fee for those appearances, plus a little extra. Roman doesn't particularly want to pretend to be his brother, but he hasn't had a real acting job in months and a man's gotta eat. Besides, he's known Remus their entire lives, he could play the part in his sleep. What could possibly go wrong? 
(Spoiler alert: a lot.)
Virgil Rayne is Remus King's biggest fan, who comes to a signing, over the moon to finally meet the man behind his favorite stories. Only to have a panic attack in line and be forced to leave before he can meet his hero. Or so he thinks. Because while hiding in the bathroom trying to calm down, who should walk in but the author himself, who proceeds to be surprisingly good at talking Virgil down. Once Virgil calms down, it feels kind of awkward to ask for an autograph, but thankfully Remus offers before he can ask. 
Remus even scribbles his number in the book next to his very poetic message to Virgil.
It takes Virgil a few days to get over his anxiety and text, but he ultimately does because how could he pass up the opportunity to be friends with his favorite author?? So they start texting. A lot. And who knew Remus loved Disney movies? Or did theatre in high school? Or sings Taylor Swift in the shower? Or makes silly puns that Virgil can't help but laugh at? Or has a soft, dreamy, romantic side? Remus King is nothing like Virgil imagined he would be, but it doesn’t matter because before he knows it, Virgil has fallen hard. And sometimes it kinda seems like the feeling is mutual? Remus is certainly flirty, but it's hard to tell if that actually means anything.
And, oh God, Roman is so, so, so fucked. Because Virgil has pretty purple hair and dark mysterious eyes and a cute laugh, and short circuited his brain so much when they first met that he didn’t even think before writing his number down. Roman is now totally head over heels for Virgil Rayne.
Virgil, who thinks he’s his brother.  
(Remus is laughing his ass off at this whole sorry situation)
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woohoorin · 2 months
"Richie's sometimes enchanting, often exhausting charm" "But there was something he had to say first." "Man, he had hated it when Richie called him Eds..but, he sort of liked it too." "I saw what a cutie you were the first time I met you." WHICH COULD MEAN N
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the-lean-buddha · 2 months
My thoughts on the news about The Long Walk's film adaption
I have very little faith that The Long Walk will be a good adaption but maybe I'll be wrong! I can dream, and I've been wrong before. Here are my thoughts on the casting announcements and set pictures.
Cooper Hoffman and David Jonsson are the leads, according to Deadline, which means they're presumably Garraty and McVries. Jonsson seems like a good actor but an awful fit for either character, and with Hoffman (presumably Garraty) it comes down to how good an actor he is, I guess, because I can see it working if I squint but I haven't seen anything from Hoffman to suggest he can do Garraty. And I reaaaaally doubt he could do McVries. McVries has a bite to him.
Joshua Odjick is Native American so he's presumably Joe or Mike (not to say that a different character couldn't theoretically be Native American in the adaption, but it's key to Joe and Mike that none of the other Walkers understand their culture at all, and only Baker defends their parents). It's odd that either of those two would have a prominent enough role to be cast already, so I wonder if either one of their roles is beefed up, or if Mike and Scramm will be a composite character and Joe won't feature at all. Alternatively, Odjick isn't playing a Native American character (or he is but Mike and Joe are adapted out), in which case I'd guess Parker.
Roman Griffin Davis is someone I've only ever seen in Jojo Rabbit so I don't know how much range he has. I think he'd fit best as Barkovitch but I wouldn't be surprised if he's been cast as Baker or Olson.
Charlie Plummer is Stebbins. I say this almost entirely because he's a long-haired blonde. If McVries is black then book descriptions (and characterizations, let's be honest, you can't make McVries a black kid in the 70s and keep his character the same) are thrown out the door already, but google Charlie Plummer and tell me he's not been cast as Stebbins. Also, take a look at this.
Ben Wang is Asian American and there are no explicitly Asian American characters, so we've gotta guess this one purely on Vibes (Olson and Barkovitch could both be canonically Asian American, but Barkovitch is openly racist, so). From Wang's YouTube channel and some clips of Chinese Born American I found, he's a nice and playful guy (hmu Ben let's get a lemonade, also tell me who you're playing), so I'd assume Baker or Olson or Abraham because they fit that the closest, I guess? But this is unfortunately a flawed way of guessing because actors playing lunatics are sometimes normal people in real life, walking among us, going almost undetected.
Tut Nyuot's a young, sweet-looking kid. I'd assume Percy? Again, weird to cast Percy already because he doesn't even have any lines in the book, but I can't imagine Nyuout playing a character who's supposed to be the same age as Charlie Plummer's character. Maybe he's unexpectedly good at playing deranged assholes like Barkovitch? We'll see.
For Garrett Wareing I'd say Olson, looking through clips and interviews.
Jordan Gonzalez gives me no strong impression. Sorry, Jordan. Feel free to give me a stronger one over lemonade (and tell me who you're playing). If I'm held at gunpoint then I'll say Abraham.
Mark Hamill is presumably playing the Major. He's absolutely not who I would have picked because he overflows with character and I always pictured the Major as a stoic, empty Big Brother type figure, whose moments of charisma and friendliness were obviously just an act. And I guess Hamill could play that, but I think the Major will more likely have a lot more personality and vim and vigor in the movie, if Hamill was cast - he's easily the biggest draw in the cast. Not necessarily a bad way to portray the Major, but easier to mess up. We'll wait and see.
Judy Greer as presumably Mrs. Garraty will presumably be fine.
Set photos look promising, aesthetically. No half-track, though. And there's a tank. Why is there a tank?
There's a Deadline article suggesting that there are only 50 kids and the pace limit is 3mph. But there's also an article suggesting it's still 100 kids so it might be a mistake? If it's 50 kids then that's presumably done for practicality but it's a bad change, the number will either get too low too fast or it'll drop too slowly (and also no 47 and 61 which would be weird but that's not significant). 3mph isn't necessarily bad, it's more feasible, but it does mean the "first into Massachusetts in seventeen years" can't happen. Maybe they'll make New Hampshire the record instead.
i want lemonade
Reblog with your thoughts! We've got news, people, and I'm sure someone somewhere is more excited about that than I am. Let's get some discussion going on in here.
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swampthingking · 8 months
the thought of cracking the spine of a book makes kevin nauseous. he like opens it just enough to see the words and holds the book at such uncomfortable angles to read— anything to keep the book pristine and intact. he does not let people borrow his books because he is a control freak (as a term of endearment) and does not trust them to take care of them the way he does.
and andrew is the complete opposite, cracking the spine as soon as he opens it. he annotates in pen. he dog ears the pages because who the fuck has time to find a bookmark. he throws books out of anger. he throws them at aaron for fun. he lets them get smashed and torn in his bag. he always keeps them, he just prefers them to look like they’ve been read.
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wizzard890 · 1 year
some creative, wanting to make a King Arthur adaptation: "But how will people know it's for boys?"
his barista, trapped in this conversation: "What?"
creative: "You know, the knights and castles and magic and chivalry - I mean it's all kind of gay."
barista: "I--uh. Is it?"
creative: "Women are into that stuff, but they don't move tickets. I need to signal loud and clear that this King Arthur is butch, and that his knights are all rugged and masculine. --What's the most male time period?"
barista: "That's such a wild question."
creative: "I mean it has to be England after the Romans left, right? With all the Vikings and blue people and aqueducts and swordplay."
barista: "Isn't there still swordplay if they're all chivalric knights in the fourteenth century?"
creative: "No! No, that's gay, Rebecca, aren't you listening!"
rebecca: "Jesus."
creative: "What kind of guy is going to watch a movie about knights riding off to London when he could watch a movie about a warlord riding to Londinium?"
rebecca, pulling a quad shot with a thousand yard stare: "I honestly couldn't say."
creative, yelling into his voice memo app: "find and replace 'Merlin' with 'Taliesin'. -- God this is gonna be huge."
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olgimslaya · 7 months
anyone else finding themselves using sacrasm as a sheild in order to deflect from the harsh reality of their emotions or is that just me roman roy richie tozier and jared kleinman
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daddovahnin · 1 year
Tout gamin, je n'avais pour ainsi dire que des activités en solo. La sociabilité ne m'est venu qu'à l'adolescence... et encore, si on peut appeler ça de la sociabilité puisqu'en règle générale, je suis plutôt casanier et préfère rester dans ma bulle. Enfin toujours est-il que minot, il y avait le dessin, évidemment... puis la tv devant mes dessins animés, films ou serie, des mondes toujours plus intéressant que le vrai selon moi a l'époque, et enfin la lecture. J'adorais me plonger dans les romans. Pas d'image... seul l'imaginaire faisait le travail. Je savais quasiment lire avant d'aller à l'école alors j'ai pu me plonger très tôt dans toute sorte d'histoire fantastique... Vers une douzaine d'années, j'ai découvert un auteur qui me suivre pour le restant de ma vie.
En effet, auteur de 65 romans et de 12 recueils de nouvelles (sans compter les essais et autres nouvelles publiées ci et là) je possède un peu plus d'une quarantaine de ses romans et onze de ses douze recueils de nouvelles... Je pense qu'entre tout ce qu'il a écrit et tous les films tiré de sa bibliographie (dont je parlerzis dans d'autres articles), je pourrais écrire et illustrer un tome hors série complet sur le sujet. Enfin, cet écrivain, c'est Stephen King, de loin mon préféré, loin devant n'importe lequel et pourtant j'en aime un bon paquet.
Mais revenons en enfance, lorsque j'ai ouvert la première fois un de ses livres. Il s'agissait de Cujo. L'histoire d'un gamin accompagné de son fidèle Saint-bernard. Ce dernier ayant été mordu par une chauve souris, il attrape la rage et se met à attaquer tout le monde. Histoire des plus basique si l'auteur n'avait pas choisis de se mettre dans la peau du chien et de nous faire ressentir ses émotions, ses pulsions meurtrières. Un point de vue complètement inédit qui m'a littéralement fait me plonger dans ce livre que j'ai dévoré.
Derrière, ont suivi tout ce que je pouvais trouver de cet auteur. Fort heureusement, ma mère en possédait quelques titres et par la suite, les bibliothèques me voyaient souvent histoire de dégoter un de ceux que je n'avais pas lu... c'est seulement depuis deux ou trois ans que je me les achetés tous afin de parfaire ma collection, et continuer à découvrir ceux que je n'ai pas encore lu.
J'avais déjà un penchant pour tout ce qui touchait au fantastique et à l'horreur, il va sans dire que Stephen King m'a définitivement plonger dedans de par ses écrits tous aussi incroyable l'un que l'autre
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cb-andy · 1 year
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Drawing my novel Characters in different horror universes, day 36, Cole Fehringer and Roman Harper in Carrie! Feat. Lovely art by my boyfriend who doesn’t have tumblr, Tyler @Tyc_doodles on insta!
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angelitam · 6 months
Holly de Stephen King
Holly de Stephen King – Editions Albin Michel Holly de Stephen King, présentation 17 octobre 2012, soirée dans une petite ville. Jorge Castro, 40 ans, veut entretenir sa santé. Il part faire son jogging et se fait enlever. Il se réveille dans une cage et il sait qu’il va mourir. 22 juillet 2021, Holly Gibney assiste à un enterrement via Zoom. Elle est toujours secrète mais plus solide…
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benoit-marie-lecoin · 2 years
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Mon roman est voisin de Stephen King! Vu à la Fnac rue de Rennes près de Montparnasse
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merci-a-stefane · 2 years
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A lire absolument
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arcimboldisworld · 2 years
Stephen King - Fairy Tale.
Stephen King - Fairy Tale. #Roman #Rezension #Lesen #Literatur #fantasy #märchen #usa #amerika #buch #bücher #heyneverlag
Stephen King, der Grossmeister der Horror/Mystery/Fantasy-Literatur begleitet mich seit Jugendtagen. Von Zeit zu Zeit lese ich eine Neuerscheinung und bin immer wieder erstaunt über das von ihm erschaffene Universum. Sein letzter Roman „Fairy Tale“ jedoch ist – gelinde gesagt – ziemlich schlecht… (more…)
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(via Charlie - Stephen King) Gros coup de cœur pour ce Stephen King <3
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ccnountche · 2 years
La dernière fois que Stephen King avait été invité dans cette émission littéraire culte produite par la chaîne France 5, c’était la fin de l’année 2013. Profitant d'une tournée européenne pour la promotion de son livre Dr Sleep, il passa près d’une semaine à Paris auprès de ses fans, enchaînant plateaux et rencontres avec ses derniers.
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The Rift - Chapter Three
Pairing: Marcus Moreno x Marcus Acacius x Marcus Pike x f!Reader
Rating: Chapter is T, overall fic is E (18+ only, explicit smut)
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: Bad Latin, language barriers, lots of yearning, Marcus Acacius is Very Hot and no one knows what to do about it
Summary: Marcus Pike shows up at your door in the middle of the night with a very broad man in Roman armor in tow. Armed with only your Classical studies education and a Latin-English dictionary, you do your best to help.
A/N: Okay, we've got three of the four members of this grammatically insane polycule in the same space! Only one more to go! I wonder how a certain Leader of the Heroics is doing.... Just a reminder, to keep everyone sane, the POV character is called out by name at the beginning of each POV switch.
Masterlist | Chapter Two | Next chapter>>
At around the same time that the leader of the Heroics was impatiently waiting for his coffee maker to finish brewing, you’re startled awake by loud, forceful knocking on your door. 
Going from ‘asleep’ to ‘instant dread’ in the span of two seconds makes your body feel like it’s short-circuiting. You tumble out of bed, grabbing the nearest object to potentially use as a weapon. You examine your choice–Stephen King’s The Stand, and shrug internally. I mean, if any book could be a blunt weapon… 
With your fingers white-knuckled around the thick spine, you peer carefully through the peephole to find–
You yank open the door to find the Special Agent of your dreams standing on your welcome mat. “What the hell? Do you have any idea what time–”
“It was an emergency,” the Agent says quickly, holding up his hands in supplication. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t know who else to call.” The dread returns to the pit of your chest. “Marcus, oh God, are you okay? What happened? What’s wrong?”
“It’s not me, it’s um. Well, let me show you.” He grimaces, then pushes someone else out from behind the corner and into view. 
It’s a man–a very large man. A large, broad man wearing a dress. No, wait. That’s not a dress, that's…
“Marcus,” you say carefully. “Why is there a man dressed in Roman armor on my doorstep.
“Marcus,” the man repeats, and slaps his chest. 
“Yes, that’s right,” the Agent says tiredly, as though he’s gone through this several times in the past hour. “This is Marcus. He’s from the Rift. I... kind of almost hit him with my car.”
“Car,” the Roman says, nodding seriously. He looks you up and down in a way that makes heat creep to your cheeks, and says something in a language that you don’t understand, but seems oddly familiar.
“Oh my God,” you murmur to yourself. “He speaks Latin.”
“I’m kind of at a loss,” Marcus, your Marcus says with a tired sigh. “I don’t know whether to call someone at Heroics, HQ, or… I dunno. I mean, who the fuck do you call when you have… a Roman?”
“Hang on.” You hold up a finger and dash over to your office, which is really just a tiny room off of the living room filled to the brim with shelves and shelves of books, with a tiny desk squeezed in between.
“You should get rid of your old college textbooks,” you say to yourself in a mocking tone. “How many times are you going to move house, and you still have all these books taking up space? Well, the joke’s on you, Linda, because I’ve got a Roman Centurion in my kitchen and the man of my dreams showed up at my door at three in the morning because he needs my help and this is my moment, dammit.” Your finger finally lands on the text you were looking for–a dog-eared copy of Oxford’s Latin-English Dictionary with a broken spine and part of the front matter missing. On a whim, you grab the first book next to it, Ovid’s Metamorphoses in the original Latin, and race back to Marcus and… other Marcus. 
“Salve,” you begin, and the Roman’s eyes snap to yours. 
Marcus Pike grins as though you’ve hung the stars.
Flipping through the pages frantically, you manage to string together your first sentence.
“You… are… safe… with… us.”
You hope you conjugated the verb correctly. 
The Roman murmurs something back, speaking slowly and deliberately, understanding that this is very much not your native tongue. He repeats it twice, until your face dawns with understanding. 
“Where am I?”
“Jesus, can we start with an easier one?” you chuckle to yourself. After some quick thinking, you manage to explain to Roman Marcus that he is in a different country, very far away from the world he knows.
The man shakes his head. “Quam?” he murmurs to no one in particular. 
That’s a tough one, too. You have no idea how to explain black holes and time rifts in Latin. 
You make a face, putting your hands up and shrugging your shoulders in an exaggerated pantomime of, “I don’t know.”
The man nods slowly. You feel awful for him, really. Stranger in a strange land. He must be terrified.
“Famelicus,” he says. 
You don’t know that one. You flip through the pages to find the F’s. 
“Famelicus,” he repeats, pointing to his stomach. “Panis?”
“Oh shit, yeah,” you whisper. “Of course you’re hungry.” You turn to the cupboard that serves as your pantry and search for something he’d recognize. You pull out half of a baguette and hold it up hesitantly. The man rips it from your grasp almost comically and begins to tear pieces off of it with his teeth, devouring the bread with gusto. 
“This is surreal,” Pike murmurs under his breath. 
When the Roman finishes eating, he seems almost as interested in the clear plastic wrapping than in the bread itself. He stares at it, brow furrowed with a deep frown of concentration as he crinkles the plastic over and over again in his fist. 
“I hate to ask, but can we… can we crash here until morning when I can think straight and figure out what the hell to do with this guy?” Marcus asks, looking pained. 
“Yeah, ‘course,” you reassure him. “I’ll help you. We’ll get him back to where he needs to go, or... find the person who can. In the morning.”
“In the morning,” Marcus nods, smiling gratefully. 
Turning to the Roman again, you say haltingly, “Somnus. Nox. Somnus?” Sleep. Night. 
The Roman also looks relieved at the prospect of sleep. 
“Uh, cubile,” you say, gesturing at the couch and indicating he can use it as a bed. You’re about to go rummage in your linen closet for a spare blanket and maybe a pillow, but Marcus the Roman strides confidently over to the couch, lies down, and is snoring within seconds. 
“Woah,” you remark, laughing to yourself. “Shit, Marcus, I only have the one couch…”
“I’ll take the recliner,” he says quickly, pointing to the battered, second-hand Lazy Boy in the corner of your living room. “Listen,” he swallows thickly, looking up at you with those deep brown eyes that make you melt in any situation, much less in the middle of the night in your dark living room. “Thank you. I didn’t know where else to go, and you–Well, if anyone can speak a dead language conversationally, it would be you.” His voice is soft and earnest, and you want to tell him anything at all, Marcus, anything for you but you force yourself to bite your tongue.
“It’s no problem,” you assure him. “Honestly. I mean, talk about a Classicists dream, right? When do you ever get to use the stuff you learned in graduate school in the real world?”
Marcus chuckles softly. “Go get some sleep. We’ll tackle Mount Olympus in the morning, yeah?”
“That’s Greek, not Roman,” you snort.
He winks at you, and you will your knees not to buckle. “Whatever,” he teases playfully. 
“‘Night,” you say, hoping you don’t sound too breathless. Without waiting for a reply, you retreat to your bedroom before you can make a fool of yourself even further.
“‘Night,” Marcus returns softly, and when you turn to close the door, he’s still looking at you. 
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Marcus awakens to the comforting sound of someone puttering quietly around the kitchen. He opens his eyes to see you–what a beautiful sight–reaching up on your tiptoes to take three mugs from the cupboard. The other Marcus is awake too, sitting at the kitchen table and watching your task with curiosity.
When he stirs from the recliner, you smile in greeting. “I made coffee,” you offer brightly. 
“Sainted being,” Marcus groans tiredly as he gets up from the chair, his joints creaking and protesting as he stands. 
“Cah-fee,” the Roman repeats as you pour the steaming liquid into three cups. 
“I don’t think you’re gonna like it,” you say with a chuckle as he reaches for one of the mugs. “It’s hot. Calidus. Be careful.”
“Care-fool,” the man nods seriously, and Marcus can’t help but smile at the bizarre domesticity of the scene. 
He sips cautiously, makes a face, and lets out a string of Latin that Marcus takes to understand that he didn’t like the coffee.
You snort. “I told you. How about, ah, milk?” You flip through your dictionary. “Lac? Lacte?” You take the quart out of your fridge and hold it up.
“Lac. Mil-k?” 
“Yes!” you squeal excitedly, spinning around to grab another cup. Before you can turn around, however, the Roman has managed to open the carton of milk himself and begins chugging from it. 
At your shocked expression when you turn back around, Marcus can’t help but let out a loud laugh. The other man stares at him questioningly, and he gestures to the cup. “The cup.”
“Cup,” the man repeats, and laughs too. 
“I’m gonna make some eggs,” you announce. “He should like that, you think?”
Marcus shrugs. “I don’t see why not.”
You hold up an egg for the man’s inspection. “Uh, ovum?” you ask.
His face brightens. “Sic, ovum,” he agrees. He stands and inspects the carton thoughtfully. “Quid est?” 
“Ovum,” you answer again, not understanding the question. 
“No.” The Roman picks one up carefully and points to himself. “Ovum,” he says patiently, then points to you.
Oh. Marcus grins. “I think he wants to know the word in English.”
“Egg,” you tell him. 
“Egg,” he repeats. The word seems to strike him as funny, because he repeats it several times, chuckling as he does. 
Now that understanding has been made, ‘Quid est?’ seems to be the man’s new favorite question. He repeats it over and over as you make breakfast, getting in your way in the process and generally causing chaos throughout the small apartment. Marcus tries his best to run interference, answering all of his questions to the best of his ability. Thankfully, he seems to stick to objects that are familiar to him–a pillow, chair, fork–rather than ask Marcus about the microwave, or, god forbid, his cell phone. He repeats every English word thoughtfully, in a thick accent and rumbling voice that he can’t help but find attractive. 
“Hey, you don’t think anyone else saw our friend here last night and said anything?” you say suddenly while the three of you sit around your kitchen table eating the eggs. 
Somehow, the thought hadn’t even crossed Marcus’s mind. “Shit, I dunno,” he admits.
“I’m gonna check the news.” you grab the remote off of the coffee table and switch on the TV. 
The noise and pictures emanating from the screen immediately cause Marcus to spit curses in Latin. He tries to rise from his chair in alarm, but you place your hand on his forearm and repeat several words in Latin softly and reassuringly, and the man calms. 
The local news is, as it has been since its arrival, fixated on the Rift. Everything seems as expected–normal seems to be the wrong word–until Marcus realizes what the anchor is saying. 
“ –was successfully closed around six am this morning. Joining us now is Marcus Moreno, leader of the Heroics, to give us an update on the situation.”
“What do they mean, ‘Closed?’” you ask with a frown. 
“Shh,” Marcus says. 
“Mr. Moreno, representatives from your team are saying that the portal is now closed, is this correct?” the anchor asks. 
“That’s right. The um… the security risk was too great, and we don’t really know what that kind of rip in the fabric of uh, you know, space and time, is capable of. Our team of physicists have been working on a solution day and night and I’m happy to announce that the Rift has disappeared completely and Pennsylvania Avenue should be reopening in the next few days as cleanup begins.”
“Is there any chance of it opening again?” the anchor asks. 
Marcus Moreno looks uncomfortable. “Listen, the… the math around this isn’t my strong suit, but my understanding is that these kinds of things–rifts in space and time–can only happen when an exponential amount of energy is released, so barring another supervillain somewhere out there with the same Black Hole bomb, there shouldn’t be any more Rifts opening in the nation’s capital anytime soon. Uh, thanks.”
“He’s always so stiff in interviews,” you comment. “You think he’s uncomfortable with the limelight, or what?”
“Are you being serious right now?” Marcus shakes his head in disbelief. “The portal is closed. The Rift is gone. And our friend here is trapped on the wrong side.”
“Oh, shit,” you breathe. “Oh, fuck. Marcus… what do we do?”
“I’m gonna go to Heroics HQ,” Marcus announces. “To talk to Moreno one-on-one and try to keep this situation quiet. He’s a good guy, he’ll use discretion.” “You know Marcus Moreno?”
“How is that your takeaw–nevermind. I mean, I don’t know him, but I’ve definitely come across him in professional settings in the past. Why?”
“He’s–” you laugh nervously. “It’s silly. I always kind of had a crush on him. Childhood celebrity crush, you know how it is.”
“Oh. Right.” Is it hot in here? Did someone raise the temperature in this room? Marcus can’t explain why the prospect of you finding the leader of the Heroics attractive eats at him so much, but the next thing that you say nearly makes him swallow his tongue.
“Actually, you resemble him a lot,” you comment nonchalantly. “You’ve got the same pretty brown eyes.”
The other Marcus chooses this moment to hold up his empty plate and ask, earnestly, “Egg?”
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